
BPS 337: How to Pitch Your Screenplay or Film Idea with Stephanie Palmer

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Alex Ferrari 0:51
Today guys, we have Stephanie Palmer on the show. She wrote an amazing book called good in her room, how to sell yourself and your ideas and win over any audience. She is a very, very cool lady. She's has a heck of a bunch of cool stories we talked about being an intern on the set of Titanic, which she was also a drug mule, or a mule, not a drug mule, but a mule of some sort. We'll go into that story later. She's also worked on amazing films like Legally Blonde one of my favorite Armageddon, Con Air and also work for Jerry Bruckheimer pictures where she got a lot of experience as well as being a director of creative affairs at MGM, where she listened to 1000s of pitches over the course of her career where she then decided that this was a space of, of the of the film industry that needed real help, because people really had no idea how to pitch themselves, how to pitch their stories, how to pitch their screenplays, how a director could pitch their their vision for a film, all of those things. So she put it all together in a book, and has now made it her lifelong mission to help people not only filmmakers, but people to help show them how to sell and pitch their ideas. Now one thing that went little bit wrong technically on this episode is I was barely able to get Stephanie on the phone. She's very, very busy. And I was only able to get her over the phone. So the audio quality is going to be a little bit less than you're used to, but still very acceptable. But the information on the show is remarkable. So sit back and enjoy my conversation with Stephanie Palmer.

Stephanie, thank you so much for being on the show. I really appreciate it. Can you tell me a little bit about how you got in the business?

Stephanie Palmer 2:36
Sure. I started as an unpaid intern on the movie Titanic when I was a senior in college. And then I moved from that job to being an assistant at Jerry Bruckheimer films. And I worked on movies like Armageddon and enemy of the state and conair. And I worked, I was Assistant to the President. So we were involved in all aspects of development and production. And then I moved to MGM as an assistant, and then got promoted to the story editor where I was in charge of supervising the staff of readers, and making sure that all the scripts that came into the studio were properly handled. And then after that, I got promoted to being the director of creative affairs, where my job was basically to help determine which projects we wanted to purchase, develop and produce. So I read lots and lots of screenplays and heard lots and lots of pitches.

Alex Ferrari 3:29
Okay, now, with now, you just dropped that little bit like you were an intern on Titanic, so I'm not gonna let that go. Please tell me a little bit about that experience.

Stephanie Palmer 3:44
Well, I can tell you that my first job on that was to drive boxes that I was not to open over the Mexican border. Because I look like a nice innocent girl from Iowa, which I am and I think the production staff thought, Well, she's not going to get stopped by Border Patrol. In retrospect, I never should have done that and I would not do that again. But as I was a college student and desperate like wow, I don't know anything. I'm going to be on this giant movie how exciting I'll do whatever they asked me. That was my first job.

Alex Ferrari 4:19
Wow, so you were meal basically?

Stephanie Palmer 4:22
Pretty much Yeah, I don't I truly don't know what was in the boxes. But it was very clear I was there you don't know what the No, I have no idea. Yeah, no.

Alex Ferrari 4:34
And I had a few friends of mine who worked on on Titanic too, and I and I've heard the legendary stories of Mr. Cameron and and you know how he was back then. I'm assuming you can concur.

Stephanie Palmer 4:48
Yes. I mean, the funny thing was is I one of my jobs was also to be in the production office and just be basically like a runner or anything that they needed and so I did my best to just disappear When I'd be there unless there was something that was needed, and it was pretty amazing to get to sponge in that information and see how decisions were made, to see who whose opinion was listened to, and who was ignored, just to be sort of in that pressure cooker of so many decisions happening. I mean, there was so much at stake. At that time. No one thought they were making a huge, financially successful movie, everyone thought that it was going to be the most expensive movie ever made. You know the bombs. Right.

Alex Ferrari 5:31
Right, right. Yeah, I've heard I've heard. I mean, we've all studied and know that story quite well. But yes, it's so interesting to hear. It's so interesting to hear from from somebody who was actually inside the belly of the beast. So Young like you just starting off like you were a seasoned pro in the belly of the beast, you were a innocent little lamb.

Stephanie Palmer 5:50
Yes, I was totally innocent. Don't misunderstand me that anyone was consulting my opinion on certain things? I mean, maybe what kind of cups we should have, you know, in the coffee machine or something. But was I physically there? And did I get to witness you know, get to be on the giant set, where on the water where one side looks like the Titanic. And the other side is a giant construction site with the big, you know, industrial cranes and elevators, and all of the extra speaking Spanish and they're beautiful, you know, Titanic gear, playing cards and drinking soda and whatever.

Alex Ferrari 6:32
So I mean, so you go right from Titanic, then I guess you go to another small company like Jerry Bruckheimer, which is, you become an assistant there. And you tell me what you learned while being at that company, which is obviously in its in its heyday. And he's still very big, obviously today. But there was a moment in time for about 20 years to serve more than Jerry was making some of the biggest movies going out in Hollywood. So how was it? How was it? What did you learn from that experience?

Stephanie Palmer 7:04
It was fascinating. The best part of my job was that I got to listen in on phone calls. And it was my first experience, realizing that it's a common Hollywood practice where executives would have an assistant and the assistant is listening in, you know, on both sides. So there'll be two people having a conversation, but there's actually for people listening in that that's standard practice. But it was fascinating to me that I got to really listen into all the negotiations and all the pitches and any, you know, rolling calls and placing calls for my boss, and just really getting to see how deals happen at that really high level. Because obviously, I mean, at that time, but still is definitely the case. People want to be in business with Jerry because he gets movies and TV shows made at a very high level at a very high level. People want to work with them.

Alex Ferrari 7:55
Oh, absolutely. Yeah, I remember the first time I was on a call with an executive. And that happened to me, like the assistant just like, you know, hey, Tom, did you get that and just then I'm like, What the hell just happened was tying

Stephanie Palmer 8:10
in the charade, it's so silly. That's a charade that people pretend that the person isn't listening in but they both know that they are and it's so silly, but

Alex Ferrari 8:20
It is. Now while you were at a Jerry Bruckheimer his company, did you hear any pitches that actually that we that turned into a movie that we might know or have a TV show that might know?

Stephanie Palmer 8:30
I'm sure. Remember the Titans was pitched while I was there. Coyote Ugly was pitched while I was there. Is it called down on under I'm thinking there was a Scott Rosenberg kangaroo project. From my head, whatever that one was,

Alex Ferrari 8:49
that was pitch Jerry was Jerry McDonald was in that right?

Stephanie Palmer 8:53
Yeah, that one. A lot of TV division was basically just starting at that time. So I mean, they just kind of exploded out of the gates. So a lot of TV shows were pitched during that time. And they just have a huge development slate. So there were there were always multiple projects that you know, from deep development, development, pre production, in production and post production basically all happening at the same time.

Alex Ferrari 9:22
So you know, I mean, you have exactly as I say, at an early part in your career, you had access to basically the upper echelon of Hollywood, essentially, whether you being an intern or an assistant, you were you were playing with the boys not maybe at their level yet, but at least you would there you were a fly on the wall, and that must have been invalidly.

Stephanie Palmer 9:41
So it was, it was an incredible experience.

Alex Ferrari 9:46
Now, let me ask you a question, you heard 1000s of pitches, I'm sure 1000s and 1000s of pitches over the years. Why do some pitches connect and others don't? Is there a secret sauce or some sort

Stephanie Palmer 9:59
I think There are some things that people do well when pitching that anyone can implement. And it doesn't matter the kind of project that you have, I mean, some pitches, some projects are naturally more easily pitched. You know, a lot of comedies are generally easier to pitch, or movies that are simpler in plot than character driven pieces or multiple storylines that are, you know, interwoven project like, a lot harder to give a verbal pitch for. But for any project, one of my simple the simplest piece of advice, but that so many people neglect to do is to lead with genre. So if you're going to give a verbal pitch, it's that genre that gives context to the listener. And without that crucial piece of information, it's easy for the person who's hearing the pitch to make incorrect assumptions about their story and get confused. So for example, the writer tells me that he's got a story that involves the CIA, I could assume it's a thriller, like Three Days of the Condor, when it's really a drama, like the Good Shepherd or a comedy, like Meet the Parents. So simply saying My project is a romantic comedy, or my project is an action thriller, is the first, my first tip, it's so simple, it's those it's something that anyone can do. But it's shocking how rare that is.

Alex Ferrari 11:32
Really, people just going into their story, and that tell you the context of their story, because they forget it. So

Stephanie Palmer 11:38
thriller, and spy is a spy, there's a spy, they start talking all about the spy, and then the spy start. So you either think it's a drama or a thriller, or a comedy, but then whatever you think the character starts acting in a really ridiculous way. You're like, What are they talking about? Why are these people dying? I thought it was a comedy, or vice versa. And so just simply describing the genre at the beginning is key.

Alex Ferrari 12:02
Okay, now, are there beats in a pitch? Like, is there a pace that you should follow? Is there some sort of code like, you know, obviously, there's a structure for screenplays? Is there a structure to a pitch?

Stephanie Palmer 12:13
There can be if it's not one size fits all, because obviously, projects are so different. I'm looking for a pitch to be memorable and repeatable. Because it's extremely rare that the first time you pitch a project, someone says, Yes, I want to buy it. The way that projects are purchased is that you pitch it to one person, maybe you pitch it to a producer, and the producer says, Oh, I'm really interested. Okay, now let me take it to a financier. Let me take it to a studio and they re pitch it. And then the studio executive, you know, Junior studio executive says, Okay, let me pitch it to my boss, who's the president of the studio. It's like, you need to have something that's repeatable, and memorable so that if someone's hearing it for the first time, they can say, Okay, I got it, I'm going to go re pitch this to someone else on my team or someone up the chain.

Alex Ferrari 13:00
What you just explained, sounds just torturous. All the bureaucracy that goes on to like, I gotta be this guy than this guy. And this guy, and this, you might have to be pitched this thing 1015 times

Stephanie Palmer 13:12
before if you're 110 50. I mean, 100. Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 13:17
yeah, you're right, because you're constantly pitching to the actors you're taking pitching to different. Yeah, I guess you're right. Any actor

Stephanie Palmer 13:22
you know, you should be in it. Here's why other executives financier's, that's a huge process, the marketing department. I mean, all the way and, and at the end, a lot of times, if it's a really good pitch, it's that same pitch that's frequently used in the trailer to pitch the movie to a potential audience.

Alex Ferrari 13:43
So pitching is basically a skill set that most people don't have. And it's probably one of the most crucial in filmmaking in general,

Stephanie Palmer 13:52
I think it's the second most crucial, I think, one you have to be able to write if you're a writer, you have to be able to write without that. There's nothing. But if you have that skill, and that talent, the next most important as far as having a successful career is being able to pitch effectively. People who are good in a room, like if there's two people who have an equal equally, beautifully written script, the person who pitches it more effectively, their movie is going to get made, they're going to get hired.

Alex Ferrari 14:20
It's all about marketing. And this is just another form of marketing, marketing. The idea of is you're basically marketing the idea, exactly. pitches. So how long? How long do you have as a general statement, to grab someone with a pitch? Do you have 30 seconds? Do you have a minute or before they just start tuning out? Like how long do you really have to grab somebody or is it just varies per person, I guess.

Stephanie Palmer 14:48
I know that I don't have a specific number. I feel like it's under 90 seconds. I mean, it's amazing how long 90 seconds can be like for example I'm going to be leading the pitch conference at the American Film market this Saturday, and just this week have been reviewing, so anyone who wants to pitch from the stage submits a video. And to me, and then I review them with this other panel, and we decide who's going to pitch from the stage. And those pitches are limited to two minutes. But it is amazing how long two minutes is. I mean, it is so hard to pay attention for a two minute pitch.

Alex Ferrari 15:29
Yeah, absolutely. That's sad many, many, many film festivals watching the short films sometimes and you just features and use like, Oh, my God, just stop. With this is the longest 20 minutes longest five minutes of my life,

Stephanie Palmer 15:47
right? And you You want it? Yes, you want it to be great, but two minutes can be very, very long. So the goal for an effective pitch is really to pitch it as simply and as short as you can make it. That still conveys the idea clearly.

Alex Ferrari 16:05
Now, what's the what most turns you off about a pitch?

Stephanie Palmer 16:12
I mean, if there's nothing that makes you care about any of the characters or want to find out what's going to happen. I mean, I think the surprising thing about a lot of pitches is just how, when you that the people are so close to their project, they love it, they know it so well, that they have lost perspective on what someone who's hearing it for the first time needs to know to be able to understand. I mean, a lot of pitches are totally incomprehensible. They're all over the place. You really can't say I have no as someone will finish pitching, I'll be like, I have no idea what you're talking about. Who is the main character? What is the setting? What happens in the story? What happens in the beginning, middle and an end? There are a lot of in No idea.

Alex Ferrari 16:58
Because Because writers they just they just know the story so well that they assume certain things that they're pitching, and forget those little details.

Stephanie Palmer 17:08
And it's totally understandable. Yeah, completely, it's totally understandable. Because you're so close to the characters, you're so close into all the details. But you forget, you know the characters so well. But the audience or the person listening is hearing that for the very first time.

Alex Ferrari 17:24
Right, exactly. Now, this is something I know a lot of people don't do. And I'd love for to get some insight from you what they should do. What kind of research should a writer or filmmaker do on a company or an executive before they pitched the story?

Stephanie Palmer 17:40
Great question. This is so key. So key to having a successful pitch. It is figuring out basically, any individual company studio production company is looking to replicate their past success. So if they have had a movie or TV show that has done really well, the more that your project can be, if it's in a similar genre, that's great. If it has a similar main character, or millea, or budget range, even anything that's similar to what they have done in the past that has done well, it's just going to increase the odds that your project will sell. It doesn't mean that they're looking to make the identical movie again, although, frankly, sometimes people are, it's more like, it's more like it's more like, okay, they really figured out how to market this indie thriller, or they really figured out how to market this mainstream High School comedy. And so they know what that audience is looking for. They know the channels to get this out there. They know what it takes. And so they already are looking for Okay, we figured it out what this one now where some worth another project that we can, you know, release next year at the same time for the same audience that's going to deliver the same experience that this previous success did.

Alex Ferrari 19:08
So a lot of times people just go ahead. No, that's a lot of times a lot of people will, you know, some people I'm imagining would have at some point in time have pitched horror movies to Disney.

Stephanie Palmer 19:20
Oh, absolutely. Definitely. Definitely. And that's just lack of research. Yeah. And so it's figuring out what has, what has this company done in the past? What do they currently have in development? Anything that you can find out about the specific people that you're meeting? One of the questions that I like to ask in a meeting is what's something that you're excited about this year, or something, you know, a sort of open ended question that gives the executive or the producer that you're meeting, a chance to brag about something that they're working on, you know, like, Oh, we just made this big deal with this project. I'm really excited about it, but it also gives you an insight into what's working well, for that person.

Alex Ferrari 20:05
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Stephanie Palmer 20:15
So if there's a way for your project to have similar themes or similar budget or similar timeframe, or any of the aspects, you know, you can tell what's important to the person by asking them to brag about themselves, basically,

Alex Ferrari 20:32
that is a beautiful tip. It's a really, really beautiful tip because that is anytime you can have somebody that you're trying to pitch feel good about themselves and talk about

Stephanie Palmer 20:45
they're just gonna like you, you know, you're getting them like you because you're making them feel good about themselves.

Alex Ferrari 20:52
It's it's, it's communication one on one, but it's something that a lot of people don't do. So can you talk a little bit about the business side of being a writer, a lot of writers just like, I just want to write, I just want to this, you know, I just want to tell my story. I don't want to get into the Hollywood business side of stuff, I'm like, well, then you're never ever going to make it as a as a writer or the filmmaker. So can you talk a little bit from your perspective of writers, because I know you work a lot with writers, what they should do, how to they structure their career, what house should they come out to the town? What kind of projects should it things like that.

Stephanie Palmer 21:30
I'm happy to talk anything business, I'm happy to talk money, any anything you want to talk about. I'm happy to talk about it. For me, for writers, the biggest mistake that I see many writers who want to break in do is that they have a number, they know that they need to have more than one project, or a lot of people know that. So which is the case, you definitely need to have, at minimum two to three really polished projects before you start marketing yourself and really try to break in. It's not a business where you're one, it's going to be a one hit wonder, like people always say to me, oh, I'm willing to be a one hit wonder, I want to be a one hit wonder. But that really isn't possible. It's too competitive, it's too competitive. And people need to know, agents are only interested in working with people who are going to have enough longevity and enough projects to be able to sell multiple projects. Because the first projects rarely sell for very much, the agent makes very little money at the beginning. So they want to know, oh, I'm going to be this with this person and representing them over a period of years and a number of deals to make it financially worth me investing in this person. So there really isn't the way to do it as a one hit wonder, in general. But as I was saying before, the biggest mistake that I see a lot of people make is that they write a bunch of different projects in different genres. And also different mediums like they might have a TV show, they might have a reality show. They also have a indie thriller, and they have a studio comedy. And they believe, or they think, Okay, this is really going to show that I have a lot of range, and I can write a bunch of different things. But unfortunately, how that is perceived is more like the jack of all trades, master of none. And that executive the decision makers who are hiring writers want to hire specialists, like they want to hire the person who knows everything that there is to know about comic book movies for their comic book movie, or they want to hire the person who has watched, every horror movie knows the ins and outs of everything that's coming out in the future has been done in the past, what are the classics and make sure that their horror movie really delivers for that, you know, the horror fanatic audience, they don't want someone who they're not looking to hire someone to write a bunch of different projects, it's really the way to break through is to be a specialist in one area. So I recommend that people develop multiple projects in a similar genre. They don't have to all be identical, but at least closely related so that they can show that they have a specialty. Then when they break in, and they've they've shown that they have the facility and expertise in one area. At that point, it is so much easier to branch out and do something else. But you can't try and break in with a wide variety of genres and mediums like it's it's different. It's a different business. It's a different career path to become a TV writer than it is to become a film screenwriter.

Alex Ferrari 24:37
Oh absolutely. It's two different worlds what TV writers are, guess I would imagine that well TV you work a lot more like you You have a steady paycheck. If you're if you're on a show as opposed to screenwriter. Maybe one year you get paid maybe the other year a

Stephanie Palmer 24:54
different model. Yeah, it's a different model, but also the TV writing is generally done in the US. First, like it is an office job where you go to the office and you work with a team of people, whereas screenwriters generally work by themselves at home or, you know, maybe they have an office space, but they're working solely on their own. And on a project that has a long timeframe, whereas TV is tight deadlines, working on a team in an office, extremely intensely.

Alex Ferrari 25:23
Right, exactly, exactly. Yeah, that's a good point. Because I think a lot of filmmakers and writers in general make that mistake, like I'm going to, as a filmmaker, you're like, I'm going to make a comedy. And I'm going to make a horror movie that I'm going to make an action movie and you send it out, and people are like, well, what are you like you? You can't do that just yet.

Stephanie Palmer 25:40
It's not Yeah, and that agents don't know how to sell people who have a bunch of different projects. So it makes them less interested. And something that a lot of people say to me also is like, well, but I don't want to be pigeonholed. And I found that. But I say, why wouldn't you want to be pigeonholed, that means that you are known for doing something really, really well. And likely you are paid extremely well. Like the people who are known for doing something very specific, like whether it's the Michael Bay or its David Mamet or any Guillermo del Toro anyone, anyone who you can who has an identifiable niche or brands you're like, Yeah, but people keep coming back to that person. They keep offering the movies, they keep offering them more and more money to do movies in that genre. It doesn't mean that you always have to say yes to those things. But wouldn't you so much rather be in that position where you're turning down work because you have this great reputation in a particular area? then having no one want to work with you and not having any jobs? Because you're worried about being pigeonholed?

Alex Ferrari 26:48
Right I'm still looking forward to the Quentin Tarantino comedy slap.

Stephanie Palmer 26:57
I will be doing that as well.

Alex Ferrari 27:00
I think I think people could argue that a lot of his movies are a little bit

Stephanie Palmer 27:05
comedy. Absolutely.

Alex Ferrari 27:06
He's is he is a he's a wonderful comedic writer. But I want like a Naked Gun naked go. kwinter Geno's, Naked Gun that I would I would you know, Tarantino's airplane, you know, that's what I'm looking for.

Stephanie Palmer 27:23
Someone will make a short of that and put it on YouTube, I'm sure.

Alex Ferrari 27:27
I'm sure I'm gonna be a perfect example. You said Michael Bay, like, I mean, Michael Bay is Michael Bay. And he is he's, he's great. As well at what he does, he makes amazing pretty pictures if you like, and as a filmmaker, you don't like him as a filmmaker. At least he is known for doing that. You can argue that his images are just stunning. Like what he they are on the screen. They're stunning. And there's nobody there. Honestly, there is nobody else in the business who does what he does. Like they call it Bay ham. It's an actual term for it. You know, it's like it. You know, when anytime you get like a Terran Tino is, you know, when you get to that level of specialty. And you know, Woody Allen that it will it will the Allen asked Robert? Yes, yes. You know, then you have arrived at a certain level in your career where like, that's a niche. That's that's the specific thing they do. And now you know, I mean, look at Spielberg for God's sakes, we start off in a horror movie, basically a thriller with Jaws, and I blew him up. He did a couple before that, but, but duel was similar. And then he kind of branched off into other things. But it took him time to get out of that. And then we will talk about 1941. Because he doesn't want to talk about 1940. So let me ask you, what inspired you to create good in a room and give back to writers and filmmakers? Well, I

Stephanie Palmer 28:49
had been an executive for a number of years, and I felt I had gotten to work on all these different projects. And I really liked the production process. And I loved the development process. But the life of being a studio executive is very stressful. And there really are breaks. I mean, it's a it's a job where you have to be on call 24 hours a day, and I just sort of saw my future and thinking, How much longer do I want this to be my day to day existence? And I knew that the end was coming. It wasn't something where I said, Okay, now I want to move up and be, you know, work my way up to being a studio president or CEO, something like that. That was it just came to a point where that wasn't the lifestyle that I wanted to have. And so I was thinking, well, how can I take this experience that I've had, and take the best part of my job, which is working with writers, that's the part that I love and would do all the time anytime? How could I make that what I do on a day to day basis, and so I thought about it for a while and took some business classes and decided that I would start a consulting firm so when I left MGM, I started getting a room It's now been almost 10 years, which is hard to believe. And I

Alex Ferrari 30:05
You're 21, aren't you?

Stephanie Palmer 30:07
Yes, I am absolutely. I I'm aging backwards. I so I started working one on one, just coaching writers who were pitching projects. And out of that I was interviewed on some TV shows and got a book deal. And so I wrote my book, also called good in the room. And that was published by Random House. And then it continued to expand my consulting business and now have created some online courses. Just because I wanted I knew that one, I can't consult with everybody that wants to just because I'm one person and you know, it's not a scalable business to work one on one you can only I can only meet with so many people in a day. And then that I also wanted to make the information that I share in console's in helping people pitch more effectively and sell their scripts that I wanted that to be available to people wherever they were in the US, especially if they didn't live in Los Angeles. And for a lot of people. I know living in Los Angeles isn't possible, but they still want to get their work considered. And so I've created an online course, that is called How to be a professional writer. And it is a series of videos and ebooks that people can work through to really see how projects are sold, what they need to do to get their work considered.

Alex Ferrari 31:28
Very cool. Very cool. Not Can you tell me a little bit about because I saw, I saw online a video of yours that you were talking about your experience pitching good in a room to the publishers talk a little bit about that experience, which is ironic, but yet very entertaining.

Stephanie Palmer 31:46
Well, so I was interviewed on NPR, the business, which is awesome show that's still going on, it's still on the air, or on the radio. And after I was on the business, I got a phone call from an agent, actually one of the biggest book agents in the world, even though I didn't know him. And he said, You know, I think that what you have is worthy of being a book, I think you should write it, why don't you write a book proposal and then come to New York, and I think I can help you sell it. I was like, This never happens. But amazing, great. Okay, I'll do it. And so I ran out and got every book about how to write a book proposal and put together my proposal and went to New York, was all excited and got into the first meeting with publisher and they were asking me, you know, like, sat down on the couch in the meeting. And there's the executives, and they're like, you know, so tell me about your book. And I just totally froze, because I had not ever been in the position of being the writer actually pitching. I was always the person on the other side of the desk, asking him questions of the writer. And so even though I, obviously my book is called good in a room. In that first meeting, I absolutely wasn't, it was mortifying, and then I went back to my hotel room and got my act together and was like, Oh, my gosh, that's horrible. And thankfully, I had other meetings that week where I, you know, focused on, I got my materials together, and I then was able to deliver a good meeting. But it was kind of a shocking role reversal that you would think I would have known ahead of time, but it all happened so fast that I just, I was caught

Alex Ferrari 33:25
off guard. You were caught off guard. And then thank God your books around now to help people like

Stephanie Palmer 33:33
I can go back and read my own book The next time to make sure that I prepared. Exactly.

Alex Ferrari 33:41
So I'm at it when you were at MGM, you were basically the gatekeeper, right, the first level of getting movies made, right. Yep. So are there Can you tell me any funny stories of a pitch that you were just like, what is this?

Stephanie Palmer 33:58
Well, there were certainly people who would come in costume. There was one gentleman who came in wearing only a diaper and holding a large samurai sword. That standard out.

Alex Ferrari 34:10
I love that. I love that movie. By the way, that's my favorite for samurai sword movie.

Stephanie Palmer 34:19
There also was a couple brothers sister writing team who were pitching a romantic comedy and they were acting out the main characters until the point that they were leaning in for a kiss. Oh, um, they didn't kiss but it was extremely uncomfortable. There also was someone of this poor gentleman who was so nervous and I think he'd been drinking. But he left he was so nervous and sweaty that he left a writer shaped sweat stain on my couch.

Alex Ferrari 34:57
Brilliant Yeah. room the second edition.

Stephanie Palmer 35:04
It would be called Bad in a room. Yeah, bad in a room? Yes, it's

Alex Ferrari 35:08
a sequel bad in a room. Wow. So I'm assuming that people that come in and costume, that's not a good sign, or is that have you have you guys gotten the job?

Stephanie Palmer 35:18
I mean, it's funny. I generally don't like gimmicks like that. I mean, I think because really you're especially at the studio level, you're going to, if you hire this person, it's going to be for, you know, a minimum of about $100,000, you're going to be working with them over a year, it's not like you just buy their project, and then say, Sayonara never talked to them again, you're going to be developing the project with this person. And so you want them to be a professional. So in general, I'm not a fan of gimmicks. But there are times and there certainly are stories of people who have brought in some sort of Prop or video reel or something that really tells the story in a unique way. So it's not that I'm so I can't say no visual aids ever. But in general, things that are gimmicky don't really, in my opinion, don't really help the the story you want, you want to be able to tell the story in a really compelling way that the executive can see the movie and then say, yes, this is a movie I want to see.

Alex Ferrari 36:20
Now, you brought a good point up when you said video reel, Are there times where people come in and use video as a pitch tool. Like they literally just play a DVD of a story either. How would we send proof of concept? Is it done talking? Is it animatics, what

Stephanie Palmer 36:38
all of the above is visual aids, if they have any sort of animation, or there's some sort of creature or they want to show visual, a sense of, especially if they want to direct certainly that's even more common. But but but people are doing more and more demos to prove the concept that they're pitching. This is also kind of a slippery slope. Because especially at the studio level, people have such high expectations for production value that even though it may be amazing, and it is amazing the things that filmmakers can do you know, from their home computer, it may not live up to what a studio can do, because their budget is just so obscenely high for creating, you know, a trailer or proof of concept reel or something. But there definitely have been people who, who can create something that's really compelling. And they they need to show it in video for a movie to get made. And that does happen with some frequency certainly.

Alex Ferrari 37:39
So I, I don't know if you knew this, but I come from a post production background. And I've been a VFX supervisor and post supervisor and all sorts everything in posts I've done at one point or another. And in any filmmakers many times will, you were saying the high level of production value. They a lot of independent film that tried to do visual effects, they'll do them and they'll try to be so ambitious with it. And I keep telling them like, you know, sometimes I get this conversation of like, Alright, so I have this shot. Did you see that shot in Avengers? I'm like, you need to stop right there. You can't afford craft services or the coffee budget Avengers. Okay? Let it go. You need to do something that's within the realm of doing what you can do very, very well, as a beautiful mind to be so ambitious, you know, I would rather be able to hit a nail on a hammer really, really well and try to build the house by myself beautifully

Stephanie Palmer 38:35
said, totally support that. Yes. Second.

Alex Ferrari 38:40
So, um, are there any final advice you would give on delivering an amazing pitch?

Stephanie Palmer 38:48
Um, let's see. I will say that. Um, well, one thing that is super common, that is also easy for people not to do is don't give a positive opinion of your own work. So for example, this is a great story, and you're gonna love it. I mean, how many times have you heard that right? Or this is gonna be amazing, right? So just like every parent, including me thinks their child is brilliant. And every dog owner thinks that their pet is adorable. It's expected that you are a fan of your own work. But some other things to say. Besides not to say Besides, you're going to love this or like don't say this will be number one at the box office. This is going to win the Oscar for Best Picture. This has great international appeal. It's really really funny. It's commercial, any of that sort of stuff. Instead let the listener form their own opinion.

Alex Ferrari 39:44
That's excellent. Excellent advice. Now when you when you're talking you brought you brought a question to mind. I've always heard that. A lot of times when you pitching, you should. You should try to be like it's Pulp Fiction. kangaroo jack?

Stephanie Palmer 40:02
kangaroo jack by the movie you thought of it? Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 40:04
I know. Obviously, like people combined, it's like the matrix meats, you know, you know, unnecessary roughness? I don't know, right? Yeah, those people do that good. Is that that? Is that good or bad?

Stephanie Palmer 40:21
I'm anti. This means that phenomenon, a lot of people promoted. But those are not the people who are buying projects, it is important for you to have an answer. When someone asks you, what project is yours? Most likely? Because that is a very common question. So you do want to have an answer for that. And a lot of times what people are asking is really about tone. Like, how broad is the comedy? Or how severe is the violence? Or the you know, how serious is the sex? Is it just light handed? Are you really seeing, you know, penetration, or whatever it is. They're really asking about tone then. But people often misconstrue this to think that it's about plot or about characters. And so if people lead with this meets that, what often happens is that the person who's listening is going to be going along sort of ticking in their mind. How is this most like Pulp Fiction? How is this like kangaroo jack, where's the kangaroo? Where's the whatever, instead of thinking instead of listening to the story as an original idea, they're just like listening to it as a hack of these two things. And I don't think that's the best way to present a project. And so often the way that people choose this means that I mean, they're totally bizarre and totally off so that you're sitting there listening, you're like, this is like kangaroo jack, or whatever it is. And so that's, that's not so do have an answer for what your project is most like particularly regarding the tone. But don't lead with this means that

Alex Ferrari 41:58
and if you do have that title, or that movie in your in your back pocket, try not to choose a movie that's bombed. Oh, really? It's really like

Stephanie Palmer 42:13
I mean, in my first studio meeting, when I was an executive, and I had found a project that was really like election you remember the Reese Witherspoon? I mean, elections, a great movie. So I was like, This is gonna be the next election and my boss looks across the table at me. And he was like, never say that movie again. Like, okay,

Alex Ferrari 42:34
because they might

Stephanie Palmer 42:34
have like, it was a box office bomb. Yeah, it bombed right. Even though it's a terrific movie, I think. So yeah. only keep your references to things that have been financially successful. If you're, if you're talking to anyone who's a potential buyer or investor financier. That's the they're looking for

Alex Ferrari 42:53
that simple tip. Because I've had people pitch me things, and they're like, it's kinda like Howard the Duck. I'm like, stop. Why are you Why? Why would I want to do that? Right? Yeah. How were the duck is a genius movie. It's very under appreciated. I'm just saying. Okay, so so my last two questions are the most hard hitting and tough so prepare yourself. I'm ready. What are your top What are your top three favorite films of all time? And what is the most one of the most underrated films that you've seen?

Stephanie Palmer 43:27
Oh my gosh, these are hard hitting for me because I really terrible at this kind of question because it's constantly changing. And every time another actor I hang up and I'm like, Oh, I didn't get the right answer. I will say at one of my favorites et at the moment Father of the Bride I know it's no you know, wow we ever made but it's just it's just a classic that's playing around in my house at this moment. And God, I really am totally drawing a blank. I mean, I'll watch Pulp Fiction any day. I mean, there's never enough time to watch that bazillion times and under appreciated let's think I'm trying to think of their election sure. I mean, I think that's totally under appreciated. I love that movie. And I would watch it again right now it's been years since I've seen it. So actually, I wonder if it still holds up but I bet it does.

Alex Ferrari 44:33
Right. And I think we could both agree that Pulp Fiction would have been better with a kangaroo and obviously I'm just saying I'm just say Jerry, Jerry miss out. I'm just saying.

Stephanie Palmer 44:49

Alex Ferrari 44:51
So where where can people find you?

Stephanie Palmer 44:55
I am easily finable on the web. My website is good in a room calm, and I have Lots of free resources available for filmmakers, lots of screenplays, people can read and also articles for people to help who are going to be pitching a project to give them advice about what they should and shouldn't do. So good in the room COMM And I'm also on Twitter at good in the room and have a Facebook page, also called Getting a rim.

Alex Ferrari 45:20
Great brandy,

Stephanie Palmer 45:21
Thank you. It's consistent, if nothing else,

Alex Ferrari 45:26
Exactly. Stephanie Thank you so much for for being on the show. I really do appreciate it.

Stephanie Palmer 45:32
It is my pleasure. Thanks for having me.

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10 Most Successful Movie Themes, Story Types, Plot Types & Genres

Before we can talk about the best movie themes in film, we have to understand what theme exactly is.

In the dictionary:

Theme – an idea that recurs in or pervades a work of art or literature.

So, for example, The Notebook has several themes, which films can and do have, but its main theme is, love.

Love is such a big theme that we’ll jump right into our list.


While we are giving you the most successful themes in movies, we are not ranking them on their importance. As you’ll see, most standout films have more than one theme.

If you’ve ever watched a film you’ll have noticed that 100% had loved as one of its themes. Think about it? There’s always a love storyline in any film. Go ahead, try and think of a film that doesn’t have a love storyline?

Can’t do it, can you? 

Love, a great theme to write about and needed to be on our list for sure. The Love Story is one of the most popular themes in movies. This is because love is the most universal emotion and love stories can touch people from all walks of life.

There are two types of love stories. One is the romantic love story and the other is the platonic love story.

Romantic Love Story

A romantic love story is a story about two people who fall in love with each other. In the platonic love story, two people fall in love with each other, but they don’t end up together. The theme of love in movies is very broad.

In fact, it can be a theme for a film on many different levels. For example, if your character falls in love with his ex-girlfriend, then it’s not a romantic love story. However, if he gets back together with her after they broke up, then this is a romantic love story.

Love at First Sight

If your screenplay revolves around a couple who fall in love with each other at first sight, then this is a romantic love story. However, if you want to create an unexpected romantic love story, then it’s better to avoid using the phrase “love at first sight” in your screenplay. It might sound too cliché.

Platonic Love Story

However, if it’s a romantic comedy, then it is a platonic love story. When writing your screenplay, you need to understand that the love theme is the most important one you have to think about. It’s the heart and soul of your story and it will be the reason why your audience comes back to watch it again and again.

Go to Genre: Romance


One of the most popular film genres is horror, and in horror, there is a ton of fear themes. If you’re writing a scary move and don’t incorporate fear, then you haven’t written a horror film at all, you’ve written a boring drama.

Horror is more than just a bunch of jump scares and gore. It has to be based on fear, otherwise it isn’t really horror at all. Fear is the basis of horror, and that means that there has to be some form of fear in every horror movie. So what is fear?

Fear can be described as a feeling of impending doom or danger. It’s the idea that something bad is about to happen. It’s not just about the idea of death, it’s also about the idea of getting hurt.

There are several types of fear, and they each serve a different purpose. The first type of fear is physical fear. This is when you have a real threat of bodily harm, like being attacked by a killer or having your house burned down.

There’s nothing scarier than thinking that you’re going to be hurt, and it will cause your body to tense up and your heart rate to increase. Next is emotional fear. This is the fear of something that is scary, but it’s not as immediate. It’s more about the feeling of dread, like being scared of something that is out of your control.

A great example of this is watching horror movies, which are designed to give you a sense of dread.

The third type of fear is situational fear, which means that you’re afraid of something that you can’t do anything about. This could be something as simple as the fact that you don’t know what’s around the corner. The best horror movies always incorporate some form of all three types of fear.

If you have only one type of fear in a movie, then it won’t be scary, it will just be boring. You have to have at least some form of physical fear in a horror film. This is because without a threat of bodily harm, there isn’t going to be any tension. There has to be some kind of emotional fear in a horror movie. Otherwise, there will be no sense of dread.

This is because if you don’t have any danger, then the story will never end. Fear can be incorporated into many different ways in a horror film. You can use fear to make a character scared, you can scare the audience, or you can just scare the hell out of them. In a horror movie, you have to scare people. That’s how you get the audience to feel afraid and want to watch more.

A good way to incorporate fear into your script is through the use of suspense. A lot of people think that a horror movie is only scary because of the gore, but this isn’t true. Horror movies are scary because of the use of suspense. This is when there is an element of surprise in a situation that the characters are in.

Go to Genre: Horror and Thrillers

Good Vs Evil

Do we even have to explain this one? Any superhero film that you have ever seen falls into this theming. Even films like the Lord of the Ring series is all about Good vs. Evil.

Good and evil are two of the most used psychological concepts in movies and TV shows. There’s a reason for it: they’re extremely easy to understand and apply, and they’re very powerful ways to help us emotionally process information we might otherwise not take into account.

The good guys are the ones who save the world and help people, while the bad guys are the ones who want to destroy the world and hurt people. In real life, however, good and evil isn’t as cut-and-dried as in a Hollywood blockbuster.

In reality, it’s a matter of perspective. Some people might be more compassionate, and others may not. And just because someone is the good guy today doesn’t mean they will be the bad guy tomorrow.

We may see a movie or TV show where a character does something we don’t agree with, but it doesn’t make us want to condemn him or her. Why not? Because of the way emotions operate in our minds.

It’s a question many of us have wondered, at least in our childhood years. The answer is simple: it all depends on what you believe in. When we grow up, we often develop a philosophy about how the world works and what values are important. As such, we also develop beliefs about what is good and evil.

But it doesn’t have to just be used in films with massive battles and explosions.

Take a look at a comedy like Due Date. Robert Downey Jr. can be considered the good guy as he’s our main character just trying to get home before his wife gives birth to their first child.

Zach Galifianakis can be seen as the evil character, seemingly sabotaging our protagonist throughout the film, until this theme slowly disappears as the two characters become friends.

Go To Genre: Action and Superhero/Comic Book Films


We’re all going to die someday. That can be a very scary thing for some and a calming thing to understand for others. Death is a major part of life so its obvious that it would be a major theme used in all sorts of films.

Usually, in high stakes type of films, death is the danger of pushing our characters into action.

A film like Inception, by Christopher Nolan, can have amazing visuals and imaginative plot points, but at the end of the day, one of the major themes in the film is death.

Inception shows us what happens when we die, and it’s a haunting and fascinating concept to think about. The film asks questions about how we go on living after we die, and how we could be brought back to life.

Inception shows us how our consciousness continues on after we die, and it makes us consider if we really want to continue living after we die. We have an interesting choice to make, whether we want to go on living or not. I’ve always wondered if we go on living after we die, but I never thought about what it would be like to die.

Sometimes, though, death is not just an obstacle to overcome but also a major plot point that can lead to a resolution. Sometimes, death is a necessary part of the story.

Death is the end of one thing, or the beginning of something else. In film, death is used as a plot device in many different ways. It can be used as a way to help the audience understand the characters or as a way to help the characters understand themselves. A character can die in a movie, or they can die multiple times.

They can even die before the story begins, or they can die after the movie ends. If we look at the films listed below, we can see how death is used to make a point.

Here are some of cinema’s greatest character are developed by using death.

Fight Club – Death is used by Tyler Durden to help him understand himself and his purpose in life. His death helps him realize that he needs to change and to become the person he was meant to be.

Memento – Death is used in this film to help the main character, Leonard Shelby, understand his own identity.

Casino Royale – Death is used in this movie to help the main character, James Bond, understand his own identity. He learns that his life isn’t defined by what he has done, but by who he is.

The Dark Knight – Death is used by Harvey Dent to help him understand himself and his purpose in life. His death helps him realize that he needs to change and to become the person he was meant to be.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo – Death is used in this film to help the main character, Lisbeth Salander, understand her own identity. She learns that her life isn’t defined by what she has done, but by who she is.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring – Death is used in this film to help the main character, Frodo, understand his own identity. He learns that his life isn’t defined by what he has done, but by who he is. Death is used in this movie to help the main character, Aragorn, understand his own identity. He learns that his life isn’t defined by what he has done, but by who he is.

The Top Death Movies

Apocalypse Now

Apocalypse Now is about a United States soldier named Captain Willard. He is in Vietnam at the time, and he is about to be promoted to Sergeant. He is also having problems with the men under his command. He gets into a fight with them, and he ends up shooting the man who was leading the fight. The other men try to kill him, but they cannot.

They eventually bring him to a medic, and he is sent home. As he is on his way home, he is shot by another soldier. Willard ends up in the hospital for three days, and he then dies. When Willard dies, it is a turning point in the story because the movie has now become about Willard’s journey to find out what he really wants from life.

A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare on Elm Street is about a girl named Nancy who is a high school student. She has a crush on a boy named Johnny, and she spends most of her time at his house. One night, she is watching television with Johnny and his parents when the television turns on by itself. It shows an old woman, and she says, “What is your name?” She then tells them to leave the room.

Nancy and Johnny are trapped in the room with the woman, and she tells them that they will die if they do not get into bed with her. She then starts killing them. She kills Johnny first, and then she kills Nancy. The girl’s parents find her dead, and they think that she committed suicide. The girl’s mother is so upset that she goes to the police to report what happened.

Taxi Driver

Taxi Driver is about a taxi driver named Travis Bickle. He lives in New York City, and he is having problems dealing with his past. He is a Vietnam veteran who was dishonorably discharged from the military, and he is obsessed with the death of his girlfriend. The main theme of the movie is what it means to be human.

We see that the most human thing is to love someone and to be loved. When Travis meets Iris, he falls in love with her. This causes him to become very violent. He kills his friend, and he tries to kill a man he sees with his girlfriend.

As he gets more and more involved with his job as a taxi driver, he starts to get obsessed with the idea of killing. When Travis is talking with his psychiatrist, he realizes that he needs to get help for his problems.

Blade Runner

Blade Runner is about an android named Rick Deckard. He has been assigned to track down four escaped androids named Roy Batty, Pris, Zhora, and Zhora. He is trying to determine if they are really human, or if they are just machines. He has to track them down and determine their fate. This movie is about how we deal with death.

We see that humans have the power to destroy themselves. We also see that death is not the end. The main theme of the movie is the idea of how we live in this world. Humans have the power to destroy themselves, but they can also overcome anything.

The Shining

The Shining is about a writer named Jack Torrance who has been living with his family for many years in the Overlook Hotel. Jack is an alcoholic, and he has been working on a book about the hotel called “The Overlook” for many years. One day, Jack’s wife and son decide to leave for the day, and Jack gets drunk.

When Jack goes to check on his son, he is not able to find him, and he hears some noises coming from his son’s room. He goes in to see what is going on, and he finds his son dead in his bed. Jack is unable to deal with this tragedy, and he kills his son and then himself.

Jack Torrance is the first character that we see die in the film, but it is actually Jack Nicholson who dies. This was a way to show how Jack had completely lost control of his life and how he was not able to stop himself from killing his own son. In the end, Jack is the only one who can stop himself from killing his family.

American Beauty

American Beauty is about a man named Lester Burnham. He lives in the suburbs with his wife and daughter. He is a successful businessman, but he is bored and unhappy with his life. One day, he goes to a local bar and sees his neighbor having an affair with his wife.

Lester goes home and tells his wife that she is an adulterer, and that he doesn’t want to live with her anymore. His wife and daughter leave the house and go back to their apartment.

Meanwhile, Lester’s father is dying of cancer.  Lester takes his father to a doctor for treatment, but the doctor says that it’s too late for treatment. He explains that the cancer has spread all over his body and that he only has a few weeks left to live. Lester spends the last days of his father’s life with him, and they talk about life and death.

The end of the movie shows Lester, his wife, and his daughter sitting in a car listening to the radio. Lester turns off the radio, and he starts crying.  Lester then looks at his daughter and says, “I’m sorry, honey. I just don’t know how to quit you.”  The next scene shows Lester walking into his house.

The Usual Suspects

The Usual Suspects is a great movie. But what makes it so great is that it features many great characters. One of them is Keyser Soze, who is one of the main villains in the film. He has died several times throughout the film. We can see this in the trailer for the movie: We can also see this in the actual movie: What is interesting about these deaths are the different ways they happen.

In the trailer, we see him die in a way that is very dramatic and shocking. In the movie, we see him die in a way that is very funny and surprising. In the trailer, he dies with a gun in his hand. In the movie, he is shot by an innocent bystander.

This was a great way to make him die. It was shocking and it made us question if he really was Keyser Soze. It was also funny because it was unexpected. It would not have been shocking if he had died in the same way that we saw in the trailer.

Go To Genre: Horror, Action, and Adventure


Who doesn’t like to watch a film about someone getting their comeuppance? A revenge story is usually told through the eyes of a protagonist who finds out some bad news and reacts by taking action to make things right.

Films like Gladiator, Kill Bill: Vols 1 & 2, even Mean Girls, are all about our main protagonist getting revenge (justice) for what has been done wrong to them or someone close to our character’s heart.

Examples of revenge stories include the plot of The Godfather, the film about a family that avenges the death of its patriarch by murdering his killers; the plot of Reservoir Dogs, the Quentin Tarantino film about a group of criminals who plan to kill a member of their own crew for stealing from them.

This popular theme allows us the viewer (and yes, the screenwriter) to see things come to life that we wish we could do in our own lives but understand such things would most likely have us in jail, for life, with no chance of parole.

In the case of the “revenge movie,” the protagonist seeks retribution by taking out the perpetrator’s life. Typically, the protagonist is motivated by a sense of justice or morality. Revenge stories can also be used to promote a product or service—in which case they are often marketed as “my way or the highway.”

Everyone loves to see someone get what they deserve, and that’s why Revenge makes for a great movie theme.

We will take a look at how a revenge story can be told and how it can be used as a theme for your screenplay. Revenge is the most common and popular theme in movies. It’s also the most difficult one to write. Why is that? Because there are so many rules and regulations we must follow to make sure our revenge plot is done properly.

And if you don’t follow all those rules, then you risk ruining the entire revenge plot. I’ve seen it happens time and again, even to some of the best writers out there.

Why do we love Revenge?

For starters, it’s always entertaining. Whether it’s watching someone who has wronged another person get their comeuppance or watching the protagonist go after the bad guys and bring them down, we all like to watch a good revenge movie.

Revenge is fun because we all want to see someone get their just desserts. Even if you are the one doing the getting of the just desserts, it’s still an enjoyable experience to see justice done. It’s also exciting. It’s not everyday that you see your protagonist go after the people who have wronged them.

In most cases, they don’t have the resources or the skill set to do so. However, in the case of Revenge, our protagonist is an expert in the field and he’s got the right tools at his disposal to bring about justice.

Finally, it’s cathartic. We all know deep down inside that we would like to see someone else get their comeuppance for what they’ve done to us. We all hate the way they treated us or the way they did things, but we hate ourselves for being the one who allowed them to get away with it.

Go To Genre: Action and Thriller


This one, like love, is very straight forward, in fact probably more so. War stories are a staple of Hollywood blockbusters and independent films alike. It’s no coincidence that the most successful movies have been ones about battles for survival, love, independence, and freedom. And a good war story isn’t just one that shows up in a movie.

It can also be found in the pages of a bestselling book, in a magazine article, or even in a YouTube video. In order for the reader or listener to truly empathize with the hero or heroine in the story, the storyteller needs to paint a picture of the hero or heroine’s situation that is so vivid that it feels as if the reader or listener has lived it themselves.

The same is true of the war that the hero or heroine fought in, even if that war never happened. A good example of this would be the movie Black Hawk Down. Though the story was based on actual events, the filmmakers were able to add dramatic elements that allowed them to make the story feel like a living, breathing experience.

One of those elements was the depiction of the town where the battle took place. In the movie, they created an African-American neighborhood in Mogadishu, Somalia, and gave the people there a sense of pride and dignity, all while showing the effects of the brutal war that raged around them.

The same principle can be applied to other types of stories, including science fiction, fantasy, and romance.

But it works best when the author is willing to tell a story from his or her own personal experiences, rather than relying on a fictionalized account. This makes the story more relatable, and therefore more effective.

A movie war story will include one of the following elements:

  • An intense situation where you or your characters must make a choice about which action to take
  • Someone’s actions will have consequences that reverberate down the line
  • You may experience a personal loss in the story
  • Your characters may be forced to deal with emotions that are unexpected for them
  • You may need to learn to trust someone in the course of the story

Obviously, any film that is about war will have themes of war. Films like Saving Private Ryan, Dunkirk, War of the Worlds are all about war. How each film explores that theme are vastly different from each other, but the core theme is there in all of them.

Once again, this is a perfect theme for superhero movies, especially team-ups like The Avengers or Justice League, where our heroes are usually fighting some sort of alien army. 

But if you want to be a little more subtle, a movie like Scarface also has some elements of war.

Go To Genre: Action and Thriller

Coming of Age

Not only is this a theme a lot of popular films explore, but its also a popular genre. To put it simply, a coming of age a story about how a character learns to grow up, get out of his or her comfort zone and learn the necessary skills to become a mature adult.

This may include the character going through a rite of passage (such as a coming of age experience, a death, or a move to a new city), discovering his or her sexuality, or discovering his or her purpose in life. It’s a coming of age movie.

It’s the movie that deals with a group of teenagers who come of age. A coming of age story is a very important part of American culture. The first generation to truly take advantage of the benefits of the industrial revolution was born in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

They were able to rise above the poverty line and start making a life for themselves. They could also go to college, and get jobs to support themselves and their families.

The Breakfast Club, Superbad, Stand by Me, Perks of Being a Wallflower, are all films with Coming of Age as one of their themes. The list could literally go on and on.

Coming of age usually covers themes of universal experiences, which make them so popular with audiences. We all know those awkward, angsty, embarrassing, etc events we had to go through while maturing into adulthood, which allows us to connect more closely with our main character.

This is why coming of age movies have become so popular, because we can all relate to them. Coming of Age Movies are also a great way to explore universal human experiences. The main character has to grow up and learn the necessary skills to become an adult.

This can be done through many different ways, such as learning how to survive in the world, learning how to take care of others, learning how to deal with love, and learning how to be happy with oneself. It’s also a great way for directors to explore what it means to grow up and what it means to be an adult.

The Breakfast Club

One of the most famous coming of age films is “The Breakfast Club.” The movie follows five students who spend the day at detention together. It’s there where they learn to get along with each other, learn that they are all very different from each other, and learn to let go of the past. The characters learn about themselves and the world around them. They discover their true potential and what they want out of life.


This film is another coming of age film that explores universal coming of age themes. The main character is a high school student named Evan, who wants to be popular. He gets caught up in a whole bunch of things that he doesn’t understand, which causes him to fail. His friends help him get back on track by telling him what he needs to do, and giving him advice. The main theme of this movie is that we all have our own unique qualities and abilities that we can use to make the world a better place.

Pulp Fiction

One of Quentin Tarantino’s best movies, and it deals with the theme of coming of age. This movie follows three characters, Uma Thurman, John Travolta, and Samuel L. Jackson, as they go on a quest to get revenge on a group of people who killed their friend.

Their quest leads them on a journey where they learn more about themselves and what they want out of life.

Dazed and Confused

Another coming of age film that deals with the theme of coming of age is “Dazed and Confused.” The movie follows four high school students, as they spend the day in a small town.

It’s there where they learn to deal with the pressures of being a teenager. They learn to find out what makes them happy, and what makes them sad. This allows them to discover who they are and what they want out of life.

The Graduate

One of the best coming of age films ever made. It follows Benjamin Braddock, a college student, as he tries to find his place in the world. He goes on a journey to find out more about himself and what he wants out of life. This allows him to discover his true potential and what he wants out of life.

Go To Genre: Comedy and Drama

Overcoming Adversity

If you’re familiar with the “overcome adversity” storytelling format, you know the idea behind it. An underdog rises to challenge the status quo, and wins. Overcoming adversity is a great way to capture attention and inspire readers. Movies like Titanic, The Fighter, Rocky and Million Dollar Baby all use this formula.

Overcome adversity is a great theme for biofilms. We don’t make films about famous people simply because they’re famous. We make films about their lives because they are the people that battled adversity, and somehow in the end, reach their goals and accomplished their dreams.

When it comes to overcoming adversity, the best story line from a movie is the one that tells the audience why the protagonist didn’t quit, why he continued, and how he prevailed in the face of the worst adversity imaginable.

For example, in the movie The Last Samurai, a Japanese samurai is asked to train a group of American soldiers, but he refuses to do so until he is given the respect of being allowed to choose the time and place. He eventually accepts and trains them.

We all want to have that inspiration of seeing someone like us being unstoppable in their journey to a better life, because if we see someone else able to do it maybe – just maybe we’ll be able to as well.

It’s also a great theme to explore as a screenwriter because you’re going into your story already with a clear understanding that you’re going to put your character through the ringer and almost to the edge of death, before giving them their much-earned comeback.

Go To Genre: Action, Comedy and Superhero/Comic Book Films

The Hero 

When we think about heroes in films, we often think about the ones who are doing something great, whether it’s saving people or winning the battle or saving a country. This kind of heroism can make us feel good and helps us overcome our fears.

However, there’s another kind of heroism that we can draw inspiration from—it’s the hero of the story who simply helps someone else get through a tough situation. He or she doesn’t have any grand plans to change the world, but rather, they just want to help someone else out.

While it may seem that this kind of heroism is less impressive than the other kind, I’d argue that it’s actually more valuable because it’s less self-serving. When we act on behalf of others, we put their interests above our own, which is what makes it so powerful.

This is why helping others is one of the most important aspects of altruism, and it’s also why it’s such an important virtue for a society to encourage.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

This is what makes the movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty so fascinating. The film follows a man who has spent his life living vicariously through other people’s stories. However, he finds himself in a situation where he needs to do something heroic himself—something that will make him feel like a hero.

In order to do this, he has to find a way to live a normal life, one that doesn’t involve him constantly being pulled into someone else’s story. This is a difficult task for Walter, since he has spent so much time living vicariously through others. But if we can look at the movie from a different angle, we can see that he’s doing a great job of overcoming his selfish tendencies and acting on behalf of others.

In the first part of the movie, Walter has been living his life as a reclusive office worker. He is content with his life, but then he gets a call from his estranged wife asking him to come home for Christmas. As he listens to her, he starts to think about his own past. He remembers how he was once a man who was driven by ambition, who wanted to do something great.

He remembers how he used to make plans to be the best photographer in the world. But after he meets Jane, he finds that he can no longer live vicariously through her stories. Walter is forced to confront the fact that he doesn’t want to be the hero in her life, or anyone else’s life, for that matter. He doesn’t want to become a hero.

Instead, he wants to go back to his old life and lead a normal one. So, how does Walter do this? The answer is simple. He just needs to stop thinking about himself and start thinking about others.

He needs to forget about his own needs and desires and start focusing on those of others. And in order to do this, he has to learn how to let go of his selfish tendencies. The first step in doing this is to stop thinking about himself.

Walter has to stop focusing on himself and his needs and instead focus on other people and their needs. This is a difficult task for Walter because he’s always been so self-centered. But if we look at the movie from a different angle, we can see that he’s doing a great job of overcoming his selfish tendencies and acting on behalf of others. He’s living vicariously through others.

The heroic theme is a popular theme because it’s obviously once again tied into the superhero genre. We all want to see the good in people, and especially in today’s world, it can feel like there are no more good people left.

Films that deal with themes of Hero allow us to see the world in a more optimistic light. The hero film can inspire us to take actual action in our real everyday lives. The hero theme doesn’t just have to be for superhero films.

A film about Martin Luther King, Jr would have themes of “the hero” too. What’s even better is that that was in fact a real, living, breathing, hero that once lived with us.

Go To Genre: Action, Biography and Superhero/Comic Book Films

Man vs Machine

A story about Man vs Machine (or Man vs. Technology) is a story about two characters whose minds are set on the same goal. It’s a story of a human trying to beat a machine at a task. That’s what makes it a good choice for movie storytelling. A character has a specific goal, and the storyteller tries to find out if the character can achieve it. And then the storyteller tries to tell the audience what would happen if the character succeeds.

The basic structure of this type of story is usually a confrontation between the hero and a machine (the antagonist). The main idea behind a man vs. machine story is that the protagonist has some unique quality or skill that makes him or her the best choice to solve the problem at hand.

The machine or antagonist, on the other hand, is the epitome of modern technology and science. The hero must use all his or her skills and wits to overcome the machine and save the day.

This could be a sports story, an action movie, a comedy, a drama, or any other genre of film. It’s a story about a human trying to beat a machine at a task. That’s what makes it a good choice for movie storytelling. The main idea behind a man vs. machine story is that the protagonist has some unique quality or skill that makes him or her the best choice to solve the problem at hand.

This is a theme that you see explored all the time in the sci-fi genre. At least once a year, there will be a film released exploring this theme. When done well, they become classics and/or pick up a ton of awards. 

Two films that fit that billing, Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Ex Machina.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

At some point, humans and machines will become more evenly matched. That’s what happened in the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day, when the human resistance sent a T-800 into cyberspace. The T-800, however, wasn’t the only machine that became self-aware and began to see its human creators as a threat.

A group of humans who are trying to survive on the Earth, have been attacked by a robot with artificial intelligence. The machine is called “Terminator.” “T2 is a follow-up of sorts to the original 1984 sci-fi film. In the film, John Connor leads a resistance movement against the machines.

Ex Machina

The premise of the film Ex Machina is fairly simple, although it’s execution is quite complex and nuanced. A beautiful young woman is brought into a high-tech research facility for an experiment where she’s partnered with a robot. protagonist Caleb (played by Domhnall Gleeson) is being tested to see if he’s suitable to be a candidate for a job at a major tech company.

His test involves being shut inside a room with an artificial intelligence named Ava, which he must impress in order to get a job offer. This is the point in the movie where we learn that Ava is not a person—she’s a “simulation” of a human being.

She looks, acts, and thinks like a person. But she’s a computer program, and it’s important to know this when attempting to communicate with her. At first, he seems to bond with her robotic companion, but soon discovers that it may not be an ideal match.

He must decide whether to trust the machine that appears to be her friend and companion or to trust her own judgment.

When dealing with the man vs machine theme, as a screenwriter you might start to fall into some classic Man vs Machine tropes. So, to keep your story fresh, figure out a way you can incorporate another theme to mesh with this main one that we might not have seen before, or at least not very often.

Obvious choices would be to go either to love or fear, but if you’re looking to make an impact on a genre and change the way Man vs Machine stories are seen and told, you might want to connect a theme like Remorse and see what interesting plot points you may be able to come up with.

Go to Genre:  Sci-fi


Remorse is a theme that has been around for a while in fiction. I’m sure there are plenty of movies that explore this theme, but I just haven’t had the time to watch them all. So, this will be my first foray into it.

What is Remorse?

As Wikipedia puts it,

“remorse is a feeling of regret or guilt that results from a belief that one has behaved in a manner that violates the values or moral principles that one holds dear.”

There are a few ways to go about exploring this theme in a screenplay: A character has an emotional response to something they’ve done that affects their conscience. They realize they’ve behaved in a way that violates their moral code.

A character doesn’t have an emotional response to something they’ve done that affects their conscience. But, it later comes back to haunt them. A character has an emotional response to something they’ve done that affects their conscience. And, it is later revealed that what they did was wrong. And, there is no change of heart from the character.

For instance, a character who kills someone and then later realizes that what he/she did was wrong, but there is no change of heart. I’m going to be examining three remorses in this section.

  1. Remorse 1: A character has an emotional response to something they’ve done that affects their conscience.
  2. Remorse 2: A character doesn’t have an emotional response to something they’ve done that affects their conscience. And, it is later revealed that what they did was wrong.
  3. Remorse 3: A character has an emotional response to something they’ve done that affects their conscience. And, it is later revealed that what they did was wrong.

The first remorse I want to look at is the character’s emotional response to something they’ve done that affects their conscience. It could be anything from a crime to a moral failing.

Here are a few examples:

  • A character murders someone. They realize what they did was wrong, but there is no change of heart. They feel no remorse.
  • A character murders someone and then tries to cover it up. He/she feels no remorse.
  • A character has an affair with a married woman and then covers it up. He/she feels no remorse.
  • A character commits fraud. He/she feels no remorse.
  • A character breaks into a house and steals things. He/she feels no remorse.
  • A character embezzles money. He/she feels no remorse.
  • A character steals food to feed his/her starving child. He/she feels no remorse.
  • A character kills a baby. He/she feels no remorse.

The above examples all have the same element in common: there is no emotional response to the action that affects their conscience. This is the first type of remorse that I’m going to be looking at.

The second type of remorse is when a character doesn’t have an emotional response to something they’ve done that affects their conscience. Here are some examples:

  • A character commits fraud. He/she feels no remorse.
  • A character commits theft. He/she feels no remorse.
  • A character commits murder. He/she feels no remorse.
  • A character commits adultery. He/she feels no remorse.
  • A character commits incest. He/she feels no remorse.
  • A character commits rape. He/she feels no remorse.

The above examples all have the same element in common: there is no emotional response to the action that affects their conscience. This is the second type of remorse that I’m going to be looking at.

The third type of remorse is when a character has an emotional response to something they’ve done that affects their conscience, but it is later revealed that what they did was wrong. Here are a few examples:

  • A character murders someone. He/she feels no remorse.
  • A character murders someone and then tries to cover it up. He/she feels no remorse.
  • A character has an affair with a married woman and then covers it up. He/she feels no remorse.
  • A character breaks into a house and steals things. He/she feels no remorse.
  • A character commits fraud. He/she feels no remorse.
  • A character embezzles money. He/she feels no remorse.

I hope this has helped you understand theme and how to use it in your writing. Come back to this article when you have writer’s block. Happy writing.

BPS 336: From Indie Filmmaker to $1 Billion Sale to Disney with Michael Gallagher

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Alex Ferrari 1:38
I'd like to welcome the show Michael Gallagher, man How you doing, brother?

Michael Gallagher 4:32
I'm doing well. How are you? Thanks for having me.

Alex Ferrari 4:34
Thank you for thank you for being on the show, man. I truly appreciate it man. I i when i when you guys reached out to me, I was like super excited to talk to you because I've known of your work in the past and you're unlike any other guests I've had on the show because of your history with the internet and with YouTube and that and the new wave of entertainment that has kind of moved in. So before we jump into all of that, first and foremost How did you I'm afraid to ask because you're a little bit younger vintage than I am. But how did you get into the business? Because like, I was five years old, I share three features. I'm like, shut up, just shut up.

Michael Gallagher 5:15
So funny. Well, I, I'm from San Diego, I'm 30. So I was born in 1988. So, yes, but growing up, you know, I was always in love with, you know, storytelling in the film. You know, I read, you know, Rebel Without a crew when I was like, I don't know, probably 13 or something. And so I kind of just started getting like obsessed with that sort of like 90s indie film movement of like Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez and Kevin Smith of like, these guys that were just like going off and somehow making a movie. But then as I got older, I started noticing that like, the path of those guys, as soon as they did it, that doesn't exist anymore. It's like Sundance, that whole thing that changes. As soon as someone like gets in the door, that door shuts and now you got to find a window, or a crawlspace, or something to get into the industry. So I was just I kind of kept an open mind. And, you know, it was a little daunted, like, how do you make feature films. And so I just started, you know, as a kid, just doing short films, I would, you know, with my teachers try and pitch doing a video project instead of having to, you know, write a book report or something. So like, even in school, like fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth grade, like, even really young like that I was editing on iMovie and just kind of, you know, taking my dad's camcorder, and just going out and shooting stuff, you know, not not, none of it was good. Let's start there. None of it was actually it shouldn't be. It should. It shouldn't be. Yeah, but I started taking it more seriously. And then, in high school, my parents, I was like begging my parents, like I got to go to some kind of film, school, film camp, whatever I can find. And there was this thing at the New York Film Academy in Burbank that they had a high school summer film program. So I went to that at 14 and shot 16 millimeter film, and cast sag actors and I was just like, hooked like, I'm not a drug person. But that was my drug. I was like, Alright, I'm 14, I can cast sag actors game on let's do this. So then from like, then on in high school, I'm in San Diego kept putting out, you know, actors access notices, and like casting sag actors and running auditions at like Doubletree conference rooms. And, you know, I'm just being this like, ambitious film kid. And then I would submit to local film festivals, and, you know, just try and get better. And, you know, the 48 hour film contest, like, I was just all, I was all in just trying to figure it out. And then, you know, eventually that led to, you know, when YouTube came along, and then the partner program, I saw that people were able to just make whatever they want, put it on YouTube, and actually get paid for it and get seen get an audience. And it seemed, you know, I was kind of doing that with the shorts, like not spending a lot of money, just putting it out there. And I was honing my skills. I thought, Okay, well, what if I could take the filmmaking side and apply it to this new media kind of concept? And that's how I started totally sketch and I just started making weekly sketch comedy videos, you know, on a whim like that,

Alex Ferrari 8:05
Which is, which is the funny thing that you say is that you, you were you saw that wave in the 90s. I mean, you were very young, obviously. But you saw that whole concept of the 90s. By the time you started to really figure it out that that party was over. So you, you realize that that wasn't the way to go. I on the other hand, took 20 years to learn that lesson, and thought that it was the 90s all over again, it was trying to do the exact same thing that Robert did, and Kevin, and Quintin and all those guys. And it took me a long time to figure that out. Because this is and this is my truth. I don't know if you know about this or not. But in 2005, I was on YouTube. I was posting tutorials on how to make films on youtube in 2005. Before anybody had even thought of doing anything like that. And then of course, I said, I said, and you can look, they're still up on YouTube. It's like 13 years old or something like that. look them up the other day. I'm like, Oh, my really bad compression because YouTube was horrible, horribly compressed back then. And then I just said to myself, I don't know if you've ever run across this. I'm a real filmmaker. I don't I don't put stuff on YouTube. I don't teach other filmmakers have them out. I that's not why I went to film school. I'm, I'm on a tour.

Michael Gallagher 9:18
Definitely a classy a class, this sort of system of like Vimeo, YouTube, and at that time, Vimeo was like the classy place for all film, all filmmakers short film. And YouTube was sort of like a, you know, like a loud party that was saying, Yeah, but

Alex Ferrari 9:35
I just wish I would have just stayed on because I would have literally owned the entire space of making showing you how to make movies at that point. Can you imagine if I would have just made content all the time? It was would have been insane.

Michael Gallagher 9:49
You're alright.

Alex Ferrari 9:51
But still, but still. I'm still a very angry and bitter filmmaker. But But what I find fascinating is that you were very open minded to this You medium and I think so many filmmakers, even in today's world, they're not open minded they stick to they're like, Oh, I'm only going to do this, or I'm only going to do that. And you said, Well, wait a minute, that's not working anymore. This is the new thing. Kind of like when guys jumped on Vine, when vine was a thing, there was a small window of opportunity there, there was a small window of opportunity to win YouTube, like you could make an obscene amount of money on youtube when the partner program started and things like that, that window close. Now, it's like you got to work a lot harder to make remotely that much money. Is that correct?

Michael Gallagher 10:31
Yeah, these things like exactly what you're saying. There's like a short window, as something's kind of new and exciting and untested. And the people that get in in that moment and just give it their all, sometimes they they succeed. And then as soon as they've succeeded, big business comes in and says, Wait a minute. Like, we can't just let anybody do this, right? Wait, who made a million dollars who did what? And then all of a sudden, they just start buying everything up and then close the doors, and then no one can get in? Because it's all corporations now. And then it's like, now you got to find a new wild, wild west to like, go in and go make your mark.

Alex Ferrari 11:07
You know, it's Yeah, cuz it was in the 90s. It was the indie films were the wild wild west Sundance, and those kinds of things were the Wild West. And then then it turned into other things. And then eventually YouTube, and now it's streaming, and being on a streaming shows and things like that, what you have experienced on as well. And I'm curious to see what the future I mean, lies right now. Because there's so much competition, even when you started, there wasn't as much competition. You know,

Michael Gallagher 11:31
There really weren't that many filmmakers on YouTube. Like, I think I'm like a crop of like, five people, maybe?

Alex Ferrari 11:38
When did I When did you start? When did you start on YouTube?

Michael Gallagher 11:40
On YouTube 2009. It was like, beginning of 2000. So you right before the partner program had like, just started. And so it was like, right around the time like Freddie Wong.

Alex Ferrari 11:50
Yeah, I was about to say rocket jump. Yeah,

Michael Gallagher 11:52
Yeah, rocket jump, pre rocket jump, Freddie Wong. And then, you know, Julian Smith, who's, you know, great comedian. And also, he would just film and edit and do everything behind the scenes. And, but most of the people on YouTube at that time, were personalities, that were just literally broadcasting themselves, they were just, you know, turning on a webcam, you know, dressing up, like Sarah Palin, or Obama or whatever was Britney Spears, like anything that was kind of like to get the clicks. And, and they would, you know, they would do comedy, but it was sort of unpolished, on, you know, presented. And, and what I saw was, okay, there's all this talent, like, this is a big talent pool, but there's not really anyone guiding that talent. And so I thought my contribution could be well, what if I bring like the the filmmaking that I've been, you know, honing on my short films and music videos and local commercials? What if I brought that to the talent that's on YouTube? And so literally, when I first started totally sketch, I would do, you know, sketches with actors and things that I would cast just like I was doing in San Diego, right. What I would also do is send out emails to the top youtubers at the time, and say, Hey, you don't know me. But here's, here's my body works. I had my short films on Vimeo I had, you know, that look nice. Yeah. And I said, like, Look, here's my work that I've done, here's this new channel, I would love to produce for you a free sketch, a music, video, parody, or whatever, let me handle all of the production, you you would just be the talent in it. And in doing so maybe you could also then be on my channel, and we could do a sketch or something together collaborate. So I was just like, giving like, Hey, you want a free sketch? You want a free music video? I wasn't asking anything of them. Other than Can I give you you know, can I give you my services? And that approach worked really well. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Because people would see my work and they saw Oh, it's not, you know, this isn't like po dunk. Like, this actually looks good. You know, this short film played a bunch of festivals, or, you know, this music video, maybe I've seen that music video online. And so I just started getting, you know, collaborating. And the first person I collaborated with was this youtuber alpha cat, who was the premier Obama impersonator on YouTube. And he, he was like, the guy like he was doing all of these, you know, Beyonce sort of spoof. So, you know, like, but as Obama and it were really funny, but he didn't have like a Producer Director behind the scenes. And so we produced this whole music video for him that and I wrote the, you know, the first draft of the parody, but it was a Jamie Foxx is blame it on the alcohol. It was called, blame it on the economy. And it was about like, the economic crisis that we were going through. And he was like, oh, let's just get on my pals. And and so we called Lisa Nova, who did Sarah Palin at the time, I called my buddy Richard Ryan to play Joe Biden. And we just did this crazy music video, but it looked legit. And it actually got picked up and they showed it on the view. Because it was such a like viral video at that time. And but from there that that kind of helped explode me on the YouTube scene. So then everybody saw that video in the community and said, well, who's this guy like, we need to hire him. Bring bring him in and so he can just sort of bring that filmmaking style to what we're doing. And then that's kind of you know, that's how I got in in the club

Alex Ferrari 15:08
So so again for everyone listening take some notes here you offered your services for free because you were smart enough to provide provide service and be a value to people who are trying to to connect with and to work with in one way shape or form and all you had to offer at the moment was I've got some skills I've got some production I got something that you don't have I'm not asking for anything in return Just let me work with you. And it worked out it worked out for it fairly okay for you.

Michael Gallagher 15:37
Well, it was it was funny because just like in high school anytime I had any money if I made any money if I you know for like grandma gave me like a check for 100 bucks or something for you know, birthday. Like any money I would get, I would put it into film equipment. So like at the time I like saved up I got an HB x you know, I got a Panasonic HV x at the time was like a big deal. Oh, yeah. And then I really saved up and you know, like summer jobs and doing like short films and such. I got a Kino flow kit, I got to four banks,

Alex Ferrari 16:09
Just rock'n, you're like, dampen your Pip, can you? Can you imagine that time of time of YouTube to show up with like an HVX and a keno kit. It was like literally showing up with like a frickin steady cam and a panavision camera for like, full 35 on the student film back in the 80s. I mean, seriously.

Michael Gallagher 16:31
Yeah. So I was like, I had a pretty, you know, robust because I had like an area, I have a three point area lighting kit. And that was used that I ran it to the ground. And then I had the Kino flows. So within my setup for the shorts and things I was doing, I could like pretty much any scene as long as there were no more than like five people in a frame. So but it would look really good. So it kind of helps set things apart. Because lighting is such an important part of filmmaking. And here's kind of elevating that sort of HD look. But, but yeah, that that really helped just because people would see and I was calling in favors left and right, you know, kids, I went to film school with friends that I met at parties that you know, is dp someone in sound, and I would try and pay people as much as they could. But in the early days, like you don't have money, so you're just you call in favors, or you're finding collaborative, excited people around you that want to participate. And that's what I did in the early days of YouTube. And then as it you know, kind of spread, I still kept that mentality of keeping it small keeping it low budget because, you know, you can make money doing YouTube, but the more money you spend doing it, just the less money you can make. Because there's sort of a sort of a cap on the whole thing at that time at least.

Alex Ferrari 17:42
Yeah, there was a you weren't there wasn't the millionaires weren't being made just yet on YouTube. It was it was pre pre millionaire days at that point. But, but yeah, it in very, very true. Now, you also came up with a fairly cool idea called Maker Studios, if I'm not mistaken. You're one of the co founders of Maker Studios.

Michael Gallagher 18:01
So yeah, I'm one of the co founders of Maker Studios, but I it wasn't my original idea. It was actually so from that music video shoot that I did with alpha cat. So Lisa Nova Kane, and Danny zappin was her boyfriend at the time and her brother Ben Donovan Dale, both the three of them all came to the shoot. And they saw what I was doing. And they said, Oh, well, we got to talk to this kid because we're about to start a company and we need some filmmakers to be a part of it because we right now we have the talent what they had been doing is they had been going out and they had this idea of creating sort of like the Saturday Night Live of YouTube like what if we got the top you know performers and put them all together made a super channel and we all promoted that super channel and you know got it to a million subscribers in like a day. And then what from there, we got brand deals and we kind of just helped get everyone paid. And that was sort of the concept of early days it was even called maker that I didn't have a name for it. And so they I remember going to Starbucks over and bennis with Danny after that shoe. And he's like yeah, we're gonna do this thing. We're gonna we're a mess. We're gonna disrupt the whole industry and he's just like, you know, wearing like clothes from Target like drinking a coffee saying like, Yeah, I got I got all the top youtubers involved and it's gonna be great like Yuen like you're gonna you know, dedicate the next year to this thing, man. And I you know, it sounded good but it also sounded like maybe a Ponzi scheme maybe I'm gonna be selling microwaves door to door in like a week. I have no idea. I mean, it was just like, you know, sometimes people are all talk and you have no idea

Alex Ferrari 19:35
In this business. I can't see a none this business No, stop it.

Michael Gallagher 19:41
But But I vetted him out and I talked to some people around him and it seemed legit and it seemed like he did have these people so I agreed I said, Okay, I'm in you know, I will I will come out because they didn't really have any money didn't have much to start it was like we're all gonna just donate our time. We're gonna we're gonna come in and invest in ourselves and collaborate on this. And so it was really like, if we're not all part of this not all lock lock step, it's not gonna happen. And I showed up and I remember going to their house and it was, you know, it was all the top people on YouTube at that time, which, you know, this is 2009. So it's like Phil DeFranco shaycarl Shane Dawson Dave days. Lisa Nova, there more, but it Kassem G. It was like all the people that had like hundreds of 1000s, if not over a million subscribers at that time and getting millions of views on every video. So it was like, Oh, my God, I'm with the Illuminati of YouTube. And I'm like, me and Danny, are like the only filmmakers on this thing everyone else is there on on camera talent. And you know, and we want to like, okay, kids play nice, let's all come together, let's come up with the name, let's figure out what our videos are going to be. Because we're, we were just making sketches, we want to start stockpiling and putting them out there. And so that was really the beginning of what maker was, but but from that process, you had so many cooks in the kitchen, and you had so much creative, you know, kind of like top talent for the medium, that it was really difficult to get everyone to agree on what was comedy, what was the funniest thing to do? What was our style and taste. And so some people had our rated senses of humor, some people were really family oriented. And so it was just a lot of debating of what are we even going to make? And from that kind of creative friction, came this idea of well, rather than all of us doing one channel, what if we empower each creator, and give them the resources and tools and support them for whatever they want to make, rather than force everyone to work together? And that's really what maker became is like, how do we empower the creators to go off and, and make whatever they want, because, you know, all these people are just in their bedrooms, kind of doing their thing. And if we gave them a crew, if we gave them, you know, production budget, if we gave them you know, resources, locations, producer, you know, we could really up everything. And so that was kind of the model, and it just took off because all the top creators, they wanted to make cool looking shit. And so that's, you know, that that spread, and then it was like, Hey, everybody, whoever wants to join just kept scaling up from there and getting attention, Hollywood, etc. So,

Alex Ferrari 22:15
Yeah, I mean, this is still in a time. So maker studio started in what like 2010 2009.

Michael Gallagher 22:20
It was some It was 2000, because I started totally sketch in March of 2009. And maker started July, I think it was like, yeah, July 4.

Alex Ferrari 22:32
So that's a pretty quick, pretty quick, you didn't spend a whole lot of time grinding it on YouTube before things started up for you, man. You are what we'd like to call that the right place at the right time. It's kind of like Michael Gladwell book outliers. It's like that you have you read that book?

Michael Gallagher 22:50
I love that book. Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 22:51
It's it's, it's it's kind of like everyone's like, Oh, it's there. They're perfect. They're geniuses. They never have to do anything. Now. They were born at the right place at the right time and at the right skills when they showed up. Like when Robert Rodriguez shows up in 91. Without mariachi, you can't show up now without mariachi because he'll never he would never even be seen. No one would even know who he was. So it was all about the specific timing and you man, you hit it. You were close, though you were you were only about three month window. This is gonna pass you right by Dude, this is gonna pass you right by I just want you to be aware of, I want you to be aware how close you came.

Michael Gallagher 23:26
I'm hashtag blessed.

Alex Ferrari 23:29
So you start 2009. And then and then at that point, YouTube is still fairly much of a what the heck's that thing? No one

Michael Gallagher 23:37
At the time everyone thought we were nuts. Everyone thought the company was like, what you're gonna start you're gonna double down on YouTube. Everyone thought

Alex Ferrari 23:45
You're doubling down on the internet streaming thing, Netflix, whatever. So yeah, it's kind of like when blockbuster had the opportunity to buy Netflix for 50 million bucks. And they said now we're good. We're good. No, we're good. We've got these rentals. Things were good.

Michael Gallagher 23:59
Yeah, brick and mortar is the way to go.

Alex Ferrari 24:01
That's the future the brick, this internet things a fad. So so so Hollywood, when did Hollywood start taking notice? And when did you guys start making some like serious money? Because you started? I mean, it is looking back. It's a fairly genius move. It's insane at the time, but that's generally the way all these movements start. When you look at it at the time to like you were insane streaming movies over the internet, who's going to what it seems to say now you look at and going well, that was genius. So you guys had a small a small version of that one, not that small, but a version of that in the YouTube community where you double down on YouTube, which I would have told you the same thing like you guys are nuts, like, no one's watching. But it seemed to work out for us people like Gary Vee, and those are the guys who who just kept making videos and nobody was watching but one day someone watched. And I kept going. So this this small time so you start building building this up and you start building up the accounts and you start kind of like I can't say it would be like an agent. See? Would it be like a you record? You know, they're sending them? It's like a kind of what would you call it?

Michael Gallagher 25:05
It was a, the term was multi channel network. And so it was the first it was the first idea of well, what if, you know, each person would own their YouTube channel? I mean, they already you already have a split with YouTube if you're doing ads with them. And so what maker would do was, it would kind of represent your channel. So rather than represent you as a talent, it would say, okay, your channel, we're going to help sell premium ads on this channel by talking to advertisers, if we get a brand deal that fits, you know, like, let's say, you know, indie film, hustle, if you were part of maker be like, okay, we want, we got this, you know, film company, or big movie that's coming out as an indie movie that Fox Searchlight is releasing, and what if we partner with you, so you can, you know, do something with the filmmakers and get paid to do it. And so it was like, they were kind of brokering those deals, sort of like what an ad agency would do multiple things. It was providing production resources, it was kind of serving as an ad agency. And then also make it being a content hub, sort of, you know, how Netflix or a lot of places, like, they'll acquire things, but then they'll also, you know, provide the resources. I mean, do they had full production studio, they had equipment they had, you know, everything at maker for, you know, especially DIY stuff, it was DIY, but also for DIY plus where they give you like a three person crew, or a five person crew or something to go out and shoot YouTube videos.

Alex Ferrari 26:27
That's insane. And how long did it take before Hollywood started taking notice?

Michael Gallagher 26:32
Pretty quick. I think, within like, before the end of the first year, I think we were raising, like some VC money and you know, kind of big. Yeah, I know, just started, it just started growing. And then people were leaving their jobs at, you know, kind of whether it was a big tech company, or, you know, a film studio, they were coming in, like, all of a sudden, we were having executives that were just had been at, you know, Disney or they had been at Warner or Sony. Yeah, yeah. And everyone all of a sudden is just like, Yeah, no, I want to work at maker. That's the hot new thing. So

Alex Ferrari 27:07
And you guys are ready, you were in the middle of the storm. I mean, that's, that's amazing. It's amazing. Like you guys, were you and there was nobody around you. There was no competition, there was nothing that even was close to what you guys were doing at the time.

Michael Gallagher 27:19
The only Yeah, things are popping up pretty quick thereafter. So it's always it's hard to say like, what the first thing I think maker might have been the first multi channel network that really had done this. And then very soon, around that time was awesomeness TV. Which, if you remember

Alex Ferrari 27:35
I've heard of I've heard of awesome.

Michael Gallagher 27:37
Yeah, they focused on like kind of more specifically teen oriented content, because they really were trying to get bought by like a Nickelodeon or, you know, a Disney Channel or something like they wanted content that was safe, like kind of age appropriate. And maker was a little bit wild west of, you know, we're not going to censor you, whatever you want to do. That's your thing.

Alex Ferrari 27:57
And, and of course, that attracted all the talent, because he was

Michael Gallagher 28:00
Exactly is no censorship, and we're not going to try and control you. Yeah, you can do, you can just continue what you're doing, and we're going to empower you. And so I think, I think that model really appealed to, you know, the, every level of youtuber top bottom, whatever. And, yeah, in 2014 is when Disney came in, and yeah,

Alex Ferrari 28:18
I heard I heard Yeah, I heard something about that. There was a small company called Disney that decided to buy you guys and it was it. No, it wasn't in the news at all at the time. But if I do remember correctly, and I don't like to talk money on the show, but it's pretty publicly known that the Maker Studios was purchased for 450 million cash and then with a performance bonus up to almost a billion. Is that is that accurate?

Michael Gallagher 28:43
Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And I don't know how much is public of like, where it landed or whatever. But I think those numbers are in the ballpark for sure.

Alex Ferrari 28:50
Yeah, that's not a bad deal for you know, young guys who just kind of like get the HV x 200 and the era kit out. And you know, shout with some YouTubers. That's a that that that took that definitely sent, you know, shockwaves through the industry. I remember when that happened. It was about a year before I launched indie film hustle I launched in the film was on 2015 Oh, yeah. And I when I heard that, I was like, wow, this this you okay, I sound like an old fart but like, Oh, yeah, this YouTube thing's really kind of starting to blow up now. I should have stayed on there like what was I thinking? But that that I have to ask you, man, what was that like? Man? You were like you know when Disney's like okay, here's a check. And I'm not going to ask you know, percentages or anything like that. But you obviously did fairly okay being one of the cofounders of it. So what was that day like as a filmmaker man like, you know, Disney is buying you that at a very, very good rate. A good rate, if you don't mind?

Michael Gallagher 29:50
Yeah, no, it was it was pretty outrageous. Well, it's interesting because we started in 2009. And I had been like day to day with the company until about 20. 11 to about 2011 I was like they're kind of making, you know, helping everyone making videos, you know, kind of working on different you know, branded content and interact. I was doing a lot of interactive actually. And so but my my day to day wasn't really didn't really go on beyond 2011 I was still my channel to I eventually brought my channel totally sketch into the network. And then, you know, would work on you know, as a director for hire for them and kind of consulting and things. But I wasn't really in the thick of it. So it was fun to actually see, every time I would go there. It was like, oh, we're gonna go into a new office. Oh, we got a soundstage. Oh, we got a whole block of offices, right? And then it's like, and then you're, you're, you're trying to make your YouTube videos there. And all of a sudden, it's like a James Franco's in today. It's like a Snoop Dogg. He's gonna shoot four videos. And it's like, wait, what, what?

Alex Ferrari 30:53

Michael Gallagher 30:55
And then I was, you know, they because I was, you know, very film or filmmaker oriented. They would, you know, they partnered with the Tribeca Film Festival. I remember meeting with like, you know, I remember they flew us out there to for, you know, doing promotion and kind of cross promoting Tribeca. And they were like, Oh, do you want to do you know, we want to do like a 48 hour like film thing at Tribeca? Do you want to make a 40 hour film in Tribeca? I said, Sure. Like, it was like a bunch of groups like No, just you. And so you'll just do it. And we'll have the full support of the festival and we're gonna screen at the festival and play. Okay. And so, I don't know, I'm like 23 22 years old, and like, we're running around New York, and literally, like, they had like Robert De Niro make a video being like, okay, Michael, here's your, you know, here are the things you're going to do in your 48 hour video. It's like, what what is going on? Like, it was just, you know, is this a small group of friends that have Venice apartment and now it's like, they somehow got Robert De Niro roped into this thing like, talking to me.

Alex Ferrari 31:55
Like, can you imagine, Can you imagine that conversation with Robert like, like, you're just like, Alright, so we're gonna do this thing with these guys called maker studio. They're on YouTube. And like, you've got to there has to be a moment when Robert De Niro goes, What is YouTube? What is this guy? What's going on? I don't understand. This is like, Bobby, Bobby's you got to do this. Just trust me. These guys are big. Just get on the camera. And I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure he's like, Alright, who's this guy's name? Michael. Mike. All right, Michael.

Michael Gallagher 32:24
I know. It just kind of it felt really surreal. So he sort of like, you just kind of had to accept it. Like, at a certain point I let go of, you know how races happen and just started to say, Okay, yeah. All right. We're gonna we're gonna roll with it. We're gonna roll with it. Yeah, and But definitely, you know, and just to be clear on is I don't have like $100 million. Like, I didn't, I didn't like, come out like a bandit, and own and I don't own like Johnny Depp level islands and things, you know, gotcha. Gotcha, gotcha. Just know that. But I definitely, I definitely benefited from the sale as it everyone who was a part of it. And the The great thing about it was it all in one, it set us up in the industry, as you know, look at these guys, they, they bet on themselves, they went out there and invested in this, this kind of idea that nobody really thought would be anything and look at it now. And so it just sort of gave you that sort of like creative capital to then go out and say, Oh, I want to make a film, I want to do this, you know, you just caught people's attention a little bit more. Because you had sort of a proof of concept of saying, and we started this from nothing and look where it got to, you know, moving forward, whether it's just, you know, you want to do a look, web series, you want to do a movie, you wanna do something, it's, you know, people take notice, because it just did so well. So the biggest thing that I've taken away from the whole experience,

Alex Ferrari 33:48
I feel like maker was kind of like the Google or the Facebook of the film industry. It was like this little startup that kind of shook things up. And it was kind of leading the way into a new technology or a new space within the industry that nobody else saw coming. Kind of like, you know, when Facebook came in and, and did their thing, or Google came in like, oh, we're gonna do a search engine. Oh, right. Yeah, search engine Sure. Like everybody else, like I like AltaVista and Lycos, got it. And then, of course, it turned into what it did. And similar to you guys, you were kind of like the Google of the film is an industry in a sense, because it was all internet based. And it was a bunch of crazy kids, somewhere doing some crazy stuff. And it all turned out until finally, the big boys finally took notice. But that also sent the message to the whole industry is like when someone like Disney does spend that kind of money on a company that's outside the norm it sent to the industry. Hey, this is where we're going. This is the future. This is not, you know, this is not a joke, because we're not spending this kind of money on a little bit of a fad, if you will.

Michael Gallagher 34:50
Yeah, well, the the film studios, I think reached a point where they weren't investing in digital. You know, they weren't investing in online content, but they were Seeing like a on our, on our sheets every month or a year like quarter we're looking and seeing how much we're spending on digital advertising. We're seeing how much we are spending on a company like maker to promote our stuff. Wouldn't it make sense for us to have our own digital shingle here? So we don't have to pay somebody else? Like shouldn't? Didn't we already have that? Like, why are we paying them to tell that like they're making it just, it was some kind of confusing loop for them. And so they I think they ran the numbers. And they said, Well, how much would it cost for us to start our own? And they ran those numbers and said, okay, it's going to cost billions. What if we just acquire these companies that have been doing it independently that seemed to have success, and then we will just absorb all their knowledge, what they've learned their tactics, their crew, and and we'll go from there. And so that's what happened. And then you saw that with Microsoft with awesomeness and fullscreen a bunch of other places. And then each studio kind of was eyeing the different media companies and just sort of plucking them up and saying, Okay, now we have our branch. And that's, I think that's what really sparked it was, was that move of the eyeballs, especially like the, you know, the 18 to 24 and teenager demographic, like everyone know what, they weren't watching TV anymore. They were just watching YouTube, they were just addicted to online content. And so they needed to be in the game, so to just market their movies, if nothing else,

Alex Ferrari 36:21
Right, and it's kind of like what Netflix did for the business? Well, now everybody has a streaming service coming out, you know, I own a streaming service, I have my own streaming service, for God's sakes. You know, it was all because of Netflix. And they opened up the doors, and now everybody's like, wait a minute, we got to jump on this train. This is kind of where the future is going to be. So and now how did you parlay you know, from maker into the, into the world of like, legit directing. Now, and I don't say I don't mean that in a derogatory statement at all.

Michael Gallagher 36:50
No, no,

Alex Ferrari 36:51
You know what I mean, by legit like, like, true in the a tour filmmaker, if you will, kind of like the guys who you were looking up to when you were coming up, like Robert Rodriguez and stuff, you know, how did you turn from, you know, making sketch comedies on YouTube to like, Hey, I'm I, you know, I did the thing, the thinning and the whole, you know, the whole series and another movie that you just came out with funny story and all these kind of real, legit films with like, budgets, and like, actors.

Michael Gallagher 37:18
I know, I keep pulling them. I don't know how. What happened was when we were at maker, I really, you know, we've been doing sketches for a few years. It was like, Yeah, 2010. And I really wanted to do, you know, wanted to figure out how am I going to make a feature? How am I going to get in and meet with people? And he would say, Oh, it's great that you've done sketches and had this, you know, millions of views. And that didn't really matter. They, you know, it's like, Where's the proof of concept? For each? Donna? Why haven't you done a first feature already? Show it to us? And then we'll talk? Yeah, so it was like, Okay, this is the chicken in the egg. Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 37:53
I know.

Michael Gallagher 37:55
I get the job and out of the movie, but on the job and, and then how am I gonna make money. And so at that point, you know, I live pretty frugally. I was just saving up. And I had a lot of success with totally sketch and maker and just, you know, everything was kind of going with brand deals. And you know, there's paying a ton of money for doing, you know, a couple days worth of work. And so I was just saving all this money, I'm not going on vacation or doing anything with it. I'm just saving it. And so at a certain point at maker, this guy, Glasgow Philips, who had written on South Park and a bunch of other cool things, he on spec, wrote this idea for what became smiley, which was a horror film. That was my first feature that I directed. And he wrote it as an idea of, well, what if we take our resources that maker and just rather than just do a bunch of YouTube videos, we spend, you know, three weeks and go shoot a feature? Why don't we do that? And maker was interested at the time, and they said, Okay, well, Gallagher contracted. And so all of a sudden, I'm, like, attached to direct a movie, I'm super excited. And, you know, cuz I just at that point, it wasn't about oh, I have this really personal story I got to tell it was I got to make my first feature I want, I wanted to make the movie more than it mattered what the exact movie was, like, I wanted to just show what I could do. And just get out there and just, you know, start playing on in the big leagues and playing in the field and making some, you know, feature length. And so what happened was maker almost did it and then they didn't, and then they said, you know, we're really focused on, you know, the short form, but if you guys want to go off and find the money for this thing, go for it. And so then I became obsessed with just getting smiley made. And so we'd go around, and he started pitching it and doing that whole thing and, and we had some interest from places but they were like you You want to cast YouTube stars in this movie. You want to cast people who have millions of fans online to come see a movie, like good luck, like we don't see it.

Alex Ferrari 39:48
People don't see any. I mean, like, you would think that you're part of Maker Studios, which was crazy in the first place. And they're like, Hey, guys, we have another idea. You don't listen to that like, and I'm assuming the budget wasn't 100 million. So like, why wouldn't you Take that Chad's.

Michael Gallagher 40:01
No, I know we were like, We can do this for you know, not like, by your standards, nothing but you know, like a couple $100,000 Max, like, we could do the whole thing. It'd be great. Everyone signed on, you know? That Yeah, it was just sort of crickets like, people were like, No, no, no, it hasn't been done hasn't been proven yet. And so we said, Alright, assholes, we're just gonna call make this movie. And so literally, at that point, I, my producer, Michael wormser, who had worked at makers had a production he had, he had gone off from then. And we would just been, like, dedicated to this movie. And I said, Okay, wormser, if we're gonna make this thing independently, what's the lowest number we can do it for? Like, you know, get the movie in the can like, What's the number? So he crunched the numbers and did it. And I think at the time, he's like, I think we can get it in the can for like, 120,000 if everyone's getting paid. And, you know, we're shooting in 15 days and the whole thing. And I said, Okay, that's all the money. I have. greenlit. Let's go. So. So then from then on, we just went and made the movie, just, you know, self funded, we didn't look for any more money, we just, you know, said, Okay, this is the resource we got, let's get this thing in the camera, shoot it. And so, so it was just kind of, you know, a mad rush in 2011 in the summer to just go make this movie. And so we did we shot it 15 days, you know, we brought on the best crew, we could we just, you know, kind of went out and made it. And, and from there, the movie, we then raised a little bit more money for post and then for, you know, for the release, because what ended up happening is we partnered with AMC independent, which they have this, this great program where they will release your film theatrically, if you can provide the marketing and if they like the movie. And so what we did was we presented this whole plan to them with the YouTube stars with everything. And we said, we're gonna go promote this thing we're going to, you know, we want as many theaters as you can give us, and we will get it out there. And look at how many impressions we can get from videos from trailer, because our trailer went out, we put our trailer out, like after we shot the movie in November, and it got like a million views in a day. And then after that, it was like 10 million views in a week. And now it's, I think, like 40 million views or something crazy. And so it was just like, it kept exploding and so Hollywood started calling and people were just freaking out being like, what is this movie? How can we never heard of it? Wait, there's a horror movie like YouTube start like, you know, so then that really just kind of became a beacon for the industry and saying, like, Who's Mike Gallagher? What, what? You made a movie. I don't understand

Alex Ferrari 42:27
And you're like, I was in your office six months ago. ass!

Michael Gallagher 42:33
Literally, literally. And so yeah, so then we so but we did it all independent. So that was really my film school was was taking his smiley from the development process through production through post and then through marketing, distributing, and getting it out there. And we did a 28 screen theatrical release through AMC independent and it was in 14 markets. And, and then yeah, game and then we, we sold territories at you know, AFM through our sales agent. And you know, it's played theatrically in like Italy, in the Philippines and Japan. And it was just like this, this kind of crazy indie phenomenon. Like, it's surprising how well the movie did like how far I got out there. Because even today, like around Halloween time, if you go like on Instagram, go hashtag smiley. People in Argentina are dressing up as smiley like, still, like from last year, I did this, like 1000s of people I keep seeing every year like people sending me photos and things of just the reach of this. This character is kind of crazy. And this is just a really small indie for me for under $200,000. So it's, uh, it was pretty wild. So

Alex Ferrari 43:41
Did you have any

Michael Gallagher 43:43
That helped prove that as an indie filmmaker, we can solve a big impact you don't necessarily need you know, big budget and you know, huge stars like you can, you can work with the team you have around you and really, you know, exploded out.

Alex Ferrari 43:54
Did you have any other ancillary revenue streams for that movie? Like t shirts, hats, other things like that? Did you have any merch at the time?

Michael Gallagher 44:02
We should have we did.

Alex Ferrari 44:05
Left money on the table, sir. Left money on the table?

Michael Gallagher 44:07
Yeah, definitely, definitely money on the table. But, man, no, the movie did great. And people saw it. And you know, even though it wasn't like, and it's funny, because even though it got out so far, I still, I didn't do everything independently. And I really should have because what happened is my domestic distributor that I brought on for home video and stuff, they screwed us.

Alex Ferrari 44:28
Oh, shocking. I can

Michael Gallagher 44:32
Just when we're calling them on it. They go bankrupt. Oh,

Alex Ferrari 44:36
I never heard of a story like that.

Michael Gallagher 44:38
It doesn't happen. It doesn't happen. It's never happened before. But you know, and so there's like, there's some heartbreaking lessons and things you learn along the way of like, Oh, we did all the work. We got the muscle out there and then just hit the finish line. You know, someone's like, thank you so much. And

Alex Ferrari 44:55
We'll take it we'll take it from here. Did you know Did you have Did you have a A clause that if they go bankrupt the rights go back to you. You didn't. Was there a clause in there?

Michael Gallagher 45:05
No And I were few years away, we're gonna get it back. So it took me

Alex Ferrari 45:09
Okay, okay. Yeah, cuz it's a thing. Alright, so you'll get it back eventually.

Michael Gallagher 45:12
Yeah. So it'll be all right. But still no. But that process the good, the bad, the ugly of making your own movie and distributing and doing everything that that has those lessons I'm still learning because because even with my new movie, funny story, it almost feels like that was my, my, my first feature because as what I did was I told a personal story, it was something that I had to tell. And I did it with friends. And I did it as small as I could just like the smiley. But But smiley wasn't a personal story. It was like, it was almost like I hired myself for a job. It was like, I saw an opportunity. And I took the opportunity and tried to make it the best and the biggest it could, but it wasn't it didn't have any personal connection. To me, it felt like I said, I felt like multiple people like I'm the financier hiring the director, who's then going to produce it and then going to distribute. So it was like I had different hats on all the time.

Alex Ferrari 46:04
You were fighting with yourself constantly.

Michael Gallagher 46:07
Yeah, exactly. But But in terms of like a creative thing, it's like, I'm really proud of the movie and what we've done with it. But in terms of what I can do as a storyteller, and the kind of movies that I want to make, it's it didn't really line up with that. And I think people saw that when they write reviews, or, you know, whatever. But you can't control that aspect of it. You know, you're kind of just do thing and put it out there. But but that's the other thing. I think people thought we had a huge budget for smiley, because it gots we had billboards in Times Square, we had, you know, kind of promotion all around Los Angeles, and you know, big release, but it was just it was Michael wormser knives like these, you know, two little producers just going out and calling Clear Channel and saying, Hey, can we get a billboard? Hey, we have no money, what can we do? And then people were just, you know, wanting to help because they thought it was a cool idea. And why not? And they had the inventory. So we were able to make a pretty big splash with with, you know, a couple of pennies.

Alex Ferrari 47:00
And then and then you started making some films directly for YouTube Red, as well like the thinning.

Michael Gallagher 47:05
Yeah. So that then came about an interesting way. Because post smiley, I had all these I you know, I was wrapped it, I'm still wrapped the UTA and management 360 and all these great places. Because they had seen smiley, and they'd seen the trailer and all the kind of ruckus we were creating. And they said, okay, we want to bet on this guy. So they put me in rooms with every studio, all these production companies, and they're like, what do you wanna do next? And I'm like, I'm exhausted. I have no idea. What do you guys got? And they're like, Alright, well, why don't you go write a script and then call us? I was like, okay, that's another lesson learned. Always have your next thing. Ready. Three things. Three things, right. Yeah, x three things. Definitely. You're gonna have options.

Alex Ferrari 47:49
Like the first one, but they might have like the third one you never know. And you're not going to get back in that room again, easily.

Michael Gallagher 47:54
Is not that easy. Yeah. So I, you know, had that water bottle tour of Milan with everybody without a movie.

Alex Ferrari 48:02
Or without a project? Yeah.

Michael Gallagher 48:03
Yeah, nothing to pitch.

Alex Ferrari 48:05
It's Hollywood masturbation, we like to call it

Michael Gallagher 48:07
Yeah, I got a lot of free waters. It was great. And then. But from that I learned, okay. It's not about me coming over and seeing what they have. They want to see what I got. I'm the generator. So okay. That's how, as a filmmaker, you need to look at these things. And so what I did was, I spent the next couple of years just head down writing. And so I enlisted Steve green, who's my best friend. And we'd been doing all these sketches into writing comedy bits. I said, hey, let's write movies, we could figure it out. And so as I never really I'd never finished a feature from scratch with smiley. I came on it and did some rewrites and polishes and kind of the justice and things but, but it wasn't, I didn't start it didn't start and end with me. And so that was a new process of Steve and I just kind of like head down wrote every read every screenwriting book there is. And we just started going. And so everyone was saying, you know, maybe write something, you know, maybe write from a personal place. So the first thing we wrote was internet famous, which was a parody of all these YouTube stars and the ego trip and the ridiculousness of the YouTube world. So we wrote that as like a mockumentary comedy, kind of like a Best in Show and tone or spinal tap. And yeah, and everyone was really excited about that. So we partner with lake shore. And they financed the movie through their off the dock, which was their digital division. And they said, Okay, well what you do is smile. Let's try and do that with with internet famous, but do it with YouTube stars, making fun of themselves at the comedy, it's all lining up. So then we just kind of we, but now it's a story that it's like I have some basis and that gets, I generated the thing. And so we we put this great cast together and went out and shot it and then Netflix bought it. And so we're on Netflix now. And that was that was cool. That budget was under a million but it was but it was definitely a huge step up from where I'd gone before. And, and then at the same time when we were ready All those scripts, like you said, to have three projects ready, we had written five scripts. And we took out, you know, we were taking them out and seeing what the agents were responding to. And the other one we wrote was the thing, which was, you know, dystopian teen thriller. And so we came up with the idea for that it was sort of like, what if we, what if we created a Hunger Games event, but for YouTube? What if we created like, this big kind of spectacle that but but it was really just aimed to never come out in theaters, but just like be an event on the internet? Because most people, they were just dumping things that they couldn't get distribution on the internet, as opposed to like, what do you make a spectacle for the internet. And so we thought that would be cool. And so we pitch that around. And then legendary, they had started a digital division, and they love to scrap. And so and it was funny, because when I met with them, they were only interested in series. And then there had been like one or two other like digital movies that came out post smiley that started getting like good press. It's like, oh, they're making money. They can do this. As soon as they heard that they can make money making features for the internet. All of a sudden, our phone rang,

Alex Ferrari 50:59
Of course, because they made because it's like, oh, how much is it? How much do you need? That's coffee, daddy? Sure here.

Michael Gallagher 51:05
Exactly. So we went off and got to make the thing with with legendary, and then they sold it to YouTube Red at the time, which was I think they just started that as like a premium content division. And, and then it became like, the biggest movie that they'd ever, you know, the biggest show or anything that they had ever released, like in terms of viewership, like it just exploded, and so immediately they greenlit a sequel. So it is thinning New World Order. And you know, it was just kind of like, all of a sudden, you know, all this hard work and like putting your head down writing, it's like, oh, now we're just making movies. Every you know, it's like, we were doing like two movies every other year. It was like, just, oh my god, we're doing two a year, like going from zero to 1000 It's crazy, right? But it was fun. I mean, it's, it's been kind of a wild process. to, to go from having everyone question you and kind of like not understand what you're going for to then everyone calling and saying, like, how do we work with you? how, you know, sending scripts, sending digital stars over being like, Can you put them in a movie? You know? We got we got $300,000 Can we make a movie with this kid? It's like, what I don't that's not really how you make a movie, but

Alex Ferrari 52:16
Ohh they do they trust me. They do make movies just like that.

Michael Gallagher 52:21
I know, I've had to turn some of those down.

Alex Ferrari 52:23
You know, you know, it's funny, because I'm looking, I'm looking forward in the future. And you're gonna be one day 60 and you're gonna look back and you're gonna be like, Yeah, I was there at you do what it started. Yeah. And I was just like, yeah, and then you tell these stories and people were like, you mean there was a world when there was no video on the internet? Like, is that a world I would want to then I don't understand. One day your generation is very interesting. Like our generation My generation, Gen X or like with The Inbetweeners were like we were had one foot in the old and one foot in the new. So like, we were around before the internet, but we definitely were there when it popped. And you have no idea. Like you said, You were born in 88. I was watching, I was going into high school in 88. So there's a slight difference. slight difference in perspective. But it's fascinating. So I love talking to young filmmakers like yourself, especially once I've had a lot of a lot of success in what they're doing. Because I'm always fascinated with stories like how these different windows that open up and then how you leverage that window to take it to the next step and so on. Which brings me to your new movie, funny story, that I've actually been seeing billboards all around town. I've been like as I drive by, and I'm like, like, and that's why when it came through, I was like, oh, funny story. Yeah, that's that movie I keep seeing everywhere. On like, every second bus thing I see. Is there. So I don't know who's your marketing PR people, but they're doing a good job spending that money? Because it's out there. No question. So because this one looks more serious? It does it looks a lot more serious as it's not smiley. It's definitely not it's the famous. Yeah, it's, it's definitely a little bit more like a serious filmmaker. So tell me a little about that.

Michael Gallagher 54:04
Well, I think after doing, I guess it was like four or five of these kind of youtube news or digital features. I was known as the digital guy. And so I could get into any room, you know, as long as it was starring someone with X amount of followers, you know, I was up for that job. And a place of interest. That's a good place to be it's great place to be, but also there's a frustration because I didn't I never intended for that to become, you know, sort of the branded digital guy. I wanted to be more, you know, just a filmmaker amongst all filmmakers. And I was working in a specific medium, and kind of trying to break open this this area that we thought that we thought needed to be open. And so with funny story, it was kind of going back to you know, the the filmmakers that I grew up on and the people that inspired me to first start and try and tell a movie and try and story that didn't require the you know, you have to have cast somebody that has x amount of followers that you know has has this many Instagram things and it's like this it's not about the result I want to do something that wasn't result oriented that was really just we're gonna go make this because we're all passionate about the story and the characters and and I want to show as a filmmaker what I can do. And so that was the that was the spirit of making funny story. So through wrote this movie, and I was really inspired by like the duplass brothers and Joe Swanberg and, and these guys that were just like going off, you know, they call them mumble core, or whatever, but it's like, go off without really a script, maybe just an outline, we're just gonna go, you know, make this. That's how

Alex Ferrari 55:41
I made my house. I made my first two features. I love this.

Michael Gallagher 55:44
Yeah. Which is, which is great. And so I started with, okay, well, what can I do? You know, I need limited location, I started thinking back to like, you know, the YouTube days of like, how do I just go off and make something, right. And so I was like, looking at all the resources I had, and the people I knew, and I started writing parts for, to the people around me and two really talented actors that I had kind of gotten the pleasure to work with, and putting this thing together. I outlined, you know, full featured, it was like, maybe 30 pages, it was like a script that just didn't have any dialogue.

Alex Ferrari 56:14
It was the technical term scriptment? Yes,

Michael Gallagher 56:18
I'll say thank you. Yes. So wrote a script. Yes. And it was the whole movie, but had no dialogue. And I try, I was like, you know, a little cocky, because it made some other movies and like, okay, I can get funded off a script meant, if good can't be that hard. And everyone's like, no dialogue. Interesting.

Alex Ferrari 56:35
And your last name is Matt. duplass. Not gonna work, buddy.

Michael Gallagher 56:37
If you've never done this before. I don't know about this. And then so then they started making me kind of question and I was like, shit, maybe I should, you should add some dialogue. Maybe. And so I started, I said, and then I started thinking about, well, if I really go and do this on the budget, that I think I could just go off and make it. I think it's, it's too much money where I want to risk the idea of maybe I don't have the answer, because I think it is sort of like jumping out of an airplane without, without the dialogue, because you really have to trust in everyone around you. And I just got cold feet, honestly about trying to do that. And I still want to do it someday. But at that time, I was like, I don't think I'm ready to do no dialogue script and go make it.

Alex Ferrari 57:23
It takes a certain amount of balls, sir, it does truly take a certain amount of balls to do that.

Michael Gallagher 57:27
But my balls were up in my body, and things haven't dropped it

Alex Ferrari 57:30
Dropped yet.

Michael Gallagher 57:35
So then I called Steve green. I was like, Steve, I got a scriptment that I want to turn into a script, let's let's do this. And so we powered together, I think it was like four or five days of just like 12 hour sessions of us just locked in a room just at you know, acting it out writing dialogue making each other crack up. And then and then I had the full script, then it was like a 97 page script. And we went off and I just cast people that I'd either worked with before or met with that I knew we're just going to be passionate about this thing that the crew, everybody, everyone got paid. But it was from the spirit of we don't know what's going to happen with this thing. We're just gonna go and do it. And that set is the best accent experience I've ever had. Because everyone was there for the right reason I'd never actually felt that before. With everything else I'd done. There may be been a few people who were really excited about a project. But on a certain level like you, your your crew, your cast, like they're making a lot of stuff. It's hard to get that genuine enthusiasm of like this. We're doing this because we love it. We love making movies we love We love this story. And that set, it felt like everyone was there for the right reason they had this spirit and this excitement. And it just I don't know, it just it shows in the movie, I think. And so we went out and we submitted the film festivals. And last year, yeah, we've been touring with the film, it got into the slamdance Film Festival. And they're beyond category because I'd already done more than it was my first feature. And so from there, kind of like other film festivals were reaching out, and then we just kind of toured with it for the last year. And so I played, you know, like an one crazy awards, like Breckinridge Film Festival and Woods Hole. And I mean, what Ashington West, I mean, there's just like a million like all these regional film festivals that just the movie was really resonating with audiences. And, you know, we were like, it would play at places and then they add screenings that would sell out and it was just like, there was this weird buzz about the movie, just you know, within these communities. We weren't really promoting it. We didn't have any. There wasn't much to promote on the film festival circuit. You can put flyers up and things but but we didn't even really do that. It was just word of mouth. So it was kind of spreading and other film vessels were asking us to play and, and then this last year, we got it out with blue Fox entertainment. And we did a few screen theatrical day and date with VOD and such Yeah, the movies just, you know, it's gotten great reviews, it's just been really warmly received. And it's, you know, it's this little movie that we went off and made that, you know, we didn't have a marketing muscle behind it. And so I, all I did was, you know, the advertising you've seen, that's just me calling up places I did with smiley saying, like, Hey, we made another indie. You have any inventory? What do you got? Like, what kind of deal and so you know, we just call these places up and then, you know, got billboards and got, you know, bus benches and all that kind of stuff.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:30
And can I ask you, I don't know if you if you're able to tell me this or not, but what are those things kind of cost? I have no idea what a bus bench costs or or like those, like, I've always seen them? And you always think they're like these like 50,000 dude, like crazy expensive? Like, is it? Is it literally affordable to do that, like if you have a little bit of money?

Michael Gallagher 1:00:48
If you have a little bit of money, it is affordable. Yeah. I think I don't have the exact numbers offhand. But I do know that, you know, we negotiated with the companies and just, you know, we said, Look, we're not you know, Lionsgate, we're, we're a small indie, you know, movie coming out. So if there's inventory that you have, or if there's a deal, you can call us, like, let us know, because we'd love to consider, you know, working with you guys. And so I think we're bus benches. I think the company we went with, they do a minimum of 10. And so you have to get 10 of them. But per unit, they're not crazy expensive. It's like $300 or something per batch. I think, like 3000, around 3000. I think you can get 10 benches in LA for a month, for a month for four weeks.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:28
That's insane.

Michael Gallagher 1:01:31
It's insane.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:31
Oh my god, guys, anyone listening? You're gonna start seeing indie film hustle banners all over Los Angeles. I'm just saying, you're gonna be like, is that? Is that a podcast with a bus bench? Like, is that a thing? I'm like, Oh, yeah, it's gonna be a thing.

Michael Gallagher 1:01:47
That's insane. The thing is, like, I don't know, I guess I was never afraid of like just trying to Google something or looking and just asking, yeah, because the worst thing that's gonna happen is you're gonna say Now get lost. And so and I've had that happen to me. And that's okay. And it's like, there's a few outdoor advertising companies that are not filmmaker friendly. And that's okay. But then there's other ones that say, you know, you have a connection with somebody, and you tell them your story, and they want to help you. And then people want to help each other. It's just, we, so rarely are we offering our help to others? Are we asking? It's hard to even ask for help sometimes, but if you if you can be willing to accept whatever the answer is, then you might be surprised by people because I don't know if there's, there's other passionate filmmakers out there, maybe have a desk job at a marketing and an ad agency. And they're like, yeah, I want to help you in LA, be in that position someday.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:36
And la never, I can't believe that. What I find fascinating is that you are known for being online being on YouTube, understanding, online marketing, understanding online branding, and yet you use legacy advertising methods as part of your overall you know, plan. Why do you what kind of return or ROI Do you think you get from these kind of like, would it makes more sense to spend those $3,000 on you know, focused Facebook ads or YouTube ads, as opposed to are you going to get a better ROI? on that? Then bus bench? Look, bus benches are cool as hell and I'm seriously thinking of getting some, but but on an ROI standpoint, like what is it really going to do?

Michael Gallagher 1:03:20
Well, there's, there's different ways to think about it. If you're just concerned about ROI, or just like, the kind of money you're gonna make, you know, from sales. I don't know that outdoor, there's like a one to one of, you know, a bus bench equals as many downloads or rental cars, of course, you have it, I do have a theory about advertising and about selling something, which is that if I haven't heard of it, if I haven't seen it out in the wild, then it's harder for me to as a consumer, just to watch a movie to listen to a song just like I need to, I need to have been in I need to almost been bombarded by it's in three different ways. Like if I saw it out in public, I saw the pre roll ad on on YouTube, and then I see it on Apple TV on, you know, as like a premium movie, then it's like, oh, I've seen this before and then I'm going to check it out. As opposed to something like I've never seen all of a sudden it's just on iTunes or it's just on Amazon. I think that's a harder the harder purchase for me to just go in blind just search around to see what's out true. Whereas if I have the impression of seeing the the key art a few different times, and especially different mediums, I think really helped like even and I really toyed with this and I think next time I'll do it is you know getting pre rolls on podcasts. Because so many people are listening to podcasts. They're in your ears.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:47
I'm available I'm over I'm available, sir. I'm available. You let me know how you want to cut that deal. We'll make that work.

Michael Gallagher 1:04:55
And it's like oh in your ear you're hearing funny story may 24 on you know in theaters and on demand and And then you're seeing it. And then it's like, now you're on Apple TV. And it's like, oh, I've been told it. I watched it, I saw a trailer. And now the movies, you know, trending or whatever. It's in recent discoveries. Now I'm going to watch it.

Alex Ferrari 1:05:11
But you know what this funny thing is, though, that what your theory is, is exactly happened, because it happened to me, because when your poster showed up in my email box, I said, Oh, that's that movie that I saw on the bus bench around the corner. And it added a sense before I even knew who you were like and got into and delved into who you are in your backstory, I automatically associated Oh, this is a real movie. Surely because of the legacy, the legacy marketing that you were using, like, because I know the impression in my mind is a YouTube ads not going to cost nearly as much as a bunch. A bus bench. Yeah, not nearly as much as a billboard for God's sakes. That's like, that's what the studios do. So you already for your small little indie movie, you've already put yourself in the box with the studios, because of that specific move. So it is working. It worked on me. That was that was the first time I because honestly, I was like, Oh, yeah, this and I saw that poster. I'm like, oh, let me dig in a little bit, because I get bombarded with requests to be on the show all the time. But when I saw that, it stopped me. And then I said, Oh, let me dig in. And let me investigate who who's who's Michael galley? I'm like, oh, okay, fine. This makes a lot of sense now, but it was the it was the initial, but honestly, it was the initial looking and I and that's not one billboard, by the way. I've seen it like three, four times. All around all around LA. So it works. It works.

Michael Gallagher 1:06:35
It's good. I'm glad. I'm glad it's working. And yeah, just so you know, it's not like, Oh, we hired some big company do this. It's like now it's it's me. It's me making phone calls. Like, it's not hustling. It's still hustling, you know? I don't know, I haven't gotten to that point where I'm like, Oh, I have a whole staff and everyone's doing everything. It's like, No, I'm still I'm looking at I'm creating marketing assets. I'm cutting trailers

Alex Ferrari 1:06:57
Did you make the poster. Did you make the poster?

Michael Gallagher 1:06:59
I didn't make the poster. But I you know, I know my limits.

Alex Ferrari 1:07:04
That's what I'm saying. It's a nice pose that was good.

Michael Gallagher 1:07:06
But but the the bus benches I did make, I took the key art, and then I remixed the elements if I can do that. Yeah. You know, I mean, so it's like I can I still want to, you know, I saw that in the film spirit in me of like, I'm just gonna go into this.

Alex Ferrari 1:07:20
That's great, man. That's awesome. And I wanted to ask you something in regards to this whole influencer phenomenon, which is basically going on right now and has been going on for many years. Do you think that this is going to like in 20 years, are we going to talk about influencers anymore? Like, do you think there's a window? That's going to close? The I mean, I think the window to be an influencer is it's tighter now than it was five years ago, on YouTube, on Instagram, on Facebook. You know, there's specific places where certain people are making their name. Remember all the guys that vine, and girls are fine. They were like, on a huge vine person. Well, Biden's gone. And then just like, oh, let's just post them all on YouTube. See what happens. Like it's like, yeah, so what do you what do you what do you think? And you know, from your, I'd love to hear your perspective, where do you think this influencer phenomenon is like influence marketing, which is, you know, you guys kind of you were one of the first people to actually do influencer marketing. And now it's become a thing. What do you think and how it's gonna pan out in the future?

Michael Gallagher 1:08:15
Yeah, I think you see someone like, Dwayne The Rock Johnson, you know, and I think we're not far off from him just releasing his own movies on his own app, or something, you know, where because you have somebody who is just a brand. And it doesn't matter if he's doing ballers on HBO, or if he's in, you know, Jumanji or something. It's like, at a certain point, when he makes enough money, he doesn't need the studio. Yeah. And so you have a brand. And it's like, if you like Dwayne, The Rock Johnson, like, you just need to subscribe to his app, or it's like, he can just market directly to his fans. And so I think the follower kind of concept on all these different social media platforms, I think it might collapse into an app or something like that, where every, everyone just has a base, and then they're just, you know, providing content to that base, and they can sell fun. And whether that's Kim Kardashian, or you know, Alex Ferrari, or whoever,

Alex Ferrari 1:09:13
First of all, stop putting my name in the same sentence with Dwayne The Rock Johnson or god forbid kim k. But please, please stop. I've got you. I've got you fooled, sir.

Michael Gallagher 1:09:28
But you know what I'm saying, but I didn't you know, it doesn't matter what your brand is. But I think each person, what influencers are they our brand and what do they sell? It's themselves. It's some it's something about them. And some people you could argue have talent, some people don't, and they're just personalities, but they can attract people and weather and it could be from from anything, but I think the collapsing of the different platforms will happen at some point and I think it'll take someone and it could be you know, you have these Traditional folks like Tom Cruise or something, or it could be, you know, you know, some kid on YouTube with the, you know, just doing this whole thing. And it's like, we learn that like, okay, all of a sudden PewDiePie has this whole little Empire off his app, and he's making $40 million a month or something. And everyone's like, Wait, what? And then it'll take something like that happening, where then everyone jumps in

Alex Ferrari 1:10:21
And that. It's not that far,

Michael Gallagher 1:10:24
Far off. Not at all. Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 1:10:26
I mean, I got I mean, I literally have a streaming service, which is an app, which you download. I'm not making 40 million a month that everybody know that I'm not even close to as many zeros, maybe close to that many zeros, trust me. But it is it is at a certain point. That is something where I think like, I think, I think someone like Tom Cruise who's a little bit more traditional as far as his age and where he came from. I don't think he's, he's not on the he's just not there. But I think the rock is that hybrid. He's the guy who came up. He's like, the middle. He's in the middle. He's like, I'm before the, but I'm embracing it. And I'm built for this medium. And he is he's built for the medium where the young and the old are following him. And that's who you need.

Michael Gallagher 1:11:08
Somebody like Will Smith.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:10
He's, yeah,

Michael Gallagher 1:11:11
He's a YouTuber.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:14
He is right. He's like, literally on the set of bad boys three, with like, the guy who did Bel Air that that great, great trailer for Bel Air. Like if you saw that, right. Oh, it's

Michael Gallagher 1:11:25
It's so great

Alex Ferrari 1:11:26
Great for everyone. Yeah, it's like the dark down and dirty like m&m style, Eight Mile style of Prince, Prince of Bel Air, and it's so frickin good. And you got Will Smith like talking to that filmmaker? on a balcony in Miami? Just like Hey, man, we're like, are you vlogging? Will Smith? Are you really? Are you vlogging?

Michael Gallagher 1:11:47
Will Smith is a weekly vlogger Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 1:11:49
He is he is and he does these motivational things. He's, yeah, so like, he saw it, he saw He's like, Oh, I gotta jump on this. This is this is where it's gonna be. And he can leverage his traditional fame to a platform like that, where people like me would follow Him and and younger people who watch the genie will follow him.

Michael Gallagher 1:12:13
I think I think we're gonna see more of that in the future. And whether that's people jumping on a pre existing platforms and just utilizing their celebrity to kind of bring people in. But I do think, you know, with the subscription models and the apps and things, I think we're kind of getting to a place where if they could have it all under one hub, and, you know, apples to apples trying to do that. And I think it'll take a really big personality to just triple down on themselves and do it who has the capital? And maybe it's a company investing in the rock industries? Just like doing it that way? I don't know.

Alex Ferrari 1:12:48
But I do think his company is called seven bucks. So because seven bucks, seven bucks, bucks when we started. No, this is fascinating. And I have to ask this question, because I think people would hurt me if I didn't ask this question. Do you have any advice on building a YouTube channel? In today's world, in today's world, not in 2009,2009 2010?

Michael Gallagher 1:13:11

Alex Ferrari 1:13:12
In today's world?

Michael Gallagher 1:13:12
That's a good question. Um, well, I think there's, there's things that you probably heard that I think still apply, which is, you got to come up with a brand, whether that's yourself, or if you're a gamer, you know, gaming, or if it's indie film with tips, be consistent to whatever your brand is. Because so when you go to the grocery store, and you want orange juice, if you take an orange juice container, and the milk in, it doesn't matter how good the milk is, people want orange juice, like in terms of branding, like, I think that's really important for YouTube, like you think of it like a product that you're selling. And it's you, it's your story, it's you know, your, your films, your content. And so, if you create that brand, B, then set a schedule and be consistent set schedule, like live or die by that schedule. So if it's a weekly, if it's daily, just do something manageable that you can commit to, and before you launch, I would stockpile at least a month. So that way, you're not like, you know, if something comes up, then you're not screwed, or, you know, having to be like, Hey, guys, sorry, I couldn't post this week, like, people watching that. Just do it, you know, just like commit to it and do it. And then, and then also, don't be afraid to collaborate with people who are similar to you Don't be like, oh, everyone's competition. It's like, I wouldn't think of everyone as competition. I think of them more as your peers and collaborators. And there's maybe a way that you can provide value to them. So in the same way that I was just called reaching out to the personalities and saying, like, hey, let me make you a star of your own, you know, video creation that I will produce for you. Whatever you can provide. If you have audio equipment, and you notice somebody who's doing a podcast doesn't have audio equipment, or that they should, they should have that maybe you could offer to, you know, let him use your studio or whatever. I mean, there's a million different ways you could think about this stuff. have what you can provide to people, whether that's in person, whether that's, you know, just shouting them out. There's a million different ways, but I think offering value in exchange for collaborating is always a good way to go. And, and yeah, and then I think, I think just being consistent and doing those things, I think that's like the groundwork because it's hard to give advice when you don't have like a specific.

Alex Ferrari 1:15:24
No, it's a very, it's a very broad but like, you look at something like Gary Vee was he was he was arguably one of the godfathers of the internet streaming space because he was there before YouTube. And he can for people who don't know who Gary Vaynerchuk is, please look him up. I mentioned him on the show before he's he's doing okay for himself now. But he created that wine channel, wine t Wine Library TV thing, and he would just every week, just do these wine tasting videos like what's what's a good wine with Oreos? What's a good wine with this? And he did it for like, I think like two years with like, barely anyone watching because nobody was online. And then one day, Conan O'Brien called because when they like, Hey, we need a wine expert. And they look them up. And he was the only guy and they said, Well, he's got 200 episodes, he must know what he's doing. And then the rest as the rest, as they say is history. And that's why a lot of people ask me about my podcast and like, how do you like how'd you get there? I'm like, dude, like, I got 320. As of this recording, I think like 320 something episodes.

And I'm like, it's because I did two podcasts a week because I'm psychotic. And I just kept and I just every week, everyweek

Michael Gallagher 1:16:31
Well, it's because you kept consistent. But more importantly, because you started a lot of people don't even start.

Alex Ferrari 1:16:35
Yes, yes. as a as a as a quote is like the bet. The best. Right? I think it was like the best writing. The Best Writing you never did. Is that better than the worst writing? You know, the best writer You did? is the worst writing you never did or something along those lines. You know what I'm trying to say? Get up and do it.

Michael Gallagher 1:16:54
Yeah, I think Mark duplass has a quote. That's like the 80% rule, because he's a perfectionist. And I know a lot of people are perfectionist and like, I can't start something else is perfect. He has an 8% rule that, you know if it's 80% there, and it's like, oh, that might be like this 20% fuckup. It's okay, just like accept it, say 80% is good enough. And go, because I don't know if we'll ever get to 100% I don't. I never feel like anything I've ever done is 100%. That's like perfection is I think on attainable, but 80% is attainable. And helps. Sometimes in a pinch.

Alex Ferrari 1:17:27
Yeah. And I think 80% or perfectionist I think a lot of is just as a cloak for fear. You're just afraid of moving. You just that's a great excuse, like, Oh, it's not perfect. I gotta go, Oh, I need that red camera. I can't shoot. I can't shoot with that, right. Without a red camera. I know, I need this actor, I need this much money to make this movie. You don't have these illnesses. You just went out and said, like, Hey, I'm gonna go and make stuff and I'm gonna go do stuff. And I'm sure that the videos that you guys were doing at Maker Studios are not 100%. They're not they just like, no, but they're definitely that. But like, if you look even at Mark duplass, you look at puffy chair. He just went out with a camera, and he just shot and he's like, it was I don't even think it was at 80% I think that movie was like 40 or 50%. When he started, he's like, let's just go make something. But yet he made something I was told

Michael Gallagher 1:18:15
There was something there, there was something in there,

Alex Ferrari 1:18:16
There's something there, but at least you got to just go out and try it. And if you fail, you fail. Just do a low budget.

Michael Gallagher 1:18:23
And I can speak as someone who's gone out, you know, it's like that whole, like live life in the arena. You know, it's like, don't be afraid to like, go out there and just, you know, get attacked and have tomatoes thrown at you and get stabbed every once in a while. I've had I think I've every mean thing has ever been said to me and every bad things ever happened. So I can tell you I bounced back. So it's gonna be okay, you're gonna be alright.

Alex Ferrari 1:18:46
Now I'm going to ask you a few questions. Ask all of my guests. If you don't mind, you still have some time?

Michael Gallagher 1:18:51

Alex Ferrari 1:18:52
All right, cool. What advice would you give a filmmaker wanting to break into the business today?

Michael Gallagher 1:18:58
The advice I would give for filmmaker breaking into the business today is to do something that you're passionate about. Don't worry about the results. Talk about something you care about and put it out into the world. And, and things will be things will be good.

Alex Ferrari 1:19:14
Now, can you tell me what book had the biggest impact on your life or career?

Michael Gallagher 1:19:20
I would say Robert Rodriguez is Rebel Without a crew. definitely read that book like 10 times so good. It's like this great diary of his time in, you know, doing like lab research, like trying to like fund his movie. And he's like doing like all these experiments of food and things and he's like going off and like how he made El Mariachi and then the whole process of taking it to Hollywood and then getting funding and then just kind of going off to the races. And it's a really, it's a really cool book. And even though that path doesn't necessarily exist for us now. It's a great way to see like the the hutzpah that somebody has in their early stages of like, just got to go off and Go make it with the resources you have around you the locations the people. And you know, tell your story.

Alex Ferrari 1:20:05
Have you ever ever ever read his second book? About the making the making of his second movie road racers? I haven't. So if you can find a copy because I had a copy I sold it because it's so damn expensive now. It's rare because they pulled it off, because I think his agents pulled it off the, the the market, because so this is why it happened. Just Just a little bit of knowledge about this. I'm a huge Robert fan. So I'd go deeper. It's about his movie second movie road racers, which was like it's I think it's showtime or Cinemax movie. Right before he did. He did Desperado, they wanted to give him something else to kind of, you know, cut his teeth on. And it's his entire experience working with a film crew or like a professional film crew. And he hated it. Because he was like, they're like, he's talking crap about the DPS talking crap. Everybody's just like laying on everybody these guys are because this is direct. Again, it's the same process as Rebel Without a crew, but for this, and he's like, I just tried to get on my wheelchair and push but no one wants to push me like do my Dolly shots and like, what do you do? That's how we do things. He had a horrible time with that. But I read that book I did get it took me like six months of waiting. But it's available on Amazon like 100 and some dollars. Now if you want to buy it's a paperback, but it's, it's so good. So good. Now, what is the lesson that took you the longest to learn whether in the film business or in life?

Michael Gallagher 1:21:27
Yeah, I think lesson, the lesson I've learned that took the longest. That's interesting. I would say I would say that, you know, through the process of making things that you never really know how to make something until you've made it. And then once you've likely say you felt like well, as soon as I'm finished making a film, I'm like, now I want to start because now I know now I know. And that stuff, and then you have to apply it to the next one. But unfortunately, it's like those lessons would be so great. If you could then start from your end point to just go back in time have that Groundhog Day sort of device, and then just go start again. Because I always feel like it takes making a movie to learn how to make that movie. And each one is unique and special in that way. But But you try and take whatever lessons you can apply it to the next one is as best as possible. You know,

Alex Ferrari 1:22:22
Spielberg, Spielberg still learning he still says like on every movie, I learned something new as of Steven still at learning will process it, if we're all still learning. Now, what is the biggest fear you had to overcome in making your first features? Or your or your first work in general?

Michael Gallagher 1:22:38
Hmm, I think I first fear is my first fear is not is not finding collaborators that want to collaborate or want to listen to or being steamrolled by others, you know, because I started with young. And so when I was on set of my first feature, I was the youngest person on set, like younger than the PA. And so I was taken. I nobody knew who the hell I was. And so it was just I don't know, it's like the feeling of like being a fraud. I had to get over that imposter syndrome. Yeah. And yeah, I had to get over this imposter syndrome of like, I, what am I doing here? Why? How come I'm the director like, This shouldn't happen. And and so I had to get, I had to find that confidence in myself to say, No, I should be here. And this is why and then that, that just made it like, and it's not yelling at people or being rude or doing anything to like, throw around your power. It's more of just like an internal thing. And so that, that took me a few projects to really get down, being confident in what you're doing the story you're telling and how you're going to do it. Because then if anyone comes up with an idea or a question on something, it's not like, oh, they're attacking me. Because that's, that's like an insecure way to think about it. It's more of now they want to understand it. So they're asking you a question. And then if you're confident yourself, then you can, you can always be able to articulate that to any crew member. So it's having the confidence of in yourself of what you're doing. Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 1:24:10
I By the way, I used to be the youngest guy in the crew to so enjoy it while it lasts sir

Michael Gallagher 1:24:18
I see everybody on set now. And they're like texting, like, Hey, what's going on? They're like, Oh, yeah. And then they say something that sounds like gibberish. And it's like, oh, you're talking about some some app. I've never heard of some old man.

Alex Ferrari 1:24:31
Like I was saying earlier, like, you're like, God, YouTube back in the day, I tell you.

Michael Gallagher 1:24:37

Alex Ferrari 1:24:38
Now, and this is the toughest question of all three of your favorite films of all time.

Michael Gallagher 1:24:43
Oh, my God. All right. Well, I'll just say the ones that come to the top here. Perfect. Alright, so there's a Big Lebowski. Yes, that's very high. I think the next one I'm going to say is Edwood by tim burton

Alex Ferrari 1:25:03
It was so much fun. I saw that in the theater when it came out and I was like crying not because it was funny, but because I was paying for Ed as a director. Oh, every direct every director should watch that movie. It's so beautiful.

Michael Gallagher 1:25:16
It's so good. And then another one I love that doesn't get a lot of love. And that's what I'm going to mention it is before the devil knows you're dead. And it's Sidney Lumet last movie. Oh, yeah. Sorry. Then Hawk Philip Seymour Hoffman. Marisa Toma Albert Finney. Incredible movie. Oh my god. It's so badass Michael Shannon's. Everyone's in it. And the acting is incredible. The filmmaking it's like, it's so aggressive. He's like, 80 something years old doing this movie. And it feels like a like a really badass indie director went off and made their first gritty crime movie. It's so cool. I don't know what happened. I think it was a distribution thing. It just didn't get a lot of love. But that movie is great. And I recommend it to anyone.

Alex Ferrari 1:25:58
Did you read his book? Making movies?

Michael Gallagher 1:26:00
Oh, yeah, I read that before making anything.

Alex Ferrari 1:26:03
It's so good. It's a good book. I read that too. I was like, Oh my god, you're in there with him. You're like they're going through it with them. It's so awesome. Now where can people find a funny story and find people and find more about you?

Michael Gallagher 1:26:18
Yes. So you go to funny story movie calm but it's also available on Apple TV Amazon to be able to rent or buy and you know, spectrum on demand all that kind of stuff. And then you can find me at totally sketch on Twitter Instagram. Yeah, I'm not that hard to find. Look for the dumb face.

Alex Ferrari 1:26:40
Michael, man, it has been an absolute pleasure talking to you, man. And it's been great. Getting into the the history of YouTube almost like you're like a historian sir. of the of that movements. It's, it's great. It really is great. I had one of the co founders of rocket jump in, as well. And we talked about their days, but you have a very unique perspective on it all. And again, if they're if everyone listening, there isn't just one way to do it anymore. Like before, there was just one way to make it in this business. Now there's 1000s of ways, which is scary, but exciting at the same time. And you are definitely proof of that, sir. So thank you for sharing your knowledge bombs with the tribe today.

Michael Gallagher 1:28:34
No, thank you, Alex. Pleasure to be here and honor.

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BPS 335: From $7K Film Red 11 to Making SPY KIDS: ARMAGEDDON for Netflix with Racer Max & Rebel Rodriguez

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Racer Max 0:08
This project fell apart because of COVID twice, each time shrinking the budget as it went, because we this film was pre sold. So all the budget that you have is all the budget you got. And twice we almost got it started once in California and once in Canada, but both times it fell through. And so we finally found a way to bring it over to little home called Austin and pulled out Well believe it or not pulled out a lot of our rental love and tricks on this on.

Alex Ferrari 0:38
This episode is brought to you by the best selling book Rise of the Filmtrepreneur how to turn your independent film into a money making business. Learn more at filmbizbook.com I'd like to welcome to the show Racer Max and Rebel Rodriguez. How're you guys doing?

Racer Max 0:55
Right doing great. Thanks for this really excited.

Alex Ferrari 0:58
Thank you so much for coming on the show guys. I am I was telling you before obviously a lot of people who ever watched the show knows I'm a huge fan of your dad. And but I'm also a fan of what you guys have been doing with him and seeing you grow Literally. Literally seeing you grow as as filmmakers, as actors, as composers, as producers as writers. It has been it's been fascinating to see your guys's journey as well. So I have to ask you, my first question is because everybody listening is gonna want to know, what is it like growing up on movie sets? Like I mean, first movie set I walked onto was when I was in college, and that's not really a movie set. I mean, you were walking around with movie stars, you know who you were like, oh, that's just that person? What was it like for you to kind of growing up in this kind of environment? I kind of protected environment as well. Because, you know, Elizabeth, your mom has been on the show as well. And I know how protected she's been with, you know, to protect you from the less the less nice people in the industry?

Racer Max 2:00
For sure. For sure. Yeah, she was definitely the the moderator and Guardian at Mama Bear. That made it all allowed us to have just a wonderful experience growing up. To be honest, it's a lot like growing up normally, as if your parents do any other kind of job. But you don't realize to later that you're in an industry that's so different and wild and crazy. To you know, as us as kids, you're just running around playing hide and seek. And you run past some crazy costume people as you're hiding under the producer's desk or the accountants desk, and they're helping you hide while they're trying to manage an entire crazy army show that that's going on. It's, it's pretty much that. And, and with the cat, you know, you you meet these famous, he recognizes and are famous as you when you grew up. But when you're a kid, that's just oh, that's just uncle Bruce. Oh, there's uncle moneyshow You can just call him uncle Benny. So you just kind of get a normal childhood, especially with someone like our mothers who was very protective of us and helped ensure that it was just a wonderful experience. So yeah, that's what it was like growing up.

Alex Ferrari 3:15
So when you guys were talking to secondary level, what when? What was it like when you discovered? Oh, oh, this isn't normal. Like, oh, oh, that Uncle bunnies you just won an Oscar. Why when you had that realization, what was that like? For both of you like when I hit because I'm assuming that hit at a certain point when you got older?

Rebel Rodriguez 3:42
Yeah, yep. Definitely. Yeah, it was definitely all the props. So you know, you kind of see as you're running past them as a kid. People like remarking on them like, oh, wow, that's this and that. And as we started to see some of the movies or dad made, I mean, obviously, we didn't see him for a long time other than like Spy Kids and Sharkboy and Lavagirl and stuff, for good reason. When you hear people like remark on it, and it's like, oh, it's like a thing people really, this is like a huge thing for them. Kind of like how for us Spy Kids vehicles are like a big thing. And so, you know, the the, the electric chair from Sin City, we never quite knew what it was. But it was like, you know, that's kind of Yeah. Yeah, like, there's like, Great wax figure of Bruce Willis there as hard again, and it always freaked us out as kids and like, He's just staring at you. But now, you know, you see the posters. Adults are like, Dude, it's just so iconic and cool. And, you know, it was just as impressionable as a kid even if you didn't fully understand what it was but

Alex Ferrari 4:38
I mean that sincerely when you walk when you watch the city for the first time when that first came out, people don't get it. There's nothing in film history that have ever been shot like that ever.

Racer Max 4:47
Yeah, nothing like that ever.

Alex Ferrari 4:49
Ever. Like that was it was insane man is insane. So alright, so let me ask you this. So then when you guys first, so you're growing up with Uncle Bruce uncle? don't need to do all these kind of guys. At a certain point, you're able to watch some of your dad's early work. So what was it like watching mariachi for the very first time,

Racer Max 5:11
Man it was really, really impressive. And what's funny is we held that off for so long, it wasn't till we were, you know, getting in a little late teens, kind of at the end of high school. And from then on out, you're out of school, and you got to figure out what it is that you want to do. And we had an inkling that we wanted to create and be in the creative space, whether that was filmmaking or anything else. But watching that, for the first time, it was just mind blowing to see how much you could step out and accomplish. And to see that it's our dad who we've known our whole lives, and we love him. He's super, he's funny, great father. But to see like, wow, how smart and how little he had then, yet how smart he was, and just how perseverant he was that with absolutely nothing, you can go and create something incredible that sets off a not only a lifetime career, but at the same time an entire wave that inspires so many people across the world for decades. And yeah, yeah, definitely. It was really just an impressive moment and really inspiring of like, Oh, we're at his age, we too can go off and do something like this. And we too can conquer and accomplish just like he did. So that's really what it was the first time

Rebel Rodriguez 6:27
Yeah, it's, it was cool. It's, uh, you know, we grew up with a lot of the wisdom that he kind of injected in the way he worked and also in like, his books, like, you know, Rebel Without a crew. So we'd always kind of heard you know, when you're making something, work with what you have, not with what you need, and all that kind of stuff. But then when we watched it, it was cool to see like everything he's kind of told us through the years that we thought was just like dad wisdom, was like, you know, how we kind of did it and it was incredible to see it in action and see the results you get from it. It was really, really inspiring and cool.

Alex Ferrari 6:56
Did you did you either. Have you ever just go? The old man just doesn't know what he's talking about? Like he I know better? I mean, look what I mean. I did I mean, every every son does that to their data. That's the old way of doing it. Dad, you don't really? We weren't 19 We know life.

Racer Max 7:17
Yeah, you know, it's kind of more sobering when you think about for a second are like, oh, yeah, I'm gonna say that. But then you walk past poster after poster after poster, like, maybe you know what else he taught me to be humble and look at other people's point of view. So I think I'm going to channel that a little. So there have been few, very few moments.

Alex Ferrari 7:38
Many thoughts. Very few many.

Racer Max 7:41
Exactly. That's the way to put it. About you rebels. Same thing.

Rebel Rodriguez 7:45
Yeah, pretty much, pretty much. I mean, it was also another thing as we grew up, right. It's like the era of the Gameboy Advance, and like the DS, and like all the video game kind of stuff. So we're always like, man, but our video games are different. This is our kind of stuff we're into and all that and but spike is still always kind of captured out in a way to where we were like, I mean, we never thought it weird that movies could so well capture what kids were into in that era. Until you see some of the things it's like, right? It just really didn't have that. Right? I don't think but you still have that feeling of like, I don't know, we have this in our thing. And you don't even realize all of its inspired by Well guess who you know? And many other filmmakers. That's like, yeah,

Alex Ferrari 8:20
Yeah, you know, it's fascinating, because when when mariachi came out, I was only probably about five or six years younger than your dad. So I was in high school. I was working at a video store. And that's behind me. That's the video store poster that I can't all these years. mariachi it says Ahmadi Archie poster I have to by the way, I still do for my story. Because he was the only he was the only Latino filmmaker that I could even do there were no Latino. I mean, there were but there was no real out there Latino filmmakers like he was. And in my in my intro people, can you explain to people from your point of view? You know, from my point of view, mariachi is that movie that you said it started it launched an independent film revolution. People still talk about it, like a myth. Like there was this once there was this dude who made a $7,000 movie and then he became a then he got into Hollywood. Like it's a it's a mythical story that they tell in the corners of film schools around the world, to this to this to this day. And I always tell people, because it's this is something I have a this is one of the things I brought the show up I started the show up was because I wanted to tell people how to avoid pitfalls in the industry. And, you know, Robert, and your mom both fell into a lot of those pitfalls along the way. And they were kind of thrust into a world that this you know, Robert wasn't even thinking this is gonna go to the Latino Mexican Film Video market. It was not supposed to be the thing. But a lot of people were like, oh, you know, I'm gonna make a $7,000 movie. I'm like, That's great. It's 2023 It's a little different. Now the markets a little different the world a little different than it was before. And I've been trying to say that again and again, like this is not 1991 anymore. It's not 1999 anymore. It's not what 2009 anymore. It's 2023. From your point of view, how do you think the legacy of mariachi has kind of continued? And do you guys agree with me? That a lot of filmmakers listening to like, Oh, I'm gonna go make go make it? You know, but understand, Roberts path was no, people tried to redo that path, like Quinn's path, or Kevin Smith's path, or Richard Linklater spat, it's insane. So from your point of view, what do you guys think?

Racer Max 10:42
So, first off, absolutely agree and love that about you and your work that you've kind of taken that ethos, and have always updated it for people now of like, how to take that drive that that movie, that Smith inspires people to go create, and helping them adapt it to the current day's current era. And to avoid, as he said, avoid pitfalls, that now we have the knowledge and foresight to be able to avoid. So I've always really liked that about, about your work. Oh, appreciate it. But yeah, what? So agree on that, first off, but then, totally, but what I've always saw from it, is that he got a very specific path, through what you know, it's so many things that happened and came together all at the same time, for that passion and drive and what he went through to equate to what it led to. But I always see that the thing that inspires people the most is kind of the timeless aspects of it, the idea of perseverance and creativity under restriction, intense restriction, and the attitude that put that drive and passion into whatever it is that you love. And you can create something that will turn heads that will get attention that people were will like and want to follow you for. And that can inspire people you've never met. So that's why I always love when people outside of the film industry that read the book, or repaired the myth, and went off to go do things that have nothing to do with film, but just whether it's business or even an accountant or an accounting before as well, like so many different fields that were inspired by that idea. So that's what's really cool to me is that there's something you can adapt to it the modern times, but yet there's this timeless aspects almost have that met.

Rebel Rodriguez 12:32
Yeah. So there's that time almost timeless aspect of that. What it really captured was that it doesn't take a budget of that huge size to create great quality work and great quality story. And especially if you write and you work with what you have, and work with limitations you do have rather than trying to do something that's going to be outside of your scope or possibility at the moment financially, you can create something that turns heads and is really like, you know, Blockbuster remarkable level work with very little and that will that you know, can do a lot. And usually quality like that doesn't go unnoticed for very long. It starts to it starts to make the rounds may make waves and stuff. So there it's really important part of it.

Alex Ferrari 13:16
Now, rebel, you did a little movie years ago when you were five. called Shark, The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl. And, I mean, I know how you were cast, but how did you even like want to do it? Were you even thinking of acting at that point? You know, you know what, how did that even because one thing is to jump around the set and play around and like, Oh, Uncle Buddha's and all that stuff. But to be in front of the camera, be there even for the small part that you played? I saw that I was like, Man, that kid's got some coordinates. I mean, he's up there with the with the with the things on the scales on the site.

Rebel Rodriguez 13:55
Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's really interesting. So you have to look back a bit to spike. It's one spike. It's two. I was the this is where it really started was spike. It's one I was the baby on the front of the magazine. Kylie Jenner is reading. And when she's in the airport, two spies who fell in love story. That's me on there. That's where it started. Spike gets to win like the Magnum men attack at the banquet, the OSS banquet in there fighting the bad guys. One of the kids takes down one of the guys and that's my oldest brother rocket. The next one comes along and grabs him too. That's racer. So next one down the line. And then I come running out. I kicked the guy in the side and that's me. And I don't know our dad's always been a filmmaker, even outside of film. He loves taking home videos of us and stuff we have like whole archives. Do he just loved filming us too? He thought it was just so interesting, you know, kind of brings back the bedhead kind of days that that short? Yeah. We've always just kind of been used to the idea that there's a camera like right here sometimes for whatever reason, and so it didn't feel like that big of a transit. Should it just be like, well, it's just the other camera here at the place. And there's a bunch of people looking at you while you do something, and they tell everyone Quiet on set, which you've heard a lot if you're running around there. And yeah, it was pretty natural. It was just I liked the story he made. And I was like, I want to be in it too, you know, because that's how kids are. You brothers got it you want it to. So they're obviously, obviously coming, that they would put me up on wires and stuff to simulate the swimming parts and things and spray me with water and all that once I learned how hard it was. And I was freezing up there. And I was doing my own stunts. I was actually even a funny moment where they've got me up there on the wires, and I'm there yelling. Well, how come I have to do my own stunts? I mean, it's like, yeah, so very quickly learned is not not quite as easy as it seems. But I mean, it was very natural to us, considering we just always kind of had a camera in front of us all the time. So it's like, oh, well, you know, they just throw you into the movie. And that's how it goes. And it's like,

Alex Ferrari 15:58
So you're telling me that that film industry is not glamorous? Is that? It's, don't you guys all just eat lobster at lunch all day. That's not the way it works.

Racer Max 16:09
It was surprising to a five and seven year old but it wasn't glamorous. quickly found.

Alex Ferrari 16:15
Yeah. And so it sounds like your parents were pretty much programming you since birth to like, subtly hypnotically.

Rebel Rodriguez 16:25
I mean, a little bit to some extent, but it's like that wasn't even the attention either. Right?

Alex Ferrari 16:30
No subtle. They're very smart. Both of them. Suddenly, it was very subtle.

Racer Max 16:38
They, they never wanted to pressure us into doing anything, which was pretty cool. But so if there was hypnotism, it was very subtle. It was very subtle is very

Rebel Rodriguez 16:48
More than anything, they were excited to show us what they do. And I think that's really special. You know,

Alex Ferrari 16:52
Of course, of course, like any parent would be wanting to show like, hey, look what I do. I just happen to make cool movies, you know, and have cool things happening around you. That's awesome. Now, I wanted to talk to you both about red 11. Because when I heard about red 11, and for people who don't know, please explain to her what red 11 is. But when I heard about red 11, I was so excited. I was like, Oh, the goat is going back. He's gonna go back to do it. Do another $7,000 movie. And he's bringing in the boys with him. So. So Ted, can you tell people what red 11 was

Racer Max 17:25
Absolutely Red 11 is one of our favorite projects. So this myth, we keep talking about a mariachi made for $7,000. In the 90s. For the 25th 25th anniversary of that movie, Robert wanted to go back and make a film for $7,000. Again, no crew, or one other crew member, no money, try to do it all in one location and shoot it all in 14 days, just like he did on the original of mariachi. And so he thought, Oh, my one crew member I'm going to bring my son under this because I had just started working with him apprenticing under him at the time for Alita Battle Angel. And so is that you want to come on and be my one other crew member. So we can do this whole thing together. And while we're making it, let's make an entire documentary about how to make a film with no money. And it was super for such a blast of an experience we quickly brought on rebel to both star in it so that he could be there on set to help us out because the only crew members we had were the cast when they weren't on camera, they were behind camera moving lights, moving props, closing doors for sounds just like being being a

Rebel Rodriguez 18:33
Little light, just like

Racer Max 18:35
Real, real bare bones, film production. And so we cast rubble and put them in a row, I wrote them into almost every scene so that you could always be there to help us. And then our rebel went on to do the score for it as well. And that's the premise of red 11, I'll tell you is to this day, it's still my favorite film project we ever did. Because it's so creative. When you have nothing all you have is your mind. And you have to be creative every single day. Because everything's falling apart even when you've limited so much. Every single day things are falling apart, you have to come up with creative solutions laughing now that laughing about it with your dad and your brother in the cast. But you've quickly become friends with because we're all on the same trench together. It's really, really a sublime experience. And the most the coolest part about it was you know, you see your parents as these figures that have like lived so much life and you don't feel like you could ever be put in this forced in the same situation together and see how each other act but I thought he would be my my dad would be my mentor on this and that oh, he's he knows exactly how to do all this. He's paved the way before. But it was really humbling and inspiring to see him look at me and go, I don't know how we're gonna do it either. Let's figure it out here. You and I we're gonna sit here we're gonna figure it out. We're gonna move this through that. So to really see him put into the same pressure put in the same experience that was mind blowing. And this is one of my favorites.

Rebel Rodriguez 19:56
He doesn't have all the answers all the time he finds them and that's what he's for. really, really good at, though he knows how to find answers on a dime on that and create some really great stuff out of it. So, I mean, it was just cool to finally see it as like, how does he work? When he's put into this pressure? It's like, oh, it's just like all of us too. But he's just that, but he's learned that much more about how to do it and stuff. So it's, it's a skill people can develop and learn. So

Alex Ferrari 20:17
Yeah, it's like a call a call. I told my daughters, I have old man strength. And that's the thing, by the way, old man strength is a thing. I had a trainer who was lifting, I'm lifting more than he is, how are you doing that you're out of shape. I'm like, I have old man strength now. In the same tone, Robert has not all man strength. But you know, he's got experience. He's got a wealth of you know, you just pick up these things. And you know, when you're on set, you just been there before. So even though I might not know how to do it right now. Oh, yeah. This over here, over here, move that over there. It's, it's pretty remarkable. It's pretty remarkable to see

Rebel Rodriguez 20:55
It's cool. How it fundamentally starts, you all start out in the same spot. We don't know how we're gonna do it. And then it's just like, that's what you're developing is the learning of how you're going to do it. So

Alex Ferrari 21:03
Did you go? Did you guys just run a gun? I mean, you had some plan, obviously got a script, but you kind of show up on the day and just go, alright, let's set up the scene or divert. There's a lot of storyboards, things like that.

Racer Max 21:16
Man, it was pretty run and gun because it's funny, the one we kind of restricted it a little, even a little more than mariachi because now we had all the money to make a movie with a budget, but we've cut up the money. Now we, all the crew, and people, we know who could do it, but we cut out the crew. And then it's like, well, I guess all we have left this time, but 14 days. But Robert didn't even have that at this point. Because we were busy, made doing visual effects for Lita Battle Angel and writing other projects. So we would just, we would just pick days that we could get a few hours in and tally it up to 14 to 14 days. And so over the course of a month, month and a half, we just squeezed in some hours, they're squeezing some hours here. So that leads to very much you're texting a cast like an hour before you get there. Hey, we're gonna film the day, we got like four hours, let's go knock out the scene while we can. So people just show up and like, oh, gosh, we don't know how we're gonna do this. But let's figure it out right now, because we've only got what time is it? All right, let's keep going. We got it.

Alex Ferrari 22:13
So what's the side hustle? It was a side hustle.

Racer Max 22:16
Side Hustle film. Yep. Side Hustle phrasing.

Rebel Rodriguez 22:19
I mean, really, I wasn't on the writing side of it. But whole scenes were rewritten because you get on set go, well, we don't have this, this, this and that. Okay, well, let's just change it up to make it work with this. And it was just like, nonstop. I mean, writing, writing it right there, as everyone's showing up. So then you can do the scene right away. I mean, it's really,

Alex Ferrari 22:36
It's remarkable. And that's such a lesson for filmmakers listening, because so many filmmakers, you know, they think they study like Hitchcock or Scorsese, or, you know, Kubrick and, you know, they like, oh, everything has to be exactly the way I have it in my mind, because I'm a genius. And you know, we're all geniuses. I mean, all of us, obviously, are geniuses, filmmaking geniuses. And soon Hollywood will see our genius. And that's how we think because we're all nuts. We're all absolutely insane. The filmmaker we're all in? Absolutely. So I've seen on set when I visited other other filmmakers sets that they just break down if something's not exactly the way they planned it. And that's and I'm like, That guy's not going to make it he. Because filmmaking isn't that filmmaking is even even the biggest guys, we've had an opportunity to talk to many of them, some of the famous famous scenes in the history. I've talked to these, I've talked to some of these filmmakers, and they're just like, yeah, it's on the day.

Rebel Rodriguez 23:33
Everything's planned out, half of it falls apart, which is pretty much how it goes, you plan at all. So that way, as much of what was planned will stay there as possible, the rest is gonna fall apart, and you got to figure it out from there. But it's, yeah, you kind of accept it. And you got to learn to roll with the punches as much as you do figure things out ahead of time. So

Alex Ferrari 23:49
And Racer when you started writing rebel, 11, with, with your dad, you guys, kind of, I think the first time I'd ever heard I'm sure it happened somewhere else in cinema history. But when mariachi was written, he was just riding around the things he had already, which was such a revolutionary idea, as opposed to like, I need to buy I need to have a Porsche in this scene. I need to like do have a Porsche? No, it's gonna cost you for what you have a Volkswagen. Just use the Volkswagen. He wrote around the elements literally like a dog, a turtle and a Mexican town and a couple guns and that's what I had. And that's how I made my movie. Can you explain the power of that in the red 11 experience of just writing around things that you know you have access to? Because it does free you a lot and lessens the stress a bit on a stressful situation already?

Racer Max 24:40
Yep, absolutely. Yeah, we wanted to implement the exact same writing process for read 11 And so we said let's only take what we got and go from there. So we filmed the entire film, all of it on our Treblinka studios, our studios here in Austin, which is to airport to a airport hangars, and then a bunch of hallways and offices. And we thought we'll write a story that works for this location. And that's all we're going to use. And so location, we just use all that we had. Now, what Roberts got kind of in his back pocket now was a little more than a turtle and bus. Now, we have the whole storage that because we're kind of Hoarders, we keep all of our props, and anything we've ever used in a movie before. So we have all the guns, all the gadgets, all the things locked up somewhere. So we pulled from there as all our props, but still, we only wrote around what we could get out of that storage room out about Walker, a lot of people get more than that from Goodwill nowadays, but so are out of their dad's closet really. So we came at it from the same approach. And it is really freeing because it unlocks creativity in a way you can't imagine, suddenly, when you have just the one thing you're going to use in a scene in one room you're going to have to use, you come up with five or six more ideas than you would have just kind of thinking what you would want going what you have versus what you want. It's really powerful. I have anybody I talked to now a day. And they want to make a whole feature film, they've done shorts and whatnot. And they've done it in a traditional setting, I tell them, Okay, write a feature and just go off of what you've got, just trust me, it's powerful. The, what you want is the rep of doing the entire film from beginning to end. You don't want to have to add more pressure of having to get things to land to be there on time, or people or places or objects like that's really free. And to this pretty much on every project, you'll find yourself using that same method going forward.

Rebel Rodriguez 26:40
Yeah, for sure. Yeah, it's really what it does is when you're just there thinking about I could make anything, what am I going to make? I mean, there's like a trillion different options, there's an infinite amount of options, really, it's just, you'll end up with something that's got too many elements too much. There's too much that by just using what you have it streamlines at all in an instant. And it's like you've got three things. Okay. Well, now I gotta write a whole story about these three things. And it's just, it really does probably one of the most important things is really streamlining what kind of an idea you have. And from there a lot generates because you go well, I only have this isn't that how do you make a story with this, this and that. So

Alex Ferrari 27:13
And I'll tell you

Racer Max 27:18
The process just gets a little funny on read 11 Part of why it's so special because you go okay, this scene only has to have a syringe, this office, and the jackhammer that George Clooney used industrial Bob how we're gonna do it. So it's a little unique. And that makes sense. It's

Alex Ferrari 27:33
Like a crazy mad libs, like filmmaking? Well, I'll tell you, I mean, I got inspired going down the road of mariachi and red 11. By last feature, I shot exactly the same way. I said, You know what I'm going to I'm going to shoot an entire movie at Sundance, while the movie while the festival is going on. And still the still the entire movie. have three actors I had never met before. Meet me there. I had an apartment on Main Street, and had cameraman, myself and the sound guy and we just stole the whole thing and three days and shot an entire movie in three days. And we sold it and it made money and and oh yeah, it was so much because I knew it's Sundance. And I'm like, and it's like it was kind of like the Mexican town because you could get 1000 locations in a couple blocks. So tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. Everyone's like, how did you how did you did you get permission? I'm like, No. I shot in Sundance headquarters. I went into Sundance headquarters and shot. People are in my scene. Like, can you move? I'm shooting Can you please? Like, my TV is like, Dude, we don't have permission to be like, I'm sorry. I'm the director, the director and he's like, You're ruining my shot. Can you please move sir?

Racer Max 28:51
That is amazing. Okay, I'm right now to watch that later. But yeah

Alex Ferrari 28:59
It was it was so much fun to do. But you know, and I've shot other things and you know, bigger budgets and stuff. But that was so much fun. It was an experimental, just like I don't care what happens with this three grand. Let's just go and have some fun. And the actors I told the actors I sold the actors I go you know, I don't know what's going on. I truly when I was on the trip back to LA at the time, I didn't know if I had a movie that I get enough coverage. I don't know. The dailies you were just like moving Go, go, go. Go go go. So then I tell them like look, at least you're gonna have an insane story to tell somebody in 20 years that that one time you went to Sundance you shot a movie like that's gonna make you have so I'll give you stories because I can't pay you a whole lot. So I'll give you stories and it worked.

Racer Max 29:46
That is amazing. That's incredible. Oh my gosh.

Alex Ferrari 29:50
Oh, that's

Racer Max 29:53
That is the best extrapolation of El Mariachi filmmaking ever heard.

Alex Ferrari 30:01
So, I'm reading love and what was the biggest challenge for you guys? You know, just because there's challenges every day, every second every day. But what was the time that you were just like? How can I get out of this?

Racer Max 30:17
Yeah, oh, man, I felt like there is. Man, I felt like each day I had an existential threat like that, oh, man, like, oh, we might not be able to finish this project ever. Really. I felt like every day had something like that. It's weird. I can't really pinpoint one problem, but rather that the very first time that we had our plan, we had our script. And we got to set. And it was a scene with gosh, we want to say like 20 actors in it. And so much had to ride on what we had written. But then none of it could because the set was off and then a part of the studio broke down so we could use it, as some of the Cast Main cast couldn't be there. And we thought, oh, my gosh, and I was just thinking, How the heck are we going to fix this? Again, running into that moment of having to be creative. The biggest problem was right after my dad tells me, Oh, well, we're guess we're just gonna figure it out. Like what ran through my mind beyond that, after that, that was definitely the biggest problem. But then realizing that every single problem after that, no matter what it was, whether it was the hangar we were in was not soundproof. So it decided to Texas rainstorm on our foot finale scene that included a lot of dialogue all over that hangar, so none of the dialogues usable. Whether it was that or missing cast members, or just completely losing an entire vehicle that we had set up. None of that. Like, none of that is bigger. All of that is just an extension of the same problem of we're gonna figure it out. We're gonna get everybody in a room and it's the quietest room and we're gonna rerecord all the lines we just did, hoping that they match up to what we just filmed over there in the rainy hangar. And it does like magic. So that's so that's funny that that was what I would say is the biggest problem is the recurring one that didn't learn to go with the flow. And by the end of the production, your life, the most of those, and you're like, those were the most fun, really, when we were all put in the same corner, and had to punch our way out that those are the most fun.

Rebel Rodriguez 32:19
Those are the stories as you said, those become the stories. Don't forget that stuff on it.

Alex Ferrari 32:24
That's, that's remarkable. I mean, and one thing I noticed about read 11 Is that you guys used a lot of practical effects, because you just didn't have the budget to do anything else. Really. So can you talk a little bit about the power of practical effects just just the phone, the telekinetic phone on the little another little table? Which is such an easy prac I mean when cuz I saw the behind the scenes by the way everyone listening have to watch Rebel Without a crew the show but also the behind the scenes of red 11 Because it is a film school and then some but the the phone moving with the magnet like it's so when you when you show it to you is super simple. If not, you're just like using wires is it was such a beautiful way. Can you talk about the power of practical effects, where so many filmmakers just want to lean on computer effects? Where practical effects I mean, look at Nolan, he's doing okay. You know, he's doing okay with the practical effect.

Racer Max 33:22
Absolutely, yeah, that that the red 11 was really app coming right off of Alita Battle Angel where it's most visual effects we've ever used. So we didn't have entire characters that didn't exist until we put them in digitally later. Coming off of that it was a shell shock. We got the bends definitely under 11. But it's so much more fun and so much more immediately gratifying on camera when you get a practical effect working. And you see it you go oh my gosh, I can't believe we're getting away with this. Look how look how dumb this looks when you look two feet this way. But in the lens, it looks incredible. Look at that. I'm totally fooled. practical effects I've really come to appreciate and go that's the magic, most timeless aspects of filmmaking, you know, when we when we see the predator and we see oh my gosh, look how much that suit and that face and that creature still holds up this day, where it still feels just as real just as like slimy and tactile as it did when it released in what 8487 Whatever it was. Like that. To me practical effects are the most timeless aspects of film and I want to incorporate a lot more into live action filmmaking and see a lot more of it because it's, as I say, that's the real movie magic right there. But the most I was added the most important thing of a practical effects is that you can write is that you can make it mean a lot more than what it is the simple $2 trick it is because you can write a story around it. You can make it meaningful through the story. You can bring it back multiple times you can make the same trick means something and just then bus stick with the audience. So that's really what I see the power practical effects. How about you?

Rebel Rodriguez 35:07
Yeah, again, if you're because what you have, that phone trick is actually a very important story moment. It's like that's literally dragging a phone on a string or with a magnet is an important story thing. And it's like, that's how you have to approach writing and approach creating as well, because you just get, you get a lot more mileage out of what little you have. And it's really, really cool.

Alex Ferrari 35:26
I mean, I, when I, when I saw, I think it was Once Upon a Time in Mexico was the introduction of the guacamole gun. For me. I remember the first time if you guys have not heard about the guacamole, and I have an entire tutorial on it on YouTube, of how I built my rockabilly gun back in the day, because my friend and I were making our first short film, and we're like, we need to blow this girl's head off. Like how are we going to blow this girl's head off? And we built a we we just cobbled together, Eric, Eric, what is air compressor guy and the PVC pipe we did multiple, like, at first it was like someone was peeing on you is not enough pressure. And then like we got to put like, what's brain matter? Like it was so much fun. But that that's a practical, we use a ton of practical effects. I'm one of those first films I made, because it was cheap. And we had a lot of visual effects too. But the practical effects sell so much easier. And it's done. No rendering.

Racer Max 36:23

Alex Ferrari 36:24
No crashes. No nothing. But the guacamole gun, man, that's

Rebel Rodriguez 36:31
The way it looks when you film it is how it's gonna look in the final movie. It's like, Yes, you got it. You got it. There's no. And let's hope we have enough money to make it look good. It's like, well, if it looks great here, you're gonna be fine, honestly.

Alex Ferrari 36:42
And I'm a big proponent of combining practical and visual. Because if you have a base of practical like in that that headshot that we did in that movie, I had my VFX guy just throw a couple more splatters out off of it, but if it would have been just the VFX you wouldn't have sold it just we didn't have the technology for Oh, wow. Really make blood hits that really song. So those are fire if you do fire, like fire still is rough. Visually.

Racer Max 37:14
It's still difficult. It's it's hard to fake. Make out the human eye.

Alex Ferrari 37:18
Well, I mean, if you remember the rock, remember the movie The Rock? There was an explosion of the the car McCarthy? Yeah, yeah, there. Yeah, the car that blows up. You can see the visual effect flame that they kind of wrapped around that as a little bit while the bottom was all real. And I'm like man that's only trained eyes. cinephiles will notice that for sure, for sure.

Rebel Rodriguez 37:46
But it has a subtle effect to even the people who don't catch it's a subconscious effect of like, this isn't entirely real. And it loses gravity as a result.

Alex Ferrari 37:55
Oh, no, my wife. I mean, she was not in the film industry whatsoever. And when she's you know, I've been together for nearly 20 years now. Well, watching movies like that green screen composite was really bad. And I'm like, really? It's just like, yeah, just the compositing wasn't really good. I mean, didn't they had this a Marvel movie? Did that the money to clean that up a little bit? I'm like, wow, wow. Yeah, audiences, but

Racer Max 38:23
So many kids, really kids are CG was bad. I don't want to get bad CG. But wow, that's something

Alex Ferrari 38:31
Because now as opposed to when mariachi came out, there was no information. There was just no information. Trust me, I looked other than the Raiders of the Lost Ark stunt spectacular VHS behind the scenes of behind the scenes of Star Wars. There really wasn't a lot of behind the scenes, it was still kind of a mystery. And that's when all these DVDs that Robert put out with really practical, you know, stuff was you started that was the beginning I think of that kind of behind the scenes access and then and the YouTubes now everybody, you know, could do anything. But back then for people that listen who don't understand or have a certain age, they don't they don't understand how difficult it was back then to to even begin to do what what they did on mariachi or or Desperado or from dusk till dawn or any of the films that he did during that era. But it was a Yeah, for sure. Yeah, that's

Racer Max 39:28
That's amazing. I forgot to think about that point. But yeah, in for it was almost CG and all that was movie magic back then. Because nobody knew how it worked. But now it was.

Alex Ferrari 39:38
There was a show called Magic. There was a show called Magic. And you would watch it was a 30 minute like behind the scenes of Terminator two. Those kinds of things, and you were just like, that's great. I don't have James Cameron money. So it's nice, but that's why when when you Desperado and from Dessel Don's documentary and behind the scenes on mariachi, it was the first time you like I think I can build a welcome Oh, I can I can. I think I can. I can do that. So it was this inspirational way of looking at filmmaking it's so with with red 11 Rebel, what was it like composing with me because, again, that's another thing that your dad did. He's like, You know what? I'm gonna start writing music for the hell of it. Like, I remember that I'm like, Wow, dude, calm down. Yeah Robert calm the hell down. What's wrong? Steadicam craft service? I'm instance like, Come on dude.

Rebel Rodriguez 40:37
He would just be like, Yeah, you know, I think I want to try that. Yeah, I want the music to be like this, I'll just do it and it's like, wow, okay. I mean, it's, you forget how revolutionary that is like, right? No direct who was director was writing and editing, then what director was writing, editing and doing music and then also doing cinematography and then all that stuff. It's really

Alex Ferrari 40:55
Hard for carpenters, the only one that I know of that didn't use it for his own movies. But he still didn't do everything else.

Rebel Rodriguez 41:02
Crazy. Exactly. So it's really special. But the thing he always that's always been the way he's like, wanted to teach us is if okay, if you want to get into movies and stuff, I'm just gonna throw you in under something you don't know how to do all entirely. And you're gonna learn while you're doing it pretty much. So racer was only on the crew mate. He had to do all the sound he had never done sound before. And so

Alex Ferrari 41:25
I got the feeling brother. Even though I could afford it, like, you know what, screw it. I'm gonna do it. And I'm like, I'm never doing sound. Again,

Rebel Rodriguez 41:35
Again. You learn real quick, though, in life.

Alex Ferrari 41:39
What a good sound what a good sound guy is and why he's valuable. She's valuable. Because my next, my next film, I had a sound guy. Everything sounds good. Thank you. Thank you.

Racer Max 41:50
I know it's getting a budget next time. Absolutely.

Alex Ferrari 41:53
Oh my god.

Rebel Rodriguez 41:56
Yeah, so it was. I mean, I was writing a little bit of music at home. I was always been playing piano since I was a kid. And I stopped High School stopped taking piano lessons. And I was like, I want to do something with music. And somehow, all those years, I never quite dawned on me. Oh, right. My dad makes movies. I could write music for movies, right? They have stories, and you can write some music. I mean, like, took me that long, by the way. But I was like, you know, that would be cool. So I've been writing a little bit throughout the year before. And I wrote like 15 minutes of music for a VR short, Robert and racer did called the limit. That was like my first scoring project. And then from there, he was like, Well, now you just write a whole feature, you know, just just a little extra, you just got to write longer and more stuff. And I was like, okay, and I was on my laptop on logic. Just logic. Yeah, they can stop. Yeah, it was after writing after writing on GarageBand for most of the time, and I started just like with nothing, just a little keyboard. And I was like, alright, well, we got to figure this out. And it was probably one of the most stressful experiences ever. But it was really, really fun and special to start looking at the movie and go, right I guess this is when you would do a character theme and stuff like here, you can play a theme for a character and build that up across and you start getting understanding if if your tools are really small. You start learning the thinking and the methodology behind it a little bit more so and appreciate like when something time's up well and all that. So it taught me a sense of pacing, at least I kind of learned when I would wrote a scene I was like, that's in pace, that I wasn't paced well to the scene, it felt weird. And then when it actually did work or not, but

Alex Ferrari 43:27
Can we just say can we say something publicly here that your father's insane. Let's just throw that out there. As a general statement, the insanity of trying to make mariachi it's insane at a time that nobody was made. And that insanity has kept going throughout his career. He has been insane. In the most beautiful, wonderful way. Insane to like, Hey, Rob, you've never done it. Come over here. Figure it out. Like that's pretty much on like, you know, small budget films first, but then, you know, then you're like, thrown into the deep end of the water with some bigger budgets.

Rebel Rodriguez 44:04
He's like, you want to learn? Yeah, yeah, he's like, you're gonna learn how to swim. I'm gonna throw you out into the ocean. And once you're like coughing up along the water, I'll fish it back out. That's how you're gonna learn. It's like

Alex Ferrari 44:14
Shark point. Get out

Rebel Rodriguez 44:16
Do your own stunts. Get out there. I mean, it's pretty much always been that and when sharks. Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 44:22
Exactly. But we all have to, but we all have to be kind of insane. To even be in this business. This is insane. We're like, this is corny. We're all carnies. And this is the circus. I mean, at a carnival. We're all carnies. We all smell of cabbage. And that's

Racer Max 44:41
Absolutely true.

Rebel Rodriguez 44:42
It's true. It's true. And I think one of the most important lessons it's taught us every time it's happened, you've had to do it where you're like, I have no clue what I'm doing. You just feel like and in this one, even though the budget was small, I had seen all the work we had done, and I was like, I'm gonna score all that work and if it sucks, I I'd like, you know, dropped the ball right after everyone else put in all this effort. So it is a lot, but the most important thing it taught me is you're really not ever going to be ready, it's like you have, you're not always, you're never going to be fully comfortable, I can do this and then dive into it, you're always going to have that I don't know, if I can do this, I, I'm almost there. But I don't know, that's when you got to start is, you'll become ready as you're doing it, and you learn a lot more actually doing it. You know, when you actually have to, when the boat asked to actually hold water, you'll learn a lot more of what actually works, what doesn't work. So you do have to be read, you know, put yourself out there and actually be willing to fail sometimes, you know, don't write Don't Make Your First Movie feature when you you know, you can do it. It's like you're not going to feel like you know, you're ready at all, you know, maybe you've done some shorts, maybe done some of this. You just got to dive in there and do it basically. So

Alex Ferrari 45:49
Would you agree that the one of the biggest the biggest skill sets, any filmmaker at any level, any crew personality, is the ability to understand and accept failure, as far as part of the process? And not to like that, let that derail you, you just have to kind of keep going because that is a skill set that most people don't have let alone filmmakers don't have that ability to fail. And it seems like you know, what your your father and your mother have taught you throughout your career is failures. Okay, you know, hey, everyone has everyone goes up and down and exact. Sometimes you have a good movie, sometimes you have a I liked the movie, but the audience didn't like the movie didn't do well in the box office didn't do this or that. Or oh my god, how the hell did that happen? Like all of it, but but failures are the big deals. Can you talk a little bit about that? From your experience?

Rebel Rodriguez 46:38
Yes. Yeah. No, that is totally it. I mean, he says you learn so much more from your failures and your successes. And I mean, he's shown it all throughout his career, you know, for rooms, was didn't do all that great. But right, what he saw was, hey, it's actually pretty funny to have these two little kids here who like, get into all this trouble. They barely even tie their own shoes, their shoes, and they're like doing all this stuff about like their spies or something. That's where that came from, you know, from his failure, came Spy Kids, which ended up being a humongous thing. So he's always been excited to just jump in and trip and fail, because he knows you'll, you know, when you stumble, when you go down that path that no one's ever gone, where you you're not comfortable with, you'll stumble, but you also stumble upon new things. you'll stumble upon great new ideas for stuff. And yeah, it's I don't think you're ever going to fully appreciate that you have more to learn unless you've seen you have things to work on, basically. So it's almost like you're guaranteed it's not like I was, it's not like it was a home run, making the red 11 score, I had things that I was like, that really didn't work out. This wasn't that but instantly from there, I was like, that's what I need to get better at. That's what you know, this is really important. I never would have probably realized that unless I actually scored a movie. And seen this works. This doesn't work that all that so it's really Yeah, it teaches you to accept failure pretty quick.

Racer Max 47:56
Yeah, absolutely agree. It's one of the most important skill sets that anyone can have. And I can point a lot to what makes you averse to failure. Because we felt that you know, whether you're the son of anybody important, or whether you're just comparing yourself to somebody that you're not like any of the other great filmmakers, because we watch all these great movies, you want to be like them, but the most important you're and you're gonna see only your failures, and you're not going to look at any of theirs. And you're gonna write what are what you what they consider their failure, you consider their greatest work because so you know, you're blind to other people's failures. And, you know, you can compare yourself to like, Ah, man, I'm the he made the mariachi and he did all of that by himself. And like, I haven't done anything. I haven't made a film all by myself like that, too. And it's like this is and he's made such a big splash, but like, I haven't made anything like that. But, you know, comparing to others makes you so averse to failure, because that's one of the biggest drivers or drivers of why you don't want to fail. But you just got to fail. You just got to go at it and fail and compare yourself only with yourself really go as revel just said, you know, okay, wasn't a score wasn't a slam dunk, but I know where I can do better next time. So I'm going to try it. I know I'm gonna make that better for myself and for the audience next time. That's what I want to do. So

Alex Ferrari 49:17
And when you're saying that the first thing that came into my mind is as filmmakers of my generation, first thing you think of is when you hit 23 You go, Orson Welles made Citizen Kane at 23 I haven't done crap. And you're like, but it's okay. It's okay. Then it hit 27 Like Spielberg made Jaws at 27 Okay, so then you keep moving is like, couldn't make reservoir like at like, 30 or something like that. And you keep pushing you keep pushing Terminator. 30. And then now, Ridley Scott didn't make his first film till 40 Like trying to make yourself feel better. You're like, oh, by the way, that's gonna be my first feature at 40 Why couldn't I go That's a whole other story of why I didn't do it before, but I did a lot of other directing and other things like that. But you start going like, okay, but if you do compare yourself to these, quote unquote gods and that's another thing that a lot of filmmakers do they put these filmmakers up on pedestals. I mean, look, I have a Stanley Kubrick autographed book behind me that I got Hitchcock right next to it. You know, I mean, although I have, I have books from all my favorite filmmakers behind me, you know, you do put them up on a pedestal. But one of the great honors and privileges of my life of doing the show is I get to talk to some of these sometimes these guys, these guys. And then I start to realize I realized a long time ago, when I did this first year, I was I was like, they all have the same issues. They all have, they don't have enough money. They don't have enough time. They they all I always tell people you can no matter who you are in this business, you're gonna get punched in the face. Every Spielberg still gets punched in the face. Not as much as he used to. You know, Robert, I'm sure still gets punched in the face sideswiped like, Oh, I didn't see that coming, you know, from the business or something like that. The difference is that now that as you get older, you start to learn how to duck a little bit. You know, sometimes it just grazes you. And sometimes you're not even there when the punch is thrown because you've been around a little bit longer. But no, but no matter who you are, you're gonna go through it is the great equalizer filmmaking. No matter who you are, no matter how much money you have, you can have a look at Cameron. Jesus, look at you look what James is doing. You know, I mean, he's all the money in the world is the only filmmaker who does that, by the way is people like, what do you think gonna make only James Cameron? No, absolutely not given they're not giving that to Spielberg to Nolan to Fincher to to Robert to note, no one else is getting half a billion dollars to like, make a movie in a few years. It's just It's insane. Right? It's, it's insane. But, but no matter how much money you have, there's every day there's a problem, because it's part of the the artistic process. So So you brought up four rooms, by the way, my favorite four rooms, obviously is Robert because it was the most fun. And that was that was the moment that you started to see the shift into the family stuff. Because before then it was stuff that you guys could watch. And that's why kids came out. And I want to impress on people. What Spy Kids means to so many people around the world Spy Kids is one of those franchises in the first film. There never been anything like that. Again, Robert, nothing made like that with Latino, Latino people. And I always say this, because I'm Latino. I'm of Cuban descent. And I've never seen myself portrayed in a movie like that before. But anytime I do, it was always like, Hi, I'm Latino. Let me eat my taco. And I'm like, again, like it was so on the nose, where it was never mentioned inspire kids. It was just, there's just people having an adventure. And I think that was another one of those points that inspired other filmmakers to bring in other cultures. And not point out like there's the black guy. There's the Asian guy. There's, it's like, no, let's just it's a story. And it opened up a Spy Kids was one of the first times I saw that in the Latino culture. And, you know, when I when my kids were old enough, I showed them Spy Kids, and they just like gobbled up the first four. Like they were just like, because it's like, it's great. I will always watch a movie or story that gives kids power. It's a give anytime there's kids in power making adults look like idiots. Done. It's a hit

Racer Max 53:49
Very right. make kids feel powerful. make kids feel cool.

Alex Ferrari 53:54
Right. Exactly. And we are heroes. And then you did that with a we are heroes as well. What was your experience when you guys first saw Spy Kids? And because you were on it, you were shooting? Tell me what your experience was making it? Because I know you were how old were you guys were spiking.

Racer Max 54:10
So I like for me,

Rebel Rodriguez 54:12
But yeah.

Racer Max 54:13
You ever was to when it first came out? So okay, it was four when the first one came out. And that was imagine you you're from like zero to four years old. You don't you kind of know that your parents do something. They do work this thing called job. They've got one. But you don't know what it is. You see Dad go off to this office that's attached to the house and he goes off and he disappears all day. And he's doing something and no matter how many times he comes home to tell you that he's making a movie you don't you don't like get it. You don't really understand. Until you're sitting in a you're sitting in a car service. Writing to this movie theater. We're now there's instead of a quiet Tuesday afternoon there's 1000s of kids and families gathered outside of this theater. And you're like oh there's a there's a Carpet. There's like wait, why are we walking down this? Why are we dressed so nice to go to this movie theater? And then you sit in the theater you watch this mind blowing movie called spike. It's one. And end credits come on, and both your mom and dad's names come out at the end. And you're like, what? Okay, wait, I don't know. Like, wait all these other crew people who I've met and I know their names to. This is crazy. Wait, you all make movies that you made this? Yeah. That's people who

Alex Ferrari 55:30
Like racing?

Racer Max 55:34
You made me pancakes yesterday morning. Like what?

Rebel Rodriguez 55:38
Exactly. It really takes him showing you the props afterwards. going, Look, here he is.

Racer Max 55:43
Here's the jetpack.

Rebel Rodriguez 55:44
Here's the buddy pack. Here's the thumb thumb. We made these. They're on the move. It's like it takes that much for you to finally go. Ah, okay, I get it. Yeah, it's like, yeah.

Alex Ferrari 55:54
Oh, my kids. My kids still don't understand what I do. They're like, like, you're on YouTube. But you also make movies and they're like, Can we watch your movies? Now? You're not old enough for the movies I've made. Okay, so but you're on YouTube, get followers. People follow you. Subscribe. You like Yeah. And then I got I got recognized a couple times in public, which is crazy with them. And they're just like, what, what? Why? It's the thumb. It's like showing you the jetpack. And like somebody else's. It's, it's remarkable. The, the, the vaporization of it, the veil that we have as kids to what our parents did. And and you just stuck it you need to be hit over the head for you to go, oh, they make movies.

Rebel Rodriguez 56:46
Because movies and here we are making home movies. And we're like, well, he just kind of like

Alex Ferrari 56:56
Of course everyone makes movies, like,

Racer Max 56:59
Hit over the head with it. For sure. That's good. Yeah, it's an you know, when you see it like that. And then you're a part of the next all the next ones. You know, it makes a lasting impact on YouTube. You know, we joke that our family is the biggest fans, the biggest geeks of Spy Kids ever. Yeah, we got the most over all the props and vehicles and actors and anything. That's amazing. Yeah. So it's it's not just the impact that I'm not it's like not a stretch at all to see how much it's impacted people you know, across the world and how much they remember it and love it and have such fond memories of it.

Alex Ferrari 57:35
And for people listening when spike is one came out. It was a massive hit like it was. It was a massive hit. Like the biggest hit your parents ever had is crazy. Yeah, it was McDonald's toys. I remember McDonald's toys. It was a it was a thing with McDonald's. I was like, this was huge. It was it was it was huge. Hey, maybe we should do some more this kid stuff.

Rebel Rodriguez 58:05
Pretty cool. In the kitchen. There's still a little Routh. I'm, there's a little Ralph toy about this big just sitting up on one of the ledges. And he really one day and I got a picture. I was like, man, it took that long for him to finally fall down. I got a picture of him. I put him right back up

Racer Max 58:21
Back on your bed.

Rebel Rodriguez 58:23
And I was a kid just staring at him up there. Like when can I play with him? They knew we'd lose him as a kid. But so he just stayed up there. It's like, no, no, he's spying. He's just It's crazy how pervasive it was everywhere. I mean, it just and it was just such so impactful to so yeah, and nothing like that. I mean, it's just

Alex Ferrari 58:42
No nothing like that. And you know, what was really fascinating to me, too, is that with Spy Kids, your parents didn't fall into the same trap that so many Hollywood filmmakers get into was when they have a big hit the studio's show up and like, here's more money, take a lot more money, and just double the budget and just do whatever you want. And they said no, we're gonna do the exact same budget. And it'll be fine. And it's that's such a smart move. It's such a brilliant move, because you get intoxicated with money being thrown at success and success. And they said, no, no, no, we're good. Give us the same, we'll make another one. And it was so brilliant. Because if that's not as big of a hit, it's okay. But if they would have taken 100,000 100 They could have easily got $100 million budget for the next episode comfortably and it would not have been a good business move. So that's another lesson you know, for all of us who will eventually have the Spy Kids kind of fame. Number Don't take the 100 million when they offer to you boy

Racer Max 59:55
That's really good observation I'd never thought of I'd never thought about that now wants to event Should it today, but I? Oh, God, I really agree with you. Yeah, that's, I mean, I'm just another side of their genius, you know, the how smart they were and how thoughtful about filmmaking and how much they can make, how much what they can accomplish. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:14
And it's and it is a lesson that can be, you know, we were joking about the 100 million dollars, but, but when you're anywhere, if you have some success anywhere, don't get intoxicated by it. Understand that. This is a moment, it will pass. And you're gonna be right down at the bottom again, real quick, real quick, how many filmmakers? How many wonderful filmmakers have we seen who rose rose rose, got a little too intoxicated, went a little crazy, bombed. And they get thrown into director jail, and you don't see them again. And sometimes you don't see them again, ever again. And it's such a shame. Where you know, that happens. And again, it happens in any interview successes in any field anywhere you go. Don't get intoxicated by it, because the one thing that people and that's one thing I think your parents never really fell into was the you're the greatest. Oh my god, you're this You're that here's more money. Here's it they just really grounded really really grounded the entire the entire time they've been making movies. It has been you could see it in the in the filmography you know, SimCity huge, monumental filmmakers that are legendary were like how to do this, you know, and yet Cool. Cool, very, very high level headed throughout the rest of you know, moving forward, it's pretty admirable to see film a filmmaker and and like your parents, both filmmakers, stay grounded during this whole process and then keeping you guys grounded. I mean, you guys are an example of this. groundedness because you guys could have eat I mean, I've I've met some Hollywood, quote unquote, Hollywood kids. And it's, it's, it's I'm sure you have to it's, it's a it's a brutal business, guys. It's a brutal business that can eat up somebody and tear them apart and destroy them. Like that. Would you agree?

Racer Max 1:02:13
I agree. Absolutely. Yeah, I row is appreciated. That groundedness they applied, you know, to their careers that they applied to raising us and even raising us in the same industry and bringing, and now teaching us and training us in the same industry. So yeah, but I absolutely agree. That's a really cool observation. Thank you for that about them.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:35
No, absolutely. Absolutely. So now there's this fifth and stuff, because you guys can't stop making Spy Kids. I mean, it's just like, just back to the horse. We go. No, I'm joking.

Racer Max 1:02:49
We had other people tell us these are like Bond movies like this is such a universal tale.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:55
While just new cash will bring Daniel Craig in will bring Pierce Brosnan. It'll be great. It'll be great. No, these these could arguably keep I mean, you guys can be you know, you know, when when Robert and Elizabeth are both, you know, completely retired from making stuff you guys like working to keep going and you could be the petroleum like, can spike it just keep the Brooklyn family just keeps going. And we have to bring in some new Spy Kids. It can easily keep going. I mean, it's it by the way is a Spy Kids Armageddon, the beginning of a new trilogy, that you guys are trying to make.

Racer Max 1:03:31
That is that's the that's the ideas we we got new kids that we really love new family, new parents that we really love. And we just love seeing them together and their energy in the first thing everybody sees when they like any of the crew or the producers, anybody got to see them on set. They're like, Oh, my gosh, I want to see so much more. They have so much fun and so much energy. So that was the idea. We just made it a little standalone reboot on its own. That was its kind of division going in. But seeing it on camera, you go oh my gosh, I want to keep watching this. I want to see more. Just like with Spike, it's one everybody wants to see those kids somewhere. So

Alex Ferrari 1:04:05
Right and now they're like my age those kids. I mean, having kids of their own

Racer Max 1:04:09
Yeah. kids of their own.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:13
And then you see one of them in my chat and you're like wow, okay. Okay. All right. All right. Yeah, go. It's fascinating. But so, so tell us a little bit about Spy Kids. Armageddon. I know. There was no Netflix finally got the rights to help you. You know, make the sequels and they love what you guys did with. We are heroes or we are yours. We are champions. We can be heroes. Yeah, we can be heroes. We are we can be heroes, which by the way loved as well. It's such a beautiful story. Beautiful film. My kids like watched it a ton of times. You know, it's great. Yeah. And the little behind the scenes that they made with you guys on YouTube and stuff like that was so much fun to watch what you guys were doing. And then my kids were like, I want a pen and an iPad. I'm like God, Jesus Christ. Great, thanks. Thanks, Robert. Thanks, Robert. Elizabeth. I appreciate that. Thanks. So tell me a little bit how this this story came about how you guys came at this new this new installment?

Racer Max 1:05:18
Yeah, it's it's perfect that you mentioned we can be heroes because we had just just finished making that. And we loved it. We had such a great time getting to do kids kids film again. And getting it right. That was fun getting to make it was fun. And so, Robert, and I were just joking around, like, how could you imagine what if we do another Spy Kids? I can be really fun, right? Yeah, let's do something like that. And Robert does what he does best. We he starts talking to people about it immediately. And it was Skydance that was really interested. And they said we would love to do Spy Kids. And Robert and I were laughing from the studio that brings you Mission Impossible comes schmuck. That's okay. We laughed at the idea. And we did a writing process that we've been doing since I was seven. And we did Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Together is we jump in the pool, and have a little notepad next to the pool. And just swim around and talk ideas, laugh about things, make jokes talk about it. And pretty much in that. In that pool session, we came to one of the major ideas, the story of the film, including the idea that then that, in that making up for in the behind the scenes with we come here as mentioned the idea of give kids technology like don't hold them back to what whatever you did when you were growing up or growing up or anything like that, give them the best, so that they can go further than you and they will go up leaps and bounds. So try not to hold them to any restrictions you had. See what's available now see what can help them and give that to them. So we loved that. And we were just we were just talking about it in the making of and we thought that would have made the whole story about that was Spy Kids and rebel hoarded a great Lego for a rebel the the idea that you weren't a great lady idea that giving kids technology and wow, that was a huge part of this one.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:07:11
Oh, yeah. Yeah, it was interesting, it kind of all came together because we'd love this. You know, it's technology's kind of gotten a bad rap. To some extent, you know, of like, it's all bad books are better. And so we're like, how about we have a movie where it's the opposite. And the book, the book can be just as bad as the technology can be just as good. And vice versa. You know, it's less about the tool and more about the teaching, what are they learning? You know, what are you learning? What values are you kind of learning from that. But that kind of came together with an idea of like, you know, it'd be really cool to have a To Do A Spy Kids, where is there any way we could make the whole world change to where suddenly kids have like a unique advantage over adults in some way? Like, just conceptually, is there any way to do that? And we're like, you know, what, if like, the only way to access technology in the world was through like video games, since kids have gotten so adept at this and technology in general, that they completely outpaced their parents and stuff and that their own things. It's like the hot time of their lives. And if that's like the inciting event, now, suddenly, the kids are super spies, and everyone else is struggling. So it's like now they're really like the only people that can like save the world. So that's, that was like where the concept really started.

Racer Max 1:08:18
But so kind of the core idea came to that, yeah, let's have a bad guy who's a villain who's video game designer. And he infects the whole world with a video game virus and nobody gets to their vices, except the kids can because they're smart. And they're savvy with technology and games. So they go leaps ahead of the parents. And within the course a few days become super spies and are now having to go save the world take on all the responsibility of that. And so a lot of the core ideas really came to that writing session. And we have from there took off we just started writing, creating it over the course of 2020 2021. And yeah, that was the birth of the new ones like is Armageddon.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:55
I feel that it's going to do well sir. I feel that the kids are gonna really like my girls are like excited to see it. It's, it's, it's so admirable to see how you guys have continued that that franchise and I hope because even when I saw the trailer, I haven't seen the movie yet, because we haven't had access to it yet. But soon, soon, we're seeing hopefully next week. But, but even the trailer kind of that's why I asked Is this a trilogy? Like I saw it, I saw where this was going, I was like, Oh, this is not they're making another trilogy out of this. This is solid, solid.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:09:35
Yeah, it's really it's really special. That was kind of the intention of like, you know, you know, I get the feeling of like, Spike hits five, you know, usually when something gets to the fifth, it's like, I don't know what's going on anymore. But we really were like, We really only wanted to do it if there was really a story we could tell that's different from the old ones, but has the same values and stuff. So that's where we kind of saw the opportunity of like, right, there's almost a modern take on this now that it's been 20 years since the The first one where now we have a very significant gap between what that one was about what this one is about. But they're both still about family and about still about empowerment of kids. And this generation would really love that sort of thing, you know, in this new form factor. And it's really cool now, especially that we learned from we can be heroes is, streaming services is really great for kids, they can watch the movie as much as they want, not as much as they can convince their parents to go to the movie and drive them there. So they get to watch it that much more. So we can be heroes is really impactful. And beloved, because kids could just watch it at the pace, they like watching things, watch it all the way through, gets to the end credits, you just replay it, and you do it again. And you do that a few times a day,

Alex Ferrari 1:10:39
Where you guys might be you guys might be a little young to remember this. But that's exactly what they did. In the video store days with Disney movies, I would rent out a Disney movie and the kids would just on loop, watch the VHS, again, rewind again, they did it with five kids, because both kids was on VHS as well. And they would just loop again and again and again. But now it's instant on their phone, on the car. They could just watch. I mean, I think my girls have seen we can be heroes a few times at least two or three times. And I was like, I'll walk into limits. Great. Are you Why didn't you just see this like last week? Yeah, they have the ability to do that, like I can watch a movie again. And again, mine doesn't do that anymore. Lethal Weapon like five times in a row, I can really do that anymore.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:11:28
Just like different the way they enjoy their entertainment. And it just it was always kind of difficult to make to make that work. But you know, now it's easier than ever for them kind of, I mean, they don't really have much problem watching it on a phone or an iPad, they just want to see it and like be able to watch experience it over and over again, see the jokes again. And, you know, so it's cool to put something in front of them that like really empowers them and shows them you know, they can go on a really cool, awesome adventure, they can do really incredible things. And if they work together with their family as well, you know, you can do, you can move mountains. And it's it's always been about that sort of thing, too. It's really special. So

Alex Ferrari 1:12:00
And we can be heroes, if I'm not mistaken was like number one on Netflix for a while. Right? Was like everybody was like, what's going on? Like, what is Stranger Things like what's going on? I heard that I'm like, good, man. That's awesome. It wasn't and I know the budgets because I know, Robert spent $400 million dollars and make that sounds like good that, you know, a film like that gets that kind of attention worldwide. Worldwide.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:12:34
It's really it's really something.

Racer Max 1:12:37
It's really interesting.

Alex Ferrari 1:12:40
And I believe that this one will probably do, I hope similar business, if you will. So they can make the next two or three, and then your kids will start making them.

Racer Max 1:12:52
That's yeah, that's the hope for us. You know, right now we're still waiting for the launch. And we're like, Oh, I hope I just want to make a second and a third and beyond this. So

Rebel Rodriguez 1:12:59
Yeah, exactly. So just as much as we can be heroes and all that kind of stuff, because it's really hard.

Racer Max 1:13:05
If not, we really had a great time making it but really brought the family together in a really fun way. And what are excited for people to watch it.

Alex Ferrari 1:13:14
And what was the biggest challenge of making that film? Because it makes you guys fun? Yeah, cuz you guys got a little different. You got you got some shrapnel. Now you got a little bit of shrapnel on you, you know, you've taken a couple hits along the way. How did this big a little bit bigger budget slightly bigger budget a

Racer Max 1:13:31
Little bigger than red 11

Alex Ferrari 1:13:34
So from a production standpoint and a composing standpoint, how did this like biggest challenges? Yeah.

Racer Max 1:13:39
This one, definitely the biggest challenge was dealing with a legacy, you know, of the originals are so beloved, that and we're just love them so much to that. crafting something that has to capture what came before that. That was all you know, you put on your gloves to deal with that every single day. Just okay, and now we're gonna carefully adjust this and that and make sure this is feels up to snuff. So like reference of the originals was so key and so important. And like, in hindsight, there's still little elements that I watch now in the movie and go, Gosh, I wish I made that more like this or more like that, because like, Oh, I missed, totally missed that whole side of fun that the originals had that, that I only incorporate a little bit. So like that definitely is the biggest challenge. But we're and that haunts you throughout writing throughout production or editing, even through visual effects. It's like no, this has the right shape. They're composing. Compose. Yep. All throughout all of that challenge Honsou throughout all of it, but at the end, I'm really happy with where it how it came together. And how I watched it and I see kids smile sitting next to me and go okay, you know, you can beat yourself up about like, Oh, I wish I did this, this and that. But it really it captures something that's Just like the originals, and that makes us smile as kids that makes us smile now is big kids. Well,

Alex Ferrari 1:15:05
I never I never thought about that. But you're absolutely right. You guys are the the number one fans of this franchise. I mean, and the pressure that that puts on you guys as creators. It's kind of like my parents started this train. I better not do really. Now not at the beginning of the process, you can't do this.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:15:29
Especially, you know, many times this type of stuff hasn't worked out, you're like, the odds are stacked against you for sure. It's definitely

Alex Ferrari 1:15:37
Any sequel, any sequel, the second, third or fifth? Yeah, always. You're always. Occasionally you get the Terminator two. Occasionally, you get aliens. Yeah. Okay. And by the way, I actually liked by kids too, more than I liked by kids, one on my personal I love my kids. But Spy Kids too. I really remember liking it more. I just liked it more than the first one. So

Racer Max 1:16:03
My favorite to write it's like

Alex Ferrari 1:16:05
Occasionally. But man, I can't imagine that kind of pressure. Because from your parents legacy from the films legacy, and also your own love of being part of it. Since you were so young. Must have been How the hell do you make this movie? I'm like, I'm stressed out and I didn't make it.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:16:22
Yeah, definitely the stress and the weight. And like the pressure of all that is what counterbalances a lot is the love and the passion we've had for the series. And it's like, you know, we're like some of the biggest fan. So it's like, we were there the whole time going, it's got to have this, it's got to have that it's got to have this, you know, we need the vehicles, we need a little robot assistant, because you can't go without that. I mean, that's all I wanted as a kid was thinking robotics is I wanted Ralph so badly. And needs this. And it's I mean,

Alex Ferrari 1:16:48
I still need Ralph, Sir. I still think

Rebel Rodriguez 1:16:54
We all told me I could buy one, I'd probably be looking towards that. Yeah, I would 100% Ralph is a necessity. But yeah, it's definitely just as much as it was a huge deal. And there was a lot to a lot to get done here. There was the passion for it was really what drove us. And it was, you know, it's what made it probably one of my favorite projects we've done was that, we get to do all that again, and you know, be able to add a new twist to it and add new flavors to it. And we have enough under our belt that we're like, we know how we can approach that in the writing and this and that, you know, we kind of put all our heads together and can try to do something new, but still have that same feeling as the originals. So it's really beautiful. I think it came at exactly the right time when I didn't feel I was ready for it. But I had the passion to like, if I could do it, this is how I do it. And so yeah,

Alex Ferrari 1:17:45
So now moving on real quick. You guys also worked on another little film called hypnotic. Recently you produced and you compose that, again, slightly bigger than read a lovin maker. Yeah, yeah. Hi, Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben was that was a star. So I mean, you guys, you guys are taking on bigger and bigger projects now. You know, it's it's so admirable to see how you guys are taking on this kind of pressure. Because you could. I mean, you guys could easily be all honest. in OBS aside, you guys could Coast comfortably for the rest of your life. But no joke, you can do this. But you guys are challenging yourself and pushing yourselves as creators as filmmakers. And I think that is a legacy of your parents who are pushing you and throwing you into the deep end. Because when I saw like, because I'm like, Oh, they did here. And then when I looked at him, like some of it they did hypnotic too. Like that's, that's a big that's that's a big that's a big boy movie. You know, serious movie, big boy movie, big girl movie. You know? So when you approach that, like, how did you guys I mean, it's it's a it's a bigger deal, guys. It's not like it's not legacy. It's not something else that you're like, Okay, we're we're now in the deep end with Uncle Ben

Racer Max 1:19:11
Absolutely, it's yeah, as you were saying that. We I as you were saying you guys are taking on the challenge the little voice in my head is going Oh, but I love the challenge. And it's like in this moment in this chair, I realized oh gosh, my parents gave me a bit of their insanity Yeah, this is that insanity that

Alex Ferrari 1:19:28
That got programming programming I talked to you about earlier. There he settled

Racer Max 1:19:37
They flipped it around the pressure and challenge that nobody wants they've made us like private and desire it and go after it as a day job

Rebel Rodriguez 1:19:44
Makes you more excited. But it's that's really us kind of thinking that you know, I mean you become unbreakable in that regard. The more challenge you get the more excited you are about it. It's like that's the passion can completely outgun the amount of pressure you have and really that's what generates the ideas if you're not passionate for If you just feel like you're gonna get steamrolled, nothing's gonna come to you at all. But if you're, if you're if you got that rocky kind of mentality to it, where it's like, there's no way you just gotta go the distance and give it everything you've got, you start coming up with stuff, the passion kind of drives it. And that's where you start to get the inspiration impetus to kind of start making something and,

Racer Max 1:20:19
And talk about a challenge that makes you feel unbreakable. With hypnotic. It's like, Yeah, this is a serious thriller. We have major great actor attached to this. And also

Alex Ferrari 1:20:28
And also an Oscar winner, and a great director in his own right, a fantastic director. Absolutely

Racer Max 1:20:34
Fantastic director. Yeah, exactly, exactly. On top of that, it was 2020, it was 2020 2021. We made this during a little something called the pandemic, the

Wow, this project fell apart because of COVID. Twice, each time shrinking the budget as it went, because we this film was pretty sold. So all the budget that you have is all the budget you got. And twice we almost got it started once in California and once in Canada, but both times it fell through. And so we finally found a way to bring it over to little home called Boston and pulled out Well believe it or not pulled out a lot of our rent 11 tricks on this on. A good amount of the movie is shot in the exact same office studio as a good we're like how much how can we use more of our own studio for this film, and just the fact

Rebel Rodriguez 1:21:35
That it's a ruler, and it's got psychological aspects to it. It's literally we kept calling it it's like the spiritual successor of like read 11 like read 11 had a Desperado. It was weird like mariachi had a just really strange how that happened. markable so much of the same kind of DNA that made that was kind of had to put this out of necessity, but it made them so it feel almost like they're linked spiritually a little bit.

Racer Max 1:22:02
So it was it took all sides to do it. You know, we're like, Okay, well, this is just a normal office, but rebel with your incredible music that you've just learned how to compose. We're going to make this feel great and psychological and epic and moving dramatic, even though he's just walking through our same boring gray hall that we have in our studio.

Alex Ferrari 1:22:23
No pressure at all boys.

Racer Max 1:22:24
No pressure at all. Yeah, yeah, it was fun. It was really fun to you know, move on to something like that. That's, as you said, big, big boy, big girl movie. And then tackle it with all the same toolset that we've learned up to this point and gain new ones along the way.

Alex Ferrari 1:22:41
So I have to ask you guys, this question, what is the biggest if you can if you can bring it down to one thing? What is the biggest lesson you've learned from your dad?

Racer Max 1:22:51
Biggest lesson I've learned from my dad filmmaking, filmmaking or life?

Alex Ferrari 1:22:54
It's up to you.

Racer Max 1:22:55
That's kind of the thing with him. It's almost like the kung fu masters. You don't realize he's teaching. He's teaching how to throw a punch. But he's also teaching you how to pay your mortgage or how to how to have a successful relationship or anything like that. I always tell him this one is my favorite. And is he taught me one day I think I was upset about something when I was five or six. And he grabbed visuals are good for parents who grabbed a cup of water filled about halfway. And for less than we've all heard, but you know, just sticks with you. He spilled about halfway and he said, Look at this cup of water. You can look at it. You can either see it as half full or half empty. But is it tea right now. And I said it's half empty. Like there's only half water there. And he said, You just use a negative mindset. To me, I see a lot of potential a little water that's in there. That's half full. I've got so much water to work with. I've got half full cup of water. That's incredible. And he said that is positive thinking with that. I can conquer anything with think with believing I've got so much greatness in this little half full cup of water. I've got so much I can do. And he taught me that I didn't tell him till probably like, a decade later. 17 that that was the most important thing you ever taught me and he went, I remember teaching you that really good. I said,

I'm pretty good. I'm pretty good. Well teach me what did it what did you got from it? But

That absolutely. You know, it's it's filmmaking, it's life. It's everything. That kind of thinking. Pressure and challenges. Don't turn into opportunity unless you can look at it in a positive way. So like, oh, everything I couldn't have learned anything I've learned either from them or from these projects that they've blessed us by putting us on challenging us with unless I have that. So

Rebel Rodriguez 1:24:38
No, I definitely. It's probably one of the most foundational lessons that everything else builds on. It's like if you have that a lot of things can fall into place. It's yeah. Yeah, pretty much that one's Yeah, that's the one that's really it's continued to mean more the more I grew up, it's like wow, this was that was really it and I think the only the other one is his main one that you know, no matter how prepared you think you are, you're always going to everything's gonna fall apart. He said, as much as knowing is half the battle, the other half the battle is not knowing. And so it's just this kind of this eternal, you're never going to have the whole battle basically, it's just always gotta meet, meet it the rest of the way. But, but um, yeah, definitely between those two. That's kind of been what's always driven us because it's really powerful. It allows you to turn a monumental amount of pressure and problems into a monumental amount of potential. And for creativity potential and passion is what makes it grow. So you just beautiful when you got nothing, at least got your mind and like a piece of paper and some ideas. So that takes no budget, but that's what the movie The best movies are made out of. It's all throughout it is fabric. So so if

Alex Ferrari 1:25:51
I may be able to quote Dumb and Dumber, so you're saying there's a chance that's great. And on the other side of that coin of your growth is your mother. And the lessons that she taught me She's a remarkable producer. And holds the entire, the entire place for you know, when when your parents work together and work together early in their in their careers. She held the space for him, for him to be insane. Absolutely. Without question, right. So and inspire kids. And this one as well as she held the space. So everyone could be insane. What lesson if you can hold on to one, what is the lesson that your mother has taught you? From not only in the filmmaking side, but on the life side as well? Because, you know, I you know, I adore your mom, she's, she's, she's amazing. But as a producer, I even respect her so much. Because what she does, she doesn't get a lot of limelight for now and and producers, producers raise producers. Who What about Uncle Ben and Robert?

Rebel Rodriguez 1:27:12
What you know about them is usually because there were a huge problem. That's when

Alex Ferrari 1:27:17
You're like, oh, that producer. Okay. All right. We're we're in the Hollywood Hills. But so, so yep. So that that ability to hold space to protect your creators to hold a set to build a set? What advice to What lesson did you learn from her on that aspect and also in life in general? Yeah, it hurts.

Racer Max 1:27:40
This hurts the same thing filmmaking in life, you kind of learn one rule that applies to everything. And with her it was that you adore her. Everybody who's worked with her loves her. It's everybody, everybody, everybody, and so many, so much that on this new spike, it's we got to work together again, and so I was producing and she was producing. And I watched how much she's a mother, on set, and in production and in post, and seeing how much as much as we talked about the myth of a guy one did it all by himself, no money, none of this all by himself, but you got it. There are so many people in the background that led to something like that. And it's so important to remember that all of them are family too. They're just as much stewards of this creation, as you the lone Maverick, are. And they deserve all the love and all the respect and all the kindness you can give them to where they feel safe, and that they can explore and they can be creative and be insane. So that same foundation that allows them to grow and flourish. That's what she taught me. I see so many, like I studied the secrets of so many other films and TV shows that I love and I do some digging, do some digging and find people saying oh my gosh, the production was lovely because like there was this one person who took care of all of us and I go up they had an Elizabeth havea and I read another was had an Elizabeth Aviana up they had an Elizabeth Ibn I believe that so that would definitely be the biggest thing.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:29:08
Yeah, she always kind of mentioned that offense. Because she's you know, sprays five kids and all in quick succession while also making movies and she always says it took a village to raise to raise kids. I mean, it takes a whole team. But you hear her always say that it takes a village I always catch her saying it on set too. And it's like it's true. It takes a village to make a movie too. And it takes everyone being there. It's a whole team and it's all of us working together well and having a space where we can all be creative and bring our best to it that really is what makes it you know, that's kind of what she does. She sets the space for the magic to happen and yeah, that's

Alex Ferrari 1:29:42
The insanity Oh, don't get it twisted. Your mom's crazy to there they all think oh god different flavors. But there's there's an insanity to all of this love. Absolutely.

Racer Max 1:30:02

Alex Ferrari 1:30:05
Now guys, I'm gonna I'm gonna ask you a few questions ask all of my guests. Please. What advice would you give a filmmaker or screenwriter starting in the business today and trying to break into the business today? Don't say make a mariachi, I'll hit you. Someone asked that to Quinton like ComiCon or something like that, you know what he said, Make Reservoir Dogs. That's the only way I know how to do it. And I'm like, Man, that easy, man, like just write Reservoir Dogs than fiction. I mean, that's it.

Racer Max 1:30:43
That's it's linear, simple, super simple. For me, it definitely be you go. There's the apps, if you haven't, if you want to make films, and you haven't made a feature yet, absolutely make a feature. And absolutely make a feature. And most importantly, put restrictions on it. Put time restrictions, put deadlines, put physical restrictions of what you can use what you got, I'm not telling you to go make mariachi I promise don't hit me, Alex. We talked about the importance of creativity and flourishing that and harnessing that. The dual side of that is you got to have your pants on fire a little bit, you got to have you got to channel insanity, you got to be a little bit crazy, so that it gets done. Because I I say you're not a filmmaker, until someone is sitting somewhere can be a couch that your house can be in a theater, if you're that lucky, or a screening room of some kind, if you make it that far, but you're not a filmmaker until the end credits are rolling. And people around, you have watched a full film you've made in that moment, you're a filmmaker. That's and doesn't matter if it's good or bad, whether they're running out of the theaters, to go grab pitchforks and come chase after you. Or if they're laughing, laughing their butts out harder than the left ever, it doesn't matter. The What matters is that you do that whole rep. Once you It's like doing half a push up and expecting that you've done one, it's now you can't filmmaking, it takes a long time to do a single push up. And you got to get all the way to that to that moment for it to fully count. So that's what I would suggest.

Alex Ferrari 1:32:22
Beautifully said sir, I will not be hitting you. Now it's your turn, you're still on the block. Go ahead.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:32:30
Adding to that, yeah, so that's the first thing we've learned. I've never learned more in my life than I have when there was a deadline, when you've got the pressure, that's when I don't know, I think it turns into kind of fight or flight. That's when you feel like, okay, we got to move, it's something has to be done by now. Even if you made up the deadline, it's something has to be done now. But my own one is, I think the most important thing too, is if you're, you know, you want to get into the business, you have these ideas, you know, because if again, like you said, we're all geniuses, we have this incredible thing in our head. Just start make something, don't care what it is start. Don't go and wait till you've got you know, Terminator till you got avatar, you've written the whole thing. And you can create this monstrosity, make something it doesn't have to be very big, but make at least start doing it and do a whole rep even if it's a little one. Do one show people now you officially made a movie. So it's most people never even start. They're like I want to do it. But I need blank, I have this, I haven't done this, I don't have that, you know, it's, you don't need anything, just start. And you will pick up the pieces that you need along the way. And at least then you've started doing it which most people don't even get there. So just by showing up the first day, you've started the process. Now you'll get momentum, if you're standing around waiting for inspiration or momentum, it's not gonna happen. So you gotta

Alex Ferrari 1:33:50
I feel that I feel like there's like a spirit of Robert in the room. And he's like, channeled through you to at the moment because it sounds so it sounds so beautiful. And both you guys said it's absolutely right. And where were you guys like 15 years ago for me because I wish I would have heard this 15 years ago, all I did was throw obstacles in front of myself. Right? And that's what a lot of filmmakers do. They're like, Oh, I can't do it until I have this camera. I can't do it until this person's there. I can't do it until I have this location. And it's excuses because you're either scared or have some trauma like I did, which is a whole nother story or other stuff like that. That stops you from going forward until you finally get to the place where like, Screw it. I'm gonna go to Sundance and make a movie

Rebel Rodriguez 1:34:38
You had the time of your life doing it and as oh my god I'm sure Nick came up. I'm sure you could feel the vibrancy in it as a result if it you know with what you came out with, it's just gonna it's got this energy to it because you were excited you drove this just the fact they said screw it. We're gonna make a movie. There you go. You started you're doing something now even if it's with your phone, you're going around and doing something at least and it's a difference.

Alex Ferrari 1:34:59
It's very harmful, it's really a powerful idea to just get going and get started. But I think the one thing that's missing from this this little bit is the attachment to what happens to it. The attachment to oh, I have to make this that was the biggest thing like a mariachi was the best. And the worst thing that ever happened to a whole generation of filmmakers, as as was clerks, as was slackers. All those, that generation is like, Oh, when I make my first film, it has to be Reservoir Dogs, right? It has to be mariachi, it's got to be clerks. And that pressure, you're just destroying yourself before you even get off the you can't walk with that kind of weight on you. You know, exactly. And you learned early on that you don't have to do that. Because you you know, I mean, I imagine that as filmmakers, the pressure that was on you guys, we talked a little bit about on Spike, it's too but you've got two very large shadows. They ain't but you're like, Screw it. I'm doing me and I'm going to do what I'm gonna do. They did what they did. I'm going to do what I'm gonna do. And it took me to just say, I'm 40 I gotta, I mean, what am I gonna wake up tomorrow? I'm gonna be 60 I'm going to start doing with this BS. I gotta make something. And I've been directing for 20 years, but I hadn't made the feature. Yeah, that was and that was the thing. So then once, I mean, once you make the one good, bad and different matter, you're like, Okay, I proved to myself, I can make one. Great. And now I can move forward. It doesn't have to be Reservoir Dogs, because no one's gonna make a Reservoir Dogs. Brothers McMullen in the Boys in the Hood. No one's gonna make those movies again, ever, ever. So once you get that out of your head, then it frees you to be the creative, the creative forces that you are now. So

Racer Max 1:36:50
Yeah, that is the missing key. The triumvirate right there. Absolutely agree.

Alex Ferrari 1:36:54
If there was if there was a worst day you've ever been on a production? What was that day? And how did you overcome it?

Racer Max 1:37:03
Oh, that's a good one. Let's see I gave him the raining raining on our climax story. Gosh, what's another? I know that was one of those wagons.

Alex Ferrari 1:37:19
I assume rebel when you're when you're composing. I mean, a hard drive might have crashed here and there. Or you are you get blocked from it's

Rebel Rodriguez 1:37:27
It's almost seems mental. It's almost always mental. It's and it almost happens on every single one of them. I'm gonna say and that's another thing I'll point out in a second. But yeah, it's it was heroes. This was the first time it really hit us. We can be heroes, I wrote that entire score. It was like a blessing and a curse. I wrote the huge battle sequence for the parents fight the aliens and all that I wrote. That was one of the first things I wrote for that. That was like, after he almost a year of learning orchestral music. I'd never written for an orchestra. So I've spending a year writing pretty much garbage. And hit that. And I was like, that's great. And Robert was like, Well, the good news is, that's really great music. That's incredible. You know, I could never write at that level. The bad news is, I can't help you on this anymore. You got to do the whole movie yourself.

Alex Ferrari 1:38:14
Because you have to pass the Master, I can't help you anymore. Good luck.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:38:19
It's not gonna sound the same. Exactly. You know, it's just sweat. Get in the way. And it was four months of me. I composed for four months on that one. And it's 90. It's like a 590 minutes of music. All

Alex Ferrari 1:38:37

Rebel Rodriguez 1:38:39
From the music. Yeah. And I was halfway through, it's like two and a half months, I think was actually more than halfway, two and a half months in. And I had written 1/3 of it going as fast as I could go. And that's when it dawns on you. I don't think I'm Omega dude. And it's all mental. You're just up all night, just sitting there going, Dude, it's done for I'm gonna sink this whole movie.

Alex Ferrari 1:39:02
Oh, you start going down the rabbit hole, you start circling the drain.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:39:08
The whole movie has been made everyone's done their things. High fives you saw everyone was so excited when set was over did it's amazing edit. It's all coming together. You're the last guy there. I mean, you're just like, they're all like, Alright, make the last leap. You know, you're right there. And it's like, I don't think I'm gonna make it. And I don't know if something clicks there, where you go into overdrive. It's one of the scariest kinds of things because the way I say it is, the more ideas you create, the more impetus you're gonna get on the project, because you're kind of figuring it out like the puzzle piece of what's the style of it. What's this? What's that? Just keep making don't stop. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad. Don't judge it just keep making stuff, because you're going to have more room to work with. And so you start a movie, at least a score and it's halfway through and you haven't made half you've made like a third maybe even less. It almost like multiplies until by the end You're writing like, 10 times faster than you worked the beginning because you've just figured out more of the movie. So it always feels like you're down to the wire, pretty much. That was the first time I've ever experienced it. And there's always that moment where it dawns on you, it's like Rocky, where he's like, I can't do this, you know, I'm just gonna go the distance I it's, and it's one of if it could either break you or it can make you definitely it's one of those moments where you either quit and say, I can't do it, man, you're gonna have to hire someone else, or you just drive through and you know, it's fairly make it by the skin of your teeth. It's, you know, what's

Alex Ferrari 1:40:28
Fascinating is that I've done I don't know, 1000 episodes at this point. I've had composers on before, but I've never had a composer at your level that's able to do these large movies, or have have the opportunity to these large movies. And this really race pressure, because you're the last leg of the race. Yeah. And if you remember, yeah, if you fumble the damn baton. It's all over no matter how fast the other guys, we're, you're done. That pressure is something I've never really thought about for a composer, because a lot of the composers I've talked to like, you know, Oscar winners are big guys who have done this 1000 times. But you're just like, I've never talked them about like the beginning aspects of their career. Just like I was on a $70 million movie and I and I had no one around me to help like, I don't know, alone by sweating. I didn't really remark here.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:41:25
I'm here today. I survived somehow. i It's a blur. But yeah, it happens. And it's gonna happen. Every single movie, that's all. I come back, you think, Oh, you're on top of the world. That's it? No, it's like Rocky, he comes back. He can't do it again. You got to start from that from scratch again. You're like, I don't think I can do this one. Because this isn't that oh, this. This one's hypnotic. It's, um, it's got you know, and I feel like, we don't have an orchestra. They carried away. I mean, they do amazing work. You write this stuff, you give it to them, they make it sound incredible. It's all on me. What comes out of my computer, is what's gonna be on the movie. And it's like, I don't know if I can do this again. And it's like, you just you get in your head and it's over. So it's Yeah, every single time I've had it. It's just

Alex Ferrari 1:42:06
That's beautiful. Because it's like, like, you know, am I gonna have to go down to the button that a dungeon with Apollo and train again? Like, am I? Because I just can't obviously Mr. T is too much for me. I don't think I'm gonna make it. I think I've been broken. And now I have to come back. So it's so your Mr. T was like, spin off.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:42:30
A glass of water better be powerful, man. Because only thing you got oh my gosh.

Alex Ferrari 1:42:35
That's remarkable. Well, that's, that's great, man. Thank you for that story. That's I've just never really thought about that aspect of all right. I've been in post most of my life. So I've always been at the end. And I always figure it out. And I always, you know, posted and I've been post supervisor VFX, all that kind of stuff. So I always just figure it out along the way. But mines is technical in that sense. Maybe the creative with editing and stuff, but I'm not alone. A lot of times I have either producer. You're out there and an island by yourself. And there's just a phone call. Oh. Yeah. That's amazing. That's amazing. It's

Racer Max 1:43:14
Pretty incredible.

Alex Ferrari 1:43:15
So Rachel, how about you, my friend?

Racer Max 1:43:18
I'll just tack on to what he said. Because it's excellent. We're just really been fortunate. We haven't had really anything bad. You know, we've had things explode. We've had sure everything that could be considered bad, but it's like it's ever been really that bad. Because you just do it rebels had their

Rebel Rodriguez 1:43:34
Movie set standards happens all the time.

Racer Max 1:43:38
Whether it's Oh God, the wind is kicking up so high on our hypnotic finale that none of the actors can see Cassandra's blowing in their eyes. So we got to close out this finale as quick as we can. Let's make it emotional somehow. Because we're at a dry river basin and COVID We can't go anywhere else. Or it's like, oh, gosh, it's 105 degrees outside and our little actor star is just not having this seat. He is having a horrible time. And he's got to deliver some lines right now unless we can cut them cleverly. Right. Now watch this, I'll do a little drawing. I'll show you how we can fix this. So as Robin said, you start getting your head over, the most important thing you can do is get out of your head quickly. Start making it tangible start making tangible solutions, no matter what it is, whether it's the boats linking, the vehicles gone, actor can't make it. You have to rewrite the entire scene. Just start drawing, start writing, start talking to everybody that's there to help you and figure it out. Get out of your head quickly.

Alex Ferrari 1:44:35
Beautiful, beautiful advice, guys. Now, if you had a chance to go back in time, and talk to little rebel and little racer, what advice would you give them have a time machine. Dude, seriously, can I borrow a lot. There's a lot of stuff I need to work on.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:44:59
Yeah. Yeah. Actually, yeah on on Spy Kids, I had this one actually, we were we were in London and recording for the we're there for the orchestra group recorded live because the whole thing is live recorded. And it was up there that I wrote it down. I was telling Theresa, we're always just talk ideas about this kind of stuff. And I told them, I think I finally have something I would have like, gone back a few years and wish I told myself, like, really, really like, Man, I wish I did this five years ago, man, but it's a, it's an interesting kind of trap you rot you fall into because you're doing what you love. It's not what you really expect is. I loved making music. I mean, it was like everything to me, I was just out of school, and I've got all the time, you know, all the time, you could possibly think of got a part time job or whatever, you've got so much time as opposed to when I was in school, and it's like you're squeezing out whatever little bit you got, that isn't school time. And I think the worst thing you can do is be so passionate about it, that you put all of your time into it, and are willing to put in an unbelievable amount of hours into it constantly. And do every little last little touch and try to make the most perfect thing you can make. Because it's not at all how reality works. Honestly, it's, it's almost like you need and it's like it was always weird, I make things and I would just get so into the details and almost lost in the details to where you're not really doing the broad strokes well, and all that kind of stuff. Because that's so much time. It's like, oh, well, I can sit here and do this all day. And you know, mess with every little note I write and all that kind of stuff. It's it's actually counterintuitive. It teaches you all the wrong ways to do things in a weird way I'd watch my dad work. And Robert just has kind of this thing of like, well, I've only got this many hours, let's just hit it and let's do it. And he just dives right in. And he, I mean, he's making broad strokes pretty much but you see how he's not afraid to make mistakes, he's not afraid to make something that it doesn't seem like it's perfect to him. And it's almost like when he's mostly focusing on those broader strokes, he gets a big he gets a better result from it. It's almost like a bolt. I call that line confidence when you're an artist and you draw if you're just trying to make every like line really perfect actually end up kind of screwed scribbly if you've seen a great artists, they're just like, like nothing. I mean, it's just like they're just throwing them out there. And you watch Robert, he does the same thing. I went up and got to work with we got to work with John W on this again, who did the music first bite gets to he did you know it's like it's one all that kind of stuff. And he kind of helped birth the spike it sound but I watched him compose I like never gotten to see like a professional composer, actually in the midst of writing. And he's just like, all this stuff. I had like put all this time and attention to detail to Oh, I do this because I've all this time. He's just like glancing over like, and what he's focusing on is so different than what I was focusing on. Because he doesn't have time he doesn't put a lot of time into he's like, Well, in one hour, I gotta get the scene done. Swish wash, you know, does all that then versus me, I've got eight I could put all the time in the world, I wanted this and you focus on all the wrong things that teaches you to not look at the right things. If you give yourself a little time, this kind of goes into the deadline thing. You actually focus on what's the most important thing that will make the most impact. And that's where you start to make some real progress. So it was once I've started to do that I really started after I watched him write like that as like, oh, that's how you write. All my music was. I mean literally like leaps and bounds improved. So I mean, the

Alex Ferrari 1:48:22
The old guys have a couple of tricks. I'm gonna say baby.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:48:30
It's weird. It's like so counterintuitive, because you're like, I'm so passionate about this, how could I just now be so apathetic towards it? And it's like, it's not an apathy so much is it's like, you have to learn to just let it flow. You got to have that confidence in your strokes and just, you know, move with it. And it's almost more important to put more ideas out there rather than barely squeeze out one because you finally thought it was perfect. You know, get out of your head. Throw down too many. It's way better to have too much stuff. I mean, he would just overdo it. It put in too much and go. That was too much. And he backed off. At least now you found out where the ledge was. If you kept tiptoeing forward, blindfolded, you never know what that legends

Alex Ferrari 1:49:05
And take you forever to get there.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:49:06
Exactly. So it's that was really, really important.

Alex Ferrari 1:49:11
Another good answers racer.

Racer Max 1:49:13
First off, I would take the entire recording of this podcast and just play it to a 17 year old racer, you're gonna listen to this, you're gonna memorize every single word that is said here by all three of these people talking right now. Start with that, that's book one. Appreciate that book too. You're gonna you're at a high school now, little 18 year old racer, okay, you're gonna take a whole year off, you're gonna take gap year, what you're going to do is you're gonna make a feature, you have one year to do it. I don't care how you do it. But it's got to be done in one year and I dare you to make it good. It can't be you can't make it you can't be good. And go over time. You have to try to strive for some level of greatness. And you have to but you have to finish it. It has to be done by the end of this and and put some of your time into it. As Rachel said, Don't put all 16 hours of your day into it. Give yourself a workday, eight hours, six hours, whatever you manage to then go take time for family, for friends, all that stuff, because that's important too. You got to take care of all the other sides of your life because now you're dealing with adult things too. And make that happen. That'll teach you more than anything by and of course, most important thing, make it with what you got. Because without one year, no money. You don't have time for you don't have, there's nothing you can get for that. So once you've got

Alex Ferrari 1:50:35
And now and finally, the last question, and arguably the most difficult one, I've asked this entire conversation. Oh, each of you three of your favorite films of all time.

Racer Max 1:50:45
Oh, I always keep my list ready.

Alex Ferrari 1:50:50
By the way, everyone who's just listened to this, Rubble just grabbed this feels like okay, let me just pull up my list. Actually. That's great. Go ahead, guys.

Racer Max 1:51:01
I keep my top five on hand. So I've got Excalibur 1981 John, my top of the top favorite. Has everything. You see the new spike as you might see some influence. Fair enough. I absolutely love it. Number two, The Incredibles picks classic Pixar. Talk about VHS as you would watch on infinite repeat that that was the first time where I watched a movie all the way to the end. Went through the end credits because they're incredible. The music and everything Michael Giacchino just killing it. And I watched it all and I just hit reset. And I went, I think this is one of my favorite movies. This is the only one I've ever done this on. And then number three is old boy. Absolutely love, love the style from the early 2000s. It's got a style that all my favorite like video games, and like TV shows had at the time, that like this is y2k, dark futurism absolutely love it. So So those are my top three,

Alex Ferrari 1:51:55
The great top three and a half to just tell you a geek story real quick. I was at Sundance at midnight screening of old boy in the US premiere of a while, while the director was there he from Japan. And I met him and he was like, half asleep because the poor guy just flown over. And I remember seeing Oldboy at Sundance at the at the main theater there the Egyptian. And I'm like, What did I just watch? Like he was like, what insanity is this? I was it was it was one of those moments I'll never forget. No,

Racer Max 1:52:36
Nno, no, it's great. I had

Alex Ferrari 1:52:37
A midnight screening at Sundance with the director just flying in from Japan. Like he. He hadn't gotten there yet. When the movie started, he was there at the end for q&a. And then I met him outside outside. Everyone was gone already. I'm like so how are you? He's the end. This interpreter was there and it was like

Racer Max 1:52:55
Aamazing. Oh my god. That's amazing. I had

Alex Ferrari 1:52:59
A little geek story. Stories along the way, but that's

Racer Max 1:53:04
One of the benefits I get a lot of cool stories. That's for sure.

Alex Ferrari 1:53:10
Rebel, how about you? How's your tough time?

Rebel Rodriguez 1:53:13
All of his three are also my favorites, but I pulled out some extra other ones as well. We love those. But definitely one of my top favorite favorite animated at the moment right now cross the spider verse that was in I absolutely loved it. That was so radical. I mean, it's just it's changing the game of animated we love Incredibles, but it's really cool to see something now that's like, shoot. That's like another incredible system. Like it says a

Alex Ferrari 1:53:35
Whole other level. It's when I watched that. I was like, I mean that is going on.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:53:39
It's really impressive. On Mondays that's a classic. I love that one a lot. And now I love it more because I make music more learned. I appreciate it.

Alex Ferrari 1:53:49
I laugh Oh my god.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:53:54
Like the more you learn about music, the more you're just like, it's crazy. They captured like the genius of it so well.

Alex Ferrari 1:54:00
It's such a masterpiece.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:54:03
It's just fantastic. And then tied either jaws. That's a classic always loved on musical mountains. Great. I've always been a big fan of that but playing it on piano since I was like, you know, however young I was our dad intrusive to the jostling me. We didn't know what the movie was. So I just stared the music in the car and it was like you'll see it someday. And it's like, that was it. That's all I knew. And what's up, Doc? I love, love.

Racer Max 1:54:30
Nice, great. Comedy. Great. So great.

Alex Ferrari 1:54:34
So I noticed your dad didn't make the list, but that's fine. That's fine. I'm sure his ego will be fine with that. I wouldn't be like SimCity guy seriously did seriously. I drank the Kool Aid. So I'm glad to be of your father's

Racer Max 1:54:55
He's he's got a special list. It's like it almost doesn't count because like

Alex Ferrari 1:55:00
Oh So let me ask you this What is your favorite death?

Racer Max 1:55:03
Your first travel just to make sure I don't pick the same one.

Rebel Rodriguez 1:55:05
No you go for it because I know we're gonna pick the same one. I'll pick it.

Alex Ferrari 1:55:08
Okay top three top three. Top three Robert films in your world.

Racer Max 1:55:13
Number one road racers his second film. Yes, of course. So great. Incredible. I love the rebel spirit of it. So, so good. Then for me next it's Desperado. I just love what he did with mariachi and just like complete spiritual successor that just blew even more heads than the first one. Incredible. And then spike it to honorable mention my favorite my absolute favorite of the Spy Kids. Cuz I love the fantasy and the creatures and the fun and they have the best outfits in that movie. How about you?

Rebel Rodriguez 1:55:45
Road racers. Very big favorite of ours since city though, is another one. Definitely. I loved watching that one. He always puts off showing us his movies. We just wait till he wants to show it to us that when we watched, like midnight, practically we finished was like 2am. And he was like, Hey, let's make the breakfast tacos from the five minute cooking school. We made those 8am and like 3am

Racer Max 1:56:07
Just so we could ask them questions like, Yeah, but that was super

Rebel Rodriguez 1:56:11
Memorable for me. And then definitely MIT Archie as well and Desperado. So those are just,

Alex Ferrari 1:56:17
If I may, if I may throw mine into the ring, go for it. I think Desperado was because I was in film school and Desperado came out. I saw it in the theater. I saw it in the theater. And I saw I had that poster in my my room right in here. Whatever. Yeah, with Uncle Antonia. And that gun that was just amazing. That double barrel. Shotgun. Yeah. I'm gonna say Desperado. Because that was the one that really, that wouldn't really hit me since at without question, do you look at sincerely just like

Racer Max 1:56:52
I don't even know.

Alex Ferrari 1:56:56
And believe it or not, one of the other films that I really loved of his is once upon a time in Mexico. Oh, it's classic. It's excellent. Because once upon a time in Mexico, for me was the film that got me off. To make my first big short film that went on and did it didn't same things for me. And I had Roger Ebert review it and it was a whole. That's great. That's how it all started with once upon a time in Mexico is when I saw the guacamole gun, right? As I saw the welcome all the gun and I saw that and I was like, I think I could do this now. Like it was like there was so much like for sure obstacles that you put in your head. But that was the movie that just kind of pushed me over. So it has a special place in my heart for that was the movie that kind of launched my filmmaking side, not the commercial or music video side that I've been doing. But more the filmmaking filmmaking side was that that was the film that kind of did it for me. So those are my top three.

Racer Max 1:57:49
Wow, that's awesome. That's great. I love those pics. There's just so much to choose from. It's just all great. Oh, no, again, they're their own. That's their own category. You can't even Yeah, but

Alex Ferrari 1:58:00
Boys, I truly appreciate this conversation. Man. It has been such a pleasure and honor talking to both of you. Your your energy is infectious. I want to go make a feature. Now. I don't know why. But I'm gonna go shoot something. I don't know when but I'm gonna figure it out. Just figure it out. Yes, go, No, your energy is infectious. And in this has just been such a pleasure of conversation. And I do believe I agree with your race, or I think that filmmakers will get a whole lot out of this conversation. There's a lot of gems in this. And I hope it helps people around the world kind of maybe demystify a little bit of the myth. And really get into the weeds of how you actually make these films, and actually do this kind of process. The mariachi process, if you will, without the myth is much overhead. And you guys kind of cut through the myth really quickly. Like, we don't know. And, and there's. So it's been an absolute pleasure. So thank you so much. Oh, by the way, where can people watch spike?

Racer Max 1:58:59
It's spike. It'll be on Netflix coming at the end of September. Very soon. Very, very soon. Yeah, very excited. Please, if you're, if you're a fan, if you've grown up, if you have kids, please fill us we'd love for you to see it. And even if you've never heard us by kids, go check them all out there. have excellent, classic classic films.

Alex Ferrari 1:59:18
And do you have do you guys have any parting messages for any young racer or young rebel out there? Who's thinking about getting into this insanity, carnival circus ridiculous business that we're all in any parting messages for them?

Racer Max 1:59:36
Absolutely. I please jump in. Whether you want to do animated live action or shows or whatnot, please jump in because stories and films stories are how one of the methods that humans get truth from the world. And I want to see the truth that you can put into the world and teach all of us about and you're never going to make a mariachi Reservoir Dogs are clerics are any of those. But I don't want to see that from you. I want to see your film. I want to see what you can make. Rebel. That's great. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, shoot me think about that.

Alex Ferrari 2:00:18
Well, while you're thinking about that, I do have to say something. This is kind of the elephant in the room. You guys both have the greatest names ever. I know. I know. Is that your mom? I know it wasn't your mom. Your mom just allowed it but because I'll be honest with you I try already started I started a propaganda campaign with my wife when I was gonna have kids and like if I have a boy he has to be Maximus Ferrari Max Ferrari.

Racer Max 2:00:49
Ferrari has to be

Alex Ferrari 2:00:53
Extra yet I had but luckily I had girls so but it would have been

Racer Max 2:01:02
Maximum world was spared of a backstory

That's true. You can't you can't pass it up. Little bit or not. It's a little little mom's and sanity. Racer Max was chosen because my mom had a crush on Racer X when she swapped Speed Racer

Alex Ferrari 2:01:26
She came up with the name first and our dad came up with

Racer Max 2:01:29
It he they both thought racer would be fun after rocket and and then rebel was gonna be my name too but I was like that's not a rebel. I think this is a racer and came up with the middle name with with the Osama about people

Alex Ferrari 2:01:46
Insane insane all of your nuts anything you want to add Rachel no pressure.

Rebel Rodriguez 2:01:58
Yeah, so I think definitely, if you're gonna dive in, like Rachel said, do so. It's amazing. It's it's creative work is one of the most gratifying kinds of things ever. I mean, it's nothing opens your mind more like creativity. But definitely learn to love the process and all that it is it's all the good all the bad all the crazy days learn to see it Hafele learn to enjoy all of it. Because no matter how big and famous you get, or how much you stay right where you are, it's all gonna be the same the whole time it was just more money so there's more people and there's more problems more of the same thing. So enjoy and love the process for what it is and how gratifying it can be in an exciting that you know, you don't always know what's gonna come your way. So definitely learn to love the process. So

Alex Ferrari 2:02:40
Like P Diddy says more money, more problems. I understand what I got out of that. Guys, again, you guys are amazing. Thank you so much for being on the show and continue this gender, the next generation of Rodriguez insanity. So I appreciate you guys. Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it.

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BPS 334: Directing ACTION in the World of John Wick for Television with Albert Hughes

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Alex Ferrari 0:04
I'd like to welcome back to the show returning Champion Albert Hughes, how you doing Albert?

Albert Hughes 2:29
So apparently, we still have the record.

Alex Ferrari 2:32
We still have the record brother was that it was during the COVID times. You were stuck in Amsterdam, literally stuck in a room somewhere by yourself. And I think I was the only beacon of hope for a conversation about film for you. They sat there and spoke for three and a half hours, four hours. And it just kept going. And we were we were on Skype. It was again even gone to zoom yet. We were on Skype.

Albert Hughes 2:55
Was it was it Skype? It was it was Skype. Well, Oh, over here about Skype anymore.

Alex Ferrari 3:02
I didn't move over to zoom yet, because I was one of the last holdouts on Skype.

Albert Hughes 3:07
I still have it. I still have the app. Do you still have the app?

Alex Ferrari 3:11
I can't no. Because my I got the new computer. It doesn't now. Like I couldn't record anymore. It's old thing. But man with that that's an epic conversation we had man, it's been one of the most downloaded episodes we ever had. And then of course, when I heard about you, when I heard about it, and press, I emailed you right away, I said, Hey, man, congratulations cannot wait to see what you do in the world of John Wick. And, and you did not disappoint my friend. I have seen it and it is oh, thank you. It is like I was telling you before, it's so nice to see a director direct in television. Not not crapping on anybody else's style, but that you can see a very distinct a point like point of view when you're working. And it's like those things that you and I grew up with in in the 80s. And the 90s are like these kind of directors who like, you know, put the cameras move the cameras, that POV shots, it's like, oh, look at that. That's nice. You know,

Albert Hughes 4:08
I you know, it's also it's a new world now where, you know, back in the 80s and 90s, when we were growing up to it's like the the film directors, film writers, producers kind of looked down on TV, you know, or sphere. There was no streaming back then but, and now like the best writing the best acting, and some of the best directors are coming to those formats. And I mean, Netflix owns have the best directors in town right now. You know, literally, literally, but then.

Alex Ferrari 4:36
But you know what, it's really interesting, because I've heard this from a lot of people is that a lot of the independent filmmakers who would have been an independent film in the 90s in the early 2000s are not going to television, because that's the only place they can actually make a living. Because there is no real output for market. The market place doesn't open it's not as open as it used to be for independent film as it used to.

Albert Hughes 4:58
Yeah it's Like the Marvel movies the tentpole, CIPS they've squeezed up Mom and Pop movies or the midsize movie reviews, other genre movies, you know, like, Well, my house is doing well with their movies, the horror genre.

Alex Ferrari 5:12
But Jason's got the sweetest deal. And Hollywood. I mean, you kidding me? Like I thought when I talked to him on the show, it's like, dude, you'd like you're doing like 10 million $50 million movies being distributed by Universal, like, widely. Like, that's the sweetest deal in the US.

Albert Hughes 5:25
Yeah, and some of those movies are only $5 million. And they have the sweet deals for everybody involved. And he has a really good business model. And it's really not only sensible, but very kind to the town in golf. You know, he's one of the few guys out there that that's doing something like that. We actually share the same account. And I did work with him on the Good Lord Bird. Because his company produced that. Yeah, but it's a new day and time. And that's what strange is like, with this series of Continental, it wasn't set up like a typical TV schedule 10 episodes or eight episodes where you're rolling into the next episode with your cast and crew, then bringing in another director, guest directors. And then you know, sometimes those episodic TV shows have that low in the middle where they're trying to save money, you can tell her filler episodes. And we've talked about me and you I do distinctly remember talking about last time in our marathon run. David Fincher. Oh, and the one thing you if you look at what David Fincher did with mine Hunter and you look at whatever the show runners are, I got to look up with the show runners are on Handmaid's Tale, there's a very consistent style and quality control going on with those shows, both shows could have been shown in a theater, and you would have known none the difference between whether it was a TV show or a movie or a one hour episode. But it all came down to quality control. And then there's other like, really nuanced the details like what I learned the difference between TV in feature filmmaking is a TV is a writer with meaning and as you know, right, and features are a director's medium. So when traditionally the writers medium has been going on it. It's less about style and tone of the museum meets on saying, as you know, you learn in film school. And more about close up close ups, close up shop, close. And close up. Yep. And that they still were to this day, they're still think that way, and they're slowly coming out of it. I'm talking at the executive level when you start getting notes. Well, where's the close up for that shot? It's like, well, people have these big screens that you don't need that close up anymore. So then the cinema like I give this, it's a bad good analogy, I don't know. It's like a guide on the phone with his girlfriend, she's breaking up with him. And he's very lonely, right. And TV, you see, there's a close up shot, because the writers are laying on their dialogue and film. You learn the Masters, like tell them the story in the shot to go really wide and have them really tiny in the corner talking and looking small and only so the shots telling you he's lonely and isolated and being broken up with. And so it's the dialogue but you don't necessarily need to close up let's face at this moment, right? That's the difference. But there's a benefit to TV and what they do, because I've been studying like, I consume a lot of people like succession and all those shows, you know, and they button, the scenes with close ups and the characters wheels are spinning. And that takes you into the next scene. You're like, Oh, I wonder what they're thinking or you might project on what they're thinking. And that's a very useful thing to learn from TV, because cinema doesn't feature the filmmaking doesn't really do that. Yeah. So there's, right now also, there's this thing where it's like, if I'm making something or another feature guys making something, I don't want to change my style, because it's a TV show, I don't want to do more consoles, I want to respect the audience is going to read that shot correctly, especially considering that the TV sizes have changed, you know. So we still all have a lot of adjusting to do especially on the the executive and studio network side, too. Welcome those filmmakers into the TV space for what they do, without constantly pounding them about close optional.

Alex Ferrari 9:03
I would agree with you on that. And when I was watching this, I was noticing I mean, it's this basically they're the three movies. These episodes, they're just three standalone movies with like Paley and like cliffhangers essentially are like the next there's another episode in this thing. It's it's serialized in that sense in this miniseries that you've put together with continental but the Makah segment, the budget, the production value of this thing must have been pretty impressive because the I mean, we all seen the continental and John Wick, right. And we've seen it we've done but this is John Wick in the 70s, which is a great decade to Tunis and by the way, the it was anything I mean, come on. It's I mean, it's as fun as you could get to play in that in that era. But the visual effects I was noticing the how the visual effects. We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show. And the depth of it the world creation that you did for the Continental. What was that? How did you approach doing it like that? And I assumed there was a decent budget for this. But this is not $100 million $200 million show. But it looks like yeah, it looks like the end, we'll get into the actual sequels in a minute, because that's a whole other story.

Albert Hughes 10:25
Okay. Well, maybe it's actually I was gonna hit on it earlier, but I forgot is the one I was talking about TV schedules. And now they roll into the next thing that there's no prep time for the guest directors, we only had one guest director, Charlotte brush and who has been around forever, very capable. But it's even very difficult for them to maintain the style. And it's a very hard thing to do the quality control, the tone and the look and all that stuff. But one of the reasons I did it, there's several reasons why I did it. One was when I looked at the way they laid it out. It was like a 14 week prep leading into Episode One. While weeks prep, leading into Episode Two or weeks prep, leading to episode three each 35 days a piece that is not normal for TV, that's not a normal schedule. That's not even normal prep for a movie like 12 weeks. 1012 weeks is normal. Not I wasn't allowed to say. But they see that for. Yeah, but they see that 14 is helping the overall to you know, you're not just servicing one. So that was the first thing that raised an eyebrow, they go oh, there, someone was smart. They're trying to ensure quality here, you know, and with a guy like me, don't give me prep, you know, because I'll use it. A lot of directors, you know, don't use it, you know, and don't, you know, you know, parlay that into some real security in quality, basically. And then there's the other thing above the wick film producers talk to me first, because I wasn't sure I wanted to do it. I didn't know if I wanted to play in another man or woman's sandbox. But they they talked to me about it. And I was considering something else. And I go, I just want to have fun man. The COVID thing was really weighing on me as you know. And I think the audience wants to have fun. I don't want to this social issue stuff anymore. Like I've done it. I'll go back to it, maybe but right now, I have fun watching those movies. Why not basically right. And that was a real moto. And then you had me at seven years. Like you just said early. You had me with the 70s. Right. That's the era I grew up in I was born in. I have a white mother who's listened to Pink Floyd a black father was listening to James Brown. And I finally able to explore the the mother's side of my upbringing, you know, the father's side has been tapped into greatly from the past movies with fantastic r&b and hip hop and stuff. But now it's like, Pink Floyd. It's my favorite band of all time. No one would suspect that even some of my closest friends wouldn't know that. That is I don't care what band you bring up. You start bringing up Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, I don't want to hear it. Pink Floyd, My guys are my guys. And then the heartache of having to give that song to episode two, which is a you know, an episode I supervised and finished them the post on but I didn't direct it, though. Yeah. And it was Kirk Woodward, the showrunner. And my friend, my very good buddy. Now my partner in this who he was struggling with that scene, because we just couldn't find the right score for it. And we couldn't find the right. And he came up with that choice. And I go, man, that's one of my favorite songs, like, welcome to the machine. So it was it was he that picked it. And he picked a few others that I was cuz sometimes a needle drops you like I'm pretty, I'm pretty good at it like 70%. But when I'm bad, I'm really bad. It's really off, you know? And once you put it against picture, you're like, What was I thinking? I thought this thing would work. And he is the one that came with Black Sabbath at the end of episode one, which was this attitude Kirk that came with that. Because originally I put it in more of an upbeat kind of, it's kind of a punk reggae. It's called Murder. It's a woman singing murder. Ooh, murder, you know, and I thought, Oh, this is such a downer episode at the end. Because if something tragic happens, I want the audience to leave for a week because I knew it was gonna be a weekly show. I want them not to leave to down and you kept working on me like our and it's not right. It's not right. Okay. And then he brought this sad but track and I go oh, that screaming revenge and anger. So yeah, I got me anger a bit there. But

Alex Ferrari 14:21
You know what? That's the thing. You got to try things before you say no, but no, when you were saying it and I know the scene and I know the ending of that episode. I'm going to pick it would have not worked it just like I'm already playing in my head. I'm like, No, it's not.

Albert Hughes 14:34
I tried it. I tried it. The first few seconds like,

Alex Ferrari 14:37
You need anger. You need revenge. You need vengeance. And that's what that song. The energy of that song came out without question. I mean, listen, you know, John Wick is created an a bunch of movies a world that is unprecedented, really in cinema history. There is nothing like Java. There's just nothing like John Wick, and what piano did and what the creators do. it and the actions is that when you stepped into this world to play like you said on another man sandbox, did you feel any pressure of like, I kind of meant this better bring the heat. Because every single there hasn't been a week John with film in my opinion. Everyone has been like, dude like this last one. I saw it in the theater. I was like, This guy's really like you can bananas. It was it's it's like so much action that you can't even. I'm like how many years? That's like almost like it was a kickback to John Woo style, hardboiled.

Albert Hughes 15:35
That's the that's still Oh, somebody was bringing up No. Like a friend reached out to me yesterday was like, he didn't know I made this and accidentally watched it. And he could recognize it was my style. So he looked at the credits again, and he messaged me. And he goes, it just reminds me of us watching John Wuhan, the night we were go, well, that's where Chad partially, he has a smorgasbord of influences. And some would be shocked to know that not the John Woo part. But the Bob Fossey a musical part. He's into musical and dance numbers. And when you talk to Chad, he'll talk about all these influences. You know, Korean cinema, too, of course, Japanese cinema. Some of the same things overlap with both of us, but I my favorite John Wick, the fours three three just tickled me pink like, it's when you when you talk to the hardcore John Wick fans, they don't. They don't care for three, they love one. I think their order is now it may be one or four. But they really have a soft spot for one. It's one four to three minds in a completely different order of mind. 3124

Alex Ferrari 16:39
And four is still

Albert Hughes 16:42
It's solid, it's crazy. Like they do up the game. There's just weaknesses I have for three because they reminded me of being a 12 year old watching Indiana Jones like that knife fight. And then that Oh, I don't know Museum of knives. Like I thought it couldn't get any better. It just kept getting better and better. And then it ended with a guy's axe in the head. I go oh my god, this is the sword fight and on the motorcycles which is from the villainous Korean movie I believe. But again, it was awesome. And then who could have ever thought the smack of horses asked to kick a guy in the face like there's so there's all and then there's dogs the Halle Berry dog stuff like so it was speaking to the 12 year old boy me were the difference with four was I thought four in the end when it took me a while to realize was more of a spiritual movie. It is became a spiritual Yeah. Is though is one of the most I didn't expect that

Alex Ferrari 17:33
One of the most violent pics. I see that cinema quite some time. But it's it's correct.

Albert Hughes 17:37
But I also saw it with green screen. Yeah, I saw it though early cut where the RTA triumph, you couldn't even see the structure when they were doing that you couldn't see what happened to the Continental. I was watching a lot of blue screen and it was like a three and a half hour cut out. I watched it first. So when I saw it in the cinemas, I was shocked at like how good the VFX were like that arc to the Triumph thing like how there was no, there was no no Orchidee triumph there. They did shoot it in Lidar and do all those things. Right. But how realistic those VFX were like, I didn't know what that scene would become like,

Alex Ferrari 18:12
I thought the shot. I thought they shot it there personally, I said not that you told me that I'm like, I thought they shot they did a fantastic job. Because I couldn't tell

Albert Hughes 18:19
Well, there's established yours you know, and even in an established yours, if you look closely, you can tell that there's digital cars not not that it's badly done it just at the speed they're going in that traffic. And unless you're in Boston locked down all of Paris, it's impossible. You know, of course, we know how these things are constructed. You and I so we're able to know even if it's really great VFX What the What's going on, you know,

Alex Ferrari 18:45
I thought they might have locked up you know, you know, from one o'clock to four o'clock in the morning, something like that, because it was just looks so so good. And going back to John Woo, though. I mean, you go back to those kid that killer hardboiled that is ballet, with guns, and then WIC is just taking it to a whole other place, which then brings me to, but

Albert Hughes 19:07
You don't know what to say just before we get up at John Woo the big difference between then and now is that John wounded and have those air guns that you can put up to somebody's face and see the recoil and hear a little sound that's so safe. You can literally put up your eyeball. You know, he was using real muzzle flashes. stunk. Man, they were getting hurt all the time, because there are regulations out there for protections aren't the same in China at the time, like just running through stunt men, right? He was shooting for 100 days and more like, you know, John, who was going all balls to the walls without all the stuff that we have the tools we have nowadays. And then you have someone like Chester hausky, who comes from its background, who specializes in that. And then he found this perfect match with Keanu in that kind of world. And it's like a parallel universe, which is what's so freeing about doing the show the continental is like

Alex Ferrari 19:58
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Albert Hughes 20:07
You know, when I started checking up a list of why I should do something like this, one of it was like, Well, my brain is gonna be free just to have fun now. So what's that going to be like, I didn't have any idea that I would have the most fun in my life on a set, or in post or in prep. It was like, an experience I'll never forget

Alex Ferrari 20:24
When going into the action, I mean, when I was watching the episodes, I was like, Mike, what is this like John Wick level, action, movie level action. So that this is it's not like if you're tuning in to see the continental and expecting like TV versions of John Wick action. It is not. It is. You could say it's, you could take it out and put it right into $100 million $200 million movie and it would fit perfect that was so I was like, man, it's ball. It was a single man.

Albert Hughes 20:54
It's the same guy. It's a company that Chad owns with David leach called at 711. And some of the same people that were in some of the Jaguar films are part of the stunt team too. And Lauryn Hill Stovall, the coordinator and action director was, it's from that, that at Simon Lebon camp to, and Chad had to bless the person that was being chosen for that basically, before we started, and then they go and do this thing called stunt biz, which is wonderful. You get to see everything beforehand and make adjustments. And they do this really cool thing a new school of stunt men do which is, first of all, they show you the stuff the old school never showed you anything right? They also make use of the environment. And if the environment is not Columba we may rewrite where we're at more this fights gonna take place. And it's interesting, I'm telling you, because there's one scene in episode three that particularly cater to your audience No way. It's like, when we talked in the past about when you have no money, what do you do with it? Right, right. So Kirk had written this scene where this character Lu, a black woman's being followed by this detective Mayhew and it was going to end up in this like fight between the both of them in the streets. And I said, You know what, I've always wanted to do Kirk a fight in the phone booth you ever heard that expression of fighting for was like, Hey, I've heard it, or sometimes a boxer announcer like they're just blowing each other in a corner and blowing each other and hitting each other. Taking blows in the corner, you know, there's they all skill has gone out the window. They're just,

Alex Ferrari 22:26
It's again, it's a street fight. Yeah, it's a street fight. Yeah,

Albert Hughes 22:29
It's street fight in, in close proximity. It's, uh, it was like watching a fight in a phone booth. So I said, we need to do this for two reasons. One, I think it'd be cool. Because we can use the phone with the environment a phone booth to this could be a lesson to people with no money in film school. But I want this thing to be the kind of scene where they look at it and go, you see, you can do something interesting without scope, and still tell the story and move on and play play on kind of, I don't know what the what that's an analogy, I guess, or a metaphor. Play on something like that. Yeah, we did have the budget to do what we want. I didn't feel the pinch in any way. Like you can give me $10 million. I'm not going to feel a pinch. I'll design the movie to the budget. You can give me five I'll design the movie to the budget. But what I always aspire to from the first movie is you give me 2.5 I want to make it as low as seven you give me 10 I want to make it like 20 and there's little tricks to do that we talked about in the last time we talked about but people should know we each budget had a pretty much the same budget as a first John Wick movie. That's it well, it wasn't any lower whether any higher.

Alex Ferrari 23:36
Yeah, and the thing is too is like when I was watching this again, I said this you use some of those tricks to get more bang for your buck. Because it definitely looks more bang for your buck without question. Now speaking of stunt, guys, this is my I love I love stunt guys. I was working on my on a project I was working with a 24 stunt team, the 20 Kiefer Sutherland's shout back in the day, and is it just me or are all of them absolutely nuts?

Albert Hughes 24:07
They are the old school guys are a different type of nuts. The New School guy right there a different type of nuts. Yeah, they all are like, go ahead. Sorry.

Alex Ferrari 24:16
No, it's like I heard like when when I would go Listen, I need you to do this. I need to do a gainer here. And I needed to do flip like but kind of jump off the second story. Like no, I don't need a second. I'm we're good here on the first No, no, but like, I could do the second store. I could like I'm good. Like no, but I'm like guys, it was not there but all of them would always take it to 11 as they say in spite of

Albert Hughes 24:39
Yeah, they're their adrenaline adrenaline junkies, you know, and they're like fighter pilots here in this whole other mode, you know, and they recall from the past and and has moved to the new school. They have this swagger this kind of arrogance in they need that arrogance in their job, you know, but sometimes you can miss read the air again and not see the person basically right. And they're very interesting, especially the new school guys that come out of 87. Let me because they always overdesign, like you're talking about that in a way they want to give you more than it's done. guys never want to give you less. And you actually always have to talk a stunt person though. Like no, no, do. We don't really don't but

Alex Ferrari 25:21
Guy, or girl.

Albert Hughes 25:22
Yeah, but all the dirty little the dirty little secret. The dirty little secret is, the more times they do that stung the keep getting paid bumps on depending on how dangerous Dustin is that you're getting these these crazy pay bumps. You know, I didn't know that until four years ago. I found that out. I'm like, really? Oh, that's why they're so eager to do another. Like they're lipping to the third take like, Yeah, let's go.

Alex Ferrari 25:45
Let's go. Let's go ahead. Let's go again. I can't imagine like with the with the stunt team that you had on the continental these guys, I mean, there has to be, I mean, other professionals, but it's got to do some some damage. Damage on these guys, the body can only take so much, even as a professional as

Albert Hughes 26:02

Alex Ferrari 26:03
You can only throw them down the stairs so many times. Right? I mean, seriously, at a certain point, even if they know how to follow them if they got the gear on. And at a certain point, you just got it that God bless.

Albert Hughes 26:18
Yeah, and the differences too is they have to train our actors. Like that's what the wig fan base wants us to see their actors doing it. And we had this interesting story one day when the Jessa lane is an actress who played Lulu and they're the brother of Myles Hubert. Ponte jour is the actor's name. But it just was, you know, she's a very sweet woman. And she doesn't like violence, really. And they're training her and she accidentally it's a stunt guy in rehearsal. You know, we're not shooting there in the warehouse doing this. And she's really emotional, but she's really bent, bent out of shape about it and like, no, no, this happens all the time. They don't worry. And we were all a little worried about her. Like, is she ever gonna be able to like, just get over this and she did. And you've seen the El Camino fight with her in the back of an El Camino on Episode Two, I think. Yeah, you've seen the whole series, right. Okay, so,

Alex Ferrari 27:09
I've seen most of the series. I haven't seen all of it yet. I'm gonna see most of it.

Albert Hughes 27:12
Oh, shit. You gotta get the three man we shouldn't. Okay, we'll come back with Kirk.

Alex Ferrari 27:16
You come back with Kurt. Oh, that I've seen the first Oh, I've not seen the third one yet because I have a family.

Albert Hughes 27:22
Oh, the third and the third one goes. I know. The third one goes off the rails. But but she is an episode two in the back of an El Camino like kicking a bunch of people's asses. Right? You see in that and then she basically blossom? Yeah, you know, but wait, I gotta pause for Episode Three prepare you because it's gonna feel like to you a very deceptive, it starts out like, Oh, this is kind of starting out like the others. You know, it's normally paced. And then it just takes this right turn and it just goes nonstop for 15 minutes. So

Alex Ferrari 27:53
So you were trying to you were trying to John Wick for it basically just this nonstop.

Albert Hughes 27:57
Why would he was a hybrid because Chad has a status thing he does. It's wonderful is that? It because he has a two or two and a half hour movie and doesn't have to tow a 3x structure and too many new characters. And you have Ken Oh, and the audience knows what he can do. You can wallow in a 20 minute set piece. I can't really because I have a story to tell. I also don't want to bore the audience. You know, I'm very much in tune, not having action fatigue happen. So it's deceptive in episode three. Because there are modules of action, seemingly taking place in one set piece which is inside the hotel. It's a raid. I mean, it's pretty obvious at this point, it's a raid, you know, that Winston has to take power from this hotel, and a revenge story, right? So it feels like one continuous action scene. It actually isn't. It's one continuous raid, that the way to fix your reign is as you're watching a lot of action. Because it it jumps around to different locations within the hotel and different group members doing different things. But it's relentless, not in the same way as relentless as you get the Arc de triumph and then you get the Dragon's Breath seen from the above angle in the building, and then you get this steps. Then you get the steps. You put those three back to back that's like 45 minutes straight of nonstop action. You know,

Alex Ferrari 29:19
It's a lot. It's a lot. Now I gotta ask you, man, because there's a there's a special actor who play who's in this in this show. Mr. Mel Gibson. How do you work with not only a legend, but arguably one of the better directors of his generation? Because he is a really good director as well. How was it to work with him?

Albert Hughes 29:42
Yeah. He's, he's, he's a pro. And once you get to three, you'll see he goes off the hinges, you know.

Alex Ferrari 29:52
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Albert Hughes 30:01
I'm in the process of working with him you've seen in the past like he does he's very passionate like ransom or Braveheart or road warriors, my favorite. And that's why we wanted him. Yeah hacksaw as as a director is he he makes you believe in what he's doing in the movie if he's playing the character, you believe, right? What I found was interesting is that he, those zingers and one liners that Sam he likes playing with words from Lethal Weapon movies, that is him. That's what he comes with. That's how his brain works. And he plays naive on the set. It doesn't look back and look at everything and like what lens you're using, you know, and he acts like he doesn't know, he knows. And he's watching everything like a hawk. And he doesn't go to his trailer, which is a great thing to have with an actor is like they're not slowing you down. He's very much I think he said it one day, he goes, I'm a good soldier. And he is, and he's highly intelligent on both sides of the camera. And it was just a fun, we had fun with the whole cast. Because I have some people in here, like Adam Shapiro, who's opened a pretzel business during COVID. And it's all the rage in Hollywood right now. And chopping pretzels. Who's a who's a one liner, walking one liners Zinger comedy act, you know, that I work with the past few people I've worked with in the past that have this thing that I was dealing with, with Mel to like, they just want to go on the set and have fun. And they don't want to cause problems. They don't want any headaches. They don't want any drama. And those are my favorite kind of people. So he's cut from that cloth. And I've been here for 40 years of professional he is on the set. And it's exactly what I saw.

Alex Ferrari 31:35
That's beautiful man, not when you when you walk into an action sequence like that as a director. These are not simple, not simple sequences by any stretch and right it's not like a punch, punch, punch, the movement the camera. How would you how do you approach doing this? I know you've seen that a little bit of previous but like if you're if you're talking to a young directors who are trying to get into action. How do you approach like some of the scenes like that in the in the first episode? Does their sequence going down the stairs with him? Will you look like Kiana by the way he will I mean, he was on point, the main actor, the main character.

Albert Hughes 32:15
Yeah, less training though you only had three weeks.

Alex Ferrari 32:17
But he but he looked like I'm like this guy looks like John. I mean, in the movie. He looked like John Wick. I was like, Oh, wow. He's like John Wick style. That's how good he is.

Albert Hughes 32:26
And we are not into that.

Alex Ferrari 32:28
Yeah, obviously. Yeah. Because he's just he was so good at it reminded me so much of John, or of Keanu doing that. How do you approach that kind of scene as a director?

Albert Hughes 32:38
Well, I was very lucky because of the built in nature of at 711 in L'Oreal is you would think you would have to stress about it. If it's a younger filmmaker, and you don't have a great stunt team, you're in trouble. Sure, if you have a great stunt team, what I do with them, as I say, I've learned in the years it's like, and I think we discussed it before, it's like sometimes let professionals be professionals if you're trusting and don't get in our way, let them do their job and then stir the pot every once in a while I'll have my bullet points of once. And for that sequence, what I want it was very overall in a general sense was um, Jackie Chan's use of objects and how playful he is with so he's Frankie's carrying a chest with the point precedent and I will I kept saying it might it was bullet points written down and I will talk to her No, I want him to throw it at somebody. So that distracts them and they can shoot it that's very Jackie Chan that's also very chest to hausky to and John Wick. It's very much fits in that world. But I remember first seeing it with Jackie Chan it's a playful playfulness with chairs with objects and stuff like that. And then we would talk about the sequence and they would design it and then we start just making adjustments now a lot of times the struggle between me and Lauren no healthy really healthy struggle and debate creatively was how long he was going that scene is a one page that's one minute you give me one minute he would turn in six minutes right I'm gonna go now you're killing me over here right so there's a this would constantly going on and that's part of the wick way of being trained in stocks is like they do explore it fully right? So in that staircase sequence you're talking about I cannot a whole floor of violence. There's a whole tooth two sets of stairs that I cut out because I felt like it was undercutting the gag before in the gag after and sometimes you have too much of something. It just undercuts itself because you can't focus on the peaks and valleys basically. And so that was even in a phone booth fight that phone booth fight was really long when I first got it. The you'll see this really fantastic fight between these two women and Episode Three on a roof on the roof of the continental I when I first got it, it was long. And I told my editor like let's maybe cut back to somebody else and then cut back to this. And he just looked at me Sit No, this is wick. This is like world, you know, you know it's a cutaway, we're gonna stay in it. And I think him and that's what a good editor does too is like when you're insecure as a director, they just say stop. No, they did like the scene. You've seen it because you haven't made it to three. You saw the adjudicator see where he has been beaten down that guy. And that atrium, right. So when I get the first cut of that, because I love my offline sounds to be great. They put great sounds and so it was pretty much the same thing in an offline It was brutal and how many times he was punching them in the opening. And I said Ron Ron Rosen's, my editor, I mean, he's a genius like Iran. I think maybe there's too many punches on this guy's face, and the studio or the network's gonna say something, and I kind of agree maybe it's a little too much he goes, dude, dude, it's, it's the wick. It's the wick roll. There's, there's no such thing as too many punches. I'm like, Okay, well, we'll just keep it for now and see if they say anything, right. They never said anything. And then I watched John Wick for and when he's when he's punching killer in the face to get his tooth. Like, it's about the same number of punches. But again, it's kianak Carol has such a soft spot for the audience. And he can pretty much get away with anything, except killing an animal.

Alex Ferrari 36:15
Right! I mean, you could fall out of four stories land on a limo and limp away four times and then move

Albert Hughes 36:22
Continuously. Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 36:23
Continue, keep and then fall down 45 flights of stairs. Get up brush it off and you just like get shot

Albert Hughes 36:29
Off the building could shut off a building by Winston fall following an awning and then on the concrete. Yep,

Alex Ferrari 36:35
Sure. Why not? Yeah, it makes the ice canopy of course it's SynScan. Now with that said, it was so with that said did you have any easter eggs? Laid out throughout this episode? These episodes are for John Wick.

Albert Hughes 36:49
There is the John Wick easter egg. For the hardcore fans. There's the casual easter eggs. And then there's the 1970s Easter eggs like let's go in reverse. So 1970s Easter eggs en picks up Frankie after the staircase shootout. That's an exact replica of Travis bagels taxi from taxi driver. I remember I saw on Episode Two. Episode Two. If you notice that late in episode two, a Starsky and Hutch car appears red with that Nike, white swoosh whatever that is. Episode Three. Right before that phone booth be done I told you about. There's the warriors from the movie warriors. There's the hearse with a graffiti all over it right. Then you have the obvious John Wick kind of easter eggs that are quite obvious. Whether it's what they were doing with the coins, what some of the rules are, what some of the changes in the rules are then the deeper ones. Like in episode one, when Winston gets the idea to go to the theater to see that old decrepit theater where he finds his brother. The scene before that he's at a stoplight. And he looks at a poster. And it's a Marilyn Monroe movie. Yeah. And the name of the movie is Be seeing you, which is from which film to and I think the the death, the death of a woman I forgot her name. She's constantly saying to him be seeing you and he would sign back up or he killed or Be seeing you. So that's the title of the Marilyn Monroe movie because they wouldn't give us the rights to Gentlemen Prefer Prefer Blondes as a title. And that triggers a memory. And then that line recalls again in episode three of the show, and also the adjudicators license plate. She has a car we reveal in episode three, but her license plate is a line from the adjudicator and film Three, show filthy. Right? So there's a bunch of them that and Kirk, the showrunner. He itemize them all because Oh, He cocked marketing and Amazon Marketing wanted it for the you know, that's a really smart thing for them to do. They wanted it to use it for marketing. I forget until I see it like oh god, there's that there's that there's a bunch of them in there.

Alex Ferrari 38:58
So that's really interesting. So that was kind of part of the plan. All I mean, yeah, like every once in a while you'll throw stuff in. But this was like really thought out. Like, where are you going to throw?

Albert Hughes 39:06
Yeah, it was more coming from me and Kurt, being fans of the movie. It wasn't any mandate. There wasn't even they didn't even just tip us off from the film side. What happens in John Wick, or although I saw it early in post for this, they weren't doing that. And it was so freeing in a way they weren't doing what Disney or Marvel would do which is like they have these particular mandates. You have to have to show the show to not to the future. We love that we could reverse engineer and know what we will the first three films where we knew what that that was. And they they just kind of trusted us. I don't know why but they did. And me and Kirk would just break down those movies and say, well, that'd be funny if we can put that in there. And it's always fun to put easter eggs. I think easter eggs like even if you're just doing a normal movie that has no reference to anything IP related. To put easter eggs in there nodding to other movies is always a fun thing.

Alex Ferrari 39:59
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Albert Hughes 40:09
And then episode three, you'll get the famous one. You have to really watch out for my favorite movie of all time. Midnight Cowboy. I'm walking over here, you know,

Alex Ferrari 40:18
Yeah, of course, that was a complete fluke. When that happened?

Albert Hughes 40:22
Well, neither did you hear there's two different versions of that story now,

Alex Ferrari 40:25
That that was not really what I know is that it was a real Capitan, a real cab almost ran over Dustin Hoffman. He's like, that's that was the story was the story.

Albert Hughes 40:37
Now there's a counter story that is actually believable because we know what goes on, they would have had to get a release from that guy that uses his likeness. The cab driver because you clearly see his face, and they would never wanted to put the actors in that much peril. Walking across the street secretly recording. And the line of dialogue I heard is actually written the ad lib may be the line after where he talks about that could be a good insurance scam, too. I saw the story that broke it all down I go. That's interesting, because for years people thought this, but we're gonna hear it from Dustin's mouth, I guess.

Alex Ferrari 41:15
I mean, anything's gonna tell the truth at this point. The game he's just gonna make want to live. Yeah, exactly. I mean, he. I mean, it was the 60s. Right? It was the 60s and I

Albert Hughes 41:24
68. He was shot 68 was shot.

Alex Ferrari 41:27
So it was the 60s. Would they need to release Yeah, but it wasn't a public environment. So maybe like That's true. Yeah, that's true. You can kind of get the documentary but you could because it wasn't a public street. Technically you don't need I mean, and it was just a different

Albert Hughes 41:43
And they weren't doing that thing back then were with in New York when we they were shooting inside of a van with like the tinted glass the good shots like that.

Alex Ferrari 41:51
Oh, yeah, like Yeah, and without permits, and just like running around sometimes. Because it was kind of it was guerilla filmmaking was kind of the beginning. And then that beginning but it was like when they started really start being the vibe started like nothing then that capital really kind of started that whole easy, Easy Rider. And now and obviously, reading C drive, right, Raging Bull and all that kind of stuff. But yeah, there was, I'm curious if you talk to us next time you talk to Dustin. Let me know

Albert Hughes 42:19
I'll hit him up on my rolodex.

Alex Ferrari 42:22
Exactly. So I'm coming from a collar battle I was at the colorist for a long time as well and had a post house I was looking at the approach to the color grading of this which is shoot this on by the way, gentle camera

Albert Hughes 42:37
It was the the airy trigger, which model DX whatever the fuck it was the same lens. It looked like we it was degraded. It was degraded because we got the 1950s lenses I may have talked to you about this before from had a vision that no DPS want to use anymore because their soul they literally had to dust them off when I was doing Good Lord Bird, and they have all these imperfections and anomalies in them. Right. And they they are they were built for MGM by path A or path a path A and MGM are somehow involved, right. They hadn't been used in years. And I had danza Zaki was the lens guru over at penerbitan, who services all the top DPS. And I just went in one day without my DP because my DP was in a different city. And I said, just give me the funkiest lenses you got just think of anything wild that nobody wants to touch. Even if it's cracked, just bring it and then we started testing them out. And I picked his set. And later I found out because I said I would like a list of the films these were shot on. Were Yeah, and it took them actually months to give me the list. It was like a list of 200 films, but the three films that stood out to me were Dr. Zhivago. Cool Hand Luke, and the graduate. Oh, so you watching the Continental? Yeah, you're actually seeing through the same exact lenses that shot those three classic films right. Now, I could have shot with a red and airy or Sony and I don't think you truly could know the difference because we're not only doing that we're also deciding a lot. We're Maxine Gervais who was my colorist I spoke to you about last time it was on all my projects dating back to Book of Eli which we talked about that she's fantastic. She's an artist. She's my partner on every project like there is no DP director relationship without her that that try it that Trifecta doesn't work if the DP comes in and doesn't get along with her. I can't hire him because she's she's my partner in this you know? So she goes in and we start doing the grain thing again we start we don't do that that film grain that one they license out which is bullshit you know it's a scam there's no that's a complete scam. It's a scam okay. She scan she's they've scanned every film stock imaginable from the past okay. She Oh, for great. And then she does a thing. And I don't know the technical terms for it. But there's different layers of color registration and mids highlights, and you know more than I on the thing, right, and how brain interacts with the mids and the highlights and the blacks. And she goes in and there's different layers to and degrees to it. And sometimes we land, we do the stubble, we try to have the imperfection or like one close up maybe grainy or than the other one, or the wide shots are a little more grainy than the medium shots. So we checkerboard, the grain, we pick the degrees of grain 1020 or 30, or 40%. And we are base level, let's say be 20 throughout the whole show, and then we sometimes will attend and go to 40. And it's a subconscious thing where you when you're watching it, you feel a little bit of inconsistency that reminds you of analog. And so there was a lot of things she did that she's a genius colorist basically, like she's like, I think she's gonna be mad. I said that she like the Rain Man of colorist because I tease her about certain things.

Alex Ferrari 46:05
It is a compliment, but I could see where she could go. Hey, man,

Albert Hughes 46:09
Yeah, but I teased her about we mean are like, people come into our color selections. They see us bickering, because she's so sensitive, because she's an artist. And she just goes hard to get it right. And sometimes I'll just say something just to fuck with her. But they think that me and Maxine are fighting and we're not really fighting. We love each other. And we're never mad at each other. Never right? She'll pick, she'll pick on me and I'll pick on her. And she'll say something like, Okay, so there's a transition. I know, you will notice it's like I like sometimes selfconscious transition. So it's tilting up from the beat down the adjudicator and goes this atrium, yellow circle turns into a yellow white right?

Alex Ferrari 46:48
Oh, I love that. Well, I love that shot. Yeah, that's what I was talking about. That was one of the shots. I was talking about what I said about directors. Absolutely.

Albert Hughes 46:53
Yes. So with her like, early in, prep up putting a shot list. I'll put a magazine dissolve, which is a customized dissolve, you know how that works. You're pulling different image up on the second the beside, and you get the customized This is all I said I put out so I'll put in the shot list. And for the editor too, because he has my shot list. So then we Maxine does all by putting a quotation to the next thing. And it's a it's a yellow white. I didn't know I didn't explain it to my editor would a magazine dissolve was because him and his assistant were busy online thinking it's a technical term from Hollywood. They can and I said no, no, no, it's my colorist who who does these? Fantastic kind of creative dissolves, because that was one. Like one session. We were snapping at each other on Alpha about as I said, Okay, Maxine, I need like a 48 frame dissolve here. And she just snickered at me and goes, Oh, you want to dissolve here? I thought you wanted something more creative. I'm like, well, sometimes a normal dissolve. Works, you know, just that's better.

Alex Ferrari 47:55
That's amazing that they thought that was like a special tip. Because to be fair, in Hollywood there. There's always insisted beginning of time, there's all these weird names for certain things and you know, a stinger a B 52. Wilhelm scream? Yeah, well, exactly. And then people like, Maxine, dissolve where's the Maxine?

Albert Hughes 48:15
Yeah, well, now, you know, from your show, in the film, also, a Maxine, dissolve as accustomed as all from henceforth,

Alex Ferrari 48:25
Yes. From hence for they will be called the Maxine. It dissolve. I gotta ask you, man, look, him and you and I are a couple of old dogs. We've been we got a couple of bit of shrapnel under our belt. And, you know, when you and I talk is so much fun, because we talk in cinema and talking about but we, you know, our generation kind of grew up with, and I don't see that coming up behind us men. I mean, there are some, where do you think 50? I mean, are they going to be doing? You know, this kind of like, what you just explained with the grain? Like, are they going to be doing that in 40? Or 50 years, man? Is it what do you think?

Albert Hughes 49:06
Well, it's, it's the true the Tiktok generation now, right now, the the generation that was born. I mean, a lot of after us are just a limbo out for us. We were we were there. From the analog to digital, we saw that I'm so happy we were that we know that difference between film

Alex Ferrari 49:24
British generation. It's the British generation.

Albert Hughes 49:26
Yeah. And we know the difference between digital editing and film editing. You know, it's so I'm so grateful that we got to see that there's something interesting going on. And this is a subtle or conversation or more nuanced one on about this generation. It's like they're seeing like, let's say a movie is out in the theater and they didn't put film great and they didn't do this and it's very clean. It's a Marvel movie and it's very everything's very clean. It's very digital. It still somehow does feel like film because of 24 frames because the shutter Oh

Alex Ferrari 50:01
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Albert Hughes 50:10
Motion Blur and depth of field depending on how you use it, those three things we talked about before, right? That do convey the sense of cinema, it took a while for digital to get there because of those three things in image quality, right? But if you actually play a piece of film, you go whoa, whoa, this is completely Oh, done. Oh, God. Oh, even me, and you have been been fooled into thinking, this looks like film would actually know it. There's a whole other thing going on. There's registration problems, there's scratches, there's ducks prints, there's all this

Alex Ferrari 50:43
Project project the print of Lawrence of Arabia and project digitally project the print of a Marvel movie. And you tell me if there's a difference in the

Albert Hughes 50:54
It's an analog, it's an analog quality. Now there's no I'm gonna parse this argument out different like, I think you and I talked about this before I really don't get off on this whole film purists shit, that group of filmmakers and filmmakers. I think it's fucking bullshit. It's nostalgia. It makes no sense. And Excuse Excuse me for saying this. It's a bunch of white men who are in this Daljit okay. They need to stop going against the winds of need to stop going against the winds of change and start help building windmills. Okay. Um, no, like I'm when I see a bunch of nostalgic old timers. It triggers me is a half biracial guy. Do you start getting to nostalgia that goes down a dangerous road? Okay. Enough. Let's just take all these. Let's take all the and I know I'm being harsh there. Okay, but let's take all these tools available to us. And tell the stories we need to tell by some of them don't believe in di somehow I didn't have any VFX in this movie. I don't give a fuck. Or are talking overly too much about IMAX like, I don't give a shit is Is it good? That's all the audience cares about? Is it good? If it was shot in an iPhone like tangerine? It doesn't matter? Is it good? But to answer the larger thing you're talking about, it's like we're in a world where everything's getting drowned out by too many voices on the internet. And like, you know that because you have to find your niche and all that stuff. So film guys on what film in history, it's got to kind of die away with the new generation. And they're gonna be talking about the film from our generation as being you know, they're gonna be talking, it's not really our agenda, but they're gonna be talking about Marvel movies like, like, as if it's So Lawrence of Arabia. That's what's crazy.

Alex Ferrari 52:38
But you know what, quit and quit and said this really quick. I saw an interview with Quentin. And he said this really interesting. He said he saw he had a conversation with his 16 year old. And he's like, Hey, I was four years old and Iron Man came out and he goes for that kid. That is Citizen Kane. That is, you know, Lawrence of Arabia,

Albert Hughes 52:55
And Ironman is a good movie. That is a great movie.

Alex Ferrari 52:58
Ironman is a fantastic film. But the point is that that is I mean, if you talk to John Favre, he's not gonna like yeah, it's it's good as long as Arabia or is as good as you know, all these it's not. It's a classic in the in that genre, without question. But

Albert Hughes 53:11
What what's also like, it's just like when we are you were younger. Did you remember I'm sure even went to the stage where you were the certain age or like, I don't know, watch a black and white film when you're 12. Oh, watch it black and white. It's Oh, yeah, different watch it, and they know, not older. And you're like, oh, Samurai. But here's what happened during COVID. I gotta tell you about what happens because I've been to film school, I got film books, and I read and I watch a lot of stuff. I have the criterion channel. And I started deep diving in the 30s. And being really fascinated by the fact that the technique of opticals, in camera movement in lighting was at an apex in the 30s. And I'm like, Well, why is this like 30s 40s 50s and started slow down by the 60s who was out unless with a very special director, like Hitchcock, right? Or David Lean or somebody like that, but the 30s Kubrick, but the 30s had transitions and moves like I've never seen before, right? And I go, What is this and I started thinking about it, I go, Well, 1930 1927 2728 sound came in. Before sound, they had to rely strictly on the visual so they were well flexing the visual and opticals right, you look at metropolis and the optical no multilayer obstacles, okay, in the framing, and that also, they started leaning more towards dialogue and now that they started going away from technique of the visual. And that was a an epiphany. I came to I don't know if it's correct film theory, but an epiphany. I came through this last year because I've been deep diving on 30 films. And I'm like, Oh, my God, that I'm so embarrassed that I thought that we cannot scale them. You know, it's like, no, you can't creativity is creativity. It doesn't age you know?

Alex Ferrari 54:55
I mean, you look at the look at something like Seven Samurai or you look at you know, any of the core equals our films that were Russia mon are all of those ease just looking at? Oh, okay. Yeah, I just, I just okay, I got what

Albert Hughes 55:10
They're doing I did a time when there was no video monitors. They couldn't image Sergio Leone didn't have a video monitor with those close ups

Alex Ferrari 55:17
Bro watch. I am Cuba. Are you kidding me? watch that movie Iron Cuba and you're just sitting there like who never heard of these filmmakers doing stuff with like 5000 pound cameras that look like they're doing it with an iPhone. They're you know, putting things on on wires and putting them in the middle of the street while there's a revolution got like what is going on? And that was what's the 60s it was in the 60s of him not mistake. Yeah. Early 60s. Yeah, it was it was hidden until

Albert Hughes 55:49
Yeah, well, that sounds amazing. And that's what's amazing about those films like it was much tougher, much heavier equipment, like you're saying, right? Communication. They didn't even have walkie talkies. early cinema, right? They didn't have cracked wall control. This, they didn't have a lot of things. It was a lot tougher. And then you had to get printed scripts do everything by phone. There was no digitally sending the print or script to Well, someone across town to read it right away. It's, it's amazing. It's like it just shows you something like put those people nowadays. Oh, they're running circles around all of us. I mean, can you already work? But let's say

Alex Ferrari 56:27
Can you imagine Kubrick with today's technology? Can you imagine Hitchcock

Albert Hughes 56:31
I wonder I'm so that's the that's that's a fascinating thing. You just said like, what would Hitchcock and Kubrick embrace digital? Or would they do like these other handful of directors? Who would? No no, I was oh my god, I shouldn't film. Which Well, I thought I was gonna be one of those guys in film school. I was I'll never leave felt like, I'll never leave home. No. We talked about it before. It's like I love the control of digital. I love knowing I can sleep at night. I got it.

Alex Ferrari 56:57
Right. You don't have to wait the next day that you rolled the dice. Oh, was the gate? Was there a hair on the gate? Oh, was there

Albert Hughes 57:03
A monitor. You can see you could put your lead on there. You can see all the sudden and costumes react to it? Like no, I'm not into the mystery dog. Forget that

Alex Ferrari 57:12
Kind of greed. But you got but the thing is that both you and I had the opportunity to shoot 35 to shoot 16 to shoot Super Eight. To play with those things, you know, to do cross processing in the lab to like get image Get Image saturation with

Albert Hughes 57:28
And I'm nostalgic about I am nostalgic about it in one way. I like to emulate it. I like the look of it, it doesn't mean I want to use that tool to get the look, I want to use this tool it gets, you know, because this tool gives me greater comfort and control. And I can even do my blow ups in repose and stabilizations much more. Not easier. It just there's another word for it. It comes down to quality and control. And people can debate this thing about you know, you hear different people say that a 35 millimeter is 8k or 10k. And then you're hearing another DP tell me? No, it's nothing better than 10 at its pixels versus grain. Depending on the stock you pick, you know, so you know, at a certain point you're human I after four 4k is not. I even would even dare dare the audience member to know the difference. You know,

Alex Ferrari 58:21
You really can't tell the difference. I mean then now there's a little bit difference with the each boy that forgot what's called with the color grading. Or you HDR you get a little bit more cardid

Albert Hughes 58:30
I did a we did a past and and it's a trip, man, dude, it's a trip. And they bring it to monitors and they're coloring, Maxine's coloring. The standard one I forgot what rec 709 or whatever it is. Yeah. And then ACR. And depending on your TV screen, you can get the HDR version of the Continental. Right at first I'm like, Well, I don't understand what I know what HDR is, you know how it grabs the highlights and the mids and lows and balance it out basically in your phone. I know what it is in theory, but when I'm looking at this image that's HDR looks more contrasted and meets popping more. I go well, I didn't think that's what HDR was. But there's something going on there that I actually prefer that over the rec 709 or whatever, if I'm correct term it like that.

Alex Ferrari 59:16
But then you put your whole filmography is that you like Poppy stuff, dude, like look at back Blue Book of Eli

Albert Hughes 59:21
Contract, right?

Alex Ferrari 59:23
Yeah, yeah, you're crunching you're crunching the blacks. You're dropping the highlights. You're making things a little bit poppier. That's my style to love.

Albert Hughes 59:31
But the difference is, if you I don't know what time type TV you're watching, I'm assuming you have a huge TV. You're watching this laptop. Okay. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 59:41
I was watching it on this last night. It was great. Yeah. The difference? Probably. I shouldn't watch it.

Albert Hughes 59:48
Oh, no, no, no, no, we're talking we were just talking about that generation. Get ready for it. And we all we by the way, it's funny, but we all do have to be aware of that. Right? Sure. But like, if you look at the lighting style,

Alex Ferrari 1:00:00
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Albert Hughes 1:00:10
Episode One in two I chose is really young DP really dope, or he's a hippie dude. Long hair from Norway, right? Spain man, just an artist, right? But he needs more into ambient light, you know, fill the room and will smoke and not hard, light, soft light. And I started learning along the way that I actually loved the way it look. It's not what I've done with in the past Potomac contrast, it's harder to do contrast Hawaii style like that, if you're seeing lighting, oh, it's empty. So what I learned during the show was when you couple that with these old lenses, it can get dangerous. You have to watch out here right? They get to the third episode with Peter Demings shooter who I worked with him from hell and a bunch of other stuff all time. He's been around. He's done Austin Powers. He's done the scream series. He's done session. Last highway, David Lynch Mulholland Drive. He's been around. So the certain point we're shooting, and I can't wait for you to see three. We're shooting and he just goes Howard, trying to introduce a little hard light here. And I didn't know what he meant, right? Because I do have in my style guide noir lighting, this that shadows, silhouettes, and you need hard lighting for that kind of stuff, usually. Okay, so we wrap the whole thing and I see him at the premiere and I'm talking to him. And I said, I know what you mean. Now, moving forward, we have to be careful with these lenses. I love what they've done for the show because they they forget it up with that kind of more diffused look. But moving forward with this. I want to use more hardline I now know what you were saying that day Peter like thank you basically right? Because this is why actually when you see Episode Three you'll see what Peter Deming did with those lenses he's still within the same style of lighting but he's when he's like we're creeping into without using handheld I got out of handheld because I'm actually not a fan of it. I think me and you talked about it before it's like control to me it works in the John Wick world for certain things and Chester house he does it wonderfully because he's not doing it in that Paul. Paul Greengrass style. Just elfies More it's almost it's almost a Steadicam the way they use it for piano you know, we went a little bit more raw with a staircase scene because it's the 70s you can get away with a throwback handheld look you know, but you'll see if you go from episode one, two and three there is not one handheld shot and three there's a little into and there's a few Dutch tilts in there that I had to adjust and put in because I'm not into big into Dutch tails but that was that directors thing and you know, I had to adjust the other episodes because of it so I was able to go but a Dutch Tillman one that's what's great about TV you can Oh well that director did that is not necessarily in my style guide but I can course correct this a little bit for the audience you know

Alex Ferrari 1:02:49
You know it's it's interesting I shot with the Super Bowl stars back in the day on a red for the same reason you shot with the airy and these older indeed Super Bowl tires were like dirty from the 40s very hot like it was like I forgot last home made them I don't know who made them. But they were like it gave it a funky look because the red had this hard edge digital thing is very nice one Yeah, yeah, the very few the older ones had really hard edges. And I'm like I can't I can't I need something to soften it up. But then you start throwing a little ambience and a little smoke in there.

Albert Hughes 1:03:26
Yeah. You get you by the way to register to eat up smoke. Did you notice Oh yeah. Yeah, the first test we do like register on film The Red would just eat it up and make it go away in a way like your room morpher read

Alex Ferrari 1:03:40
Right and then when you start when you know how it is to smoke like the Tony Scott stuff. Like when you start Tony scouting it up a little bit. It's hard man it's hard to control the light yes hard and to try to match it for cuts. You

Albert Hughes 1:03:55
I mean you always you always run into that problem but if you if you have a good stage that's the only way to control it. Yeah, that's the only way you know what I'm gonna do on it. Yeah, no, you definitely have to have a good what do you call it's the effects guys dansette effects guys that do it. Then dp and gaffer keep their eye on it. The camera operators keep his eye on it to direct dress to keep his owner and everybody's like checking the level o's and now you can reference the other shot now thank God like back in the day you couldn't do that. But it's interesting with Peter does some of that you're talking about you'll see in episode three when you get there. There's a lot of shaft lighting come starting to play into it early on. Yeah, yeah. That's why I want to bring Kirk Well, I want to bring Kurt back because if you'll have us if you'll have a horse and we could do because we're lining up Episode Three there's a lot of screenings going on for Episode Three with collider and you know, there's other screenings going on around town and they're actually you know, hopefully this thing in Hollywood will be over soon. You know, I'm praying and everybody will be able to meet the the actors In the others, but for Kirk and I to come talk to you about three because I think you're you're gonna see a lot of stuff in there that we grew. We grew up. We grew up on

Alex Ferrari 1:05:14
Of course, you're welcome, sir. Anytime and I'd love to talk to Kurt as well. I have to ask you this one question. What was the toughest day on set? And how did you overcome it?

Albert Hughes 1:05:23
Oh, geez, man, you have a pro youth this is this is why we went three and a half hours a generation where?

Alex Ferrari 1:05:29
Well, no, well, we'll start wrapping it up soon. I

Albert Hughes 1:05:32
Was still wrapping it up. But I know, I mean, you hit me with something that I gotta say he's like, you saw it, because you you've seen the first episode. It was a toughest shoot day of my life is at party scene, that appears to be a winner, but we stitch together three shots. And the issue was, and I don't want to come off on kind here, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna try to thread the needle here. If you're conducting an orchestra, and one instruments out of place, you know, you have to have a little talk with the flute player. And if that instruments still out of place, you might have to think about replacing the flute player. Well, we had the flute player and the via violinist was out of tune. And I saw some early signs of it. And that the shot was way more challenging that it had to be okay. Because of you correctly plan it, you get your your extras in pods, you know, you're dealing with animals, you know, you're dealing with Arelis you're dealing with a lot of things in that in that shot. Um, you're hiding things, you're revealing things. You need the whole. And that's what I love about I wonder that's what I told the crew out in Budapest, and they were wonderful, by the way, had nothing to do with the Hungarian crew because they were fucking fantastic. Okay, it was either an American or British I'm talking about, okay. And they're supposed to be fantastic. What I said is what I love about one or is is you can get a lot done quickly. That's one thing you have the aesthetic thing is another thing which you know about, right? The thing the other thing it does, and most people don't give enough weight to is, no one has an escape, not the actor, not wardrobe, not hair, not makeup, everybody's exposed not to grips. Everybody's exposed, okay. So they hide, they get to this heightened sense of, they go into fighter pilot mode, because they don't want to be the weak link. And if you drop a one on them every other day, or every day, a mini one or a long run or, you know, you don't have to do it a lot, you're just doing it to save time on a certain section of the scene, or whatever. They your crew gets into fighter pilot mode, because they don't want to be the weak link. And they all super, they're super focused. Now if you do coverage, they start to unfocus because they know that you can come around a mistake. If an equipment piece drops. An actor flubs a line of hair and makeup, don't get the hair overnight and time that led to take continue. So it does this wonderful thing mentally to the crew. And so I have this scene that you were asking the question about, and by the end of it, it just felt like I went 10 rounds with Mike Tyson because I didn't have the I had the proper support of 80% of the crew night of 90% of the crew that 10% Really, really affected the day on what shouldn't have been an easy shot. But what should have been on a normal one or one day if it was properly done by everybody being at their best. But again, this is what post is for this is what I why repo why stabilize? Oh, why building hidden cuts. And this is why people you know, sometimes feel like there's some filmmakers I'll take swipe at other filmmakers like that's not a real winner. Well, it doesn't matter. It's for the audience to to have the impression you're doing something real time the audience doesn't know that. Just because you know that Jackass doesn't mean it's not about how you do it. It's about the result, basically, you know, so yes. The toughest day of my career.

Alex Ferrari 1:05:59
You can say the same thing about rope. That's not a real winner. I'm like, okay, but it's Hitchcock, and he was doing it in seven pots Shut the hell up. I mean, come on, shut the hell up. No, that's just desperate.

Albert Hughes 1:09:07
I mean, he still has the record. He kind of still has the record. But if you think about it, because it's per real during film, he has to record

Alex Ferrari 1:09:15
Oh, don't want that stuff. Ya know what I mean? He was insane. It was insane. But we can be done with that three hours on Hitchcock alone. So I want to ask you a few questions that are asked all the guests. See how if they've changed a bit since last you were here? What advice would you give? What advice would you give a filmmaker trying to break in today's business?

Albert Hughes 1:09:38
I remember my last answer, I think it had to do with talent. And sometimes you can develop your talent. But you have to know if you have the talent for what you're trying to do. If you're saying filmmaker by director. You mean director, not writer, not cameraman filmmaker.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:56
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Albert Hughes 1:10:06
Recognize if you have talent early if you do keep going if you don't, and you have to be honest with yourself, get out of the way is what I said in the last podcast because you're wasting space for people who need that space. Right? There's plenty of other jobs in this business that you can do. Breaking into the business, I think I would say just keep shooting, no matter who's watching a budget your mom, or you and your room alone. That's all I do. In Prague, I have 250 shorts that nobody's ever seen. I know. I said a couple Oh, I cut I set it up to you like, those are the ones I make available to my friends, like a handful them, I think five or 10, right? I don't, I don't know. What do you call a. You practice your craft. And the most important thing, it's like, I don't say this enough. It's like, you have to be willing to do it when nobody's watching. And still love it. If you love it when nobody's watching, you got yourself a plan.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:01
Beautiful, beautiful answer, sir. That should be a t shirt. I'm just saying.

Albert Hughes 1:11:06
Right under hustle,

Alex Ferrari 1:11:08
rather than a t shirt. If you can go back in time, and talk to Little Albert, what advice would you give him?

Albert Hughes 1:11:18
I now this is a new answer. I know, I think this is a new answer. Any question? The new answer is, when you're young, you think wisdom or being wise is goes hand in hand with being smart. It actually doesn't. I think Wisdom means to me, I don't know, the literal definition means to me, you learn from the past. And you adjust. And that makes you smart enough, you're smart enough to adjust, let's say. And you collect a note on top of these experiences, that you know what to do quite clearly in the future. And I would tell my younger self to go easy on myself. And to not take it so hard that this is part of the process of trying to become wiser in this job or this position. And that you cannot rush that you can't rush wisdom. Wisdom takes time. You can rush talent a lot like you've seen some flash in the pan boxers, lawyers, filmmakers, writers, entertainers filmmaker you that you've seen them like woof super talented, but they don't have the wisdom yet. But they're still super talented, they can rush their talent, you know?

Alex Ferrari 1:12:28
What is the lesson that took you the longest to learn whether in the film business or in life?

Albert Hughes 1:12:33
Up patients, you know the answer, you know, like, Yeah, but you know, like we, you have to hurry up and wait, but that thing I think we talked about last time, it's like, Don't get involved in every argument it takes place in front of you that has to do with your film. It's a waste of time with those people figure it out. And you know, poke and prod a little bit and I have a, I've learned how to do this, I've never good because I think I have a little bit of OCD problem, as I wasn't good at tuning out the room when you're in a conference room, and people are talking because sometimes you'll have your production designer and prop guy now on the same page. And they may be arguing off to the side, or the picture car guy might be arguing with somebody else. And you think it's an unhealthy thing to see an argument but it's quite healthy. And if you get involved in it is going to stress you out and you're gonna be able to your job, they're there to help you. And they're there to do their jobs professionally. And just because they're creatively arguing about something doesn't mean you need to get involved, because that can tax you. And what you need to do is have a way of just making it noise. And if you hear a trigger word, where you need to get in to stir the pot one direction you do that, but generally stay out of it because of the best idea usually comes out when the creative crew starts having a healthy debate.

Alex Ferrari 1:13:49
Very good. And of course the toughest of all the questions three of your favorite films of all time.

Albert Hughes 1:13:56
Did I answered this one before? Yeah, we talked about one I remember. Yeah, they remain the same. Okay, Midnight Cowboy is number one for a lot of reasons. Taxi driver got knocked out of the number one position long ago by taxi driver was it forever okay? It's been a cowboy. It's manbites Dog is second. And taxi drivers third,

Alex Ferrari 1:14:19
That's what we ran remember man, but because there's very few people who know that frickin film. And it is oh mazing criteria lays you

Albert Hughes 1:14:28
At a run menu at a run on we went on a run about it. Okay, because it's only inside baseball too. It is such a look at the bill it is but if you look at the film, there's no reason at face value somebody's looking at my list should believe that should be number two over taxi driver. Oh, and the reason is forget all the stuff that mean you know and I'll finish with this. It's the for the reason is it's the only film and the history of me watching films that made me question Should have my own moral compass. I was okay with a bunch of shit in that film into that one scene. And then I walked out, I draw the line there. And then I got it on criterion laser. And I watch the rest of and I go, Oh my God, it's not the film, it's me. It this is a statement about me. And that's far more important than watching a mentally deranged taxi driver, done well by my hero Scorsese, a film that shakes you like that, and rejiggered and by the way, Midnight Cowboy did the same and made me question a lot of things about growing up in what I saw with my mom, my dad, and you know, what's, you know, the, you know, there's a debate between me my daughter about whether they're to heterosexual men in love or whether they're repressed homosexuals in that form a bond, let's say, okay, and you can have that debate and I finally found the answer, and I was wrong. So that that film was special to me because a foreigner made it from England. John Slusher came to New York and it also blows my mind that this lunatic what's his name of the actor? John's right wing lunatic. Jon Voight like he's gone. He's gone so far, like almost almost into Nazi territory as my daughter walking in with her dog right now. Moving the camera with her Go ahead. Yeah, cuz me and him go along a little, you know, it's like I couldn't I couldn't believe that Jon Voight would do. You had to be liberal minded and open minded to do that type of felt, you know, so that that shocked me.

Alex Ferrari 1:16:34
Oh, and deliverance into deliverance to

Albert Hughes 1:16:38
I gotta watch it again. I don't know. Okay. I gotta watch that film. Again, because I haven't seen this up my childhood.

Alex Ferrari 1:16:45
And, and that says a lot about you. And that says a lot about you that you saw deliverance in your child.

Albert Hughes 1:16:52
While parents took me to inappropriate movies,

Alex Ferrari 1:16:54
Everywhere, but back then there was also only so many Disney films playing in the theater. So there was it was deliverance enough that

Albert Hughes 1:17:00
My dad took me. My dad took me to see all that jazz. And I distinctly remember the nudity and an open heart surgery. I recently saw it again and went on a bob posse run. And it's exactly as I remember, except for the nudity. When you're a kid, it's amplified. You're like, oh my god, you know? It's a but that's a fantastic film. And so it's cabaret like a deep dive on him. And he's, he's just amazing.

Alex Ferrari 1:17:25
Albert, it is a pleasure. And as always talking to you, where can people find and watch your new Opus, the Continental?

Albert Hughes 1:17:35
It's on peacock. The premiere episode was last Friday the 22nd I believe what I'm getting right. That was episode one. Episode Two is the 29th. Friday the 29th. Episode Three is October the sixth on a Friday and get to episode three everybody because it's building that it's all building towards how Winston gets that hotel. And it builds to an explosion. And I'm telling everybody that I'm going to see Alex again with Kirk ward. Our show running to this stuff in episode three in the near future.

Alex Ferrari 1:18:06
Very near future. I can't wait to have you back. And last question. Is there another? Are we going to keep expanding this John Wick world?

Albert Hughes 1:18:14
That's up to like Lionsgate into producers. I have no idea. It's so good to wonderful world. You know, you can go so many different directions with so many different crazy characters. I suspect they will they have the antidote Dr. missa ballerina coming out next year. And it feels like it's ready made 40 Plus it's fresh. It's not a superhero. IP, you know, rightly so it's whether I'm exactly and whether that's what's she you pointed out something I never heard before. That's an adult it never really. It's

Alex Ferrari 1:18:48
PG 13 IP, or PG IP. There's never adult IPS out there really like well, they should taxi driver right Pete? Like they should do another. Like, what? Let's go into that.

Albert Hughes 1:19:00
That's fascinating. That's fascinating. I think like whether I'm involved or not doesn't matter. I'm just a fan of the the show that we did. I'm a fan of the movies and they keep making them and they're good. I'll keep watching them.

Alex Ferrari 1:19:13
But as always, thank you for coming on. We can keep going. And I wish we could but we're going to come back with her and

Albert Hughes 1:19:21
We have a part two, we have a part two,

Alex Ferrari 1:19:22
We'll have a part 2. My pleasure as always my friend. Thank you so much.

Albert Hughes 1:19:26
You too.

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BPS 333: Screenwriting for Netflix and Television with Neil Landau

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Alex Ferrari 0:03
Enjoy today's episode with guest host Dave Bullis.

Dave Bullis 1:48
My next guest is an award winning screenwriter, producer, author and professor. He actually wrote co wrote the cook the cold comedy Don't tell mom the babysitter's dead, starring Christina Applegate, which I always say is a rite of passage for kids of the 80s and 90s. Because I think we've all been there one way or the other, with a babysitter dies and we gotta hide the body. You know what I'm talking about. But he's also written for Doogie Howser, this secret world of Alex Mack, MTV. He's also produced a ton of different stuff. And he currently runs the MFA and writing television program at UCLA for the, for the theater, film and TV department. And now he's also written this book. He's also written for other books. For instance, like 101, things I learned in film school, the screenwriters roadmap. So his latest book is called TV writing on demand, which is what the contest is about. And it's all just about the medium of TV, how popular TV is becoming all the different programs out there. It's a pretty interesting book, I've actually I actually got an advanced copy of it. It's a really, really interesting read. And what we talked about in this episode is what I keep telling people, when they ask for screenwriting advice, I go, everybody wants to see you have a TV pilot of some kind, because that's where all the money is right now. And that's where all the hits are right now. TV is, is is definitely it. It's the most popular have been golden age. But it's also very diversified. Because there's so many different mediums at this episodic format, as easy as coming to whether it be YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, whatever. So without further ado, Neil Landau,

Neil Landau 3:18
Well, I kind of started off as a reading place. I mean, it actually starts with a lot of what all my books are about character development, about builds from empathy, so and filling emotional voids, you know, so much of what characters go through. And what we see, even in comedies are characters who have voids in their lives and deficits and things in the course of the story, fill those voids. So my father died when I was six years old, of a heart attack. He was playing basketball with some friends. He collapsed on the basketball court, he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, a heart attack. And so from that age forward, I had a very rich fantasy life. I was always reading little scenes and plays and wanting to disappear on showing off just to kind of, you know, use my, my loss of my father. So I was writing plays from fourth grade, I started writing little plays and skits and performance. And I actually thought I wanted to become a playwright. Me probably at the time, just because I shared the name with Neil Simon, who was the most well known playwright at the time, and I loved his work. And so I thought I would write plays and be like Neil Simon, I didn't think well, he already existed and I have to create my own voice. I just thought I'll just copy him and, you know, be the next meal. The next famous Neil playwright, but being raised by a single mom. We always had financial problems. And so I started to think, well, it's very difficult to make a living as a playwright and I knew what it was like to grow up You know, financially disadvantaged. So I started to think about well, and they knew some people who had gone to film school and who had written movies and television. And I didn't know if you can succeed, which, of course, is a big gift that you can actually make not only make a living wage, but you can actually make a lot of money, which would give me security. And so I segwayed from writing plays into I went to UCLA Film School and started writing screenplays. And at the time, one of my best friends growing up, Tara Ison, who was one year behind me, at UCLA, we went to actually elementary school, junior high, which is now a middle school, high school and UCLA together. So we were best friends for a really long time, we decided to partner up and write scripts together. Because I thought she was the smartest, most talented person I knew. And she felt similarly toward me. So we wrote a few screenplays while we were going to school. And one year after I graduated, we kept writing, you know, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, we'd write and Sunday afternoon paint all day. And the first couple of weeks just stuck in a drawer, they weren't very good. The third one became don't among the babies. And we thought we'd be lucky, just, you know, to have anybody ever noticed us. But that script, actually, there was a bidding war at three studios. And it was one of those, you know, big spec scripts sales from the 80s 1987, where our lives just changed dramatically. Because we went, you know, I went from making $18,000 a year to making hundreds of 1000s of dollars a year. And then we were kind of off and running, in that that's kind of how it all started just from, you know, escaping life, fit their rich fantasy life. And then just dabbling and thinking maybe we can actually do this as a career. And that was the first thing. And once you sell an original spec script, or original pilot, that really creates so much heat and buzz that you could actually build a career on that if you can deliver again, you know, after that if it wasn't just a fluke. So that was kind of my inspiration and how it all started. And with, don't tell mom, one of the things Tara and I both had in common is our we both were raised essentially from broken families. And she was she her father didn't die, but she was mainly raised by a single mother. We also both look extremely young for our ages at the time. And people always used to ask if our agent had to give us a ride to the meeting, because they didn't believe we had our driver's licenses yet and things like that. So we'd like to also the idea of playing with age, you know, and in, we wrote one script about a dark, you know, high school who was much older and posing as a high school student. And then with Don't tell mom, we thought of the idea of somebody who actually could look older, who could go into the adult world and pretend to be an adult. So that was also part of the kind of a theme that we were exploring. And that's kind of how it all got, that's how our career really got started.

Dave Bullis 8:17
You know, so when you were writing, you know, don't tell mom the babysitter's dead. You know, since you're basically launched your career when you were writing this, did you actually I mean, were you when you're writing it? Or maybe when you're finished? Did you actually say, You know what, I think this is, you know, a homerun shot. I think this is, you know, your me like I think this is going to be Yeah.

Neil Landau 8:42
We would jokingly, we would jokingly say that one of the things that is so different between me and Tara is I tend to be very optimistic about everything and pragmatic and Jonathan's be more cynical. And I think she always thought, Well, who knows? We may we may never get anywhere. But I felt the thing about Dustin a moment was different was that we had so much fun writing it, there were so many times that we would just, you know, be laughing hysterically. And we kept we would say, we don't know if this is any good, but we think it's, I think it's funny. We're having a lot of fun writing it. We well actually this is even better part of the story. So at the time. I was always also interested in writing for television. So I did my internship at merit MPM enterprises, which was marriage Elmore, and grant Tinker's company. And this a show that I just loved so much, which really influenced everything in television and in my life with industry blues, and that was the show that I interned on the most and, you know, I was on set and I would watch dailies and I would get to see all the revisions and it was just a great experience just to observe and be around that show you

Alex Ferrari 10:01
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Neil Landau 10:10
But one of the other things they did in re internship was, he delivered mail around the CBS lot. This was CBS Radford that which is in Studio City, right near where I live now actually. And I we deliver mail and a little bicycle, one of the people I delivered mail to was Beth Ochsner, who at the time was senior vice president of comedy development. And she graciously agreed to read a script. And she ended up leaving MGM and becoming a literary agent. And she joined a big at the time, there was a very big literary agency called Broder Kerlan web affair, which no longer exists, it was I think they were absorbed by either I see them. God, I don't remember, they were definitely bought out. Death ended up leaving. But the point of the story is best tickets on as an agent, and we were hip pocket clients, meaning for those of you don't know, but you know, she didn't sign up. But she said, I have interest in you. You're you guys are young and talented. And I like I like what I'm reading so far. So let me send your stuff. Let me just informally represent you and see if we can get anywhere. She was mainly representing sitcom writers to see at the time, everybody was reading spec episodes of TV shows. That's how you got staff. People weren't really reading original pilots. So Tara, and I wrote a spec for the Golden Girls. And we thought it was great. Got it to bath and she said she was too busy to handle us anymore, was the bad news. But the good news is he had taken on my associate, who would handle us more of a junior agent and that they were going to represent us. So this new younger Junior agent who came in, she said, Well, what else do you have, because she didn't really like Golden Girls. And we had just finished the Don't tell mom scripts, which at the time was called the real world. That was the original title. And so we got her the script. And she hated it. She hated it so much. She said, I think this is the kind of script you should just put away and never show anyone, because it will actually harm your careers. She said you don't want this to be, you know, representative of your work. So what we did, because we're writers and neurotic, and we believed her. So I put the script away. It was printed out scripts. So you know, wasn't even on a computer, you know, back then. We were using early versions of computers, but mostly we were still typing our scripts. I put it under a pair of shoes in my closet. And we stopped missing our writing hours. And we were just very discouraged. And but one of my friends from UCLA is a guy named David cap, who has become a huge, huge Rewriter. You know, he wrote the original Spider Man with Tobey Maguire, and he wrote Jurassic Park one and two and panic war the world, you know, on and on and on. I mean, he he's become probably the most successful screenwriter, certainly financially in terms of Buxa box office, I think ever. He was over at my apartment, and he was asking about that script. And he said, Whatever happened with that script? And I said, Oh, it's terrible. We just put it away. And he said, Well, how do you know it's terrible? And I said, well, because this agent told us it was terrible, and not show it to anybody. So he said, he asked if he could read it. And I said, No, because, you know, don't humiliate me. And he said, just let me read it. I'm your friend, I'm not going to, you know, I'll just give you notes, whatever. Anyway, he read it, and he loved it. And he said, It's not the greatest script in the world, but I think you can sell it. And I think it's really funny. And I think the agents wrong. So based on that, and at this point, David was still nobody. But you know, I thought, well, maybe we should try to listen to somebody else. The timing was such that one of my UCLA professors had met an agent at a party, who was looking for new writers. And my professor said, Well, I you know, I read a script that I think's funny. And I know these young writer and so we got the script to him on a Friday. Normally, it would at that time, it would take anywhere from six weeks to six months for an agent to ever get back to you. Got it. Two days later, he called and said, When can you come home? And we went into a conference room and it was all the agents and partners and they wanted to sign us and then linked up to Scripture. I didn't there was a bidding war. So, moral of the story, don't ever listen to one person's opinion. Very important point. And that script really unlocked everything for us, including segwaying into writing for television, because Steven bochco was producing Doogie Howser MD at the time, and read the script and also really loved it. And that was how we got our first TV job. So, you know, you just, you never know, you know, it's like William Goldman says, and adventures in the screen trade, you know, nobody knows anything. It's always worth getting multiple opinions. And if three people say, this is terrible, I'm just not connecting to anything in the script, then maybe you listen, but one person is never, you know, I don't think is ever, necessarily the be all end all or anything. And so that was also part of that story. And I think we thought it was really good, then we were disappointed. And then all of a sudden, we thought it was good again, because somebody validated this, you know, on. And it's always hard when you're writing a script to know if it's good, because you're too close to it. You know, and I tell my students now at UCLA, where I teach now, you know, the first thing you lose when you start writing is objectivity. And it's really hard to see clearly, really anything, because the characters are starting to kind of lead you around, and you lose the sense of the big picture. And it often takes a fresh set of eyes to really, really determine the quality of anything at that point, unless the writer is able to put the script away for at least a few weeks and come back to it with fresh eyes.

Dave Bullis 16:46
Yeah, very, very true. Because I, you know, I've been there too, Neil, where you know, you're writing a script, and you that inner voice inside of you starts kind of saying, Ah, come on, this is too much like, you know, the godfather or whatever. And then you start writing a little more, and you're like, I don't know, what the hell am I doing? And then by the end, you're like, This is awful. What the hell am I doing with my life? I need to go out and I just start a new hobby.

Neil Landau 17:11
Yes, well, I was mentoring so much more. That voice that little devil or, you know, in your shoulder, that tells you you suck, and, you know, makes you doubt everything. That's never, that's never going anywhere, that's always going to be sitting on one shoulder, the other shoulder that hopefully will have your muse which will counter everything, the negative voices saying it's almost like there's always a battle between the Muse and the Furies. And I think, you know, it's, the negative voice does have value in that. It's ego driven. And it taps into all of your insecurities and doubts and fears, and neuroses. But it is also forcing you to be more critical and to, you know, be really tough on yourself, because it's probably going to say meaner things, and harsher things than anybody in the business possibly could ever say to you. I'd rather hear from my own inner healing from an external one who could potentially destroy, you know, my career or, you know, making a mobile application. The challenge is, it's almost impossible to be the creator and the critic at the same time, you know, so what I try to do, the best of my ability is, say, All right, I know the negative, destructive, or hyper critical voice is going to be coming through one side of my head or sitting on one of my shoulders, it's there, I acknowledge it. I just say, you know, just let me finish. I'm gonna listen, just to the positive news, that's kind of inspiring me, when I'm done, you know, I'll be hypercritical, and I'll shift over to my critical mind. But it's really hard to be the creator and the critic simultaneously. You know, it's, they kind of cancel each other out. And it's What can cause writer's block, you know, writer's block is caused by perfectionism, where you just, you know, don't want to write anything, because you're convinced it's not brilliant. And it's probably because that negative voice is telling you it's not good enough, it's not good enough, and then you stop paying, instead of actually getting pages written. So I always tell people, the, the antidote to writer's block is very simple. Lower your standards. Just write it write a shitty first draft. And then once it's done, go back and make it better. And Endor you know, give it to a few people, trusted advisors to give you fresh perspectives. Hopefully the all agree but they may not and then, you know, go back. It's the you know, the cliche you know, the adage writing is rewriting is absolutely true.

Alex Ferrari 20:00
Soon, we'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show,

Neil Landau 20:09
You don't end the growth between that first shitty first draft, which is almost always steady. And that next draft is often the biggest leap a script takes, you know, from the first one, that's just, you're just just an exploratory draft, and you're just trying to get it down on the page, to that next one, where you're like, Ah, okay, now I kind of see what it is or what it could be. And then hopefully, you know, each draft, you get closer and closer to, you know, realizing what it could be. And sometimes it surprises you, and even better than what you originally thought. And then, once you please yourself, and you please your reps, and you get a general consensus that, oh, this is one of your best pieces of work, or this at least, could sell and, and be commercial. Then, of course, you get notes from the studio, and you get notes from the director and the actors. And, you know, it's more rewriting, and more people to please. And it doesn't really ever end until really the movies locked. You know, even in post production, you can still continue to make changes in ADR, you can add lines, and that's a very fluid, inefficient process. That's very expensive. And, you know, time is money, and everybody's making discoveries throughout the whole process. But of course, it starts with the blank page and nothing and I think that's where the writer can suffer the most.

Dave Bullis 21:42
Yeah, it's kind of like Robert McKee says the nothing moves until the writer actually writes. Meaning that, you know, without a script, you actually can't shoot anything. But but I really liked what you said there, Neal about lowering your standards. It's kind of like dating, you know what I mean? I think everyone wants to date a supermodel. But you know, maybe that's not really what's gonna happen, right?

Neil Landau 22:04
Well, yes, I have for him, you know, single for a long time. And I'll just update, you know, how's your love life, they'll say, there's no one out there. There's just no one. And I'll and I always think, well, there are people out there, you may not, you know, maybe they don't, they're not in the prettiest package, or something that just fits what you think is, you know, your high standard, but there are a lot of wonderful people out there. And if you are a bit more open to it, you'll probably when you're ready, you will meet somebody. But it's true. I mean, sometimes people like my brother even and you knew when he met his wife, he was convinced she was not right. just physically, but the more you got to know her and talking to her, the more beautiful she became, you know, they've been married for a long time. So he wasn't so much raring his standards is maybe just being open to, you know, not everything single thing has to be perfect. You know, the first, in the first moment, you know, there's a discovery process. So even if you bring in, you know, UCLA, sometimes people will bring in pages and say, these are terrible pages, but I just needed to write something that's weak. And sometimes, the pages are really good. And they didn't even realize it. Or other times, maybe the pages don't work, but there's like one jam buried in those pages that unlocks everything that that can make the script great. So you know, you kind of always have to be open to the happy accident, that can happen. And that only really happens if you get your butt in the chair and you're willing to face, you know, face that blank page or just reenact the scene that seems flat or, or the character that's just not speaking to you and, you know, takes a lot of courage to write, and a lot of patience, you know, just to hope for inspiration. And when it's not there, you have to read anyway, that's, you know, if you're on a deadline, you cannot always wait for inspiration to strike. And that's, that's the toughest thing. You know, because we all want to dazzle everybody every time. But it didn't really work that way. A lot of trial and error.

Dave Bullis 24:16
Yeah. And you touched on this too, like previously, like, writing should be fun. You know, like, when you're sitting down, you're writing something, you know, especially good comedy, you know, you know, cuz I've had friends who, and it's happened to me as well, we're, you know, they're trying to write a movie, a horror, comedy, whatever. And they they just kind of agonize and overthink the whole thing, to the point where they're like, you know, no, sort of everything. It's like, I don't know if you've ever read the The Art of War. The War of Art, I'm sorry, The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. Yes, do your best to it's like that resistance comes in in that form where you overthink everything. You overanalyze everything, and then everything stops becoming fun. And it becomes just this miserable slowdown where everything you know what I mean? Wherever he was, like, Alright, I guess I'll write us a word or whatever I bust sentence, paragraph. But everything just becomes this like arduous process. And you're like, I don't know, if I want to write today, and then tomorrow, and then a week, and then all of a sudden, you know, a year has flown by, and you haven't written anything?

Neil Landau 25:16
Yeah. I mean, that's long. You know, there are people who say, you know, don't go to film school, you can just read scripts and watch movies or, you know, study television by reading pilots and watching shows. And I think those things are true. But the thing that of program does, or two really good writers group does is it makes you accountable. And you actually just have to bring something in every week, you have deadlines. And in some cases, the difference between a free writers group, you know, just with talented writers and friends getting together once a week, like a book club, you know, to really just workshop their pages. What some people have said, those don't work, people end up flaking. I mean, of course, many of them do work, but the ones that don't work, or because people kind of just start dabbling in it does become sort of a hobby that, whereas if you're in a program, and you're paying money, and going into debt is horrible that is because it's pretty horrible to owe money, you graduate in that artistic field with no guarantee of success and debt. But our students, you know, are very aware of that. And so they work their butts off. And they are very aware that, you know, this has an investment in their future. And they do take it very, very, very seriously. And they just don't, you know, they don't have a choice. So it's like, well, at this point, you're running out of time. So just go with the best idea you have and get a draft and you can always rewrite it later. And so I think time and deadlines are just the best gift for any writer because it gives you structure and you know, a deadline is a gift. I always say a writer without a deadline, just clean things, think you know, you'll you'll have the cleanest. You'll find every possible excuse not to write. Having a writing partner really helps with that. It's really helped me and Tara tremendously early in our careers, because we, if one person didn't feel like writing, the other person would, you know, would be the disciplinarian and say, no, no, we have to focus. There were times that both of us didn't want to write and we'd just go to the movies or mechanic or do something else. Where we would challenge ourselves, if we truly looked like writing. And we had a few extra days, we would just do things like go to the mall. But we would give ourselves enough time and like, we have to go to stores and find clothes that our characters would wear. or observe people in the mall to help us find, you know, an interesting look or eavesdrop on a conversation to you know, get inspiration for dialogue. So everything was always like everything we did would still feed the creative process. It's not the substance, it doesn't substitute sitting down and facing the page. But it does kind of guard while we're, we're still kind of working. And maybe while we're out talking or just having lines you're trying to avoid writing. Invariably, we if you have a partner, you'll start talking about the scripts. And suddenly, you're in the story session, and suddenly you're jotting down notes and you push through, you know, something that maybe you would have not been able to do on your own. So it also really helps with comedy. Because if we're laughing at least we think it's funny. Or if one person pitches a joke or a funny situation and the other person laughs That's a good barometer. It's very hard to write in a vacuum, you know. And that's another thing that gets people kind of stuck. I know with Dojo Mom, just, it's just such a vivid memory. We when we decided that we had to get rid of the dead babysitter's body. We, we want you to just wait, I remember this. We were sitting at my mom's house and your kitchen table. And we said what if they put it in the trunk? Like if she came with a trunk of all of our stuff? And what if they drop it off at the mortuary because, you know, they don't want to bury the body. They're not criminals, we thought we'll just do the right thing. We'll drop it off at a mortuary. They'll give her you know, they'll figure out what to do. But then they had to leave a note. And when we wrote the note that they were going to put on the trunk, which that nice old lady inside died of natural causes. We just thought that was the funniest thing in the world. We laughed for like 15 minutes thinking that was hilarious. We didn't know if anybody else would think it was lurking. Like we did it

Alex Ferrari 29:59
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Neil Landau 30:10
And that and the ending of the script, which was we, after the babysitter dies, you know, early on stack, we we wanted to then have the audience forget that the babysitter even existed. Because I think the reason the scripts sold was the ending, which was after this whole ordeal of everything that they've all been through, the mother comes back into town, and it looks like kind of in that risky business way, which was another inspiration for us read a really great team comedy, much better than Don't tell mom the babysitter's dead. But at the end of risky business, it looks like he got away with everything. And we wanted to have that. But then we, when we outline the movie on to index cards, which was how I still outline, we thought, what if the mother comes back looks like she got away with everything. And then the mother says, Oh, one more thing, we get the babysitter. And that that would be the first time the audience you've been heard about the babysitter for like, you know, over an hour, I think that ending really helped to steal the script, because it was surprising in the reader, forget about the babysitter also. And, you know, having a really strong start and a strong finish really helps, you know, sell scripts. And those two things never changed. You know, those were like, locked, and no matter how many drafts we did they stay, you know, those were never Nobody touched those. There was pressure from the studio to have a police investigation, people looking for the babysitter. And and they wanted us to constantly, you know, we mind the audience about the babysitter, and that was something we kept fighting against saying that's gonna ruin the ending. And we struck some kind of a compromise. The weird thing about the movie is, is you kind of mentioned it. When it came out, it did, okay, low budget. So it's made money. It definitely made money. But it's become more and more popular over time. And it's now kind of like a cult movie, which we don't really understand exactly why or how it happened. But even this coming Monday night in LA, there's a tribute screening to it. As part of the UCLA archive, they're screening, a series called working women. And one of the movies the screening is working girl, which was happening around the same time as dumped her mom was first sold, and dumped him on babysitter's dead there, including that in theory. And so, you know, Monday night, there's gonna be hundreds of people watching the movie and q&a. And we just think all things hilarious, because it's been, you know, so many years since the movie came out, but there's still a ton of interest in it. And people still quote, lines of dialogue from it to me, when I go to parties, and I love it. It's usually that it turned into this, but that we never expected.

Dave Bullis 33:02
You know, it's like there's a piece of advice I once heard that for when you're when you're submitting a script, to like a gatekeeper, so to speak, the most important part, the what matters most is the first 10 pages. And then when it's an actual movie, the most important part is the last 10 minutes.

Neil Landau 33:20
Yes, yeah. I mean, if you look at Get out, you know, which was, I think you'd have won the Oscar for Best Picture. I'm glad that one for Best Screenplay, but I just never knew where that movie was gone. And I I know that they, you know, we work the ending several times, but very memorable ending. And yes, I think the reason I think that's true about, you know, the last 10 pages is that you read somehow have an inevitable ending that the audience should have seen coming. But getting in this is just my opinion, and it has to be surprising. You know, I think there's a reason why the Hades romantic comedy has kind of gone out of style. And a lot of that is just so formulaic, that the audience was so far ahead of, you know, the story that the only fun was how they were going to get together, but there was never a question that they would get together at the end, you know, and so we drove really wanted, you know, we really wanted to go, you go against formula and a lot of it wasn't so much conscious, like we're gonna go against formula. We knew we needed something that was unexpected, and even romantic, my favorite romantic comedy of all time is The Philadelphia Story with Katharine Hepburn, you know, and Jimmy Stewart and Cary Grant. And what I love about that movie is there are four potential suitors. Well, three really and then it narrowed down to two, but you really don't know at the end. Which guy she's gonna marry until the until the ceremony is about to start. And I love that, you know, and all the options that are available. I also really like the anti romantic comedy. My best friend's wedding with Julia Roberts because she doesn't end up with the guy. And you're thinking she's going to and then when, you know, it ends in an unexpected way. And I always, always shared that. And I love all Henry endings like Fight Club or the sixth sense and, you know, movies where everything shifts. And you didn't see it coming until that moment, and then you go, Oh, that's great. Why didn't they feed back in so satisfying? Those are always my favorite kind of Ruby experiences.

Dave Bullis 35:43
There was a great 80s teen comedy that was kinda like about you know, guys going after the girl called the last American virgin. Have you ever seen it? Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah. That ending? Let me tell you, no, but it nowadays, if you said I wouldn't do that ending, you wouldn't be able to get away with it. Because it'd be it's such a downer ending and it ends a lot like real life. And then if you but if you compare that to like, maybe Money Can't Buy Me Love or neither, or something like that, you know, okay, we know they're gonna get together. But how they got together by the way, I like I like both of those movies. It's just when I saw the last American virgin and the or even movies like with a better off dead. I mean, stuff like that. Just absolutely fantastic. I mean, and the, the just the, the how quirky that one was, but but I'm sorry, I'm kind of jumping around here. But what less American version? Okay. Less American version. I mean, that ending? Do you would you mind if I spoiled if everybody if I just thought of what the ending is now? No. So everybody if you don't want to just jump ahead, like 30 seconds if you don't want me to spoil it for you, but But essentially, this guy, the whole movie is going here to this girl. He finally he she gets pregnant by another guy. She so he this is like the third act, and he sells all his stuff, like his stereo system, everything else to help pay for the abortion. They she could see abortion. And later on that night there or maybe a week later at a house party. And she's with a guy who basically left her. And she's forgotten all about the protagonist. It's all he's done for her. And it just ends with him crying to himself in his car as he just drives into the night and the movie ends. And I remember No, I was floored by that ending because I was like holy.

Neil Landau 37:33
Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, I think it's always a good. Often I'll say to students on TV pilot or movie, I'll say pitch the first half of the movie, just the broad strokes of what you're planning, you know, in the early stages, and then just ask them, buddy, what do you think's gonna happen? And if they just go immediately to your ending? And they're like this, because this is the most logical, obvious way that it would add? If they're right, you know, you have to change the ending. Or do you have to change the path to that ending? You know, because you want you know, that's the definition of anticlimactic, right? You know, where it's like, everything happens exactly the way you thought. So even if it'd be like, you know, When Harry Met Sally, which is a great romantic comedy. You know, you kind of know they're gonna get together. But Nora Ephron, you know, she pushes it to the last minutes on New Year's Eve. And then when they do get together, the last lines of the movie or you know, I hate you, Harry, I really hate you. Not I love you, Eric. I really love you, you know, and I also love I also appreciate that where it just seems impossible that it could happen. Like the graduate, you know, he gets there to stop the wedding. And then it's too late. I love I mean, you know, Mike Nichols is one of my favorite directors and I love the graduate one of my favorite movies. But you know, great climax, Benjamin rushed into the church, you know, finally, they're screaming, you know, you lay the lady. And then it's too late. It's over. But it's not over. And then you get that even, you know, that incredibly iconic ending when they on the bus. And this kind of silence plays and, you know, the movie ends with them going, alright, we actually pulled this off. She let she's the Runaway Bride, they are together. And yet now what you know, now what the hell do we do? That was also you know, you people remember these endings, because they're indelible. And they're, they're risky, because they're not just, they lived happily ever after. And I feel like, you know, maybe it's a good segue to talking about television. Part of why I think TV is where the most exciting storytelling is happening now is exactly for that reason, which is, it's not just happily ever after. It's this ongoing, you know, long term relationship with these characters where we align with them by the end of the pilot I

Alex Ferrari 40:01
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Neil Landau 40:10
But then it's the fluid dance, sometimes of allegiance, you know, and sometimes we approve of what they do. And sometimes we don't and, and it doesn't, it's, it doesn't really end until the end of the series, which might be, you know, 567, or, you know, Grey's Anatomy, I think is going in 14. It's just constantly ongoing. And as long as it keeps surprising us and the characters keep facing new, new problems and new challenges, it remains interesting. So it's, again, ever really having to fully end the story. It's, I love how highly serialized television is now and how, you know, great writers and really strong effective writers rooms constantly find ways to surprise us. And to pivot from what we thought was either the end of a story where it has, I write about this in the new book, I call it story tentacle, you know, where you make story choices that lead more story, because it has to keep, it has to continue and evolve. And movies now start to seem very finite to me, you know, like, even really good movies. I don't think that's it, I want to I want to hover, I want to spend more time with these characters. And I think with you know, the domination of and people shifting over to on demand viewership, where they can binge view, and they can watch things when they want you and how they want to and where they want to that we love these ongoing stories that just keep pulling us in different directions and challenge us and the characters. And so I you might have to you have to think about where you want to land at the island at the at the end of the season. But it's an ongoing story. And one of the things I talk about is how, you know, a movie is designed to have a beginning, middle and end. A pilot is designed to have a beginning, middle and an open end. You know, when you want to end on more questions and answers, and you want to leave everything wide open for more stories. And, you know, reading movies, it was always, you know, what's the ending? How does it end? How does it complete? And this is the exact opposite of that.

Dave Bullis 42:26
Yeah, you know, when I was working with Jennifer Dasani, because I actually shot it. Yeah, I actually, yeah, Jen and Jay, I think everyone knows, Jen, I actually shot a TV pilot a couple years ago, I actually produced it wrote it directed it. And, and I it's online right now, by the way, it's called Game over. And it's just it was like I aimed high. I, we had so many opportunities. It was there was a lot of backstage fighting. You don't I mean, there's a lot of behind the stuff that was behind the scenes, as I'm sure you know what I mean, like a lot of, but we have, I eventually got pushed out, I finally decided to upload it last year, because I was just sitting on it. I was like it's doing nobody any good. But he's sitting on this damn thing. So but after working with Jen, I realized, you know, beginning you know, have that pilot and then the pilot has to ignite the series. So then when you go to pitch it, you have sort of like, what's the pilot arc with Season One? And when what's what's going to be the series arc? So, you know, we're eventually, you know, like Walter White Breaking Bad is the best example. You know, Walter White, he goes from this mild mannered man in the middle of New Mexico to a drug kingpin. Well, how does that transformation happen? Well, you know,

Neil Landau 43:40
Mr. Chips into Scarface what Gilligan said.

Dave Bullis 43:44
Yeah, yeah, exactly. And you sort of have, you know, how does that journey occur? And you know, what, what happens during those during those moments? It's, it's so much more of an art than a science. That's why when anyone tries to, like, you know, what I mean? Like I sometimes seeing it when, like, people, when they try to dissect certain things, they almost like go, Well, you know, what, seven, page 17 This beat has to happen on page 30 This thing has to happen. You're kind of like, Oh, come on, let's just move away from me. Like, that's it? That's too sciency completely.

Neil Landau 44:11
Yeah, I mean, I just am so against formula. Now. There. You know, there are certain things that there's, you know, very few absolutes, you know, in screenwriting, you know, and I always tell people, if somebody tells you there's a formula or a template to follow, it's not a bad idea just to look and say, Okay, well, you could break down a lot of movies that follow that formula successfully. And that is valid, you know, but there are so many different structures in which stories and particularly now, if you do have a and you can break form, and the story still works, all the better, you know, because it's a mysterious process. But you know, there are a few absolutes that I think are Ballard pretty much across the board and across genres. One of them, I believe every story is a suspense story, you know, whether it's a comedy or a thriller or a drama. And the reason is that, you know, the two key ingredients to suspense, our anticipation and surprise, well, Every story needs to fill the audience with anticipation of what's going to happen next. And hopefully, when you get there, it's departing. So I'm always going, where's the suspense? You know, there's no dramatic tension. If the scripts not working, you know, why isn't it working? Well, there's no dramatic tension. Why isn't there any dramatic tension? Usually, that goes back to empathy, which is the first thing to talk about? Which is, you know, you get that No, which is the most frustrating note to get from an executive or a wrap, which is, I didn't really connect anybody, or development person who might say, why should I care about any of these people. And suspense only works. When you're worried about what's going to happen, you know, you have to connect to the characters. So, you know, Breaking Bad's a great example. Because, you know, by design, Walter White is an underdog from the very beginning. And we're worried because he's dying. And he has a wife and he has kids, and he's struggling. And so you know, you really aligned with him becoming an antihero, because it seems like the best option based on limited options that he has, you have a thing in the new book, a quote from David Mamet, where he talks about great trauma is choosing not between right and wrong, but between two wrongs. It's because welterweight, neither option is good. You know, if he's, if he doesn't become a drug dealer, he's probably going to die and leave his family and provided for and he's gonna feel like a failure. He sees this as drawing upon his a skill set something that he has, that's really valuable. And when he connects with, you know, his former student with Jesse Pinkman, he sees this as a great opportunity that could solve a problem. But he's caught between two runs, because while it might solve one problem, it could also get him killed or thrown into prison. And so chapter eight in GB, writing on demand, the new book, I have a quote from David Mamet, it says, a moral decision is not the choice between wrong and right, that's easy, but between two rungs, and if you look at some of the best doesn't have a lot of examples, based on that, quote, in the book, whenever you connect with character caught between a rock and a hard place, you're always going to generate more suspense, and probably empathy. Because, you know, you know, late to, not having ideal choices in front of us, you know, and yet, you know, which is the, the lesser of the two devils in human nature is to take the path of least resistance. So if there is a path of least resistance, clearly the easier, better path. And the writer in character doesn't take that path, you're not going to root for them, because you're gonna think, well, why did they not go down the path that was clearly the smarter, easier choice. But if you remove choice, and you trap them in a situation where neither alternative is ideal, I just feel like right away, you have Pynchon that you wouldn't normally have. Another absolute for me about is I believe that every story is a coming of age story, no matter what the ages of the characters are, you know, it's a maturation story, and they somehow need to learn something, or discover something. And I think that all movies or TV shows are about characters who have to grow up and, and or overcome something that lie in an emotional void on deficit that they've never really dealt with. And that's part of the journey of the story. So I always want to look for growth or deletion in a character. B, exception, being multi camera sitcoms are the characters tend not to change by design, I don't really want them to change, because we, like them stuck, had no problems, but movies and one hour drama, half hour drama, these tend to have characters, at least trying to change their circumstances. And every episode, there's the potential to win or lose something. And I think that positive and negative tension generates heat, you know, dramatic intensity and helps with suspense. So, you know, for me, those two things I always go back to. I want there to be a cathartic experience where characters have to face fears and either overcome them, or if it's a tragedy they won't overcome though.

Alex Ferrari 49:59
Well, The right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Neil Landau 50:09
That they had the potential to overcome, you know, all could have turned himself in and ultimately, were changed his ways, you know. But he wants he became Heisenberg. He couldn't, you know, he just came completely hooked on that power. And at that, you know, it's a very lonely ending for him. You know? I don't want to, I'm sure most people nowadays but anyway, you get the idea.

Dave Bullis 50:34
Yeah, I think I pretty much everyone who has probably listened as podcasts has seen the the breaking bed, but it's a fitting in. Yeah, it's a fitting in for him. And it kind of ties in with the pilot episode, which is very important. Not only the whole, obviously, the whole series, but but just a pilot, because what he's talking about in the pilot about chemistry, and how things change, it's a it's transformation, right, which is what the characters do. So, you know, just just, you know, transforming themselves or perceptions. You know, like David, Matt was talking about those two dilemmas, you know, the dilemma of two bad options, you know, and that's something trees into is, you know, that I think the hardest part for a lot of screenwriters, or maybe something they miss is creating that empathy. Because when you when you Yeah, because, you know, it's always that it's always that question, you know, why should I care about these characters? Why am I invested in these characters, they're the, the company that the company probably does is the best is Pixar, with how they create empathy for their characters. And, you know, they, they Wally is a robot, he's made to look very sort of, you know, sheepish and, you know, he's not like really a threat. You have the up, an old man who's lost his wife, I think up is probably the best movie they've ever done, I think up was at a nominal, keep alert.

Neil Landau 51:48
I mean, I was sobbing, after the prologue. You know, it's just such a beautiful prologue, love story. And, yeah, he just says, this gigantic void, that needs that he probably believe that, that at his age will never be filled. And then this, you know, this blank lie. And then you have, you know, magic is one of the greatest ways to fill the void. I, there's a wonderful documentary on HBO about Steven Spielberg's career, it's a retrospective. It's just the whole thing is just filled with so much great, you know, insight, and you get to hear Spielberg tell stories about things that, you know, some of his greatest achievements were accidental, you know, like Jaws, to me, the best thing about Jaws is that you never see the shark, or you almost never see the shark. But the tension of the shark pain there is even greater than seeing the shark. But that was not by design. And that was because they couldn't get the mechanical shark to actually work. And it didn't look good. So they had to hide it. And then they said, Well, how do we create potential of the shark? If we can't show the shark, which they just couldn't do? Just physically, the production wasn't up to, you know, we didn't have the technology to do that in a convincing way back then. So it's like, well, what if there's music that, you know, stands for the shark, when when you hear the music scare, and, you know, again, those are the strongest things in that movie, which was, you know, it was done to solve a problem, and it actually makes the movie more even more brilliant. He has, in terms of the Boyd's, in that documentary is global Plex about how each, he did not begin as a story of a boy who meets an extra stretch terrestrial et was really Spielberg's desire to tell the story of adding a Jaguar child, because his parents divorced when he was a kid. And the void was so enormous when his parents split up. So his question for him was, I want to tell a story about how that enormous void created by divorced impacts a child. And then he started to think, what could possibly fill that void? Because it's so infinite, especially for a kid, you know? And then he came up with the idea, well, what if you discovered an alien from another planet, and we formed a friendship. And both of them have the same goal, which is to go home, but in different ways, you know, the divorce, the child of divorce wants home to be the way it was, and for the parents to get back together. And for Elliot, it's about getting back to his planet. And I just thought that that, to me, just speaks to the emotional core of a movie. It may come from the beginning. And then you have to figure out how to fill it and maybe that gives you your story. Or maybe you have the idea of a boy cat on the next festival. And then you put you still always have to go back and ask what's the emotional core of the story? What's the emotional void? How, you know, just even when you're pitching a TV show, I was just talking about this in class last week. It said, Everybody's pitching you need you know, it's almost Didn't pit find a way to pitch your story in 10 minutes? It's like a comedian, you know, you need to take 10. You know, that's, that's the key to success for stand up comedy, why did you need it, take 10 minutes. And it needs to pretty much be filled with material that's pretty that you just know kills, right, and then you go on the road and you keep doing your type 10 and you build a pitch, a tight 10 minute pitch. But I said, Let's just have a rule that at least three times during those 10 minutes, you have to stop and say to whoever, wherever you're pitching to. Now, let's talk about how the how the character is feeling now, at this point in the story, you know, and I said in use really strong words like, you know, devastated in rage, you know, betrayed, desperate, you know, strong words to convey how they're feeling, you know, because no matter how good the plot is, in no matter how good the idea is, a pitch is only as good as the emotional connection that that reels in the audience, you know, they have to invest in the characters. And I think that's probably, even though most people intellectually know that's important. I think people often underestimate the power of emotion in a story. And it's because it's the toughest thing to write and the toughest thing to convey. A lot of people just try it. Well, they don't try but they'll almost inadvertently stick to the surface and the plot details instead of going deeper into story. You know, Roger Ebert, the late film critic said, we're not in the entertainment business, we're in the empathy business. And, to me, empathy is everything in story. And it's often the thing that's most easily overlooked by the Creator. So if anybody gets anything out of this, at least from my perspective, look at the role of empathy in your story. And if there isn't a clear emotional journey, you've still got a lot of work to do, you know, you're missing a whole layer. And it applies equally to comedy. You know, if you look at a movie like bridesmaids in an emotional journey, it's all about feeling abandoned into friendship, and feeling like you're never going to be worthy of love. And those are universal theme attics, but they're also emotional, and people can relate to them. And that's what makes the movie your movie the things I was nominated for an Oscar, it's what ticket from you know what, either a long SNL schedule a little bit one joke, he did do a movie that had, he'd laugh great characters, but also a lot of cars.

Dave Bullis 57:52
Yeah, it's kind of like what I always feel too is, when you're outlining a story, you get, you get an idea, and you start kind of outlining it, you kind of put the cart before the horse because you started saying, you know, what might happen, these plot twist these turns, blah, blah. And then characters kind of back, you know, thought of afterwards, like, oh, what character can be plugged into this, when it should be reversed should be a character in this? And what kind of character is it? You know, how am I going to create this, this sort of empathy between everything? Yeah, and at a great movie that I always go back to His Blood Simple on that just has great characters, and just the twists and turns of of of what they're doing to try to, it's almost out of love. You know, I think it's the only Coen Brothers movie, by the way, that isn't about money. I know, you mentioned about a lot of movies are about coming of age. And I actually just recently, and I actually just saw this, this video recently about, you know, this in Atlanta analysis of the Coen Brothers movie and how all their movies are about money, and their pursuit of money. And, and I started to watch a little bit more, and I was, well, you know, they've really is true. I don't think blood samples about money. I just, I think it's more of about well, I guess it is about money, and it went away. But But Raising Arizona was the other exception, but that again was was the baby was about money. Because, you know, that whole you know, that whole thing about kidnapping the kid and then it was a bounty hunter came back so but you know, it's and then some of the characters that greed about that reward money. But, um, but yeah, you know, I just think that character, you know, sometimes is, you know, not really thought of, and with TV, it's all about character, you know, it's whether that's the TV show, Ozarks, you know, somebody wants told me and we're in the golden age of TV, which is true, but it's also much more segregated now. Because I, you know, YouTube and Vudu and HBO and Showtime and all these other things where, you know, we have all these great TV shows, and they're all like 100 different channels.

Neil Landau 59:44
Yeah, there are actually going to be over 500 scripted shows across platforms this year. That's, you know, and 10s and 10s of billions developed on acquisition, production.

Alex Ferrari 59:59
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Neil Landau 1:00:08
And some, you know, I'm only doing that a lot of the top streaming platforms like Netflix and Hulu and, and premium cable channels like HBO, HBO and Showtime still develop. But Netflix doesn't spend a lot on development. They like people to come to them with projects that are what they would Ted Saran dose, you know, when the Netflix content piece of content, he says they're never going to buy a project that's half baked, you know, they're, they're looking for three. And this is pretty much across the board. Now. And this is a big change from just even a few years ago, which is, it's very rare, anybody's just going to buy a pilot, they're gonna want to be the pilot, they're gonna want to read a series Bible, or even the mini Bible. So they know that it can sustain over at least one season, they would want more detail about season one, and then a suggestion of where it might go in future seasons. There are platforms that want you to map out multiple seasons. A friend of mine does have a great criminally with an underappreciated kind of a sleeper series for Amazon called patriots, I don't know if you've seen it. Very people, very few people have seen it. Steven Conrad, who is best known probably for reading the movie, the pursuit of happiness with Will Smith. But he also wrote the weatherman with Nicolas Cage and the Life of Walter Mitty with Ben Stiller. And he's a really wonderful, but he he created a series for Amazon called patriot. And I think almost nobody thought it's great. It's a very dark comedy. It did get picked up for season two. So they're in production now. And couple, it was a big one was, what was your question? Again? How did they started to get on Patriot as an example?

Dave Bullis 1:02:16
It was, we were just talking about character?

Neil Landau 1:02:19
Oh, yes. Yes, yes. Walking window, at the time, forget who had developed last when he was at ABC as a common executive, he had gone over to Amazon. And because of the last experience where, you know, the series kind of didn't bear a lot of resemblance to what they originally imagined. And some of that was just, the show became so successful that they had stretched the story out over Maliki. But because Morgan Rendell was involved with loss, when Steven currently came into self hatred, and Steven had not done television, they really in order to, for him to have made that deal, they really needed proof of concept. And they wanted him to map out how it could sustain over many seasons, not just over the first season, and even had to prove all that to them. And, you know, now everybody wants that. Everybody wants proof of concept. Maybe a pilot episode and a second episode already written. Another thing that another trend is working in studios are now soft screen lighting shows where they'll first greenlight the writers room. And they'll see how many scripts can come out that are of the same high quality as the pilot, but that excited them. So before they commit to production, they want many scripts, and they want to do that the writers were on has come up with a very strong plan for the season. That's another trend that's happening. And, of course, most of these series Bibles are many Bibles that are part of the selling process or just selling tools. Its students, the writers room assembles. Often everything in the Bible goes out the window, because they come up with better ideas. But, you know, so you need the Bible. You need to have the plan and be able to articulate it to satisfy the person who's investing, you know, millions of dollars ultimately in a production. And then a lot of that, you know, gets thrown out as you make discoveries and find your way and the character is stirred, take a life of their own and casting of the heat. You know, a lot of times on paper, it didn't seem like two characters would need to spend a lot of time together, but then you realize that when they're on screen, the chemistry is so strong. Sometimes shows like homeland decides they're going to accelerate the romance. You know, like between Carrie and Brody and season one. That wasn't supposed to happen till much later. Warren, you know, back to Breaking Bad Jesse Qinglin was supposed to be killed off, you know, halfway through season one. But once they saw the chemistry between her and Paul, oh my god, Bryan Cranston, you know, suddenly that they were like, Oh, this is the central relationship. This is like the strongest part of the show this week. By the way. Let's not kill off Jesse Pinkman. This gives us more story. So a lot of what's happening now is you need a plan and you need a vision, you need to articulate it upfront. To convince buyers that you actually have proof of concept, some kind of a package, maybe even a director or showrunner attach, maybe an actor who's interested. So that, you know, like when Netflix notoriously greenlit two full seasons of House of Cards. Some of it was based on algorithms, but more of it was based on the package of, you know, David Fincher and no Willamina. At the time, Kevin Spacey, which of course, now would be the kiss of death. But you know, they want to, they're betting on a winner on a winning racehorse. And the more that you can convince them upfront that they have a winning horse, the more likely they're going to be to write the sex. And to give you the green light.

Dave Bullis 1:06:26
Yeah, yeah, I think that's what everyone's sort of, you know, again, like with this, tying it back, almost like a TV show, almost tying it back to what we were initially talking about, which was creating that script. In the end, that's your sort of, it's your calling card, and you know, that that's your Yeah, your ability to say, this is what I'm capable of, you know, it's outside the box thinking. And I mean, just to take another side note, I know, I want to also just before we close, I know we're running out of time when I talk about your your your new book, but I just to sort of put a final thought on all this. I have a you know, when I whenever I see these superhero movies that come out, you know, we always talk about the ending has to be closed and you only mean, but like, it's always like, you never you I always go in there and I go, Gee, I wonder what they're gonna set up next. I wonder what series they're going to set up, Matt? Yeah. And I'm always like, so I'm just I already know that, you know, hey, this guy's not going to be beat. He's just they're just going to say, oh, yeah, we invent we invented the, the the Johnson ray that resurrected him and it's like, Come on, guys. I mean, it's just, it's so pedantic. And it's so insulting to the audience. To this, I get it, I honestly get it. But it's that's a point where it's like, no matter what happens, there's always a way someone's resurrected. I'm just like, I don't know. Maybe I'm just too I'm just too burned out with this. I know how comic books work. I know comic books are a lot like novels where they allow all these different, you know, imaginations and things to happen. Because in comics, they have like alternate worlds. Or, or that was, that was a, an alternate universe. Or maybe, hey, you know, that was someone's dream, or hey, this was bla bla bla bla, but Right, right, but but like tropes now. Yeah, exactly. How the comic books, how they were able to just explain something away by saying, Hey, that was a dream. That was a psychotic episode that was or this or that, you know, with movies? Uh, you know, I think it just ends up being like, it's a little like, Okay, I just saw Thor Ragnarok the other day, just came out on Blu ray. And I thought it was I thought it was actually hilarious i, which is what they needed, because a lot of these movies are too brooding for me, where everyone tries, you know, a sort of, you know, what I mean, like, tries to be either cool, or broody. But that movie was just funny. And I know, I had a friend who saw with me who said he didn't like it, because it was too funny. But I said, I think it needs that. And then but even at the end of Thor, there was the stinger where they're setting up where another ship comes upon them, and you're kind of like, Whoa, now who's this? And maybe it's who's that that that villain? Not Darkside? Maybe historics I don't remember. But yeah, it's, it's one of those villains that I don't know, there's 10,000 of them. I saw I saw Justice League. And I said, I think I'm done with DC movies.

Neil Landau 1:09:02
I mean, they weren't the exceptions, though. I mean, Christian, you know, Christopher Nolan, you know, really reinvented the superhero movie with Batman Begins in The Dark Knight and by connecting to their humanity and their flaws. So even though you know, The Dark Knight ends in a way that is very unexpected, you know. And your Batman makes this big sacrifice for the greater good. And, I mean, they do. superheroes do tend to do those kinds of things. But this was where you were actually ending the movie with him, not a euro, but something where everybody's gonna think that he's actually the villain in a way and get cool or Guardians of the Galaxy. You know, having the humor and kind of turning the typical superhero movie on its on its ear.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:54
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Neil Landau 1:10:03
Black Panther it was just great, you know, with really strong female characters who were more badass than any of the male characters. I liked that the formulas are being twisted and reinvented in some cases, I think the studios, the big studios, which that are primarily in the big event, tentpole movie franchise business. In some cases, they can get lazy if they want to, because you have a whole new generation, who isn't aware that things that you and I might think are tropes, or that were burnt out on for them, these are brand new, you know, in their thinking it's exciting. For them, they're still able to squeeze new life out of, you know, what might be an older genre. And but, you know, movies that are designed to be franchises are like our, like TV pilots, because they're not designed to and are designed to be the beginning of a conversation in a relationship with the audience. I love the original, the first Iron Man, that because the formula of all superhero movies is, or almost all of them is that the person has a dual identity and that nobody seems to know. Like, just, you know, it's it's willing suspension of disbelief that nobody's going to realize that Bruce green Wayne is Batman, you know, just because his voice is a little different. And he's not wearing the brass. gears that out. What I loved about Iron Man is at the very end of the first, he says, Well, the truth is, I am Iron Man. And he out himself loved that ending, I thought they just went exactly against what every other superhero movie does. And it was surprising. And it was funny. And then they still were able to set themselves up for multiple franchises, but just in a different way. So I think writers have to work harder to innovate and, and twist, put put a spin on an old formula, because we're never really going to come up with something 100% Fresh at this point. And it's very difficult to come up with something that nobody's ever done. But can you put a fresh spin on it? You know, that's very unique to the voice of the writer. And I think audiences are. That's what's exciting. Most audiences now. And it's certainly the most satisfying experience for me.

Dave Bullis 1:12:30
Yeah, yeah. It's, it's true in Iran. One was was fantastic. And, you know, it just completely changed that sort of that sort of template that they were going by. And I love it. Yeah. Yeah, it was, it was awesome. And I also enjoyed Ironman three, but then again, it was Shane Black. So I kind of I was a little biased, but, but just just, you know, just actually, you know, I know, we're sort of run out of time here, Neil. But just to sort of, you know, finish off, I want to talk about your book really quickly. You know, TV writing, again, is the biggest thing right now. Every I think everybody think you have to have a pilot of some kind in your portfolio if you're going to be a writer. Yeah. And not only in Hollywood, but you know, even in like a YouTube episodic series, you know what I mean? So, you know, what was some of the impetus for you to creating this and creating the book, TV writing on demand?

Neil Landau 1:13:21
Well, my last, this is my fifth book. And my last three books have all been about television. So I did a book called The TV show runners roadmap, which primarily covered broadcast TV, and I wanted to have a lot of interviews with cylinders in there as well. It looks different perspectives. So I interviewed for that book, I talked to Shonda Rhimes, and Vince Gilligan and David shore and, you know, just to kind of talk about their creative process. And then the other half of those books was me and what I teach in UCLA in the MFA, screenwriting program, because I run inside of the program. And I've had a lot of students have found success. And so I would love to just kind of write a book that talked about the nuts and bolts of how to write a pilot, and how to put a series together, whether it be a drama, you know, one hour or an hour eliminate after that, but when I finished that book, there was so much new TV coming so many shows, like, you know, Mr. Robot and House of Cards, and barns is the new block. And I decided, you know, there's so much more than say now. And I was lying in bed to having trouble sleeping, and I came up with the idea of the title TV outside the box, which was basically going to talk about with TVs going, and I got up and I Googled it, and it didn't exist as a title. And I thought, Okay, I'm gonna, this is gonna be the new book. And I'm gonna read about the trailblazers in what I thought was the new Platinum age of television. But as I researched the book, I realized it was a TV revolution. You know, like, what happened in the music business, just happening to the TV business was completely changing everything about it, how we consume it, how its distributed, and And now, so that that then took me to the new book, he'd be reading on demand, which is, it's being distributed differently and, and made differently, and doesn't have to be written with commercial breaks and act outs and doesn't have to be programmed the time slots where the audience is, you know, where we're, the network might be afraid if they miss a few episodes, they'll never catch up. Because nobody misses episodes anymore. You know, we have the ability to watch things whenever we want, and in any order we want. So then I just thought, well, I want to write a book that's kind of a companion to TV outside the box that talks about how the contents being created differently because of this revolution that we're in, in the TV business. And so the new book talks about, you know, Atlanta and the crown and Westworld and the new Fargo and Stranger Things and insecure and Ozark and the night of, you know, American Gods and basically the next iteration of great television, and why the shows are great, and how they're being created differently because of because of how the consumer interacts with them. So for example, instead of lawn order, you know, one of the most stalwart, you know, successful TV shows ever, where there was a murder, investigation, trial and a verdict all in 42 minutes with commercial. Now we have this season long procedural, where it's one murder over the course of the borehole. There were people who tried to do that in the past, but now that's just kind of like, everything is slowburn, you know, Big Little Lies and Handmaid's Tale. And, you know, everything is serialized, and recently was a slow roll. And the audience really appreciates that. So yes, so the new book basically, is more for content creators and writers. But there's also analysis of a lot of these great shows that are very hot right now. And what makes them work and how they tend to fit into the new TV landscape. So I, if you give people who read the book, they'll see there's chapters on dystopias and magic realism and portals and comedies that don't have to be comedy or drama. And, you know, just kind of how everything's shifting and moving away from Formula and moving toward slowburn serialized content that takes us places we're not expecting, because there's the time to go deeper and to explore arcs over time.

Dave Bullis 1:17:31
And everybody I am with focal press, we're actually going to give away a copy of this book, which is to be reading on demand by Neil, we're actually gonna give away a copy for free. So if if you want to read tweet, by the way, so here's how it's gonna work. It's gonna retweet. Not only this the episode, but also comment what you've learned, during listening to this episode, you will get a free copy of the book, if you're inside the US, you will get a choice between a PDF or hard copy of the book. If you're outside the US, you can still participate. But I can only if you win, I can only give you a PDF. So I will link to Neil's book in the show notes. So again, just to enter, you have to retweet the episode and also mentioned what you've learned from listening this episode between Neil and I, as we've gone through this through all about writing and everything else. And it's a really great book, by the way, I'm going to link to that in the show notes, everybody, it's TV writing on demand. And Neil, I've just been going through going through all the different chapters you have here, just about all the different things that have going on in the TV and all the examples and stuff like that. And I'm starting to realize, you know, there's so many different TV shows, you start to remember, like Jesus, all these TV shows are happening at the same exact time. It's unbelievable.

Neil Landau 1:18:47
It isn't the question I get the most is how do you possibly keep up with all content? And the answer is, it's really hard to stay up very late. And I read a lot of scripts, and I watch a lot of dreams. And this is my you. This is what I specialize in now. And I love I've always loved television, I've always escaped into television, just from the time I was a kid. And I've never seen that better time. I mean, I you know, this is just the just most exciting to him and television. Both it for viewers. And if you're a content creator or writer, there's never been a better time to break into television. There's a huge demand. And it's still cutthroat and extremely competitive. But there is opportunity and people need to fill. You know, there's just in a big appetite right now. So I encourage people to write stuff that's authentic, that only they can write. And probably the last thing I can leave you with is if you're gonna create a pilot for a show or a screenplay, the three most important questions to ask yourself are why this idea why you as the writer and why now For this project, if you don't have good, compelling answers to those questions, I think you need to dig deeper into your creative process and what what do you want your work to represent about you? Deeper, you know, because just writing a story that you you're not connected to that you think might sell isn't enough anymore. It has to go deeper. And there is the personal story where the story that's rooted in authenticity is what everybody is looking for.

Dave Bullis 1:20:34
And, Neil, I think that's a great way to sort of put a period in this whole conversation. So Neil word, we will find you Where can people find you online?

Neil Landau 1:20:43
Either Neillandau.com, Facebook, or UCLA, you know, but Neil lynda.com will give you no contact information.

Dave Bullis 1:20:54
Neil Landau I want to say thank you so much for coming on.

Neil Landau 1:20:58
Thanks for having me. Appreciate it and have a good weekend.

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BPS 332: Screenwriting Secrets from Hollywood with Corey Mandell

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Alex Ferrari 1:44
Enjoy today's episode with guest host Jason Buff.

Jason Buff 1:49
Thanks for joining us here today. My guest is Corey Mendell Corey is an award winning playwright and screenwriter who has written projects for SC Ridley Scott Wolfgang Petersen, Harrison Ford of Warner Brothers, universal 20th Century Fox, you name it, he's written it for you. I'm really excited to talk about to talk with Corey today because he is writing at the studio level. And we really even though this is indie film, it's really important to know what it's like writing at that level and how things work. You know, things like getting an agent, the importance of having a manager, things like that. And, you know, it's it's, it's really talking about something that I didn't know a whole lot about, even though, you know, I'm, as many of you I'm also a screenwriter, aspiring screenwriter, so it's good to know even though my aspirations are more towards indie film. Anyway, I learned a lot from from Corey, and I think he's actually a really good teacher as well. He teaches a workshop if you go to Corymandell.net. And that's Mandel with two L's. He's got a workshop there. And I highly, you know, I think he's got some some great things to teach. I think you should definitely check out his classes. And he's had a lot of success stories. So check that out. There we go. Here's my interview with Corey Mandel. Well, I guess the first thing we should start out with for people who are not familiar with you and your site and your work, if you wouldn't mind just giving us a little bit of background in your career as a screenwriter.

Corey Mandell 3:24
Sure, so I went to UCLA Film School, and this is back in the late 90s. And was really fortunate to launch my career by having Ridley Scott hired me to write metropolis. I'm still in some school. It was just amazing to be in a room with Ridley Scott, have him hire me, flew me to London. first time I'd ever flown first class, first time easy, new First Class existed. Living on top ramen noodles on a good day. And so, really committed to making the chocolate and it was the front page of variety. And ultimately, it didn't get made, which is a whole long story. But but he mentioned me and he mentioned the script and very positive way on the front page of it. So if you're looking to launch your career, have you heard this got very nice things about you and your scripts on the front page? Right? He's not that bad.

Jason Buff 4:24
Right, so that's step one.

Corey Mandell 4:25
Now if you have that list and so then I became, you know, the, the super hot writer in town for seven minutes. And, and I started next project was for Wilson Peterson, who just finished Air Force lawn. And I did a project for him. Did a project for working title I basically ended up doing over 11 years. I did 19 For Hire a studio project. And you know, for some of your listeners who may be are a little new to the studio gain. Basically what that means is, I would get hired, I'd have an original idea of pitches to the studios, they buy the idea, they hired me to write it for what was more often the case, they had a project, they had a writer or a couple of writers weren't terribly excited about where it was going to, they would hire me to come in and rewrite it. I would also sometimes get hired to adapt novels, or graphic novels. And then occasionally, I would do production rewrites, where you're actually on that when you're making a movie, you don't get credit. But you got a really nice paycheck and you are rewriting structure or comedy or characters on set. So that's basically, for someone who's going to work in a feature film business under assignment, kind of the range of the kinds of things you did.

Jason Buff 5:57
Now, what was the process before you got that project with Ridley Scott? I mean, how did you even get into that world?

Corey Mandell 6:05
Yeah, that's a great question. So what has happened is I had written a script when I was at UCLA, and one of my teachers was running development for Meg Ryan. And again, this is like 98. And Meg Ryan's a big star. And, and I somehow convinced the games, Kathy Raven to take a look at the script. And she read it. And she really responded to it. And she talked to Meg landed on it, and Meg really responded to it, Meg wanted to do it. So then you get the phone call that everybody wants, which is, you know, Kathy Raven calls me and says, Then Brian, no, very potentially interested in your project. Who was your agent? And of course, I said, I don't have an agent. And then she said, Would you like me to help you get an agent? And I'm like, Let me think about that. I would like that. And, you know, the thing is, the key to get an agent, and it's easier said than done is not for you to be chasing the agent, but for the agents to be chasing you. Now, probably the easiest way to get an agent to chase you is to write something that gets a major piece of channeler. Attached. Again, easier said than done, I understand that. So in that situation, I literally have DEA and William Morris, and I see him like top agent, like clearing their schedule to meet with me. So I did that over the next couple of days. And I I chose to go with ICM with an agent named Dan Karen. She's awesome. And so you know, put it in perspective. And parents at this time. She represents Kelly Corey, when the Academy Award for Thelma and Louise, she represents farmers, you know, and then little mini, so it's a little intimidating. It's really exciting. And then to make a long story, short, or somewhat short. Right, so neg Ryan is attacks now we have directors fighting for the project, we suddenly have studios fighting for the project, like this is going to be a big strip. So I'm gonna make a whole bunch of money, pay off my student loans, get a car license, good. And then a movie comes out. That's in the same genre. And somewhat similar but but really not that similar but somewhat similar. And it takes this takes at the box office and suddenly met Brian, or someone on our team decides maybe I don't want to do this. And then suddenly the women Ryan says that suddenly the directors are like, Oh, maybe I don't want to do this. And then of course, studios are like, well, maybe I know what to do. And I remember exactly. And one thing I'll say for your listeners and I, I'm sure that you have people listen to this, we've gone through this. And you also have people who are kind of new to the game and everyone in between, I'll just say that the experience I just went through. I constantly get calls from students and writers I've worked with, who go through the same thing if you get as close as you can, without it actually happening. And you feel potentially like there's something wrong with you for your curse. And the thing is, is when you start to talk to a lot for riders, you realize it's a pretty typical experience. And so, so at the end of the day, it was not going to sell which was crushing. But, you know, I had a writing sample and had an agent and I think most importantly, I had credibility because the script I wrote had attracted major star and so that gives you credibility. So my agent said, Do you have any ideas or pitch?

Alex Ferrari 9:51
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Corey Mandell 10:00
Because now you have this credibility, let's see if we can sell a pitch. And I said, yeah, so this is an idea I've always loved. And so I managed by her, but she said, Yeah, I think that can have traction in the marketplace. And then she pulled out a pad of paper and a pen. She was okay, let's do the fun part. Let's make our dream list. If you could sell this pitch, and work with anyone at all, who would it be? And the very first thing I said, was Ridley Scott. And she said, great to a great choice who else's, we made our list of like major a Lister. And it's sort of like, okay, that's our dream list. Now, let's start making a list of maybe one more classical folk, in case a dreamless. Doesn't happen. And but I got we went, she was let's start with Ridley Scott, since that was your number one choice. I went there and the development executive, they really responded to the pitch, they brought me into producing partner at the time, maybe she responded to this, and literally two weeks later, and it's a little embarrassing, but I get a call, and I set up really late. And I'm like, half asleep, when the phone rings, I think it's 1030. And my agent says, leaves in town, and like to hear your pitch at 1130. And it's going to take me 45 minutes to get going after shower, and shave and all that. So I said, Oh, that's exciting. But can I go in later today, like at three? And there's this long pause or ensure my agency? Why do I find this person and then very, very nicely, she says, Cory release in town. He'd like to hear your pitch at 11 o'clock. And I went, Oh, yes, I will be there. And I don't know. I but it really worked in my favor, Jason, because I wasn't nervous. I was everything just to get there. I'm nearly in a room pitching really before I think I thought I could process that that through this guy, because he was a big hero of mine. And, of course, yeah, any positive number. So in the room, he said, If you don't mind, I'd like to buy this. And I'd like to fly it to lend it and work with you on the structure. Have you raised it? You know, and it's like, Well, originally, let me check my schedule.

Jason Buff 12:16
Our people can talk and we'll figure it out. Yeah. So let me ask you, can I can I just pause on that for one second. And I want to make sure we talk about a lot of different things. But one thing that we're talking about right now is the pitch. So is there any sort of I mean, you're in your car, you're driving up, you're gonna see, you know, a legend. Yeah. I mean, you have to be nervous. What does? What do you do to like, make it all work out? I mean, what's your pitch? And how does it work?

Corey Mandell 12:46
How does one prepare themselves perfect? Or not get nervous? Or maybe actual? How do you? Yeah.

Jason Buff 12:52
I mean, what is? What what do you say? I mean, how do you take your screenplay and put it I mean, what is that, like a five minute six minute pitch, or

Corey Mandell 13:02
So this is not a screenplay. So you know, when people are pitching they haven't written. So generally, if you have an idea, you got two avenues, right? You can spec in, which is to write the script on the back. And then that's the thing that would be shown to people the actual script, or you can pitch it where you haven't written it yet, you have an idea, you're talking to people through the through the idea. And then if they like it, and they believe in you, as a writer, they'll buy the pitch, and then they'll hire you, the writer. Generally speaking, for those listeners who are kind of new to the game, you don't get invited to pitch these days, unless you have credibility. So it's even more so than when I was president. So generally, they're only going to listen to a pitch, and by a pitch from a writer that they are extremely confident can deliver on the actual script. So for newer writers, you're not pitching these days, you're stepping you want to prove not just that you have a great idea, but you can execute on it. So yeah, so what happened is, I went in there, and it was like a 45 minute pitch. And it was basically giving them the characters, and the world and the story and everything that happens and trying to do it in a way that was most engaging as possible. And then he asked me lots of questions. And we had a conversation, and we were really talking through everything. I was there for a couple of hours. And at the end of it, you know, he had a really had a really clear vision of what my vision was and what I was gonna go and write. And he said, Yeah, let's so then he lost the pitch. So I get a certain amount of money for that. And then also they hire me to write it, so I get money for that. So it's basically like you have an idea for scripts. And before you write it, you sort of embed it to make sure there's a market for and if someone's interested enough, they'll buy the idea and they hire you to write the script. And that's quite common in TV and And it happens in features, but generally is only going to happen to a writer who has a certain level of credibility.

Jason Buff 15:09
Okay, and what is the now for writers who are trying to understand what the relationship is with you and your agent, your agent is the one that got you in the room there in the first place, right?

Corey Mandell 15:20
Yeah. So agents are, your Salesforce agents are going to sell your stress. And or they're going to get you in the right rooms with the right people, for pitches or for writing assignments. So that was the other thing is, let's say that you write a script. And it goes out in the marketplace, everybody loves the script, they think you are a fresh, original voice, great characters, great structure, but nobody buys the script. It's just, it's not fitting what they're looking to buy, but everyone's life as a great Express. So at that point, you know, the agent will send you on around a meeting. And those round of meetings could be 20, to 30. And there's kind of three kinds of meetings, they're all going to be happening. So one is called a general relationship where someone's registered. And they're blown away by it. They're not looking to hire a writer for a project, they're not really looking to buy a pitch there. There's no, there's no money that's going to come out of this beauty. But it's a relationship building meeting, they just really love your script and your writing, they want to get to know you to kind of figure out, you know, if you're the kind of person you want to work with, if you're crazy or not, and a lot of crazy writers out there. And they just sort of what are you interested in, and let me tell you the kinds of things we're interested in, because down the road, they truly would like to find a way to work with you. And some writers get disappointment, because they'll take that meeting, and they realize somewhere during meeting, I'm not gonna get hired, there's no money that's going to come out of this. And those writers are the relationships are really important, because they're maybe six months later, that person is looking to hire someone, that that that you had a really good meeting with them, and they really want to work with you. That could lead to a job. So So you write a script. Everybody loves it, it doesn't sell, you go on around in meetings, and one type of meeting is this relationship building meeting. Another meeting could be they really love your scripts. If you have the right idea, they buy a pitch from you, and they will help you develop it. So that's a meeting where you're going in and they're like, hey, what ideas do you have? You're pitching. That's what that's what the kind of meaning that was really Scott, another type of meeting could be they loved your script, couldn't buy it. But we have, we have the rights to the graphic novel, or we have the rights to this article, or we have an idea that we've been kicked around internally, or we have a script that somebody wrote, We want a pretty big rewrite. And we want to make it darker, or we want to make it we want to make the character, this kind of a character or whatever, and you seem like you could be a good person for that. And so then what happens is you're basically being invited to audition. It's like an actor audition. So then, if it's a script, you'll read it and come back in, and you'll say, This is what I would, this is how I would change it, this is my vision for it. And they're talking to other writers do this as well. And then they're gonna pick the writer who they the vision that they liked the most. Or if it's an original idea that they have, or an article thing that you're gonna go home, you're going to come back in, and you're going to pitch what you would do with this idea, or what you would do with this article. And you're generally competing against other writers. So what the agent says is, they're going to try to sell your scripts, often, that means packaging, putting elements you know to make, the more exciting, they can go out. And there's a script for the star strip center director. And concurrent to that, we're gonna send your meetings. And again, these meetings could be relationship building, they could be you pitching original ideas, it could be them looking to hire a writer, and you go through around with those, and maybe somewhere along the way, you'll launch your career, you'll sell a pitch, they'll get hired to write something, your script will actually sell all of that possible. It's also very possible that the end of that none of that happens, you met a lot of people, you got a lot of great relationship, but at the end the day, you didn't get a job out of it. And then what you do is you're gonna have to give your agent another really great script, and you're gonna go through a second cycle. And there's you got a better chance of watching a career the second time around and the first time because he has relationships and also you're no longer one trick pony. You now proven that you are capable of writing more than just one great strip.

Alex Ferrari 19:53
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Corey Mandell 20:02
But it's possible that the second round, you still have a launch sticker. So you have to add another big step and go through a third round. And a lot of agents will say, if you go through three rounds of meeting, and you haven't landed your first job, there's a good chance there's something wrong with you, it's a good chance that you're not everybody plays well with others, you know, and if you were seen as defensive or arrogant, or just someone that people don't want to work with, then you know, no matter how great your writing is, it's probably not going to happen. But assuming you play ball with others, and what I certainly see if my students and clients, you know, by the third round meeting, they're getting their third shot. Now, what you do with that shot, the whole different story.

Jason Buff 20:53
Okay, now, you wrote a very good screenplay relatively early on, and you're coming even before your career to kind of even started what? What were the things that, you know, brought you to that level of writing? I mean, were you just born a good screenwriter? Or what? What happened in school that really made you able to write a good screenplay like that?

Corey Mandell 21:14
A great question. And, you know, there's so much misinformation out there, because I have a lot of friends or managers, and I'm not going to out anyone here. But what happens is, there's this myth that if you're a great writer, once you start writing you'd like to express, and it's just not true. I know, so many writers who I mean, I'm talking to Tony Award winning writers, I'm talking to writers, the creative, his TV shows, I'm talking about writers who make millions of dollars, who it seems like everything they write is just amazing. And there was five or six years where they weren't that good. And they were just getting a little bit better and a little bit better. And they were doing the right kind of training, but they're being mentored. And then what happens is, after five or six years, they finally arriving at a level where they can be taken seriously. They sell. And they will just say or their manager will make up some story. Like that was the first thing they wrote. And they just forget it on all the development. No, and that's really important people to hear that because it's a really abusive message otherwise, because if you don't realize that, and you buy into the fairytales, and if people are doing it strategically, it, it makes you sexier, and it makes you more desirable as a writer, just to be someone who naturally is a great fighter, like everyone, everybody wants to work with natural talent. So it didn't people's interest to pretend they have natural talent, but it's just I don't know, a single successful writer, who didn't start out as someone who had a lot of potential that kind of sucked, and, and was taught and mentored and got better. And so in my case, you know, and as a writer, I wouldn't, I wouldn't talk about this way, but I'm wearing my teacher hat. So I'll be completely completely honest, what happened is, I was in film school, and I never read anything and a friend and I kind of wrote a script together. And it sold as a USB cable movie star in Virginia Madsen. And it was a great concept. And if we were just a little bit better writers probably could have sold it as a feature. But at the time is the very first thing I wrote a co wrote it with a friend. So I kind of thought it was God's gift to writing because no one else in my film, school class sold anything. Okay, it was USA Cable, but it paid pretty good. It was Virginia back then it got made, it was very successful for cable movie. I mean, for your first time out, at least for me, I was thinking that so shabby. So my friend and I had a big, falling out for collaboration and did a whole another long story. But so now I'm solo. And I write the script. And I'm in a writing group. And they're like, professional working writers in this group. And we're all very honest with each other. And I showed it to them. They really liked it. They had some notes, they had a few issues, so did a rewrite. It shows them some notes rewrite, you know, it goes but I eventually got the script to the point where they're like, this is great. This will sell this will launch your career. And I'll show it to my agent if you want. This is so this is one of the best scripts I've ever read. And of course, I'm thinking, Who am I to argue with that assessment, right? And so I showed the film full professor and he reads it and you know, saying the best thing ever read, definitely gonna sell. I'll get it to, you know, help you get an agent yada. So at the time, I was working for this manager, and almost a favor. I said you want to read the script, like I will say I was like entering that wasn't represented by her. And so he read the script, and we met Anna Never forget, he said, it's it's pretty good for like a dirty first draft, you don't want to show anyone in the industry that script, you only get one first impression. The scripts not that good. But it has potential. And I this was a weird disconnect for me because I've not what I've been told by everybody else, and when he said is your professional writers, professors, friends, being honest with you, but they don't know how hard it is to break in the business, they don't know the bar that you have to ship. And by the way, that the late 90s, the bar is a lot higher today. And he said, every time you follow the script to get coverage, and coverage, get database, everyone shares it. So if the scripts not like the scripts good, but it's not amazing. And there's a big difference between good and amazing. And in this industry, nobody cares about good. They basically said, I'll work with you, if you're willing to put the work in to help you help make the script what it needs to be and help you become a better writer. And I was really honestly torn at that time, because I was thinking maybe his opinions just not valid compared to everything else. And so he suggested something that I suggest to all of my students and clients, which is you really think your scripts ready because you only get one first impression. And that's the most cherished asset you have is your first impression. So what he suggested is go hire studio readers, like literally hire people who I hired someone from imagine someone from, like Warner Brothers, like actual working readers pay them under the table, it was like 100 bucks, and have them do the coverage report, they would actually do the scripts, not in tracking, it's not their coverage report goes to you. Nobody else because it's not officially in the system, you're paying them to do the coverage report, they would actually do if the script had come through the system. So I didn't have the money to do it. But I did it. And when the coverage has come back, one of the things they will do is they'll evaluate the writer and they'll say, recommend, consider or pass. And I think that all came back pass on the writer, which was a real kick to the guy. But at the same time, I was so appreciative that I knew that, you know, and I didn't make the classic mistake of listening to everyone telling me how great it was fine. So I took it off the marketplace. And now suddenly, you know, my name for stress path is what everybody has in the record. So I worked with that manager. And you know, it is a year and a half. And in that year and a half, like I learned everything I didn't know. And I learned what my weaknesses were and worked really hard to turn them into strengths. And after a year and a half of brutal work. This manager is not a pleasant person. And he did not. He was smarter. He know how to work with writers very well. So it was a brutal experience. But I learned a lot. And at the end of it. He's like, I think it's now ready. I'll pay for the coverage. And he bought he paid for some people to do the coverage. And the coverage is all combat recommend recommended recommend. And that was the script that I then showed Captivate and all this happened. So no, I as a writer, I would I would have said the following. I went to film school and the producers program. It wasn't the screenwriting program. I didn't think I could be a screenwriter. I took a class where they made us write a screenplay I didn't want to because I was supposed to be a producer and I took this class, I wrote the script. The teacher read it. Next thing, you know, Meg Ryan is attached. Next thing you know, by the way, all of that is true. I just I just took out that year and a half. Right or bootcamp?

Jason Buff 29:07
Well, okay, can you can you explain kind of what happened between the version that you thought was good that your manager didn't think was very good. And the one that he finally thought was good. I mean, what changed?

Corey Mandell 29:18
It was just learning a lot about story structure and character development and conflict and all the things that I work with writers now and I coach them through this process. And the thing is, there's such a big gap between good and amazing. And there are a lot of writers who will read some books, they'll read some scripts, they'll watch a lot of movies and TV shows. They have a bunch of natural abilities. They work hard, they have plans or underwriting and they can get themselves up to good or maybe really good, but they can't set themselves up so amazing and so hard to get. It's different for each person, but

Alex Ferrari 29:56
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Corey Mandell 30:05
You know, everybody has inherent strengths. As a writer, everybody has inherent weaknesses. And everybody has blind spots, and play slots are weaknesses that you don't know that you have. So when I'm working with someone, the first thing is to help them understand what their blind spots are. So at least now they're known weaknesses as opposed to unknown. But then really, the important thing is helping people get dedicated exercises, and dedicated practice, so that they can turn weaknesses into strengths, and absolutely can be done. It takes time, it takes training, and the key is to work with someone who can help coach you through that. Because the thing that sad for a lot of people is a lot of the books and classes, the teaching rules, and their teaching paradigm, and formulas. And a, the industry is moving so far away from that, that most agents and managers won't even look at it, if that's what you're doing. Because that's not something they can work with anymore. But also be you learn a bunch of rules and a paradigm you feel educated, but you haven't become a better writer. It's not that insight out process approach, which is, what are my strengths? What are my weaknesses? What am I blind spots? And then how do I turn weaknesses into strengths? That that's the road to transformation. And the thing is, managers, especially good managers, yes, but that's what they will do. They'll, you know, they have their client base, they're making money, then they have their beating, they will take some people they think, have potential, and they'll develop those writers in exactly the way I'm talking about. Or you can get mentored by, you know, a successful writer can help coach you through that process. Unfortunately, a lot of classes and the books do the opposite. And that probably sounds really self serving, because sometimes I'll do a commercial for my workshops and, and for fiber trusses. And against that, you know, and so if you want to take all this with with a typical grain of salt, I understand. But the thing is, what I endeavor to do in my workshops is to help people have to get the current training that they would get if I had a manager or a mentor. And and obviously, that's Hello, everyone knows, if you have a choice between my workshop, and an actual manager or writer who can mentor you obviously go with the manager or the writer, because like, that's better than the workshop, the workshop is there for people who aren't able to get that at this point. And so I get a lot of MFA students who have a lot of education in the realm of rules and paradigms, and they're writing. They're not overcoming core weaknesses. So they keep writing scripts that are similarly flawed. And they're writing formulaic, predictable, generic kinds of stress, which is exactly the wrong type of script to workout.

Jason Buff 33:14
Okay, now, so I assume things like save the cat, and all those things are kind of like, you know, you would consider that really going in the wrong direction that people aren't looking for that sort of thing anymore.

Corey Mandell 33:28
Yeah. So again, the thing is not what I say. But even some managers say, right, because otherwise, it's like, I'm somebody that saying, Oh, don't listen to that teacher or writer. Come listen to me and spend your money. Right? Like, okay. It doesn't matter what matters. And that was the agents and managers say, and so the reality is, agents and managers in this marketplace, in feature and in TV, are looking for Pitch Perfect, authentic scripts. And they're looking for scripts that are authentic, which means authentic characters. But an authentic voice is a script we haven't seen before. It's a story we haven't seen before. That is pitch perfect execution very difficult to achieve this as a writer. But putting that aside, the scripts go viral, which means when someone writes a script like this, and shows as its own industry, they talked about it and they, it's all the friends that a script gets passed around, and there's above. And that's what's required to brace the writer out of all of the white noise that everybody's trying to break in the business. So if I'm an agent, and I find you and now I'm getting on the phone, I finally I don't know you might have sold a bunch of stuff out of my a lot of might have a lot of credibility. Let's just say you're a newer writer. Nobody really knows who you are, and you don't really have any credibility. Again, I'm not saying that's true for you, but let's just say that's true. So I'm an agent. I'm now calling everybody saying you gotta read Jason script. And I'm basically putting my credibility on the line. I'm chasing people to read your script. And they'll eventually do it. But they're busy. And they'll get to it eventually, as opposed to, if you write a script that everyone's buzzing about, everybody's talking about that. Have you read that? It's like what used to be the blacklist, the blacklist, everybody's talking about the scripts, everybody's buzzing about those. Now, people were calling me the agent thing, talk to him. I'm not meeting with Jason, I want to meet with Jason. That's a whole different game. And more importantly than that is so let's look at this way, if you're an agent, let's say you have your, your basic, like me, your sort of basic client. And so here's, here's how porting Mandell game work. There be a writing assignment, you would call and say I think Korea is perfect for this. And here's why. And they probably have heard of me. I've got a track record. They say Sure. We'll put Korea's name on the list so I don't get to compete for that job. Other agents are doing the same thing. Bunch of riders are competing for that job. I don't get it. So now you're pulling somewhere else and you're getting me to compete for another job, you're putting energy and eventually I took a job and you get 10% of my money. And I'm I made really good money. So you're making 10% of really good money. Okay, that's not too terrible as an agent. But, you know, my agent also represents Aaron Sorkin. So first of all, when Aaron Sorkin makes a tremendous amount more money than I do number one, so right away, much more valuable player. But number two, how do you get Aaron Sorkin the job? Yeah, answer the phone winner. Right. He's an ageless writer. So a basic working writer is always chasing job and aimless writer. Everyone's chasing him. So someone calls my agent and they go, we've got this novel, we think Aaron are perfect for you know, my I don't know exactly what my agent says. But he probably says this. So there is quote is probably really high. And you agree to it. And then I'll give her in the book with the if Aaron interested. I mean, you would rather have one Aaron Sorkin than 20. Korean Adele. And so as an agent, you're looking for people who have the potential to be at least writers in both TV and feature films, that's where all the money is. And someone who follows save the cat or other such sort of paradigm formula. These scripts do not become a list writers. So when you look at scripts that have launched a list career like Juno, like American Beauty, like Mad Men, we can go on and on, we're not following the Paradise, their authentic scripts are original. And so the feminine agent, and somebody has written to one of these formulas that a lot of summer movies are going to follow. And by the way, just between you and me, I wrote a lot of summer movies. And I also would follow the formula, because if you're working for Warner Brothers, and they're doing X man five, they're not looking for American Beauty. Okay, so someone who can sort of cheat on that hero's journey, paradigm. The thing is, let's say you're an original writer, a new a new writer, and you write one of those scripts. It's not as easy as it looks to really make it interesting. It's not as easy as it looks. It's sort of like I see it as easy as it looks to follow the form. But let's say you can do it, let's say you can do it. And so people, we just get a brand new writer, like hey, this guy can smartly follow a formula. Who cares? Really, who gives us that? You know what, because there's a lot of writers that can do that. And some of those writers are like Corey Mandel, who has worked for really big people, and like Ridley Scott, and will say this, and they've always wanted to work with me again. So like that, that gives me a lot of credibility. I have a track record where I've worked under deadlines. I've been in situations where, before I'm turning a script in the studio call me and they want a completely different direction. And I can pull that off, I proven that I could pull that off. So I have a huge advantage over you. And then of course, the person who wrote Guardians of the Galaxy has an enormous advantage over me, you know, because they've written something that's made a tremendous amount of money. My point being, there's people who can follow there's a lot of people to follow a paradigm. They have a track record, you tell. So why does anybody care? Nobody cared. So agents are are constantly sending me people to my classes. It's like I can't break somebody in the business because they followed a conventional Paradise.

Alex Ferrari 40:02
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Corey Mandell 40:11
Because nobody will read that, like nobody cares. As opposed to you write a script that nobody's seen before. It's really fresh and exciting. And it gets people's attention. It's what's called a head turning script. Now, I worked with someone who spent a year and a half gold to write that script wrote that script didn't sell and they got offered like, Oh, I think it was like three anagram for right panda bear three, or pandas or four. And you like all these? Like, I don't know if I should do it or not, because I've worked so hard to build the right to this level. Now they're asking me a lot of money to do a formulaic, you know, paint by the numbers strap, and what do I do? And my answer was, my job is to help you to get to the point where you have that decision, you make the decision, right? If you think it will go either way, personally, me, I just always took the job. I always took the money. And we think that was smart. But that's what I did. But my point is, the disconnect, that a lot of people make is there's these people that are like code breakers, they go look at all these movies coming out in the summer, I decoded what happens on every page. And then they teach this paradigm. And then writers go, well, I should write a script that you know, is commercial, I want to break in the business. This is what the studios are. Summer, I should write a script like that. And the exact opposite. That's true agents will tell you. Most of the clients I signed, I signed off of scripts that I was really confident I couldn't sell because they were different. Their original, like Eric Singer wrote the script, the scars falling is so violent, so dark, that nobody was going to buy the script like nobody, but everybody had to meet this guy, everyone had meet the guy who wrote this. And people want to find a way to work with it. And so he was booking assignments and making what I think is nice six figure income year in and year out, except writing original material. And eventually, one of those one thing you wrote, got Native American Hustle, and that was a big ADOS writer, probably make in, you know, millions of dollars. But for many, many years, it was a working writer making six figure income off of a script that didn't follow the paradigm didn't follow the form. It was just so original, and so dark and so messed up in a good way that everybody kept that script, right? Everybody said, have you read this guy, so you've got to resist? That's what agents and managers, you know, that's what they want. They want something different, and original. And even if that is a sample that you use to start writing, straight down the middle, save the cat summer strips bought, but you can't, it's really difficult to break in the business wiping stuff like that. Because it's a dime a dozen. It's just nobody cares.

Jason Buff 43:16
Can you talk a little bit about for example, when you're looking for people who are trying to break in as screenwriters, you know, what are the essential things that they need to do if they're, I'm assuming what you're saying is people need to submit just amazing samples. I mean, let's say you don't have a vehicle where somebody like Meg Ryan wants your screenplay. And you're, you're just going the direct way. And saying, I want to find an agent to you know, to support me, what is the what kind of spec screenplay Do you think they that were kind of like work for them?

Corey Mandell 43:52
Well, so what works for people again, is Pitch Perfect, authentic and authentic would be, you know, a strip that only you could have written that's completely original. So, you know, David Tyler wasn't sitting around going, I wonder what to sell in the marketplace. I've got a script about, you know, guy with a stuttering problem. But the King's speech was something that he was really impassioned to write. He had, you know, he's publicly discussed that he'd had a stuttering issue. And there was just a very personally important script for him. And he looked upset. And, you know, he wasn't trying to game the marketplace. He was just trying to script with an amazing character mazing story that was he was really passionate about and you read that spirit. It doesn't read like any other script. It's like we read American Beauty. You don't get another one of these scripts. There's just something original about it and different and it doesn't have to be a quirky character piece. Again, the sky is falling. You know about the animal world and his precepts going around killing people, and it's very dark and it's very violent. It's certainly about judo from a tonal point of view. But there's just something you hadn't seen that before. And there's something unique and powerful. And so you look at a script like Groundhog Day, you know, it is a classic wrong call. But it just doesn't. You don't read that spec script. For you another rom com scripting, the film itself isn't different. There's just something different and original, and exciting and fresh about it. That's the type of script and the thing is, net. When I go and speak at events, you know, I always hear writers complain out so hard to get an agent or to get a manager no one wants to be at work. No one wants to represent me. They only want to represent no and commodity. thing is that's just not true. I was the last couple days, I've been dealing with managers. And they all have the same complaint. We can't find enough new, really great writers, you know, and they're all like, who are your students shouldn't read. They're there, they cannot find enough news. There's so many opportunities for writers now particularly in TV. But more and more features. Missing is it's not looking. It's not looking for new writers. That's that's pretty easy. And it's not looking for new writers who thinks they're really great, because that's a lot of those people. It's new writers who really are amazing. I mean, if you look at the script for Juna, you look at the script for American Beauty, you look at the script for madness. Yeah. Yeah, sorry. My phones are the worst thing ever. I mean, these are. These are amazing scripts. So like, I know, the guys that wrote. They wrote the spec script for the net, the TV show. I mean, that script was really great. And Steven Soderbergh who had retired, we got that script and read it and that learned him back. People still talk about the game of thrones pilot script. It's just an amazing piece of writing. The Americans and then from that pilot went around town, and everybody was about everybody's talking about that scrap. And the thing is, there's a lot of skill and ability that goes into writing at that level at the highest level. And as a new writer can write to that level. managers are looking for that. That scarcity here, I'm sorry, I used to be an economist of some time, this was an old pattern, the scarcity is not. So now this is really important. Because if there is a scarcity was on that front, which is what everybody thinks, which means you've got all of these new writers who can write amazing scripts, and there's just not enough agents and managers to go home. If that was the case, and you were one of those writers, how do you persevere Well, lock, connections, relationships. That's what those baskets require.

That means, if you're a new, amazing talent, as a writer, I'm not saying you're gonna sit at home and look up find you. But I'm just saying, getting the managers actually easy, because they're looking for you. HBO has executives who are out waiting to win at plays, looking. through YouTube, they're looking for fresh, original, new voices. The thing is, there's obviously a lot of people out there that want to be writers to have an original unique voice and take have passion about the Red Book. There's a lot of those people. That percentage of those people who can write Pitch Perfect you can write to a level that people are looking for, you know, is 100th of 1% at best. And so the key is, I think a lot of writers get taken advantage of because there are businesses out there that basically say, what stands between you and a career is access. And don't worry, I can help solve that for you. I'm going to have this pitch fest or I'm going to shop your strip or I'm going to list your scrap grime. Whatever it is, I'm going to help you get access if you're willing to give me some money.

Alex Ferrari 50:00
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Corey Mandell 50:10
So, you know, there was a pitch fest that I used to go and KeyShot. And I'm not doing it anymore, I just don't feel good about doing it. Because there's, you know, five 600 People coming to LA paying hundreds and 1000s, not hundreds of 1000s, hundreds or 1000s of dollars, and they get the pitch in front of people, they get five minutes to pitch. Well, no one's gonna buy their pitch. But what they might do is like your pitch, like your energy, like you, jeez, can you write at all, there won't be that blunt about it. But they'll say, give me a writing sample. And then, if that lighting samples amazing or close to amazing, then we'll bring you in for a meeting and really start to see if something can be there. And I was just talking to all his executives, and a lot of them like, yeah, we're just not going to do this anymore. Because we've gone through three or four years worth of these, we've asked for a couple of 100 writing samples. And so far, not one writing sample was anywhere near good enough for us to bring that person in. So it's just a complete waste of time for everybody in the bubble. So now, obviously, if a listener if they are in a position there that point oh, well, in a one percenter new writer, they don't have a track record, they don't have an agent or manager. And they are writing Pitch Perfect, authentic, they're able to do this. Sure, if there's, someone can help them get some access. Why not. But the reality is, for most people, they're spending so much time and energy and maybe money, trying to solve the access part. As opposed to spending time and energy, figuring out where they are as a writer, and what they need to do to get to become a better writer. So it's sort of like people are spending all this money to get interviews for surgeons job because they really want to be a surgeon, because it's good money, it's good benefits. They never been in medical school. So yeah, you can spend all this money and get an interview in a hospital, but they're never going to hire you. You know, as opposed to spend your time and energy actually getting medical training, so that you're qualified for the job. There's so many people out there who just aren't qualified, and they're not doing the training to get there.

Jason Buff 52:29
Now, do you think that getting a manager is an important step to like, I mean, should you try and do that before you try to go find an agent and, you know, really get you in shape.

Corey Mandell 52:40
Yes for all bunch of reasons, agents, especially these days, they are felt people, they are not there to help you careers are not there to develop you. They're not there to take your script and say it's, it's close, but it needs to get better. They're just a sales force. And the manager is someone that is going to help develop you help understand in your career. So first thing, yeah, I would definitely go for a manager before you get an agent. First of all, a manager will let you know when you're ready for an agent. And they'll protect you. And not and keeps you from ages until you're ready to help develop your third good manager, careful a lot of bad manners, okay, I'm assuming it's a good manager. And then when it gets to the point where you're ready for an agent, they'll know who's good agent for you. Because the thing is, is all agents have a superpower ability sitting in a room and somehow know what it is you want to hear and tell you what you want to hear. Even if it's not true. So a manager is going to know you your personality, your writing, and they're going to be in a place to help figure out what would be a good agent for you.

Jason Buff 53:59
Is there any way to make sure that you're finding the I mean, a good agent? I mean, where where's that kind of? Where do you find them?

Corey Mandell 54:08
So the thing is, is you don't you don't find an agent? Because

Jason Buff 54:12
I mean, sorry, I was talking about a manager who went how, like, how do you go about finding a manager?

Corey Mandell 54:18
Right, so it's actually not that hard. So one thing you want to be careful about as I'm starting to see, more and more as these management companies are just taking advantage of people. So like, you don't want to find the manager that's charging you, you don't want to manage it taking 10% of anything, you know, like lead management companies actually like taking if you're an editor or a web designer, they're gonna take 10% of your income. So there's these scams out there. You gotta be careful of that. But that aside what you're looking for. It's not hard to network, it's not hard to find out who's a good match. Companies are. And so you know, the management companies, you reach out to them and you just reach out to like the lowest person like the, the intern, the, or the creative executive who's reading stuff like the lowest person on the food chain, you have a nice little 32nd lending minute little presentation, you call enough of them, there's a good chance you are in one or two of them. Take a look at your script, which really means well just take a look at the first couple pages to see it. You know how to write and if your script is amazing, you know, there's a really good chance that that you'll hear back from them. But the thing is, I know a lot of those people, a lot of those people are my students. And they'll tell you 99% of the time when they're amazed at is how bad the steps are, you know, it's not amazing. It's not amazing. If there's writers out there that think they're where they are, there's writers that think the script is really great, and it's not, what they find amazing is like, how wide that gap could be. So it's not, it's not hard, at this point to get people in management companies. Especially like the lowest level person to take a look, if you live in LA, like these folks who like the newer people demand for accounting, they're networking, they're always going to network events that go on the rightest, those events are extremes at certain parties, it's so hard to get plugged into that circle if you live in LA. And if you don't live in LA, that's okay. You don't have to move to LA. You know, with the internet, it's not hard to find out who these people are, and reach out people via Twitter and Facebook and email. And it's just, it's, it's not that hard to get people to read scripts. I'm not saying it's easy, but what I'd say is do training yourself to be able to write the kind of script that when somebody reads it, it has a positive outcome for you. That's so much harder than getting someone to read the script. And the mistake, the biggest mistake that writers make is they, you go out to a management company, you get someone to read your script, it's just not that good. It's probably it like, it's probably not gonna read a script, and a database this stuff, so suddenly, maybe you have to just burn your bridges out you got to burn your bridge elsewhere. Your first impression is precious. And you're like some minor leaguer. And when you get pulled up to the majors, you have to hit all run the first time. That's that's not how it works in baseball, right? It's very minor league, your show a lot of potential for the majors, you strike out the first time, they probably don't send you back, it's hard to get the batting coach that worked with you, you strike out enough times we're gonna send you back. It's not like that here. There's so many writers want to break into business, so many people that it's sort of like you get your shot. And if you don't knock it out of the park, you might not get no shock. Here's something that's pretty chilling. And I'm not going to quote the name because I don't have permission. But not that long ago, I was talking to an agent at a at a one of the bigger agencies. And they said something that I think it's really important for listeners to hear. He said, if if you if he said if we read a script from a new writer, and we don't think that script is just Pitch Perfect, authentic, now kind of represent that writer ever. They're blacklisted. And at first I got kind of upset, because I know for a fact that if writers can engage in the right kind of training, they could dramatically improve. And so Okay, so this, right, or maybe isn't where they need to be today. But three years from now, or two years from now, or four years from now, they might be an amazing writer. And so I just got to set you know, the teacher in Munich got really upset and as far as to push back, and he knew exactly where I was going to shut me down and said, No, no, you don't get because we made a strategic decision to not be in the stupid locker business. And that's when I was like, Whoa, now I don't know what you're talking about. Because it's really simple. You know, if you get hired by Wolfgang Petersen, right? You have a deadline, like at some point, you've got to turn that script in, no matter what, and you got to make it as good as you can. But you've got a deadline. If you're trying to break in the business. There's no deadline. So if you're trying to break in the business, and you have moved mountains to get me to read your script, or someone else in my agency, if that script is not Pitch Perfect, authentic, you're an idiot. And we don't want to represent stupid writers because even if their writing improves are so stupid

Alex Ferrari 59:59
We'll be right back After a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Corey Mandell 1:00:08
And stupid writers, they just take more time and energy, they create more messes. It's just, you don't want to be in a stupid writer. And I would respectfully disagree with this person, because I work with writers. And I know that a lot of writers go out with scripts when they shouldn't. And it's not because of stupid. It's just because they're insecure. It's because they're impatient. It's because their delusion fooled. And it's just, they're listening to their own people, because I know what it's like if you're writing groups, or your teacher is telling you to scrape or even worse, people spend money to go online, and they hire someone to do coverage of the stress and you know, our script consultant. And, and if people have really good, impressive credit, well, the thing is, if you're online marketing yourself as a reader or script consultant, that's probably a big part of your business. And so you want repeat customers, and happy customers are repeat customers. So a lot of these folks that reputation for skewing everything positive, I think that's true of all of them, but a lot of them. And so, no, someone will go online, find someone who used to work at DreamWorks and Warner Brothers and pay this person X amount of money, and this person says, your scripts brilliant, you should go out to the marketplace, I can understand how that provider would feel confident in that doesn't mean they're stupid means they're a little bit a little naive. They're not stupid. So. But the point is, people get blacklisted. Yet your first impression means so much. And every agent or manager that I bring into my UCLA classes or workshops, they always say, single biggest mistake that writers make new writers is going out to the marketplace before they're ready.

Jason Buff 1:02:07
Right! So can we, I want to change gears for just a second and talk about actual, the actual writing process and some of the ways that people can improve. Now, when you talk about not using these paradigms and things like you know, the structures that are kind of pre built, and it's kind of like riding by numbers, or whatever. You know, for a lot of people and a lot of the screenwriters that I've talked to, that are not at the same level you are, but there's writing independent films. They kind of rely on that stuff to you know, when they go into the abyss, and they're trying to put together their story. They use that sometimes to kind of put things together and figure out, you know, how everything's going to look, what what is your advice for, you know, let's say for example, before you're ever writing and sitting down and you know, writing the actual screenplay, what is your process for building that blueprint and that structure of your story before you begin?

Corey Mandell 1:03:03
So that's a great question. I'm gonna have to respectfully say like, it would be an entire podcast in itself. But here's what I'll say. So, you know, I got hired to write metropolis. warbirds. It's kind of a talked about, and I'm in London, like, it's a second night, we're having dinner. And the producer leans over and says, Hey, I know you, you go to UCLA Film School? Because you've learned that 3x structure of this and, and all that stuff? And I'm like, Yes, I have. Because if you tried right, to that, yes, using different words, I will fire you so fast, your head will spin and I'll bring in a real lighter. And I, I thought he was joking. I started laughing. And then he said, I am not joking. And fortunate, though, part of the day, he took me under their wing, and they taught me stories design and organic story structure. Because actually finish the story that I'll backtrack. So you know, when it was on the front page of variety that really Scott was making, it identifies all these big parties around town, I was the guy for like, seven minutes. And I was at a party extra, my agent, the house, and you know, Callie Corys, their uniform and all these writers who like, had careers, I could only dream. And it was shocking. They all just make fun of the writers who follow these paradigms. And so what are things that do make you feel like ah, because a lot of my students have had that paradise hammered into is operating in an agent from an agency and I'll ask them to bring in of all the writers they signed in the last year to bring in the scripts that they signed those writers off. Because, okay, if it's Kelly, Kelly, Corey Feldman, Louise's Cody, as you know, you know, you can your listeners do get access to those scripts, but a lot of times you know, if it's Eric Singer, and it's this guy's fault, that trip didn't get paid. And there's good chances not sitting there on the internet. So a lot of writers when they get signed, you know, I've worked with the writer just recently coached writers, through a TV pilot, it didn't sell. But it got her all these meetings, and she's got a $400,000 overall deal on the studio. But you're not going to find that script online. So agents will bring in the scripts, they sign people off. And then I just have everybody go through the scripts, and you can take any of the paradigms that you want. And just how many of those scripts or whatever? And the answer is usually none, or you know, one or two, but very rarely. That's where I start my classes, because it isn't about, well, Cory says this thing, and this teacher says that thing and if he just said, No, it's just about what the reality is. in the marketplace. I think a big reason that people follow the paradigm is a, it's easier to really understand organic story structure and stories of that it takes, it takes training and skill set, that's a whole nother like a lot of people, they what they want to do is plot people don't understand that interested in plotting in the story. So a plot is this happens. And then this happened. And then this happened. And then this happened. And you're trying to make those things interesting, or funny, or, or scary or, or thrilling, you know, whatever kind of script you're trying to write, and you're very focused on, this happens, and this happens, and this happens, ooh. And then this happens. And this happens. That's the plot. Story is a whole different stuff that makes it interesting. story makes it meaningful, and impactful and memorable. A whole different way of thinking about it. And it's the integration of story and thought. And there's just a lot of training and skill sets that go into it can be taught, it can be learned, this is the kind of work that the top managers do with their right this is, here's a quick little commercial bug, it's what I do in the workshop. And so a lot of people don't have that training, then their only options is follow paradigm or just follow their instincts to sort of follow their impulses instinct, or all the character around. But here's the thing, if you follow your characters around, they'll do a lot of interesting things, it's just not going to turn into a really compelling story check currently. And if you follow your instincts and impulses, you can write a really interesting first draft, but there aren't many people in the world who didn't think that impulses consistently drive to a successful story, there's a lot that goes into Pitch Perfect, authentic. So you know, I think for a lot of people, their choices are, follow a paradigm, or kind of make this stuff up and follow my instincts. And that second options generally does not lead to. So that's why they they all the paradigms will fall apart. And so that has been lied to, you know, they've been told this is what readers look for. You won't be considered by an agent if you don't do this, and it's the opposite. In my current class, I've got like four different readers. And they each one, and I didn't say anything, each one on their own, that for the class, we've been told to throw away the scripts of all these paradigms, because nobody's interested in those kinds of scripts as a writer, especially on the TV. So it takes you know, I do an entire eight week workshop in Saudi society. So it's just not feasible for me to answer that question in the short space, but for the listeners, you know, what I would say is a don't take my word for you don't know me. I'm pretty nice guy, but maybe a yogi. And but don't take your other. Don't take any other guests on this podcast word for it. That's my opinion. Don't take your teachers word for it. Don't take some famous gurus, anyone, word for to get your hands on scripts that have launched careers, that's not that hard to do. If you've networked around, you can reach out to writers and say we're gonna be possible to do a script that launched your career. It's not that hard to get work, you know, agents or managers or you know, someone that works for an agent or manager. It's just not that hard in the electronic PDF roll to get your hands on.

Jason Buff 1:09:34
But that's going to be how far is that going to be from the ones that are like the published ones that you see it like,

Corey Mandell 1:09:40
That is different often. We're looking for the script that launch somebody's career we're looking for that you're an unknown writer, you wrote a script and a manager, you know, read the script and said, I'm gonna work with you or adapt the script that WMV or CA signed you off up

Alex Ferrari 1:10:00
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Corey Mandell 1:10:10
Or so for instance, in my case, you could find Metropolis online. Write the script that launched my career you cannot find online. So the script that got me into a room, or really Scott, the hiring the right way to talk to Ken, that script, you're not gonna find out No, but you know, metropolis is a script that you could find out like, but you really want to go back with script. Anyway, my point is, you look at those scripts, and then take any of the paradigms that you want and ask yourself, now it's different with like, if you start looking at lower budget, genre film, yeah, you know, you are going to see a lot of paradigms, it says, it's a different game, it's a different arena. Although that said, you know, if somebody wants to write a thriller script, like you, I suggest trying to write an elevator rule of stuff that isn't just, you know, paint by the numbers, you know, for instance, plans to land now, doesn't really count because it's adapted from the novel, but let's just say it was adapted from a novel, like, that's a really thrilling script, but it has elevated characters on it. So if you write a script like that, you have a shot. In the majors, you have a shot to launch a career, and if it doesn't happen, you can always go down and well, I guess I'm gonna have it's kind of a it's expensive to make a budget, but, you know, a script like, Ex Machina, you know, very contained one location, what, two, three characters back, that's the kind of stress, it's an elevated stress, you know, like, that's a great stress, and it's not as painful. It's just what you're looking for is, first of all, we're looking for characters that are authentic and compelling. And whenever you have characters that have to do certain things on certain pages, certain events have to happen, then they're not going to feel authentic. Secondly, you know, I used to be a studio reader. And it's like, you meet me at a strip, and it's like, okay, here comes the big surprise. And it's so not surprising, okay, here comes a big, you know, insight into if you see it coming my way, and then you know, right is only working on one scrap, they don't understand the pile of scripts that are moving through readers lives. And so when you just read this, the scripts that are structured pretty much the same way, they all just get forgettable. They all feel generic. And then along comes scripts, I was on a screenwriting panel a little while ago, and the person was on the writers like I'm writing an alarm. And this expert said, Stop stop right now. Because no one's gonna buy a Nordstrom no agents. But here's the thing that that person luckily didn't listen to that person. They broke up skirt, and they just got firing by a team of agents at CAA. I have no idea if that's more scripted itself, probably not. But if that CAA, they're not read by CAA, and they're taking lots of meetings, because here's the thing, I'm a reader, and I'm going through a pile of scripts, and suddenly, there's this large script. Now that has the inciting incident on page 10, it doesn't have that not only the Abyss on a certain page, but this kind of a bit or the fall off low beat on the midpoint, whatever it doesn't, it's not constructed that way. It's not different for the sake of being different. It's different, because it's an authentic story that's unfolding at own pace. And it has a reason for the way it's structured. And I just never seen a script like this. It's like, the next week, I'm driving, oh, I'm thinking about that. I am thinking about everything else. So when my boss, or my friend who works at another production company says, you read anything good lately. That's the script I'm gonna talk about. That's the script that I remember. And that's the script that people start talking about. That's a script that can launch your career. So now, that said, I have a lot of clients who write those kinds of scripts, they don't sell, they take meetings, nothing happens or another script like that. Doesn't Sally take meeting? Maybe then the agent says, Okay, we really took a shot at really launching you big, you know, maybe this next script, we do want to bend it a little bit more towards convention. So take your unique voice that's not right at Foursquare straight down the middle, save the cat scarf, not do that, because that'll just be ignored. But let's case your sensibility and your abilities and let's see if we can bend a little bit towards something a little bit more conventional and see what happens. But that's that's the plan B It's not the plan a write Plan A is write something that blows people away that nobody's seen before that people go, Oh my God, even if I can't buy this script, I want to make this right. I want to work with this writer, I love this writing, I would love to work with this virus, that's your job, get a bunch of relationships, get a bunch of people excited about you. Maybe that turns into a job, maybe it doesn't. But if it doesn't give all these fans who want to work with you, you're right. Another script, a whole nother shot at something happening. Somewhere down the road. Yeah. And I seen this with some of my clients or students, then they'll have that conversation with their agent or manager. And maybe then they will say, all right. Why don't we write to this target that's a little bit more of a commercial target. So we can just get you some money and at least start to get your track record. But while you're doing that, keep writing your original stuff on the side, because when one of those things break, that's how you become an aimless writer, you know, so you think about Aaron Sorkin. You think about Alan Ball, you think about Davis, I like like the script that makes them or Eric Singer, you know, and you look at a script like American Hustle. It's not all in the paradigm. It's not conventionally structured script. It's a uniquely structured script, with unique characters. And now even the illustrator, you know, the guys who wrote the neck, they, they had a really nice career, they're doing comedy, you know, they're all competing for jobs or landing jobs, making good money, they write the script, the NIC pitch, perfect, authentic, you know, if not following the paradigms not following the formula. It's original, it's unique. And now, after the first year, the neck, you know, studio has, they're taking them out to dinner, stars are taking them out, basically, a set of them chasing jobs, or jobs, or chasing them. And that's what happens when you write one of these scripts. And it hit and you have to be lucky for it to hit. But even if it doesn't have it gets you in a room with a really Scott the pitch down. So that's why he did some errors are looking for those. So all I know is that I'm getting more and more people in the industry sending me writers to work with me. Because people will say these writers have a great sense of dialogue. You can really write action that can really be calm, they can really do this, they can really do that. But they don't know. They're just formulized that I get a lot of MFA students who've been taught that cert traditional film school, which really made sense in the 80s made a lot of sense. And then it kind of stopped making sense, seven years ago, and now is the kiss of death.

Jason Buff 1:17:57
Now, what was the difference with your students? Can you tell the ones who are going to have success and the ones are going to probably drop off?

Corey Mandell 1:18:06
No, and I've really tried to stay blind to that. I really think it's important that when I work with everybody, they get the exact same focus and exact same enthusiasm. The other thing though, is I have worked with people who I privately thought were some of the worst writers I've ever liked, just like privately was like, I just don't see their mountain is so high to climb. their weaknesses and blind spots are so abundant. And I've seen them become amazing writers. And, and go on. And I'm not gonna name names, obviously, but have really good careers. Certainly, it's not true of all of them. But it's happened enough that it's gotten me to realize my assessment doesn't. It doesn't matter where you start. It matters where you end. And it matters, how committed you are, how growth mindset you are, how willing you are to put in the work, put in the right amount of work, or the kind of work because that's where dedicated practice comes in. So a lot of people buy into this idea that if you want to be really good, just keep writing and the more you write, the better you'll get. Not true. For most people, the more they write, they certainly start learning from mistakes, they certainly do get somewhat better. But there's core weaknesses and blind spots. They don't know. There's there's just consistent mistakes they make. So the more they write, they just ended up with that larger pile of similarly plot scripts. They have a feeling that can't get

Alex Ferrari 1:19:53
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Corey Mandell 1:20:02
A lot of my students come from that space. And so what they get excited about is, are there actual exercises that can teach skills that can teach tools that can make them actually significantly get better? If you want, because we've been talking that sort of abstractly, and I have to go in a little bit, and it's been a while, but I'll give, if we have time, I can give one example of one of these skill sets. So at least this is all in the abstract.

Jason Buff 1:20:36
Okay, yeah, I mean, that would be good?

Corey Mandell 1:20:39
Okay. So one of the skill sets is what I would call creative integration. And it basically goes down like that. Most writers, when you write, you can work from a conceptual place or an intuitive place. And these are very different muscles, and very different approaches. And most writers are wired to work when they're the other. So conceptual writers and intuitive writers that say, so conceptual writers tend to write outside in. And intuitive writers tend to work inside out. Conceptual writers tend to when they're working, they're very focused on what other people will be thinking. They're very focused on plotting. They're very focused on logic, making sure things make sense things are properly set up pacing, having interesting things happening. Intuitive writers have a very different navigation, they are working from an authentic place. They're working from a place of what's interesting to them. What's true to the character, what would the character really do? It's a very different space. A conceptual writer tends to be somebody who would say, I've got to figure out my story. Before I write it. Were in a tuner writer would say, and you know, write my story, so that I can figure it out very different. And so their scripts get, there's a different experience reading the script. So for instance, let's talk about characters. Conceptual writers, invent their characters, they design their characters. And so the characters never feel real. They feel invented, they, on some level, feel a little bit like puppet, who have been created at least times to serve the plot. And these writers often have great ideas, they concepts, good plotting. But where they're falling short in the marketplace, is the characters aren't strong enough. Intuitive writers, it's a very different experience. Intuitive writers don't invent the characters. They don't design the characters. They discover their characters. And the characters are like real people to them, and real people. And they speak like real characters, or real people. And you can feel that they're like real characters. But the intuitive mind is so focused on what is authentic, what the characters really do. These writers can't construct strong stories. So they have great characters. Always in search of a strong story. We're conceptual actors have all the story worked out. But they don't have strong characters. And it gets worse. With conception. Most conceptual writers when you read their work, there's all this interesting thing happening. All these interesting events are happening, it's just not interesting. Because you don't feel anything when you read it. Because they didn't feel anything when they revenue, a different space that they're working in. And so you've got these writers who get half of the equation, but not the other half. And here's the problem. Everybody always writes in a way to try to get the best possible script. You know, if you've been hired by someone in a studio or network, you obviously want to write the best possible script. And it's obvious. If you have an agent or manager, you want them to love your script, and champion it and take it out and change your life with it. If you don't have an agent or manager, you want to write a really great Express. So you can get an agent or a manager. Or if you're really kind of new in the game, and you're like I'm not ready for an agent or manager, you're probably trying to write the best possible scripts, so that you can feel that you're not wasting your time. And that people you show your script to, yeah, maybe you know, there's going to be issues with it. But at least the kind of feedback you get, leads you to believe you might have a shot. And this isn't just a stupid dream that you're chasing. So we're going to always try to write the best scripts that we can write. And so what we do knowingly, or unknowingly, is we played our strengths and hide our weaknesses, which is what we shouldn't do. You know, if I'm trying to write my best possible trip, I should play to my strengths and heighten it. In this as well, over time, my strengths get stronger and stronger, and my weak muscles get weaker and weaker. It's a big reason why writers can't get there, they can't get to that level they need to get to. So one of the skill sets I teach in my workshops is you're going to write to your weakness and hydroshare. So if you're a conceptual writer, you're going to work from a very intuitive play. So you can develop and strengthen that intuitive side. And so your intuitive side is the strongest your conceptual viceversa if you're an intuitive writer, network, any conceptual side. And so the first step is identifying your weak side, and developing that, focusing on that until it becomes as strong as your strong side. And then the second step is the actual creative integration, which is learning how to integrate these two sides, so that you can now write great characters and great story. Because Pitch Perfect, authentic, authentic means you have to be a rock star on the intuitive skill set as an intuitive writer. And Pitch Perfect means you have to be a rock star on the conceptual side. And most people are not integrated. And their writing practice leads to disintegration. So you know, you talk to conceptual writers and you ask what what are you working on? It's always conceptual writers hanging out in the same space, you know, they do horror film type concepts, horror film that you thrillers, sci fi, Big Idea comedies, action, they plot driven, concept driven material, because they can kind of hide the fact they're not that great of characters and dialogue, to the writers are writing, small, quirky character, emotional type material, where it's all about the characters and the dialogue, and the emotion kind of hiding the fact that they're not really that good at story structure. Well, the thing is, there's a lot of people out there who can write really good emotion, character stuff, they can't do story structure. And nobody really cares. For the most part about those writers, we're looking for writers that can do both. One of my students as directing a film that's coming out in two weeks, or directing the film for Paramount comedies testing, called drunk reading, it's been really hot. And so there's a buzz about this guy. And, you know, he was complaining to me, because he's reading all the scripts looking for his next project. And there's all these scripts that are really funny, great jokes, great structure, great idea. But characters, they just feel like stock characters, and there's no heart to it. And I'm just not going to put my career vague enough to one of these scripts, because, and then I read scripts that like, they're great characters. And there's a sense of like heart to it. But it's just there's no story, there's no state structures all over the place. Because it's so hard to find someone that can do both. And then his complaint years all the time, because I finally find one of those scripts. And of course, it's spoken for, you know, and, and, you know, it's been bought by the major player, you know, some of the big players, they're buying up all this script, because, you know, they want to make it or they want to keep up and coming competition from be able to make those scripts. So you know, if someone's listening to this, and they're so great with character, and emotion, and dialogue, if they can get better at structure and actually tell interesting stories like American duty, you know, have both there's rarefied company and they will be sought after. Vice versa. If you have someone listen to this, they're really good at and they love horror film as high concept horror film or thrillers, low budget or studio level, Comedy Action, what have you, you can get better at the character fire and the end have some genuine emotion in their man who stands out, you stand out, because there's just so few people that can do both. So that's an example one of the things that we've worked on in the workshop and it's called Creative integration. Now, for those of you listening, if you're interested in this, go to my website is Cory Mandel dotnet. I teach something called Professional Screenwriting workshop, which is the foundational workshop. And it teaches conceptual and intuitive skill sets to eight weeks. And Sargeras in commercial, but I'll be quick with it. We do. We do it in the LA in Santa Monica. And if you don't live in LA, or you do live in LA, we do it online using web app. So if you take another online classes, this is like real time so it's like going to a brick and mortar class. You can see in here everybody just get to be at your computer. And Ken we've had writers taken from all over the world.

Alex Ferrari 1:29:54
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Corey Mandell 1:30:04
The the June ones are sold out and kind of about six months out. So we're doing them in September, and those are starting to sell out. But there's still spaces. If you really want to do the June one, you can email my sister. And she put me on the waitlist and sometimes a spot does open. So my websites Cory mandel.net. And my system is Lisa. So she's Lisa at Cory Mandel, dotnet. Or if you want to email me, Cory, Cory Mandel, dotnet. And those emails are on the left side, which is calling dell.net. Their thing I'd suggest is sign up for the newsletter, we will often we do like once a month interview, an agent or interview manager will interview later to solve this threat. So that might be of interest. But and I know that we've been talking a long time, I think, let's see what their thoughts is from your listeners. Maybe people just think of a big blowhard. But if people are interested, people are interested in this stuff. And you want I'm happy to come back and talk about more of the skill sets, I think we talked a lot about sort of the marketplace or agents demand was or thinking and looking for and we talked a lot about mistakes people make and unless you have to accomplish, but we haven't really, I noticed is that your later questions were, but this whole sort of subject of okay, how do you actually do what I do? I can certainly talk more about that if you want to. If there is interest from your listeners, and you want to have me back, I'd be happy to do it.

Jason Buff 1:31:37
Yeah, that would definitely be great. I mean, there's even the stuff that you were just talking about that I would love to go further into detail with but yeah, we would need more time. So but yeah, I really appreciate it and we you know, let's definitely do like a part two sometime where we get more into actual screenwriting and structuring and all the you know, the nuts and bolts of it all love to do. Alright, man. Well, I appreciate it. Thanks a lot for coming on the show. And, you know.

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BPS 331: Can Martin Scorsese Save Cinema? with Margaret Bodde

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Alex Ferrari 0:00
I like to welcome to the show Margaret Bodde. How you doin Margaret?

Margaret Bodde 0:23
I'm doing great Alex, it's so great to be here.

Alex Ferrari 0:26
Thank you so much for coming on the show. I'm excited to have you on because we're gonna be talking about film restoration and the work you're doing at the Film Foundation. And as well as some others, you do you have a little side hustle that you do as well, besides film restorations, we'll talk about that as well. But the first question I have for you is how did you get started in the business?

Margaret Bodde 0:46
That's a really great question. Because, you know, looking back, it all seems so well planned. But it was really just a random set of circumstances. I did go to film school, which is, you know, kind of rare in this business. Usually everyone studied history, or politics or global studies. But I studied film, and I, my first job out of school, was at the Library of Congress. And I was doing archival work at the Library of Congress, I was I was making photographs from either their glass negatives or nitrate negatives, their, their incredible photographic collection that included like I said, glass negatives from Matthew Brady, to you know, nitrate, you know, four by fours and two by twos that were created during the WPA era. And I remember I was, I was making both copy what they called copy prints, this is in the days of the old fashioned photographic lab, where you would, you know, you know, expose the paper and then process it and all these wonderful chemicals that I breathed for about two years. And what happened was, I became, it was like a master's degree in history, in exposure in photography, and also by extension in film. And so that was, that was an amazing milestone in my career that I hadn't intended really necessarily as, as what I wanted to do. And then from there, I went to independent film exhibition, I worked at a movie theater, we booked independent films. And so I had the exhibition side of it. And then I went to work, I moved to New York, and started work for a fledgling company called Miramax. And I was doing independent film, distribution and marketing. And there were about 20 people at the company at that time. So it's early days. And then and I, I worked there for a couple of years. And then I moved into this kind of miracle where I got a call from a colleague who said, You wouldn't want to work for Martin Scorsese, would you? Would you want to be his assistant? And I was like, I would sweep a floor for that guy like that was, you know, what a question. So it was, like I said, this kind of random set of circumstances that just now kind of all add up and make sense. But at the time, it was just, you know, you get the jobs you can get that you're interested in.

Alex Ferrari 3:21
Yeah, exactly. Like, I mean, how many filmmakers around the world with like, Hey, would you like to, to work with Martin Scorsese? Can you imagine?

Margaret Bodde 3:22
Doing anything doing anything right?

Alex Ferrari 3:26
Absolutely anything. So that brings me to my So my next question. I mean, you got to work with him on some some nice early films, but early 90s films, like the age of innocence, which I absolutely adore, I was just obsessed with age of innocence when it came out. And Casino. So I'm assuming as an assistant working with him, what did you see on set? Like? How would I have to ask you the question that every filmmaker listening wants to know, when you first walked in and met Martin Scorsese for the first time? What was going through your head? How did you deal with it? How did you? I mean, because essentially, even even in the early 90s, he was still, he was already a legend. At that point.

Margaret Bodde 4:15
He was absolutely a legend. I mean, he had just made I mean, you could fill us with 1990. Right. And then I started working for him on my first night, my first night on the job was the premiere of cake fear. So, you know, it's, it's just, he was, he was to me, he was the top of the mountain, you know, I mean, he was it, because he had also started the film foundation in 1990. And when I met with him, which I'll never forget, he lived at the time at the Metropolitan towers on 57th Street. And so I literally, it's like, I went up, you know, to the I went up to like, you know, Mount Olympus Exactly. And I, I remember, you know, obviously I was I was nervous But I also was just, I had kind of the attitude of like, I just want to meet this man who has made films that meant so much to me and so many people. So it was really kind of an experience of a lifetime. I thought, whatever happened with the job, I kind of thought this was this wonderful opportunity to meet this, to meet this person. And when I met him, we just really hit it off. He's, he's so warm, he's so smart. He's so funny. He's really like, just an easy person to talk to and get to know. And one of the things that stood out for him with me, was, Oh, so you went to film school, you know about film, you know about film history, we just started this foundation, maybe you can help with that. And so, you know, that was, to me, that was part of this glorious package, you know, of just, you know, being able to work with someone who's an absolute master of the craft, and the art of filmmaking, and someone who cares about other people's films, and also cares about the audience. And, and making sure that, you know, the continuum of film history is available to filmmakers today, and in the future, who can look back on the past films and be as inspired by them as Marty has been.

Alex Ferrari 6:22
That's remarkable. So when you are so you're working on age of innocence, or casino, what? How do you see him working? What do you mean? I'm assuming you're trying to take as much in as you can, when you're watching him. Were you on set watching him work?

Margaret Bodde 6:36
Yeah, yeah. And you are taking as you're taking it all in, but you know, everyone on that set has this mission. Right. And, you know, there, you don't have a lot of time for reflection. So you're not necessarily, you know, kind of absorbing and processing, you're just kind of like running from like, as an assistant, especially you're running from one task to the next. And your mind is has to be very sharply focused on, you know, whatever he has, you know, needs you to do has asked you to do whatever communication you have to give to the various different department heads. So I'm not like I wasn't ever involved in like the making of the film, it was just there to support all the things that he needed. But the set is an extraordinary place to be with Marty, because it's so it's such a pure expression of filmmaking, where it's all about, what do we need? How do we get it? He's brilliant, about, you know, creating an environment where the actors feel like, it's all about what they need to do, where the DP feels like, it's all about what he or she needs to do. Everyone feels like they're the most important person in that process. And it's just it's, it's kind of a mean, you know, not to be, you know, have a have drank the Kool Aid, I will admit to that. But it is like kind of a sacred place. It's really exciting place to be, but it's very much there's nothing frivolous about it.

Alex Ferrari 8:10
Yeah, it seems to be I mean, I've any filmmaker worth their salt has studied Marty's work over the years. I mean, and every documentary, I mean, I remember working at a video store in the 80s and early 90s. And I was I saw Goodfellas in the theater multiple times. I mean, and you just sit there and you wait for any making of document back in the day when there wasn't any information about i my first laser disc was raging bull. Because I wanted to hear I wanted to hear Marty's commentary on things like that is fascinating.

Margaret Bodde 8:43
There was an early laser disc of the Last Waltz, I remember, they came out like in the early like, mid 80s, early 80s. And I remember just, you know, I had seen the Last Waltz is ageing me quite a bit. But I had seen the Last Waltz when I was like in, in high school. And I remember just being it was something very special. I couldn't really articulate it. because not a lot of people were making documentaries in that way that weren't Verity. You know, I mean, you think about like Woodstock. You're capturing everything. And that's, that was really what was happening with music documentary. At that time. And then I remember the Last Waltz felt like a film. Right. And I and I remember thinking like, that's interesting.

Alex Ferrari 9:32
What really happened? What's, what is he doing differently than everybody else's? And didn't he also worked on Woodstock as an editor?

Margaret Bodde 9:38
He was I think he was a assistant director, and I think he did some editing. Yeah, but Michael Wadleigh you know, was the director of that film and both Marty and that's where Marty and film I think, first work together. Almost gunmaker was an editor on Woodstock and you know, who knew back in the day You know, 72 or whenever that can't remember the exact year of Woodstock, you know, who knew that that would create this? You know, legendary partnership?

Alex Ferrari 9:38
That I mean, is there ever been a partnership like that in the history of film that I can think of an editor that's she's edited everything he's done.

Margaret Bodde 10:18
She has edited everything from Raging Bull on so triple 98 on yeah.

Alex Ferrari 10:24
That's a 42 year.

Margaret Bodde 10:29
A lot of a lot of masterpieces in there.

Alex Ferrari 10:31
Oh, my God, to say the least. Now, tell me about the work you're doing in the film foundation. What is the film foundation?

Margaret Bodde 10:38
Well, the film Foundation was created in 1990. And it really grew out of advocacy that Marty had already been involved in, in the after raging bull in the in 1980 81. Era, Marty was he started a campaign to get to encourage Kodak to create a low fade color film stock. And in fact, one of the reasons that Marty made Raging Bull on Black and White was because he didn't want it to fade in 10 years. And he was, you know, aware of every filmmaker wants their film to last, right, that's, that's the goal, you're putting, you're putting a workout into the world, and you don't want it to go away, you don't want it to look like, you know, diminished, you know, in terms of color and, and degradation. After you know, five or 10 or 15 years, you hope that it will survive the test of time, as they say. And so he decided to use black and white, for Raging Bull for you know, artistic reasons, but also for that practical reason. And so, after the film was released, he used the press tour in Europe and all over the world to talk about this issue of color, color film stock fading. And thankfully, Kodak did create a low, low fade, LPP stock, I believe it's called that that would that would last if it was properly cared for. It would it would last for 50 to 100 years. With a stable color, the color of the color wouldn't change over time. So he was always thinking about film, and the history of film, and how much it meant to him, and how much it meant to his fellow filmmakers like George Lucas and Steven Spielberg and Francis Coppola, Stanley Kubrick at the time. So Marty got these galvanized these filmmakers, and came together and said, Look, we'll be so much more impactful if we formed this organization. And if we use our collective power, our collective clout to go to the studios to talk about working in partnership with these archives, these film archives that are in the nonprofit world, who have been collecting negatives cast off material over the decades. And let's try to build a bridge. So these two important parts of the film world can work together to preserve films for the future. And I don't think that there was a real clear cut concrete plan of how this would get done. But it was definitely agreed, you know, with this group and with with many other people in the field, that something needed to be done. Something needed to be done because, you know, Marty talks about this story a lot were in the 1970s when he was living in Los Angeles. He went to a screening at LACMA and it was a it was a fox retrospective. And on the particular night that Marty remembers there was a double feature. Marty went to LACMA to see a double feature of Niagara And The Seven Year Itch, okay. And The Seven Year Itch came, the projectionist put up the put up the film print, and it came on screen and the entire Marty describes the entire audience erupted with booze because the film The print had faded to pink. So everything everything looked magenta, there was no there was no reflection of what the film was supposed to look like. So you couldn't see like the actor's face you couldn't see what the colors of the set and what what the color design was supposed to look like. And you know, you think about it, that was maybe 20 years at most, after the film came out. No more than 20 years. So you know, the real is Asian hit Martin and many other film scholars and filmmakers and people who just care about cinema. If this is happening to a huge hit with Marilyn Monroe, right? What's happening to silent films, what's happening to industrial films or, you know, documentaries that were made, we can't just lose all this, you know, at that point, you know, 80 80 years of film, and of our culture. So, the, the idea was, let's create an organization that can advocate for film preservation, and restoration. And also for this is as important as that is for getting these films back out to the public. Because if people, if young people don't know about films from the past, if they don't see them, then what's the motivation to preserve them? So, you know, between the preservation program that we created the film Foundation, and the education program, we have a curriculum that teaches young people, the language of film, the unique language of how stories are told visually. And then, and then access, you know, we make sure that the films that we the films that we help fund the restoration of and, and make sure are preserved, get out to the world through festivals, archives, screenings on you know, Turner Classic Movies and other outlets, and also our great partnerships with places like criterion channel, and the Criterion Collection, and movie, and many other organizations and companies around the around the world that really present film in what is a very kind of like, wonderful, celebratory and respectful way, making sure that people see the films without commercial interruption, and the way that the directors intended them to be seen.

Alex Ferrari 17:06
By means you're doing God's work. I mean, this is this is is a very, very important mission. And I'm so glad that Marty, I think it's it needed to be someone like Marty, to be able to spearhead this, you need to be someone with his kind of gravitas to to let everybody knows, hey, wait a minute, we we need to keep an eye on this. What I always found fascinating about film preservation, is that it is a constant moving target. It never it never said so it's unlike the pyramids, that will be around for 3000 years. I mean, stone is stone. But film even today, we still have to preserve it and just continue to move it as technology changes. So even film stock today, in 500 years, we don't know if film stocks going to be the way these things are projected. If that's projection still around, is it going to be on a hard drive? And if it is going to be on a hard drive? How long will the hard drive live last before it crashes? How many so it's a constant. It's a never ending. So just because you you restore a film today, you're thinking, okay, in 30 years, or 20 years or five, we have to check to see where it is. And we have to keep moving. The ball is almost like a game of hot potato, you constantly have to keep moving it along history are along the future. Is that correct?

Margaret Bodde 18:25
Alex, you're hired. I mean, you have it, you have it, you hit the nail on the head. Because, you know, we were lucky that we had this technology for what 120 years or so a film history where yes, the film stock changed over that time. But it was still using light and emulsion to capture life to capture whatever you want to create and put in front of the camera. And we were also very lucky that that even as ephemeral and fragile as film is and has been. We still have films from the silent era. Best, then you can run through a projector, you can also hold it up and you can see oh, yeah, there's people dancing. And then oh, there's a tinge of blue. You know, old films can still be viewed. The issue with digital and we all know Digital's is wonderful innovation. You know, it's allowed a lot of filmmakers who haven't been represented in the past to make films and get their stories out there. And that's vital. That's that's, that's an infusion of energy into the into the whole art form. But the big butt on that is Digital's untested in terms of the longevity of digital and the changes in digital technology. I don't have to tell you are just I mean the cycle is spinning. so fast. Do you remember D-1 tape?

Alex Ferrari 20:03
Of course I'm older than I look, Margaret. Well, yeah, I remember D-1 tape. I remember D-2 tape. I remember D-3 quarter inch or one inch or two inch I edited, I edited one inch between reel to reel back in the day. Yeah.

Margaret Bodde 20:18
So you think about the span, the lifespan of digital is, what 30 years maybe so far, how many formats have there been in that really short period of time. So we will be the Archivist of the future and the present are just going to be unraveling that you've got to make sure that you've got the hardware that will play back those formats. You've got to be able to, you know, migrate that digital data now. Every I mean, they recommend every six months. I mean, but you know, filmmakers? Yeah. And filmmakers are, you know, you will, you know, you know, well, when you make a film, you're just on to your next project. You know, most filmmakers don't have the time to kind of like, well, let me manage all my data from my last five projects. I'll take a couple of months here to do that. You know, it's, it's, it's its own challenge. And I don't think that that maybe the industry, maybe the studios, you know, have a handle on that. And they're managing their assets, you know, because they have the budgets for it.

Alex Ferrari 21:27
And there's so and it's also money now, they realize that that's ever ending, you know, how many how many versions of Star Wars have I purchased, how many versions of Godfather, every time there's a new version, and the rest of you buy a new platform. So from VHS to LaserDisc to DVD to blu ray, and digital, it's constant. So that's where the money is, I think the studio's finally caught up with like, oh, wait, there's money to be made here.

Margaret Bodde 21:50
That was key. That was key, having this, what they call, monetized, right, having having the classic film libraries and collections that the studio's had having another outlet. And another way to, like you said, package and release on home, home, video, home, home video, laser, just DVD, you know, streaming now, those that we were so lucky that those formats demanded the best possible resolution, and audiences demanded the best possible resolution. So you did have to go back to the original camera negative, you did have to go back into the vaults, and take a look at your assets and see, if you had the original camera negative, if you didn't have the original camera negative, what were the best elements that you could find? So that those DVDs are that, you know, whether it's an SD, HD, 4k, whatever the format is, you're working from, you know, the best possible source for that for that transfer. And I think we were very lucky that there was that robust home entertainment market in the in the 1990s, and the 2000s. And now with streaming, it's, it's a different, it's a different series, I think, yes, unfortunately, because of the business because it is a business and an art for you know, there's a different economic model now. And it might be harder to, you know, justify, although I don't want to use that word, but a vast expenditure of money on a single title that may not make that back. I mean, we, of course, yeah, that's what we do all day, you know, we advocate for that, and we try to find ways to, you know, to make that as appealing as possible for studios and other rights holders. Because, you know, we think we think of something like film, and this is true, and with books and paintings and, you know, other art forms, music and theatre, you know, people can't really own it. Right, you're a bit of a custodian.

Alex Ferrari 24:14
We can't own anything. We're only on the earth for a certain amount of time. So even land you eventually have to give it to somebody else, just like we're just here for a moment of time.

Margaret Bodde 24:22
So if you have let's say, let's say what's your favorite film, Alex?

Alex Ferrari 24:25
Oh god, I love Shawshank Redemption. I love Shawshank Redemption.

Margaret Bodde 24:30
Okay, so let's say you obtain the rights to Shawshank Redemption, right? You you know you have the rights to it. But you know, I would argue that you are also holding it for the rest of us to alright,

Alex Ferrari 24:45
I'm not going to put it if I bought it like imagine if I got the rights to Shawshank I would like I'm putting it in my vault only I can see it. All copies have taken off the shelves. No one could ever see it again. No, you're a custodian of art for the work for the good of The populace the good of the world. That's what you should that's how film should be. And arguably, that's how studios should be as well. But with them, it's a business now, because it's the you know, as you know, the corporations have taken over the main studios it before it was run by filmmakers. And now it's more more corporate.

Margaret Bodde 25:18
Yeah. I mean, it's always been a business. And I think that's part of the challenge, I think with the film with film as an art form and a commercial. I won't say product, but as a commercial endeavor, right? films were made for the weekend and the months that they could be in the theaters. And then really, until television, there was no, there was no you maybe there would be a rerelease 10 years later

Alex Ferrari 25:48
Of the hit ones.

Margaret Bodde 25:49
Of the hit ones Yeah! but what about the every b picture? And you know, until television came along, it was considered, you know, disposable as a strong word, but it was considered that's an old movie, what do we what are we putting out? You know, next weekend, what are we putting out next year. And that, and that is just by nature, the way that the movie business, you know, works, and it makes sense, because, you know, your profits are only in the future, and only on your current films, everything is pretty diminished once it's made its initial run. So yeah, yeah, these are the challenges, I think in terms of trying to, you know, balance, you know, film, the high minded notion that film is an art form and needs to be protected and preserved. And the reality of, you can't spend a million dollars restoring one film, you know, that's not no one's gonna, you know, no one's gonna, it's not really, you know, necessary most of the time. And it's not something that a studio is going to put that kind of money in. So we do what we can, and we make sure that we try to get both the kind of the high minded advocacy and awareness out there and then also work practically to try to make sure that these as many films that can be restored in any given year, can get restored.

Alex Ferrari 27:15
And I've heard lately that there is you work with film and films from 90s From 1990s. And back from what I understand from your, from my research, but there's an issue now with movies created in the 80s that now the best quality versions of them are VHS tapes, like that's all the negatives are gone, because they were so disposable in those kinds of be movies and you know, these kinds of things. But it is still cinema. So I know there's a lot of organizations trying to even save VHS tapes, because that's or laser disc might be the best version of it out there. So it is a problem. It is a pro we're losing our we're losing movies every day.

Margaret Bodde 27:59
And you know, it's interesting, because you know, the 80s were this I mean, especially with what you do, right, the 80s were this kind of the golden era of independent filmmaking. That's what it is. Yeah. 80s and 90s. And that's when you know Jane Campion and Spike Lee and John Sayles and Mira Nair year, you know, all these amid Jim Jarmusch. All these amazing independent filmmakers that you think of as these you know, kind of Legends right? They were making movies for small companies. And there were a lot of very successful small companies like cynic calm and that's when Miramax started and new line you know, new world I mean, we could probably if I dig back in my memory banks I could think of even more I mean even even you know Sony Pictures. Sony Pictures, classics, no, Orion,

Alex Ferrari 28:54
Ohh Orion.Let's not forget cannon.

Margaret Bodde 28:57
And cannon right. And trauma.

Alex Ferrari 28:59
Oh, yeah can't forget.

Margaret Bodde 29:03
So, you know, and when those companies then no longer, you know, we're no longer in business. You know, those collections. It's unclear, you know, where they bought, who bought them? And I've talked to, you know, so many filmmakers who say, I don't know where my elements are, for that hit for that, for that independent film hit that I that I made in, you know, in the mid 80s. You know, and they have maybe a 60 millimeter print of it. You know, if they're lucky, they have a 35 millimeter print of the film. But those are, it's like detective work. You have to follow you have to trace everything back, you know, was it at a lab that closed did then those materials go to an archive, hopefully they were saved, and they're in an archive? It was that was that collection then sold outright to like maybe a television company. You have to trace all those things back and I Do you think that archivists, you know, do have a certain kind of detective gene that they that they tap into where they track these films down, I'll tell you a story. And interesting is just one example of many, when we work very closely with all the different archives in the US and around the world, and we have a great partnership with the UCLA Film and Television Archive. And at the time, there was an archivist working at UCLA, Ross Lippmann. And he was, as they often do, he was he was made aware that, you know, got a call from a lab, we're closing, we're getting rid of all the stuff here, you got today to come by, and find whatever you want pick it up. So he and his team go over to the lab, and they're looking through the material. And there's all these elements, all these film elements, and some of them have proper labeling, many of them don't. And he finds on the label, the name of a of a New York based producer. And he just thought, you know, that guy produced the one film that Barbara Lowden made, Wanda, that she that she starred in directed, wrote and directed, and it's, it's considered this kind of independent film, you know, milestone and independent cinema, and, you know, feminist, you know, films made by my women. So, you know, he takes it, he puts all these elements in his trunk, it turns out, this was the original negative for the film, Wanda, and were it not for the archivist, the knowledge that this archivist had the kind of random serendipity of, you know, the lab thankfully, calls the archive materials are gathered thrown into his trunk, and you contact the film foundation, that was one of the films that they asked us to support the restoration of in that given year. And, you know, now that film has inspired so many people who hadn't, they would never be able to see that film in the way that that it exists now restored, and saved for filmmakers and audiences to, to, you know, getting inspiration and and joy from these films.

Alex Ferrari 32:29
Yeah, it's, it's remarkable. I know, there's a movie that Marty found. At least the legend goes, there was a wonderful film, called I Am Cuba. years ago. I'm Cuban, of Cuban descent. So I was very interested in watching that film. And then it was released for criterion, I think it really once and then really released the criterion. And it was him and Francis, who presented the film. And they said, I remember it, I remember the when it came out, everyone's like, if this movie would have come out, when it was made, it would have changed cinema. Like it would have skewed cinema in a certain direction. Like there are those landmark films that when once that comes like, well, everything's changed. And it was in it was, I think it was found in in a closet somewhere, I don't know in an archive somewhere in a salt mine somewhere. And when they saw it, it was just a game changer and any filmmaker listening if you haven't seen IQ, but please go out and see if Cuba I mean, PT Anderson, you know, he, he borrowed a very famous shot from that. And he says, I was inspired by this shot and I am Cuba, and the stuff that they did in a film like that, like you're looking back, you're like, they're running around with 100 pound camera. And it looks like it's a Steadicam, but it isn't. How do they do that? How do they hang the camera over these two? Like, this is this is cinema at its best. And but it was lost was gone?

Margaret Bodde 34:02
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, I'm glad you brought that up. Because, you know, people, you know, filmmakers, and there's not many of them, right filmmakers like Marty and Francis Ford Coppola. Putting attention putting a spotlight on the has been a really crucial part of this whole movement. Right, the film, preservation and appreciation movement, you have filmmakers who are beloved and masters, putting a spotlight on a film like I am Cuba, or a film, like, you know, even even a big popular film, like, I think when when Marty and Steven Spielberg, I think did the first Lawrence of Arabia restoration way back in the photochemical era. And I remember going to the Ziegfeld and watching it on that big screen. I had never seen Lawrence of Arabia. And and and I just you know, I remember One of the main reasons I went to see it was I knew that like Martin Scorsese, a filmmaker that I love who I just if he likes this film, I want to go see it. And it's obviously a masterpiece. So directors, filmmakers who, you know, are generous in that way. And I think they instinctively are because, you know, when something hits you in a profound way, you want to share that. And I think if the film Foundation has been successful over these years, I think that's, that's, it's really all because of Marty, and the other directors on the board, who have generously shared their enthusiasm for these films and their, and their dedication to making sure I mean, they have a righteous anger about like, you know, let's not lose these films. You know, we don't we don't know who is going to be hit by these films and inspired in the future. And it's a it's a, it's a deep well, that I think we have to make sure, you know, stays available for filmmakers who, you know, are working today and who are going to be working in the future.

Alex Ferrari 36:11
Exactly. I mean, how many painters and artists have been inspired by Van Gogh or Basquiat, or Pollock or any of these, like, just imagine if Van Gogh would have never been found? Like, thank God, he made 900 of those things, just kept making them and no one bought them, but he just kept making them because he had to because he was an artist. But imagine if that was all lost in a fire once, and no one would have known about Van Gogh, what a loss to humanity. That would be how you look at it.

Margaret Bodde 36:39
Yeah. And I think it's also kind of interesting, because film inspires filmmakers. But it also inspires painters and musicians and dancers, and scientists, and you know, I mean, and, and yeah, because I think if you, if you look at art, and cinema, art, and you know, fine art, if you look at it as a transcendent experience. I mean, it's really one of the things that makes life worth living. You know, I mean, we transcend our daily lives, when we read a book, or when we look at a painting, or when we watch a great film, and when we, you know, experience a dance that we're seeing, you know, performed, these are things that take us out of the daily, you know, grind of, you know, working and, you know, I mean, I think that we have to remember that there are so many important issues in the world. But this is this is a vital thing that we want to really keep alive and keep available to people, because it's what kind of propels us into the future in a in a kind of renewed way?

Alex Ferrari 37:54
Well, there's no, there's no question because then there's a conversation about the arts, you know, that's the first thing they cut at school, when the budgets gonna look, but art is what makes your mind think what creates it's what creates imagination, and that is what creates innovation. In our in our in humanity without the great scientific, or the Sci Fi books of HG Wells, a lot of that has come true. Yeah, we don't have a time machine yet. But there's a lot of concepts that that were laid out there that were inspired, inspired scientists, and they wanted to go and then I mean, in many of the filmmakers we spoke about today have inspired so many scientists, so many artists, so many people in the world. Art is something that needs to be preserved and needs to be protected. And even if there isn't a monetary reward right away, there's a much greater reward, which is the culture of it. And I always tell people, when I when I try to inspire filmmakers to go out and make their films, I go, you have no idea who you are going to touch, what your film your film might be seen by 10 people, but one of those 10 People might go off and make the great cinematic masterpiece or might go off and become that doctor because of the story that you're telling her or go off and save lives to change. You have no idea the power that art has in changing people's lives. And that's why I think the work that you do and Marty is doing is so so so important in the world.

Margaret Bodde 39:19
Well, I have to say that we are a small team. So I want to take a moment to give a shout out to the other three or four people who work at the foundation with me, Jennifer On is our Managing Director. She's been at the foundation for over 20 years. And she's you know, kind of a genius in many ways in terms of creating programs, creating partnerships with people who will, you know, help fund these restorations. And she's truly a partner for Marty and I and she's just an extraordinary talent. And Kristin Merola who's Our program manager, who is just, you know, again, just so dedicated and devoted to film and cinema, and is just is no one who can keep more things in the air at the same time. She's terrific. And my colleague here in New York, Rebecca Wingull, who's actually moving on to grad school, we're sad to see her go, but she's been with the foundation for six years. So we're kind of a very small and kind of dedicated group that, you know, we're lean and mean, we make a lot happen. So I want to give a shout out to my colleagues at the foundation,

Alex Ferrari 40:38
Absolutely no question about it. Now, I have a question. A few questions I want to ask you that are kind of the nitty gritty of of actually film restoration. So we've talked about the ideas and the concepts and the love about it. But how long does it take to restore a film?

Margaret Bodde 40:53
Well, it varies depending on the condition of the materials, the length of the film, the type of of workflow that you decide. The first, the first thing you want to ask is like, Is this is this the original negative is this the best element to work from? If it's if the original negative is damaged, if it doesn't exist, if it's missing reels, that time to track down, and to kind of bring together all the best surviving elements for a film can be very time consuming, but it's really crucial, because you don't want to spend resources and time preserving something that you think is the best element. And then oh, you know, this archive in you know, in Germany, they have this whole film, and it's, it's a better element than what you're working from. So this consortium of archives, in under this group called FIAF, the International Federation of film archivists, they're really crucial in this process, the archives will do these calls around to the world to make sure that they've working from the best, the best material, so it's a, there's a long way of saying, it can take a long time. However, if you have an original camera negative, that's an, you know, really good or decent condition. And you know, that you're going to do either a photochemical preservation or a digital restoration. You know, it can be, it can be as short as, you know, two to four months, you know, if you can really focus on that, and if the if the, if you don't have to track down materials, if you don't have to do a lot of physical repair, and manual work on on the film itself. We've worked on projects that take 10 years. Wow. And that 10 year timeframe, is from the time that someone first starts talking to you about hey, and in this instance, I'll tell you what the project was one of Marty's oldest dearest friends, J. Cox, every time I would say, j, and he's a renowned writer, he would say to me, we got to save the memory of justice. It's this Marcel Ophuls. Four and a half, documentary on Nuremberg, Vietnam, and the French Algerian War, it's a masterpiece, we have to save it, no one can see it. So from that investigation, right, you have to then find out in the instance of this project, it was a subject of various lawsuits. It was, you know, bought and sold. There was only a 16 millimeter print at the New York Public Library. And so we had to do tracking down finding, you know, the original 16 millimeter was was made on 16 millimeter 16 millimeter negative. In this instance, we had to, which is one of the only times the film Foundation has ever had to do this. We had to go back because it's a documentary. And it had like 380 cues of clips, music, we had to go back and re license Oh, that material and scan the 16 millimeter negative, do all the work involved in restoring a film of that length. Then, we found the original German, French and French language tracks. And at the time the film was made, it was you know, in the 1970s, mid 70s. It was common, a common stylistic decision in documentaries, where you would to kind of put the original language track down or take it out entirely and have a very staid British, you know, voiceover

Alex Ferrari 45:09
Yes, I remember.

Margaret Bodde 45:10
Yeah. So we contacted Marty contacted Marcel Ophuls, the filmmaker of the director of the film, and said, you know, we found these Lane language tracks, what would you like to do? We don't want to change anything about the film. Unless it's a directorial, you know, choice. He said, I always wanted to use the original language tracks, they made me put that VoiceOver on. So what happens when you put the original language tracks and you know, your user interviews with former Nazis, right? So you want to hear the tone of their voice, you want to hear the tone of voice that Marcel Ophuls is using to interrogate these guys. And so it's a whole different experience. So we we really look at that that was a that was a massive undertaking that the film foundation took on with the Academy Film Archive. And it brought back a work of art film, really important, monumental documentary, to the world where, you know, I don't think anyone could have seen it. And we were able to work with think Thank you Sheila Nevins at HBO. Because she loved the film, she knew of the film. And she was able the HBO licensed it. And we were able to pay for all those licenses so that audiences could see the film. Because it's an important milestone, it's an educational tool, it's a real document for for for the 20th century. So that's just one very long winded example of how long it can take to to fully restore and make a film available to audiences.

Alex Ferrari 46:55
And what is the average cost? I know that depends obviously, on the the length, but generally, the average cost of a color film a black and white film that

Margaret Bodde 47:04
Generally a black and white film is somewhere on the 50 to $80,000 range, if it's a feature, if it's a feature length film, it can be more obviously, a color film is more than that, it's usually somewhere more like, you know, 80 to $120,000, for a full feature to do a full restoration, where you're really doing frame by frame work. And again, there that's kind of a ballpark, there are outliers that are less than that, and more than that, but that's the general ballpark.

Alex Ferrari 47:41
Now, tell me about your monthly on demand screening. So you guys have just started up?

Margaret Bodde 47:46
Well, this was this is a very exciting opportunity for the foundation to to reach the audience directly. When we, when we were in the pandemic and everything was shut down. And we had our annual board meeting, the directors, we were talking about all these great festivals that we work with that had migrated online and pivoted to presenting films, virtually, and also companies like criteria channel and movie and, and great organizations and also great theaters like the film forum and Anthology Film Archives and MoMA, they all had kind of presented their offerings online. And our board said, hey, you know, we should do that, you know, once in a while, we don't need to, you know, obviously we're not, we're there's all these great organizations doing it. But we should show people what we do, and the kind of work that we that we support. And so we went to a wonderful supporter, who used to be at IBM, Jeff Schick, and is now at Oracle. And we described the challenge to him, and he worked with us, as pro bono to kind of build a site that would allow us to present once a month for 24 hours, a fully restored film, and we build around each presentation interviews with archivists, filmmakers, actors, scholars, historians, talking, contextualizing the experience for an audience and, and giving information about the restoration about the film, why the film is important to you know, any given filmmaker, how it inspired them. So we're, we're creating really kind of like, a bit of a of a festival experience online for people, you know, all over the world. Most of the time. I mean, it's it depends on film by film we have we have more or less territories available, but it's free. And you can look at it if you look at it in a live way like we start each screening at seven o'clock in your local timezone. And if you're in the US or the UK or Canada, you You can join us for a live chat if that's the way you'd like to watch films if you're seeing a film for for the second or third or fourth time or for the first time, and you just like to talk to people while you're watching a film, which is kind of anathema to some people. But you know, we have that option. And then we also have an on demand option for the majority of the people who just want to be able to watch the film either on a large laptop or on their, hopefully on their, the television that they have at home, where they can cast onto a big screen, and enjoy the film. And you know, the films, you know, look beautiful, you see the restoration. And if if you have never seen the film before, you can learn all about the film, and join in this community that we think is still really vital every month and see a wide range of films, everything from we you know, for the for the initial launch, we showed a 1945 British film called I know where I'm going. That's one of the great romantic films of all time, we showed la strada which is, you know, Fellini's masterpiece that we, you know, restored in partnership with the chinet ticket to Bologna and criterion. And, and then after that we have a wonderful double feature. Because we love our double features. It's a film noir double feature of the chase, Arthur Ripley's the chase, and Edgar almost detour. Yes, we're thrilled about about that. Because, you know, we really, we want to show as many films as possible. So it's, it's fun to be able to show some double features here and there, too.

Alex Ferrari 52:24
And now you're going to be doing this, it's a monthly it's a monthly screening, right?

Margaret Bodde 52:28
It's every second Monday of each month. Okay. Yeah, we just wanted to make it, you know, we don't have the bandwidth with our small team to be doing this, you know, you know, every day, we also have so many great partners who do do this all the time. But we did want to have, you know, an opportunity to kind of directly connect with an audience and show them the kind of work that we support, we're going to be showing films from our world cinema project, you know, films that have been, you know, made in regions where, you know, a lot of times these films are really only known in the region that they were made in like commodity and like Samba Xanga, which is a French Angolan, and go and film that was directed by Sarah Mulder. And it's, it's a wonderful film, you know, a political film that's, again, being being discovered and rediscovered because of the restoration. And, you know, we're just really thrilled to, to get a real diverse offering of films out to audiences, because, you know, film is pretty, it's rich, and it's broad in its genres and era. And we want to celebrate all of that.

Alex Ferrari 53:47
Yeah. And it's, and you're gonna be doing this every every month, moving forward every month. Yeah. Before that's, that's, that's an amazing service. I will do everything I can to get the word out to to my audience, because I think it's, it's really, really important for filmmakers to, to watch old cinema and I mean, we all know, the usual suspects we all have to watch. But discovering those the Inq bits of the world and those kinds of films that are not mainstream classics, that's where a lot of really interesting filmmakers are and voices are heard that shouldn't be seen by different generations without question. I had one one question Where do you when you when you're done restoring it now? I'm assuming you put it on celluloid archival Sell, sell the Lord and put it in a salt mine somewhere and then also digital?

Margaret Bodde 54:35
Yeah, when when when we still do photochemical preservations with some of the archives, in which case you want to make sure that the original materials and elements are held in cold storage temperature and humidity control as well as the new film elements. But it allows you know, film prints to be circulated at theaters that are still showing 35 millimeter film. And then when we have digital work Hello. And when we restore films digitally, we always have, we have a film neg negative, that's output from the digital files, and then 35 millimeter film prints made from that negative. So we always have 35 millimeter film print and a DCP available to theaters so that audiences can see they have the theaters have the option of showing either. And I think, you know, it's important for us to always now have some kind of digital element. So because that's really the way that the majority of people are going to see the film's right. So we try to kind of as long as films available, we'll be we'll be making some prints and negatives of the films that we that we help restore.

Alex Ferrari 55:49
But there's some there's some Fourcade and maybe 8k Quick times out there somewhere.

Margaret Bodde 55:55
Absolutely. Well, quick terms are probably held by the rights holders. But yeah, we put

Alex Ferrari 56:00
As archival.

Margaret Bodde 56:01
Yeah, absolutely. Well, LTO tape is usually what we're preserving. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 56:07
Wow. Yeah, cuz I mean, again, it's you're fighting against time, time is the enemy here. It's it just, it just keeps pounding away in these elements. I mean, eventually, hopefully, there'll be a hard drive that will last indefinitely. And I think that will happen one day, but knows, you know, well, about a diamond or something.

Margaret Bodde 56:27
Well, what we hear is it's going to be DNA.

Alex Ferrari 56:31
DNA. So what is that? Exactly?

Margaret Bodde 56:33
DNA storage.

Alex Ferrari 56:35
So what is DNA storage? I have no idea I've never heard that,like DNA DNA?

Margaret Bodde 56:40
You need bigger brains than mine are going to have to explain that. But you should try to get someone on the show who can talk to you about DNA storage, because that's apparently the future, not just for film preservation and film storage, obviously. But for data storage, I mean, we are creating the the amount of, of, you know, computing power needed to store all that's being created on the internet, and, you know, crypto, everything is just so massive. I think the goal and the future is to have DNA strand hold all this information. Apparently, it's exponential, the amount of material that can be held, once you once you can, you know,

Alex Ferrari 57:24
Kind of like block kind of like a blockchain mixed with the DNA kind of world. Yet, again, brains bigger than you and I will have to explain this to people.

Margaret Bodde 57:35
As smart as we are. It's beyond us.

Alex Ferrari 57:40
Right! When we because you're on the cutting edge of everything. I mean, you're talking about, it's kind of like us trying to explain to somebody in the 1900s This thing right here is really, really important.

Margaret Bodde 57:52
Yeah, exactly. We use it all day, every day, but we cannot tell you how it works.

Alex Ferrari 57:59
Right. Exactly. Exactly.

Margaret Bodde 58:01
I can tell you how a toaster works. I can't tell you how this thing works.

Alex Ferrari 58:07
Now, Margaret, I'm going to ask you a few questions. I ask all of my guests. What is the lesson that took you the longest to learn whether in the film industry or in life?

Margaret Bodde 58:26
Interesting, I feel like I'm still learning things. I'm not trying to dodge the question, but I'll tell you what I'm glad I haven't learned yet. Is the word no.

Alex Ferrari 58:36
Yes, thank you.

Margaret Bodde 58:38
I really, I can be kind of a pain in this way. But I don't feel like anything is impossible. And I try to do you know, and maybe it's because I've worked for Martin Scorsese for over 30 years, but I'd never, I never say no. I really try to make them I'm tenacious. And I think you need to be tenacious in, in, you know, roles, like I have with the film foundation, you can't give up on things, you know, how many people are gonna, like, you know, hang around for a 10 year restoration of a 1976 documentary. You know, so I'm trying to think of the less so I don't know if if you can unwind that into like the lesson.

Alex Ferrari 59:26
No, it makes it. I mean, the the lesson I think that you're learning is to not take no for an answer, which is a very, very big lesson for people to go if you can understand that. No, is the default. No, is what everyone's going to say to you most of the time, especially in the film industry. You know, I'm sure Marty I'm sure Marty can attest to that because he has been said no to so many times.

Margaret Bodde 59:51
I know and even even now, it's funny because people will say, Well, he's Martin's processor. You can you can do anything. It's like, yeah, people say You know, to him all the time. So it's like, you know, you, you really have to find ways to work around. You know, you have to you have to commit to your dream, whatever it is, if you're, you know, if you want to be an actor, if you want to be a writer, if you want to be a filmmaker, you know, you gotta believe in yourself. Because no one's gonna believe in you, unless they see it coming from you first.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:26
Absolutely. Now, I think we might have answered the question, but I'm gonna ask it anyway, what advice do you have for a filmmaker trying to break into the business today?

Margaret Bodde 1:00:37
I think this seems like an obvious bit of advice. But know your story, have a story to tell and know what that story is. And, you know, as much as you can draw deep from your own personal experiences, knowledge, you know, bring the emotion to it. And I think that's what people respond to, you know, people respond to the truth of something. And even if it's not like, Yeah, I'm not talking about documentary truth, I'm talking about something's authentic. You know, try to try to make a try to tell a story and make a film about something that matters to you. And that, you know,

Alex Ferrari 1:01:28
That's great piece of advice. And my last question, and arguably the most difficult question, you can be asked three of your favorite films of all time.

Margaret Bodde 1:01:37
Oh, wow. That is really difficult because it changes as you know,

Alex Ferrari 1:01:43
Today, I always say as of right now, what comes to your mind, tomorrow it canchange. Yesterday was different right? Now, what are the three favorite films?

Margaret Bodde 1:01:52
Um, I would say, vertigo, and this is in no particular order. I would say vertigo.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:01
So good.

Margaret Bodde 1:02:05
I would say Mean Streets. And mean, maybe my I mean, it's a hard it's a hard call, because I have so many Scorsese favorites. You know, I'm really loving 2001. You know?

Alex Ferrari 1:02:21
I mean, my favorite Kubrick. I'm a huge huge Kubrick fan. I've gone down the rabbit hole, probably a little too much with with Stanley. But I love eyes wide shot I just adore. It is not the one that everyone talks about. But for me. I just I still remember walking out of the theater in 99. And my friends are asking me, what did you think I go, I don't know. I don't understand it, but I will in 10 years. And that's generally, all of Stanley's movies, they all are understood. About a decade later, really, truly, like appreciated. And then I saw it 10 years later after I was married. And it hit me at a whole other level, because you're just like, Oh, God, I understand what he was trying to say. And it's just it's such a hypnotic film. And main streets, there is a, there's a rawness and Novolog velocity, but like this, this energy energy that a young Scorsese is making there, you know, and I've seen I've seen, who's that knocking? Or what is a good girl? What is it? doing in a place like this? Yeah, I saw that one, I've seen almost all of Marty's short films and everything. But Main Street has this raw kinetic, that's kinetic energy, that you can start seeing the seeds of what's coming. And that's what that was such a brilliant piece of work as an independent filmmaker,

Margaret Bodde 1:03:53
It's really and it's the definition of what we just talked about, of like having a story, you know, important to you, goes deep, that's like a personal you know, these people, you know, this story, I will add, one film that I that I mentioned before, is, you know, did watch Some Like It Hot, again, reasonably good. And there are, you know, how many films hold up and make you laugh so hard? Every time you see them. And over, you know, film was 1960 I think maybe, you know, however many years, you know, 70 years later, it's it's just it's a real masterpiece. And you know, I've had a real Billy Wilder re appreciation lately,

Alex Ferrari 1:04:45
I'll tell you from from my generation of filmmakers, which was coming up in the 80s and the 90s laser discs were the thing and the Criterion Collection introduced me to films. If it just came out on the Criterion Collection, I would be like, I have to watch this. So Graduates I saw I saw movies, classic movies, when there wasn't a lot of information about movies unless you were in film school. And like the lady in the mid 80s, late 80s It just wasn't there's no internet. Unless you went out and studied in books, you really couldn't know what was something you should watch. And the Criterion Collection was one of those those collections that you'd like to graduate. Okay. Some Like It Hot as I saw some like a how to LaserDisc for the first time. So that was in these in that collection, especially the early stuff. And then of course, Raging Bull taxi driver, I think Mean Streets came out afterwards. And then Lawrence of Arabia, and the list goes on and on. But yeah, there's those films. But I remember, even when I was a knucklehead in the video store days, which I was a teenager, I call myself the knucklehead because I had no taste in cinema. I was learning my tastes and cinema. Again, I was watching like, you know, Jean-Claude Van Damme films and going he is the best actor ever. But because I was, you know, 16 So of course, you know, but even then films like The Graduate films like Some Like It Hot pierce through that because it hits you at a whole other level. It's at a superficial level. And that's when I fell in love with Billy Wilder Preston, Sturges, all it's just these these filmmakers, those film like Sullivan's Travels still holds.

Margaret Bodde 1:06:18
Oh, so Well, yeah. Even more, even more. And, you know, the thing is, is it's important to know, I think that comedy is hard.

Alex Ferrari 1:06:29
And that it can last

Margaret Bodde 1:06:31
Yeah, and we think of like, oh, lighter, you know, the the critics and awards, you know, groups, I think, underestimate how hard it is to make people laugh. And,

Alex Ferrari 1:06:46
And you watch a master like Billy Wilder and something like, that's an absolute masterpiece, like it's a it's a comedic masterpiece, the timing, the characters, the writing, just that everything in the editing, it's just such a well made comedy. And then yeah, because comedy is like, oh, it's everyone's laughing. So you shouldn't take it seriously. And that's a lot like awards. And, you know, Oscars and these kind of things don't don't usually award these kind of films. But it's so hard. So hard. I've, I've worked on comedies, it's the timing, you're talking about a frame here or frame there. The joke lands or doesn't land on that frame. It's such a nuanced art form. You know, one of my favorite comedies of all time, is airplay, and, because of the lunacy, but that is another deceiving. Comedy. It is. So well, the timing of the jokes, how they did it. And you do know the story of their their god, what is when you go in a test audience, the test audience review story. So when they it was one of the worst tested films ever Paramount thought it was going to be a bomb, because nobody wanted to admit that they were laughing. Nobody wanted to admit that they enjoyed it because it was so silly. And there was really never been a film like that. That's that's true, crazy slapstick. And but then when the audience when they hit this theaters, it just exploded. But it was considered one of the worst tested films ever. Because nobody wanted to admit that they were having a good time. So it's even then.

Margaret Bodde 1:08:25
Yeah, thank goodness, they didn't like it. I mean, that launched a whole that was groundbreaking. It launched a whole new genre, genre that didn't exist before. Right.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:38
Right. And so these are, these are pieces of cinema that, you know, in the world that we live in today, Margaret, we have so much content, and so much information coming at us and with you know, I remember a time I always tell I talk filmmakers, this young filmmakers, I'm like, I remember a time where I could watch everything that came out that week. Because I was working at a video store and every movie that came out on that given week, five movies, six movies, maybe I watched them all.

Margaret Bodde 1:09:08
Yeah, that'd be a day, you could take a day and watch everything.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:11
Day or weekend and you're done. And I would watch everything. And I would be you know, that's how I got my cinema knowledge. But today's world, there is so much coming at you the content and the amount of films, the amount of television not an assignment talk about YouTube and content be created there. But just in cinema, and in television, storytelling, there's so much coming at us. You and I could spend 10 lifetimes and not watch at all it's it's insane. So it's that's why it's so important to highlight these wonderful pieces of art that you are working with, with the foundation to to bring light to because like content and cinema has become disposable in many ways where before you know, there was only three channels.

Margaret Bodde 1:10:00
Yeah, I know, I know. Well, no, Alex, it's so we're so grateful for you to, you know, be talking about this to your audience to be highlighting it. Because I think for filmmakers, this is, it probably is just this really important. I mean, nothing is more important to filmmakers than having that well to draw from, where you can go back and be inspired by a film that was made. That's part of that legacy. It's part of the continuum of the creative evolution of storytelling on film.

Alex Ferrari 1:10:34
Right, exactly. And I can't imagine a world without the filmography of of Martin Scorsese, or Stanley Kubrick, or Steven Spielberg, or Hitchcock or Kurosawa, you pull these just those those names alone, or Coppola, you pulled them out of cinema. Can you imagine the next generation of filmmakers without being able to see Mean Streets or Jaws or 2001?

Margaret Bodde 1:10:56
Yeah, I mean, nothing exists in a vacuum. And, you know, you can't have you know, you can't have, you know, fill in the blank, contemporary filmmaker, without their antecedents, you know, without without the things that came before them. Because everything it builds on it, it's music is the same way any art form, it echoes the past, then, and then create something new right now, because like, we're not, we're not mimicking the past, we're using, you know, we're kind of building on that. And, you know, using your own voice and your own story, but always having that awareness of what's come before.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:37
Margaret, it has been an absolute pleasure and honor talking to you. Thank you so much for coming on the show. And thank you, Marty, and your entire team at the Film Foundation for what you do, because it is such important work. And I'm so glad that I can in my small way help you along the way. So thank you again, and please continue the good work. You are doing God's work without question.

Margaret Bodde 1:11:56
Thank you, Alex. It's been such a pleasure. And hopefully we'll be back and talk about other restorations in the future.

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BPS 330: Inside the PIXAR Story Brain Trust with Rob Edwards

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Alex Ferrari 0:28
Enjoy this episode with guest host Scott McMahon.

Scott Mcmahon 1:58
Okay, today's episode I'm super excited by today. I have screenwriter Rob Edwards on It's bonkers. It's like over two hours long but is just packed with such great information. I wanted to dig deeper into one area that I have a particular interest in is the Pixar brain trust storytelling meetings. So how does Rob fit in? But here's a quick bio of Rob's work. Rob grew up in Detroit moved out to Los Angeles and had an agreement with his dad that he would find work in the industry within the first nine months he was there. Now, here's where Rob's hustle is on full display. Now this was back in the mid 1980s. He would call every production company in town and ask the person on the other line if they wanted to hear a joke or piece of gossip. Most of the time Rob was able to get a laugh from them with his jokes. While those who pick the gossip will share even juiciest stories with Rob of their own. Now all the people at these production companies would ask what Rob wanted. Now Rob didn't ask for anything return. He just said that he would call back and let them know. So when he calls back the people at these production companies, they remembered him and when he asked for work, they were more inclined to hire him because the fact that at least there will be a guy around the office who could tell jokes all day. Robert worked these production gigs during the day and at night write his scripts. Now the hustle paid off because he was eventually hired as a writer for television before he was 21. That's crazy. Since then, here are Rob's credits. He's been a writer on Full House in living color, the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, which most of the stories are based on his own experience while attending prep school in Detroit. In fact, Rob went to the same school as Aaron Sorkin, who rob works with on studio 60 later on. Now, we didn't get a chance to go into detail about working with Aaron Sorkin. But I do hope to have Rob back again one day. So there's talk about more stories. You know, Rob's work eventually landed him over at Disney where he wrote Treasure Planet and the Princess and the Frog. Rob was there at Disney when the Pixar guys took over story development. And that is where we pick up the story. I've always been fascinated by how Pixar continually knocks it out of the park with their stories. In the book creativity inc by Ed Catmull, who was one of the founders of Pixar explains how the development of this brain trust group has been proven to be invaluable to the storytelling process for Pixar. So I'm thinking how does it work? What happens in those rooms that is different than getting studio notes or working in a writers room. And now here today, we need to find out because Rob worked firsthand in these brain trust meetings for the princess in the frog. What I hope you get from this episode is some real world strategies of how to make your stories better. I mean, after all, it's not every day you get to sit in on a Pixar Storytelling meeting. So sit back and enjoy my conversation with Rob Edwards. With film Trooper The goal was to try to help sort of the Uber independent filmmaker, the one that things have changed so much in the filmmaking landscape, obviously of the studio system you have sort of like the indie Hollywood, like people that have one foot in the studio system, one foot Yeah, but in like the film, International Film Market, and there's probably like 90% of everybody now that has a camera and can edit movies on their laptop. Right now they've entered the scene. But there's, there's a different sort of business economics for them. And, and you know, we're just sort of discovering it. And but at the core of all this is still telling a great story. So, because I also came from the video game world for like 12 years, I worked at Sony PlayStation, and I was a Cinemax supervisor. They're making you know, movies for video games. But our department was considered fluff, because at the heart of all video games, is the gameplay. So if movies and television is if story is king, then in video games, gameplay is king, because you can have amazing graphics on your video game. But if it's sluggish, if it's not fun to play, right, people put it aside. So I wanted to, if you would indulge me just like imagine this setup, where we have these Uber independent filmmakers that they are learning the skill sets as a filmmaker to shoot, edit, you know, direct what what it may be, but we do sees a lot of it fall short, in terms of the storytelling aspect of things. And with your history with your experience, I'm really curious about what you saw on the transition. One working in writers rooms, we're gonna collaboratively But then on top of that, working with Disney, especially on that transition when Pixar, you know, came in, and I would really love to know more about, could you take us through a little journey of like, how the brain trust meetings work? Or oh, sure, is. Because if what I'm trying to do is if there's something there, there's these nuggets there that we can then identify and say, okay, so if you're like an Uber independent filmmaker, and you're writing your story, right now, how can you simulate on your own by we were talking about the accountability group, you know, our mastermind? Can you create something like that? That's very specific to creating your own version of a brain trust group? And if so, what would be those inner workings that that we could apply? That'd be like, oh, like, how do you get in a room where people can be free to be, be have candor without being insulting?

Rob Edwards 7:30
Well, that's the that's the thing. The question is, is kind of the answer. Because it's, that is the, for me at Disney Pixar, I saw the pre John Lasseter, Disney, you know, Treasure Planet, that was all, you know, the old regime, where there were levels, levels after levels of middle management, and, and everybody, and, you know, sometimes a note would come down from on high, you know, whatever. And it would get some something simple, like, somebody would just read something and say, Hey, I wonder if we could do this. And then middle management, which is pound us and say, This has to happen? You know, there is no, there is no other version, and we would look at it and we would say, hey, look, we've tried this, it doesn't work. It makes the movie bad. And they would say, No, we got this note, and you have to do it. And then we would do it. And it would go back to the person, you know, the voice on high and he was like, What is this? This is This is crap. I said, Well, this was your note, this was an, you know, this addresses your nose like No, no, no, that was just a thought. That didn't work, you should have thrown it out. And that's what you know, middle management kind of does to kill you. What's great about the brain trust is that it's it's two things. One is I'll say the impossible part of it, we'll start there. The Impossible part of it is you're never going to find yourself in a room with Brad Bird. And you know, and yeah, yeah. And that these guys are going to say, hey, it's very important that your movie is good. And, and we'll invest in it with with an artist's heart. And, you know, that's very tough. Having said that, you can construct rooms of filmic meet before they were Pixar. They were just a bunch of guys who almost got shut down. You know, for Toy Story. poster was a mess. The first draft of Toy Story, the first version for a set of reels of Toy Story was a mess when he's yelling at everybody. You know, everybody was cowering in fear. It was the most by their admission, the most unlikable film ever. And then what Peyton Bob said was that Pete doctor said that Andrew Stanton kind of went into a room and figured it out.

Alex Ferrari 9:58
We'll be right back after a word from our or sponsor. And now back to the show.

Rob Edwards 10:07
You know, he went into a room with all of the techs, you know, Dr. Ruby, whatever. And Robert McKee has all the notes for everything along with his own thoughts about, you know, movies that he'd like, the note that they had gotten, you know, why wasn't Pixar here? Why wasn't Toy Story working? And how had they arrived at this place where even Steve Jobs was saying, like, Okay, guys, maybe it's maybe this isn't, maybe this isn't the right, the right fit. And he came out and said, I got it. It needs to be this and this. And this. And those are the rules that you always see, you know, and their TED Talks and stuff like that, you know, of what they do, which they frequently break, by the way. Guys, in every movie, they have happy villages, they just don't call them happy villages. There is a you know, there is an eye once on, everybody has to state what it is they want. But those rules, basically what they do is they enforce the rules. And the way that the the Brain Trust works, at least what I saw is that they start off what you don't get that you do get sometimes from your buddies, is a great movie. And that's, that's the worst thing in the world. You know, it's just, it's the, I would say savagery of low expectations. This is very good. Yes. Don't change a word of it. That's awful. What you say is, okay, what is the biggest problem? That's where That's where Andrew Stanton would usually start to okay, what is the biggest problem? Let's start there. And then let's let those things filter down. Because some of the smaller problems that people have may be things that started with the bigger problems.

Scott Mcmahon 11:52
When you say, when you say big problem, is that the actual What's the biggest problem of the story not working? Or what is the biggest problem in the story? Or like what is the protagonist is probably

Rob Edwards 12:02
The biggest problem with the story not working. Okay. And it is, it is your buddy will say, Oh, it works. It just needs this. A Brain Trust says it's not working. You know, the, the, the the default is, it doesn't work. These movies just don't work, you know? And if they are, if they're good, it's still not good enough. You know, they're not great. They're not everybody's favorite movie. You're not gonna you're not gonna turn style, you know, you're not gonna leave the theater, buy a ticket and come right back in. Yeah. Yeah. Especially in the first second draft. A lot of people will stop there. That's a that's a major problem I see a lot is it writers will say, they'll do a draft or two. And they'll say, oh, great, you know, this is good. It all works. And then they'll stop. You can't you have to say, Okay, well, what you had to plus it, you have to say, Okay, what's the next level of this? You know, we have a really great animal has his has a has a great scene, she's auditioning the costumes for the new Incredibles. Okay, that's fine. But what's the next level of it? You know, Oh, great. Let's put her in a chair. And the chair goes back and forth. And we have everything, you know, we show everything as it's happening. Okay, awesome. You know, now it's plus, you know, and then can you plus it even more the reactions to it, all that kind of stuff.

Scott Mcmahon 13:21
Because, yeah, I'm sorry, that's definitely like a flaw within, like, this world of the Uber independent, like, they, they kind of work a script a little bit, but they just get it to good enough. They're like, I think I can make this

Rob Edwards 13:34
You know, and you can make a really, you can make anything and then sometimes that's the best thing a professional can do for you is to say, Okay, this, you can make this this is fine. You know, you can roll the cameras, it'll all it'll all shoot well, but you're gonna get creamed by the, by the critics. You know, you're it's good enough for 44 or 40%, ripe tomato. But you're not gonna get that 99 Unless you super super PUSH IT. And especially with independent films, there are fantastic independent films. And then there are some that you just say like, oh, you know, I can Yeah, I get when they when your friends send you the links. Yeah, everybody knows. You're watching it takes you four four times to get all the way through it because you're just kind of like okay, well this is this is okay. But nothing is really gripping, you know, getting the grip to the screen. On the other hand, you'll see like, you know, the Marvel films the new you know, the the new Marvel films, the obviously the Pixar films, films that are well told, they drive you, you know, you instantly have a character that you understand that you really want them to achieve their goals. And then the the opposition is just monumental. And then you're just watching them be clever and cool and wonderful and, and make their way through the story. Yeah, well, then that is that is a school of storytelling. And the way that you get to that is that thing where you know, somebody's at the table. Hopefully everyone at the table says, look, let's start with protagonists. What is the protagonist want? And how much do they want it? Straight up? You know, first question, I'll see dozens of script stacks and stacks of scripts. And I'll ask them, but I will say I'm 20 pages into this, I can't tell who you know, what the protagonist was, I if I can tell who the protagonist is, I can't tell what they want. And that just sucks. You know, that means that you have terrible friends. Read your script, you know, with any honesty and told you, you know, look, it is a chore to turn the pages of the script.

Scott Mcmahon 15:43
Can I ask you what the I know, that was, you know, obviously, Pixar. Disney is and it is animation. And in the pitch process, like when the brain trust group comes together? Is it just is the initial meeting just a script phrase? Or do they come like, here's the script phase with some storyboards? Or, you know, they put up a board and somebody acts it out? Or like, how does the how does the other members acquire the story? Or the is it presented to them? Or do they actually read a script come into the meeting? And I guess the second part of the question, is there like a moderator? is, you know, all right, or is it more of a loose like, Alright, everybody, this is a story we're making, you know, Rob's new story. He's the director on it. We read the script, or we've seen the pitch already for their pitch, or like, how does that how does the room work? Then? I was just curious, because if I'm going to do something like Uber enter, independent level, yeah. Should I come to the table with some storyboards and present it as much as possible? I'm, I'm just trying to figure out how I can the best I can to simulate what they're doing in the brain.

Rob Edwards 16:44
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Well, Andrew Stanton has this thing. He says A B, be wrong as early as possible. Yeah. You're gonna be wrong, you know it. And again, that's always the assumption it is broken. It is broken until the last possible second. And even Ron Clemens or John Musker princess in the frog and your planet, and Treasure Planet and you know, little thing called Little Mermaid. A little thing. Those guys, what Don Hall the head of story, he would say they like to leave the paint wet. That meaning that you're always developing, you're always you're always coming up with ideas. You're leaving that door open for that new wonderful idea to come in. Even when I was working with Aaron Sorkin on Studio 60. He would, we would talk about you know, it was kind of a paperless office. You don't write it down. Don't lock any idea down. It's just you're just talking out stuff. So when you start off with with with with John Lasseter, and I was working on a project called King of the Hill, it's based on a Philip K. Dick short story. Okay. And what you do is you start talking about who the main character is going to be, you know, and in this case, it was kind of like, I wanted to just for me, as a writer, I wanted to address some of what I was going through with my I have two sons. And and just this idea of what is it? What are you looking for a son to do? When do you know that a son has is ready to go off to college is ready to you know, has become a man. As a father, you're always searching around for stuff you're trying to figure out fatherhood as you go. And so what is it? You know, what does that look that you want to see in your son's eyes that says, I'm ready? And how do you get there? And can we do that in the in the, in the course of this story, which is essentially about these, which is essentially about these elves and this guy who essentially inherits inherits this elf world. So yeah, so so so you start there. Okay. Well, these are, this is the emotional palette. This is what I think is going to be fun. Let me kill that thing. Sure. Sure. Go ahead. Sorry about that. Oh, you want to clean? When did I start?

Scott Mcmahon 19:04
When you're talking about you're you're wearing a story about you have two boys? When do you get that moment? How do you how do you capture that moment when it's in their eyes that they're ready for manhood are ready to leave the nest or whatnot? Yeah,

Rob Edwards 19:16
Exactly. Yeah. And so yeah, so for me, that's what I was. That's just what I'm exploring in life. And I thought, Okay, this is a great way to, to, to write it and kind of, you know, share it with people. I'll have a lot of insights on it. It'll, it'll be informative to me, it'll be a movie that I would want to watch. We start. And then I was talking to John about it. And John said, Oh, man, my son is 16, too. And there's this look they give you and then everything. We just started sharing stories about, you know, just how do you get through to them and what do you give them and you know, just how do you raise a boy? And we're sharing stories, sharing stories, sharing stories here and I said, Okay, excellent. I know, I know what I'm going to do.

Alex Ferrari 19:59
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Rob Edwards 20:08
So I go off from that basic conversation, because I know Okay, good. He's an audience. I'm an audience member. And that's another one of the Andrew Stanton. Yeah, that I claim to, which is be a film goer, first a filmmaker second. So I go, I set out to look at the story, which is very light, and say, Okay, what can I do? Basically, how can I get a rise out of John, I'm gonna story, what I do is going to get a rise out of John, what are going to be those real great honest moments that we can do. So I go through what real story team, we we kind of plot and there's it's fantastical, and it's all kinds of stuff. But at its core, it's got this really great emotional emotion to it. Just like Princess in the frog or any votes. Yeah. Yeah. And, and then, and then you are pitching kind of a wall of drawings. You know, first act is on one wall, actually, second act is on two walls. And then the third act is on the is on the next wall. You know, because for a second act is always in two parts of two. Yeah, with a midpoint. And then, you know, and it's funny, because John will, and I use this method all the time, John walks in, and he goes, third act, he walks right up to it. And he's okay. Where's that moment? Say, Well, you know, it's, it's there. And what he's looking for is, what's the epiphany? What's that little thing? You know, where the, the where you know, where he is going to turn into a star? Or when you know, both Tiana and Naveen are going to decide, you know, to that they're to trade their journey for their relationship, all the things they want. What is that? What is that moment? Like in in, in every, you know, when Luke I was eight, when when Luke chooses the, you know, the force over the over the right, right? You know, what is that and what is the and then you go back and you say, okay, great, well, what are the elements? I need to tell that that story? And so he's looking at that point at the mechanics, and then you go through it, you pitch it. Once he once he has bought off on that that moment working? Great. Oh, yeah, I can see that. I can see crying at that moment. Then you go back and he says, okay, you know, he sits down in his chair and you say, okay, Act One, scene one. A flaming ball of fire comes in from space, or whatever. And you're trying to give it as good a look as you can. Yeah. You know, it, it doesn't help you to soft sell a pitch. You know, even if it is rough, even if you just have little heads with smiley faces on it. Yeah. You pitch it. You know, it's your favorite movie. So you're, you're you're going with it, going with it going with it. You sell out and go and then he says, Okay, great. I see. It got slow here. It gets low here, whatever I bought off on the ending, but and then you start doing your story map, right? If you're gonna if you're gonna have Luke, use the Force to set you know, to to shoot down the Death Star, there should be a scene in the middle of the movie where he realizes that the force is stronger than you know, than than just any mechanical concerns. What if we put a helmet on him or something? Right? Oculus happened and that'll be that. And then how do we get him there? Well, okay, cool. He should be a kid who wants to auto he wants adventure. And how many of these movies start with you know, I want I want to live more than the provincial life or I wanted to you know, whatever. Yeah, but looking out of the window. Harry Potter wanting something you know, something better than living under the stairs. Exactly. And you know, we're PO is looking at his shelf full of things going oh, man, it would be so awesome to be a kung fu master Neo looking you know, seeing the rabbit you know that that that there's that call? And then you say no. Because yeah, just whatever jump on the thing. You have to say no to that call and then you go through like I say the story math. What's going to get him into the second act? How is he locked in? Well, for Luke, you're going to burn down his family. His family's anything keeping him in this world is Uncle it says no, you're gonna stay here. You know, Greenville can be a good boy. And and so you burn that down because Luke's first intention is just to is just to get the old man to the bar and be done with Yeah, look, I'll get to that far but I you know, you're all this other stuff is crazy talk. And, and by the time he gets to the bar, he's kind of in it. And and then off they go on the adventure or whatever, you know, and the first part of the adventure is, is impossible because the planet has been destroyed and then You're just going, getting him deeper and deeper into it. All you're doing is looking at that endpoint like when is he completely bought it? When is he going to sacrifice his life take on this as role as you know, Jedi Master and whatever, and embrace the ways of the force of that, yeah, force. That that's the whole thing. And you're gonna make it difficult for him all along the way, you're going to build up the opposition as much as you can. So going back to the brain trust, those are the elements, you're looking at it and you're saying, Okay, you're telling this type of story. And a lot of times, it's straight up film theory. I don't know if you're a film student or whatever. Right? All you do. And film school that is wonderful, is you watch a ton of movies. Yeah, watch, you know, musicals, you're watching whatever, you know, for me, when I start a movie, I'll go, you know, I'm gonna watch every spaghetti western that ever wants, boom, you know, and I'll just, I'll just go through my Netflix queue is just flooded with stuff. I'm gonna watch every kung fu movie, every crazy kung fu movie that I can find. And I'll just go through every single everything single weird one, I'll do all of my research, I'll just kind of become a bit, you know, just completely embedded in this stuff, let it seep into my DNA, and then I real and then I'll see the matrix, I'll see. Okay, this is how these types of stories are told. If I can stay on this path, I think I'll be fine. And I think also, I'll be satisfying the audience that that enjoys this type of movie. So yeah, and then off I go, then I know, like, I'm working on a project right now. There's air for for the studio, I'll say Oh, studio. Yeah. But it's, you know, completely mainstream, but it's one of the things I said was, was, the audience has seen a ton of movies like this. And the, it's in the category of the, of like Maze Runner and insurgent and those kinds of things. And the audience of that, of that genre is often like, they're really super skeptical. You know, if you if you show them like, what is it, there's a ton of these kinds of Percy things, you know, they're, they're a bunch of these movies that come out and the audience is never absorbed, you know, just never takes them in, and then you're done. And so there are things that you need to do, there are tropes that they want to see, but they don't want to see the same tropes that they've seen in the other movies. So you have to mess with them. And mess with them in a very clever way. So that it says are very early signal that okay, this is cool, you know, forget your popcorn, lean in and enjoy the movie. Yeah, that's the plussing. That's the extra, extra extra. And hopefully, like a bad room would be a room full of people who don't all like making the same kind of movies. You know, they're gonna pull you in every direction. Good. I say, you know, you go into Marvel, and all those guys have read every single comic book. If you throw off a reference, they will all go Oh, yeah. And this and this, and then you could do this. And then the room just explodes with everything. You know, all the minutia. Everybody will go, you know, what's great about that issue was this and this, and this happened? No, here's what I think. I think this is what made it great. But this, you know, this episode is issue, this issue, this issue didn't do well, because of this, and everybody will have their theory and great if you can move towards this and away from that, you'll be fine. And that's generally what happens in the brain trust meetings is it's a yes. And kind of table.

Scott Mcmahon 28:58
That is That is literally the same principles of improv. Yes, exactly. The whole teaching is an actor will give you something and the other actor has to say yes. And yeah, that's literally that's what it is. I had act up here in Portland, so you know, just my acting friends and stuff like that. So it's one of those things. It's funny that you brought that up. Yeah.

Rob Edwards 29:24
Do more of that because it becomes for me, yeah, I did a lot of Providence College and I did some instinctive as well. And improv Yeah, after. And even in my standup, I would leave. I'd always I consider it in quarters, right. I would do my introductions and kind of get everybody into like, This is who I am. This is where my comedy is gonna come from guys. So

Alex Ferrari 29:53
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Rob Edwards 30:02
You set up and that, yeah, exactly 10 jokes in this area. And then I would kind of like, okay, now that we're friends now that we know each other, here we go, you know, we're gonna go into this and then third quarter, I would just kind of kick back and I'd say, hey, let's talk about something. And I would just riff and, and, you know, I just would ask the audience a question, or else, you know, or whatever, and I would just go on whatever I was given. Just lean into it and fly. And then I'd Of course, wrap it up with some, you know, some stuff that was money. Night and you know, whatever, dropped the mic and take off. But that, that, and frankly, it's also the same kind of thing that happens in a TV room, like you had mentioned before, you know, in sitcom rooms. That's exactly what happens. Because literally, you cannot afford in a sitcom room for somebody to go, yeah, no, no, no. So when I was running tables, I would always say buy it or beat it, you know, being okay, there's an idea on the table, that I believe to be very good. If you think of a better idea, pitch it now. Otherwise, we're gonna build up with the idea we have, but we're not going to spend an hour and a half, just kind of shooting, you know, just telling everybody why it's a bad idea. So. So it winds up being really, really great. So that's exactly what you find in in Pixar. Somebody will say, Well, what if you know, that's the first thing? What if? And anytime anybody says, whatever? Whatever, the room gets really quiet. Even if you have even if you have your own? What if you're like, Okay, great. I'm just gonna get in line. Yeah. What if we turn the whole thing upside down? And this happens, and then this happens? And instead of everybody going, Oh, shut up. Yeah, yeah. Okay, if that happens, then this would also happen. And this, and this, and then this would happen. And this and this, all the energy winds up around that, that idea, boom, boom, boom, and you're just building a mountain off this idea. And hey, you know, what's a great sequence with that, you can do this and this and this. And then somebody else will say, hey, and that will fix this scene, because you can do this instead. And they'll start pitching the dialogue, and I'm really cracking up jokes and all that. And then sometimes you get to the top of the of that mountain and you go, I don't know, this whole thing, and you say, it's good, but it's not necessarily better than what we had before. Or it's good, but it's a whole other movie, or whatever. And then it gets quiet, and everybody digest what we had. And then the next person says, what about this, boom, and then you start, you build again, same energy and everything, everybody gets into everything. There is no there is some negative and like, some people will say, Oh, ag you know, we try that and blah, blah, blah, but if you're going to make it work, here's what you would do. I say, so everybody is looking at it in terms of their making the movie, and that you get to which is you know, which I think is wonderful because Brad Bird is going to have a different idea in his head. And Pete Doctor Yeah, and Pete doctor is going to have different ones and then to mark off you know, then then even even John, you know, and John's gonna have any, you know, whatever and everybody's gonna it's an orchestra right? So John is John's got a big heart at chodzi or whatever. And he's he's a big kids who he's going to love the you know, a big blockchain Andrew is looking to make sure it's, you know, you're checking the boxes. Pete's got, you know, Pete's got his take, you know, Brad's a cowboy. He's, he's, he's doing his thing. And and in that symphony, you have like, okay, great. This is wonderful set of ideas. Even what is it Michael aren't you know, who wrote horses? You know, Little Miss Sunshine. Key comes in and he I love the way he thinks because he thinks a lot like me, I'm a I'm a structure guy. You know, when when I started doing sitcoms, there were two rooms were three rooms there was there was the room of guys who would think about the stories there was the story guys, you know, who would who would as you were breaking the story, they would sit down and say well, it should be this and then this and then this, you know, just plot out the plot out the story, knowing where the jokes were going to come. And then we would invite a larger group in and then those would be the joke guys would come in and say, oh, yeah, and then this this, you know, they would have great dialogue. And I saw very early you know, they were like, well, which room do you want to be and I was like, I want to be in the room with the exec producer. And that's a story room but those guys seem to be those guys are working all the time. And those guys anytime stuff was wrong. They would kick the joy joke guys out of the room. And a very small group of story guys would work would work through it. Fascinating story, guys were the guys who would hold the pencil, meaning they would make the last decision, they would write down, whatever the choice was. And, and so I like that a lot. And even now, as I'm working in features and stuff, it's always the story guys who are kind of called in when things are really wrong. They'll say, Okay, please help us. What's wrong with it? And you go in with your toolbox, unmotivated character, the third act moment doesn't work. Let's build back from that. What are the values that we're doing here? And go through.

Scott Mcmahon 35:41
Before I go to the, I just want to kind of recap sort of like, make sure I'm grabbing the essence of everything you're talking about. There's a sounds like, there's a little bit of a, I think your cable might be hitting,

Rob Edwards 35:53
I think it's hitting my short.

Scott Mcmahon 35:56
You get you get loose, or just just you and I Yeah, there you go.

Rob Edwards 35:59
Okay, good. Is it going clean, clean, clean?

Scott Mcmahon 36:01
Yeah, that's it not too bad. It's but I just use such great information you have, and there's just you and I on the video, so it's all good. Looks like a prison shirt. That's perfect. So the what we can, what I can gather from here is I like this concept of one, make sure that the room that you create the the group that you create, if you're going to create your own brain trust group. You know, if you're writing a horror genre, you know, make sure you have people that like it.

Rob Edwards 36:36
That helps have studied up on it. Yeah, exactly.

Scott Mcmahon 36:39
That know that know, the genre, the know the tropes, that have a passion for it, that that can gel with you, as well, as I liked this idea that you start from the end, what is what is that one thing? Or just have that conversation? Like? What is the one thing you want out of this film the story? Is it the moment what is that magic moment, that third act moment that makes it the payoff all worth it, and then reverse engineer go back from the beginning and work towards that I like all that I love this little note you gave about the second act, the midpoint of like, if the payoff and the third act, then that magic moving moment is that it works, you have to give us a little taste of in the midpoint, which is great, you know, and it totally makes sense. But then obviously, the people that you put together, have to know, you know, their story structure or you know, that they're just, they're film geeks or other filmmakers themselves that are that have an opportunity to contribute to the storytelling process where, you know, we all seem to do it anyway, after watching a movie, and we're like, Why did it not work? You know, like, I think my wife, my wife, and I just rewatched the remake of poltergeists last night, Zach, and we are huge fans of the first one. I mean, watch that many times over and seeing what happened, you know, our own analysis of taking away and it's interesting, the conversation you have just saying, What Why didn't it work? Because you're trying to figure out like, what's gut wise, what's what's right, but something's off Biden isn't working for us. And I think it was, I think it was like, it took an hour, like originally a two hour movie into an hour and a half. And it was like, go time from the beginning. Like, there, there is no one it was just like, bang, bang, bang, there was no time to catch your breath. And it felt it definitely felt rushed than all the wonderful, cinematic, you know, visual visions of the stuff, but it was, there was some soul aspect missing.

Rob Edwards 38:29
I think, see, that's the thing, because that and because I was gonna ask you okay, what, what did you think was was was missing? So in? What part of the movie do you think it was missing from? I think if you if your conclusion was that it was soulless? Yeah. And we're, and we're in the brain trust meeting right now. So yeah, this conclusion was it poltergeists was sold was were how do you fix that? What, what? What had they taken out? Because you have, in this case, it's empirical. Right? You have a movie that works and a movie does not that does not work. Yeah, that are the exact that are supposed to be the exact same movie, right? So you can kind of look at them side by side, you know, and I'm notorious for this. I'll get iTunes, and I'll just, I will watch five minutes of one movie five minutes of another person next five minutes. In that next, and I'll just completely go go through because a lot of movies will have if you watch Point Break and Fast and Furious, they're the exact same movie, right? Yeah, they will tell you they're the exact same movie and every, you know, in every way, you know, and, and so the question is, okay, great. Well, those two work. Now this one. Okay, great. So we're back to its soulless. That's our problem. Where did that come from?

Alex Ferrari 39:48
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Scott Mcmahon 39:57
Definitely, I think from watching The remake in Bing fan, like you said, being so well versed in the first one and seeing how many times over, you know, all the nuances, you know all the scenes, but mostly from the from it was, there's a sense of wonderment and awe and sort of respect for this. This deeper conversation about the paranormal was existed in the first one, again, we're talking about somebody remaking Spielberg.

Rob Edwards 40:29
Yeah, but Spielberg has got a bag of tricks. That is very interesting. And when I look at Spielberg, I always look at, man, I just had this conversation with

Scott Mcmahon 40:41
Spielberg himself.

Rob Edwards 40:44
His daughter went to school with my son, so no, we got and as, and his other son took karate class with my older son, so Oh, wow. Okay, so there's always crossover. But, but we never like, Hey, tell me about jaws. But I did get a chance to meet the writer of jaws. I had dinner with him a couple nights ago. And, and we were talking just about those things about OSHA, all of that stuff. And then when I look at Spielberg, I always look at when I'm analyzing a filmmaker, the first couple of films, the first two films, I may have mentioned this earlier, but that, that I always look at them when they're in their infancy when they're trying to put together their bag of tricks. And then I try to find what is their worst film? Yeah. And for Spielberg, it's 1941 right? There. And in 1941, he is doing he's showing his bag of tricks, but he's doing everything wrong. And you can tell like, Oh, this is what he, what He does great. Everything that he does great in those first couple of movies, he does really poorly here. And everything that he did great like an E T. And this gets to the answer of what I was digging at, with the two poltergeists is that it's the first it's a first act problem, that that you when you buy into something emotionally, it's if you don't feel it emotionally, it's because when we met those people, we didn't care about them. Exactly. You know, if it's a roller coaster ride, if they're thinking, well, the best thing about what we told you guys, is the little girl gets sucked into the TV. And whenever there's a closet and all that stuff, like that is not the best thing. It's about this family. It's about this guy who is who is, you know, he's moved his family into this into this new environment. He's worried that there was something wrong with the area. There's this drumbeat of weird things that have been happening around the area, and you're filling in the character. It's like, it's like Jaws, it's like a tea. It's everything. The conversation that they have at the, at breakfast, in a tea before et shows up is the most important conversation you have. Yeah, I remember in princess in the frog, there was this whole thing of, we were just, we're trying to get them into the bayou as quickly as possible. And the note, we kept getting back in the brain trust, because that's the other part of the brain trust, right. As you screen the movie, you're showing the movie to a lot of people. And they're giving you notes back everybody in the building everybody at Disney, everybody, Pixar, you get reams of notes. I didn't think you know, this is a problem. This is a problem. This is a problem. And then they put the notes into sections. So someone's about, you know, the main characters about, you know, the story itself. And then we were getting all these notes. I you know, the story seems funny. I just don't care. I don't care about the journey. Yeah. And I said, Well, that's the first act problem, same thing. And you didn't care because she wanted to have a restaurant. But she didn't care why she wanted to have a restaurant. So I said, Well, hey, I saw this drawing of a dad. I love this story.

Scott Mcmahon 44:01
Yeah, the Yeah, this keep going on. This is a great one.

Rob Edwards 44:05
There was a dad portrait drawing of a dad. And basically they were trying to figure out what the mom looked like. So they had drawn a dad just to figure out, you know, what were the features that that Tiana had gotten from both of her parents, and then that would be the mom. And there was just a drawing. And I asked the character designer, what you know, what is this? Like? Oh, he explained it and I said, Well, this is can I borrow this? I took it back into the room. I said, this guy is the most important person in the movie. Because daughter is that relationship between daughters and fathers. And we've been looking driving so hard to have a person to have an emotional reason why she wants to have this restaurant. Why not? Why can't it be the daughter the dream of a daughter and her father and and the legacy of that once the father passes away. She wants to continue that dream and you then there is no way the thing can have a motion. It's a woman holding, you know, it's what they did in up, right, the house at a certain point becomes, you know, that call is trying to continue the dream that he had with his with his wife. That's, that's the inaccurate mention probably 50 other movies that are fueled with that kind of emotion. There is a reason why we tell stories in that way. And so once that happened, it was a tiny adjustment was about three pages. And in the beginning of the movie, and everybody said, Wow, what did you do? Did you rewrite the entire movie? No, we just gave every time you know, she says the word restaurant, you know what it means? And I had to hit it. I think in the middle at the midpoint when they're drunk right before they dance. And then at the end when they're on the riverboat, and they're looking looking out at the restaurant itself. And it's what gets Naveen to back off, he wants to propose to her. And it has such huge emotional weight that like Okay, great. My job here. My job here is done. The mechanics, the rest of the mechanics of the storytelling were I want I don't want to say inconsequential, but they were less consequential because we had launched the story correctly. You watch a movie like man on fire? We spent a ton of time I don't think anybody dies until the midpoint of that movie. Yeah, the whole movie is about this broken guy's love for this little girl. And how this girl redeems has his soul and makes him stops him from committing suicide. Yeah, the bullet doesn't go off there is something you know, the God of the story has a larger plan for this guy. And it's about this it's about this relationship with this little girl. And you know, he starts coaching her about don't be afraid of the gun and and all that and they have this wonderful wonderful relationship. So at the point when she's kidnapped you're like, oh no. Yeah, go down. Because now this guy has license you know is he is fired and if you look at I'm sorry when I say one last example but you look at taken taken follows the exact same model. That girl doesn't get kidnapped so deep into that movie Yeah. Heartbreak heartbreak the pony versus the you know, karaoke machine all of those scenes if you're looking at it from an executive standpoint, you'll think oh god you know, the movie is really about it's a shoot 'em up. And why is it taking 60 minutes before the guy fires the first shot you know? Yeah, well like we can't we just condensed this and and you have to as a writer, as an artists say no people don't watch buildings burn. They watch people saving the people they love that are in the building that is on fire. That's drama.

Scott Mcmahon 48:00
Yeah, it's interesting. You brought that up. I got me excited because you were saying like, how important to set up how poor in the first act is. And if you look at some movies back in the in the 70s. Like even Exorcist, literally, I think the first hour like nothing major paranormal, like happens. I mean, the priests doesn't show up until after the hour mark, like, like, all the stuff that we remember about the exorcist doesn't happen until like, almost after the midpoint. You know, it's like yeah, and because the even like, Rosemary's Baby, same thing, yeah. Very, very shiny, Mike.

Rob Edwards 48:35
Yeah, exactly. Shining. You're just watching girls and bikes and yeah. Yeah, it's just and they're a little creepy things that happen. There's always got, you know, a cat jumped out a box. I was watching alien. Like, same thing. It's just the day to day workings of, of space. Space Teamsters. Yeah. And then midpoint, the thing leaps out of the guy's chest and your is off, off and running. Exactly what we've been setting up before that is nobody listens to Ripley. You know, these guys are in it for a paycheck. You froze up.

Scott Mcmahon 49:20
Do you see me? Yeah. Okay. Sorry.

Rob Edwards 49:23
Yeah, that nobody listens to her that that, you know, these guys are in it for a paycheck. And that something is wrong with the science officer. Yeah. And there's all these kind of you're you're just setting up the dynamics. And it's getting your heart is kind of in your chest, you know that something's got to happen. Yeah. And then when it does, it's just like, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. And then your left. The best thing about looking at the third act versus it, it's the thing, it's the thing that you are, you know, the lights go up, you walk to your car and you go Oh, man, that was awesome.

Alex Ferrari 50:04
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Rob Edwards 50:14
And that's the thing, you know if that through that moment works, then it's all worth it. If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter what you did up until that point. Nobody's going to end the audience coming out of the seven o'clock show. I talked about this. Because it's what it's what makes movies great. It was what makes the business of making a movie, even if it's an independent film. It's the audience coming out of the seven o'clock show their reaction as you're in line for the nine o'clock show. Everybody knows that thing of like, people are going Oh, snap. Yeah. And they're like crying or they're like, high fiving or stuff. And they're nodding at you. Because they know like, Oh, this is gonna be, you know, you are in for a treat. This is gonna be magnificent. Right. And, and it's that thing. That's what makes movies Great. That's what makes movie going great. You know? And every, you know, yeah, go ahead.

Scott Mcmahon 51:16
No, we're gonna say it's fascinating, because we were talking about the long setup. And then we have gave some examples, but you did mention even like the movie Up, and I think it's one of the greatest examples of the shortest, most heartbreaking setups ever, you know, it's within your in tears within the first whatever, five minutes of that story of Carl, you know, sort of

Rob Edwards 51:35
Suitable and they're just, it's just building up. You know, remember, they're building up for the moment when he ditches the house to save the boy, you know, and, and so, and that's the whole you know, that John was, you know, walked into the room. Okay, what happens? He trashes the house, he throws all the stuff out, you know, to give it ballast, he's run out of balloons. And you know, and he goes and saves the boy. And that's, that's his Luke Skywalker moment. Right? Right. And so so in the beginning, you want to say, what if the house doesn't mean anything? Right? Again, story math. If the house doesn't mean anything, that moments not going to mean anything. Everybody's gonna go so what? It's a house. Yeah, get another house? Like, no, no, this house is very special, because it is the embodiment of, you know, his relationship with his with his wife, Ellie, I think yeah, yeah, exactly. And, and I believe, at various times, he calls the house Ellie. And it's the he's working towards the picture of the house on the on the mountain. Yeah. And so you're gonna give him that, and then you're going to take it away. You know, it's, he's gonna get all the way there realize it's, it's not worth what he thought it would be worth. And then he's gonna go save the boy. Great. So you need and I forget who there is a, one of the co director of inside out, Ronnie del Carmen, I want to say, okay, he that I believe that was his sequence. And that put them on the map as a star, or, as he'd been on the map as a story anyway, because he's, he's fantastic artists. But he was the guy who walked through that sequence and said, it's stripped it of its dialogue. He had temporary music that was That was wonderful for it, this this kind of very valid kind of thing. And it was amazing, you know, just the process of how that sequence came, came to be. Because, you know, obviously, the first 20 drafts of that sequence, were not that sequence. You really had to kind of work on it, work on it, work on it, and so it just wasn't it it would make you cry, and I believe it's five minutes and 30 seconds long. It is not very long and impure movie movie terms. But by the end of it, when you know, just that pan across a doctor's office, oh my god, you know, it just every one of those moments is completely iconic. It's just it's truly wonderful. And then it gives him license to do everything that he does, which is he won't sell the house smashes the guy on the head when he you know when he's when he's threatened. And now he's going to you know, go live this dream and go to you know, this this waterfall.

Scott Mcmahon 54:39
Great its amazing. The I'm just curious you with your extensive history of like writing on your own working in in rooms, you know, and television and now working like, obviously last few years and animation is the advent of visuals like, because I don't know if you have an opportunity with Princess in the frog. Have to go down in New Orleans to Are you part of the crew? Because, you know, you were mentioning like how Lasseter was such a huge proponent of research, like just getting absorbed into your DNA like that you probably already done prior. But I was curious. You know, we have the TV room. And we're seeing like this explosion of golden age of television. Just amazing shows left and right. And I can only account like, because the power the writers, they're, like, in writers together, pushing each other to make it great. And then you have animation, which allows you to I mean, my past working with Sony PlayStation, we're convinced effects we've always had to learn was visuals. We always had something to draw from to try to make, you know, better. And I'm wondering like, because now you have visual cues, like you mentioned, them purchase the frog. Here's a drawing a sketch drawing about the Father as like, that is huge for me. And yeah, I was wondering, have you seen? I guess, like how could like an independent, you know, borrow from this concept of like, should they just inundate themselves with so many look frames, or drawings or initial sketches, anything like that to like, integrate themselves and what their world would look like? So if they brought in their own makeshift brain trust group, so everybody could connect to like, Oh, what's that? What's this? Or, you know, how's this fit the story? I don't know, from your any like stories you could share of like, just like you said, you're walking around, you're seeing artists or somebody, pretty much the film made in like, visual format before it even like even one written word is put on an actual traditional script, I guess? I don't know. Right?

Rob Edwards 56:39
Well, that's the that's the fun of the new, the new tools, we'll call it is. It's, I know that Robert Rodriguez, his his process is very similar to the Pixar process, which is interesting, he kind of pre shoots his movies. And he will just with a handheld camera, or I don't know, a cell phone or whatever, he'll get his actors in a room and he films his rehearsals. And he takes him back in I don't know, if he's using, you know, whatever, you know, whatever it is, but you know, as easy it is, as it is to edit something, he just edits it at home. And then he goes in the next day, if they're shooting the next day, and he'll show it to everybody like this is, this is what this is. And here's what I think is wrong with it. Here's what I did to rewrite it. And and here we go, you know, so the second thing you see will be that Woody Allen shoots an entire movie, edits it. And edits it shows it, you know, takes a look at it. And then I don't know if he gets outside feedback or anything I assume he does. And then reshoots, the entire movie, it's always in his budget that he will shoot it twice. So you do it. And obviously, the you know, the first version is not just everybody kind of slogging through not wearing their costumes and stuff. It's an actual movie. And then he shoots it again. So I think that that that is a great way to go. If you can a Ridley Scott storyboards his own movies, top to bottom, and I believe shoots have storyboards and show, you know, shows shows those? Yeah, so that the the first draft, the way I look at it is, you know, from a Disney perspective, is that when guys are drawing, right, they take a blue pencil with very light, you can barely see it. Yeah, and they just start drawing and whatever. And they're just, and the lines are everywhere. It's a complete mess, and they're drawing over themselves, and they're doing whatever, and then they start to see it and then they'll, they'll they'll take out a black pencil and they'll start tacking it down. And they'll say, okay, great. Here are the eyes. Here's where the eyes go, here's whatever, because you're kind of trying to see it on the page. And only a handful of people can just start drawing with a black pencil and go, you're sketching, sketching, sketching until you see it. If you if you listen to a band, right, the band will go, you know, it'll sound terrible, the first and then they'll kind of gradually, you know, come down to whatever they're doing sculptors the same way. It's a blob of an amorphous blob for so long, and then they start to take down little sections. And writers are the only ones who don't do that. Writers. I'll see them go oh, I have an idea. You know, faded. Colin, you know. And like, who does that? Nobody does that. You don't think that way you say I want to make a movie. I think it should be kinda like this movie that I loved when I was a kid. Or it should be I want to make the best, you know? Badass six year old, do whatever magical power movie that I can

Alex Ferrari 59:59
Will be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Rob Edwards 1:00:08
Here is a precedent of other, you know, badass six year olds. Here's where some have gone right and others have gone wrong. And, and this is what moves me about this kind of movie. This is why these kinds of movies are my favorite movies. And this is where others have fallen afield. I think my movie is somewhere in here. And, and then you get out, like, I'm old school. So I have like, yeah, I have, you know, just a clipboard and a fountain pen. And I will sit down and I'll just start writing. And it's rarely dialogue. It's just what do I love about these kinds of movies. I love this. I love this. I love it. Hey, my favorite scene, in one of these things was bla bla bla bla bla. And, and my least favorite scene is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, excellent. I like to eat my dessert first. So if I'm writing, I will say, well, here are scenes that should be in my movie. These are great scenes. And if I can just string a clothesline between the scenes, I think I'll be okay. Because these are the classic scenes, there should be the mentor scene, and so and so. And the equipment, you know, the badass piece of machinery, you know, or the, you know, the great gun, or whatever it is, you know, a cool monster a, you know, fantastic spaceship a you know, always I'll put those in, and then I'll say, Okay, well, great. Now I'm gonna make try to make myself crying the third act? And yeah, and that's it. Yeah. But it's always starting from like a amorphous, a amorphous, you know, the, the, the, you know, the paint is wet, the there is no paper, I'm just freestyling until I find like, it should be this. And then I'll start to give it shape and tack it down. And then only last the last. Like, it's, I often will write the entire thing by hand, and then, after I've gone through the whole thing, then I type it into software.

Scott Mcmahon 1:02:17
Interesting. Do you know is there a difference for you between like, plot and character? Or is it the same like because I can see, like doing an outline, constructing like the logic of the world of where you want this moment to go for the protagonist. And maybe the protests, like you, you see, like a major change is going to have to happen for this character. But once you kind of maybe have like, the simple idea laid out attendees, do you go in and start like thinking like, okay, the dad character a lot right now, my early drafts are serving exposition. But then how do I make that character more interesting? Because there was this whole? I think you were talking about, like, in Jason buffs, podcast about how, like in Finding Nemo, there was all these wonderful characters, all the supporting characters, even no matter how small the character is, like, each fish has some interesting story. One scar one, like was nervous or I don't know, it was it was Yeah. Just rich with content because or context because it was so each character was so unique that way, as opposed to just being serving exposition. Do you see that within those group meetings? You have? Or, or sometimes somebody goes, I have, this is the character. I don't know what story was going to happen with them. But I don't know how, like, do you see it go both ways.

Rob Edwards 1:03:39
Right. All right. Now that, that it's the interesting thing is and it's it's it's fantastic question, because it is, I think at the crux of most, I'd say a good 90% of filmmakers don't understand this one specific thing, which is that there should be no difference between character and story. But there is a huge difference between character and plot. Ah, okay. The plot is just, I was in this. It was a masterclass in in France, in Marseille, and this there was a guy who had done this with these webcasts and stuff like that it was really charismatic guy really energetic, we great storyteller in quotes. And I done this thing, and I'll, I'll talk about a little later because they remind me to tell you this thing, because I think it helps all writers, everybody that I've done it with, with writers, it makes them a lot better. But, but this guy is telling the story. And he's going on he's pitching me this this movie. And he says, oh, and then an alien comes in and buys pitching, pitching more and more Italian guy, right? He was like, yeah, and then this happens. It's And then they fall into an abyss. And then a guy has a gun and whatever. And he shoots his grandma and whatever. And he's just going through going through and going through. And I'm watching the audience and I stopped him for a second. I say, watch the audience, as you're, as you're doing this, keep going. And he's thought, what if this happens, it was a big explosion, and whatever. And I said, I said, What do you think I saw? And he says, after about two minutes, everybody started talking to each other. Tuned him out, there were a couple of his friends in the back that were kind of smiling. Really, towards the end, everybody was just everybody was just hiding from the thing. Because he was because it was. It was mostly sorry, me do something to screenshare I have, I have a flux. And I didn't realize it. It's been it's been kind of making the image. More sleepy as we. But yeah, so I look at the audience and the audience is completely tuned him out. I said, why? As well, it couldn't figure it out. So well, because you lost your character. First, you didn't make me care about your character. And second, as it's going on, you were just it just getting more and more, you were using plot to try to save you from character. And I said, okay, and I pitched his own his story the same way. And I pitched it all character, you know, this guy comes in and more than anything else in the world. He wants this. And oh, you know, this guy also wants it and blah, blah, blah, and he wants it even more. So in the very beginning, the guy boom, whatever, he takes it from him. And now he's sitting there going, Oh, no, what am I gonna do now? Aliens Attack and blah, blah, blah, whatever. And everybody's leaning in as I'm, as I'm telling the story, because you care, you know, you give a crap about the story. Before he was doing plot, what I was doing was character. And, you know, if it's if it's Finding Nemo, every character that that Marlon passes should develop him as a character, you're going from the journey of a guy who is overly cautious to a guy who's going to let his kid do the same thing. In in The Incredibles, everything that passes Bob Pars, you know, we set him up as a guy who will save everybody at any time, you know, whatever, you're doing the whole thing. Everybody that he passes, every experience that he has, is, is basically kind of, to show that his addiction has gotten out of control. And until he even finds an enabler in the innate, oh, great, excellent. I'm gonna go up and do this thing. And I'm just gonna completely ignore my family, right? Because those are the two values that are at stake. It's Do you are you going to reclaim your your glory, at the expense of the thing that you that you know, your future? You know, your family? You were once this guy now you're this guy. You need to be more than Mr. Incredible. She says yeah, pointedly, automatically, in order to do it. So every single scene is going to be him desperately clinging to his former life. He's in the meeting with his boss, and he's looking outside, and he can't can you know, and he's just seeing a guy getting his pocket picked. And he can't give it up. You know, he's, he's there with the old lady, my old lady is worried that she's gonna lose her thing. And he can't you know, that is new life, he just won't do it. Everything, everything he's doing is kind of these things, buttresses buttressing against each other. That's the Norio nature of storytelling, that is character, you're developing that character to the point where the character has to make this decision of like, you know, I can either go and try to save the you know, save the city by myself, which I know I cannot do or I can trust my family to help me I can do this as a family and off you go. Yeah, you know that that's that that in that way as you're telling the story? It's very clear what's muscle and what's bone, you know that what's wheat and what's chaff right that that any scene that doesn't have him moving towards either on the upside where he's he is completely like yes, regaining your former glory is the most awesome thing in the world you can do Yeah, that's the bill to the midpoint. He's and then at the midpoint, haha, I've killed all these people and now I'm gonna kill you and he can't get out or whatever. I can't get out of the room and he's, you know, those those little nerves are gone. Yeah, whatever. Whatever, whatever. And now Oh, no, this is where it's gotten you to the, you know, to the terrible, terrible midpoint

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Rob Edwards 1:10:10
And then it's the family is gonna go rescue. Right. So now you're on the downslope. And so everything that happened from that point on is, look how cool this family is when the family is unrestrained. Yeah, until you get to this point where it's, he's bemoaning the fact that you know, it's almost a false act to write the the rocket is headed towards the city. And, and Bob is sitting there saying, Oh, I can't believe what I've done. You know, you guys, this is really terrible. And his daughter says, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah, whatever. And she saved them all very easily. Because he's not thinking about family. He's thinking about himself. Right? We're driving, driving and driving for that moment. And that's all character. You know, every scene in that is a scene that you absolutely need. And none of it is, but none of it should feel like plot. Yeah, it is all to drive the guy towards making that decision.

Scott Mcmahon 1:11:10
It's really interesting, because we started our conversation about talking about mastermind groups, or accountability groups, and like how it's so much easier to look at somebody else's problem or look at what they stand for. Because we can see from an outside perspective, what's in front of them. But we as individuals are so wrapped up in our own stuff, we can't, like you mentioned, we can't see your own path or get out of our own way. It's, and we were talking about, there's so much things that we have to unlearn to be able to be and then we're here we are talking, you know, character, and story. And all these characters are in the especially with the Pixar stories we were talking about. And in, you know, the stories we were mentioning, there's there's this aspect of baggage, or there's these known beliefs that they hold on to for so long. But that third act moment that John Lasseter moment he's talking about, has to be this let go of all that, in order to have that transformation at the end. But it's funny because we were talking, we started talking about it in real life. And we're seeing it happen in stories. It's like, oh, wow, that's fascinating.

Rob Edwards 1:12:19
And really, that's why I think that is why like, I like to look at, well, screenwriting, everybody, you know, it's the technology of screenwriting. But really, we're storytellers, right guys in rocking chairs, you know, saying, Hey, here's what's this is what's important. And that's why it's because we always when we make the same mistakes, all the time, as human animals and machines, whatever that we are, we, we make the same mistakes all the time. And so we tell ourselves, these stories, like let go of that and embrace the new. One of the things I'll say like in masterclasses all the time is, you can learn how to speak French without learning without forgetting how to speak English. You can accept a new philosophy, a new way of thinking, just try it out. And then if you want, you can go back to what it is, is you do but a lot of people will say like, well wait a minute, I don't like you know, I'm not such a big fan of Disney movies. And you guys are you know, you guys, it's all a factory and blah, blah, blah, and I'm not gonna make movies like that. I'm like, Okay, well, let me see what what it is you've done. Yeah, it's amorphous, horrendous kind of way, like, what are you doing? You haven't, you've so resisted all of the kind of rules and not just necessarily like, the Disney rules or the Pixar rules, but just the rules of general storytelling. Like, Oh, that 50 characters 50 main characters is not a good way to go. Yeah, you know, that, that a film without conflict is not is probably not going to work. All that well write a film that is about something that nobody in the world cares about. Is is not going to be is not going to be enjoyable. There are but a film a terribly constructed film about something I really care about. And a PERT you know a person who is who is wonderful, who I want to see more of. And you know, that that film was gonna go through the roof. It's gonna be I'm going to enjoy it. I'm gonna, people are gonna say like, what was that that you were? You kept talking about? You know, I'm gonna go on social media and say, oh, okay, look, I'm gonna go out on a limb and just say this movie was the best movie I've ever seen. And, and that's, especially for me any side. That's what you really want to you know, that's what we want to start with. Is Yeah, I'm not. I'm gonna make my favorite movie. I'm gonna make a movie. That is that is the favorite of all my friends and And, and here's, here's how I'm going to sit down and do it.

Scott Mcmahon 1:15:04
Because you mentioned to about, you get a lot of screeners, like the crazy question of like, hey, what software we use? You know, like, that's like Yeah, the last the last question you need to know because it's you need to know story or just tell story and write story. And that's the same plague that's technology is having right now, I guess on the independent side, which is every he's got a camera and editing tools. And they're just so it's like, what are you shooting on? What are you shooting on? As opposed to who? Who cares what you're writing? What software used to write? Who cares what camera uses? Shoot? Because the bottom? The, the essence, the core is everything we talked about here is really, I love this whole thing, like, how do you level up? How do you push beyond and building a system of the right kind of people around you? And having that kind of system in place to you know, push, push the story? Like take yourself out of it and push the story further.

Rob Edwards 1:15:56
I often say like animation is not a genre, you know, it's just it's just like a different camera. It's just like black and white is not a genre. Yeah, it's it's just a way you know, you still have to tell great stories, they still have to connect with people. Just animation is a way that you're that you're that you're doing it. The rules are always the same.

Scott Mcmahon 1:16:16
Yeah, definitely. This I want to keep you I know, we're a little over an hour, but

Rob Edwards 1:16:20
I did have one other Yes, there's one other thing and this is just like, it's been my soapbox for a couple weeks, because I keep I'm sure your listeners will get what should get some value out of it? I was I've been because I'll do these, these, these master classes. And a lot of times the format of the master class, when I can do on money, I do maybe one a year just to kind of like get gone, right but but a lot of times what I'll do the My Favorite versions of them and I just revised it is the writer will come in, they'll sit next to me and they'll pitch their movie to the to the rest of the group. And then we'll go through it and we'll say okay, what's right about it? What's wrong about it, we'll kind of do a Pixar row with it. And what I keep discovering is that sometimes the the writers ability to pitch can severely impair the experience. And so what I started doing is I said, Okay, let's let's the first day like, let's not even think about don't think about your movie. I'm gonna give you two movies to work on. Because if you're and I see you're into guitars, I love guitars. Now, the first thing you do if you're learning piano or guitar is you learn like Mary Had a Little Lamb, you know, you just Yeah, flunk out the easiest song in the world. And then you go to, okay, great. Now I can learn C and A G and an F. And I can out of that I can play a bunch of bunch of different songs, I can play a bunch of other people's songs. Until I get really good at it. I can play most of you know Simon Garfunkel. But I can offer the Alpha three or four chords I can I can make my way around a bunch of different songs. I am not composing at that point. I'm just learning how to play guitar. And I'm learning the dumbest songs. I can first the simplest, the two chord song, moving into threes, and then I'm and then eventually I'm gonna start. Oh, okay, good. Here's a little riff and stuff like that, and until the point, but it's gonna take me a little while before somebody says, Wow, you really did a good job. So the same is true of, say, a painter, they'll go to a museum, they will set up their easel. And they'll just look at you know, you'll see these these painters, repainting the painters of other painters. they'll go and they'll go stroke for stroke that walk up to him and go, Oh, that's what he was doing. That's the brushstrokes in this little section. That's how he made the sunset look particularly bright. Excellent. And I'm not sure if I've mixed my colors, right? The same way that that guy did. That's it. Oh, that's what he's doing. The composition of this thing. Oh, great. I see four or five paintings that have the same kind of composition. These guys must have all studied each other. That's awesome. Now I have a greater understanding. I'm still not painting my own stuff. You know, I'm just learning about what what people do. So what I say is, okay, tell me one of two stories. I'll say the three little pigs or the or Goldilocks and three bears. Yeah. And you know, always my first question is what who's, who's the protagonist of Goldilocks and the Three Bears?

Scott Mcmahon 1:19:30
I know this only because I've heard you before if I go ahead,

Rob Edwards 1:19:36
Oh, excellent. Oh, I didn't know if I did it.

Scott Mcmahon 1:19:38
But this is good, but people please go ahead. Because this is such such. This is such a great aspect of your masterclass do I know but go ahead.

Rob Edwards 1:19:49
Yeah, right. And most people will guess Goldilocks, because the stories don't go like No, no, it is a it is a crime. Detective Story

Alex Ferrari 1:20:00
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Rob Edwards 1:20:09
Yeah, Billy logs goes in, breaks into a house, eats porridge sits in a chair. It eats all porridge, sits in a chair breaks it, and then sleeps in a person's bed. Yeah, so it is an active crime going on. And then three people return, three characters return. And, and one is eating well, one is eating one discovers something is wrong. Once it's down once it's down, one is oh my god or whatever. And then they they go pursue it. So the Baby bear is the is the protagonist of the story. Now go tell the story. But tell the story in, you know, what are you going to do with the story? Now, you know, now you have your own edge to it? Are you going to tell a story about a boy who really wants to go to sleep? Are you going to tell a story about a kid who's really hungry? Are you gonna tell a story about a kid with anger issues? Who is trying to hold it down? Whatever that angle is, you know, you have you now have the formula, you know the format. And you can go and tell tell that and then get good at that get good at telling that story of doing your cover of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Then once you're feeling that, now go start pitching your own stuff, you know, get that. And the way I look at it is you've just seen you just saw Star Wars you just saw, you know the JJ Abrams Star Wars. And as you were leaving the building, it burned down there was an oil fire the whole thing burned down. You know, all everything. And now everybody turns to you and said Oh, what was it? You know what happened? Yeah, a lot of people when they pitch they'll go, Okay, well, there's a ship, bigger ship. This kid comes in and he's taking out garbage. And then his kind of hipsters really mean soccer ball that, you know, does die, whatever. And it's like, no. How do you tell that story? You are the last lifeline of this of the greatest movie ever made? Yeah. How do you tell it and and have that behind you. But with a story that you already know, get comfortable with that if it's your tape, recorder, whatever, and then go, then you have that set of skills, and you're not pitching garbage. And you also are learning from those reps. This pitch is well, this does not pitch well. You know, this is the essence of storytelling. Most of the time, and I mentioned it before, most of the time, like right now I'm doing a little superhero thing. And I watched everything. It's everything. And I rewatched everything from the point of view of me making this new movie, and I'm taking notes on it like oh, great, you know, they spent a good Ironman spends a good long time, in the middle of the movie just becoming Iron Man. Yeah. Oh, yeah, man spends a good long time in the middle of that movie. In both, you know, first versions, you know, when, when Uncle Ben dies, spends a lot of time on the suit and the web and the thing, you know, the mechanics of becoming Spider Man, that's a big part of our enjoyment. They don't just put on the suit. Oh, here I go. It's, it's a big part of the journey. So great, I have to have that in mind. You know, and just kind of going through it, understanding it. And then when I pitch it, I'm pitching it like it's Star Wars. I just had this meetings a day or two ago. And I'll get up I'll run around the room. You know, I'm shooting stuff down or whatever, you know, I have this, this this total enjoyment, because I love these movies. You know, I want first I want them to make my movie. Bigger. But second, I can't wait to see my belief. You know, I can't wait to be in line, you know, for the nine o'clock show when the seven o'clock comes in. comes out. So I love that. That's my little soapbox. i i I'm glad I said it. And hopefully, like I say I hope it's valuable to your

Scott Mcmahon 1:24:25
It actually is extremely valuable because I have you know, with my podcast, I have just people will email me you know, occasionally and just this is asking advice or opinions. And I made a point to a young filmmaker. I said, if you kind of want to test yourself as a filmmaker, that whether or not you're a good director or not make a short film based off of some very famous short story that's in public domain. Something that has proven like that exists like an Edgar Allan Poe story. That's something that's like, Okay, this exists. This is a Historically, well known story, that it has all the elements in there that make it successful. So if you can, one write it, the Adapt adaptation of it. And then to if you're a director, you can test your directing chops that way, because it's all the elements are there, you know, the story's solid, you know, it's, uh, you know, short enough that you can make it within your means. And then if it falls flat, then you can go back and figure out why it fell flat because it then it puts you because you can't blame anything. Like, I can't blame this the story didn't work, or the screenwriter didn't write it right, or something like that. It's I mean, there's all these elements there of like you really, really want to test yourself as a director.

Rob Edwards 1:25:42
That's a good bet. And look at the look at the success out of Sundance right there. The birth of nations sold for 1474. Right. And that's, that was a take on the already established movie. You know, it's his riff. Yes. On this movie.

Scott Mcmahon 1:25:58
Can't wait to see it, because it's definitely a long overdue take on that movie.

Rob Edwards 1:26:02
Yeah, exactly exactly. Yeah. And it should, it should be fun. And that enhances the viewing of the movie. And I think too, yeah, with a lot of short films that I see, I'll always say like, what short films did you watch to inspire you to do this? Because most of the short films I've seen, especially the, you know, the, the good one, you know, the Pixar ones, and also the really good live action ones are very, very simple. One, one person or two, you know, in a relationship, and then that slowly evolves over time. There was a, you're talking about riffs on there was this YouTube thing that happened that I thought was great. Was the Power Rangers thing with a mafia? You saw that at the fan film? Or which one? Yeah, a fan film the Power Rangers fan film. I guess they had to take it down. Yeah, but it was fantastic. Oh, it was like, I'd never you know, this guy's take on Power Rangers. You know, the wink is of course, its power. Right? But it's a series Yeah. Vanderbeek and seven, like, Oh, this is, this is seriously enjoyable. This guy can, I can't wait to watch this guy make a movie, you know, the Deadpool trailer, you know, the little sizzle off of that, you know, that's a first time director. And now of course, the biggest the highest grossing, I take my first time director, it was, you know, it is something that we've seen before, you know, it's a thing. And the way he did it was just fantastic. And obviously like it because the other thing that I would put to that is the short story that you adapt should be one that you absolutely love. And the way that you do it should be you should be showing everything that you do great. You know, if you are a great cinematographer, it should be a beautiful movie. If you are great with character, it should be whatever if you're funny, you know, don't try to like funny if you're not funny, in a way, by all means, because one bad joke will kill you, you know, as far as the enjoyment of it. But yeah, if you can work if your best friend is a fantastic actor. Yeah, go? Do you know, get on him. Oh, call it every favor. You know, I give the speech at your wedding. Show up for do for an hour and a half and help me help me in my movie. Robert Rodriguez, we'll talk about that. Like don't do anything that you know, I have a friend that has a bar, I have another friend who owns a bus. Great, there's going to be a bus Chase, and part of this is going to take place in my friend's bar. Oh, awesome, then you know, production value goes through the roof. And you're on the map as a as a serious filmmaker?

Scott Mcmahon 1:28:53
No, yeah. And definitely like all those processes helps. The idea is to kind of keep yourself in check to keep humbled. So that, like you said, if you're to put yourself out there as a writer, as a filmmaker, as a storyteller, to utilize a brain trust kind of concept. Yep. You have to be willing to accept like to let go of what you've created, and know that it's not yours anymore. I think last year talked about that. He said that when they created Buzz and Woody, there was a point where they realized is no longer theirs. It's now they they have a responsibility to serve those characters. Honestly, and, and truthfully to the audience. You know, we're

Alex Ferrari 1:29:37
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Scott Mcmahon 1:29:47
And I think that's a concept very,

Rob Edwards 1:29:50
Very important because you have to, you have to listen, that people don't just give notes just for the sake of giving notes. Yeah, they're addressing their Pressing a problem, sometimes a problem took place pages before what they're addressing, you know, sometimes the wheels were off the wagon way before that was seen that drove everybody nuts. You know, it was a setup, it was the amp up to it. And, and you have to be open to that. I was giving notes to a writer who sent me something and said, Oh, I just want to hear your input. Okay, I'm gonna be tough. Oh, yeah, it's okay. And I gave him the notes. And it was, and you know, me, like, I like to talk. But it was, it was, I would say, four fifths him defending the thing that he had done. And only 1/5 of me giving the note. And I was like, Look, we're not gonna get anywhere with this. Because I'm not just giving you notes, because I want you to talk me out of it. You know, I know, your intent is on the piece of paper. If it is not clear, yeah, you work with it. You know, it's not just, you know, I will give this note but probably, you know, everyone that you give it to, will probably give them the same notes. And if they don't, they're not doing you any favors. But that but part of the process, when you're a when you're an artist, it hurts to get notes, it physically hurts you, you know, it's like somebody is roughing up your baby. And, and you just have to, I think was David, the guy who created family ties. He said, You just write down the note. That's all you need to do. Understand it, write it down. Then, you know, conclude the conversation, punch the pillows or whatever, you know, cry in the shower. And then and then go and look at the notes and say, Okay, what did i this will ultimately make it better. Some you'll just cross off and say, I don't care. I'll get this note nine times out of 10. Most of the time, it's like you don't want I didn't sell it. I just there was something you know, I My intention was to do this. I didn't. That's what threw him off. And in this spot, of course, you have to start off with the intention. Right? You have to start off with a strong motivated character. It has to be very clear what it is this the story that you're telling people get bored with plot they are excited with story with, you know, with the drive and the conflict. You know, even Aristotle talked about, you know, intention obstacle. Anyway, I was I was watching Downton Abbey, right? Because the last episode was on it. Oh, just into your committee do black kid from Detroit main demo. But it made me go back to the first episode. And watch that. So I'm watching that in the first three episodes on iTunes. And, and it's all there, you know, and Julian Fellowes in an interview, he says, Well, I was watching Westway. And I saw that how Aaron Sorkin crafted the characters in the pilot of West Wing. And I took that as my template. And then that's what I did in Downton Abbey. Interesting. Now, you would think those two shows are completely completely different. But as much realist as a writer who knows craft and love crafts, it's the same thing. So the flirtation between the you know, Carson, you know, this is, that's, that's there and, and the the little dynamics and just the sisters, all of that their, you know, progress is coming. I mean that the opening event is the Titanic, you know, goes down and kills dozens who would were set to inherit the estate and now it's, you know, this this other guy, so, like tears, right, this person is coming in. But he's lost the the waitress, this new person comes in, you know, it's it clocks along, but it's all still you know, it's all story. You're you're driving towards this thing that the world is changing. And the you know, the maid the head Butler in the in the Lord of the state are saying, Oh my God, I don't know what's, you know, what are we going to do? Yeah, and that's the tension in every episode. That's great. This is great storyteller. Right. And, and those are the tools that has nothing to do with the software. Yeah, exactly. Has nothing, you know, I don't care what method what if he's a movie magic that Julian Fellowes is writing? was writing it with a quill, you know, it is? It is it is great storytelling and, and that's what's going to, that's when it's gonna save you. You can film that thing, you know, with a cardboard box and it will be compelling television.

Scott Mcmahon 1:34:55
Yeah. Yeah. You know, you mentioned some things like clear is It is, you know, when you're giving notes or feedback or accepting that I don't remember where I heard this before, but I wanted to implement because somebody had asked me, like, just advice like me to give advice, like, when you're giving, like, when somebody read your script, I said, Well, one thing you can do to get constructive feedback. I don't I really don't know where I heard this before, but I thought was great was simply was simply, when you read the script, can you read my story? Can you tell me one? Is it clear? To if it is clear? Is it interesting? Maybe you did that way. That way? You're not there's no, there's no, like, you can't be defensive about it. It's just like, well, I read it. I wasn't sure about what happened here, or why the character did this. He goes where it is clear, but it felt like stuff I've seen before, you know, that way, it's not a personal attack on you like, okay, so that I can work on that note,

Rob Edwards 1:35:57
And that you can kind of police yourself on right? Yeah, that you I was working with Dan Fogelman, who had who had written cars, and love. And we were working on a dress up for Disney, live action animation hybrid. And one of the things that he said to me, which was great, he says, on every page, assume that the person reading it might be on a treadmill. And and that that person, you know, you have to make the intention, very clear, the obstacle, very clear, tell the story that you're going to tell clarity, clarity, clarity, because you don't want the note, that's one note that you can easily take off the table. It wasn't clear like one of the things that I I love to do, I'm there who likes to study writing, I like I'll listen to anybody who's talking about how they're how they you know, every everybody's lectures, everybody's series, I love that stuff. And one thing was this guy, the guy who wrote for weddings in a funeral, whose name is escaping. It also written Love Actually. And before that, he wrote this great series called Black Adder. And he was Rowan Atkinson's like kind of main guy. And, and one thing that he said is, you know, don't be afraid of riding on the nose. And he says one of the most famous lines and I think it's Love Actually, he says, he says he's sitting there, he's riding around it around and around it. He says, I'm just going to say what it is. It's habit. And he wrote the line. I'm just a woman talking to a man. Talking to a boy.

Scott Mcmahon 1:37:48
No, that's, I think average. Notting Hill, right with Julie Ross. Exactly. Yes. Oh, guys, you're right. Don't be afraid to write on the nose. It's such a great like simple advice. Like,

Rob Edwards 1:37:58
Yeah, then if it's, then if people don't like it, then fine, then that's a that's a whole separate conversation. But they won't go what what's going on? Age. I was like, they're kind of talking around something really good, whatever. And then it just lost me. Like, no, you know, that what is it? Like, you know, Darth Vader states his intention is pretty bad, you know? Yeah. Lions. Yeah, he's like, you know, I will probably, you know, he states his intentions. That's why that's one of those things that you know, you can dance around but you really have to hit at some point or another is, you know, what Pixar would call the I one song, you know, that nobody does. Everybody. sings and I want song in some way or another. Go.

Scott Mcmahon 1:38:45
I like that. Singing I one song. You know, I can't I talk to you for there's so much. I would love to. I would love to have another opportunity to have you come back on tubes. We could talk more. You know, the you're working with Aaron Sorkin and just other writing. You have your master's classes coming up? I mean, definitely make sure you have everybody has the links, and promote you know, Rob edwards.net. I know you're you're starting. That's the community.

Rob Edwards 1:39:11
And you can find me at I am Rob Edwards on Twitter.

Scott Mcmahon 1:39:17
Okay, great. Yeah. Let's do Oh, that's brand new. Perfect.

Rob Edwards 1:39:20
I was terrified of what I would do on Twitter. And finally, I said, okay, just put it away at 3am Yeah, don't don't I try not to Twitter too much. But But I most anything that happens it's of interest will be on there. Oh, fantastic. Okay. Yeah, all the blog posts, all that stuff.

Alex Ferrari 1:39:44
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Scott Mcmahon 1:39:53
Well, you know, as we wrap up, wrap all this stuff up. I can't thank you enough for Take your time, your generosity to share with me your knowledge, your experience and this aspect of the brain trust the or you have any sort of communal like writing group that has affected this, like that was really important to me because I'm trying to show to my audience like, I want to apply this stuff. So like, literally, I think the next episode I'll be doing for my podcast is a video hangout with some people I bring together to illustrate like, here it is, you know, a brain trust the my own version of a brain trust group put together on this trip that then working on?

Rob Edwards 1:40:40
I don't know. Yeah, exactly. With those improv, you know, yeah, the rules established the rules are clearly you know, yeah, hit the bigger problems first. It's a yes. And you know, what, if and, yes, and, yeah. And piling on and, you know, best idea, you know, no bad ideas. Just build, build, build, right? Um, yeah, that's, that's awesome.

Scott Mcmahon 1:41:04
I think just something so the people who see it, like, Oh, I see how that's working. And maybe they can stop before they settle on their story. Like, they can push themselves and it's really just, it's a call, it's a cry out a call to the rest of the independent filmmakers out there. Like, just because you can make it just don't make it just yet. You know,

Rob Edwards 1:41:25
Use the right tool, you know, don't always say what to say you're using the wrong tools, you know, just stay stay stay with you know, three about you know, index cards and post it notes and, and stuff and work the story. Don't lock it down sore and so early. It's like you don't shellac, a painting after the first stroke. Yeah. And use use other people. It's a told, we tell stories. A big part of apprentice in the front. We were pitching that thing all the time. Yeah, I love to pitch I will pitch people say, Hey, what are you working on? I will, you know, I'll just take over the party.

Scott Mcmahon 1:42:08
And well, let me tell you this.

Rob Edwards 1:42:10
Once upon a time, because I want to see if people are going to appeals eyes are gonna glaze over. Yeah, if people's eyes are gonna glaze over, I want to see him glaze over. If people are if people are leaning in. If people laugh at something, then the next time I tell that thing, I'm going to tell it's going to be twice as long to a Coliseum. And I'm going to avoid you know, just like the plague the part where people's eyes glazed over. And I can probably tell why their eyes his eyes glazed over. Yeah, it's that second question. It's, yeah, it was clear but not interesting.

Scott Mcmahon 1:42:50
Into okay. Yeah. It's, this is amazing. That's something.

Rob Edwards 1:42:55
Yeah. So, so awesome. So yeah, no, no, yeah, let please let me know when that happens. I can't wait to

Scott Mcmahon 1:43:00
Yeah, I'm putting together actually, it's funny because I wrote a book as an experiment, I was telling my audience in the podcast like, Hey, if you know, filmmakers are just we're making digital products. And a lot of authors for the longest time I've been writing digital products for Amazon. You know, you're just selling a digital product. So what are the mechanisms of like writing or creating something digitally? And then selling it? What are the marketing mechanisms of selling? So I said, I'll write a book and put myself as a guinea pig. So I did that last year, and put it on Amazon. And I've been selling it and seeing what works and what doesn't work. But part part of that process of writing the book, I also recorded an audio recording version of an audio book of it. And I was like, wait a minute, this is, I've seen this happen, because I know the blacklist has a podcast. And so I did an early version of my script, by recording it as an audio basically play by who's reading like, it's like an audio table read, but it's, you know, the listen to it. So the next I'm rewriting during the rewrites, and I'm going to read, I'll record it. And that's sort of my way of like, inviting my guests on who will be part of this makeshift mass. Sorry, brain trust group is like, you can either read the script, or you can listen to it, all the bells and whistles with the actors I've put in place and the audio cues and the music so you can have like an audio experience of it. And then that way, it's easier for them. Like you said, they're on a treadmill, they're in traffic, and they can listen to the story. And then that way, when they come to the table, they can tell me like, what worked what or what wasn't clear, or what was it and then we can take the brain trust meeting to the next level because hopefully, I have to do something to create that visual experience or an emotional experience. That's just not just the written word. That's my intentions.

Rob Edwards 1:44:49
Right. Exactly. And starting Yeah, starting with yourself. What I love about that is that you started with yourself as an audience. You know, what is the book I most want to read? And then you know, yeah, and then You started there. So so you know what it what it needs to be. You also did that, you know, kind of what I love the Tim Ferriss thing of like I'm a I'm a guinea pig. Yes, yes, I'm just gonna throw myself into this and see what happens. Which I think is a good life experience, like get used to getting bruised. Say it all the time to embrace the suck. All sucks, you're always going to hear somebody going like, oh, that's stupid. And, and you have to just say, No, it's stupid now but you know, in a couple of months, it won't be Yeah. If you tell if I if I get the right you know if I get the right stuff. So So yeah, so So put yourself you know, putting yourself in the in the mouth of the lion is a great idea. Yeah, that's gonna be a lot of fun. And you will, you will probably learn volumes from it because you'll have that that delicious legacies flops. Yeah, that's like, oh, no, this is embarrassing. And then you know, you always pull yourself out of the ashes. Everybody does.

Scott Mcmahon 1:46:00
Very, very cool. Hey Rob Thank you. Thank you so much. I can't thank you enough really.

Rob Edwards 1:46:06
Thank you for having me.

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BPS 329: How to Direct Nail-Biting Action Films with Con Air’s Simon West

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Simon West 0:00
Because all those incredible things you do, you're so busy stressing at the time and trying to do it. Sometimes it's hard to step back and go, Wow, what we're doing is really cool here. And this is, so I think there's try and enjoy it along the way.

Alex Ferrari 0:14
Today's show is sponsored by Enigma Elements. As filmmakers, we're always looking for ways to level up production value of our projects, and speed up our workflow. This is why I created Enigma Elements. Your one stop shop for film grains, color grading luts vintage analog textures like VHS and CRT images, smoke fog, textures, DaVinci, resolve presets, and much more. After working as an editor, colorist post and VFX supervisor for almost 30 years, I know what film creatives need to level up their projects, check out and enigmaelements.com and use the coupon code IFH10. To get 10% off your order. I'll be adding new elements all the time. Again, that's enigmaelements.com. I'd like to welcome to the show Simon West, how you doing?

Simon West 1:08
I'm very well how are you?

Alex Ferrari 1:10
I'm doing great, my friend. Thank you so much for coming on the show. As I was telling you earlier, I've been a huge fan of your work from the beginning of your feature world. And I actually see some of your music videos and commercials as well growing up. But, you know, there's very few action directors to do action like you do. So I'm excited to get into the weeds of your journey and of your process. So first question, my friend I have to ask you is why in God's green earth did you want to get into this insanity that is called the film industry?

Simon West 1:43
Well, I never really had any other idea of anything else I wanted to do. And you know, from about 12 years old, it was quite serious. But I have to say, I was really fascinated by film from like three or four years old, because my dad had an old Super Eight, camera and projector and it's one of my earliest memories of him putting the screen up in our kitchen and projecting, you know, home movies, and just the fascination of seeing the moving image on this screen in a dark room. You know, with them, the dust melting on the bulb and the smell of it and the smell of the screen and I still have that screen. And every time I open it, it's the same old smell takes me back to like being you know, four years old and seeing the whole movies. And so it stuck with me. So when I hit 12, and I was sort of, you know, could do something about it, I got you know, paper around and saved up my money and bought a little Super Eight film camera. And then it was all about saving up money for the film stock. Because in those days, you know, one roll of film, that was two and a half minutes long cost about the same as two music albums. So it was really expensive. So I never had a music collection growing up because all my friends you know, would have albums and collect vinyl. And I never did because every penny I'd saved went on movie film, you know, to make my little films and so I still don't really have a musical action. I mean, I've just about started to do, you know, Spotify, playlists and everything. But I've never owned physically a music collection. And I guess nobody does know everything is virtual. So but yeah, so as is one of my earliest memories. It's the only thing I ever wanted to do. I sort of started earnestly making stuff at 12. And then when I got to 16, I joined a I heard about a film club in the next city to me, which was Oxford. And they had 16 millimeter film equipment. And they were mostly, you know, graduates or postgraduates. And, you know, I went along as this sort of gawky, 16 year old kid, and they told me to use the 60 mil equipment. And so I started just shooting that myself and I went out on the streets of London and into the, you know, the subway and shot things down there. And I started shooting musicians who just played on the street, you know, busking for money, and I sort of combined music and film quite early on in that way. And then I was sort of interested in the musicians, but I was also interested in the way music played with film and it was always very, you know, evocative to me. So even though I never had a musical action, I always associated, you know, music and film the imagery together, and I managed the 18th to talk my way into the BBC, in their film department, and at that time, they weren't really there was one film school in in England, the National Film School and it was really hard to get into you had to be a graduate or postgraduate or you had to have been a journalist or you had to go on on a expedition through the jungle you had to offer them something quite accept shouldn't have to get in. And they only took 25 people a year, you know, which was a tiny amount. So there's, I didn't think there was any chance of getting into that. But luckily, the BBC took a, you know, there was one guy that I think that sort of saw a bit of himself in me that was a sort of precocious film, brat who knew everything about fit or thought they knew everything about film. And I certainly knew a lot technically, about how it worked. And, you know, I could talk endlessly about film. And, you know, I've been watching Truffaut films on, you know, my little black and white portable in my bedroom from you know, 12 years old. So I knew about, you know, different sorts of cinema out there and American cinema, French cinema, English cinema, and, but I also knew technically how to do it. So they kind of, you know, one of the questions was like, we don't usually take people your age, you know, you have to usually be in your 20s, at least to get in mid 20s. I said, Well, what are you going to do, if you don't get in, I said, Well, I'll just apply again, I'll just keep applying until you let me in. So they just obviously didn't want to be stalked, or 10 years. So they let me in and they train me. So I got this training by the BBC, in every department that was great at that time, they taught you film editing, photography, and everything about the lenses, everything about the lighting, how the sound was recorded, how the sounds mixed, everything technically, and then they send you to every department. So I started in documentaries, then I went to drama, and then arts documentaries, and news and current affairs, and they just rotate you around. And then when you find an area that you'd like, you can, you know, apply to stay there. And I ended up in drama, obviously, because that's what I wanted to do. And I worked with some great directors under them. But when I was there was like Mike Lee was, was there at the time, and in the film, who does very improvised drama. So I kind of, you know, tapped into that and realized how you can work with actors to get so much out of an actor. Rather than just sitting in your room, you know, bashing out the script yourself, if you actually get a group of actors together, you're going to come up with something really cool. So he told me a lot of that. And then also, there was the traditional BBC dramas, which you know, Sherlock Holmes, or Pride and Prejudice, or, you know, anything to do with Dickens or Emma, you know, Emily Bronte, or that sort of costume drama, which are very traditional. And then on the other hand, this sort of improvised drama, from Mike Lee, and, but also, I learned a lot from working in documentaries, and new current affairs, because documentaries taught me to make a story out of what you actually ended up with, not what you hope to get. Because often any sort of you plan a movie or film and, and you've, it's going to be perfect, and you're going to get all these great sequences, but what you actually end up with is sort of if you're lucky, it's you know, 50% of what you set out to get, and then you've got to make the best story you can out of what you actually ended up with. And documentaries is like that you turn up, you shoot, whatever happens. And then you look at this pile of stuff, and you go, okay, how can we make a story out of this material. So I use that a lot in my filmmaking, you know, that that sense of, don't, don't stress too much about what you were hoping to get. Just try and make the best of what you did actually get in some of it's better than you planned, you know. And then the other thing I did was, was in current affairs, I mean, I worked on a news program called news night, which is still running, that went out at 11 o'clock at night, and you'd sit around all morning, waiting for stories to come in. And then the afternoon, the story would come in, and you'd be editing all afternoon. And then you'd still be mixing the sound and everything as the show started. So quite often, you know, you were running down the corridor with the film on your arm as the anchor was announcing the film, and they were throwing on the machine and pressing go and it just made it and that taught me not to panic. Because, again, when you're shooting, things go wrong, you know, and some sometimes you're under a huge stress. I've been in situations with gigantic stunts. You know, some pretty famous ones on you know, in films like Khan era and everything where I've had 200 stuntman, a full size aeroplane, a full size building, it's supposed to collapse, and it's all supposed to happen in one go, I've had 17 cameras running, and it's something has gone wrong, and you just can't panic and you can't, you know, crumble and yeah, that sort of broadcast news, as it were, that I worked on taught me how to you know, how to how to keep a steady head in the situation like that.

Alex Ferrari 9:59
So it's so it's fascinating hearing your story is that you, it looks like you went through almost a bootcamp early on very early on and covered almost every aspect of the tool sets, you picked up so many tools that you put in your toolbox, that your directors toolbox, by the time you started to actually direct, you would have been doing it in a sense for a long time, the skills like the broadcast news, which, which doesn't specifically, you know, translate to cinema, but yes, it does translate the cinema. So it kind of you were kind of being groomed, you know, by the universe, if you will, to, to do the kind of films that you are doing have been doing throughout your career.

Simon West 10:42
Yeah, you know, I was very lucky in that sense that I did end up. And it wasn't just then it was later when I went through music videos for a little bit, and then commercials, particularly, which then gave me another set of skill sets and experience and it's flying hours, you know, there's that old adage, you know, to be an expert, you have to do something for 10,000 hours. And so if you can arrive on set, you know, with 1020 30 50,000 hours of flying time, you're going to be in a much better position. I mean, I started in editing, which is particularly lucky, because that is definitely a great learning for directors, how to construct the story, and how what you actually need and how you can cheat and how you can, you know, give yourself some slack and not have to shoot every single thing you think you need. Because, you know, in editing, you can, you can help. And so editing was definitely a great start. And then, you know, when I went, as I said those, those various, you know, BBC situations, was that one set of experience, but then when I went into commercials, you know, that's working at a very high level, all over the world. So I'd be up a mountain, you know, one day, then I'd be underwater the next I'd be, you know, hanging out of a helicopter or racing cars or, and then I sort of move towards, I guess what it was I particularly look, how do I get into feature films it's like, so I looked for role models. And so in England, all the big directors went through commercials. So as Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, who has an Adrienne line, Alan Parker, all these guys who ended up making films in in England, and then Hollywood, had gone through commercials. And so I deliberately targeted commercials, because it was a very high end kind of training. And in, especially in England, a very kind of big budget glossy, very well made often better made than the shows in between them, you know, and that's, you know, TV was very cheap and cheerful in those days in the UK, but the commercials were very high end. You know, it's caught up. Now, of course, you know, TV is as good as movies, if not better sometimes. But so I targeted those type of people and that type of thing. So I ended up making a test commercial I shot, I deliberately shot a music video for a band, and I put in, I put in a little story in it. So I had to do the typical playing the instruments, and I was never, you know, a big music video director was really, you know, a way of paying the bills while I got into commercials, and then and then into movies. But so I deliberately made this little story in the in the music video. And then after I'd done that, I took it out, and I cut it down into a test commercial. And I had this, you know, test commercial that I sort of took with me when I got on the plane to the states. And the company I was working with in London had a la office and they said, Do you want to try and work out to the LA office because there was no work in the UK that time was absolutely dead. So I went over with sort of $400 in my pocket and this fake commercial and started you know, touting it round, and it sort of started to get interest. And by sheer coincidence, it was sort of comedic. It was a funny, it was a fake comedy beer commercial. And so then I started just getting offered comedy, which was very convenient, in a way because it was it was the commercials that had actors dialogue. It wasn't just cars driving through pretty forest amount into models on the beach. It was you know, it was a little story in itself so I could attract his my, my art and so I just started doing comedy commercials and they got you know, bigger and bigger and then ended up sort of doing Super Bowl commercials for you know, the Budweiser is. So like Budweiser frogs and then the Pepsi commercials and they started to get a lot more attention and you know, this was You know, the big budget, you know, there was spending about as much as in an independent little independent film on these 32nd commercials. So again, you know, I got used to having the big toys as it were, but it still wasn't a movie, you know, it's still only 30 seconds, it's still not a movie. So I'm still desperate and hungry to get into the, you know, legitimate filmmaking. And, of course, with the with the high profile Superbowl commercials, I started getting calls in the studios. And so, I got the call from Columbia offering me a romantic comedy, because they obviously thought, Oh, well, he does comedy. So we'll do that. And then I got a spy thriller from a UK company. And then I got the call from Jerry Bruckheimer, who said, you know, I've seen your commercials are really impressed and come in for a meeting. And let's, you know, talk about possibly making a film together. And so, of course, I, you know, rushed into that and had the big meeting with Jerry, you know, on the giant desk, you know, and that, you know, in some ways, the rest is history, but it was, it was a, you know, it was an awesome meeting. And I had to, he basically had a wall of scripts behind, it was in the days when scripts are printed on paper, and every producer would have a stack of them in their office with the titles. But Jerry didn't have just a pile, he had a wall of them, you know, there's probably a couple of 1000 scripts, and he turned around, he pulled three off which it looked like it was random, but I'm sure he knew exactly which one. And he threw them across the desk and said, Look, read those this weekend, and tell me which one of the one you want to make as a movie. And two of them were they were all action films, basically. Because that's what Jerry did. You know, he did, he did those seven films, two of them are pretty straight forward, you know, felt, you know, a bit cliched kind of action moves. But the third one was, was a film called Khan air. And I read this and it was quite a small film, it was like a character driven film, but the characters were so good. And even the names of the characters were cool, like Sally can't dance and Cyrus the virus and you know, that it just hooked me right, just for reading that I would have done it just for the name of the characters basically. And so I went back and I turned down the romantic comedy, I turned down the spy thriller, and I said to Jerry, out of these three I want to make on air. And he said, Well, it's, you know, it's very small film. And we need a summer blockbuster. So you got to go away, and turn this small character film, because we've written by Scott Rosenberg, who did, you know, things to do in Denver, when you're dead and beautiful girls, which are fantastic, but very small, you know, beautifully made, you know, character based films. And this was the same thing. And Jerry wanted a summer blockbuster. So I had to go away and sort of invent all these big events and sort of blow them up and make them you know, larger than life. And just, every couple of weeks, I'd go in, he said, Yeah, we've got to make it bigger, make it bigger. And so I just, you know, had a field day, just going in and sort of say, okay, how can we make this thing even bigger and more ridiculous than it was before? And, and that's, that's what you ended up with? That's why kinda looks like that.

Alex Ferrari 18:23
No, it's fascinating on air is one of those films that it's just one of those movies that sticks, it sticks with you for I mean, especially with that generation, when it came out. I saw it in the theater and, and it's, it's, you know, it's built a life up on its own over the years. And, you know, there's, there's so many legendary stories I hear, I heard, I heard Danny Trejo, I was watching a duck, recent documentary with him. And there was a story of him being on set with Con Air. And there was, obviously a lot of testosterone on that set. A lot of testosterone and all the actors are trying to, you know, I'm super tough, and I'm super tough, and I'm super tough. And Danny was quiet in the corner. And Nicolas Cage came up to the group because it was all of them sitting around trying to one up each other and how tough they are, and how scary they were in real life. And Nicolas Cage came up with this, the only one I'm scared of, is Danny, and Danny hadn't said a word. And it is like, what I do what I do, because it was that look that he had.

Simon West 19:25
But ironically, Danny was like the sweetest of the whole group to deal with, you know, it was like an inverse proportion. The tougher you were the nicer you were, you know, and it was, it was it was all the guys had never been near a prison. Were the ones that were or even a fight for that matter. Yeah, I mean anything but you know, but you can imagine Yes, there were 400 men in the desert for like three months. And I think there were like, at that time, there was only two women on the crew and it you know, so it did go a bit crazy because Have you get full 100 guys in the desert? Nothing to do in the sun beating down on you? Everyone did go a little bit Apocalypse Now.

Alex Ferrari 20:07
And now how did you how and how do you, you know, on a film like that, you know, it's your first big Hollywood production. You're working with Jerry Bruckheimer. This is your dream shot. So I'm assuming there's some pressure on you. Yeah, you've got, you've got 50,000 hours, you got 50,000 hours of airtime? There's no question. But you're at the show. This is the show at this point in your career. And if this fails, yeah, it's over. It's over?

Simon West 20:30
Absolutely. Well, I mean, I, I had done 50,000 hours, but short hops, you know, local local flights that were, you know, the longest shoot I'd been doing was, you know, two days, three days. This was 100 day shoot. And so by day, 30, I was, you know, down and out, I'd hit the wall, I was like, 30 days, because it was a giant production. And, you know, I was naive, I went in thinking, Oh, this is this is completely doable. And it was around day 30, that I just went, I don't sure if I can make it to the end. But you know, after a while, you sort of buckled down and it becomes a day job. And you and you start to think this is this will never end anyway, I'm just going to do this every day for the rest of my life, it's so long, there's so much work to do that, it's very odd when it finishes, because you you suddenly takes you by surprise. But yeah, there was a lot of pressure, I didn't realize that, because I was naive to you know, move, you know, the Hollywood films that they have, the studio has a list of your replacements already drawn up before, when you start filming. So if in the first two weeks, you completely screw it up, they already know who they're going to go to replace you with? Really, yeah. Afterwards, but, you know, I would be, I would have felt even more pressure than that. But I mean, you know, they, they protect you from that. So they don't want to, you know, completely crush you. So, you know, but it was tough getting people to take you seriously with the first film of that size. Because some crew members I had worked with, in commercials, you know, so they knew that I sort of knew what I was doing. But a lot of them, you know, was like, Who is this guy, they've given this massive film to on the first thing. So a lot of people I did have to, you know, come up against and go, you know, well, this is what's happening. And, you know, this is my first film, but you have, you basically have to follow the orders, because they've given me this responsibility. And we are doing this. And so let's say you know, 50% of people were very supportive. And then 50%, were a little tougher.

Alex Ferrari 22:34
Really, and that's, and that's something that a lot of directors don't understand when they first get on set is that when you know, I remember being the youngest guy on set as a director, and you know, the DP is 20 years older than me or the grips, or 20 years older than me or the production. And then they all have this experience. And they test you and they and a lot of them. They just feel like, oh, this kid doesn't deserve this shot, things like that. So I can only imagine at your level, the kind of I mean, this was a lottery ticket, someone literally handed you Jerry Lee handed you a lottery ticket. And I'm sure you had to deal with it. How do you overcome those egos on set those, that kind of those kind of barriers when you're working with crew members, maybe even keys, you know, like your DP or like your productions or, you know, keys who are fighting against your vision as a director, how do you handle that?

Simon West 23:26
Well, luckily, I mean, I didn't have that situation, because I, you know, I brought my own DP, my own production designer. And so my core crew were people I knew and trusted and supported me. And it was, it's more the peripherals that were, you know, you'd come up against, but all I could do was do a professional job and also don't, don't have any ego because, you know, I think that's what gets people's backup as if they sense that what you're doing or what your your decisions are based on ego rather than what's best for the film. Basically, everybody there is a passionate filmmaker, and wants the best film possible. And, you know, that's why people go into the film business is because they're really interested in it. And I was I loved the idea when I did a big complicated crane shot, you know, and it took a while to get that I'd run over to the monitor to see how it went. But and I'd look around and there'd be 20 people looking over my shoulder because you know, the grips wanted to see if they did a good job the camera focus wanted to see if he did a good job and and everybody you know, actors came in to see what they done. So everybody basically wants to do a really good job. So if if they sense that you're the same, and you're just there to make the best film, then they forget whether you've done five films or no films and and it's only if it's if a director brings his ego on set and is trying to demand respect through you know, position or you know, and it's just flexing muscles and usually Uh, you know, it's a, it's a cover for insecurity, I think, you know, they, they're panicking and they don't know what they're doing. And it comes out as ego. And it's the same with difficult actors. Usually, I found that actors are that are really talented. And luckily, you know, I came in at a very high level. So I'm dealing with, you know, people that have won Oscars, and I've got 30 years of experience, and I've done and these people are very talented and operating a very high level in their field. And when people are good at something, they're usually very secure in it. And, and so they're not, you know, they don't, they're not difficult, it's, it's usually when someone's very insecure, and what they do and think they're faking it, or they think they're not very good that they end up being a problem, because they're sort of diverting attention from what they think is their failings. So I haven't, you know, out a problem like that with, with all those big guys, you know, whether it's Nick Cage, or John Malkovich, or John tussock, all those guys didn't have a problem at all, because they were very good at what they did. And so they were very comfortable in playing in that world. And also, we created a really, you know, it was a fun, it was a fun film to make, because, you know, you get to see those great lines. And all these actors, which basically independent film, they, you know, they're used to doing costume dramas, or little Indies in motel rooms. And suddenly, they're on this giant film set. And Malkovich has got a pump action shotgun in his hand, and is shouting, you know, crazy lines. And they're having the time of their life. So why would you be and also they're being paid four times more than they've ever been paid. Because, you know, Jerry's got the massive checkbook. So that's how I ended up with such a great cast is because Jerry just said, just pick all your favorite actors. And when you've got that huge, you know, big brother of him and the studio behind you, you can, no one can say no, really, because it's a really fun, you know, enterprise, it's great script. And they're being paid handsomely, that everybody is there, you know, for a very good reason. They're having a really good time. So, it wasn't as bad as people think. Like, suddenly you've got 20 big actors, they're all going to be complete pain in the ass. You know, occasionally one person has a bad day or something, I'm sure, like we all do. But generally speaking, you know that everyone was enjoying it. And you know, I mean, it's the waiting around. To be honest, the work is never the problem. Set up the way sometimes, that's when people get oh, do I have to wait another, you know, for this lighting or this set or the stump to be set up? The actual acting they love to do so as long as you can give them a thing to do. They're, they're happy.

Alex Ferrari 27:39
So I have to ask you, there's one scene this gun in Canada that I there's many but there's one that I really have to ask you. This is a stunt. And I think I know it's practical. But I have to ask how the hell you did it? Which is the plane dragging the Corvette in the air and smashing into the tower? Yes, well that was that's practical right.

Simon West 28:27
Yes, it mostly because the thing is that, you know, kinda remember when it was made, there was CG around but it was very expensive. And it was a you know, it was it was only Jurassic Park or and people that could afford it. And, or to make it look good. And I was always, you know, a devotee of doing it for real and in front of the camera and seeing it. And so there's almost no CGI in a con. It's all done in front of the camera, the full scale. Well, we did do quite old school miniatures. So yeah, a lot of fun. So, you know, we did we flew a real plane over Vegas with smoke pouring out the back of it. And there were endless phone calls to the police of people saying there's a plane crashing over Vegas. And it's, you know, smoke pouring out of it. So, you know, we did things like that for real. And then we actually did for the you know, hitting the hard rock that was a massive model. So it was beautiful scale model that was probably 30 feet across this plane into a you know, 3050 foot version of the hard rock guitar. And we built the whole Vegas strip in miniature on Van Nuys Airport. So, you know, we had all the buildings with miniature neons and they're all about you know, 12 feet high. And we had radio controlled cars going up and down the strip and then fine Oh, I mean, it was absolute, you know, right for for, you know, kid in the sandbox kind of feel And then a lot of Israel, we had a plane that actually drove down Vegas Strip, it had a bus in it, they gutted out a real plane, put a bus in it, and they could actually drive it down the Vegas Strip without any wings on it and hit cars and things like that. And then the final one, the final one was another play, we had about three real planes. And the final one was the one that crashed into the Sands Hotel, which, you know, it's kind of a well known story, but Sands was going to be blown up. And, you know, I originally was going to, I wanted to hit the casino opposite the one with the volcano. And because I wanted, because it had a big lake, and I wanted to crash the plane into the lake, I had, and then it go underwater, I had a whole underwater sequence worked out, and then it would hit the volcano and the volcano would explode. And it was all going to happen. And then Steve Wynn who, who ran that, that hotel showed me around, and I saw how the volcano worked. And I show how the water pumps work. So every aspect of we planted all that. And then he said, Just send me the script, you know, and for the final sign off, so I sent him the script, and then I get a call back saying, Oh, we you can't crash into our, you know, this script is to, you know, don't we're a family organization, because at that time, Vegas was trying to portray itself as you know, as a family resort. And so they didn't, you know, with a bunch of criminals crashing into the thing was not what their image wanted to be at that time. So sorry, but you know, you could go and do it's bad for image. So suddenly, I had no location, but then I was reading the LA Times on a Sunday, and I saw they were blowing up the Sands Hotel. And in a few weeks, so call them up. Last night, I said, Look, can you delay blowing up the hotel for a couple of weeks while we build a whole set in front of it and put a huge plane on a ram and send it into into your casino and they agreed. So you know, there was a mad rush to build this rig wear for size plane was rushed down a ramp into the Sands Hotel. And as we were building it, they were slowly nibbling away at the back of the casino, knocking more and more of it down until it was just you know, the front part left. And we finally got it done in time. And it was a one shot. That was one of those classic Hollywood, you know, I couldn't shoot it in parts like you would normally do with an action film, because it was one plane and it was one casino. And once that plane was moving, there was nothing going to stop it. So that's when I had the 17 cameras, all hidden in bushes and inside the plane and inside the casino. And, you know, we and, you know, the night came and they closed off the strip and 5000 people lined up to watch it. And they pressed the button. You know, as the sun was coming up, and this thing went down the this 50 ton plane went down the ramp and the cable that was pulling it snapped at the last minute. And it just stopped on the edge of the ramp on the ramp and it was teetering. And if it went over, it would smash itself to bits and that we couldn't even those that buy another aeroplane, certainly not in that time or anything. But luckily it just sort of stopped and teetered on the edge and didn't go over. So we had to sort of D rig D ring all the cameras and come back the next night and set it all up again. And but you know most of those things were done in camera that the the Corvette hitting the everything in that sequence is real. Apart from the the wide shot of it being dragged through the air, because that was kind of aerodynamically impossible, it would have just hung down. And I was wondering about that probably crashed the plane or something. So that's the only CG shot in the whole thing. Everything else is either real, you know, full size real or miniatures.

Alex Ferrari 34:01
That's insane. That's absolutely insane. So I have to ask you, I mean, as directors, you know, we always there's always that one day on set, that the entire world is coming crashing down around us. And we feel like we're never gonna make it. It sounds like every day was like that for you on Khan air or in many of your movies. Is there any any day that stood out its situation where you're like, Oh my God, I don't think we're gonna make it through this day. And what was that thing? And how did you get over and it could be on Connor or any of your films.

Simon West 34:29
Yeah. Well, I mean, apart from that one thing that it was, was probably I guess it was, I mean, it did happen a lot. You know, because we were doing complicated, fiddly stuff that was in camera. We couldn't fix it with CGI or painting out I think it had to work. And then there was another incident I'm gonna guess which was the fire truck sequence at the end. There was supposed to be in Vegas, but I think Vegas was so sick of us by that time because we were moving from street to street and blowing stuff up and crashing and they said, Look, you know, they, they sort of stopped us giving us permits, basically. And so we had to sort of scuttle back to LA. And, and I had to sort of do the sequences, firetruck scenes where you had to hide that it wasn't Vegas, and I couldn't, as I said, Now, you would just paint a CGI city behind it. So I thought, how can I hide that I'm in LA. So I thought, well, we'll do it in the tunnel. So I went to the like the third or fourth Street Tunnel, which number is but in downtown LA. And of course, there's no tunnel in Vegas at that time. But you know, we've we fudge that we say, Okay, this is this is a tunnel. And, and so we'll have the fire truck, you know, race through this. And then in the city said, Okay, you can have from 10pm to midnight? Because, in fact no, I think it was it was 5pm to 10pm because of the noise and all that something. And so it's basically at five hours to shoot this one big stunt which was basically diamond dog on the motorbike getting dragged into the that was standing on the back of firetruck, and Nick cages on a police motorbike, and he writes into the back of the fire truck jumps on the fire truck, and the motorbike explodes on the back of the fire truck taking out being Rames as diamond dog. And it was all set up. And and the idea was that by this time, we were sort of down from the usual 17 cameras only had seven cameras for this get to the end of the shoot and you're starting to run out of money and and it's slightly smaller stuff. But it still was a one off thing. And it was the fire truck going into the tunnel, the the motorbike being dragged into the back of it on a rig and then the explosion happening and had seven cameras set up. And of course the cameras get set up, you know, nice and quickly. They're all in position. But the rig the complicated rig to do this, we can't start rigging until five o'clock. So and we have to be off the street by 10. So the special effects guys are building the rig they're putting the cables in, they're putting the explosions in the explosives in there. They're rigging the bike, they're rigging the fire truck, the stunt men are practicing and and it's going it's going five o'clock, six o'clock, seven o'clock, eight o'clock, nine o'clock, and we've got to be off by 10 Every hour, I'm going to the especially Are you ready? Are you ready? And there's nearly nearly really, and I swear to God, no kidding. Five to 10. And we're supposed to be off at 10. He said, Okay, we're ready. And, but and so then all hell breaks loose. So the camera guys are all over by the coffee truck. Because they've been standing there, you know, for you know, four and a half hours doing nothing. So they're all eating, you know, doughnuts and coffee, they're not next to their cameras. And the guy, that guy the stunt guy in the fire truck has fallen asleep. Because you know, he's been sitting in that truck waiting to go for five hours. And so the ad the first assistant director picks up the radio and says down the radio because we got five minutes to do this to the radio to the guy, the standby shouts on the radio, are you ready to go. And the stung Oh hit all he hears is go. He waited up, pushed his foot on the accelerator and heads off down. And this thing is all automatic. So once that fire trucks rolling, it's also dragging the motorbike that is rigged to explode when it hits that there's no stopping it once it's going. So the so I rush over to the monitors and shout to the camera guys, you know, it's rolling as running, you know, go go go. So they all start running from dropping their coffee cups everywhere running to the cameras. And out of the seven cam out the seven cameras.

Some of them, like one gets an operator gets there but no focus puller, then another one gets the operator and a focus puller. Then there's three cameras that are rigged on the actual truck and the motorbike that are all rigged to one button and an assistant runs over presses that button. And those three cameras go so I go okay, I've got three automatic cameras. I can see those running on my monitor. I've got one camera on a crane. There's that slightly out of focus because there's no camera. There's no focus pull on that one. And I've got another guy that has a operator and a focus. So I've got, I've got as for good angles, this is going to be Oh, I'm supposed to have seven but I'll settle for four. And this thing is racing down the road. And that that moment the first assistant runs down the road, trying to stop the firetruck go stop, stop, stop. So there's the assistant camera on the three cameras that were on one button hears the word stop and presses the stop button on the three cameras. So I went for Four and a half cameras to now I'm down to one and a half cameras running. And just as he does that, it happens the the motorbike hits the fire truck explodes, boom, I've got I've got one shot, and and one slightly out of focus shot. And that's what's in the movie. You know, that's what you have to do you have to go,

Alex Ferrari 40:21
You gotta roll, you gotta roll with it. It's so it I love hearing stories like this, because so many, you know, so many young filmmakers coming up, they just like think, oh, you know, it's Hollywood, there's a big budget movie, everything's running like a well oiled machine. Shit happens at every level all the time, because filmmaking is one of the most complicated situations.

Simon West 40:44
And everything you do is the first time it's been done in that particular configuration. Yeah, we've all done stunts and shots a bit like that. But it's never been done on that street with that amount of equipment, isn't that right? And so it's a sort of handmade, everything's handmade each time? You know, and, you know, and it's, it's difficult. It's so it goes wrong, you know.

Alex Ferrari 41:06
So let me ask you, you've I mean, you've directed so many amazing action movies and action sequences throughout your career. What makes a good action sequence? Like when you're conceding the the construction of an action sequence? What is what are some key things that you constantly are looking for when you're building it?

Simon West 41:26
Well, yeah, I get asked that a lot by, you know, young filmmakers coming up and want to know, because they watch a lot of action films now. And it's hard to dice, you know, discern what is better about some than others, in some ways? Or, you know, is it the bigger explosion is it the, you know, the, you know, the more hits in the fight, but to me, I was telling you that basically, with an actress he was you got to tell a story. That is that's within its the works within itself. So, you have a whole film that you, you're telling your story, you're beginning, your milling, middle and your end, but you should do that with every action sequences, as well. So make sure the audience understands what's supposed to happen in the action sequence, because I think sometimes, we will think just like, if we shake the camera a lot, if we have a lot of chaos, and it just goes on and on and it's really loud, then that will be satisfying. And that, to me is not a satisfying action sequence, you want to have a lot of cause and effect, because you're going to understand, like, your hero needs to get from here to there. And these are the obstacles in the way. And, you know, this is the first obstacle that hits him, you know, have you shot this in a way that your audience understands what that obstacle is? And then he is clever, or physically, you know, has enough prowess to get past that obstacle. But there's another one coming in at the end, you know, do you have three to five depending you know, what kind of sequences but that to me the clever, the clever, those obstacles and the clever the way that he overcomes them, the more satisfying it is, but you got to understand it as the thing you've got, the audience has to understand, oh, he, he was victorious in that moment. But okay, but he's not going to be in this because I can see why this is difficult. And, you know, I think one of the good ones I think, I would say for students to watch is, is Terminator two. There's some great, great constructive, because, you know, James Cameron is like me is a bit nerdy on the technical stuff and likes, you know, likes how the physics works of an action sequence and how the practical sides like what would happen if a if a truck flipped on its side like this? How far would it slide? If it slid? And then it it one end of it hits something? How would it spin? And how would you know, what's a cool way to get out of the way of that thing spinning? And so you, you can, if you're a bit nerdy about physics, action sequences are great, because they're all about cause and effect. And you have the sort of emotional journey of how does the hero overcome it, but you can also have, for me, it's more like, you know, the mechanics as well as the MacGyver of it, you know, it's like, set up a problem, how do you fix it? But I think, you know, if you watch something like, you know, the sequences in Terminator two, that's a really good lesson, and you understand every single thing that happens in it, nothing's too, you know, obscure or too fast, or you don't understand what happened or it happens for no reason, just like there's an arbitrary, something arbitrarily explodes for no reason. There's something only explodes if explains how that thing, you know, fired into it, and why did it catch fire? And then when it caught fire, what did it then do? So to me, if you took out an action sequence, that of an action film, you should be able to understand everything that goes on in it, and it could it could play as a short film, you know, you should be able to take the action sequence and go, Oh, here's my, here's my two minutes short film. And, you know, what do you think of the story and you should understand it.

Alex Ferrari 44:52
Now, you also worked on another another film called Expendables. To which man when I I heard you were on board for the sequels like this make this makes sense. This makes sense. Because no slide did the first one. And, you know, and I mean, so there's just a lot a legend and you know, as a writer, as a director, I mean, he's Yeah, he's a walking legend. How was it? I went, this is the thought that went through my head when I heard you were on and I'm like, Okay, this makes sense. They need someone like Simon to deal with the testosterone that's on that set. It didn't. I mean, you're talking about Vaughn, Dom and Lungren and Stuart Snagger, and Willis and in state and all these guys, how did you approach directing? That kind of, I mean, some of those guys are absolutely legends. And some of them are just just really big action heroes. How did you approach because it's just seems like so massive, and an undertaking just dealing with that. And then also trying to tell the story, and also trying to one up the action of the first one, and so on and so forth.

Simon West 45:55
Yeah, well, I mean, the first thing was sort of, you know, getting past the sly of it all. Because, because I, you know, I, I met sly, you know, and had, you know, had lunch with them. And I said, Look, you know, are you okay, with me taking over this, because, obviously, you know, what you're doing, you know, and, but I think the first one nearly killed him. So, you know, when he, you know, if you're writing it, directing it, starring in it, and, you know, it's just a lot to do. And, you know, and he's throwing himself at it. I think he just didn't want to go through that again. And he said, No, no, you know, it's your film, you do what you want. And he, you know, so he said, I'm just an actor on this. And so, you know, and I said, Look, I don't want to screw up your franchise, you know, I don't want to, you know, you set it up the first one, and I come in, and, you know, put it, you know, in the trash can. So, you know, it's probably more pressure, then, you know, a normal studio hire, because, you know, the guy that started it is on the on set every day, but he was really supportive, you know, and he would come on set and go, Wow, this is great, this is the set, this is better than the first one is this. And I think he was so relieved not to have to solve all the problems and not have to, you know, do the hours, and he enjoyed being an actor on it, you know, and so he gave a very relaxed to the funny performance because he was in enjoying it. And, and I think we know, in terms of all the others, you know, there's definitely a pyramid on set with sly at the top of it. So, you know, I used that sort of the slight, you know, power to it. So it was never a problem. Because if sly was happy, everyone was happy, because, you know, they all look up to him. He is the Godfather, you know, of that world. And so he got, he gets a lot of respect for them. And so they, they were as good as gold. They were, they were like, very well behaved. And because because it's like,

Alex Ferrari 47:48
slap, slap, slap, slap, em around.

Simon West 47:52
They never had to but, you know, the, the inference was, you know, if anybody stepped out of line, they weren't gonna get the slice slap, but you know, and then you're gonna have you know, Rambo, you know, screaming in your face. And, you know, all these other characters, Rocky, Rocky, yeah, you want me? Do you want Rocky and Rambo shouting at you and your face? So no, they weren't, they were good. And also, they were, you know, like, a lot of like, like music bands that, you know, bands that were big in the 80s and 90s, they were coming back touring. And now they're happy to be back, because they probably didn't enjoy it as much as they should have the first time around, because they're so busy trying to be successful and trying to deal with a new, what's it like being a movie star and all that stuff, that they get a second chance to come back, and they're gonna really enjoy it and appreciate it, because they went through all that once. But the fact to be able to do it again, you know, not many people get to do that in their, you know, later years, the thing that was they did in their youth that was there, you know, define them. So, they I think, you know, they were having, you know, a really good time just to be doing it again. And so it was it was fun for them.

Alex Ferrari 48:59
So yeah, so you'd ever had an issue because I mean, I've heard of other directors who work on sets with directors who they're directing. And just as alone, let alone the person created everything around it, and also a legend and also all this other stuff. So it sounds like you've never had any slight slight was just like I don't want to deal with it. Just I just want to do what I do. And you have fun. And as long as I'm good.

Simon West 49:23
And hopefully hopefully it was I was doing a good job. And that was mainly hopefully it was he was, you know, why he was you know, kind and respectful was because he could see that it was going well. I mean, I think if I'd been like, you know you're up, I would have heard about it very quickly. But yeah, and and also I have found I've directed a few directors and producers in the past and I found actually, they're actually very easy because they know the pain you're going through. They're empathetic. They go like You know, I'm not gonna give this guy a hard time because I, I know what it's like when an actor gives you a hard time. And I know he's got 50 Other things on his brain this morning, and he's got, you know, budget problems. And he's got, he hasn't slept for two months. And so I've found people that have been behind the camera actually treating much better than people who have no idea and I've done it the same myself when I've gotten in front of the camera for like little cameos or something for other people's films or mine, and I'm, and I've looked at the camera, and I've looked at the lights, and I go, Oh, my God, how did these actors do it? This is really hard. Oh, you know, and we get, you get, you know, suddenly you you cut them a lot more slack because you realize how confusing it is to be on the other side of the camera staring at 200 People in lights and you know, and you have no idea who's standing behind you or next year or it's very confusing. So I think it goes both ways. But I actually, I direct in generals daughter, John Frankenheimer. And, you know who was a hero of mine. And he, it was by sheer chance that he when I was shooting, that film on the Paramount lot. We were doing a night, we built a giant tank, that the Paramount lock their whole parking lot is a tank. So what they do is they everyone did not park there anymore. And they have a skydrop ride and you can actually flood the whole parking lot. And we were a night shoots. We built a giant tent over the parking lot and put our, you know, Savannah set in this swamp that we built in there. And John Travolta is in there having a big fight, you know, and doing water work. And because it was everybody that visited the Paramount lot for a couple of weeks, they see this giant black tent where they used to park. So all they would do they would come up to 10. And they poked their heads through to see what was going on. So every day, there would be different people poking and you know, like Robert De Niro's head pokes through, then, you know, like, all you know, famous actors, producers, everybody wants to know what the hell's going on in this black 10. So we've got, I wish I'd taken a camera, you know, set up a time lapse of everybody's coming through this hole. And anyway, one day was John Frankenheimer, and he knew most neufeldt The producer, so he came in and had a chat. And I was looking at him and he was and we were at I needed this one part that was a, a Jet A senior general in the army, but it was only at one scene, it was only you know, one and a half page scene, but the guy had to appear very important and a lot of weight and, and it's the sort of thing you do want to call in a favor. You know, if your powers with Robert De Niro Al Pacino, you go, like, can you come and do me a favor and do one scene because I need your gravitas. And but I was looking at John Frank and I'm and this statuesque guy was like six foot five or something. And he was very authoritative. And he's one of those old school Hollywood directors a huge shelter and a big, you know, guy, and he's done all these amazing films. And I thought, Well, I wonder if he would do it. And so I asked him, and he said, Yeah, he, you know, he hasn't really done any acting or much acting, I don't think but he agreed to do it. And he, he came on set. And he got in the uniform and you know, had the hair and makeup done. He said, you know, how do you want to shoot this this page and a half of dialogue, this long speech? And I said, I really want to just do all in one shot. So no cut. And he said, What? No cutting? Oh my god, you know, I've got to learn the whole thing. City. Yeah, if you don't mind, I don't really want to cut, you know, it's really important to be like one shot and said, Oh, my God, I gotta go and learn this. And I said to him, I said, Look, I you know, I hope you You okay with me directing you because, you know, this is only my second. Yeah. And you've you know, we're winning Oscars before I was born. And, you know, so. And he said, No, no, no, it's his greatest, you know, it's your film is your film. And, and again, on the set as I was directing, when I said, I said, Look, I hope you don't mind me saying, but could you just, you know, move over here and do this? He said, Yes, yes, yes, no problem. And he said, Gosh, it's really weird. He said, you know, all I want to do is please you, I've never been in that position before, you know, because he's a huge director that everybody wants to please Him. And he'd never been in the position where he wanted to please someone else. So it was really sweet. And, you know, great performance as well. Great.

Alex Ferrari 54:10
That's, that's remarkable. Is there anything that you wish someone would have told you at the beginning of your career that could have helped you? You know, that that one little bit of information like, oh, man, I wish I would have known this?

Simon West 54:22
Um, you know, I mean, it's no secret, you know, magic. I think it's, it's like with all, you know, exciting worlds, whether you're, you know, a rock star or a secret agent, or, you know, making movies as I think, is to try and appreciate it at the time, because all those incredible things you do, you're so busy stressing at the time and trying to do it. Sometimes it's hard to step back and go, Wow, what we're doing is really cool here and this is so I think there's to try and enjoy it along the way. Because you're so busy being hard on yourself. And I didn't know maybe maybe that's not possible, maybe everything would turn out terrible if you did relax and try and enjoy it. But that's what I would have told myself is, you know, you it's probably going to be okay. So why not relax a bit and enjoy it rather than, you know, beating yourself up and you got to work harder and harder. And you know, and it's, but I haven't, you know, you can't do the experiment the other way and go back and say, like, if you did just kick back a bit and enjoy it, would it? Would everything have turned out the same way? I don't know.

Alex Ferrari 55:29
Well, that's it. I mean, you were saying that with, you know, like Schwarzenegger and Willis and all these kinds of Chuck Norris and all these kind of guys that came back on, on Expendables to where they just, they probably had a ball, because they weren't probably not stressed. I'm like, I'm not the star of this lies dealing with that. I'm just here to have a good time and shoot some things, say some cool lines and hang out with my friends, you know, smoke some cigars?

Simon West 55:51
Yeah. And I mean, I have to say, I enjoy directing much more now than I did when I started. Because, because I do, you know, you have less to prove, I suppose that as you go on, right. And, and also, it's like, you've been through all those sticky situations, and you usually get out of it somehow. And so there's, you get a lot more confidence with age and experience. And so I definitely enjoy it now. Rather, before it was like, a task that had to be achieved and to win the fight and get it done. Now you I can actually enjoy the process. And, you know, so, you know, it comes with experience and doing it and you know, for a while, I suppose?

Alex Ferrari 56:31
Well, I mean, you've got more than 50,000 hours now, I think?

Simon West 56:36
The trick is not that, you know, not to fall out of love with it. I do know some people that, you know, fallen out of love with it, and really miserable, you know, and miserable to be around on the set, because they don't like it anymore. And but you know, they're sort of wedded to it. But I think if you don't like it anymore, you should definitely stop doing it. But because you're making everybody's life misery. But I you know, I definitely like it more more I do it. So it's you know, and I've been to

Alex Ferrari 57:04
And it shows, it shows in your work that you you know, the movies that you've stayed consistent, since Con Air. I mean, you've been working every you know, you pop out your your output is, is pretty good. It's not like you do one movie, you're not a Kubrick, you don't do one movie every eight or nine years. I mean, you're you're constantly working, whether in television, or in this, you're always working. So that's you can tell that you love what you're doing.

Simon West 57:27
Yeah, well, that would be really frustrating. I mean, I'm a huge Kubrick fan. And but it would be really frustrating for me to know that I was only going to do a film once every 5 6 7 8 years, that would be you know, heartbreaking, because there's only so many films you can make in a lifetime. And, you know, sometimes obviously, you know, some are better than others, because whatever reason, but you learn something on every one. And, you know, I think making any film is better than staying at home.

Alex Ferrari 57:58
You know, you're absolutely right. Now I'm gonna ask you a few questions to ask all of my guests I'm in what advice would you give a filmmaker trying to break into the business today?

Simon West 58:07
Don't turn any opportunity down, you know, don't be too like, I have to make this kind of film I have to because I you know, I as I said, I went through all these different types of filmmaking from current affairs, two documentaries, that drama to you know, everything. Music videos, commercials, and I would say, just try and shoot as much as you can on anything, whether it's on your iPhone, or, you know, with friends on and any opportunity, a friend says, oh, you know, I want to be an actor. And but I need someone to shoot me doing something, go and do it don't go out. He's not very good. Or, you know, I haven't got time or I'd rather do that. Any opportunity do it because any connection you make with someone else who's also in that world, can leapfrog to another connection. And every anything you shoot gives you a little bit more experience. And a little bit more like Oh, I know, you know, like, I really want to do sci fi. Well, I want to do a sci fi I'm gonna shoot and then someone says, can you come and shoot this little comedy short film for me and you shoot the comedy you're actually I really enjoyed that comedy. Maybe I'll maybe I'll do some comedy. So I would just say shoot as much and as often as you can and don't be too precious don't sit around for the perfect situation. And you know and and working on films in any way you can I mean, I you know worked in props and art department and sound and camera systems on other people's films for a day here a day there. And it's kind of fun. You get to learn other people's jobs you meet other people and and work for free. So they'll have you you know, so they'll have you back or you know, they'll there's a reason to hire you is because you're free. And just work as much as you can and take every opportunity shoot anything you can.

Alex Ferrari 59:53
What is the lesson that what what did you learn from your biggest failure?

Simon West 59:58
What I guess what I learned And is no failure is total, you know, what I mean? Is that is that every every disappointment or failure, if you want to call it can be corrected to a certain extent in some way. I mean, that's the beautiful thing about filmmaking like a sequence, you know, one angle doesn't work you cut to another angle, one, you know, an actor doesn't isn't great, you know, in a performance, you can make the performance better through editing. If there's, there's always always I don't think any failure is total. And also, you know, there's a whole theory that, you know, you obviously, you don't learn anything until you fail at something, you know, and so you shouldn't look at the any kind of failure as a failure. It's more like a, you know, a learning experience. But also, none of that item for me, I don't know, it's lucky or whatever, but I never treat any failure as a total failure, it's always can be, you know, dragged back into be a 10% failure, rather than 100% failure, because you can, you can do something to fix most things, you know, situations from

Alex Ferrari 1:01:07
Now, what is the lesson that took you the longest to learn whether in the film industry or in life?

Simon West 1:01:12
I think he's pacing himself, he's like, not rushing. You know, the hardest thing in filmmaking and people don't realize, is time management, because you can make a fantastic film with unlimited time. And it's time, it's not even resources. I mean, if you've got a camera, that's basically what you need in a way of recording the sound. But if you had unlimited time, you can make the world's greatest film, if you've got the talent, but you know, every film you're on is a time pressure, it's like you're constantly doing a deal with yourself, if I if I take longer on the scene, I gotta take time off that scene. If I you know, if I rush to this scene, it's not going to be makes sense for the story. So I got to allocate my time in every minute of a film, you know, a professional film is accounted for, you know, you're supposed to do a certain amount of work per day, you know, per hour. And you have to stick to that plan. And that scheduling, that's very hard in an artistic endeavor to be so dictated to by time management. And that's the, that's the hardest thing is this is to get, okay, the discipline of saying, I've got it as good as enough, because I've got to get on and get all these other things. When really, you know, it's very rare that a director is in a position where he just can keep going, keep going, keep going until he absolutely satisfied because that's not a real world situation. And you know, that that's hard, but I mean, yeah, but the opposite is like, don't be panicking about time on Sunday. So I would, is, I think I've learned those not to rush and take time, because, you know, you can make a bad decision. If you rush. If you just take a couple more beads, you can make a better decision. And but it's it's that balance of don't rush, but you're still going to hit those time. deadlines.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:03
So you've never heard the term you've never heard the sentence ever uttered to you, Simon, all you have is time and money. How fun?

Simon West 1:03:10
Yeah, that would be. I mean, yeah, but I, you know, I have I do have questions, you know, like that. But do you? So you know, when they're scheduling with a sailor, well, how long would it take you to shoot the scene? And I go, Well, how long will you give me? Because I could shoot it in two minutes, the length of the dialogue, I could spend two weeks shooting the most incredible version of this scene with, you know, every conceivable angle and like beautiful lighting and tech and waiting for the sun to be in the right spot. I mean, how much will you give me I just need as much time as you're willing to give me you know,

Alex Ferrari 1:03:40
And I'll make it work with what you got to a certain extent. And last question, three of your favorite terms of all time?

Simon West 1:03:49
Oh, well, I mean, I there's so many I hate that question. Because it's three is hard to pin down. But I mean, I do love, you know, films that I grew up with and films at different times of my life. So, you know, sort of in my sort of teens there's a film called Withnail and I, with Richard II grant and Paul McGann it's a small comedy about to struggling actors in England and not many people in America know it because when I do mention it, people go on I haven't seen that. But in in the UK, it's a kind of a cult. You know, I've been on I've been on sets in UK and the camera crew will recite lines from the film to you because it's a cult. So but yeah, so I try encourage all Americans to see this film because it seems to be very well known in England but not in the States but school with nail and I and then films you know, at different stages in my life. And these are not necessarily you know, great classics. I mean, I love all the big classics, you know the David Lean movies and everything like that, but you know, everybody does but films that meant a lot to me. You know, a different parts of my life were things like you know, when I was very young, we'd be Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Bang. The fantasy of that to me as a you know, magical, magical a six or seven year old with me of that would have thought that was the most magical thing ever. And that would that was the sort of thing would get me into filmmaking is the fantasy because to me filmmaking is taking it to another world. And I, you know, because I have to confess I don't make very realistic films. They are, you know, they are quite fantasy and larger than life and operatic because I kind of want to be taken to another place I you know, I don't necessarily, I mean, I, you know, I watch other people's very, you know, great realistic films and love them, but my world is a bit more ridiculous in a way. But, you know, so and then, you know, and then that was, you know, my five or six year old, me getting into film. And then the 12 13 year old me was a film called swauk Melody, another English film that was written by Alan Parker and directed by walrus Hussain, produced by David Puttnam. And it's a it's a net gain. It's a small film set in a school in London in a kind of a rough part of London. And, and it's all sort of actors, there were 11 and 12. And it was just my life, you know, so it's the first time I went to the movies, and didn't see James Bond, you know, jumping off a cliff for, you know, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs doing something, you know, this was my life, it was kids at school, but very realistically shot and they're getting up to all sorts of mischief. And they're really, you know, rude to adults. And they're kind of like, but it's very sweet. And so this is the sweetest soundtrack by the BGS, which is not the strongest point, not the strongest point, but the PG is less than every PG, so great. Yeah, they're great. You know, Saturday Night Fever and all that stuff. Yes, but not in this world. But the rest of the film is great. So I'd have to say like three films, they're not, you know, as I said, the big epics, but they meant something to me at different ages. My life, you know, and so that's where they were importantly, so when I say favorite, I'm not gonna go now I'm talking about I'm gonna watch them again now. Because

Alex Ferrari 1:07:09
I mean, you go, I mean, as you were talking, I'm like, what was the film, like, when I was coming up, like 8 9 10 years old, and the obvious one, Star Wars, et all those kinds of things. But there's something like Never Ending Story by Wolf. But Wolfgang, you look at that, and you're like, at that moment. You know, that was a very powerful movie. You know, to me and those kinds of things. It's, you know, I've heard I've heard the greatest, you know, some people like, Oh, I'd loved under the dragon. And I'm like, I loved under the dragon too. But is that on your top three is like it is it meant a lot to me when I saw it when I was 12, things like that. So it doesn't all have to be godfather.

Simon West 1:07:45
Exactly. I mean, I've watched Godfather, you know, how many 1000s I got it on every format ever made, you know, and I still watch it on TV with the commercials when it comes on, you know,

Alex Ferrari 1:07:56
Because we're ridiculous. Why do we do that when we could literally just get up, grab our blu ray. And that's happened to me multiple times. And I'm like, why am I just too lazy to get.

Simon West 1:08:08
But it's such a good film. You don't want to waste that 30 seconds of it. So those those epics are fantastic. But I think a film that means something to and also that probably led, you know, people like you and me into the business. You know, it needs even more because it's, you know, it's what we ended up doing. So,

Alex Ferrari 1:08:27
Simon, it has been an absolute pleasure and honor talking to you, my friend. I know I can talk to you for at least another five or six hours. But I appreciate your time. And thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing your knowledge and your experiences with the tribe today and continued success my friend. I can't wait to see your next one. So thank you so much my friend.

Simon West 1:08:45
You're welcome. Lovely to talk to you.

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