
BPS 405: How to Shoot 360 Video & Actually Make Money with Josh Gibson

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Alex Ferrari 0:10
So I've added on the show Josh Gibson, who is a three, a 360 video specialist. He's the founder of 360, video academy.com. And is a pretty much you know, kind of knows what he's talking about when it comes to 360 video, so I wanted to bring them on the show. So we can kind of explain it to us layman's on how you could do it, what the cost is to get into it. And if you can even make money as doing it as a filmmaker, so I won't waste any more time. Let's get right into it. Enjoy my conversation with Josh Gibson from 360 video Academy. I'd like to welcome to the show Josh Gibson, man. Thanks for coming on the show, man.

Josh Gibson 4:24
Hey, thanks so much for having me, Alex, it's good to be here.

Alex Ferrari 4:26
I wanted you on the show. Because I am just dangerous. I just know enough to be dangerous in the 360 world. So I wanted to get a professional to come on and i'm gonna i'm just gonna beat you up with a lot of questions if that's okay,

Josh Gibson 4:38
now that's totally great. Shoot, I'm glad you're excited for it.

Alex Ferrari 4:42
Cool, man. So let's first and foremost, what the hell is 360 video for people who don't know?

Josh Gibson 4:48
You know, that's a good question. It's kind of something that's been around for a while. I mean, you look at like Google streetview. You look at, you know, virtual tours on maybe some real estate sites like it's sort of this technology of you know, the three Under 60 degree panorama has been around for a while. But it's sort of been stuck in this the still world until, you know, a few years back when people started messing around with GoPros. And, you know, trying to get smaller cameras and putting them all together so that they're shooting in all directions, and trying to capture 360 degree video. So that's kind of where, you know, the explosion happened. And when people started realizing, hey, you know, GoPros not too expensive, you know, and this, a lot of companies like color, and, you know, other companies, including GoPro started seeing a real future in this. And yeah, they started building software for it. And, you know, and the rest is history. So it's basically putting a bunch of cameras together, shooting in every single direction, and sinking all those cameras up and then stitching them together later on a computer. So it's kind of a process, but, you know, pretty simple, simple, you know, you're wrapping a sphere around a video and, and, you know, that's how it works.

Alex Ferrari 5:54
Now, there, there's, I mean, from the point of GoPro rigs, now they're actually coming out with cameras that are built into a sphere, I saw some of them in cinna gear last year, and companies are coming out with those by themselves with their own proprietary software and things like that. Is that correct?

Josh Gibson 6:10
Yeah, yeah, that's, that's actually really Yep, exactly. Right. So there's a few cameras that technically I think there's one that shoots 270 degrees, and it's just one lens with one sensor. But as a matter of getting the full 360 degrees, you actually still technically need two cameras, at least. And there's some like Kodak makes a couple the SDK, you know, where you put two cameras back to back basically, with super, you know, fisheye wide angle lenses on each one of those. So you basically have to, you know, half domes that you're getting and then you're just wrapping them together, or that you're, you know, joining them together and aligning them. But you know, yeah,

Alex Ferrari 6:47
but when you're dealing with 360, though, I mean, the kind of 360 that I've seen that looks good is somewhat distorted, but not completely distorted like a fisheye would be. So that's good. I mean, that's what we're kind of going for, right? It's not like this kind of distorted, fisheye, because if that's the point, then we're back in BC, Beastie Boys videos back in the day, right? Yeah, so

Josh Gibson 7:09
I mean, yeah, that's kind of my opinion, too. I think there's, I mean, the Samsung Gear is obviously another example of, you know, the two camera system, and those are great, and they work pretty well. But the issue you run into with those two, two lens systems is obviously at the very edge of any fisheye lens, there's going to be distortion pixels are going to get stretched. So if you're going to be trying to stretch those back out to make them undistorted in a 360 degree, you know, viewing space, you know, it's gonna be a little bit blurrier. You're gonna see some, you know, aliasing or whatever, on those edges. So that's why people started moving into the, you know, multi camera rigs where you have, you know, 10, GoPros, 20, GoPros, or, you know, any other small camera like the Blackmagic, you know, camera that you can put it on there. So people have been experimenting with all sorts of different setups. But obviously, the other downside is when you add more cameras, you're going to run into more stitching complications. With all the weird lines and stuff. We'll get

Alex Ferrari 8:00
into stitching later. Yes. I have questions about stitching. That one's fun. everyone's asking, like, what the hell is stitching my door? We'll get we'll get to it soon enough, ladies and gentlemen. So a real basic question is what's the difference between 360 and VR? virtual reality? Because they're kind of similar?

Josh Gibson 8:20
Yeah, yeah, they are really similar and they're used interchangeably a lot? That's a really great question. So VR, you know, if we want to throw the dictionary at it, is basically kind of like the video games that you see out there where people are walking around in an actual 3d space, they have goggles on, it's usually hooked up to a really high powered PC or something, a computer, and they also have those little things are holding in their hands where they can interact. And you know, you see the cool video games where you're shooting zombies all around or something. So that's VR where you can interact completely with the environment you can walk, you know, with your actual two feet, and the goggles on your face are basically just you know, re, you know, displaying what you're what you should be seeing in the video game or whatever. So there aren't a lot of actual VR video if you will. But so and before I get into that, sorry, I'll talk about the difference. So 360 video, on the other hand, is basically captured video wrapped in a sphere around a user and the only thing that the user can actually interact with in the video is where they're looking which direction they're looking at. The filmmaker still has control basically over how tall that viewer is and where they are standing in that space. So with 360 video, you can look around you can move your phone around if you're watching on a phone or a tablet or whatever or on a computer you can click around and move you know your direction but you can't actually walk you know anywhere you can't say oh what's that rock over there? I'm gonna go see what's behind it you can't do that quite yet with with 360 video but in a VR world that's it's all built on a computer so everything is you know, all the data is there you could walk around and see what's behind the rock you know, etc, etc.

Alex Ferrari 9:56
So yeah, got it. So it's a it Yeah, actually saw thing on Facebook once i was i was i think i was watching Casey Neistat with with the Samsung brig and he posted something on Facebook and it said move your phone left I'm like What does that mean? I'm like, Oh my God. Jesus this is this is witchcraft it's insane it's really it was the weirdest thing ever like how did they know it was and Facebook has I guess you could do it on you could upload 360 video on Facebook now and I was like wow that's insane like just the things you can do with that are amazing which brings me to my next question What kind of stories can you tell with 360 video Can you can you shoot a feature film with 360

Josh Gibson 10:40
oh that's Yeah, that's the million dollar question. I there's been a lot of really cool experimentation going on. So I think the big question right now at least in my mind, is you know what future does 360 video have with like documentary filmmaking versus like narrative fiction filmmaking? Right so there have been a lot of like, horror the horror genre has been obviously all over 360 because you know, you have all this new space to work with the jump and scare people. And I've seen a lot of recreations like historical recreations in 360 video and you know of course that's my background is in documentary filmmaking. So that's kind of where I've been working mostly. But yeah, the short answer is everybody's doing doing 360 and there have been falling feature films made in it there's as yeah there's been Can you name some I actually don't know the name off the top my head it's been pretty recent, but there have been a few like TV networks and stuff that thrown you know, pretty big chunks of money at VR and 360 and there's a lot of experimentation going on with it right now. So I think it's, it's been living a lot in the documentary world and I can look up some of these and give you links and stuff you can throw in the shownotes but sure. It's been living a lot in the documentary world, but I think a lot of fiction filmmakers, and you know, like horror and stuff like that have been really interested in doing it. But another kind of unforeseen, huge genre of 360 filmmaking is the education world There have been a lot of universities especially at the most recent na B when I was out there you know, I met up with a lot of you know, professors and administrators education people that were from all over the country all over the world wanting to implement VR and 360 into their teaching which is awesome because you know, obviously you can take people out on a field trip or a virtual field trip anywhere you want whether that be Mars or just a canyon up the street of the school you know, and then Matter of fact that's a project I'm working on now with a local university here is their geology department is is hiring me to do some work with them to basically do some drone footage and some really cool like virtual walkthroughs of this canyon this really interesting Canyon nearby so that they show their students

Alex Ferrari 12:52
that's insane so yeah, like she was like it like basically like okay let's go to the pyramids of Giza and yeah you know, the pyramids of Giza or the Great Wall of China or any of these places

Josh Gibson 13:01
and you can overlay graphics and put really cool you know, you know text or you could even throw you know 3d animated timelapses if you want saying like hey, this is what it looked like 10,000 years ago now it's jumped to today Stop it. Yeah. Okay, just be standing in the middle that's really cool experience right? So it's awesome and then the cool part is people can watch it on their phones now they can watch it on their tablets they can do it anywhere so you don't need to go to some fancy you know planetarium or anything it's it's very accessible so unlike

Alex Ferrari 13:29
VR, you don't need a helmet or a pair of goggles to look at 360 video as long as you have it on a it's being projected in a proper way correct?

Josh Gibson 13:38
Yeah, so right you can technically you can watch it on a computer just on a laptop or you know whatever and click around with the mouse or you can watch it you can hold your phone out in front of your tablet obviously the most ideal way to watch VR or 360 is through goggles it's a little bit more immersive that way you know with some headphones on and stuff and you know there's spatial audio which interacts the audio actually can track to your head too so there's that's a whole other topic as well Yeah, I

Alex Ferrari 14:04
was gonna say audio mixing for this must be

Josh Gibson 14:07
a bitch it's complex man it's and I'm not an audio engineer by any stretch of the imagination so I can't speak to the nitty gritty too much but it's it's there they're making it more simple. I've been messing around and beta testing for a few companies some software that basically allows you to mix the audio in like you know, a Dolby Surround sort of format you know, 5171 and then basically what happens is, you tell the cat or you tell the software where is your like your point one you know, your your base point, and then as soon as your head turns the software in either the phone or the goggles has to actually process and change and mix that audio on the spot. Come on, so yeah, it's so the Yeah, it's pretty, pretty well.

Alex Ferrari 14:53
It's insanity man. I mean, we're starting to get into Star Trek world, man. It's crazy. It's work. We're just we're only a few steps away from the from the holodeck. We

Josh Gibson 15:05
wouldn't and maybe the next thing is being able to create hamburgers from the you know, the little touchscreen.

Alex Ferrari 15:10
Oh god right imagine like teach in this just did you by the way I hope the audience enjoy enjoyed my sound effects. Know I did I appreciate it so so now that let's say we're gonna go out and shoot some stuff, what some pre shoot equipment that you would need to just do a basic 360 shoot.

Josh Gibson 15:30
So yeah, that's a great question. I mean, that was the thing with 360 cameras, you can go as small as like the Samsung Gear, or you know, codecs got one of those dual camera setups to where it's got the two cameras back to back. But really, with 360 video, I mean, you could go all the way up to the Ozo to the Nokia oza that's like $45,000 camera, you know, that's completely professional global shutter, you know, 13 stops of dynamic range kind of thing. So that one's great. But with 360 video, you can go you know, as small as you really want, you know, and it's it's kind of threatening, and it feels a little bit scary to go out and shoot it. But as long as you're holding your arm steady and or if you're on a tripod, and you're just shooting like landscape stuff, you know, pre shoot equipment, all you really need is, you know, the camera and kind of a sense of imagination,

Alex Ferrari 16:18
really? And do you how do you record the audio. So the audio

Josh Gibson 16:21
can usually be recorded on the actual device, Samsung Gear has a few microphones and the Kodak does as well. There actually are even a few, it's, I think it's called the Insta 360 it's company from I'm not even sure where they're from, but they have a cool little basically small 360 camera that you can plug into the bottom of your phone, either Android or iOS. And you can livestream 360 video now on Facebook or YouTube. So I mean, I'm sure vloggers and stuff are going to be you know, all over this and wanting to get into that. So that's kind of fun, you can be you know, taking people on a tour and stuff of you know, if you're vacationing or you know, talking to the camera, they can look at you or they can look behind you

Alex Ferrari 16:59
or, or if you're on a film set, and you want to give the people a tour of the film set that would be a great marketing for Oh, yeah, stunning, really awesome. That would blow people's mind as far as great content and great material that you can use for marketing. I mean, imagine just doing a 360 table read? Oh, yeah, of all the actors, I mean, you could do it in my mind that my marketing minds turning on now. So that would be

Josh Gibson 17:24
I'm sure they're going to implement it with Skype and with any other you know, I'm sure it's going to be a business solution here pretty soon where if you want to beam into a meeting or something, you know, across the country or across the globe, you can just sit there and it'll be like you're actually sitting there you can look around, see who's talking it won't be like a, you know, a webcam that they set up in the corner trying to you know, see everybody it'll just be a 360 camera, sitting in a chair somewhere and you know, the CEO or whoever can sit there and look around and chat and likely like that pretty cool.

Alex Ferrari 17:52
Like the Jedi Council. Yes, exactly. That's the goal. That's the goal Jedi Council boom, yes, just with better dialogue. But um, so um, so what are some of the pitfalls that you should avoid when shooting 360 video?

Josh Gibson 18:08
So with 360 video, I think one of the biggest complications one of the newest thing or not complications, but one of the biggest difficulties is a lot of creative control is is stripped from the Creator. So I think a lot of people go into it expecting to still be able to like frame the shot, if you will.

Alex Ferrari 18:24
360 How can you?

Josh Gibson 18:28
So that's kind of a new frustrating thing. And I even remember going out and doing, you know, like prevas, or, you know, tech scouts, location scouts for different shoots. And think it's kind of weird, because you stand there and you're like, Oh, that's a nice angle. That's a nice frame, oh, wait, I can't actually have an angle. You know, this isn't a 2d thing, a box where I'm saying, hey, here are the edges of the frame. You know, there's no lenses that I choose to shoot with, I can't, you know, really change a lot of the things, all I can really choose is where the person who's standing, and how tall they are. So obviously, there's still a lot of cool things you can do with that with movement and drones or whatever you can come up with. But that's kind of the first hurdle that a lot of people have to get over is understanding that when you're framing a shot in quotes, you've got to basically stand in one place and kind of look in every single direction and say, is this interesting over here? Is this interesting over there. And then you've also got to say, well, maybe I don't want it to be interesting. Other than this one little place, I want to I want to draw attention to that one part of the 360 degree space. So there's a lot of new questions to ask yourself. And that's kind of one of the bigger, you know, artistic hurdles to overcome. There's plenty of technological and other ones we can get into. But that was one of the bigger ones that I remember going through as a creator, you know, coming from the two dimensional world of filmmaking. It was kind of interesting to be like, wow, this is a totally new way of thinking and a totally new way of storytelling.

Alex Ferrari 19:47
No, I saw I was I was watching your demo on your website, and I saw you in the corner. Yeah. So which brings me to my next question. How do you hide or remove gear crew camera operator's etc.

Josh Gibson 20:01
right that's a that's a great point that's actually something I go into a lot in, you know, in the things I teach in the course. But basically you have to, you know, make a decision whether or not you can even remove yourself like I was filming at that holy color festival. And that was practically impossible. I mean, I could have tried to paint myself out. But basically the short answer is it's it's simple techniques like that you've learned in Photoshop or After Effects where you're compositing out different things in a 2d in a 2d space, like on a 2d shot. But with 360 video, obviously, it's you know, how many how many ever more times work to make sure everything gets painted out in that 360 space. So there's a few plugins like skybox metal, that are metals, skybox. Sweet is really awesome, that's the one I use. I also use a mixture of like Mocha Pro and mocha VR with, you know, premiere and After Effects, too. And I have a little bit of background in visual effects not tons, but I had enough that I could figure out basically how to convert this weird sphere video this equirectangular what they call it video into something that I could work with as a VFX artist. But it's basically the same techniques you know, as painting out people in two dimensional video, it's just being able to convert that back and distort it properly. So that it looks right in, you know, that sphere and that 360 video.

Alex Ferrari 21:18
So I was going through your site and I wanted to ask you what is auto panel video pro?

Josh Gibson 21:25
Oh, yeah, that's that is my favorite software. It's, it's basically the stitching software for it's kind of the first step in the whole process. So once you've shot everything, whether you've got, you know, 10 cameras, or you know, three cameras or whatever, basically, you obviously have a bunch of SD cards, or you have a bunch of different video files, however you get them. And what auto pin a video does is it basically takes all those videos and it will smartly sync and allows you to easily either by an audio cue or a visual clap or something, you can sync them all up. And then it basically finds all the all those little intricate points and stitches them all together. So obviously the idea with 360 video is when you're shooting with 10 cameras, you want to have overlap right on each one of those cameras so that there's a little bit of wiggle room as far as you know, how you're stitching and how you're kind of melding them together to make the edges look seamless. And that's kind of what auto pen of video takes care of, is it gives you a lot of tools to customize and to really tweak and make things look just right and there's also a partner program called autopano Giga that I believe has been around a lot longer than autopano video and autopano Giga is just basically another program that has done the still version so people that did Google streetview or that you know they're really awesome people that would go on and add 360 photos of the Eiffel Tower or something on Google Earth I remember looking at those even as a kid they all use programs very similar to autopano Giga so data panel video is basically the same thing but just for video

Alex Ferrari 22:52
so stitching basically if for layman terms is basically just because you've overlapping the video all the video frames of all the all the cameras you're using in the in the rig they overlap so you got to kind of melt them together or composite them together in some way in stitching is the term to use and that's what basically stitching is an auto panel video kind of does helps you tremendously by doing that.

Josh Gibson 23:15
Yes, yes that is exactly right. So there's that you can there's I know a few people that not a few people but there's there's people that I've heard do their stitching in programs like fusion, you know, from black magic, or they use nuke and stuff and that's there's there's plenty of you know, there's always a million ways to skin a cat as far as the post production goes. But the one I really liked to use that makes it pretty simple and gives you still you know, power user customization options is auto Pena video,

Alex Ferrari 23:40
you know, is there, but I saw some and at again at that cinna gear, I saw some setups that were doing autos auto stitching, like it was Yeah, it was automatically just doing it for you. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Josh Gibson 23:53
Yeah, they've got I mean, the Nokia Ozo has proprietary software. I believe the jaunt actually is entirely cloud based. So when you go out and shoot with a giant camera, you just upload your media to the cloud, and they do all the processing and stitching for you. But yeah, so it's pretty efficient. Obviously, it's like, you know, that's, and I'm sure you pay for it on the back end, but I'm sure it's it's really awesome. The only downside, I think, to those kinds of solutions in this isn't really a downside. But you do need to go in and add, you know, finishing touches. So if there are minor stitch problems, obviously the human eye can notice weird aberrations a lot easier and more efficiently than a computer could. But that said, I think it won't be you know, another two or three years before computer stitching is completely awesome. You know, Google's got a Google jump program. They're working with all sorts of there. They haven't opened up their API yet, but they're working with all sorts of camera companies. And they've got some really, really awesome like AI driven stitching. And Facebook even has some stitching solutions as well. So I think that's kind of the Holy Grail right now a lot of companies are looking for, you know, a seamless, a perfect 100% awesome stitching solution so that filmmakers no longer have to worry about all that, you know, technical stitching and stuff like that. But when you do want to fix minor issues or Polish things off and make things look a little bit better, or add little embellishments here and there, you still do need to work in that equirectangular format. So, but yeah, that's stitching, hopefully, eventually, I'm very sure will be automated soon.

Alex Ferrari 25:27
Now, are there any tips that you can give the listeners to do a perfect stitch?

Josh Gibson 25:32
That's Yeah, that's a, just a couple tips. Yeah, a couple of tips. So I think was stitching, the big thing is just being detail oriented. I think a lot of people either try to just run through it quickly. And you know, they don't want to really spend time looking through each possible angle of their shot. And, you know, the best way to do that is just to go through and watch it over and over again and look up stuff and make sure that it looks good. Sorry, did you hear that? Sorry, no,

Alex Ferrari 26:01
keep going. Okay,

Josh Gibson 26:02
there's a little notification that came up. But so yeah, I mean, detail oriented, I think is important. Being able to walk, watch through your shot and notice things because the biggest draw, I think, are the biggest important thing with stitching for me is, as soon as somebody notices an obvious stitch error, it kind of pulls them out of the magic, as a viewer. And obviously you don't need to be you don't need to pull your hair out about it. And you know, spend 1000s of hours making everything look flawless. But I think that's the biggest thing is to realize how important are good stitches. And then I think the other thing is, is to just identify and be smart about your shooting. That's honestly the the best advice I can give anybody is the magic really doesn't happen in post production as much as it happens in actually production and shooting. So if you shoot smart and you understand the limitations and the possibilities of your camera, then you know you're gonna avoid a lot of headaches in post production.

Alex Ferrari 26:55
Now, did you? I'm assuming you saw Justin Lin's short film help? Yes, awesome. The three there's a 360 short film. So that's a really good example of a narrative story.

Josh Gibson 27:08
Yeah, yeah. It's great. I mean, they shot that on reds. So they got a bunch, they gotta hear

Alex Ferrari 27:12
this. What's up, when you get that when you get that kind of we got just a live money. Yeah. And I think it was Google who paid for it. So

Josh Gibson 27:18
Right, right. Oh, yeah. I mean, it was a huge, huge undertaking. But yeah, that was a that was also a really good example of kind of the mixed media, if you will, of, you know, the real life captured footage from the Reds in that 360 rig that they built. But then also adding in three dimensional elements that hid a lot, I'm sure of those, you know, any stitching problems they had, they could, you know, kind of paint out, or they could hide behind a monster or whatever. So that's actually what a lot of people are moving towards. A lot of filmmakers that I've seen, they're actually shooting a lot of just kind of base plates on in actual 360. And then they actually go in and shoot a lot of the assets and all that they know the characters and things that are happening in the frame on like a green screen, just in a you know, normal studio, and then they composite those in into that 360 space. So there's really a lot of ways you can do this. And a lot of people are, you know, experimenting with all sorts of different ways. So it's really exciting.

Alex Ferrari 28:11
So what programs do you use to edit 360 video,

Josh Gibson 28:15
I just use Adobe Premiere. So it's basically the exact same thing you're editing exactly how you would normally, you know, a 2d stuff. premiere has just recently at you know, upgraded and added a kind of a 360 view button, like a toggle, you can choose on the program monitor, which is really handy. So you mostly can just it Look, you can edit and that equirectangular video format is what they call it, where it looks like it's just really wide angle, it's kind of weird. But then you can click a little button and you can actually, you know, hit play on your, your keyboard and actually watch in real time, what your viewer would be seeing or what they could be seeing. So premiere has been really good at adopting the technology as well. But luckily, it's exactly the same as, as you know, editing 2d video,

Alex Ferrari 28:56
and then and for visual effects. Any of the standard visual effects. Packages would work.

Josh Gibson 29:01
Yeah, I mean that that's kind of another difficult thing when when you're wrapping 360 video in that sphere from the equirectangular format a lot of like blur effects or pixelate, or, you know, whatever effects you might have added initially, even color correction sometimes can be a little difficult because at the very end at the 180 degree mark line right behind the viewer, sometimes you'll get a hard line because the effect doesn't know how to basically repeat infinitely in that sphere. So it actually has to sort of recalculate things in skybox are metal, the company has been doing a really good job at coming out with transitions, coming out with effects like, you know, Blur and sharpen and things like that basic stuff right now, but I'm sure it'll get more advanced, you know, in the near future. They're coming out with those effects that are actually 360 ready. So right now it's kind of a lot of experimentation to see if it'll work and most of the time they do. But as far as, you know, actually having 360 degree or VR ready effects. I think that's still something that needs to be worked on. And a lot of companies I'm sure are doing that now. So

Alex Ferrari 30:02
we'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show now how do you deliver your final product? What like what format Do you deliver it on.

Josh Gibson 30:19
So the format is still the same it's just a quick time video. But with premiere what what you do when you actually export there's there used to not be this actually before premiere updated, there was a little program you had to download from YouTube that uploaded metadata into this video file, however, you know, you export it, whether it be an mp4 or an M Avi and then that that metadata basically told whichever player you uploaded to that it was a 360 video and then it needed to be treated differently right so the big issue with delivering 360 video right now is you need to be able to deliver it on a platform that can actually view 360 video because if you just play it on you know without that metadata on like a TV or anything it'll just play back you know that weird stretched out format which is not what you want obviously. So when you when you're working with clients, the you know premier has updated their thing where you just click a little box that says this is VR video or this is a 360 video and it'll actually automatically upload that metadata into the video file and then you just deliver the video file as if you're sending any other 2d video and then obviously you just need to make sure that you're either watching it on you know a headset or if you know they're wanting to do like web distribution you need to use a program or use like YouTube or Facebook or something like Wistia or Vimeo even has 360 video now so I'm sure it'll become more you know, affluent in the future. But yeah, you just need to make sure that they understand that you can't just watch it absolutely anywhere you need to upload it to a program that can or like YouTube or a service that can actually support playing back 360 videos so

Alex Ferrari 31:52
with all this said after all the stuff we've talked about it's fair it's fair to say that this is not this is a you need to know your stuff to come shoot this it's not like grabbing a camera and going out and you know shooting like you really need to understand the technology you really need to understand the workflow the post workflow which is a lot more complicated than just shooting a narrative on a 2d situation

Josh Gibson 32:20
right yeah, I mean it's it's definitely I mean there's some simplicity and stuff and I've been in it for a long time so it's really hard for me to to you know really step back and see but I remember starting out how complex it was and you know it basically having to experiment a lot a lot of hair pulling a lot getting super mad wanting to punch the computer and stuff but yeah, I mean it's honestly once you understand the big picture it makes the whole process a lot smoother so I think that's probably one of the big frustrating things is people try to jump into it without really understanding the end and beginning in the middle on how all that like you said how the workflow goes so it's still very complicated there are it's not as complicated as I think people I definitely don't want to scare anybody away that's kind of my goal with you know what I've been doing I definitely want people to come and be creators in it and I think that was a pleasant surprise that I had to I was like okay, this is complex This is hard there's things to learn but you know it's doable even a dumb guy like make and figure it out and you know and learn how to do all this stuff and have fun doing it so it's kind of that blend where yeah you know people can save themselves a lot of headache if they do a little bit of homework at the beginning but yeah i mean if they wanted to jump in they could if they have you know hundreds hundreds of hours of free time and you know the Google and stuff like sure go ahead there's there's plenty of you know random places all over the internet to learn how to do it just like anything I guess right but

Alex Ferrari 33:53
but you've been so you've been doing this for a while so you've seen the technology changed dramatically in the course of the time that you've been in it so it's getting easier things that used to take you hours to do now you could do in minutes purely because of technology

Josh Gibson 34:05
yeah and I in honestly I haven't even been in it as long as some people have and even the past few years that I've been doing it it's Yeah, it's attention it's getting from big companies is I think that is the best news that we could be having right now. Because all that money in research is now going into it and companies are coming out with really awesome technology that helps you know, obviously with the stitching, that's the biggest thing right now that I think people are going to be trying to simplify. And then obviously as well, shooting with with 360 is going to become better and better as well because you look at like the Nokia Ozo and that cameras professional, it's great. But it's also It weighs about you know it weighs like 20 pounds. And it's very difficult to work with as far as like a documentary filmmaker that just wants to go out and shoot right? It is battery powered, but it's like you need so much gear. And you kind of look at the evolution of the DSLR right where that sort of blew up, you know The idea that indie filmmakers can go out and just make make a movie right they could go out they'll start is like backpack stuff

Alex Ferrari 35:07
yeah you started please don't get me started

Josh Gibson 35:11
with the downside right?

Alex Ferrari 35:14
I mean

Josh Gibson 35:18
I hope that with 360 video the technology gets to the place where it's simpler and obviously it will be I mean in the future it will be but yeah as of right now it's it's still pretty hard to do complex it's you know, it takes a little bit expertise. But it's also something that if somebody really wants to do they should and they can so now

Alex Ferrari 35:37
I mean, I would equate 360 video a little bit with the 3d resurgence back in the 2009 2010 11 where 3d was all the rage and everything was going to be shot in 3d and everybody's running around trying to get the rigs together and oh my god, I need the my software I can edit 3d and you can't call it great 3d and all of this stuff. And I remember all that I was I was sitting in, in in presentations and and rental houses and they're all trying to sell their their new 3d rig and James Karen was coming out and the only 3d I've ever seen that I liked was avatar on Hugo Hugo was really good too because it because you have two masters working in the format. Right, but but I think that's a lot a little bit of that's happening with 360 But unlike 3d in my personal opinion, I think 360 has a much brighter future. I think it's something that will be around for many, many years to come and will evolve into something that will eventually turn into the holodeck.

Josh Gibson 36:38
Right? Right And yeah, that's that was honestly the first thing I remember getting into 360 and I was working with I work at a place called the good line. That's kind of like my full time gig. And you know my bosses my colleagues were talking to me about 360 video a few years back and that was kind of the first thing we thought is like okay, is this just another smellivision is this right i mean is it just another gimmick and we kind of started thinking it was at first but yeah like you say once I think everybody started catching on to the marketing possibilities the education possibilities the entertainment possibility it really just fits all these different you know needs that a lot of companies and medical medic yeah you name it it's you know even Yeah, all sorts of ways to train people I've seen really cool studies done with people that are you know, in end of life care, elderly folks that are going through a lot of pain or Alzheimer's and they actually give them 360 goggles or VR goggles to like sit at a beach or to go on a walk and they actually have shown you know, through MRIs and stuff that it's helping with their you know, depression their anxiety of course, you know, pain so it's it's awesome. It's It has also it really goes across the whole spectrum of how it can help Pete It is,

Alex Ferrari 37:48
it is turning into like, Total Recall and all these old sci fi Oh, yes, it really is like I was that the sixth day, I remember where Michael Rapaport an hour Schwarzenegger movie called The six day at 660. And, and, you know, he had a three dimensional, you know, girlfriend, you know, and all that. But I'm not saying that this is turning into that, but I'm like, wow, it's it's, we're all getting to that place where you can sit on a beach, and I can be in Hawaii, I can have the sound and I can have this I can feel the heat of the sun, but I can almost smell it and see

Josh Gibson 38:21
Oh, they're getting there. I'm sure they're gonna I mean, they even have they're doing research now where you put on gloves. And it actually will give you a tactile feedback. So you can touch things and feel like for you can feel, you know, glass, you can I mean, it's getting scary. It's the matrix. Matrix.

Alex Ferrari 38:36
We're getting into the maze. Oh, it

Josh Gibson 38:37
certainly is. I mean, there might even be people in I think it's you know, Inception where people are dreaming. And they pay to they go to these little underground places just to stay in their dreams, because they like it better in real life. And I honestly would not think that that's too far off. You know, eventually we're going to get to that point where, yeah, it's wild. I mean, people are even using it for I even heard of a dentist that was using it and is not needing to use painkiller at all when he's doing fillings or root canals, because people are so into the VR experience. I mean, they just use VR goggles instead of painkiller. It's wild. Yeah, it's crazy. And I think the exciting thing that I remember seeing nav just this last time, is we are actually very, very close to actually getting VR video. So as I explained before VR is when you can walk around in a space and look around objects and stuff, it's not just looking where you're at, they're actually coming up with cameras, like the lytro and other cameras that are basically light field capture. So it's more than just capturing, you know, the brightness of the reflection of light like a normal camera does or the color of whatever the reflection is, it's actually capturing depth information. And it will be able to 3d scan an environment in real time and then you can literally walk around, you know, at a sporting event, or even it'll take virtual field trips to the next level because you can go up and, and who knows, maybe you can go touch rocks, and you can I mean, it's crazy. I mean, the the sky's the limit really on on how this technology will develop. So that and that's kind of where I think we saw to kind of going back to your original question that it's it's definitely more than a gimmick I think at this point because I think people are realizing this is kind of the future of how we present information to people remotely. I mean, it will make the world that much smaller, you can go swimming in the the ocean, and then the next second, you can be walking on Mars from 3d scans from the rover, you know, I mean,

Alex Ferrari 40:30
yeah, I mean, I think I think at this point for filmmakers, it's, I don't, I don't see it, how it can turn into something for narrative filmmaking, per se. Like I saw the Justin Lin thing, and that's great. And it's awesome. But that's not a film. That's an experience. It's a it's like almost a it's almost like a ride. It's almost like a carnival ride. But like, you know, some sort of Disney or universal ride where you kind of experience something absolutely different than filmmaking is different than television or movies or anything like that. It's right, because that, that that that medium is about a creator, Director telling you, I need you to look at this now. I need you to look at that now. Totally. So you can't get that with 360. But with three but the other things that are available, what you can do with it is massive. So can you real quickly. tell the audience a few places like hey, I'm gonna get into the 360 world now I'm a filmmaker. Where can I make some money?

Josh Gibson 41:29
That's a great question. Yeah. Honestly, the biggest place right now I think, is education. That is the biggest market right now to get involved with so there's a lot of schools all over the country all over the world, whether that be high schools or you know, universities obviously usually have a little bit bigger budgets. They're all looking for, you know, everything from consultants to actual practitioners, which is what I'm doing with the University here in Utah where you're they're wanting to create this 360 content, and they're wanting to make it interactive and interesting and fun. So there's a huge huge market in education. And I would think the next one real estate is obviously a big one. Because you know, real estate agents are also always looking for, you know, ways to sell homes, innovatively and better. There's other cameras like the matterport that do the photo still virtual tours, those are cool, but I think 360 video has a space there. But yeah, I mean education and in real estate, I think are kind of the biggest low hanging fruit right now. As far as like actually doing branding and marketing. I think that's also another big area that's kind of what where I've been, you know, in my wheelhouse for the past while like I was out in the Philippines directing a video showcasing a factory seller for a company named Kota epoxy where we followed a sower and one of their factories kind of in a day to day in the life kind of with his really adorable family and his home and everything. So I think there's a lot of companies that are wanting to do that as well. We've seen a lot of like liquor companies or you know companies that want to show Okay, this is how this product is made factory origin right, they want to see the the, the people working with their hands and stuff. So I think there's a lot of marketing and branding work that will be coming out soon as well. And I think like I actually tend to agree with you that narrative filmmaking is cool with 360 but like you say it's more of an experience and I think documentary filmmaking can still have a place with 360 and I think it still will I don't know if it's still if it's still called a documentary you know film it's definitely different because like you say you're not really directing where people are looking yeah but like

Alex Ferrari 43:39
plant but like planet earth or or national juke any kind of wildlife documentary I mean, it's built for that kind of stuff. But like you're going to see you know, Fahrenheit 911 360 I don't really think so. You know, Bowling for Columbine, not really the 360 kind of movie but I think for for those kinds of documentaries those the anything nature based is or anything that you like, I'm gonna go see how how you know olive oil has made for lack of a better term I'm going to go to or wine and I'm going to go to the winery and you walk through but it's an experience it's different it's it's not new there it is kind of narrative but it's different so I think we're still we're still in the infancy basically of this oil slowly

Josh Gibson 44:29
I think people are still filling out you know where it's it's used well for you know, why why we should use it over another tool. And I and I guess it comes back to that foundation is something that I've always tried to work you know live by in my career is that you know, story is king. You know, your content is what matters. It doesn't matter if you're shooting with you know, fancy camera or not fancy camera. Obviously, tools are important. You want to have as good a gear as you can. But 360 video VR, that kind of thing is just another tool in the toolbox, right? So if you've got a story, or an experience or a message or anything that you're wanting to share share with somebody, you know, you should always still consider 360 is a possibility. But also, I think people should avoid and try to avoid the pitfall of shooting a 360 just because it's cool. You know, there, you see a lot of stuff where even commercials and stuff I'm like, Oh, that's cool. Like, it's cool. 360 but I, I don't know why they decided to shoot in 360 other than just to have 360 in the metadata. Right? Right. Right. So I think it's another tool in the toolkit and, and people should, you should respect it, obviously, and understand its power, and you know, how it can be used, but also avoid using it just for the sake of using it.

Alex Ferrari 45:34
Now, can you tell us a little bit about your awesome course on 360? Because I know you have a course telling us how to master this technology, sir.

Josh Gibson 45:44
Yeah, yeah, no, it's I appreciate that. It's it's a it's been a fun, you know, project passion project of love basically, put a lot of thought a lot of time into it. Basically, it's the problem that I wanted to solve where I you know, if you don't want to spend hours on Google, if you don't want to, you know, watch random tutorial videos. And there's a lot of great stuff out there. I don't mean to bash anything. But I kind of just wanted to put everything in one place. And I kind of OCD about that. So I had a lot of fun organizing it and figuring out the process in the workflow. And I wanted to put it all into one place where people can learn the A to Z, right, so pre production, everything from pre production, all the way to delivery. And, you know, and while I'm talking about this, as well, I'm also continually adding to the course. And I do kind of these virtual job shadows, if you will, where I'll be editing and putting together videos of me actually out working, I've got that geology shoot here coming up in a few weeks, and I've got, you know, whole crew ready to go out, and we're going to go shoot the video, obviously, but I'm also going to be doing education and teaching while I'm doing the project. So I'll be talking to the camera explaining why I'm doing certain things. So people can, you know, kind of come along and see how I work and see, you know, the choices that are making and how I'm making them why I'm making them. So it's a really cool course, it's a place it's it's kind of a community as well that I'd like to build where, you know, serious 360 filmmakers are wanting to come for feedback, they're wanting to be able to learn new things and kind of come to a place that's continually updating with, you know, the latest and greatest information. And, you know, that's kind of why I did it, because I love 360 video, I'm passionate about it. And you know, I feel like you know, people need to come together and learn together and I think it could be a really cool place.

Alex Ferrari 47:20
And and, and the hustlers the tribe, Josh has given us a cool discount on the course. And I'll leave that in the show notes. And I'll talk a little bit about that after we're done with this interview. But I'll give you all of that cool information. So now Josh, I have a few questions. I always ask all of our guests, so please prepare yourself for the Oprah questions. Okay. I'm ready. First and foremost, what advice would you give a filmmaker who's just wanting to jump into the 360 realm?

Josh Gibson 47:52
Well, yeah, that's a great question. Um, you know, the best advice I can give is to to worry more about creating and getting stuff made than a what people are going to think about it and to earn be how you're going to market it, I think that's one of the biggest downsides I see about people starting out is they're worried so much about their keywords, they're worried about their SEO, they're worried about, you know, all the technicalities of it, but they're not stressing as much on the actual creating and making and going out and making mistakes and, and, you know, having fun and enjoying the process. So that's what I would say go out and make and worry later about how to get, you know, the clients or get, you know, the views or whatever, I think the the important part is going out and creating and going through that process.

Alex Ferrari 48:39
Now, what is the lesson that took you the longest to learn whether in the film business or in life?

Josh Gibson 48:44
Oh, man, that is a good question. I

Alex Ferrari 48:47
told you.

Josh Gibson 48:50
Okay, I would say, Gosh, I still even struggle with it, I think, but I think I'm getting a little bit better at not worrying about what other people think about my work. So obviously, you need to make money you need to, you know, your work needs to, to be what other people want a lot of the time, but I've learned that the reason anybody gets into filmmaking or you know, any kind of art, I think, for that matter is to obviously, I mean, it's fulfilling to you right for to making it for whatever it's worth and sometimes people don't like it, sometimes people do. I think the biggest thing for you know, is to go through that world and take note of feedback, take note of constructive criticism, but also don't take it too personally, you know, and don't let it affect your work. Don't let it discourage you from moving on. You know, if you have to make stuff that people hate for a few years, you know, that's part of the process and go through that and make it and then you'll learn and grow and eventually you'll be making stuff that everybody wants to see and yeah, I think that was that was kind of a lesson that you know, I'm still learning even where you just want to learn How to, I guess have thick skin in a way? Right?

Alex Ferrari 50:03
You definitely need that in this business. In any three nn e in one ad in 360 in all degrees you need thanks, Drew. So, um, so Name three of your favorite films of all time. Oh my gosh. It won't be on your gravestone. Just three that comes to your mind.

Josh Gibson 50:25
Come to my mind. Um, let's see. Gosh, so I always answered it. I probably will get judged by all my, you know, film school. You know, nerds, cinephiles, but Tommy Boy, yes. It's kind of a shameless plug. I mean, I

Alex Ferrari 50:46
mean, come on. It's Chris Farley.

Josh Gibson 50:47
It's It's classic. It's got everything you need, you know. Laughing crying. It's totally one of those movies for me. Let me see here.

Alex Ferrari 50:58
Yeah, I know. I know. When you ever do these lists, like so Akira Kurosawa and Bergman like nah man Tommy Boy I like all right, Tommy Boy Yeah, I mean I could get into the film school sure of course. Boring right yeah. Tommy Boy okay

Josh Gibson 51:12
um the one of the more recent ones that I saw that I absolutely loved as Logan I've seen that God is so amazed loved it it's so so good. It's the words it's a snow experience. Oh absolutely. I was blown away with how down to earth a superhero movie could be and that's what I was really impressed with that had all that superhero action but it just felt so raw and gritty and it was great. So that was what I really love too. And then let's go into the documentary world I think one that I saw at Sundance a couple years back called pervert Park I don't know if you've seen that I have not it's a basically about a an RV park where a bunch of you know perfect basically sec Yeah. sexual deviants I guess you could say people have been convicted of you know all sorts of terrible things they basically can't find living anywhere else other than this RV park so there's a bunch of pedophiles you know rapists terrible Oh Jesus that have happened at this one place and but it's interesting because it kind of takes you into their world a little bit in interviews with them talks with them about you know how what their history is how you know whatever happened happened so it's kind of a it definitely doesn't give you know like an okay to what they did but it definitely humanizes it a little bit. And it kind of opened my eyes to that that world and so if anybody's looking for a nice depressing really serious documentary go ahead and go watch pervert Park, but it's it's really well made really fantastic documentary filmmaking if you ask me

Alex Ferrari 52:43
so and then also after that, just watch Tommy Boy, and you'll be fine.

Josh Gibson 52:46
Yes. And then watch Tommy. Yeah, Tommy was

Alex Ferrari 52:49
asked. So Josh, where can people find you?

Josh Gibson 52:52
So I'm on pretty much any social media platform. My Yeah, of course, you can find me at the website. The course website. You can even chat with me at any time down at the bottom right there if you'd like. I'm on Twitter at Josh L. Gibson. Yeah, Facebook. I mean, you just search for me, my website is Josh gibson.me as well. So if you just want to go there, you can find I think it's the bottom left. There's all my social media icons and stuff. So if anybody were to reach out,

Alex Ferrari 53:20
if anybody needs a good 360 guide, give Josh a call. He'll help you out. So Josh, man, thank you so much for answering all of our questions, man, I really, really appreciate it.

Josh Gibson 53:30
No, I it's my pleasure. I'm very, very happy to come on and is great time.

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BPS 404: Hollywood Directing: How to Choose the Right Lens for Your Shot with Gil Bettman

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Alex Ferrari 4:00
So, today's show, I wanted to give you a sneak peek at the Hollywood directing masterclass course that we released with Gil Bettman. And it is a game changing course. And I wanted to give you one of the lessons for free so you guys could listen to it. Just see what kind of cool stuff Gil does. I mean, I mean, I've been directing for 20 years. And you know, when I watched this course and took this course, Gil gave me all sorts of ideas I just did not have before, and it's one of the best rated filmmaking courses on Udemy right now, and without any further ado, here is a lesson on how to amp up your static shots just by using lenses. And you know how much I love my lenses. So it's kind of a little masterclass on Lensman ship, as he calls it and enjoy it guys. I think you guys are gonna get a lot out of it

Gil Bettman 4:58
Though different lenses. lend themselves to different kinds of shots. Okay? So if we're talking about field of vision and depth of field, all right, the one with a wide angle is you've got you can see, you know, the world the entire world. Okay, so what would be a good shot to do with a wide angle lens? A BB a big shot as part of a big master okay, but but specifically what what subject you kind of want to do any a city or even if you want to do a shot in a bathroom, you want to get the entire bed. Yeah, all right. But but that's a little atypical. But, but basically with a with a wide angle lens when you're talking about if it's big, and you want to see all of it, right? Use a wide angle lens to basically it's your establishing lens, because you see all of it. And it's all in focus. So a big room or a typically a big room or a big Stadium, right. This is this is the thing about a normal room will look the true size, not with a 50 millimeter lens, but with a with a wide angle, okay, because of the field, the field of vision property, the telephotos are good for something which is like if you if you have one thing and you want to eat you want it to fill the frame, and to be that which is like the isolette you want to isolate something in a frame, like this shot of a butterfly, okay? This is a good application of a telephoto lens, right? Because you see, only this one thing because of the narrow field of vision, right. And because of the narrow depth of field, only the butterflies in focus, everything else is soft. This is the Brooklyn Bridge with a wide angle lens. And you see all the braids and much of the Manhattan skyline behind it. Okay, so if it's big, and you want to see all of it, use the wide angle lens because of the wide angle lens is the ability to show you. Great field of vision and great depth of field. Okay, that clear? Now, you're talking about applications of lenses, in terms of in terms of perspective, okay? The way that the way that perspective changes the way that things look, with a wide angle lens, it makes objects look bigger, or more bulkier, or more bulbous more round, right. I mean, a perfect example if, if you had a beautiful Greek column, if this is the Greek column, all right of the Parthenon, and I shot it with a wide angle lens at this height with a nine five lens. Okay. What would it look like? Exactly, Angeles guy, it would be it would taper to the top, taper the bomb and be fat in the middle. Is that aesthetically pleasing? No. Because it's made what what is graceful has been made bulky and bulbous. Okay, but some things look good, bulky and bulbous. What can you think of which looks big? Good. If it's big and fat and juicy. A burger is a burger is closer to it. All right, a burger looks good. big, fat and juicy. What else besides a burger food one of the piece of food? Ice cream or an apple an apple or a tomato? Right? Or a car for some rear reason. cars look nice winner big and curvy. Kind of like girls. I don't know they have biggest thing is not right but curvy. The distortion of a car. You know the lines of a car made curvy by the distortion of the wide angle lens. This this distortion here. The extreme wide angle looks good. Okay, that's the way that perspective alters the way things look. Now with telephoto. It's the opposite. Okay with the extreme telephoto extreme long lenses. You get things look looking thinner. Okay, what looks better thinner? If you're shooting a close up on your leading lady, what was he going to use 35 no 100

Alex Ferrari 9:43
I can't speak more highly about this course. I mean, it's such a great course on directing, and specifically how to move the camera how to get good action sequences, how to tell a story visually. It's just a It's a unique course because there is Not much of anything like this out on line. And it's so well put together and Gil is a, you know, just a amazing instructor. So I definitely advise you guys go out there and check it out, just head over to indie film hustle.com Ford slash directing 19 that's indie film hustle.com, forward slash directing 19. And that'll get you the course for 19 bucks. And normally, the course sells for 200. So definitely check it out, guys. And I wanted to let everybody know in the Los Angeles area that this is Meg is going to have its la premiere at Holly shorts, it's going to be the closing night feature film. And it's going to play at the Chinese theatre, the world famous Chinese Theater, I cannot tell you how excited I am and jealous and we're just so blessed and just so grateful that we're going to be playing at the Chinese Theater, a little movie that we made last year. And it's going to be la premiering there. It's It's such a big deal. So if you guys want tickets, just go to the show notes at indie film hustle.com forward slash 174. And you'll get links there with discount discount codes for tickets. And it's going to be playing August 19 at 8pm. And I'll be there the whole cast will be there. It's gonna be amazing. And we probably go out and get drinks afterwards. There'll be a lot of fun. So definitely check it out, guys. I hope I can see you guys there. I really appreciate all the support. Thank you so much. And as always keep that hustle going keep that dream alive. And I'll talk to you soon.

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BPS 403: Cinematic Masterclass with Philip Bloom

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Alex Ferrari 1:34
I'd like to welcome to the show Philip Bloom. Thank you, sir so much for taking the time out to to share your knowledge with the the tribe.

Philip Bloom 3:12
Alex, thanks for having me.

Alex Ferrari 3:14
So how did you get into this crazy business?

Philip Bloom 3:18
I very a path which probably doesn't exist anymore. I it goes back to I think most times when you grow up, you don't know what to do. And I didn't know what I wanted to do. And I was watching a TV show. And it was about a guy who tried out different careers. And what episode was where he tried to be a news photographer. And I watched that this was this was like a knee sort of like mid 80s. And I thought that looks really cool. So I friend of my dad's new oppress geographer. And so I had a conversation with him about it. And I took photos and I was you know, a hobbyist. nothing particularly is better photos. But I thought that looks like a really interesting job. I didn't really know what to do. And then he said to me, I would not bother doing this because photography is on the way out because digital is coming in. And that's going to change everything. It's going to cheapen industry, you should get into TV news. That's where the future is. So when Yeah, why not. So I then sort of like made inquiries and contacts and tried to get in touch with somebody and eventually found somebody who knew somebody and I managed to go out with a news crew. I was about to get about 16 or 17 did that for a day and it was the best thing I'd ever done. It was so much fun. And this was back in the golden age of TV news in a way because where you are really looked after I think they did a I went out with like three man crew. We went out to the press conference for boxer. Then we had a three hour lunch and just Chinese restaurants really expensive Chinese restaurant all on the company. And I was like, Wow, this is amazing. This is the life that I think then they said, We may do something later, but probably not. That'll be it for the day. I'm like, this is a job. And by eventually, I, by the time I left school, I then got I managed to get my foot in the door into sky television, and to try and become a news cameraman. So that's kind of how I got in never wanted to be a filmmaker, and I want to be a filmmaker in the slightest. wanting to do something, wanted to find a job that could pay me to do something that was interesting. Because I really had no idea what I want to do growing up. And that was basically just sort of fell into it just found that I really enjoyed filming, and really enjoyed the the excitement of and boredom as well of news. And that kind of that's kind of where we're ready. And I did that for 17 years. Oh, wow. was what? for staff? And it was the best training anybody I think you can have when you want to become a storyteller? Because you get I got to learn how to use Git not particularly technically, because it was much simpler times it was one camera one lens, right? In two settings like a try. That's it. It was like, yeah, there's no settings in camera. It's turned it on. And now you you had a gain switch. There you go.

Alex Ferrari 6:26
Yes. In the white balance

Philip Bloom 6:28
Yeah, yeah, white balance, and of course, is black and white, if you find so you had to get it right. You knew you got it, right, because you didn't get a phone call later to tell you that you got it wrong. And that the way things worked back then. But it was brilliant was great training, I got to learn how to tell stories really quickly. Learn how to shoot efficiently, how to walk into a room and see the positions where I need to be, I knew how to learn how to figure out how to shots I needed to get really quickly. And then they asked then it gave me a chance to do long form stuff later on. And I was always traveling around the world. And they taught me how to edit. It was just a really brilliant experience. And, and I guess it's one of those things that when you get to I got really comfortable with it. And I could easily still be doing it now. But I realized that I had to leave to push myself further. And that was 11 years ago, in this way.

Alex Ferrari 7:19
And then you get into more filmmaking more documentary after that.

Philip Bloom 7:24
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, docu, documentaries is kind of what I was doing for the last few years of my startup anyway. Because I was one of the few cameraman, there was like 25 kehrmann that worked at the company on the news roster. And I was one of the few who edited. And so I got sent to do the interesting stories. And then it gave me the more creative stuff. And I showed a flair for doing creative stuff. And so they pushed me to more and more do that. And then so I was doing the longer form stuff, sort of like what I guess what you equate slight, 60 minutes, types you have. And that was brilliant. So that really gave me a taste for longer stuff of doing that. So that's why I went into freelancing. That's why I really wanted to still push forward with documentaries, as my main thing is still my main thing. But also try the other things which could, which you know, interested me, you know, and, and I've certainly found that trying all these different things, and still doing different types of work really helps in every aspect you're in. If you're filming narrative fiction, coming from a news documentary background is incredibly useful. Because you're, you know, you have that speed of thought. But also if you've you we can take from that fiction, though, is that aspect of planning, and, and working with others for to in a much more controlled way. And bring that into your documentary work can can have a really interesting effects. I love the way that everything that I've done in these past 11 years has really sort of jailed and work together to make everything hopefully better.

Alex Ferrari 9:03
Now you were at what point in your career did you decide, hey, I'm gonna start blogging. I'm gonna open up a YouTube show, YouTube channel, you're one of the first guys in the in the industry in the film industry at all that was kind of figuring that out. How did you start this blog and what made you want to start one?

Philip Bloom 9:23
So I think the website started initially, this is in 2006, just as a place for my showreel because nobody, because prior to this, people were just and still what at this time we're sending out DVDs,

Alex Ferrari 9:40
Sure CD ROM, or VHS,

Philip Bloom 9:42
Or VHS is and nobody the effort it takes for somebody to open it up and put it in a machine and play it. It means they're not going to watch it. And I just thought if I could just send them a link over this thing called email, the employee seems to start having these days and it's When basically it was just seemed like the most obvious way of doing things. And that's basically started it. And then about a year later, I started up the blog. And the blog was really was just a simple way of me sharing my experiences using something called 35 millimeter adapters, which is what we use before data loss as a way of tricking the smaller sensor cameras into having essentially 35 millimeter field of view and aesthetic and everything and it was really clunky. system. Yeah, remember, and the only way you could find out information about these really was by going through all of these forums, the dv x users and the DB info and stuff like that. And it was going through countless threads. And I thought, yeah, I'm just gonna just have a place where I can just share my my experience with it and see, I can hopefully help people out if they think you're going down this path, and I can see me trying out all this, all these gears, all these different adapters that I'm buying, trying to get the most filmic look at it's simply my it sounds a bit trite, but it is true, I did actually just want to give a little bit back because I was trained by such brilliant cameraman back in my news days. And I just wanted to just to have, you know, I was taught I was educated on the job and stuff like that. And I could only see the way things were going, that that wasn't happening anymore. And people were sort of floundering. So I just wanted to share my experiences. And so hopefully people could learn a little bit from what I was doing. And that's kind of really basically what it started out as just simply just me giving a little bit back.

Alex Ferrari 11:40
And then it grew and grew and grew till it's the juggernaut that it is today. And you and your YouTube, and when did you start your YouTube channel?

Philip Bloom 11:48
Um, you eager to find out? I mean, it started it a long time ago. I can't remember how long ago, but I mean, it must be about nine,

Alex Ferrari 11:58
At least like 2000 2010 2008, something like that.

Philip Bloom 12:01
Oh, well, but yeah, before then yeah, so I didn't really do much with it. It was just a place of putting up some stuff. And, and really, I have to say, I mean, Vimeo was kind of my main place, there was exposure, and then Vimeo exposure and disappeared. And maybe I used to use that as a place to put my work up to be seen because it's a clean platform. YouTube always struck me as a very noisy environment. Yep. And I've actually grown to love YouTube for what it is I've embraced it for what it is. And it took me quite a few years to understand what needs to be done with it. And I've never really embraced it in the full way that many have. Because I think to truly do that. It's a full time job. That hands on YouTube for me. So it's just, I put up stuff every now and then. But it's and i'm not i'm not a snob at all about these things. And you see this online, when you talk about these things. People say oh, no, I don't put myself on YouTube, the quality of people who watch it out, and we're near as good as quality people who watch it on Vimeo, unlike, right, so you want to pick and choose your audience where you're in the wrong business. If you want me to watch it, surely as many people watch as possible, there's no and YouTube is for me, it's now grown bigger to me than than Vimeo. I still use Vimeo, initially put my stuff up. And then when I'm happy with it, I will then put it up onto YouTube. Because as you know, you can't change the video on YouTube, you have to let it go. And it's not like I do daily vlogs or anything. It's when I put stuff up on YouTube, it's generally quite a crafted piece that I put up there. So it takes me a while to make it.

Alex Ferrari 13:46
So when you approach a film or a series, how do you approach How do you kind of like creatively go after a new job?

Philip Bloom 13:58
It is that's a tricky one. Because it really depends on the type of work there is so varied and degenerate the way that work. I'm lucky enough to be in a position now where I don't have to actually knock on doors are such the fine work. I still make new contacts and do things like that just the normal way. But I don't send my my I don't try and contact people looking for ways I get people contacting me with job offers and ideas. And if it's something that interests me, then I will, then I'll go and work with that. And it really depends on what the job is. It can be it's such a different process, you know, whether it's set, whether it's working on a documentary series, or doing a corporate or branded content, for example, I mean, all of these things have such different processes. Obviously, there's some parts of it which are of a similar, which is I think the common ground and all of it would be filming. Because on everything that I do, I'll always be filming something But other stuff I may not be editing, I may not be doing any pre production it really depends on on type of thing that I do.

Alex Ferrari 15:08
Now you should a lot on location. Do you have any tips on lighting with natural light?

Philip Bloom 15:19
Yeah, lighting, natural lighting is a wonderful thing. It's an unpredictable uncontrollable thing frequently. And so whilst working with what there is, is a nice quick way of doing things, you can't use it for everything, it's the best thing I can suggest when when you're working with available, I mean, I would always suggest having your own lights as well, to give it a try and do talking heads and interviews in a room trying to do that on just available light or natural light. Unless you've got continuous gray cloud outside or anything like that, it's just gonna be a nightmare. But it is a case of working with what's there don't fight it, embrace the light work find a location or room with a background that works with the windows what there is when you walk into a room that has lights on, turn them off, and then see what the lights like and then turn the back on again if you want. So it's a case of just don't, don't turn the camera on until you've you've figured out where the light is and how you can harness it. And I think too many people don't look at where the light is, before they choose their background first and then they go about the light the two should be hand in hand especially if you're going to be working with natural light you need to make make it work together very well.

Alex Ferrari 16:47
It's not it's in other words you kind of roll with the punches when it comes to natural light as opposed to trying to control it or manipulate it too much I mean you can control manipulate it to a certain extent but it's ever changing so it's kind of like you know wrestling a wet cat.

Philip Bloom 17:01
Yeah, it just depends on what it is you're trying to film if you're just trying to grab some shots here and there it's you know, you can work with it and we know lighting is not turning up the ISO and your camera as you know, is a completely different thing. Right horrendous thing some people actually do think that is what lighting is no, we still need to lighting so you know creates the really creates everything and I love natural light. But when I when the natural light doesn't work for me, which is can easily be you know 75% of the time, that's when you start adding lights yourself, but in the most naturalistic way possible for me, it's all about finding the position where you would like to be that looks like it's a motivated lightsource like it could be the window and that's what I could be doing I could literally just be putting up a light to add to the window light to take it over to add a little bit more to it to give a bit more sparkle casing changes. So I think that's kind of what you need to do with it and then there's lots of apps and things out there which you can use to see you know if you want to scout locations beforehand to see where the sun will be the light will be and how that will affect things. But most of the time if you're just doing things quickly you just have to work with it and just be quick is my best advice if you are going to work with natural light don't faff around and start being undecided about what to do You just have to just go with it.

Alex Ferrari 18:27
Now I know because I actually watched your your Skywalker Ranch video that you did years ago which was stunning and for any Star Wars fan that is Mecca so I watched that I found that online I was like wow and then you were shooting it with a DSLR if I'm not mistaken right

Philip Bloom 18:46
Yeah, yeah, so that was a that was an interesting time so that was back in 2009 and they contacted minutes is a fun it's a nice story because I'm a huge Star Wars fan have been up since I saw the first Star Wars 77 and they emailed me and I didn't reply so Lucasfilm emailed me and I didn't reply because I'm terrible with emails and in I have a PA now and it makes things better but now she does my work email she doesn't do my personal emails and I'm still rapid with my personal emails. But I still was still bad then and I missed it and then they called me and I did I'm rubbish with voicemails terrible with voicemails. I'll be like, you know, you have 60 new voicemail right got it. Me. But actually, the did play it back. I played one back about a day after it was left and it was producer Rick McCallum said dropped to an email last week and tried to avoid it strange that we've not heard about. from you. I think basically, anybody never nobody ignores and I wasn't ignoring I'm just rubbish.

Alex Ferrari 20:07
No one ever ignores an email from George Lucas.

Philip Bloom 20:10
I mainly call them back and apologize. And they just said that they, they want to know what this can find the marks who's about if it's any good. They have second world war movie that they're currently shooting called Red Tails. And they've got some other plans for other stuff that they just want to just don't know what the quality is like. They've got one, they messed around with it, but they're not they don't really know much about it. So could I come over to Skywalker Ranch for maybe a few days? And give them some advice? And I was like, yeah,

Alex Ferrari 20:43
Sure what actually,

Philip Bloom 20:44
I was actually I was booked on a job. Oh, yeah, I was booked on a job to do short notice. It was like, can you come out next week? I was booked for like three weeks. And so I found out the production manager at the job I was on and gave a sob story of like, you know, how important Star Wars was to my life. And then eventually got to the bit that I said, and they've asked me to come over there next week to work with them. And she said to me, why don't you tell me that the beginning 10 minutes ago? Yeah, that's fine. Understand totally, no problem. I'll let you I'll let you off the job. And yeah, so I went out there. And I shot with it around the ranch, which was I didn't have long today at all. And they just wanted to see it didn't want me to shoot any test charts or anything like that. They weren't interested in that they wanted to see what it looked like projected. So I just shot some stuff around the ranch. And I went into their, into the the main house into the screening room. And it was ahead of experience because it was McCallum there. And George Lucas is he's visiting director friend Quentin Tarantino's legendary sound designer and editor Ben Ben burrs there. So they go into this and

Alex Ferrari 22:06
What then then just Dennis Miranda show up.

Philip Bloom 22:09
He was he wasn't that I cut the stuff on my laptop in the room. And when it looks are I bit noisy bit of aliasing there bit more. Right? It's all right. God. And I didn't know they were going to screen it on the big screen. So I wanted to get in there. And I had is one of the things I would like to have seen on the big screen before anybody else saw it, just to check it. So the first time I ever saw canon five, the Mk two subjected was at that point. And it looked beautiful looks so much better than did it on the computer, through their their magical idea what amazing project that I had it looked fantastic. And they loved it. So it was a hell of an experience.

Alex Ferrari 22:50
And then then you get to work a little bit on Red Tails.

Philip Bloom 22:53
Yeah, so I did some shoots did some stuff for them up at in Sonoma a couple of weeks. And then in Prague A few months later as well. So I did about three weeks work on the on the movie. And it was that was it was crazy, because that was me with my little ID mark two. And I also had a 1d Mark four as well, that have a seven day as well, maybe a seven day cop member, I think I did had a 70 modified to PL as well as at the three cameras to switch between. And they they were shooting on Sony f 35. So big beasts, and you know, proper cinema crew. And sure it looks like it's just a monster. So you know that I would be there to get an angle they hadn't thought of because I was so nimble and able to just slot it and find things with my eye what I did. And I was able to be set up and ready within like two minutes. guys were like 45 minutes to an hour just to repo each position. Of course. That was it was it was fun. It was it's a fun drinking game watching the movie. Boy, I can't do it because I would kill myself. There's 150 shots of my film.

Alex Ferrari 24:11
Yeah, that's insane.

Philip Bloom 24:12
I know. I know every single one of the shots when it comes on. And of course they've graded it beautifully. You couldn't tell. But it's not. It's not for what people initially thought of. Oh, you must be using it for like cockpit cams and stuff like that, like, because they're not really the cockpits they're obviously it's a stage and they're on. They're on gimballed and there's a techno crane and I'm sure they're so my camera was not forgetting those really like small space type stuff. It was really just I was the small camera to find small spaces and get angles that they couldn't or hadn't thought off beforehand.

Alex Ferrari 24:48
Now you would you agree that they found you basic did they find you because of your blog? And because you work with one kind of talking about DSLRs a lot?

Philip Bloom 24:57
Yeah, I think I mean without question who It was the when the five D came along, I didn't embrace it straightaway. The Fray did reverie, of course in November 2008. And I had played with I bought the Nikon D 90 a month before that hated it. I was so excited by the concept of DSLR, I was having a large sensor to better shoot video, but the quality of the nicotine, it was so bad. And then I saw the five D Mark two and when that looks cool, but I have no Canvas, and it only shoots 30 P and I need to shoot 25 p 24. p. So that gets me but I did get to try it for the first time in May. And then realized you could you can get past that the lens limitations and also the fact that there was no manual control by using old Nikon glass with an adapter and and also found a way of converting the set up to 25 p to make it look okay. And so yeah, so I was I you know, once I did, once I figure that out, I really just loved it. And I think that's kind of you know, a lot of people saw my stuff and so I was doing and picked up from there.

Alex Ferrari 26:07
Now can you because I have I have a love hate relationship with DSLRs because I've upgraded I've graded probably about five features that were shot on the DSLR and they've never shot properly. If you shoot the DSLR properly, like you did on Red Tails. I'm sure it looks and I saw the movie. It looks great. Yeah, but most people don't know how to shoot DSLRs properly gets too grainy, like one movie I had was like in the movie in the woods at night with no light. And they're like, hey, why is there so much grain? I'm like, Guys, you know, it's you know, we have we it's not it's it just couldn't work. So What tips do you have with a shooting DSLR now that DSLR is also that you shot red cells which are much different than they are now with the ACS two that can literally look into into the darkness of of hell, and they clean but what what what kind of tips do you have when shooting DSLRs for filmmakers who want to shoot a feature or a short and try to get the most out of that camera.

Philip Bloom 27:09
It's funny that has been quite a few years now since they first came out and the yet the image quality has come on enormously. But the key the key core principles we need to stick to much the same. You need to if you're going to use it use a handheld need to have it on some some sort of rig just to stabilize a little bit because unless you have one you know one of these five axes stabilized sensors, then that's going to help you as well. But that's one of the first things is just make sure if you are going to shoot handheld Just be aware of the terrible issues we can have a rolling shutter which is a huge giveaway for DSLRs is that horrible micro vibrations that we can really see not just jello, not just like rolling shutter he said that you know that you don't wish it really looked like oh my god like somebody's wobbly much caffeine. Sure while they're holding the camera. So be careful that you know using is lens Miss stabilized lens if you haven't got that. But it's know what your camera performs best out with its ISOs. And yes, many of the cameras that you know the a seven s two, you can push your camera much higher, but you still need to expose correctly. So that's one of the things that people aren't doing right. And I do not recommend shooting vlog format on any of the DS laws with eight bit codecs, which is pretty much all of them except the GH five leave and then it's it's still a little bit challenging. It's a it's a hell of a codec, the GH five blog, it's it's, it's really hard to grade. So I would I would suggest No, no, no, no how far you can push your ISO, and then only use it for extreme purposes. It's not a replacement for lighting. It's a way of hopefully being able to film in environments that you couldn't normally film in. That's basically what their solarz were excited to me about was was apart from the size and the optics was just this just I think it was the ability to push that low light up a little bit like that. And I think when the SMS two came out of there, seven s came out initially, it wasn't the fact that I could film in moonlight. It was the fact that I could film in street light but not wide open, which is what too many people are still doing when choosing on DSLRs. That's the other tip is just because you've got an F 1.4 lens doesn't mean you should shoot at F one point for every single shot, right. It's incredibly hard to keep focus. We do have some cameras coming out now with pretty decent autofocus. But it's still not necessarily the way to go. That's a different thing. I would use that for certain things like interviews and stuff like that other than that, it's being sensible with it being sensible. So I would say the key things is going to be Don't be shooting wide open. Keep your camera stable if you can, as much as possible, don't push your ISO too far and don't fall into temptation of shooting log unless you absolutely have to proper video cameras with 10 bit codecs or shoot log fantastic. But eight bit compressed codecs, whether it's a drone, or DSLR, it's it's a nightmare. And you spend so much time in post just trying to hide all the problems, which if you hadn't done that in the first place you wouldn't be doing

Alex Ferrari 30:31
Now, one thing I really do like about your your work is that you are it's Lisa seems from your blog and from your your YouTube channel that you are not married to any one camera. You're not like, I'm only the Canon guy. I'm only a Blackmagic. I'm only a Nikon guy. I'm only an Erica, you. You use multiple cameras, depending on your job. Can you can you suggest or show people how or advice on how you could pick the right camera for the right job, which I think it's so, so important, because I think sometimes it's just trying to use a hammer to screw in a lightbulb. It's like just hammer it. There are other tools.

Philip Bloom 31:13
Yeah, I mean, that's, yeah. Back in the candidates, I was approached to be one of their ambassadors. And I said no, because I wanted to, I didn't want to be tied to any format. I had an independent voice. I didn't want to lose that. And also didn't want to lose out on the fact that I you know, other people gonna make cool cameras in their phone. I don't want to be like, Oh, no, I can't use this because I'm signed in, signed up with these guys. And so yeah, I'm, and I'm always gonna be like this because I, I'm very fickle, and I will fall in love with a camera, and then something else will come along and turn my head and go, Oh, no, use this now. And, and so yeah, I mean, when it comes to life photography, I mean cameras, Pentax and Fuji cameras. And, and so but when it comes to video, I my main video cameras or Sony, but I also have canon ones as well. And I have lots of different types of of them and and I guess I am lucky that I can be in that position of saying the right tool for the right job. And obviously, if you you've already got one camera, then you're going to be a little bit stuck and kind of that's your your camera for the job. But if it's if it's important, then I would certainly try and rent it or find somebody who's got something that would be more appropriate for your job. Because you're right, it's it's, you see people using totally the wrong cameras, when it could be something as simple as you can have a chocolate bar, so they try to use a Blackmagic Ursa mini for wedding videos and like you crazy. We try to do Yeah, but I'm sure we can shoot RAW, raw, like why you should enjoy in the first place for a wedding video. And the camera they can't put over 800 ISO and a wedding video with no control of your lighting and probably no lights. Sure, crazy itself nice and nice to write. You know, and so somebody who's Oh, I want to do you know, some visual effects and that it's all going to be green screen and stuff like that. I'm shooting on an 87x. And I'll be like, why that's the wrong camera for you for doing this. Right, you should get yourself Blackmagic submitty because that shoots raw and that shoots 10 bit progress. And that's going to be much better for you and it's still pretty cheap. And you're already in his lip. It's already late because it has to be because in a studio and green screen, so they have to worry about the fact that you can't push your ISO. Right. So I mean that you know that's that's the best thing about like the black magics is is working in lit controlled locations. They do really well with that. And then we have to push it too far. Because they're the cheapest cameras I know of that have a terrific inbuilt codec or Pro. It's gorgeous hand roll if you need it. You know having to deal with all of these nasty compressed v frame codecs all the time eight bit ones when you get committed to shoot straight pro rated like Oh, no transcoding. Oh, my this system works with it. And I can grade it, it doesn't fall apart. Wow. Fantastic. So that's kind of what you need to look at is what but if you know it's safe, you don't have to Tamar, that it's a bit harder. I mean, I interesting. I read on reading Facebook today and a dp guy I know. And he was asking about time lapse. He's got a red, epic W and he's complaining about the fact that the time lapse ability of the camera is basically lacking in that you can't do more than one frame a second and say currently long exposures right tool for the right job. This is a 70,000 whatever it is dollar camera, right? Just get a $2,000 DSLR that's going to shoot RAW, shoot long exposure, shoot everything you wanted to do the right job and doesn't doesn't tie up your 70 or 1000 Dollar camera. There's a time lapse. So

Alex Ferrari 35:03
Yeah, I think yeah, I think a lot of times filmmakers DPS, they spend 70 grand on a camera and they wanted to do everything and be perfect for everything. And a lot of times you, right, you, you have that ability in your work has shown that you could just like, you know what I yes, I have a $70,000 camera, but, you know, it's like I have a Porsche, but I'm not going to drive to the supermarket with a Porsche where I could easily either just walk or, or or drive my Prius, you know, it's just the right tool for the right job. kind of thing. Yeah.

Philip Bloom 35:33
Yeah. I suppose if you have spent 70,000, you kind of insistent on the fact that oh, my God, I'm going to get every single last pennies worth out of this camera. Right. But, you know, I said this in, in many times. And I've also got this policy now of not wanting to, I'm never going to buy a camera over $10,000 again. And I've done that like three times now. Yes, before. And now it's just, there's loads of great cameras sub 10,000. Not so much. And if you need anything more than just rent it because it's just not worth it. Because they get cheated, they get superseded so quickly these days. And it's just not really worth spending all that money, especially in a system that you could end up changing in a read requires so many bits and pieces, and maybe then you'll switch to area who knows. But it's I just think there's so many great cameras out there for for the sub that just just stick with that. Really, unless you're super rich because I bought a Sony f 35. And with allowes Last time, I bought a really expensive camera. And I loved it, it was amazing. And then the FS seven came out, and it did everything I needed it to do for documentaries without me worrying about my hugely expensive camera being potentially damaged and stuff like that. So I found that it was sitting on the shelf for like six months hadn't really been touched and the FSM was being used all the time. And so I sold it and that was when I decided this is silly I should now you know I'm not going to buy the expensive camera again. So because the FS seven did everything I needed to do it didn't shoot RAW easily. Didn't matter because I didn't need to shoot RAW right right. Yeah, the rifle

Alex Ferrari 37:17
Yeah, and I'm a huge fan of the Blackmagic I shot my feature on the 2.5k Cinema Yeah, and the pocket is arguably some of the most beautiful images come out of that little camera you know again right tool for the right job you know if I'm going to go shoot an IMAX This is not the tool for you. But if you're creating this kind of almost Super 16 style film look out of the box that that little pocket camera is amazing and the Ursa Mini is is one of the most underrated I think cameras out there because it's not as sexy as the red or the Alexa a man it has a bite Would you agree?

Philip Bloom 37:54
Yeah, I haven't shot anything properly myself with the 4.6 Ursa mini I really liked what I go with it though I had definitely had issues with as a from a documentary background with the fact the buy in is available light I will I knew I was going to come a Cropper and there are some quirks here and there which slow me down but I thought for the money the image was fantastic and I've always found it disappointing that they well they went with originally with the the Ursa which was the craziest camera Oh the

Alex Ferrari 38:27
The first one was hard

Philip Bloom 38:28
Yeah That was funny. I mean I went to a trade show Yes. And I remember the first time I picked it up I just you know in front of them that they've let me pick it up and I went holy crap anyway yeah we don't really consider this a handheld camera I like what kind of world do you live in? What is that he was he was a camera should be anything he shouldn't we consider this a tripod camera might blind me Sure studio camera is a tripod camera but this is crazy sure, but I just wish that develops the pocket camera but I wish that made no version of that because that really is the I think is my favorite camera that I like bought from them yes in size and form I had loads of issues while but what it gave you was astonishing in the package

Alex Ferrari 39:22
I wish they would do 4k like if they could do 4k in that little camera with raw in progress and handle the damn battery issue it's just

Philip Bloom 39:29

Alex Ferrari 39:30
Just do something better with the battery if the plug in a juice box or something like that now whenever the juice box it will run six seven hours but still it's like a little bit more bulky but God that little camera is good and the Micro Four Thirds opens you up to so much glass especially vintage glass that I'm a big vintage glass guy and it's it really is gorgeous It is wonderful camera.

Philip Bloom 39:53
Yeah, it's just a shame that they didn't really know they just seem to just forgot this has gotten battered and they have their micro camera setup. I call it this is not the same, it's not the same thing. It's so I don't know if then they'll ever go back to that the SMD pro looks I have never played with it it looks like a soldier many of the operational issues they had with the previous one so

Alex Ferrari 40:14
They have solved that I shot a shot a series with it and I shot with the new one and the old one. And they both work like champs but the brand new one that they just released the time code on the on the side and everything it's solved. It's a tank now it really is a tank and it's you'd like you're right if you push it a little too. It's not. I always I did a test between the Aerie Alexa and the end the Ursa Mini, and I shot them down the middle. And when you shoot them down the middle, man, yeah, it's pretty damn close. It's definitely not you can tell it's not worth spending 80 grand or whatever the Alexa cost now, comparatively, all down the mirror, you just start seeing where the Alexa is worth it. When you start pushing her. When you start pushing on the on the darks and the highlights get clipped a little bit. So if you go a little bit up or down is when you start getting but if you should have done the middle of it. best bang for your buck.

Philip Bloom 41:07
But let me ask you, though, if you were given, somebody said I'm going to swap out your Ursus for aerial axes for free. You'd go Yeah, right. Of course you would. We'll work because they're amazing. But you're right it's unless I dated people I know who own a Lexus smart bought a Lexus, our DPS who read them to the production's share first. So that's those are people who who should be buying a Lexus the rest of us should be renting them in. absolutely need them.

Alex Ferrari 41:42
Absolutely. Now, do you have any advice on how you test a new camera which I know a lot of filmmakers get their cameras and they really don't know how to push it or test it or you know, put it through the through the wringer a little bit to see if it's even worth it.

Philip Bloom 41:55
Yeah, so me It totally is totally real world. It's it taking out of other kind of other working studios as such I do work in doors and things like that, but that working studio so I want to see how it works with unpredictable lighting. I want to see how it operates as a camera is how slow is to figure out I think the last time I tested was the Canon c 200. And I kind of I actually really liked it it's a bit of a strange quirky camera in that it has a terrific inbuilt inbuilt feature called 12 bit raw internally and yet the if you can't do roll then you have to do an eight bit right 14 okay that which is so bizarre to have no middle ground I mean we all know it's a cannon protecting its other cameras issue right but it's but other than that it's actually really nice image and a really nice camera and for me I just wanted to see the things which that it was a selling point really which was the the role the autofocus and just what the eight bit codec was like so those are kind of the headline features I was looking at to see what they're like and this like when I'm getting our hands on the the ETA one from Panasonic what I want to see is what this July so is going to like what sort of noise levels Am I getting because the main selling point is that you can shoot in low light conditions by switching to different the higher native setting so want to see what that's like there's kind of I look at the headline features of the camera and go Okay, I need to see what this actually is like and then as well do the everyday the bread and butter type stuff to see how it actually works for real use because obviously you need to if it may well have a really cool feature but if it doesn't operate the camera well just generally then it's it's a bit pointless. And it takes me back to when I saw the was when the Sony A seven s came out and it was all about all about how amazing the low light was. And they released a video and it was I watched it and I was like Okay, it looks nice. It's nicely shot and it was like fishermen in Scotland or something and it was all shot high ISO and it showed you a couple of exactly what it was six

Alex Ferrari 44:19
Or something like that

Philip Bloom 44:20
Even though like nighttime it looked like daytime or something right and which was fine but because it it was like that all the way through I had no sense of any of what it was doing. And so I got the camera on loan from them just before it was released and went Alright, I'm gonna take this down down to Brighton and in south of England and then just really just see what this is like and so I did a video and I shot it where I want did I this is what it looks like to the eye which is like 100 ISO and then I shot it at 25,600 ISO which did turn it into like daylight is having this Friends having this ability to do this transition show, this is what I see. And this is what this shows. And that's I mean that's kind of a way to sell the cameras ability because he saw straight away that was like, ah, I now I get it I get what, how amazing this is because I didn't get it before because everything was just brought everything just looked okay look fine. So it's, that's kind of what I when I'm looking at cameras that's kind of I just want to see what makes this special.

Alex Ferrari 45:28
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show. Now what are three of your go to lenses? If you're on a desert island? I know it's like picking your children

Philip Bloom 45:50
That question you know religion say one actually one's easier, one's easier and always You didn't tell me what size sensor which sensor we're talking here?

Alex Ferrari 45:58
Let's say full frame.

Philip Bloom 46:00
Okay, all right, then. That's easier. So I would say a 15 millimeter is my first lens without question. Because as long as it's the relative field of view of what we see our eyes so I do love that standard field of view and I can show you pretty much everything on that. And then it gets really tricky because my favorite walk around lens is a 35 mil

Alex Ferrari 46:25
Which was brand?

Philip Bloom 46:29
And you know I don't really have any you to my focal lengths or brands?

Alex Ferrari 46:35
Brands brand brands like like Canon Nightcore

Philip Bloom 46:40
This is getting really hard. So if you you know if you want the really beautiful sharp images and the Sigma art lens is a fantastic

Alex Ferrari 46:53

Philip Bloom 46:53
If you want, they are incredibly, but if you want some a little bit more character than sure some of the older knickers are always good for that sort of thing. Nice and cheap.

Alex Ferrari 47:07
Do you use a lot of Do you use a lot of vintage glass? Or do you ever play with it

Philip Bloom 47:11
Occasionally, occasionally, not as much as I used to. I used to these days I tend to use a lot more detailed, sharper lenses. But I still I still do you know when I'm doing any lens whacking freelancing or using my old glass and a lot more for stills I do for stills as well. But for videos, probably less so. But I don't really always a horrible question to ask because I just I love long telephoto is as well.

Alex Ferrari 47:43
Sure it's the right tool for the right job. I know it's like it's a it's a tough question. If someone asked me I have a couple of lenses that I go to all the time. But in there's a couple of fun ones that I I play with like a

Philip Bloom 47:58
Hand and got a great one that I've recently bought 70 to 300 Yes, it's not a standard constant aperture. It's not their white one. It's their their non L series one but it's new ish like last year and it's not that expensive. It's got crazy fast autofocus for doing stills. And build quality is great. It's light and the optics are great. It gives you a huge range so 70 to 300

Alex Ferrari 48:24
What's the How fast is it 35256 I think okay, so it's outdoor soccer but

Philip Bloom 48:33
Yeah, it's an outdoor lens but you know if you if you want a lens which is a you can limit me to three it's really cheap with a long big long zoom that's going to cover a big range and I still have a fast 50 mil for my primes then wide angles I love my big wide angles as well but you know my think my biggest wide angle I've got that is not fisheye is 10 mil which is ridiculous that's avoid lander

Alex Ferrari 48:56
So you haven't avoid it.

Philip Bloom 48:58
It's It's It's boy let them make amazing glass.

Alex Ferrari 49:02
They do.

Philip Bloom 49:03
Well that 10 mil is like I bring it with and I put it on and I take a couple of shots with it. I think I've shot video with it twice maybe briefly. sure if it's too wide, or it's just ridiculous. It's it's an effect lens. So my favorite actual why my favorite focal length in wide is actually around 24 2024 mil around. Yeah, I do like wider than that. But it's you know, it's you can just find myself a little bit too it'd be a little bit too wide. So 2024 is a good sort of middle ground like sigma record rate 24 mil point for that make a 20 mil as well.

Alex Ferrari 49:44
They're 18 to 35 is amazing.

Philip Bloom 49:46
There aren't lens. Yeah, if you've got for crop sensors that it at 35 is fantastic. Yeah. And I and I if you're 20 that gives you your 24 to 2474 frame equivalent, so it's a great lens

Alex Ferrari 49:59
Now If If you want to talk about why my favorite Why'd I have is the canoptek 5.7 micro four thirds, but it doesn't. It doesn't fisheye. That's impressive. It's the it's the Kubrick lens. It's what he shot is the big brother of that is the 9.8 which is for 35 that one is for 16 so I use it with a pocket and with a pocket it just it's amazing. But it doesn't fisheye so if you remember the Sheen's from the shining in the yeah that's all shot with the Coptic as well as the the right before the rape scene and Clockwork Orange that was shot with the Coptic it's one of his It was one of his go to lenses in his in the series, but it's gorgeous. It's such a gorgeous lens. So we're geeking out.

Philip Bloom 50:50
On I mean, I do love my wide angles, and Zeno bought the 10 stuff like that, but um, yeah, sort of like a 1635 zoom is always a good a good, yes. You know, it's one of the things that people ask for advice. And they say what three lenses should I buy? My advice tends to be a call first question is how much money you got? No, point giving them any advice? Because it's such a you know, it's it's an impossible question to answer. And then

Alex Ferrari 51:15
There's the end lenses and what kind of what camera? Are you going to be using it on? Or what are you going to do a shooting film or video? I mean, or photo or motion? It's Yeah, it's, it's a very big question has many multiple answers. Now, do you have any tips? Well, good.

Philip Bloom 51:29
Yeah, I just I mean, just with the five D are just in its it hasn't really changed in five days, simply, you have the three, the three zooms, you're 1635 24 7070 to 200, that covers everything. And then you have a fast prime for everything else d 51.4. And that's kind of what you need to go. But that's 1000s. You know, it's if you're shooting documentaries, you kind of want that flexibility. If you're shooting features and narrative type stuff, then you can shoot on on primes. And not is that the joy of a zoom is the speed which you need when you're shooting documentary. You don't have to worry about that, then you can you can go with cheaper, more vintage primes. So it's a massive question.

Alex Ferrari 52:12
That's a whole podcast in itself. Yeah. Now let's talk a little bit about your masterclass, you nuke a new course that you put together for m Zed? Yeah. Can you talk about what the course is about? And what students can expect in the class?

Philip Bloom 52:25
Yeah, it's, um, I would say it's pretty much my 27 years of experience and knowledge as much as possible, just distilled into the facts of what it's like nine episodes, 131 and eight main episodes, like runs like nine and a half hours or so. And it's, I just wanted initially, m Zed asked me to do something about drones. And I went, yeah, cool. I don't that's gonna be, there's no way I can possibly feel much more than, you know, a couple of hours just on that. And so then I made the mistake of suggesting What if we did it about everything, everything that I do every type of filming styles I do. And then when Yeah, cool. And so then I realized just what I was letting myself in for, because I started breaking it down twice, I should have done that before I suggested it to them. Initially, it was going to be a six hour course. And by the time I started editing, that guide is going to be a lot longer than six hours, because I knew that when I was filming it, that it was going to get bigger and bigger and bigger. Because once you start talking about a subject, you realize you need to go down a path. So when I was breaking it down in pre production, and what we needed to do and figure out which episodes, what topics we should cover. That was kind of you know, where I realized, you know, it was a very good thing to actually make discipline wise, because it did require a lot of people duction. Otherwise, it just was not going to be a practical thing to shoot because it's sure enough as it was. And so I went through the topics that I really wanted to cover. The first one is the first episode is quite dull in in respect, because it's just me in my kitchen, but it's me explaining all of the stuff you actually do need to understand before you go out and shoot, which is all the technical stuff, a little bit of history as to why we're using these cameras and some of the flaws, the problems we can have with them. So it's going through everything you needed to know squeezed into like an hour and 20 minutes and then I went out and then I realized the next episode was okay, now I've got all that stuff out of the way. And I can just focus on being creative. And then it was never really competition is one of the things that's been very natural to me. And I've always been asked how can I improve my composition? And that always, well, you can always read books and to understand how what you're looking for competition. But then you need to work then you need to experiment and then you need to watch movies and TV shows and see how they do things and see what you like and and So that's kind of why this the first episode. So the second episode was all about showing what different lenses do and showing how cool a long telephoto can be on a subject and bringing a background closer to a person and the effect it can have compared to say, a standard lens and a wide angle lens. And then showing people how to move the camera when not to move the camera showing all these toys that can distract you when to use them. I mean, it was just so much in this course. And, and I think it's one of the things that I can look at the the list of the topics, the only really explains half of what you're learning, or did not even that from just what it is. So like, people will say, oh, there's no episode on lighting. I'm like, Well, no, because lighting is in every single every episode. Same with sound she found in every episode. I didn't want to do one because it's all filmed on location. I tackle things real world, much like I've always, I always want to do my reviews. And it's like an extension of that I wanted to show Okay, so I'm gonna do this episodes about interviews. So this is how you deal with getting to location and you know, you don't have the right room, you got to work with the light. One of the issues with the lights was the problems with the sound we have here. What can our background be, and it was really trying to take things as realistically as possible. And unless you're having real problems that I had to solve during the actual shoot, and showing them how I would deal with it. So that was kind of what I was trying to get with it.

Alex Ferrari 56:34
Well, I'm excited to to watch it myself. And I will definitely put all the information in the show notes for this episode for everyone to take a look at now. I have a few few more questions if you have some time. Sure. Yeah, sure. you've traveled pretty much all over the planet at this point in your career. Do you have any travel hacks for filmmakers? In what respect in their words of traveling, packing, getting things through? Oh, I mean, like you know, getting cheaper deals or even just even be able to pack all your gear what gear to bring with don't overpack. Yeah, everything. Like there's a bunch of stuff. Any any tips at all? Because I know Yeah, in today's world traveling, yeah, traveling with a bunch of gear and keeping it safe. And you're walking around with 20,000 bucks in your backpack? You know, it's like, it's pretty rough.

Philip Bloom 57:26
It's the worst thing about my job by far is the traveling. It's not the it's not that it's the traveling bit itself. It's not being in other places. That's the coolest bit. Sure. It's the getting there is the worst bet it is. And it's the most stressful thing is packing and figuring out what you need your weight allowances in whenever I'm booked on jobs. And I need to look up flight routes and see who flies there. Because I know which airlines have the better baggage policies. You're you're lucky you live in the states and you think you have bad baggage policies that you do not. You also write even your worst baggage allowance part of the policy with an airline is amazing compared to what we have to deal with here. There's like two airlines that fly out that the UK airlines, British Airways and Virgin Atlantic who charge you per bag, everybody else charges you per kilo. Ah, so that is where things start getting crazy expensive. So I think the most I've ever spent on excess baggage, probably about three and a half 1000 pounds each way.

Alex Ferrari 58:43
Three and a half 1000 pounds.

Philip Bloom 58:45
Yeah. And that was it was a great as a job in in Japan. And the client had insisted on flying via Amsterdam with KLM KLM charge per kilo. And I told them, this is expensive, and they didn't listen to me and then they had to pay. And so you choose the airlines for reason. You it's worth if you're flying entirely in the USA. So if I fly to the US, you get like two bags. There's your minimum allowance. But if you fly anywhere else from from London, you'd get one bag. So I guess you guys have just managed to negotiate a better thing and

Alex Ferrari 59:25
We and we think it's horrible. It's absolutely atrocious.

Philip Bloom 59:28
Yeah, it's worth seeing if you can get some media accreditation because there's a number of airlines which give you better deals. Southwestern Delta, United a couple of others. There's a few of them out there which you know if you've got problem with media accreditation can save you a lot. I mean delta will also you know quite good in that they will let you I think like 50 bucks or probably change 30 bucks per bag up to 100 pounds which is crazy. Just remember that the important stuff always has to be carried with you. And we're supposed to carry out our lithium ion batteries as carry on luggage. So know your rights with the airlines, because I guarantee you, they don't know your rights. So you will they will tell you something and like, actually, no, if you look at the policy on your website, this shows you what you're allowed. And again, let me check on my and they go, and then they'll confer with somebody else. So this happens all the time. They need to understand what you are allowed and what you can't do. You know, when it comes to batteries, you got to be careful about the what hours you have on some of the drone batteries, some of the larger era batteries, you can you can take like two per person. So make sure you fly with somebody else who can help you out with that. I do check a lot of expensive stuff. You have to because of your your carry on limits. Sure. Sure. And I don't use petty cases of Pelican cases. The simple reason being is yes, they offer great protection, but they look expensive. Yep. And stealable Yep. And so my luggage looks really unfilmed gear like it's still really protected inside. It just doesn't look like if and that's I look like average luggage. And if you know if you can get the pinkest most colorful, garish looking luggage with Hello Kitty stickers on. Do it. 1000 valuables nobody's gonna steal it.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:45
That's great advice. Actually, that's awesome. Yeah,

Philip Bloom 1:01:49
I really think Petey should Pelican should make a series of I think, yeah, I you know, when I have had to fly with with the hard cases, whether it'd be like for mobi or a drone ohnaka and inspire, then I cover them with stickers, like superheroes and stuff like that really do my those hard cases got Superman stickers on everything, it just doesn't look like professional film gear anymore. Try to disguise it as much as possible. It's, it's a big old topic. And it's a difficult one. And it's and then you get because certain countries will need you if you're taking professional film gear into be to have a proper document accardi, which costs a lot of money. And you need to have everything itemized and listed. But some countries won't accept that. And you have to negotiate with them beforehand, or find out what you needed to have there. And this is why sometimes it's really nice just to go with a small DSLR style camera, and just try and not be obvious. If it's if it's difficult to get to be too or too expensive to have that then it's try and go in. But you are always going to have a risk if you are doing a paid job. And you try to try to cut corners and not get a carny and go to the tourist and not get the correct visa and you you're gay get stopped and doesn't get brought in. That's your fault. And it's just one of these things. If you're doing it for a client, you have to pass on these costs to them, explain to them okay, well, we're going here. And we need this and, and it's just one of the things flying is just absolutely horrendous. And, you know, there's really every day you know, there's always a new story about how the FAA or wherever it is are going to change what we can share data saying anything with any lithium ion battery cannot be checked. And then and then no camera can be checked. And it's kind of like no professional electronic gear can be checked online at some point soon. If this goes down this road. I don't think we'll ever be able to fly abroad with our gear anymore. We'll just have the era of the rental company is going to be there because every speaking FM a major rental outlet, every single city in every single place because we can't fly with anything. Which be terrible, terrible if that ever happens. But yeah, it's I hate it. I hate it so much. I always bring too much always bring too much. So make the best advice I say is just make a list beforehand. And just bring what you need. Maybe you know a couple of backup things as much as possible. Like I always have a second camera just in case. But but kind of the obvious stuff. Really.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:32
Okay. Batteries always bring back extra batteries. Oh god. Yeah. batteries, batteries, batteries. Now um, what advice would you give a filmmaker wanting to break into the business today?

Philip Bloom 1:04:44
Ah, I guess the first question is why do you want to as long as doing it for the right reasons and that's great. It's not you know, you never was not a business to get rich in two.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:56
Gonna say it's not rich and famous. That's not the reason why to get in?

Philip Bloom 1:05:00
Ohh no. Go and become a banker or something you want if you just want to do something creative and you because you get into because you want to be creative. So that's my best advice to start with. And it's a tricky thing, it's, it's one of the things that I think this is kind of partly why it's so good to have. This course I've done with em, Zed is it. Whilst it's not a film, school replacement, it condenses all of my knowledge into this one thing. So people watch it, they can get, you're not gonna become a filmmaker from watching this, but you're going to get a lot of knowledge from it. And hopefully use that knowledge to find your own style and voice and know how to do things a bit better. Because that's what you're going to need to do, you're going to need to be patient, which a lot of people aren't these days, or too much like, wanting stuff to happen overnight. I think my best example of this was a guy did. So I do this, I do some private tuition with people. And this guy emailed me saying he wanted to get to make a short film to be entered into next year's Cannes Film Festival. And he wants some training for that. I'm like, interesting. And so I asked him to tell me, it's a really strange way of actually wording things. And yes, I want to make,

Alex Ferrari 1:06:26
I'm gonna submit it to the Oscars. It's been submitted to the Oscars.

Philip Bloom 1:06:29
Yeah, I'd like to win an Oscar. So I'd like to do some training. I have not won an Oscar. So I'm the wrong person. That comes to me. But I said to him, so what is it? What do you want to do? What do you want to learn from say, I want to get a grounding of light, you know, things which can help me make me be able to make this film. I was so What experience do you have? None. I've never used the camera. I've never made a film. Oh, God. But I've, I've seen lots of film. Oh. So I then said, Well, I don't know how long you're expecting, trading wise for me. But

Alex Ferrari 1:07:06
You got 10 years

Philip Bloom 1:07:08
How long do you expect? What do you want for me? Exactly. And he said, maybe? How much would it cost for two hours of training?

Alex Ferrari 1:07:22
Oh, my God, you gotta be kidding.

Philip Bloom 1:07:24
I reply to everything when you know, that's not going to be enough. And then he replied, saying, well, we're about four. That's where the conversation I felt like a practical joke. But it wasn't I was being deadly serious. And it's one of the things you've got to be so patient with. And you've got to work your ass off for years. For years for years. Yeah, absolutely. It's before, you know, when I left sky, I was senior care man. And you know, I couldn't go any further at the company without going into management, leaving the camera behind. And then when I left, I didn't want to do news anymore. So I had to start completely again from the bottom. And it took me four years to start getting the work that I really wanted to do, even after being 17 years in another aspect of the business. Exactly. So it's, and now there's a huge amount of more competition than there was even 11 years ago. So it's you've got to be really patient. And you've you've got to be obviously got to have talent, you got to have the ability to sell yourself as well. And it's not something to be embarrassed about and talk about not talk about, you know, it's a business or any job, any job where you are selling yourself and your skills, its business and you have to be able to sell yourself I remember what would this guy who's such talented director, filmmaker, but wasn't doing anywhere near the work he should be because he just was a terrible salesman. So you've got to have that skill as well find good people to work with try and network as much as you can with people. I'm not sure you know, a Facebook group is not the same as open networking, whilst it can be useful. It's just there's so much noise on there. It's It's everything has become so diluted, it's much much much harder to find clear voices. Yep. Listen to. But at the end of the day, if you can make it in this as a business, then it's a career, then fantastic, because it is the mean it's the greatest thing in the world to be able to to be able to do what I would do if you weren't paying me and pay me for stuff as well. That's great. But you got to understand that most of the time that you get paid, you won't like what you're doing. You won't like the work that you're producing. Yes. Amen. And let it go and Then do stuff yourself to have that creative fulfillment. Because when you're doing a corporate for some guy, you're gonna, you're gonna look at a girl guide. And they're going to tell it, you're working for them. You're not you're not making, they're not hiring you to make a Philip bloom film, that how you make a film. They're, they're the client, you make it for them. And yeah, you've got to make it as good as you possibly can, they probably come to you because they've seen something that you've done, right? But the end of the day, you are going to find that you are not going to love what's been done with your, what you've made necessarily, or what's been done with your work. And you just have to accept that and move on. Now what, wait, they'll give everything to it, just because it is not just a crappy thing. still get everything to it. Because you can still be you can still be creative, you can still get so much out of it yourself. And when you get home, you don't feel like oh my God, what a terrible day, I had to film this worst call center ever. It was all for lighting, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla, that's fine. But if you made an effort and made it look good, then you can come home and go and pour yourself a drink and go I deserve this because I I made that look good. And you're happy. You won't come home and feel better ever.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:18
God Yes. And there are a lot of bitter filmmakers out there without question because they fall into that trap. And when I when I spoke to work with Robert Forester, and he gave a great piece of advice, which is like no matter how small the job, give yourself, give it 110% because you never know who's watching. You never know who's on set, or who will see that work and maybe hire you for another job somewhere else.

Philip Bloom 1:11:42
Even then, even that client, they may give you this really terrible job. Yep. And then they see my God, this was really bad and can't believe how good you made this. You're perfect for this, this job that we have six months in the Seychelles, right? All right, great.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:59
And that you never know. You never know. You never know what you're gonna get. Now, what's the lesson that took you the longest to learn whether in the film business or in life?

Philip Bloom 1:12:10
Oh don't kill yourself with work. Take set yourself. time where you stop. Now, my edit suite is I have a home edit suite, which is financially convenient. And obviously nice and handy. There's no commute for me when I'm editing. But that divide between work and life is really difficult. And so when I am editing apart from I mean, when I was cutting him dead serious Mind you, I had to break this most times because I was working, stupid long hours editing. But for most jobs, I kind of set myself if it's 630 to 7pm I'm like, okay, no more work up to seven. And be disciplined about it. discipline that you start time disciplined about your finish time. And make sure you give yourself time to see your your girlfriend, your boyfriend, your husband, your friends, your children. Sure, make sure you have a life. I very rarely work weekends now. Unless the shoot demands it or you know, I have to go somewhere. So I will down towards that weekend. Yeah, you still find me with a camera, you're still seeing find me flying a drone or taking photos somewhere. But that's me. That's my own time. And unless you can find yourself a girlfriend to who'd like to do it with you. Always good. Myself and Sarah loves, loves shooting and she loves all that stuff as well. So that really does help. But I think it's really important to get the work life balance, right. And it took me probably about 20 years or so to start realizing how off it was. Yes. And now I work way less than I used to write. I probably work I probably work half as much as I used to two years ago. So yeah, I earn a lot less, but I'm a lot happier.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:14
And that's really nice.

Philip Bloom 1:14:16
It is priceless. It also makes my work better. But yes, I'm happier.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:21
Yes. very diligently.

Philip Bloom 1:14:23
Yeah, I think that's probably the best thing I've learned took me a long time to learn it. I'm very stubborn. But I eventually figured out

Alex Ferrari 1:14:32
I feel you 100% I try to do exactly all those things. I don't work weekends. And I have a specific time I come in and a specific time I come out every day. And because everyone always asked how do you create so much content? How do you you know run this this, you know this big blog and do all the stuff you do and have twins and have a family and all this Mike, you got to you got to do exactly what you said. Got to be very strict with yourself. And

Philip Bloom 1:14:55
I'm impressed. I mean, you got kids. I mean I haven't got kids yet and I don't even know How I'll cope with having kids as well. Apart from I'll probably just film them a lot.

Alex Ferrari 1:15:05
Yes, they were probably the most documented children in history without question. I think they probably will. Yeah. And last question, what are three of your favorite films of all time? Oh, you know, it's an impossible question. Just today today, what do you feel like today?

Philip Bloom 1:15:20
Oh, um, I still want to go with Empire Strikes Back is in is in always in my top three? Absolutely. It was. It was. That was one of the first films I ever saw as a kid where I still remember the emotional reaction I had. Also that, and it's still watch it today. And I still feel Wow, this is incredible. I'm also a huge Alfred Hitchcock fan. Yes. And find it difficult to pick a favorite. But again, I think for the emotional impact, or maybe it's another film with a downer ending. That's vertigo. Yeah. It's just such an incredible film in every way. I think I just think of all my favorites, or have such downer endings. I don't know why I actually like happy endings. I like things to I want to I don't want to feel like like I felt at the end of seven every time I see a film.

Alex Ferrari 1:16:17
I know. Right? Yes. Like that's Fincher for you. That's Gone Girl. I'm like, holy crap. No, the worst date film of all time. Yes, they are. The worst. Is that fatal attraction and fatal your breakup

Philip Bloom 1:16:37
Fatal Attraction break up now shares your Yeah, that's not a good one as well. I guess what? And I think maybe something more recent. I don't know. But of the films that I've seen recently, what another one that had a really good emotional impact on me was Danny bill knows arrival last year.

Alex Ferrari 1:16:56
Yeah, that was actually a really interesting. That's such an interesting film to watch.

Philip Bloom 1:17:01
It's not my favorite film. Now. It was my favorite film of the year. And in I saw blade runner 2049 last week, and that's, again, incredible. Oh, yeah. He's an amazing filmmaker. But I always tend to go back to the same films I end up watching again and again, again, whether it's original Planet of the Apes. Sure. I love love my sci fi very much. And invaders. ravenloft are

Alex Ferrari 1:17:27
Of course

Philip Bloom 1:17:28
Perfect film than Raiders.

Alex Ferrari 1:17:30
Raiders is is, is perfect. It is a perfect film. And since you're a Hitchcock fan, have you seen the new documentary? 7852? No, I have not. Have you heard of it? No, I have not. I just found out. I just found out about it the other day. Well, it's on iTunes. I watched it yesterday. And it is an entire documentary about the shower scene in psycho. Wow. And they go through every shot. And they talk to everything in the impact of psycho. But they've literally break down everything about the shower scene, which is arguably the you know, 90 seconds, the most important 90 seconds in film history. Honestly, some of them yeah, I mean, what he was able to do in that shower sequence. But someone put together arguably a really good documentary shot in black and white by the way. It's gorgeous. It's on iTunes, you definitely should watch if any film geek, definitely Hitchcock fan will love it. Yeah. Anybody who has not seen psycho, what the hell are you doing? Why are you listening to us? Go watch psycho.

Philip Bloom 1:18:32
Watch this film. That is if you take the sections, which obviously date the film, which is the beginning, the anything that anything outside of just the motel is it stands up completely today. It could have been that it's just so incredible. And I just some of the it's the most innovative filmmaking you'll ever say. And we're talking

Alex Ferrari 1:18:57
1960 it's we could do a whole episode just on psycho without question. Now, where can where can people find you and your work?

Philip Bloom 1:19:14
My website is philipbloom.net. So it's P H I L I P B L O O M, and my blog is there and that is the same Philip Bloom is what I have for all of my social media, whether it's instagram, facebook, twitter,it's just

Alex Ferrari 1:19:33
My space my space geo cities No, sorry. You know, it probably is still there Mises to properly

Philip Bloom 1:19:39
I haven't really used it as such. Right. It's one of the things I do have. But yeah, so it's pretty simple to find me and I'm quite active. I'm pretty active on them. And it is a real mixture of photography, filmmaking, and personal stuff. I put some I do put personal stuff on social media. That's kind of you know, Another, it's a whole podcast is about, you know, yes, you will have a dividing line between this sort of thing. And I think it's important that to be to be to be you on social media. And that's why I always say my bio silly grumpy so depending on how I'm feeling, I will be like that. And I put some personal stuff up there and I put some perfect everything I tried to make as nice as possible. And a nice mix and I just try and make it feel as as, as me as it is, you know, like the M Zed course, it's me what you see is a very, I'm very different anything else you will ever see training wise, because it's it's very personal. And I kind of think that kind of sums me up reading and how I like to share things.

Alex Ferrari 1:20:46
Philip man, thank you so much for taking the time out. It's been an absolute joy speaking to you man. Thank you so much.

Philip Bloom 1:20:52
Thank you very much for having me. Thank you.

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BPS 402: Behind the Curtain of Blackmagic Design with President Dan May

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Alex Ferrari 1:50
I like to welcome to the show. Dan May, Dan, thank you so much for taking the time. I know you're a very busy man.

Dan May 4:20
No problem, Alex I'm happy to be here.

Alex Ferrari 4:22
I was I had the pleasure of meeting you at this year's na B and you were you were you were like the the prom queen or king.

Dan May 4:31
Yeah, well look, I'll take it either way we were busy, busy is good. You know, maybes for us are always exciting. We generally tend to have a number of new announcements out and this year was no different. So it was great to be there be talking to you know, folks that are using our products people that are excited about what we're doing. And you know, we were really pleased without the whole show when as a whole

Alex Ferrari 4:51
It was it was insane because I had never been to nav before when I when I drove up to the convention center. All I saw was black magic.

Dan May 4:58
Like yeah, it is It's a good place where we're at right now we, you know, obviously the company has grown massively over the last few years. And, you know, we've had, I mean, a lot of our enemies have been great shows where we've had great product announcements. And, you know, some of the standouts were the obviously the the first time we came out with DaVinci Resolve at $1,000. And, you know, when we came out with that first camera, it was like, earth shattering news was rippling through the hall. So, you know, we've had a number of just na B's, they've been really, you know, outstanding for us as a company. And, you know, we really tried to make the most of that opportunity to be there and engage with users face to face, but also, you know, it is it is really one of the few shows that globally, is kind of seeing now, it's not just those people that show up in Las Vegas, you know, there are, you know, plenty of media folks that are there, the reporting from all over the world. So we definitely try to make the most of that opportunity and, and go big, you know, go big with announcements and with our presence, and, you know, to try to help change our industry, that shows a big piece of our ability to do that.

Alex Ferrari 6:02
And you guys are definitely doing that. So I wanted to get I wanted to first ask you, how did you get into the world of black magic? Because obviously, you weren't born into it out of the womb? So how did you get into black magic?

Dan May 6:14
I was created in a lab for no. So I, you know, interesting for me, I actually my background was in music, I have a degree in music, and I'd been doing some some work, just you know, as you do after university trying to find your way in the world and, and ended up landing at another video company and transition quite smoothly into into video for a manufacturer because, you know, while audio and video are different, certainly, you know, like, hey, it's a timeline things move. This is how things edit and kind of did started working for a manufacturer there started doing just some side, you know, like, here's how you work on video project type stuff, and just had worked for a couple other manufacturers for a few years. And eventually, when Blackmagic Design decided they want to start start an office in the US. You know, I kind of got that call to say, Hey, you know, we want to we you know, we sold some product into the US I think Blackmagic was about getting on to about four years old as a company. They had essentially no full time employees in the US. And they said, Look, we want to start this office in the US. What do you think? And I was like, below Yeah, that sounds like a great, you know, a great opportunity to basically be employee number one. This is, you know, a time when we were selling decklink cards, and that was pretty much it,

Alex Ferrari 7:34
I remember those decklink cards very fine

Dan May 7:36
Yeah great card, great products. And, you know, he kind of kind of looked at the landscape and said, look, I think this is a great opportunity, kind of believed in the vision of what grant pay the CEO wanted to do. And and came on board is basically employee number one in the US. So when you're president of black magic design, Inc, in 2018, that sounds incredibly impressive. When you're when you're president of Blackmagic Design in 2000. And was that six? Yeah, it's it's less impressive. Your employee number one in the US and you kind of build from there. But, you know, it's

Alex Ferrari 8:08
Not many people knew a lot about black magic, other than some day cards.

Dan May 8:11
Yeah, exactly. In cards, what we wanted to do so so, you know, obviously, it's been a quite a transformation and, and, obviously be a part of what black magics been able to do, you know, play my role to help in the company and, and help grant with his vision, you know, it's been a, it's been a fantastic run, and, you know, 2018, some 12 years later. Yeah, if you had told me 12 years ago, this is where we'd be, you know, it sounds crazy. But these are the stories that happened when companies do, you know, figure out the kind of the, the magic, the black magic, what it is they want to do when people latch on to, you know, what we what we're all about, and the fact that we continue to kind of push the envelope, you know, that's all led to growth and success and, and, hopefully, continued growth and success as we continue to, you know, have any of these, like when we had this last April?

Alex Ferrari 9:04
So in 2006, you joined black magic, how was the digital landscape then compared to now?

Dan May 9:11
I mean, the big thing, then, well, as you know, what, what Blackmagic had had been able to kind of figure out was, you know, things like Final Cut Pro, and what, what that application was able to do was was able to really take a major crack at that kind of glass ceiling as far as the democratization of, of, you know, professional video production, right, you before before, I mean, look, dV existed on kind of what was the consumer prosumer I hate using those terms, but it was it was a way for people to have some capabilities that didn't really exist before. You know, obviously, personal computers we're getting more more faster, right, more powerful to be able to do some amount of processing a video DVD was compressed enough to where you didn't necessarily require the crazy crazy computing processing power but and that's where Final Cut kind of had gotten its, you know, almost start as a look, we know we can be this other great DVD editing software. But when you start bringing in uncompressed capture cards like Blackmagic Design hadn't hadn't developed, you know, you're talking about now being able to have this uncompressed video quality that was really limited to the Hollywood hate to say this Hollywood elite but really those you know, the had the big budgets to be able to do that professional quality and and gain the benefits of working in uncompressed video. And suddenly Final Cut became a tool that folks in Hollywood can use immediately because, hey, look, I have the same uncompressed video capabilities at this much lower price point. Now, of course, what ended up happening there was every other independent filmmaker or student filmmaker, you know, anybody else said, Well, wait a minute, for a few $1,000, I now have the ability that took hundreds of 1000s of dollars to do in that Hollywood and post production facility. So that was already on the table. That was what was changing the game. So when I, as I went outside of that piece looked at it said, Look, that's really fascinating. And, you know, I feel like I can help with some of that, you know, literally, that I know, the entire roadmap, and the opportunities that we were able to tackle as a company, as the last, you know, kind of decade plus has gone by, to help us get to where we are now.

Alex Ferrari 11:30
Yeah, I mean, I mean, I remember when Final Cut came out, and basically allowed me to open up my post facility. Because before then, avid basically was the dominant factor of of editing, and it costs hundreds of 1000s of dollars to have an editing system. So Final Cut, did open that door and did the democratize. Thank you. Yeah, that's the word that is the word that a lot, and you guys are black. It is very black magic. And you guys do that not only with software, but also with digital cameras and cinema cameras to be specific, When was the first time you guys decided to look into creating the first cinema cameras.

Dan May 12:12
So we we had, like many people that are looking around the industry, and we hadn't seen that there was a gap in kind of that camera space. And, you know, you know, we had at that point, we had already made the da Vinci acquisitions, we had already had kind of resolved cooking along, you know, we had kind of diversified our breadth of products there. And we had made these hyper decks for these video recording purposes where we were seeing that, you know, the DSLRs, had come in and shaken up a bit of the landscape as well, where you had these amazing photo cameras, that also did video, and they did video pretty well, it was compressed, and it looked good. And it suddenly put kind of professional video into a lot more people's hands, again, the democratization of having this great looking video. Now coming from the post production side of things, we also realize the trouble with that highly compressed h 264 format that you're seeing out there. And where, you know, it was just problematic, it wasn't a super high quality, it didn't give you the real time performance, you know, there's just some problems on there. And then from there, when you when you say, well, let's solve those post production problems. Well, from there, you're jumping up into 40,000 plus dollar cameras that are in that Sydney world, which are amazing cameras, you know, they obviously function at the highest level that gives you that great post production capability. They're very flexible, and they are largely unattainable by many, many most people show rental cameras, most people that can even get them at that level, but they're not cameras that are largely owned by people and certainly aren't something you're going to go out and shoot on the weekend or do student films on you know, there's, there's a big gap, big, big gap there. So, you know, we had we had said like everyone else will look someday some one of these, one of these end of the spectrum is going to, you know, make a decision to move up or down stream, right, we're gonna find DSLRs that suddenly have that workflow capability that's going to be very post friendly, or we're going to find these high end Cinema Camera manufacturers have figured out that this is how they're going to make that sub $10,000 kind of camera that gives you some functionality of their premium brand, I guess you could say and then you know, we would heard whispers of that for years, right? We'd heard people say that we're gonna have, you know, 4k for 4k or whatever. Lots of different rumors that were out there never seem to come and pass year after year kind of went by. And I remember we were sitting there and this must have been, you know, sometime in 2010. If I want to say and we were we were talking about our next version of what the hyper decks Were going to be. And, you know, these are little SSD recorders at the time, they just had some button funktionale and we talked about adding them monitor and marketing, things like that. And, you know, eventually what became what the video assist later became. And that kind of became the, but you know, if we just put a sensor on it, basically a camera, and literally a few months later sitting in Australia and having these engineers come out, and this was been, you know, December, November, December timeframe, having them walk out with this giant PCB with a lens on it, and then going, Well, this is a working camera, and we can show this in April and you go, there's no way we're going to show that in April. That's insane. Of course, this is what we do all the time. We all the time frame up these ideas, we have these brilliant engineers, and lo behold, you know, a few months later, that's the first Cinema Camera 2.5k. And it was no, it was brilliant. For what is basically our first camera, I still love the image that that camera, you know, makes And while many, many things we've done in the year since then have helped build upon that camera

Alex Ferrari 15:57
And the camera speaking of is the 2.5. Okay, yeah, and wonderful, I shot my first feature on that.

Dan May 16:04
It's, it's and again, he now you would call it an old camera by black magics standards five years old, where it is old. It is that image is still amazing, it's going to assert that 13 stops of dynamic range, if you're really just doing 2k or, or HD, you know, that is a beautiful image that creates now we've added to our kind of subset of like, Well, here's how you build a better menu system. And here's our these ergonomics may be more what people want to see. But for a first camera, it i mean that I tell you that na B It was like aftershocks had just rippled through the industry. And I remember that was an amazing moment to be a part of Blackmagic. And to say, Wow, we've really changed things. Because even if that camera sold, you know, 5000 or 50,000, or 500,000, or whatever it was going to end up doing. We had realized that at that point, we had entered a place that Blackmagic hadn't been before, that it was a very big stage that we were stepping on to and that even if you know regardless of how we did with that camera, which I would say we did well and have continued to do well with that camera, that that was going to change the way that people looked at cameras in that space forever. There was never no one was ever going to be able to say, Well, I'm gonna buy this other camera and not say, but how does it compare to what Blackmagic is doing over there. And that and that's a really cool thing to be a part of when you know, you know, when you can actively say this is a moment in time, we are helping shift this industry what we believe for the better for the users out there.

Alex Ferrari 17:30
And how much and how much was that camera? The price point was also another big thing

Dan May 17:34
$3,000 I want to say at the time there so No, it was it was it was it helped. But there's there's a lot of things that go into the thought of what we're doing right. And when you look back at that camera, it was the idea of you know, we need to be able to convince someone that using a DSLR already, why they would want this camera Look, it's using the same EF glass you probably already own, you're interested in doing better post production work anyway, this is the camera that's going to give you that more post production friendly workflow having things like pro res, having things like raw capabilities that you don't have on your DSLR if you're really serious pursuing the, you know, the cinema style of post production, heck, we're going to give you DaVinci Resolve as part of that package, because we want to pull you into the abilities that resolve offers. And kind of step up your game that way. And, and it was a great opportunity for us to help pull people over there. And then at the same point, I remember like one of those first conversations at any be talking to a cinematographer and then going, look, I'm still going to rent that other camera package for that week long BMW shoot or whatever, you know, commercial work I'm going to do. But this is the camera I can own for the other three weeks of the month, where I'm shooting my independent films while I'm working on my pet projects, you know, these are the this is the type of product that I would want to have there. So we know we left that nav, feeling like we had ticked off a lot of the boxes. Now of course you get lots of other feedback like well, you should have done this and you should have done this better than that. That's great. We want that feedback. That's what's helped us these last five years continue to refine our camera development shape the products that go every year. And you know, every year you've seen kind of new developments from Blackmagic but that's another big shift. When we started coming out with more cameras, people were like how can you make another camera 12 months 18.0

Alex Ferrari 19:23
God I know

Dan May 19:25
You kind of go look Blackmagic tends to pursue a model that's more like say your cell phone or your graphics card. You know you don't necessarily buy a new graphics card every year just because there's a new graphics card. It's more powerful. Maybe there's new features. same can be said for your phone. Now if you want to great if you've got the capability or you've got the return on investment, we would say look we hope that $3,000 camera has served you well for the last 12 months or 18 months or two years. You don't have to buy the new Ursa mini or the new Ursa Mini Pro or the new pocket, cinema 4k but you know you spent 12 12 $100 or $2,000, or $5,000, at some point, you're going to decide you want to make that step, just like you wouldn't be your cell phone. I mean, I upgrade my cell phone every year, I may upgrade it every three or four years. But that's much different for a lot of folks that will coming from that market where you buy a DSLR, and you use it for the next five years or 10 years, because maybe they haven't come out with so many quick things. Or if you were going to buy a higher end Cinema Camera, it's an investment that clearly you're going to hold on to for five years, 10 years, and maybe you would sell it and you'd get some type of return on that. Well, that's not really the Blackmagic model, the Blackmagic model is going to be we are going to price that thing as affordably as humanly possible so that we can get it out to the most people we can possibly get it to. And we're right back into the kitchen to work on something that's going to be two years down the road. You know, hopefully even better, maybe you need it. Maybe you don't. But you know, we're going to continue to have this frantic push to get engineering done. Because, you know, that's what's going to best serve our customers.

Alex Ferrari 20:59
Well, one thing I love about working with Blackmagic products is that you are the only company currently that has the full ecosystem, from camera to final deliverables, and post production and so on. You haven't done lenses yet, but I'm sure that's probably always discussed. Definitely. trepidation, it's tough. That's a tough, that's a tough one to crack. I've seen many I've seen many companies come and go in the lens game. It's a really tough, tough place to go into. But with DaVinci Resolve, you know, first of all, what made you guys go after a color grading system, which is basically the color grading system that cost $300,000 before and then now buy it and then basically give it away.

Dan May 21:46
So yeah, there's lots of I mean, look like everything in life, a lot of things come down to opportunity, right, recognizing what the opportunity is when something does come across your way. And for some of our products, we can look at say like live production switchers. And you can say that's something that was on black magics roadmap at that point in time, when the opportunity to go out and buy Ecolab, a company that didn't switchers came along. So you say great, that makes sense. Let's get it that's closer to market to do that than to continue the development that we're already working on da Vinci was probably a little different Da Vinci was our first acquisition, obviously was at a time when we were we were growing, we had we had made the ducklings we had moved in the converters and some video hubs. And we were thinking about what our future and how to diversify was going to be. And along came this opportunity for us to acquire DaVinci. And, you know, as you say, you know, the Vinci was kind of like the coke brand of our industry, you know, it was such a rarity. And when you when you walk into a post production facility, if they had color grading a suite, it usually was like the crown jewel of the facility. And you know, it was a lot of times in Hollywood was DaVinci. And, you know, it was just kind of this amazing product that was out there that was was a big standard of Hollywood, essentially. And I remember trying to explain to you know, like my mother and people that aren't part of our industry. And it was right at the time when, when Disney had bought Marvel, right? And I said, Imagine if Marvel bought Disney? It would seem weird. And I think in our industry, people were like, how did black magic this company that makes very nice widgets. And I say that lovingly, we're doing just fine selling widgets, blue products, how are they buying this company? DaVinci, which is this, you know, 25 something year old company that's building these, you know, half million dollar million dollar systems, you know, what are they doing? And that was a large leap of faith, I think for us to go in and say like, Look, this is what we could do if we do this. And you know, hear me out because it sounds crazy. You know, we could, we could continue to be a great partner to partner, all the software partners that are out there. Because obviously, we were partnered up with, you know, all the guys out there making software. But we also take a bit of control of our own destiny by doing this because we can have a software platform that we can build around that we can kind of have as a piece of a workflow that kind of fits into our vision of where we want to go as a company. And you know, what ends up happening there is you end up not necessarily being completely beholden to other partners that you may have. So again, we want to we want to have the great partnerships with all the other software platforms out there. It's incredibly important for us to make those Dec links and ultrastudio products work with those companies to make sure that our cameras have great workflows through all of their platforms, but we're also not completely beholden to, you know, like, well, if they if they were to go away, or if they were to withdraw support from us as a company, you know, we're not left out on an island and so it was it was good for us. But we also said You know, look, this is going to continue with our mission of being able to provide these incredibly powerful platforms and solutions to as many people as possible. And, you know, clearly, when you look at what we've been able to do with that over the last eight years, you know, it feels like we've advanced, we've advanced back patient along considerably well, because you might have a little pat on the back for that one.

Alex Ferrari 25:24
I know, I mean, what you guys were able to do with resolve, I mean, I was one of the I think I was one of the first guys to jump on seriously as an editor on it a few years ago, because when you guys switched it over to I think was the 12 to 12. Five, when editing became a really, or 11, even. But I think 12 is when it really kind of took off. It was really solid nonlinear editing system, when I edited my first feature on it, then I did shoot shows, and you know, Hulu shows and other big projects on it. And then I started preaching about I'm like, Guys, you don't understand this is amazing. And I started like preaching from the top of the, of the of the mountaintops of like, everybody, it's free, jump on it, and please use this, and then it's just been getting better and better. It's fascinating what you were able to do with that software. And now, I swear to God, when I, when I showed up, then a B, actually, I got the email a day or two, before I flew up to nav that then you have now added not only color, not only sound, but you added fusion

Dan May 26:27
And that and that goes back to building out that platform to be as the best platform it can be. And I think there's two important points that, you know, we always try to kind of reiterate to folks is that, you know, we want, like I said, we want to work with everybody out there, right. So if someone comes along and says, Look, I'm using this other camera, we want to say great, we've got resolved, it's a great platform for you to use. If someone comes along and says, Look, I'm married to this other software platform, that's what I use, we say no problem, you know, we've got these Dec links, or mini converters, or our camera has a great workflow, you know, part of the great Blackmagic plan has always been don't force people to use what they don't want to use, right? Don't use proprietary media don't use proprietary lens choices don't say great. Once you've gotten into our solution, you have to use all our solution, because that's not what anybody know, said nobody ever nobody, I hope, a lawyer I hope they forced me to use everything that they make, because that's just disastrous. And we've seen it be disasterous in our field, and we've seen it be disastrous in other fields. So we want to be really upfront about that, like, Look, you love your product, other product brand product, by all means if we can make that work within our ecosystem, we want to make that be the case. And if you want to stay in a black magic ecosystem, that is our goal, like you should be able to buy a camera from us use DaVinci Resolve use our IO hardware, you know, stay across that platform, use all that, you know, as much Blackmagic product as you're comfortable using with hopefully will provide a lot of incentive to do that price will be one of those other workflow capabilities will be others. But look, don't feel like we're gonna come and say like, well, you're not a true black magic person, because, you know, you decided to use that other product, like they are just tools, and we all recognize they are just tools in the look, we want to obviously do well as a business getting those tools out there. But, you know, we don't feel that forcing people to stick within an equal structure is, is going to lead to that. So, you know, that is a big piece of what we do. But, you know, how great is it to be able to go to one software application and say, Look, I brought in my Blackmagic camera files, whether they're pro res raw. And while there, I'm one person, and I've got this one tool to go, yeah, great edit color, the effects, audio, you know, basically don't have to worry about conform, where everyone pulls out. Yeah, and be done with it. Or, you know, I'm a post production company that says, Look, I can have multiple people working on the same product at the same time, same project on the same product at the same time. And I again, don't have to do the conform where again, everyone loses their hair and is up at four in the morning wondering what's going to go wrong next. Like these are great workflow benefits of being able to have that so, you know, we feel like not only did we just go out and say like, Look, we're going to take this great platform and and give it away, you know, we can actually do something that's not been done before, right? And put this all into one tool, do it well. And and and hopefully you know, the the fears are always like, Look, don't add this in and suddenly make color be terrible. Or you know, like don't try to overdo one thing. So we, you know, we've had to take it slow. Like I said, you know, 11 1212 five, every ever

Alex Ferrari 29:39
Between 14 and 15 was not that slow cuz I just updated to 14, and then all of a sudden I'm like, son of a doubt. They just got 50 literally like within a month of when I updated it

Dan May 29:52
Still in beta. So it's still exactly what you mean but goes back to what he said is like we're never going to stop or rest on our own. And do that kind of like, cool. We're done. Now let's just collect checks the next three years and just off the mighty else, you know, kind of messes with the plan, like it's always going to be about us going. Okay, that was cool. You know, we you when you go to a show like nav, like I said, that's where you get all that great feedback. This is amazing. But you know what else you could do? Oh, yeah, you're right, that would be cool. How cool would that be? If we did that? Or, you know, we still like how many of our hardware products have we gone out? And we're like, we're building all these racks. We're doing all this live production and stuff? Like why do we keep buying these other audios? Which are, you know, audio monitors that aren't made for video, either expensive and bi can't select which, you know, audio tracks I want over the SDI? Yeah, we could build that. Let's just build, like, I mean, we are, you know, grant is champion of like, the nerds in the workshop that are just going like, this is cool. And we can do it. Let's do it, you know, business model. Okay, let's figure out what that is. Okay, cool. That should work me.

Alex Ferrari 30:58
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Dan May 31:09
But, you know, for us, it's about kind of always comes back to what's best for the users if we think this is a good idea, because we would want it or we're going to use it, or we think it empowers more people. And that's pretty good. Like, let's start there. Instead of, you know, how do we build a really expensive camera like built that's useless? Like there are other folks out there to do a fine job with that, you know, how to how do we sit down and say, how do we build the best $1,000 Cinema Camera, which was that first pocket camera? You know, how do you how do you do that? Like, what does it take? You know, how much can you shove into a product like that, and still make it be great at $1,000, and profit much and profitable, profitable, that's a much different approach than we built this product, how much can we charge for it, which is a very typical kind of manufacturing approach to things. So it's just a very different way. Blackmagic approach is a, you know, building products, building solutions, and hopefully helping, what we consider the most amount of users out there,

Alex Ferrari 32:09
What I find fascinating, I've told this to people a lot, since I've been, you know, working with you guys over the years is like you are the biggest mom and pop operation I've ever seen. I mean, it's just like, you have that mom and pop, beautiful, like small, you mean, like, you know, I can have access to I can get access to someone like you, you know, there is no big ivory towers, everyone's just like this small little community, but it's not it's a massive competition. It's huge.

Dan May 32:37
And, and look, to be honest, like, it's hard, like, these are hard things to do. And there's a reason why you don't see this, you know, out there often because as a company grows, you know, you get more people, you have more processes, you have more things, and the risk ends up being there, that you you kind of get diluted from your main goal. The main goal to be stuffed for bureaucrats to make things be easy is it about, you know, profitability, and how much money can you know, we're all gonna drive, you know, fancy cars and have boats and or whatever that what is the actual goals and the fact that black magics been able to maintain that goal of empowering the most users out there, that's the single focus and the, you know, the thing that drives us every day, and and the rest of it becomes a look, let's make sure that look, we obviously want to grow. And we do have to have processes, and we do have to have profit, and those are the things but that's not actually the first goal. The first goal is empowering people and then down the list becomes, okay, let's make sure that this process makes sense and is efficient, because that efficiency is going to help us keep that cost down. But that is an incredibly difficult thing to do. And, and and look, I'm glad the black magics grown, the way it's grown, I'm glad it didn't grow necessarily overnight, you know, because that obviously would be you know, like jumping into cold water, you know, just just shocking, we've been able to kind of have that organic growth, that's allowed us to stay focused on what we're doing to still have that kind of, like you said, sort of mom and pop feel, even though the company has gotten a lot bigger, because the core values of the company are still there. And that hunger to still succeed at whatever level of success you want to kind of put down there, whether it be growth or whether it be empowering people, whether it be you know, just building out a product line that we think is exciting, you know, those are the things that keep us kind of keep us going and and the other stuff is important, obviously want to keep the lights on paychecks. Yeah, that's great. That is important part of it. But you know, all those other things have to be about does that help empower more and more users out there

Alex Ferrari 34:45
Now are what are some of the films and television shows that use Blackmagic cameras because I think a lot of people don't realize that you you at the highest levels.

Dan May 34:54
Yeah, I mean, the thing that's hard with the camera stuff is that you know Mr. namedropping, but, you know, when you go into a major production company that that does Hollywood type stuff, you know, and I can think of a distinct example where we're sitting there, and they're showing us these are tests, and they are so thrilled with how the Blackmagic cameras are standing up to, you know, the very expensive cameras that they they use on on all of their productions. And they said, Look, you know, we, we do this, because, you know, we have, you know, that being who they are, you know, of course, they can afford to use whatever camera they want to use, and they'll say, look, we're gonna use, we're gonna continue to use those cameras, because we can on all of these highest level things, but you best well be sure we're taking Blackmagic cameras on every one of those shoots. Because the last thing we want to do is put that camera in a situation that you know, it shouldn't be in, whether that be in a tight corner or in a car or in a danger zone where we can use those Blackmagic cameras almost flippantly because they're almost disposable at that highest level. But at the same point, when we have, you know, smaller projects, they can be a cameras and we have other behind the scenes things, we can use them for all of that. So, you know, that's how they generally get used on the highest level. And when I use a lot the Mad Max example of, you know, of course, they used to think it was two Ari's as their primary cameras, all their headshots all the things we're doing with a beautiful press story, you can find our website about this, but they use some 30 or 40, other Blackmagic cameras, because the last thing they want to do is run all of those stunts over and over again, you know, a lot of those are, we're doing this once, let's put all the Blackmagic cameras out there because they cut so beautifully when they do if if a camera ends up getting blown up or run over, a Hollywood person is not that concerned about losing their $3,000 camera at the end of the day, right?

Alex Ferrari 36:48
That's craft services for five minutes,

Dan May 36:50
Exactly. They've they're not worried about that, at the end of the day, they have so much footage to then be able to pool, they can run that very expensive stunt once and the cameras are just a very small, small piece of that. And that's a great example of at the highest level. And why would they not want to use other beautiful, expensive cameras, they're all customed to it, they give them everything and more than they'd ever want. But they can use our cameras in ways that really give them new capabilities that they wouldn't have had before. Now, when you move back from that you start talking about television and work when you talk about commercial work when you talk about you know, that's where you start seeing all the Blackmagic cameras starting to show up as a cameras and commercial work. And you know, that's that's always exciting to be but you know, we're we're always excited is when it suddenly becomes in when you want. I remember well, gosh, it must have been 12 boy, 434 years ago now, going into a university, bringing whatever the latest new camera we had, and having the university professor talking to his group of film students and going like, well, how many people are familiar with Blackmagic cameras, and every film student puts their hand hand up? And then he says, Does anybody have a Blackmagic camera and literally half the students raise their hand because they had Pocket Cinema cameras, and they had cinema 2.5 cameras, and even the professor was blown away, because that's such a big change for that ownership of a professional camera. Right? You know, these are the things that when we look and we say like, you know, have cameras been successful? Yeah, look, I'd love to have the next Marvel movie be all shot with Blackmagic cameras. That'd be great from just again, calling up my mom and telling.

Alex Ferrari 38:25
Because she's still there, she's still not impressed with you.

Dan May 38:27
Yeah. Because really, I still will never be impressed. But, you know, for me to be able to walk into that university or that film school and say, hey, how much magic stuff do you use? And they say, Well, I own this camera. And I've been learning on resolve, and I, you know, I've been working on these other products and you go like, well, that's amazing, because that's something that, you know, again, 12 years ago, you said, that's a goal, that's a real goal for us to have, because that's going to be what helps continue to empower more people goes back to that mission statement every time and be willing to help the brand going forward. Because, you know, when those film students graduate, you know, they're going to be very comfortable with, you know, black magic as a company as a brand and, you know, relate to what we're trying to do. And that's incredibly empowering, and incredibly important to us.

Alex Ferrari 39:12
It's what you've been able to do with like, specifically resolve where you're giving it away, you're basically creating a generation of filmmakers who are going to be using your product just like Final Cut did back in the day when it first came out. Like that's what because when they were students or when they were coming up, when they moved into, you know, full blown facilities or into bigger companies. They like, Hey, why don't we set up DaVinci Resolve I did that specifically when I, I grew up and I grew up, I was an avid editor. Then I jumped the final cut. And then when I moved into a studio job, I was headed to the post production department and they're like, well, we want to get there was one old app and I'm like, well, let's set up final cuts. And I set up in like 10 final cuts for the price of one avid and they were like oh my god and i know That's exactly what's gonna happen and is happening today with resolve and then also the cameras and all the other things that you you guys do. So it is quite genius. What is he doing?

Dan May 40:10
It's a it's a, you know, we talk we talk internally short term long term. Now what are what are our plans? What our hopes? What are we tried to do when the you know, a few of us kind of think about where we're where the ship is going, you know, Grant's got both hands on the wheel. And he's swerving lefties Wurman. Right, yeah, the conversations about Okay, what's, what's the plan here? And we're obviously goal is to empower people, how do you do that? Right? You know, it sounds great, you know, we're gonna, we're gonna win, we're going to be successful. And there's the long term plan and the short term plan, the short term plan is, you know, we're going to build the next planet, we're going to have this launch, this is how we're going to package these things. This is how we're going to get out there. This is how we're going to be efficient, and all the doing that long term plans. How do you be a company in this industry that has had major, you know, strangleholds, on certain segments, by certain brands? How do you? How do you become someone that's visible at that level as some of those folks that have been around 20 3040 years as a brand? And how do you do that in a way that can be both disruptive? Because obviously, you can't just come in and be nice. But how do you do that without necessarily making everyone your enemy and and that long term plan has to be about that, look, we have to play nice with everybody, we have to be open, you know, we have to obviously have a stick, you know, if the stick is just be very affordable, or give it away or whatever, you know, like these are, these are important to being able to to differentiate. And again, hopefully creating workflow advantages. Look, we don't just build a product, because we want it to be inexpensive. You know, that's nice. But it also has to do something, you also have to do something better than what's already out there. So you know, these are the type of conversations we have. And we say, look, should we build a resolve, affordable panel, and for a long time, we didn't think that was worth doing. Because there are great panels out there that are very affordable by other manufacturers. And we said, Look, we can focus on building other things, work on cameras work on switchers, because those guys are doing a great job there. Now, a couple years down the road, you kind of go and you say, you know what, those are great panels. But one of the things about those other panels is they're great, because you can use them for any application out there. That's kind of the great part about them. The problem with that is is they don't become a resolved specific panel. So what we can do is we can create the best resolve specific panel. And that's what led to those micro and mini panels to say amazing, you know, they are amazing panels for resolve, we're not pretending that they're great panels for anything else. Those other panels do a great job of that. But here's how we can do something that a differentiates B empowers people. And c really helps fill out, you know, a piece of the overall workflow. But that's kind of how some of those processes come around. Everyone comes to nav and says, again, like the lenses is a great example, you should build lenses. Yep, that sounds great. If we could build really affordable lenses, that'd be awesome. But what are we actually going to do? That's, that's not been done there other than being affordable, like that may be enough on its own. And those are, those are the conversations that we wrestle with and say, you know, what, next, what are the next C, we're gonna say all the SS Blackmagic into havoc and, and, you know, totally change our industry. You know, it's hard, it's tough. And it's part of, you know, part of the big, the big picture that we're always trying to look at.

Alex Ferrari 43:30
So what speaking of disrupting, and the SS Blackmagic. And, and, and changing the industry. Let's talk about the new Blackmagic Pocket camera. Because I saw it, I held it, we spoke a little bit on the floor about it. I just literally finished shooting my second feature on the original pocket camera. And it was wonderful, because I love the look of that super 16 sensor. It is such a unique look that there is nothing else on the marketplace like it. So but of course the one thing that everybody always said about the pocket camera was like, Ah, it could just be 4k.

Dan May 44:10
Yeah, I mean, so this is one of those. This is again, one of those, like, you know, you get to nav and people like you know what you guys should do?

Alex Ferrari 44:18
Of course,

Dan May 44:19
First of all, let me get out my notepad real quick, because I want to jot this down, because you're the only one who's ever the only one who's coming from the pocket 4k camera. And I say that very lovingly. We want that feedback from folks. But when we would tell that very passionate individual that I always have to remind our team that like, it's great because so many people want black magic to succeed. How fortunate are we as a company that people come and they they like I love what you're doing and I can't wait for you to make more stuff and I want you to be successful. And even people that say I don't use your x product. They're like I I'm so happy with what you're doing because you're changing industry. So we are so lucky to be in the position. We're in where people are literally cheering for black magic and wanting us to be successful because of how we are helping them and helping change the industry. Back to the pocket 4k camera, we would tell that very impassioned person that came to us, we say, look, we get it, like we understand why we want it. But, you know, we had made this production camera 4k that kind of feels like about the smallest, we could build the 4k camera at that point in time. We know we're not so sure what else we can do. Or we could add to that. And of course, this is, you know, four years ago, three years ago, sure. And about two years ago, you start going, Okay, look, we could we could actually do this, like we can get it to be a bit smaller, you know, what are the other things that we could do that would improve upon this and it takes, it takes time, right? It's not like we mean is as magical as black magic is, it's not like we can just, you know, turn anything out of anything like it does actually take engineering, and resources and developments in technology to be able to do it. So, you know, when we finally kind of started going, like, Look, we worked on building smaller kind of electronics, you know, you see some of these crazy little, you know, micro converters and ultra studio minis and we had worked on building smaller products and getting compact down and dealing, how do you deal with heat dissipating heat, you know, obviously, as Blackmagic grow, we were able to add more engineers and bring more talent on the table to help with all that. So it's not just a, like, let's get back in the lab and one guy comes out like it does take time it takes those developments to get done. So we started building, what became the Pocket Cinema Camera 4k and, and you know, again, when you do have the ability to kind of sit back for four or five years, we're able to kind of say, okay, cool, like, you know, we've advanced some of our menu systems, we've advanced some of our, you know, recording capabilities. Like I said, some of the heat, things that were concerns when we had not been sure about how to make it smaller and, and even still, you know, where we're having conversations as early as I think, maybe the beginning of the year going. And this is the kind of things where, you know, like, you're probably very fortunate to be in a situation, I'm like, should we call it the pocket camera? It's, like, the biggest problems you're worried about? Right? You know, having a discussion about like, Look, you know, you know, like I said, when we started out with that original pocket camera, you know, how do you build the best $1,000 camera, and we're starting to look at this camera going like, Look, this is this is maybe not going to be $1,000 like, you know, again, we want to keep the lights up and keep all those brilliant engineers paid to build more products. Sure. 95 is gonna be a bit tough. And you know, what are we gonna charge for it, you know, we want to, you know, we want to get as many of these out there, we don't want price to ever be the reason why someone can't buy a Blackmagic product and should be 1295 should be 1495 is 1995 too much. And eventually, you know, the conversations you're having as you're getting it out the door, because the price was never really the first problem. The first problem was, well, how are we going to build this amazing product, keep it as low as we want, as far as cost can be. And eventually, that's how we got it. We eventually said, you know, resolve and come down to 295, because that's how we roll. And we said, well, we're not gonna do 995 Let's settle on 1295. And we'll give them resolve for free, which we had not given on the pocket camera. And that became a very incredibly agreeable line for us to be able to stick to so you know, it's it's insane. It's 95. That's, yeah, and look, it's always that there is their internal wrestling that goes like, yeah, should we charge 1495 for that, that wouldn't be an extra $200 it would basically go to help pay for engineering and you wonder, would we sell less? If we did? Or would we sell more at 1295? And it's you know, these are, these are the questions that we do wrestle with, but at the end of the day, it goes right back to that first mission statement, which is how we're going to help our users the most. And if we stick to that, we feel that we're more we're more right than wrong most often. So what becomes a fallback kind of for us in a lot of ways.

Alex Ferrari 48:49
I've what I find fascinating about the pocket camera is I do believe out of all the cameras that you've created and recreated the Ursa and the minis, and and so on, that have been disruptors. This product specifically, when I first saw it heard about it like this has the biggest potential to be an absolute industry disrupter, because you're basically finally giving a DSLR style camera or size of camera, but with raw capability and pro res capability, which does not exist. Yeah, at that price point is in SAM giving them a free editing software.

Dan May 49:30
They're gonna want that if they're going to be doing any type of overall workflow. And you're right, it is something that you look and you say, that is why the price is so important, because you want to make that that threshold to get this product as low as possible, right? You want to make it so that people look at it and they'll find faults because there's no perfect product out there. And they'll say, Well, I wish I had this. I have my own wishes. But at 1295 are you willing to overlook that because where else are you getting this kind of price performance In a product and then, and then like in, again, why these pricings are so important to us. Once they do that, and then hopefully they open up resolved and they see some of the benefits of the workflow. And then they think about, maybe I should get a decklink or ultrastudio product to get, you know, video out of the computer into a monitor or in if I have other things that I want to get input. And you know, and that's how someone becomes if they hadn't been familiar with the Blackmagic brand. That's how they become familiar. And they and they start looking at what we have to offer, and hopefully have that experience that says, Look, there's a lot of great things here. And I am never going to claim that any one of these products do the same thing that the 40,000 or $80,000 ones do. But there's a reason those products cost at a mountain. That's great. They shouldn't that's what they cater to, and they sell 10 or whatever. I don't know what the reason why that model exists, our model is going to exist to go out there and empower the most amount of people possible with the hope that they're going to turn around and say, Well, I got this amazing camera I got this free software let me buy some converters, let me buy some decklink card right me when we when we look at these other products and build them in and Wow, now I've got this one company that really is helping me and giving me the choices that I don't seem to be able to find elsewhere. And hey, look, Alex, it seemed to have worked out pretty well. And well as

Alex Ferrari 51:18
You guys have been doing good. So basically your products are like doorbusters on for on Black Friday, you put it

Dan May 51:26
But every but every product is it's like an L we've got you know we've got yo system will hit you with the $10,000 a year support contract like we would come from that's

Alex Ferrari 51:36
Exactly it. Every product is a doorbuster. And then so that's it's it's genius. And then how you guys are still alive and functioning as a company and these boys, it's amazing!

Dan May 51:47
That goes back to the business end of things about efficiencies like Don't, don't stuff yourself with a bunch of bureaucrats and everyone has to be really doing, you know, no one can hide it black magic, you know, you hear about these companies where it's like, well, I'm employee number 39,722. And what do you do? Well, I have coffee six hours a day, great. No one can hide a black magic because we everyone has to be efficient. All of our how we build things, how we develop, you know, how we do everything has to be super efficient. Now, sometimes that comes around where people don't understand, you know, hollywood customer comes around and says, Well, what, what's my price? And you say, it's $12.95? This, it's the same price is the film's student, it's trying to scrape together the money to buy their first professional camera. Well, you know who I am? I don't know, man, when you get on Southwest, you just decided to pay more money so that you can, you can write and then there have those things out there. But, you know, this is the this is the world of democratization. And look, you know, everyone pays Edu pricing. That's, that's that's how we're rolling a black man.

Alex Ferrari 52:49
Yeah, I've heard stories off off air, which I won't repeat names, but there have been very famous directors who just like, Don't you know who I am? Like, that's nice. That's, um, it's 1295. And then like, you just made 20 million on your last movie. Can you afford it?

Dan May 53:05
Yeah, and the problem. And the problem with the Hollywood and this is what happens with, there's a reason why the Vinci was in this situation where they were in, they were catering to Hollywood, they were building half million dollar systems, and those 10 customers and just using that number, because you know, those 10 customers would tell them what to do, they would struggle to get it done, they would sell one or two systems. And that was the business model. The problem is, no one wants to spend a million dollars anymore, or even a half million dollars anymore. And what we what the terrifying thing for those customers when we did we we didn't do it eventually, when they said you're going to screw everything up by giving it away for free or $1,000, or whatever they perceived it to be. It was a look, you have to realize, you guys are not funding the development that's needed for this application to be successful. And what's going to fund the development for those applications to be successful is all of these other users. So yes, we realize it's terrifying that we're putting professional color grading software into everybody's hands out there. But you know what, that major film is not going to go to buckos color grading company out in the middle of nowhere. They're coming to you because they trust you and your service. And you've have all of those believe that but and look, you guys want more capable colorist and more people to come to you to work workforce. And to have that workforce, that's never going to happen if there's just this elite product that no one can touch in us. But these are the things that, you know, like I said, we have to sit down and say, Look, we're going to empower users Check, check that box, you know, how are we going to make this be as efficient as possible so that we can build the user base we can have, we can't just ship 100 of these things. We got to chip 100,000 of these things to make that all work and it has to be incredibly efficient. But that's how these last 12 would fit in before even I was here. 15 years for black magic has been you know, building a business exists like that. And that's very hard to do if you're one of those companies. There's also in that South hall or other Hall, that nav and you go, Well, how is this company going to be here in 10 or 15 years, they've built business around selling, what they sell at a model that they have? How do you turn that tank down the windy road? And say, No, no, we're going to do it all over again and give it away for free. Like that kind of has to be built from the outset, or you have to have, you know, massive revolution from within. And that's obviously higher. And that's why I say, this is very hard to do. And look, someday when the black magic book gets written, you know, maybe people will appreciate it more of what what it all is. But you know, for now, we're just happy to see the success of the products out there, you know, when you again, see it may use by a Hollywood user, or when you walk into that university, and the students say, you know, we are so glad that you guys are doing what you do. You know that that's, you know, that's what makes us a great back to the lab,let's get on with building more great products.

Alex Ferrari 55:58
All right, so Dan thank you so much for being on the show, I have a few questions that I asked all my guests is going to be kind of a speed round, if you have got it. All right. What advice would you give a filmmaker wanting to break into the business today other than buying Blackmagic products?

Dan May 56:12
You know, one of the things that I realized actually doing this job and that I tell filmmakers today is, you know, the only thing that separates you from that other successful person you idolize is the fact that they've done it and you haven't yet there was a time where I thought, look, you know, someday, someone's gonna realize I'm a fraud, I have no idea what I'm doing. I you know, I don't have any of the same skills that other successful person that I idolize is, and you realize, once you kind of start breaking through that that's totally a load of crap. The only thing that actually separates you is the fact that they've gone and been able to do it. And you haven't done that yet. So obviously, it takes hard work. Obviously, it takes discipline to do. But that's it. That's it's not that they're brilliant. It's not that they've got some special formula. Sure luck's involved, there's other things that are in there, but you actually have to go and do it. So don't be discouraged by the fact that I'll never be able to be a filmmaker or an audio person or a post production engineer, whatever that dream is, it just the only thing that separates you from the person that at that level is the fact they've done it. So just go do it.

Alex Ferrari 57:17
Fantastic. Now, can you tell me what book had the biggest impact on your life or career?

Dan May 57:23
Boy book? I don't, don't just audio man like audio. But then But yeah, I had read a lot about I can't pull anyone up. But being I had come from music I had read about a lot of, you know, composers and musicians throughout history that and so even as I transferred into video, like that last bit of advice, I just remember thinking about the troubles and the tribulation news, especially, you know, when you think about musicians, in particular, the struggles of not really having a lot of money, or obviously lots of folks went through, you know, drug and alcohol abuse and the struggles, they went, one of the reasons why I decide I didn't really want to pursue that lifestyle. And that's still the same video, but you know, reading the biographies of so many people out there and the troubles, it makes you recognize that you're not, you know, you're a you're not unique, so like, you know, everyone's got their struggles, everyone's got their challenges. You know, it helps you kind of say, look, all you have to do is kind of keep going, keep reaching, and keep at it. And you'll that's the plan to be able to get there. Because if you don't, you just won't get there.

Alex Ferrari 58:26
What is the lesson that took you the longest to learn whether in the film industry, in your business or in life?

Dan May 58:31
Don't be afraid of admitting failure, because failure is a part of growth. And when you're young, you're so worried that if I do this, and I do this wrong, and I'm going to fail, and everything is going to be over? And when when you're very young, real, like if you really think that like life is over. And as you get older, you realize that that is just all part of the process. So you know, hey, that didn't work out the way I want. What can I learn from that? How can I do it better the next time and again, just get on to the next time? And three of your favorite films of all time. Oh, boy, as well. Fun. Yeah, I mean, look, you can't I cannot ever leave like an Empire Strikes Back off off the list, of course, completely. Revolutionary, you know, just change change how you saw film. You know, Godfather, probably too, is got to be up up on that list, too. But man, you know, here's a weird one. I remember being a little kid and watching ice pirates. That was such a great film, like, like, but and I think it was at that age where it was just like, Oh, you know, being the sci fi nerd that I was like, You must have watched that film, literally 3000 times because it was just, I don't know, my parents probably didn't even know that. I was watching it that many times. But I just remember being, you know, a five or seven year old kid and Jessica, zillions out yeah, totally not on the normal list of films

Alex Ferrari 59:52
A few films that remind me of but

Dan May 59:54
Probably if I watch that now I'd be like, this is terrible.

Alex Ferrari 59:57
Oh no, you can't you can't have to live in your mind. You can't have go back

Dan May 1:00:00
In my mind, as you know, just something that was very formative as what adventure meant

Alex Ferrari 1:00:06
To to add to that list of those kind of movies, ice pirate movies Time Bandits,

Dan May 1:00:10
Time Bandits, is right there.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:12
Crawl. Yes. Horrible.

Dan May 1:00:16
Terrible. But again, like I you know, there's a lot of things that I think I can look back and go like, you know, wasn't Voltron and amazing cartoon, you go back and look at it. It's not the same tropes that every one of those things have. But look at the time you go like, this is amazing. And that's part of what kind of, for me built in that sense of adventure, that sense of creativity. And you know that I mean, even if it's not something that you carry with you day to day that it is still part of what you who you feel is you. So look, sometimes you can't deny it, you just got to embrace it, and you know, work with it.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:49
And now where can people find more about more about black magic,

Dan May 1:00:53
The best place is to just go to our website, which is www.Blackmagicdesign.com.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:01
And there's a lot of stuff in that website.

Dan May 1:01:04
A lot of stuff you can dig through in there if you've got the time, patience and energy.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:08
Dan, thank you, man, you've been an absolute pleasure to talk to you and inspiration. And again, thank you for doing the good work that you're doing over black magic with, with all of those amazing people that work with you.

Dan May 1:01:18
No problem, Alex happy to speak with you anytime.

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BPS 401: iPhone Filmmaking & Cinematography with Jason Van Genderen

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Alex Ferrari 3:04
I'd like to welcome to the show, Jason Van Genderen. Man, thank you so much for being on the show brother!

Jason Van Genderen 5:57
Alex, it's amazing to finally meet you, rather than just listening to through the podcast channels finally get to see you and hear your voice. One on one. It's fantastic. It's awesome, man.

Alex Ferrari 6:07
And you are and we are having this. This is like a international call. So you are in Australia, what time is it over there right now?

Jason Van Genderen 6:15
And well, it's it's almost coming up to half past 10 in the morning for me here. Oh, nice, nice, sunny morning.

Alex Ferrari 6:23
So you are in the future. So you can tell me what happens.

Jason Van Genderen 6:27
I can tell you everything that happened to me or at least half day ahead of you. Well, thanks for the time, Australia is considered to be ahead of anywhere in the world.

Alex Ferrari 6:36
Fair enough. Fair enough. So thank you again for jumping on man. And I you know, the reason why we put you on is because you have a very unique set of skills that we have not had a guest on the show before, which is iPhone filmmaking or pocket filmmaking, as you put it, so we're gonna get deep into that. But first, how did you get in to this crazy business we'd like to call the film industry?

Jason Van Genderen 7:00
Well, my my checkered background really started in the world of advertising. So I, I was working as an art director in the advertising industry for about 13 years. And got really, really tired of just making 30 seconds and 45 seconds stories. Yeah, and just thought there must be another life beyond that. So basically, I I set up my own little business production business called treehouse 17 years ago. And from there, we've gradually we started pretty much as a as a an advertising branding agency. We started working more in television and video and online. And now it's it's 100% of our business, we do a lot of branded content. So we do a lot of commercial content, we do a lot of social content for a lot of brands around the world. And in the spare time, I still make my own films and make a lot of training resources and have really, as you said before, I've have not that I've fallen in love with making things on smartphones. But smartphones really found me as a way of making content. And I was so surprised by what they could create as a tool that I started digging deeper and was just so pleasantly surprised by how deep we could take the technology and the level of what we could actually create with this new miniaturization of our cameras.

Alex Ferrari 8:25
It is I mean, it is like the latest stuff. I mean, there's they're really powerful cameras. I mean, they have some insane capabilities. That literally is incredible. It's sitting around your pocket, but a lot of people just don't know what to do with it because you are not trained anywhere. How to shoot with an iPhone, not in a film school. It's not generally in the mainstream. Everyone looks down upon it, because oh, it's just an iPhone. But Shaun Baker kind of taught us a little bit about that. With his amazing film tangerine. By the way. What did you think of tangerine? When you saw it?

Jason Van Genderen 8:59
Incredible. I watched it in flight somewhere on the way to another festival and yeah, I thought was it? I mean, he shot it on iPhone five. I think?

Alex Ferrari 9:07
It was 5s if I'm not mistaken was either four. I think I might have even been 4s, but it might have been five Yeah, cuz I own a six. I own a six. So I haven't jumped yet. So I think it was one or two back. It was a while ago. Yeah.

Jason Van Genderen 9:23
I think again, it was a trailblazing project and it was very brave, very adventurous. And again with every great story you're watching a film that sure you know it's been shot on a smartphone. Maybe that's how you come across tangerina initially to watch it but i think you know a few minutes in you are totally swept into that story. And that's the great charm of of any film, regardless of what we make it on is all about creating that incredible story. And I think that's that's the voice we need to rise to the top through this. It's not so much about what camera we're filming on. It's about enabling ourselves to tell better stories in more ways.

Alex Ferrari 9:59
No Without question, and I mean, I, when I had Shawn on the show to talk about that a while ago, and he actually told me he's like we played in Sundance, and nobody knew that we shot it on iPhone. Like after the first screening at the very end, it's at shot on an iPhone and everybody just mind blew up.

Jason Van Genderen 10:18
It was like insane. And I think that was an absolute, you know, stroke of brilliance on Sean's behalf. Because a lot of people would have had the temptation of actually saying right up front. Oh, yeah, leave lead with it. Right on. But yeah, it's incredible. The fact that he did that a set is extremely brave, but you know, very critical film. It's deserved or success. It's, it's enjoyed. And yeah, I think, wonderful, a great example of exactly what we're talking about today, which is the fact that, you know, people anywhere with a with a fantastic idea can actually realize their story in some capacity, if they just rethink the tools that they have accessible to them now already. And certainly our smartphones are a fantastic way of upscaling filmic ability.

Alex Ferrari 11:02
Yeah, without question. So. So from what I read about you, there was this like, famous moment where you literally threw away your high end video camera or film camera, it was a video camera, I guess? And just said, screw it. I'm going iPhone all the way. What was that moment? And what caused you to go down that road?

Jason Van Genderen 11:21
You're going down the rabbit hole. Now, Alex, this is a crazy story. This takes us all the way back to 2008. That was like that was like yeah, to this years, decades, really. 10 years ago, 10 years ago. That's just crazy. And I think that we you know, this is I think two years in on having cameras on smartphones right now commercial, so so I find it only just released the year before. I'm not even sure if the 2008 version of the iPhone could record video. But the camera that I had back then was a Nokia in 95, a little sliding smartphone. And I remember carrying this thing around looking at it. And and wondering whether one day we'd actually end up telling stories on our smartphones, whether we could use them as actual camera tools. So I pretty much just walked around and with a couple of friends of mine, Shane Emmett, and john Roy, his his fantastic musical composer. I just we started talking one day I said I'd love to make a film on a smartphone and see if we can actually ever get that into a film Film Festival. And of course, sitting here in Australia. Our aim was to try and get into an International Film Festival. So we, we had this concept of of you know, those magnetic poetry kits? Yeah. Rich. Yeah. Oh, about something, someone add something to it as they walk past the fridge. It's a cool little idea. So we thought what if we could do that with a smartphone film? What if we could actually walk around the city? And so we walked around Sydney with with this little Nokia, and we just filmed words on sites. So we were I guess harvesting words from shopfronts, and vans on parked on the side of the street from the sidewalk from anywhere, we could see signage and words, we'd start filming individual words, we had no concept of a script, we had no storyboard, we had no budget. And we're working with a smartphone that was back in 2000. That we ended up collecting 1200 words. I remember Bluetooth in them one at a time from the phone to my Mac.

Alex Ferrari 13:14
Yeah, there was no way to look it up backwards. Oh, yeah. It was the way to hook it up back there. That's right.

Jason Van Genderen 13:20
By way, absolutely no way. But still, yeah, we were blitzed by that science. We're like, oh, wow, you can actually wirelessly transmit this thing from a phone to a device.

Alex Ferrari 13:28
It's fairly it's fairly insane that technology is

Jason Van Genderen 13:32
It is. So we ended up with 1200 words. And we decided to try and make a film out of that. And of course, it was the complete one on one way of Do not try and make a short film this way. We had no concept of really what we were making film about. We hadn't Like I said before, no script or storyboard. So we weren't we realized, as we were capturing these words on on street signs that were very affected by homeless communities in in the city and the fact that, you know, you can walk down the street, and you can walk past 1020 homeless people a day and never look them in the eye. They kind of become part of the the furniture in the city. Right? The landscape. Yeah. And so we decided we would try and make a project that I guess a story that spoke to that and and questioned whether, you know that there was another way we could connect with with one another on that level. And so we wanted to make a film about homeless societies, in cities in urban environments. And Shane and I, we sat there looking at this list of 1200 words for three nights in a row, and trying to find something to consider something to stitch together into a narrative. And nothing really, it was just like, was like going to the dentist three times in a row. It was honestly we were sitting there just nothing was coming to us. And then we are remember one night we contacted john Roy, this composer friend of ours and we said look, we've got this idea of a film. We want to cut the things together these words, we've got some shots of these incredible homeless people we've met along the way. We want to make a story about hammer societies in an urban environment and our sense of disconnect with that. We want like a piano score, but it has to be like plinky blank. So we can cut the words on certain notes. And I'm totally from a non musical background. So when I say Blinky calm, that's pretty advanced, technical musical speak.

Alex Ferrari 15:22
Same here.

Jason Van Genderen 15:25
But I never like that. So I sent him, I sent him a page with 12 images on it from the shoot. And he went away and compose this incredible three and a half minute piece, which he almost threw away. And he found me the next day, I said, Look, I've got one little piece of music, and but I want to just fine tune it out. And I said, No, no, no, john, send it through. And he did. And Shane and I listened to it and just knew instantly it was the right piece of music for this film. And you can hear the breath in the piano strings was incredible. And the film we made was called mankind is no Ireland. We ended up being inspired by the music, the word started leaping off the page. Once we heard the music, we started finding all of those connections. We put this together, we entered it into a film festival in New York called tropfest, New York. And tropfest at that stage was Australia's biggest Short Film Festival. It attracted an annual live audience of between 80 and 100,000. People.

Alex Ferrari 16:21
I'm sorry, how much

Jason Van Genderen 16:22
80 to 100,000 for a short film festival, or Short Film Festival. This is right on a Sunday evening. On Sunday, summer's evening in Sydney,

Alex Ferrari 16:32
Is there nothing else to do in Sydney during that, like, I don't know. it's mind blowing. Sundance doesn't get like, even Sunday doesn't even get that many people. That's crazy.

Jason Van Genderen 16:44
It is like a rock concert for short for making this insane. I said I had a version in New York, and we decided to enter it into that. And that's where the whole story first started, we end up getting selected, flew across for the festival. We we played the film, we won, we won People's Choice as well, we got this film. And it just started this whole conversation rolling in a much bigger space. And we did lots of media interviews and lots of talks to other film festivals and universities and phone colleges. And yeah, it just started this love of, of actually not being confined so much by the limitations in the gear, we didn't have to tell stories and actually looking at what we did have available to us, and how we could appropriate it and appropriate the concepts that we're working on to be told with simple tools, simple, simpler camera tools.

Alex Ferrari 17:33
And that film cost you $57 if I read correctly,

Jason Van Genderen 17:37
57 Australian dollars.

Alex Ferrari 17:39
Wow. So it's not even American dollar. So while that's not even Americans

Jason Van Genderen 17:43
Will see you know, 42 or three American dollars today.

Alex Ferrari 17:47
And then how much? How much prize money

Jason Van Genderen 17:51
Today, still actually going in festivals around the world. There's 10 years on it still doing the rounds and managed to win over $33,000 in prize money.

Alex Ferrari 18:01
That's insane. Oh my god, like that's, that is that is the hustle that is the indie film hustle without question. Look, I thought I was rough. Because that my first short film, I had it running in festivals, probably like four or five years. And you're still going 10 years in that's insane is not competing anymore. But it's still

Jason Van Genderen 18:23
Getting invitations all the time to screen. And it's amazing. I just love those little projects, you work on those little experimental projects that end up surprising you as the creator as well, as well as the audience. And I think, you know, it's the, for us, it's the gift that keeps on giving. It's the film story that just keeps on traveling around the world finding new audiences. And I watch it every now and then it still teaches me a little bit about what I'm doing. It's still it still has little little gems to give. You know, it's

Alex Ferrari 18:52
Funny I was because a lot of the people I worked a lot of my collaborators have worked on with us short film they kept every time they would see that short film my favorite film come back up. They're like, isn't that horse dead? Like, didn't you kill that? Like the you've you've written that horse? As long as you can? Anything since I'm like, I'm like, No, I just I just, you know, inject them with some adrenaline pick the horse back up and just keep writing up until he keeps going. So hey, if it keeps going, why not right? I mean, if people said it, it's all good. Yeah, and then what would you do? Did you distribute that film? Did you actually put it somewhere to be watched or sold? Or is it strictly just off offline?

Jason Van Genderen 19:27
Literally just just offline on festivals? it's it's it is online at the moment on the the tropfest YouTube channel. Okay, so let's head to life. They're a tad over a million views on there. Yeah, it's, it's, it's crazy. I mean, short film in Australia is a really strong, healthy medium for for creatives coming out of colleges and film schools. It's something we really actively embrace and I feel really fortunate that you know, even a little little old Australia we can actually say we've got a film festival. draws a live audience of 80 to 100,000 a year. It's just insane. And when filmmakers come from overseas, they've never experienced anything like that they walk into this field and they see this sea of people and they think they're at some crazy concert. It's just an incredible experience.

Alex Ferrari 20:15
I mean, you're almost inspiring me to make a short film. I mean, as soon as I gotta send something over there, because I'm just I just want to experience that that sounds amazing. for filming. Like, look, there's very few venues, very few things out there. Can you know Sundance Toronto? They don't bring in 100,000 eyeballs, you know, that's, yeah, that's like YouTube numbers. You get 100,000? Yes.

Jason Van Genderen 20:40
That's it. Yeah. So if if any filmmakers want to make a trip to Australia, try and try and make it around February when tropfest screens in Australia and come and experience the festival because as a filmmaker, it's just this energy of even just being in the in the audience. Even if you don't have a film in the festival, just being in that crowd, and seeing 80 to 100,000 people react and respond at once that to something that seen a screen is just mind blowing. It gives me chills just speaking about

Alex Ferrari 21:08
Because it's nothing that no normal filmmakers don't get that. Like, you know, even the biggest blockbusters from Hollywood doesn't get that all in one. But you don't get an ad 200,000 people watching Avengers like it doesn't happen. So it's, that must be amazing. So let me ask you a few tips for making your iPhone more cinematic. Because that is because if you mean iPhones just like any other tool, you could use a poorly you use it really well.

Jason Van Genderen 21:34
Yeah, yeah. So there's probably a couple of key things. One would be you need to obviously understand the strengths and the limitations of your iPhone as a camera tool. It's got a tiny lens, it's got a tiny imaging chip. The obviously the latest versions of the iPhone have stepped up in quality again, and they're got incredible, you know, dynamic range now. So the things that I would say from the get go, you really need to focus on in accessorizing your phone with to make it a real cinematic capture tool would be. First of all, there's an app called Filmic Pro, which is the same app that Shaun Baker filmed on as well film tangerine on to it gives you a complete manual control of all the camera inputs on your iPhone. So if you can imagine the kind of controls you have on a DSLR camera, you can have those on your iPhone with Filmic Pro. So it's invaluable. It's It's It's the number one selling manual camera app around the world, I believe. And it allows you to then work with a whole host of other accessories which you can obviously then put onto your phone to expand what it can see optically what it can hear. So yeah, Filmic Pro, that'd be the first thing I tell people to do go rush out, find that out, put it on your phone and play with it. And it's pretty cheap. That's incredible, like 15 bucks profit. Yeah, probably. I think it's around 20 something here in Australia. But yeah, it's look for. Isn't it funny these days with apps we talked about, you know, paying anything for an app. And whenever I go to a film college and I say, Oh, you need to buy this app, and it's $20. And they got like, wow, that's crazy. I'm never paying $20 for an app. But you know, you're expanding the functionality of the device. Everybody wants everything for free. It's insane.

Alex Ferrari 23:19
Tell me about it. Well, I know. I completely understand what you're saying.

Jason Van Genderen 23:27
Fairly. So Philly Pro is the bedrock that's that's the thing I would start with. And of course, it's available in an android version as well. So if you're not on iPhone, if you got something else you can you can run Filmic Pro It's amazing. The other thing that that is a real game changer with iPhone, we call it iconography his

Alex Ferrari 23:45

Jason Van Genderen 23:48
Is the ability to add accessory lenses now. So a lot of people always they've heard of, you know, lens clips like auto clip or moment lenses and things like that, which have their own sort of fastening system onto your phone. Base grip, make an incredible caged system for your iPhone or for any smartphone and have a device called a df two which has a depth of field converter and accent essentially it's a it's a barrel which attaches to the base group camera cage, which you put your phone in, and it allows you to then accessorize your iPhone with any number of different DSLR lenses or Sony lenses.

Alex Ferrari 24:25
Is it worth it? Because that's a lot of glass going through a lot of glass. So is it gonna degrade the image a bunch or is it worth it?

Jason Van Genderen 24:34
It's definitely worth it if you want to work with with no shallow depth of field, it's really at the moment the only real way we can do it until computational imaging sort of steps it up another couple of notches and we can get the effect of what we see in portrait store mode now on our phones. But you know when we can get that in video mode, then that kind of is another conversation again. But in the meantime, if you do love, you know that beautiful cinematic look of layering the focus in your vision If you need something like a depth of field converter to actually attach accessory lenses to your smartphone and look it is great. It does cut back the light input a little bit because essentially what you're telling the lens to do is to focus on a another focusing screen inside the depth of field converter. And that sounds very technical, but in the end of the day, it allows your your iPhone to be able to see through any lens pretty much you can put in front of it. And we've seen things captured we've certainly captured things ourselves here commercially, through through lenses that people would never ever guess have been attached to a phone. They just they wouldn't think it's been filmed in the smartphone.

Alex Ferrari 25:37
I mean, I think you and I are similar vintages as far as our age is concerned. So you might remember this camera Do you remember the dv x 100? a Panasonic yes was really wonderful. Wasn't that with the most beautiful camera ever? It was the first 24 feet the first 24 p camera and it had a stock lens on it was a like it was a beautiful lock lens, but then you couldn't get that depth. So you had the 35 millimeter adapter and then you could put on those things, but then you would it automatically lose like a stopper too. So you have to like yeah, totally pop so similar in that way. And I think it had like a glass didn't have like a glass. Oh, yeah, this was something. I did a movie once that because I shot my film on the DVS and I had the adapt I had a screw in adapter and that the 35 but a screw in Yeah, to get the white. Just to get the sorry, everybody were geeking out old school now. Yeah. But But I had a film that came in, it was a million dollar feature film that they shot on the DVD x. I don't know why, but they did this is back years years ago. And they never attached the adapter properly. And in the top corner, you would see the mirror like the little little circle like flickering. The whole movie, all the footage I'm like, was the first time dp but that's a whole other story for a whole other movie, podcast. But that was that was the technology we were dealing with. But the reason I brought that up is because it did drop a lot of drop stops. So I'm assuming that this is similar, that you've got to pump similar light in

Jason Van Genderen 27:09
More light. And that's that is an absolute given with with all smartphones and any small lens camera we need to smaller sensors need more light. So we need to work with more light when we're when we're shooting. Although you know, having said that the new Xs dynamic range and that is incredible. We took that out for camera test a couple of weeks ago to film festival here in Australia. just comparing the 10 to the 10 s in nighttime tests and the amount of extra latitude and exposure was insane. It's it's like 30 to 40% more light coming in in low light situations. Now are you choosing?

Alex Ferrari 27:44
Are you finding more filmmakers using this as a serious cat like a serious package? Because I don't see a lot I mean other than Shaun Baker and there's a handful of other, you know, outliers and yourself obviously. But are there Have you seen Have you run across other filmmakers who are doing serious work with iPhones?

Jason Van Genderen 28:02
We have we've actually started to see the explosion of smartphone film festivals are really taking off. Yeah, so earlier this year, I was at one in San Diego run by Susan botello amazing smartphone Film Fest went to one in Zurich, the MoMA Film Festival here in Australia with SF three smartphone flick fest. Now these these are getting big support and played at the Opera House in Sydney. I mean that's how much attention these festivals are getting. People are rocking up at the Opera House LMR building here in Australia to watch films all created on a smartphone and people are really starting to push the boundaries it's not just people picking these up and you know a weekend hack someone just having a go at the first time it's storytelling we're seeing real capable storytellers picking up their smartphones and really experimenting with the media and pushing the envelope as to what it can do as a camera tool and of course these days we can we can accessorize with any microphone we can we can put wireless microphones on smartphones and capture dialogue and distance without being connected with leads we can do all that sort of

Alex Ferrari 29:09
Yeah, I was gonna actually ask you how do you record professional sound because a lot of people will just pick up and go action and be like no, that's not gonna work very well.

Jason Van Genderen 29:19
Well we work with with all the full range of pro microphones we use any other other kind of production we can still work with with our smartphones as well or your obviously you still have the choice of recording your audio separately and sinking it in post. We generally do both. We recording to the camera as well as have backup audio too. We can never enough backups of audio. So yeah, yeah, accessory microphones are definitely out there for literally for less than $100 you can buy a really incredible quality microphone to improve the quality of the sound in your smartphone 300% and it's a no brainer. We see people actually starting to access Whereas with a couple of $100 worth of equipment, and they see the leap in quality that they're achieving, they just get the bag and they want to get more and more and more. And the amount of times I've been on red carpets at film festivals, and I pull out a little Smartphone Rig, and I'm just doing a little voxpop with someone or someone I've met that I want to ask a question to. And I get one or two questions out, and then instantly it's finished. All the producers and directors just start coming over there taking photos of the phone rig, they want to know what it is, how do you shoot with it? Where do I get it that like it still seems to be such a new conversation. But the more that people are seeing it, the more they're getting exposed to it, the more they're understanding that there's a place in their production kit for a smartphone, a broadcast smartphone kit.

Alex Ferrari 30:41
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show. Now, let me ask you because there is a stigma around shooting with an iPhone. I mean, Shaun Baker definitely broke that down a bunch. But everybody I mean, I've talked to people professionals, you know, snooty, let's call them snooty la guys, who's like, that's not a real cinema phone. I mean, that's this or that. Yeah. And you know what, you can't compete and I found I can compete with Alexa. It's just not going to period, it's never going to, but it will put the power of it of being able to tell a story in the hands of someone who can't maybe afford or get access to an Alexa. Now how do you look? Because I know a lot of people listening right now. their egos are are full right now. people listening I promise you, I promise you someone out there is going this is ridiculous. I would never I'm a I'm a serious change out already. I Exactly. Like I'm a serious cinematic cinephile. I'm a filmmaker, I don't, I don't shoot with an iPhone. That's what's in my pocket. I talk on by text on that. But what do you say to people like that? Because I mean, I'm always about like, whatever is the best tool for what you know, I shot my last film on the pocket camera. So it's just like, what's the proper tool, it's not perfect for everything, if you're going to shoot a half million dollar movie, I found might not be the right tool for it. But if you're doing short, or you're doing a smaller micro budget feature, and you could get a lot of bang for your buck. So what do you say to people like that, who have that, and I'm sure you've run into them.

Jason Van Genderen 32:18
I'm positive all the time, all the time. And they're my favorite people to convert when I go to a festival. And the I mean, some of my peers I work with in the industry here are still saying, I've got rocks in my head by right we, when I show them what's possible with with the equipment, they they quickly change their mind. And I think as you said, there is a definite stigma associated with not having a large camera in your hands when you're going to film a serious projects. But we can turn that stigma around to I think that that stigma is something that's been a bit of a stain on the industry as a whole. For a long time, a lot of people feel the day, there hasn't been room for them, there hasn't been an inclusion there because they don't have access to that red epic, or they don't have the means available to them to tool up with what's considered to be a proper cinematic camera or broadcast camera. And they've not gone into storytelling or filmmaking because of that. And I think that's a great shame. Because I've met some incredible writers, I've met some incredible producers, and want to be cinematographers that have incredible ideas that just put them on ice for three, four or five years, and they never make them because they just don't think those things are available to them. So the great joy here is actually saying we can turn that stigma around actually say that stigma is probably one of the strengths of smartphone cinematography, and that you can actually be a story teller, anywhere, anytime, with with that thing that's in your pocket. And no one's gonna question you you can be, you can be a one person production team, you can be operating very frugally. You could be in the middle of Times Square. filming this incredible shot, but nobody knows whether you're filming it just for a social feed or whether you're actually making something that's going to screen at Sundance, you're never gonna get a tap on the shoulder by the security guards or the local administration asking you for your film permits. You're never going oh, you see what I'm saying? You can really fly under the radar with with a small camera like a smartphone. And even when it's accessorize with some lenses and audio, we've never ever been kicked out of an area. We've never been stopped from filming. We've never been considered a serious crew. And that's part of what I love. We can actually travel around we can get these incredible stories, we can capture this incredible footage. And we're never hindered in our way. And it's such as an enabler for us in in in capturing story. I love it. For me, that's what I love doing. I'm a documentary filmmaker. So for me, you know being able to run around like a ninja and, and capture and create story and not be burdened by the process of the people around me or the environment that I'm filming in is a wonderful joy and it's something that's allowed me to to actually make stories I couldn't make any other way.

Alex Ferrari 34:54
Yeah, exactly. I think it was a lot like the when the DSLRs first came out. People were Making you know, like Michel Polish his film for lovers only or things like that where they literally went to Paris and shot everywhere in restaurants every because it was it was people thought they were taking pictures that technology was so new and now similar things with iPhones like no one. They're not professionals obviously, there they don't know what they're doing obviously so let's not bother them you know, I even ran across that with with the pocket, you know, like with my pocket camera people are like, what do you what do you do and I'm I'm shooting a feature Like what? Like it's, it's mind blowing, but you could sneak in with those kinds of cameras in the iPhone is the ultimate of that because everybody knows that camera. I mean, you knows that device, so you never you'll never get caught with it. And you

Jason Van Genderen 35:46
It's happened all through the chain. Sorry, I just said it's happened all through the chain of evolution in camera craft. If we look back to the very beginning with with film camera and sexual film cameras, when the digital video camera revolution came along the film industry, the film camera industry, all those traditional cinematographers did not write the digital camera setups, they, they they never thought they were gonna have a long lasting place in the industry. And of course, history tells us otherwise when you know, the first DSLR came out, I think in 2007 or eight actually film video.

Alex Ferrari 36:20
Yeah, remember the five d? came out? Yeah,

Jason Van Genderen 36:23
Yeah. You know, when that first one came out with the record capacity for video, the digital video camera market said that's not that's not a proper camera that said we can record video of course, yeah. Everybody deny that that was actually going to make any kind of inroads in our industry. And now we're sitting at that other chapter, we've got the further miniaturization of aircraft, we've got smartphones, we've got action cameras, adventure cameras. We've got all sorts with a wearable cameras coming next. Yeah, we've got so many things that are new to the industry. And of course, everyone's shooting on a DSLR, or a digital video camera or anything else is, is going that that's definitely not a serious camera history will prove that different. And again, it's not about saying, you know, smartphone cameras are going to overtake the industry. And you know, every other kind of camera is going to destroy it. Of course, it's not going to happen now. But what we do need to be aware of is the fact that, you know, for some of those productions, or some elements of your production, maybe a smartphone camera is actually going to be able to capture that scene, or tell that story better than something else. You're already having your kid.

Alex Ferrari 37:25
Yeah, and without question. No, no, absolutely. Without question. And you could sneak into places with that small camera and get shots. I do actually know of a few filmmakers in DPS, who are on network shows, who will Yeah, we'll do a little and they'll intercut. And if it's a quick little action thing or something like that, you know, it works. It really works.

Jason Van Genderen 37:50
I think the way that I a couple of weeks ago Alex, I actually was a guest at one of our major television networks here in Australia, there was 240, their executives gathered around in one of the big studios, they have one of these get togethers every three months. And they have guest speakers from all sides of the of the film and television industry coming in and address them once. Every quarter, I came in to talk to him about what smartphones are going to do what what space is there for smartphones in the broadcast television world and, and I would have thought that would have been a really hostile audience going in and speaking to all those executives and AP, network producers and series producers, and they loved it. They were they were totally on board, they loved opening their minds to what they could do. And of course, you know, we'd be having drps working on TV series coming up to us afterwards saying, you know, we've been filming with the same cameras for 20 years. And we're not allowed to upgrade our cameras because of budget. But we could afford two or three of these kids to accessorize what we're doing in our production. And so they're seeing the the opportunity for it, and there's definitely space for it in the industry. And when people start seeing some you know, in the coming years, we'll see some more feature films We'll see. definitely see a lot more documentaries coming out that have been created on smartphones. And I think that'll help really change maybe a catalyst of change for that conversation. And you know, we can buy $120 anamorphic lens to put on the front of your phone and capture a beautiful animal for picture right. Off the lens me is the whole thing. Yeah, it's and it fits in your pocket. It's inside. It's It's crazy,

Alex Ferrari 39:28
Do. I mean, do you feel like it's I mean, the iPhone revolution or the smartphone revolution is kind of similar to what happened with the DSLR like, people were like only like the first early adopters would go in and start playing and toy and making little films with it and all that kind of stuff. And now I feel that that's what's happening with iPhone technology and with smartphone technology

Jason Van Genderen 39:50
Completely completely. In fact, we've so we run a production agency here in Australia, and we earlier this year became the first production house In Australia to actually down scale our tools. So we now actually shoot all of our television commercials and all of our brand content for big brands exclusively on iPhones. We do it all on iPhones, with accessory lenses, accessory microphones, everything we produce out of our production agency is all sourced on our phone.

Alex Ferrari 40:17
Now how, how is it when you show up to set? you bust up and be like, Oh, I love it. No, no, but like other people, like other people, like what are the What is it? Other people say, I have to believe that like, you show up and there's a crew, and they're like, No, seriously, what are we shooting on?

Jason Van Genderen 40:34
Is there 20 people, there's five people and then all of a sudden it's like, Yeah, but you guys aren't serious. He just doing the social stuff. Right? And and are we actually doing the broadcast stuff today? And, look, it's amazing, because it opens many conversations, when we're filming talent, they love it, because it's a completely different way of working. And they find they're more in the mind rather than the process of the filmmaking process. So that it's a bit of liberated for talent as well. And definitely, you know, when when we're doing documentary interviews, there's nothing like putting an unassuming camera setup in front of the documentary subjects and getting them to open up, we have been able to get so many more incredibly deep conversations going through using smartphones as camera capture tools, as opposed to traditional camera setups. For people that aren't used to being in front of the camera, it is an incredible enabler. And absolutely, without a doubt we've we've made stories that wouldn't have ever made it to air. If it wasn't for the iPhone as a caption capture tool.

Alex Ferrari 41:35
Now, you said you touched on something I would love to kind of dig deep a little deeper into a talent. I mean, obviously the documentary world it You're right, because obviously documentaries you got when people open up and when they see this Alexa, or red rig, which tend to be huge sometimes. Yeah, it could be over into is especially intimidating for people who are not versed in our world. But when you you know, you're like, Okay, we're just gonna shoot this just open up, it's fine. It's Yeah, yeah, that I have to believe is a lot better on a documentary standpoint, but also just as actors, you know, there's a freedom and a speed that you can move with these rigs. You know, even with my experience with shooting with with the the small camera, I was able to move so quickly. And the actors were just like on, like, there's no going back to the trailer for an hour while we reset, know where we're going. And there's an energy to it. So what I would love to talk to you about that?

Jason Van Genderen 42:35
Yeah, totally, we find exactly the same, it's, you know, it's so much faster to do same transitions to lighting setups are simpler, everything is a lot more simpler. And so we find we have more ability to block through a scene, we have more ability to work through the dialogue, the transactions, we just we see a lot more scope, a lot more experimentation with what we're capturing, as opposed to being extremely didactic about what we're wanting to shoot. And we call it lean forward filmmaking, we think it's really this, this sense of stepping on set, and we actually have the camera in hand ready to go. And we let the camera almost show and guide for us what could be a good flow for the camera movement, what could be good coverage in the scene, it's quite different to actually sitting there. And first of all, overly pre producing, how we're going to actually capture that scene, how we're going to lens it, how we're going to load, all that sort of thing, we find that there's just this, there's almost like an organic nature to the production, which is really nice. And particularly, I think for people that are not really versed with working with larger crews that are relatively new to working with other people, I think anything you can do to help keep your your crew small, to keep your equipment tight overhead, gives you more flexibility in your shoot day. And then in your call sheet. I think all that stuff's all the positive. So it's a great way to actually really give yourself many more options and what you probably would do with it with a traditional camera setup.

Alex Ferrari 44:05
And at the end of the day, and I think this is I think we could both agree on this. It doesn't really matter what the hell you shoot on is What's the story? And that's what people get so until I mean I did I did full podcast about stop obsessing about gear no one gives a crap like they really don't. Only guys like you and me will go so what you shoot on, like, really, but people watching a film on Netflix doesn't care. They shot on my legs on red on black magic on an iPhone, it doesn't matter. But people I think and you might you know, you might love to hear what you think about it. But I think a lot of times filmmakers use that as an excuse not to actually be filmmakers because they hide behind it.

Jason Van Genderen 44:49
I totally agree. And I think you and I have both gone to the exact same networking opportunities at festivals where you step into a room of fellow creatives, filmmakers You meet one another, and it's nobody talks about the project they're working on, they say, I've just been shooting something on XYZ, right? straightaway, they're into the gear that straightaway, it's all about the box. And I'm sure if you go to a great restaurant and go and have a chat to some chefs, they're not talking about what brand knife they've been chopping vegetables and fish with that night, they're talking about something entirely different. You know, when we, when we think about, you know, incredible performance on stage, the first thing they don't credit their success with is the brand of the microphone that they're singing into, or the PA system. But somehow, in the filmmaking industry, we're still very caught up in the fact that it's all about boxes and lenses. It's marketing. It's the marketing.

Alex Ferrari 45:42
It's the marketing of the companies, though, the companies want you to continue to buy new lenses, buy new cameras, buy new everything. So it's, and again, you hear from the beginning of your career, so you get caught up in it. I've kind of let go of that. Now. I'm like, what's the right tool for the job?

Jason Van Genderen 45:58
Yeah, yeah, totally. And it's become almost like a skin, I feel it's like something you said before, like, we wrap it over. So I was like a mask. And that's we talking about the equipment and the gear seems to be an easier thing to do, then actually opening up about what we're trying to say with what we're capturing. And, and I think as soon as we can start changing those conversations, it's actually Alex the same reason why I never go on in introduce myself as a filmmaker anymore. As early this year, I now call myself a film breaker. Because I feel the way I make films is, is at odds with what the industry perception of normally is. And so I think I tend to break a lot of rules when I make my films rather than making them. So when I say I'm a filmmaker, and I step in that same environment, yeah. What's the first question you think someone asked you? When you say you're a filmmaker? What's the next thing that comes out of their mouth?

Alex Ferrari 46:46
Or what are you shooting on? Or what? What films have you made that I know? Well, there's that chance?

Jason Van Genderen 46:51
Yeah, it's not a lot. Yeah, there's probably not a lot that I've made that that most people would have seen. So yeah, you're right, you release myself as a phone breaker that introduces a conversation rather than stopping it with a period in the conversation. It's just, it's a way of enabling people to understand that there's more than one way to make a film come alive.

Alex Ferrari 47:08
I always tell people that, you know, if you give a canvas and paint and brush to Basquiat, Warhol, and Paul, you're gonna get paint on a canvas. But how you get it is up to them. And it really doesn't matter. The style you make it like I know, I've worked with filmmakers who. And I've also talked to filmmakers who are completely improv films, like I've done my last two films are fairly, you know, structures, outlines and film. And you know, and that's the first time I ever did that, before that it was more structured and storyboards, and previous, and all that kind of stuff. But there's millions of different ways to tell the story. But at the end of the day, and I think this is where filmmakers get so caught, just missed the mark. It is about what story you're trying to tell, how are you trying to impact the world in one way, shape, or form? Whatever, your what's your, what's your take on it? What is your perspective?

Jason Van Genderen 48:03
On voice? A lot of people get lost in that. Yeah, they they, they forget that really, that perfecting their craft is not about learning how to use more boxes. It's really about learning how to really define their voice and their style as a storyteller. And embracing that and let him feeling comfortable in their skin, actually owning their style of production and what they bring to the films that they want to release to market actually, I think that's, that's actually a really good point. People really need to focus more on their voice. And and what they want to say, as opposed to experimenting with, you know, 14 different types of camera setups before they feel they've made a serious film.

Alex Ferrari 48:43
Well, I think the other thing is that like, well, that movie was shot you know, this Oscar winning movie was shot on Alexa. So if I shoot a movie with Alexa, then my chances are so much better to get an Oscar. Like, isn't that the mentality? Like seriously? Oh, I have to get a read because that's what like the Avengers was shot on. So I want a $200 million budgets. I guess I have Yeah. It's it's, it's it's not a it really is not,

Jason Van Genderen 49:06
I hope we've aged if we only felt comfortable stepping out on the road and driving a car if we could have a $300,000 vehicle. I mean, we can still drive in a $2,000 bomb. But you know, it's, it's, we're still it still gets us to a to b hopefully. But it's fine to aspire towards those those other lofty cameras and setups. But the main thing is, I think what people need to think about is, if I'm a great storyteller, if I've got an idea for telling a story, what can a resource around me that'll help enable me to tell that story right, rather than give myself more excuses and delays and procrastinating about actually starting making that form?

Alex Ferrari 49:44
Absolutely. I hope today's conversation Jason has has woken a few people up has inspired a few people to pick up the thing in their pocket and go tell a story, experiment learn. I mean, there is no film development. There is no Huge amounts of media that you have to buy. And trust me, it's if you want to tell a story, there is no excuse. And that's what I that's what I hope this conversation this interview has helped a few people today. So thank you for, for dropping the knowledge bombs, I'm gonna ask a few questions that I asked all my guests. What advice would you give a filmmaker wanting to break into the business today?

Jason Van Genderen 50:26
I would say you are your projects best advocate. So never ever give up on it. If you give up on your project, if you waver if you lose the love, nobody else is going to have the love for your project like you do. So you need to be the absolute champion for your project. And never ever lose sight of that. I think I see a lot of people with an idea that soon as they start shopping it around or they start asking for opinions, they feel that it's probably a less lesser thing than what they started out with. And they park it off to the side and then they lose the love for it. I think you need to be your projects, best advocate. So never stop selling the concept of what you want to make. If you believe in it with all your heart. If you feel it's a thing you really want to make, it's your sole responsibility to the champion for it, you need to you need to pull everybody else on board and you need to fly the flag all the time.

Alex Ferrari 51:21
And I think you have to be free of the good opinion of others. In many ways.

Jason Van Genderen 51:27
Absolutely. In fact, you know, seeking the advice and opinions of people around you that aren't your friends and family is probably the other thing I would say is making sure you get some good independent reviews of your work. And and it'll hurt the first time someone comes back to you and tears it to shreds. Yeah, it's a horrible experience. But if you sit on it for two or three days and look at your work again with with that, in your mind, hopefully you can learn from the process. And certainly, that's probably how I've grown as a filmmaker and a storyteller is by exposing my work to people that I really respect that don't have a personal association with me, that feel honest enough to actually really be honest about a project want to show that to them and take on board listen to listen to their conversation with fresh ears and eyes after a few days when the pain is settled, and you can look at your work and actually learn from it and grow as a storyteller. Important.

Alex Ferrari 52:22
Absolutely. Now, can you tell me the book that had the biggest impact on your life or career?

Jason Van Genderen 52:29
The book that had the biggest impact on my life or career? I'm going to probably be a little controversial here and say it's going to be a book with no words. Okay. And I'm going to give you a book called The Arrival by Shaun tan. Okay. I don't know if you've heard of that. he's a he's a graphic novelist. Based in the western side of Australia. He won an Academy Award for an animation called The last thing I believe, two years ago. And he Yeah, this graphical novel called the the arrival is an incredible story about what it likes what it's like to feel, to walk in the shoes of being an immigrant in a new country. But it's completely taught through incredible illustrations. No words needed. It invents its own language through the book when you read it. Yeah, the arrival by Shaun tan definitely check that out. Incredible readable, great, great. It's like a storyboard incredible storyboard.

Alex Ferrari 53:28
Awesome. Now what lesson took you the longest to learn whether the film industry or in life?

Jason Van Genderen 53:36
The lesson that took me the longest to learn, would have to be to never stop making. Whether you feel your success or failure, whether you feel you're inspired or not, there is no replacement for making and keeping your tools sharp and keeping your skills sharp. And I think always staying in the game. Always going out, finding story listening, making story all the time. Always refine your skills and keep going. Don't give yourself a year off from filmmaking. You need to keep making wherever you are, whatever you're doing, you need to keep making whatever that story is that's in front of you keep making it

Alex Ferrari 54:16
And three of your favorite films of all time?

Jason Van Genderen 54:20
Three of my favorite films of all time, I'm going to keep it a documentary, because that's probably my passion.

Alex Ferrari 54:26

Jason Van Genderen 54:28
The first one I would say would be Blackfish probably one of my all time favorite. Yeah, that's a killer whale.

Alex Ferrari 54:38
What I will kill them to kill the entire company. I mean, yeah, absolutely. I mean, we're here. I'm here in LA. So I saw I saw when it happened, like I went to SeaWorld that like with my family, yeah, girls wanted to go. I was like, I don't really want to go, let's support it, or we're gonna go once and that's it. Man. They changed everything. It was pretty remarkable that one move be knocked down a multi million dollar corporations pretty amazing.

Jason Van Genderen 55:04
Clearly and if you want inspiration as a documentary filmmaker, there is no greater inspiration than something like that. When you see the cause and effect of the film like that's incredible. The second film I would probably pick is searching for sugar man,

Alex Ferrari 55:18
Ohh what I wonder. Oh, God, I love that movie. Yeah, it was so good. Sorry. No, go ahead. Good.

Jason Van Genderen 55:26
I just large chunks of it were actually filmed on iPhone. Really? I didn't know that. Yes, I looked it up large chunks of the the recreated historical footage, I think was filmed with a eight millimeter film app on a smartphone.

Alex Ferrari 55:44
Because he was doing it sad that he passed away but I remember the filmmaker. He did it almost all by himself. Like he was Yeah, editing for like, three years and and then he got the Oscar which was just like, Oh my God when I saw

Jason Van Genderen 55:58
I mean, that is the ultimate indie film hustle searching for sugar. And this this guy made it happen. incredible story made with with really scarce resources. Yeah. Beautiful.

Alex Ferrari 56:07
What's the other one that just came out a few years ago. Is it the Walk walk the line? About Oh, what do you want to talk about? The one that the guy across the Twin Towers? Yeah, yeah. Yes. Yeah. Type rope. Yeah. Yeah. Something like that. Yeah. What an amazing documentary. I fell in love with that guy. He's crazy. I love him. Alright, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. The third one,

Jason Van Genderen 56:29
I got a third one for you. And that's a filmmaker called Brian hurt slinger. And in his documentary as my date with Drew, came out, and I remember that I've seen that movie. Yeah, when he went about making it

Alex Ferrari 56:44
When the stalker laws were a little less back then apparently. But he wanted. He wanted to make he wanted to date with Drew Barrymore. And he made a whole documentary about it.

Jason Van Genderen 56:54
In 30 days, incredible, just the ultimate challenge. How can you make a film in 30 days, he didn't even own a camera. That was an incredible thing. He and his two friends had to go and beg, borrow and steal a camera on a credit card, which I had to be able to get a refund on within 30 days, that was the Prime Minister making a film rather than using a window to make 30 days ago and find a date with Drew Barrymore. And I think Rotten Tomatoes actually called it the love it or hate it's stalker artsy. Like it was. Like I said, you probably could not make that film in 2018. But back in 2004, it was just it's one of those heartwarming, very simply made films, the aesthetics in a very pure, very basic, but super sweet story and as a documentary filmmaker, so much hope in there for filmmaking story with minimal means.

Alex Ferrari 57:41
So those are some great choices, my friend great choices. Now where can people find you in the work you do?

Jason Van Genderen 57:49
Look, probably the best place would be on Facebook to look up film breaker, film breaker, that's the page where I've been sharing most of my, my knowledge, bombs and work of late. We've got a few influences on there. Contributing basically it's a space where people who want to learn how to make films with their smartphones can be tooled up can be can be inspired. And we we set that up in March this year with an aim of finding 10,000 people around the world that had a similar mindset. And we're now up to just over 30,000. So yeah, film breaker on Facebook is definitely the place to connect, to stay in touch with what we're making. And yeah, check out our work.

Alex Ferrari 58:32
Awesome, man. Thank you, Jason, again, so much. This has been an amazing interview, amazing conversation. And I really do hope it inspires people out there in the tribe and whoever is listening to this to get out there and just go tell their story man with doesn't matter what you could you have the power in your hands.

Jason Van Genderen 58:51
Completely Alex wonderful being on the show. Thanks so much for the opportunity. And I really appreciate it.

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BPS 400: How I Made $100K+ Selling Stock Footage with James Forsher

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Alex Ferrari 1:51
I'd like to welcome to the show, James Forsher, man, how you doing?

James Forsher 3:06
We're good.

Alex Ferrari 3:07
Thank you so much for doing the show. I really appreciate it.

James Forsher 3:10
Well, my pleasure. I'm glad to talk about all things archival material.

Alex Ferrari 3:14
Well, there is a ton I want to know about stock footage and about archival and all that kind of stuff. But before we get into it first, can you tell me a little bit about how you got into the business?

James Forsher 3:24
Um, I got in the business a couple of different ways. One is my mom was Elvis Presley Secretary from 1956 to 61. And then she awesome. Amanda Zucker, the second, who was the grandson of the founder of paramount and so they produce shows together. So I was kind of born to this whole environment, which was a plus and a minus. Because I saw the greatest things about the industry. I saw the worst things about the industry. I'm in college, they gave me a couple of interviews they had done with people that had just gone stealth and they didn't want to deal with it. And but for me, I thought as a Career Builder, if I want to get in this business, they were great. So one was an interview with Conrad Hilton. And so I finished my senior year at the University of California, Santa Cruz and aired on TV. So that was my first credit and I hadn't even graduated yet. And then the second was an interview with Zuko, who started Paramount Studios, and he kind of a life history of the film industry, actually was my first film I spent about a year year and a half kind of learning how to make a film making that and that's what introduced me to archival material.

Alex Ferrari 4:33
Very cool. Now your book is called stock footage, everything under the sun using archival material to make a good film. Great. It's a lengthy title, but a great one.

James Forsher 4:46
I didn't come up with it. The publisher gwec did I mean it really covers it, I mean, pretty much started stock footage, but there's 25 other chapters but every other type of archival material actually does go Possibly into your film or creative project?

Alex Ferrari 5:03
Well, let's talk about stock footage. Can you explain to the audience what stock footage is? in general?

James Forsher 5:08
Yeah. Anything from the very first film shot like 1893, up to something that was shot this morning, it is now in the closet, because what do you do with it? It covers everything that exists. And so when you're looking for material for a shot, and you don't have a camera, and you can't go run outside and go shoot it, you got to find it from someplace. And that falls under what we call the archival material houses, stock houses. So you're always looking for material, it's always past tense, it gets a little philosophical, but that's kind of what really is going on here.

Alex Ferrari 5:47
Now, and is there a big difference between the term archival footage because when I think archival footage, I'm thinking old black and white, you know, old school stuff, you're not thinking of things that were just shot a day ago?

James Forsher 5:58
Exactly. And that's one of the misconceptions. And one of the reasons I wrote the book, because I had produced for, you know, I mean, for almost 40 years, and I had spent 20 years teaching to, and most of my students 95%. And when I mentioned archival livestock, they would go, but that's great old stuff is public domain. And that's about as far as it went. And it's, that's like one quarter of 1% of 1% majority of it is everything else Gone with the Wind. Well, if you need a shot of flying monkeys, good place to go. And, you know, man on the moon, that's another piece of stock footage. It's all under stock footage. The broader term is archival footage, same thing, but archival material encompasses the whole wide world of existing creative stuff. Graphics, music, sound effects, still photos, newsreels.

Alex Ferrari 6:54
You know, it's massive, it's a massive amount of mass within.

James Forsher 6:58
And so the whole point of the book was a real primer introduction to this massive world in bite sized pieces. So the filmmakers could look at this and go, Oh, God, okay, I can do this. I can get this I can grab this. And suddenly, I think projects become a lot more interesting, because you can put a lot more stuff in it to tell your story.

Alex Ferrari 7:17
So you mentioned Gone with the Wind, which I think you meant Wizard of Oz, because I don't remember flying monkeys and Gone with the Wind. Oh, no. They should go with the winners and other Philby flying monkeys in you know? Yeah. So how would you? So then how would you go about, you know, calling MGM up and going, Hey, I would like to get a scene from Gone with the Wind for my dock or for my narrative feature that I want to playing in the background or something along those lines? How would you go about because I will talk a little bit about more of the standard stock footage, like go into a stock footage files and things like that. But for films I'm really curious about especially famous ones,

James Forsher 7:55
Famous films are funny little story unto themselves, because you think the studios would be happy to be able to license and make 1,000,002 million, 3 million a year. Some studios are some studios love to have a few million, some studios, oh, they can't be bothered. And they will not license it out unless you're a friend of a friend of a friend. So for example, when I got started back in the early 80s, we needed material from Warner Brothers. And I called the contact I had who was very grouchy and who knows, I don't know if I want to license you I don't want to deal with it. So I called the distributor that I was working with. And I said, Who do you know there? He says, I know the President I said can you call the president? Well, within a week, we had the footage, okay, at a rate of a third of what I could have bargained for. So part of it comes down to just calling the studio, which is all you can do and typically starts with a letter to the legal department. And the other part is if they give you a hard time copy, if you have a distributor, talk to them and find out who knows whom, because that also helps.

Alex Ferrari 8:59
And then licensing fees vary, I'm assuming

James Forsher 9:02
Yes. And let me go back to that last point. I can't stress enough to have a expert clip, licensed person do the work for you. It costs a little extra, it may cost you $502,000 for a typical job, but here's the deal. They already have the relationships in place, they already know the people. So you're buying that expertise without having to beg your distributor to do a favor. They may or may not be able to do so having a clip licensed person and I mentioned some in my book that will help you get through and get the right price because they'll be able to get you the price. They know a sphere.

Alex Ferrari 9:45
So it's a better price than what you could get probably if you just called up directly and they have no relationship with you.

James Forsher 9:51
Yeah, this is Pennywise pound foolish if you really have no money. Yeah, do it yourself and keep your fingers crossed. But if you have some money your budget, you just hire someone to do this part of the job because it really is a full time job unto itself. And these people who do it have done for years, they have relationships, relationships that go back years. And they know the prices. So they're really well worth acquiring.

Alex Ferrari 10:16
I worked on a film, excuse me in a show for Hulu. And I noticed that one of the characters had a image of john Carpenter's the thing, another thing, they live on it. And I asked the director and the producers of that, because I was working with him in post, I'm like, how did you get that? Like, you can't like how he's like, we called up the studio, and we go, Hey, we want to use an image for a T shirt. And it was fairly affordable, like extremely affordable, actually, for what they want. And they're like, yeah, we'll design it, just send us a send it over to us, and we'll approve it, and then just pay us and we're good. That's kind of how it works.

James Forsher 10:53
It can I did a discovery channel special, I needed a minute of walk the dinosaur from many years ago. Yeah, we just called it like it was Disney at the time and or whatnot. Well, that was another film. I called up the owner. And they said, Sure, you know, put it in because it's promotion. So a lot of times people are glad to give away things, let alone get money, if it falls into promoting their item, if it's available at that time.

Alex Ferrari 11:19
And it benefit you more if you're a bigger project, or to get that kind of giveaway stuff as opposed or they'll look at you and go, Oh, they have money so they can I can charge it. So it's a little double edged sword.

James Forsher 11:32
Yeah, well, they go by market. So if you sit there and say, one brother is distributing our feature length film worldwide, they'll say dollar dollar dollar. If you say we're doing a show for Hulu, they'll say half $1. And they'll know what's there and what works.

Alex Ferrari 11:50
Gotcha. Now can you give me a few examples of stock footage being used in successful projects that are like let's say feature films, because we all know Ken Burns, we all know doc documentaries, that's where archival kind of is known to be to make its bones, if you will. But for feature films, I don't I don't know any many of many examples.

James Forsher 12:10
Yeah, well, a lot of feature films use stock footage, it may simply be the scene where the actors walked into a hotel room. There's a TV on his on the television. And that comes from somewhere, you know, so that stock footage. I remember years ago, it was a film called Firestarter, I used to have our film division. And we sold them some 1920s footage we had and then just played in a television scene where she's watching television and going from channel to channel and I was one of the channels. So you know, that's

Alex Ferrari 12:44
And and you'd like to and that was footage that you owned,

James Forsher 12:46
Licensed yet. And so the the deal is what you always have to think of still images, music films, always think of the nasty lawyer will keep you honest. And this will keep making sure you do what you've got to do. You're covering your back, you're covering your back from the nasty lawyer. Also, it even goes beyond the nasty lawyer it can actually be the the trade councils of countries now the short story. years ago, I did a documentary. And we used a clip from a foreign film. And I did library Congress search, which is what everyone should do if they have they think they have a public domain piece of footage. Always request a library of congress research report to put in your errors and emissions report, which is the insurance package you get at the end of the film. And we did it aired on Discovery Channel. In the third year, the final airing, I get a call from a production company from this country or in country and they said you used our fuel illegally, and it's copyrighted, blah, blah, blah. So I said, Well, I think we have a misunderstanding. I sent him my library Congress report, which showed that I had done due diligence in the matter. I got calls every week from them demanding 1000s of dollars that they really wanted, you know, the money and we broke the law, blah, blah, blah. And he actually had the trade mission from that country call me in an edit session. I mean, it really was, wow, nasty stuff. And so finally, you know, I looked at him or told him on a phone call. You know, you I don't know if you're gonna understand this, but you can't get blood out of a turnip. And I hung up on him. I guess he talked to somebody who translated that to him, and they stopped calling. But the thing is, it was weeks worth of very nasty phone calls. And they were right. And I was writing meaning this was their film, but they hadn't properly copyrighted here. So I was able to use it. But it still didn't stop me from being, you know, harangue, I guess you call it.

Alex Ferrari 15:06
So let me ask you that because that's, that's something that's very interesting. And a lot of people kind of get lost in it. copywriting here in the US is one thing. But then there's copyrights in England, there's copyrights in France, there's copyrights all over the place. So if they want to see if a movie is made in the in an Australia, they'll copyright in Australia, but if but if they want to protect it in the US to have to have to copyright it in the US as well, correct?

James Forsher 15:33
Well, nowadays, a copyright. If you've never heard in the US, it's pretty, it's pretty much worldwide at this point. But what what happened was, for many, many years, the majority of time for the feature film history, there were two copyright conventions. It was the Berne Convention, which was Europe and Asia, whatever countries subscribed to it that the US did, US had its own copyright tribunal. And so if you come out here, yes, you would have to go and do a Berne Convention copyright and have the two copyrights. So what you'll find is there were films that were caught red in Europe, returned public domain here, like propolis. And it was a mess. And I think Finally, in the last decade or so, we signed on, and now it's a really is a worldwide convention.

Alex Ferrari 16:25
So So let me talk a little bit about stock footage, or public shaming public domain footage. Because I've had so many questions about this, like the Alfred Hitchcock collection, and Metropolis and Nosferatu and, of course, famously made a night of living dead, which is why it's on every television of every independent movie ever. Because public domain, but films like specifically like the Hitchcock collection, which they has, there's the British Hitchcock films, which is early on, like the lodger in Jamaica in and other things like that. Then they then there's the US version, from what I understand using his films, you could arguably use the British films here as public domain because they went public domain here in the States, but you cannot show it in England or anywhere that's accessible to England. Is that correct? not correct?

James Forsher 17:22
Well, it's a loaded question. And that's the book really talks about this. But in a nutshell, here's the deal. There's clear public domain, there's murky public domain, foreign films, I'd call that murky public domain, because it could have been shown here and they could have copyrighted under a different title. So they've been released overseas and one title and release. Here's another title. When it was released is a big issue. So when it was produced 75 years ago, it falls under the old copyright law, it was produced last 20 years, it pulls into the new one, the old one was 20 years with renewal. The new one is 75 years and 85 years and you know, 5000 years and you might as well consider it.

Alex Ferrari 18:15
Well never gonna see Mickey Mouse is basically never gonna see Steamboat Willie.

James Forsher 18:19
Cities are too powerful. So that's one area you really have to be careful about is is is it really public domain? Because someone says it is I always go by the Library of Congress research report. That's your backup again, think of the nasty attorney. Thank you protecting yourself from that lawsuit. And so if someone tells you it's public domain fine, but go get it for like at least like 10 or $12 per title, get it verified.

Alex Ferrari 18:50
Now if you but if you if you buy let's say one of these films from a library a stock stock House says hey, here's I got a pristine 35 millimeter print of the larger you know, which is and I can I could get it to you digitally or beta SP or Digi bait or whatever. And they tell me Hey, you know, you can play it here in the USB can't played in England. Is that something?

James Forsher 19:17
It's something but you know, think about your sales. I mean, nowadays your sales in the US are not what they were 20 years ago, right? The old days, you had video sales, you better pay cable, you had basic cable syndication, you had all these possibilities to make money now. You basically streaming thrown in and streaming and that pays bubkis. And so really the world is more your market nowadays. And so the dollars have changed. I would check to see if it is available overseas because the US is so small part of the market. I just finished a film sold all over Europe, but we couldn't make a sale here because of these rights issues and they were just too much spensive you,

Alex Ferrari 20:01
Really. So there was just footage that you used in the movie that just,

James Forsher 20:04
Yeah, well, expensive here. We're in Europe, they do it completely differently in Europe, you do a report, you turn it in, and it goes to royalty reports and pays it. We're here you have to license it directly from the music companies.

Alex Ferrari 20:20
Oh, so in other words, so yeah, basically, everybody, basically, you have all the music available to you in Europe. And it just like you just pay in the system, and the system pays them out.

James Forsher 20:30
I mean, every filmmaker in the US wishes that were that way here. But it kills it. I could not show this film. It's a good film. And I couldn't show the film The US because the license fees for the music loan, were probably three times what the most I could have gotten from a Netflix sale. Astronomical.

Alex Ferrari 20:47
Right? So if you wanted a Beatle song, or you want an Elvis song or something like that, you actually lit up the go to who owns the publishing

James Forsher 20:56
And performance right issues. And that's all us. So I did a film about Star Trek years ago in Germany, it was about three years ago. And I wanted to use the Alexander courage theme song. They started at $10,000. But yeah, he really, there's me, I don't know if you guys are chicken, but our documentaries from Netflix 10,000 is kind of not that far from the ballpark that would have barely paid for from

Alex Ferrari 21:25
Is that what is that what Netflix is paying, though?

James Forsher 21:27
Well, if you're lucky, Netflix was taking everything and now they're getting much, much, much easier.

Alex Ferrari 21:32
And then they're just being pickier with and then they're not paying a whole lot anymore.

James Forsher 21:36
Well, we never did pay that much. Remember, Netflix scale kills every cable sale, too. So you know,

Alex Ferrari 21:42
it's, it's the very last, then it's the last last thing you do.

James Forsher 21:47
So back to the book, the whole book, The reason why I wrote the book was to kind of explain all this, because as you kind of hearing, it's really

Alex Ferrari 21:55
It's murky, it's murky as heck.

James Forsher 21:57
And you got to know all the elements and know how to deal with them. And that's what I hopefully accomplished writing this thing.

Alex Ferrari 22:04
Now, where can where can filmmakers find stock footage that they're just looking for? Because now we were talking about archival footage, meaning films and things like that. But there is other kinds of archival footage. There's just stock footage in general, like if you need a aerial of New York City, you can go and find a play, you know, where do people go out and find that stuff?

James Forsher 22:24
Well, you know, I don't know how many students over the years said, let's just go to YouTube and download it. Okay. Let me explain the problem with the I'll just go to YouTube and download it.

Alex Ferrari 22:35
There's a few there's a there's a couple.

James Forsher 22:37
Yeah, I mean, it's it's it's been done. But here's the deal. Again, go back to that nasty attorney who's sitting right back yet. So you downloader from YouTube. You can letter the next week after releases. I'm I'm the nasty attorney, I represent the producer. And you took this producers YouTube copy without permission and showed. Okay, so what do you say? Well, it's public domain, and then the producer will come back and say prove it. So here's the deal. This is why you have archival footage, houses in studios, they write you a letter to license agreement, and they say we own it, or we own these rights. And we give it to you for this fee. So when that nasty attorney calls and you say, Well, I got this from Getty, or Corbis, or whoever, and I paid them two $3,000 for it. And they say they own it, you talk to them about your issues. So it's it's kind of like a legal protection. Exactly. Number two is if you do this, and if you really, you know, shot by shot, you go through it and make sure every shot you have is protected. The end of the day, if you have a film that's going to make some money, you have to have errors and omissions insurance. This is insurance where if someone actually does sue you, they will take care of it. So believe me as a producer, you want errors, omissions insurance, because when you get that nasty phone call where they actually do have some type of legal standing, you say talk to my insurance. And here's the phone number Good luck. And insurance people know how to deal with these people. And so because with insurance has done is they've gone through your script scene by scene and made sure you have protected yourself. So when the call comes they say every scene is licensed. We double checked it, you're wrong.

Alex Ferrari 24:26
So let me ask you about this lovely term called fair use. Yeah. Especially when it comes to documentary. It was I don't think you could do it for narrative but you can you can claim fair use and documentary a lot. Can you explain what fair use is and what are the limitations of fair use when dealing with archival?

James Forsher 24:47
My understanding of fair use is law permits for educational purposes. educating the public educating the audience usage of what is copyrighted material in Very short form. So you can take 10 2030 minutes of something and stick it in and say, well, it's very use, I mean, but if you use a 10 second 22nd clip within an educational environment of people or news reels, for example, TV news, oftentimes you'll see copyright images on your. Yeah, I mean, and they don't worry about because it is covered under the Fair Use protection. Where it gets murky is where Michael Moore does a film that makes $16 million and, or, or Sacha Baron Cohen. And they're saying, well, we're protected by fair use, because it's educational. So this is where you always have to think of that attorney. The attorney goes, Oh, you guys made $50 million last year on that film. And I'm sorry, this is not under fair use. This is entertainment. The success in the commercial market prove this is entertainment and not an educational mission. And there, they try to break that fair use argument. And so what you've got is the lawyers arguing, you're paying $400 an hour for the lawyers to argue the point. So what I always tell filmmakers, and I told all my students throughout the years is, well, we hope you're going to use fair use, I really hope you have a failure in your project, and it doesn't get a penny. Because you actually do make money. No matter how much you think you're protected by this various argument, you may, the commercial success of it may hurt your various protection, because they smell money, and it's worth the settlement effort. So if you've made $50 million on your feature coming after, I'll come after you. And so fairness is a really it's a great thing. And it's for public television, that's a good usage. Only for Hulu, because of the license agreement. You can even call it you know, the, the Alex Ferrari you know, new show, I'm sure you're protected. But Michael Moore, I'm sure those lawyers keep busy.

Alex Ferrari 27:06
And so that so things like because I've seen this a lot on YouTube, where they do these explanation of scenes and movies, and things like that YouTube is constantly hitting people up with copyright issues with that. But as long as you're talking over the footage and explaining it, it's part of fair use, as well, because it's because you are explaining it it is it is a a public explanation educational or just your opinion, which is a big thing and also satire, it you can get away with satire a lot too, because if you look at The Daily Show, you look at any of these late night shows, they'll bust out copyrighted footage, in the middle of you know, from a movie that has nothing to do with anything.

James Forsher 27:53
And yeah, I mean, and there, they may be trying to get away with it on that. So you also have this other issue, which deals with image rights, and exploitation of image rights. So if you show a Coca Cola image, and you sit there say, there it is, here's a Coca Cola image, and it's a worst drink ever made. And you and you sit there and you people drinking it, and throwing up whatever. And then, and it comes from a public domain, Coca Cola commercial. And then you play with it. Make sure you get a call Coca Cola attorneys saying you have tampered with our very tightly controlled image rights of Coca Cola. And so that becomes another area where you may or may not be protected. Yes, it's a fair usage of Yes, the commercial may be considered a public domain commercial that you've used, because it's older than you know, it hasn't been copyrighted or whatever. But if you're demeaning an image, you open yourself up for a potential lawsuit. Well, dirt that exploited themselves during the time they were alive, as a lawyer alive today represent even if they're dead, representing that estate of that James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, Chaplin, because they exploited the image when they were alive. Elvis Presley, that estate guarding that image of him makes 10s of millions of dollars a year off the image. And if you do anything with an image that demeans, and they say, hurts that image, you're holding yourself liable for crawling.

Alex Ferrari 29:36
So they said, that's a good example. So I've heard of, you know, people like Chaplin's estate and things like that, because there are a lot of Chaplin movies, Buster Keaton movies that are public domain. Yeah. And arguably, you could just play them in their entirety, but if you do anything else at it, because arguably public domain stuff you could do whatever you want. You know, arguably, but if you're editing in Chaplin with a porno banana so much, is this not going to work? We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

James Forsher 30:19
Yeah, that's where the image right comes in. Right? If you do a commercial and you show, you know, what do you think of this cigarette, Charlie? And then you have a shot of Charlie Chaplin smiling and going like that lawsuit? Because you are using human to exploit a commercial product?

Alex Ferrari 30:37
And is that why Disney is so so crazily protective of Steamboat Willie? Because arguably, Steamboat Willie should have been. And for people who are listening who don't know what Steamboat Willie is, it is the first Mickey Mouse cartoon. And the first sound cartoon

James Forsher 30:54
Copyrighted both as a film and also the image right of Mickey Mouse. And so,

Alex Ferrari 31:02
But eventually, it's supposed to go into public domain eventually, with image rights me not. So So in other words, the movie itself would but you could never play it.

James Forsher 31:12
Well, once it legally falls to the public domain. You could use it in your documentary. But if you tried to use Mickey in a commercial, that's explained the image and that's where you get the problems.

Alex Ferrari 31:22
And Disney has a very large legal team. Oh, yeah. And will practice, practice, especially when it comes to their, to their copyrighted images and stuff. It's fascinating. I know. I mean, I stock footage is always it's always been an interesting thing for me, because especially public domain stuff, because you just like, oh, wow, like, you know, you could just grab a whole bunch of Hitchcock's films and and Chaplin films and Buster Keaton films and, and project them on a screen somewhere. And you can, but there is that murkiness that you talk about in the book?

James Forsher 32:00
Yeah, well, you know, you just have to know what you need. And then you have to know how to deal with it. Once you break it down into that one two step, it's not that difficult. You just have to do it. That's the problem. I mean, a lot of people just don't want to deal with it's like, I got enough headaches, just making this film. I don't want to have to sit there and deal with all these lawyers and licenses. Welcome to the adult world, this is what we do. Again, if you have the money, hire the film clip person, because to them, they don't have they don't lose sleep over it, or just been hired to do it. And they do a great job.

Alex Ferrari 32:38
So is that the reason why in every independent film ever made you see the Night of the Living Dead on television? Because it is pretty much solidly copyright free or in public domain?

James Forsher 32:53
Yeah. And, but to even tell you, okay, the more famous example, or just as being this, it's a wonderful life.

Alex Ferrari 33:01
Yeah, that was exactly.

James Forsher 33:02
So it's wonderful. I was it was a commercial failure when it was released. Liberty films folded in 20 years later, which was the length of the old copyright law. No one was around to renew it. And then this, the TV stations in the mid 70s, caught, you know, caught hold it, this may be a pretty good Christmas film. So they all started airing because it was public domain. And they all do and then. So what's so funny is Turner got wind of it, that was public domain, so they colorized it. So suddenly, there was a copyrighted version, the colorized version, and then would have my music clearance people have told me many, many years ago, guess what it's wonderful life is the black woman version is not public domain anymore, I said. And I was hired to go back and copyright all of the music that was in it separately. And if you listen to that film, it's wall to wall music, right? So they, the letter that then her client would send out was not that we own copyright to the film, but we own copyright to all the music to film and therefore we own this film, and you owe us money for arrogant

Alex Ferrari 34:17
facilities. But how do you separate the two? Like, how could you go back and and redo that and

James Forsher 34:26
go through this in the book, but here's the deal. Look at every film as the elements that go into it. So nowadays, for example, if you license a new Star Wars clip, and the studio says, okay, fine, Aleksey, we'll give it to you for 20 $25,000 a minute, which is kind of standard nowadays. 25,000 a minute. Yeah. 20 25,000 Okay, okay, well, okay, fine. I'll do it. You're not done. You've got now all the secondary clearances that go with that. Because, as filmmakers we know, we've got music That's a separate clip as sudo doesn't necessarily own that. And you have the directors clear if you've got to go to the Directors Guild and pay them money, and the Writers Guild will pay the money in every actor that appears in that scene, and with the others, or they just have to take the money and there's a set amount, the actor you have to negotiate the amount and they can say yes or no. No. Many years ago, I did a show on censorship, the movie so Peter Fonda was the host. And there was a scene in there from easy riders. If you remember the film, Easy Rider, the really famous scene in there is where jack nicholson and Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda are around a campfire, and they're smoking dope. Yeah, super time check. Nixon smoked a joint, right. I mean, that's the that's the quintessential scene in EZ rider besides the ending. And I need it I want to use that double clip, it was it was part of the story, it was actually banned in the film, and the host of the film was in it, and was friends mostly with jack nicholson. So we call jack Nicholson's Asian, we want to use it and we're paying everyone 1000 a minute. And they come back to a note checked out. So do clip shows, quote, unquote, ELS remember that, and we couldn't use it. And I had to use a completely different scene just didn't work as well. And so you never I mean, these are the complexities you're dealing with every film is broken into the bits and pieces. That's

Alex Ferrari 36:31
insane. Yes. It makes my head hurt thinking about,

James Forsher 36:38
you know, it makes you think twice I'm doing documentaries. Because they're not there a lot of work. You don't make that much money. And you got to deal with the stuff because you don't want to be dealing with the headaches of universal or Sony calling you up and threatening to sue you or

Alex Ferrari 36:56
is it just basically at a certain point is it's just a bully thing that could they have so many resources, they can outspend you a billion to one. And they know it so they're like, Look, we're just gonna bully you until you give us some money basically.

James Forsher 37:10
Exactly. That's what isn't that what law is pretty much not gonna hire the nice attorney that doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. You want to hire a barracuda that's that's got really sharp teeth that can go after people because, you know, in the film business is notorious for that.

Alex Ferrari 37:29
That's, that's ridiculous. Now, there was a movie that I saw. When in my video store days that used it was a unique film, because the entire movie was made of stock footage. Yeah. And it was called atomic cafe. Oh, yeah, sure. You remember atomic cafe? Can you tell the audience a little bit about that that film? Because it's become a cult classic over the

James Forsher 37:49
years? Yeah, well, the theme was that the early 1950s, when the atomic bomb, they were trying to find useful purpose for Besides, you know, destroying cities. And so they came up with all these like, you know, you can drink it as Alexa and it'll be healthy for you. You can survive in a nuclear bomb attack by hiding under the desk. And so this filmmaker, I forget his name, filming put together a whole film of material that was just of their all entertaining, because they're also ridiculous. And he was able to craft an entire feature film out of that. But they were all basically their industrial films, educational films, or government films. It was pretty clear. When it was made, it was very little concern about music. So I'm sure he cleared whatever music was there, if any, are for a very cheap price. And so it was an affordable price. I don't know the audience today, if that were released today, movie theaters, as well, because we're so sophisticated. But yeah, it was a hit because it really was something we could laugh out.

Alex Ferrari 38:58
Right. Now. You also said something about government. Can you please let everybody know, in regards to government footage and government? Anything that the government makes is, to my knowledge, public domain, so any any NASA stuff, anything? Moon Landing, all that stuff is complete public domain? Correct? Yeah.

James Forsher 39:18
Yeah. And what you do, and I mentioned this in the book, how to do it. You assume it may or may not be public domain. And what I mean by that is, they may have music that they licensed in it. That may be copyrighted. So if you're seeing a film, and suddenly they're playing a theme song from a 1960s television show, they may have just licensed it in their producers just as much as we're producers. So that's one thing to be careful about. years ago, I did a a documentary on disasters, and I use the film, a government film about earthquake, the earthquake damage and in the film was like a minute from MGM classic San Francisco, Clark Gable, the whole destruction of San Francisco came from that film. That's not public domain. That's very copyrighted. So if I would have just pulled that out stuck that in my film, I would have gotten a call probably from MGM at some point going, excuse me, you just use a minute. And if I said, Well, I got it from this Government Bill. And they said, We don't care. Yeah, yeah, we licensed it to them 40 years ago, but the point is, you use it. So music, reuse. I mean, those are issues you just have to be aware of. But for the most part, it's much safer to use government films than any other type

Alex Ferrari 40:39
into like any of the NASA footage. Just be careful with I mean, if it's sound by just them talking is fine. But we use Yeah, if you're hearing Neil Armstrong say whatever he says. But when you have music underneath it, that's when it becomes problem. Careful. Yeah. Now there is like something like that, let's say the NASA footage. To find high quality versions of that is also like another because there's a lot of stock footage. Jimmy, you could download, go to archive.org or gov or something like that. Or tube or whatever. Yeah, exactly. in there, it's there for you to download as as a that is public domain, but to have the access to high quality now 2k versions or 4k versions, or even just plain HD versions of this stuff. That's where the stock footage houses really make their money, because I've actually reached out to companies who have let's say, a Natalie dead, let's say they're like, oh, but we have a 35 millimeter print, and it's pristine. And we've transferred it and you know, as opposed to something you could download off a YouTube, it's completely different. Is that where you have to go to find this kind of really high quality version of the stuff?

James Forsher 41:54
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. How do you get to the sources? And well, the government has, you can call the National Archives directly. If it's National Archives. NASA has its own film department. So you do a Google search, find out, you know, if it's in Houston, now, whatever, you go to them directly. If you're going to be going directly to the original source, they may be requesting things from you. So they may request What are you doing? How are you using it? That type information may or may not give it to you. Just because you found the original source doesn't mean you're going to automatically get it, they don't have to give it to you. There's someone there called a bureaucrat, and they decide, you know, this is this is worthy of us giving to them or not. If you're doing a recruitment film for the for the Moscow's because you're not going to get any FBI films from here.

Alex Ferrari 42:53
Correct. And, and years ago, I actually reached out to NASA about stuff and you can't get me there's just a massive amount of just massive amount. Yeah, but the thing, not only that, but then it's like, Okay, if you want it in beta SP it cost this much if you want it in Digi beta. This is years ago. Yeah, well,

James Forsher 43:13
here's the point for all filmmakers to remember now, we've now had about 10 plus years of high def is too high. Well, here's the thing, keep in mind, we have 120 years worth of media 10 years of it has hot is HD, over 100 years of it is not is called STL standard. And you're not going to be getting 16 nine high def, we're 99% of what's out there,

Alex Ferrari 43:50
Unless you go unless you get a 35 millimeter print,

James Forsher 43:53
And then re transferred. Alright. And yeah, at $400 an hour tell us Indian. Yeah. And a lot of this stuff is 16 millimeter, I gotta tell you, taking a 16 millimeter and blowing it up through to high def, oftentimes kind of works against you. Because all the scratches and all the things that come in the 16 prints, you're seeing those ways you didn't want to see them. So SD may actually even be a better way to go because the image is actually going to probably look possibly better. So you have to be careful about that.

Alex Ferrari 44:27
Now, how can filmmakers make money with their own stock footage? Because if I go out, I mean, I live here in Los Angeles and I go out and go to Hollywood Boulevard and have my beautiful red camera and I shoot a whole bunch of stock footage of of Hollywood Boulevard By the way, there's 1000s of that. So anybody living in Los Angeles don't do that. But if you do that, where do I go?

James Forsher 44:49
A couple of places. I mean, the most immediate are Adobe in places like Adobe and Vimeo that have their own stock footage, services built into their offerings. So if you go to Vimeo, they have it. If you go to Adobe, they've got it and you can just upload it. And if anyone takes it, you get a piece of the pie. Footage dotnet is another site to look at possibly, if you have enough stock footage, you can advertise it on footage net. For most filmmakers, the question asked is do I have something that's rare? So you know, shot of dramas Chinese or Mann's Chinese? Please, you got something that really is unique, rare, interesting, and you think some filmmakers around the world would like it, you can call it go to film footage.net look at all the big archive houses, and then contact each of them and say I'd like you to represent and see if any of you like to represent it, and you get, you know, 4050 60% or whatever of the profit if there is a sale.

Alex Ferrari 45:50
So if you live in, if you live in a unique place that there's like, obviously, Los Angeles, I mean, seriously, the shot, the city has been shot a billion times. So every corner of it is somewhere on stock footage or in a film. But if you live in Guam, and or let's say you live in Hawaii, and you saw that volcano blow up a few years. Last year,

James Forsher 46:12
right? This you footage, if you scuba dive, and you're scuba diving and getting some great HD footage. You know, that's a possibility. If your grandfather was an avid 60 millimeter camera, and shot all this stuff on 60 millimeter Can you imagine? And I got some of that stuff in my archives. It's just wonderful material. I've got a shot from the Hindenburg. I was shot as a whole movie. It's great stuff. And that stuff you can actually resell.

Alex Ferrari 46:41
That's That's because because there's no copyright on it. It's and if you own it, it's yours.

James Forsher 46:46
It's yours. So you can actually then consider the copyright.

Alex Ferrari 46:49
Now if you know do you own you own also own like a footage house as well that you license?

James Forsher 46:54
When I did my Paramount documentary back in the mid 70s. Sorry, collecting I went, you know, and then I had a friend, but 19th 1980 or so that was working in Entertainment Tonight. And he knew I had all this old footage and they keep calling me and saying oh, we need this and this and I'd sell to him. I was making all I was making more money selling to Entertainment Tonight bands making producing films. And that's what made me think I really should be doing this as well as making films. I'm enjoying films, but I'm making money selling stock footage. So I started back in the mid 70s doing that now I've got about 5000 titles in my art and my database.

Alex Ferrari 47:37
Nice. And so then people contact you if they want to access you know certain things.

James Forsher 47:42
Well, yeah, I had it for about 20 years as a business. And then I went into academia and stood up because I was doing fine just teaching. But right now it's You know, Friends calling me I need this, I need that I just send it to them. Every year I'm doing one or two films and so I don't have to worry about stock footage because they just go and see what I've gotten. Make sure I have enough for it.

Alex Ferrari 48:03
And is that a fairly high quality or is it all standard def HD?

James Forsher 48:07
Oh, I've got a 700 films. And then the rest is one inch beta and then three quarter inch films meaning and films meaning what we bought, okay, but they're like actual narrative films or reels, government, industrials, educational newsreels, cartoons. Oftentimes, they fit the themes of films I did over the years. So if I was doing films on disasters, I got lots of disasters, I've been war related films, I got lots of war related films. And I'd always get films that were public domain or considered public domain.

Alex Ferrari 48:43
So then once you so basically, as, as you're being a filmmaker, you're gathering a collection of these clips, which then you could resell later, because they become

James Forsher 48:55
more than clips, I would buy the entire films, because it's cheaper for me to buy an entire half hour hour film, license anything from anyone.

Alex Ferrari 49:02
So then when you buy, so Okay, so then so just so I'm clear, so then you would just buy the film, 30 minutes, that's a cartoon of Tom and Jerry, you buy, you know, a bunch of my series of them. That's in the public domain. But once you've got that at a high quality now it's in your archives, and now you can sell

James Forsher 49:20
and the secret is finding a buying it knowing it's in the public domain that's takes a little expertise. Got it and that's where you need to clip clip person to help you.

Alex Ferrari 49:33
Or they call you if you but you don't do that anymore. Now where can where can people buy people find your book?

James Forsher 49:42
I think everywhere at this point is Amazon Of course. It's available on the mwp.com which is the publisher Michael AC productions their site in also any bookstore can order it if they don't have it already on their shelves.

Alex Ferrari 50:00
Very cool. And God website is a website that you have.

James Forsher 50:03
Yeah, there's a website with a book called stock footage book calm. So there's some more information on that. There's also a Facebook page.

Alex Ferrari 50:12
Very cool. And I'm gonna ask you a few questions I asked all of my guests. What advice would you give a filmmaker wanting to break into the business today?

James Forsher 50:22
Well, first thing I would always advise anyone is if they're in school, look around the classmates and see where you stand compared to them. If you're looking at a class of 30, students, one to two of them will be able to get up into the next level, which is an internship that will lead to a first job. Are you as good? Are you at the top? Or are there 10 people ahead of you, if you're sitting in there, for whatever reason, you're getting a D or C, and there's a person getting an A or A minus, that's telling you one thing right away that the competition just at school is already beating. So just a warning. Second thing is, gotta get an internship, figure out what you're best at editing, shooting, getting coffee, it doesn't matter wherever your best app, because it's again, it's this crazy competitive world always has been worse than ever now. Because there's 5000 film schools, and everybody's turning out Steven Spielberg, of course. So if you're good at whatever your chances, whatever it is, you may not be as interested in it. But your chances of success are greatly increased, than if you're saying, well, I want to be a director, but you know, you have no clue how to direct. So that's number two. Number three is once you get an internship, rule of thumb with internships is you make sure that you do 110% every day, and you leave an internship with one or two people that think you are the best, you're not likely going to get a job at that place. But if you can press one or two people, and they'll let you know that you go to them at the enemy and say, you know, I'm available for work, you have anyone you could send me to, that I can get employed with. And they will then do that. And that's how you kind of break in. And once you broke it in wherever that level is, well, you know, the career change, everything changes so quickly, a year, two or three years from now, who knows? I mean, five years from now, everything maybe virtual reality films, we don't know. So I'm worried about five years from now you worry about getting that first paid job. And that's kind of the sequence I just laid out how you do it. And it's kind of what I've told you. I've had literally had several 1000 students over the last few years. And I tell them the same thing and the ones that listen to me they've got work and once a to listen to me they can they knew better. They're now probably at Walmart reading people or wherever they are, but they're not in the film industry. That's how

Alex Ferrari 52:53
I got my start. I had multiple internships, multiple multiple internships, and I got hired often. Yeah, pa jobs are, you know, running around or out here? You might be the office pa for a little bit of you. I'm sure I'll be the office,

James Forsher 53:07
You're good at it. You You didn't go into work saying I know how to do this. started, I would hire undergrads. super passionate. They always impressed me much more than hiring the grads, graduate students who really thought they knew better than me how to make a film.

Alex Ferrari 53:26
Yes, the ego? Isn't that always amazing?

James Forsher 53:30
Check it at the desk, walk in there. And let everyone think that they are the smartest people in the world. And that you really are getting a lot from them, even if you think they're an idiot.

Alex Ferrari 53:42
Isn't, isn't it? But the thing is when when those egos do walk in the door, the business will sort them out.

James Forsher 53:48
It always does. But it's very quick to tell those people that really think they know what they're doing. Because basically, all my years of running into those people, I'd say, Good luck. And let me know when you sell your personal.

Alex Ferrari 54:01
Yeah, I deal with on a daily basis, dealing with egos and people who have delusions of grandeur. I'm like, dream big, but be real. Exactly. And there has to be a balance between the two. Now, can you tell me what book had the biggest impact on your life or career?

James Forsher 54:21
I love reading. So I don't know if there's one book or types of books. I'm a believer that you've got to be a storyteller, that every film you're making at the end of the day, it's not how you're cutting it. It's the story you're telling. So the classics you know you're going back to weathering heights are gone with the winner. books that have really good story structures. I love Michael Connelly. It's a reason there's 30 micro comic books out there because this guy has a really good way of telling the story of itself. Visual, it draws you in. The same thing with the old classics in Dickens. Those were books that you actually saw the story unfold. And so that's why they were so easily taken from the book to the screen. So that's one area. I liked reading about people in the industry, how they succeeded. It's not like I was going to follow their success, but to read books by Goldman and the or whatever, how they actually went from. Nothing to building themselves up to you know, the best in their craft is really you pick up pieces that can help you. And throughout the years, I did a lot of films about Hollywood in Hollywood history, probably about 3035 any from half our features, and I interviewed a lot of people who were kind of in nowadays you consider them the early pioneers. So I interview Nat Levine that Levine remembers Latin Lee, he started Republic studios. He started mascot which became Republic. I interviewed Hal Roach and documentary about him, little rascals, Laurel and Hardy. So those people also kind of I picked up things from them how they succeeded, how they work. My mom's old boss was a guy named Colonel Parker.

Alex Ferrari 56:21
Of course, Elvis,

James Forsher 56:22
An old time I was three on Colonel Parker, which really is very interesting. When Donald Trump got elected, I went wake up, Colonel Parker now is president because Donald Trump is a exact duplicate of Colonel Parker in terms of what Colonel Parker used to call, his philosophy was snowing, he used to snow people. Snow person is a person you can't it's another word for conning people. That's what we've got as a president. This guy knows how and just like Colonel did, how to make people believe something that's not true. And but you're not sure if it's true or not true. And you get confused. Right? And so you know, having grown up with Colonel my whole life till I was in my late 20s. I knew Oh, it was snowing. And so I woke up in November 2016. And we got a snowman as President, this will be interesting.

Alex Ferrari 57:18
He's in Colonel, the colonel Parker. He is one of the main reasons you think that Elvis was as popular as he was. I mean, obviously, Elvis was Elvis. Elvis was an incredible talent. But you needed he you needed that. That gas. He was a fire, but I think Colonel Parker was the gasoline on it that make it a raging fire.

James Forsher 57:38
And he thought that himself. I mean, I've got I remember, my mom used to always tell me stories about telling Colonel Oh, Elvis, the distant Elvis said dad and Colonel said, Yeah, Trudy and, you know, all that if I hadn't taken them off of his plumbing job, and, you know, put them in front of audiences, he'd still be on his plumbing truck. Gotcha. So, you know, yeah.

Alex Ferrari 58:03
Now, what lesson took you the longest to learn, whether in the film business or in life.

James Forsher 58:09
But what I'm still learning is, is I don't know if it's a lesson or just a reality of the business of getting up. You know, after being knocked down, dusting off your self, and then going back and finding one more day. This is a business of notes. The reason it's a business that knows is very simple. It's a lot easier to say no to something. And they say, Yeah, go ahead and do it. You say, go ahead and do it. You're on the line. And so most people are very, very reticent to sit there say, Yeah, go ahead and do that. Okay, I'll help you. Where if you sit there and say, No, you don't have to deal with it, you're not going to have headaches, it's not going to be a failure. And so convincing people to join in a project. And then all the work that's involved in getting a film or television show made, requires a lot of people saying yes, which is not a natural thing in the film business. And that's probably the toughest part to me is is just going okay. What am I gonna do today to avoid what happened yesterday?

Alex Ferrari 59:17
Fair enough. And three of your favorite films of all time.

James Forsher 59:23
Oh, God. Okay. Well, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Okay. That's the top of my list. I show that every year when I was teaching film history, and I never cease to be amazed at what capital was able to do with that film. I know, every word of it. It's still kind of brings me in. Not so much film but filmmaker of Busby Berkeley. I, I've seen every one of his films, and I look at those dance numbers. I mean, the stories are not why you watch them. You look at those and go tell it The hell did he do that?

Alex Ferrari 1:00:02
Pretty remarkable.

James Forsher 1:00:03
Yeah, we do all these years later. It's pretty amazing.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:07
It'd be tough to do it today. Honestly, some of you did. It was amazing.

James Forsher 1:00:10
Oh, it's totally amazing. And I I got into documentaries because of an old documentary filmmaker named les blank. And less blank. was great at taking, taking a story, real life in putting it together as an entertainment piece. So not to be confused with Mel Blanc that made funny voices out of

Alex Ferrari 1:00:36
Bugs Bunny. Yes. And then where can people find your work and and stuff? You do?

James Forsher 1:00:42
Um, no clue. But if you go to a force your productions, it's a list of films I've done are some of them. And a lot of those aren't eBay. You know, I, you can buy a lot of my films for very cheap because they're, yeah, they're VHS and DVDs in whatever. So I commercially have nothing available out in the market as of today. In America, Europe, yes, but not here is what I've been producing lately. I can't afford to sell it in America.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:11
And of course, if they want to license any footage, they can contact you.

James Forsher 1:01:16
Plenty of footage from, you know, very cheap to pretty expensive.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:21
Fair enough. James, thank you so much for spending the time with me and dropping some knowledge bombs on the tribe today. I appreciate it.

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BPS 399: FBI Witness Relocation Interview with Boris The Cinematographer from Shooting for the Mob

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Alex Ferrari 0:00
So guys, today we have a very, very, very special guest. Today, we have Boris the cinematographer. Now this is a cinematographer that worked with me on shooting for the mob in the in the movie inside the book shooting for the mob, and we've been friends for about almost 20 years now. And he is the main reason I actually got off my butt and wrote this story and told, wrote this book and decided to tell my story because of him constantly beating me up over the years to do so. And I wanted to bring Boris on the show to talk about the story from his perspective. And it is done in a very deep throat, FBI witness relocation program kind of style, so his voice will be altered. So his identity is not revealed. He does sense a little bit of worry about putting himself out there publicly right now I told him, he shouldn't unless he really really wants to, for obvious reasons. I mean, we are talking about a gangster a mobster, you know, all that kind of good stuff. I on the other hand, decided, hey, what the heck, I'm just gonna do it anyway, because I need to get this story out of me and out into the world. So that was my decision. But again, I want to have Boris on. Because his perspective and his storytelling is awesome. And this is going to be a very, very interesting episode. So if you guys have not heard, I have written a book called shooting for the mob, it is now officially available on Amazon. So please go buy it, tell people about it, share it, just go to shooting for the mob calm, it'll take you straight to Amazon. Or you could just go to indie film, hustle, calm Ford slash mob, and it'll take you there as well. And if you have read the book, I really really need you to stop what you're doing. And go leave a review on Amazon it really, really helps us out a lot. We have, believe it or not become bestsellers already on Amazon in the in certain category. So we are an Amazon best selling book, which is insane to me. And I'm humbled by it. So thank you guys so much for buying the book and continuing to buy the book and please spread the word and tell anybody and everybody about the book, I really, really appreciate it. And if you guys are in the LA area, April 25, we will be having a screening of on the corner of ego and desire at the Chinese theatre, the world famous Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, followed by a q&a for the movie. And then I'm going to be doing a talk about fear and breaking through your fears to make your first feature film and talking about this my story and what I went through with shooting for the mob and then afterwards we're gonna have q&a and then a book signing and we'll be selling books there as well. So If you want to get tickets to come out and see the tribe visit with the tribe and myself, just head over to indie film hustle.com Ford slash screening to check it out. And I promise you, it's gonna be a pretty epic evening. But this episode, this interview is fairly epic. It's nothing like I've ever done before on the show. But I want you to remember that we altered the voice for Boris to protect him. And I just didn't feel comfortable putting him out there, exposing who he is, and putting his name out there at this point in time, because I really care about Boris and I want anything that happened to him. So that is the reason why we have altered his voice. So bear with it. So it is just amazing. Really, I'm so happy to bring this to you guys. I'm like you can tell in my voice. I'm so like, giddy, because I can't wait for you guys to hear this story. So I've told you a little bit of the story. But now you're going to hear a whole bunch more about the story from behind the scenes episodes of what's going on things that were happening at the time. And I just I'm just excited to get it to you. So without any further ado, please enjoy my deep throat witness relocation program interview with Boris the cinematographer. Okay, Boris. So you've read the book. And and you were let's take it back to the beginning. You were the reason why I wrote this book, you were the one that kept hounding me for years to tell this story. And finally came to the point where I could not argue with you anymore, because you wanted me to write a screenplay originally. And I said, No, I can't write a screenplay. I don't want to write a screenplay. This is just not I'm not gonna go chase money. And then you said to me, Well, why don't you write a book. And I was like, dammit, I can write a book. And it's your fault that this has happened in the first place.

Boris 6:58
Yes, we do this. in Eastern Europe, you know where I come from, we read books. Also very important part of your education. And books are also something that stays as a document for the history for posterity. So having the book on having the book debates, it's more than just like doing your own personal soul searching or making the journey or read it experiencing everything that you went through. But think about it, this is like something that generations and generations of aspiring filmmakers or if there is any films, something in the future, they may be doing something else. But they will be finally this is a very, very interesting and inspiring abusing educational format to whatever else people will find in this book.

Alex Ferrari 7:52
Yes, it is. It was all of that. And then and then some question. So you've read the book, I want to ask you straight. Is this book true to your experience? Because you were with me on this journey for about three months out of the year that I was involved with this project? What is your feelings on the books, truth, authenticity? And did I exaggerate anything?

Boris 8:16
I don't know, comes down to exaggeration. I don't think there is any level of exaggeration in the book. I think. That's what the biggest, I think that the real value of the book is that there is really no exaggeration. It's real. It's all real and truly 100% of the truth what really happened. And that's what I think is going to be the most intriguing aspect of the book. To me, I think, was really interesting to read the book because not only that, I was part of this for all this several months we spent together on it, but learning all the background stories, learning about you or learning how you get into this morning about some of the people that I had the chance to interact during our pre production so this is all combined together. Give me hold your perspective on our experience back then.

Alex Ferrari 9:11
Right because you didn't know the whole story you only knew a parts of the story it was patchy and then you only knew the stories from your perspective. You never saw all the stuff that I went through behind the scenes A lot of it before and after you left

Boris 9:25
That's right when you are in pre-production you don't have time for to travel although we did have a lot of time later on down but but at least you know, we ended up we ended up doing I think very very interesting work with an interesting group of people really talented people and and going back and thinking about this. I really wish we made this movie because aside from all the experience that we went through, I still wish that story is told somehow about about Judy's life and everything that

Alex Ferrari 10:00
It's about the story is obviously about redemption. redemption, there's no, there's no question that the story is not about Jimmy. It's all about redemption. No, it was always from the beginning all about. Now, you actually coined that phrase, you're the one that said redemption to him. And then from that moment on, I apparently he looked up the word. And he, and he started spouting that. And you turn to me, like I just told him that yesterday.

Boris 10:27
Well, as we all know, Jimmy had the standard shoe because he's a newcomer to the world of film. So he does not understand really the the language, the lingo that we use in business and industry. So I remember, one of his favorite phrases was favored nation in the contract, because many times he would get any kind of draft of the contract. Well favored nation is a term he was normally in a contract in a legal language, basically, explaining that everybody's equal, every nation. But so for me, any any, when we had this production meeting, I still remember vividly. pep talk pep rally, and Walter wanted to hear how everybody is so excited about the project and everybody. I remember the production meeting we had, Jimmy was so eager to hear from everybody, like one of the first meetings like how great this all film is going to be. And what we think about it, and for me, well, he was kind of just like, war that came out of our, it's about redemption, because as much it was all evil in the project, he was very sensitive, not to make it obvious. So I think redemption was a perfect excuse for him to find the real catchphrase that explained, explain really the meaning of the film. So it's about redemption. silverbolt, of course,

Alex Ferrari 12:13
Very much so was all about it without question. Now, a quick question, Before we continue, we obviously have blacked out your face here and changed your voice to protect your identity. I obviously cannot protect my identity, because I'm the author and the subject of the book. Do you fear for yourself? Is that the reason why you you know, agreed to do this? I mean, is it a reason why you wanted us to block out your face and change your voice you fear for your life in any way?

Boris 12:45
Well, I don't feel for my life, to share my fear for my life. But I think it's better to not to be too public about this, at least for me, you know, maybe one day, I may say really, who Boris really is and everything, but that remains to be seen. I think what is more important that you tell the story because this is your story. And we are all just part of that wall that happened during the during the production. So I think at this point, it's still better for me to stay kind of in the shadow and have to drive to protection

Alex Ferrari 13:24
Literally in the shadows fair enough. So when one of the one of the the moments that I loved in the in the book and us when we when we met was the the espresso the cappuccino events? Can you refresh for the audience for people listening? Because people a lot of people who are watching this have already read the book, can you talk from your perspective about the cappuccino machine?

Boris 13:55
It's very important coffee is not to just adjust the drink that you get in the morning and get your day going. has more social meaning, you know, we will sit and enjoy coffee while having a meaningful conversation or just kind of having a little chat and just a warm up before we really get serious about whatever we want to do that day. So for me, having this ritual is really essential. And I still keep this ritual first thing in the morning, even at my walk here, economic opportunity machine and then gradually embark upon the day and see what's gonna happen but I never drink coffee by myself. It's kind of boring. So coffee is a social event, coffees and coffees are part of the cultural ritual. And I wanted to bring this culture into the cultural production successful.

Alex Ferrari 14:52
You actually, if I may quote you said what are we savages we will have cappuccino

Boris 14:56
That's exactly my point is to be in production. front office, coffee maker organized with a bit more sophisticated. So coffee maker call, after all, we have $20 million budgets. It has to be best, we cannot just go for some whatever, you know, folders.

Alex Ferrari 15:13
And let's talk about that $20 million budget, which we never saw in the budget kept getting dropped daily, or weekly, and rescheduled and all this kind of stuff. When you showed up to the production offices the first day, what was your thought when you were dropped off at a racetrack?

Boris 15:33
Well, from what even before I showed up on on the racetrack in our production office, I knew this is not going to be your typical normal production. As we all used, we knew there was already so many things just that just the way I was brought in, it was so out of the ordinary being hired without reading the script and was being brought because I said I liked the script to read. And that was enough for me to be hired that was that spoke the volume, they just want to be very interesting, unusual journey. So for me, the fact that I was picked up by the producer and his wife and couple other assistants and brought to some Italian restaurant in south side of the city. And, and, and immediately presented with my key rib and the gaffer as people who are already hired as a lot of things and given week, Lexus SUV to drive around to me these old signs out of something very much out of the charts. And then of course, coming to horse Truck Race truck, which I've never been in my life. It was yet another world that I had to learn experience and no API and it was quite interesting experience. But then seeing the vastness of production office. It was something that I did on Apple bigger and smaller production productions. But I've never seen anybody having production of this of this scope

Alex Ferrari 17:08
For such a, you know, an unknown.

Boris 17:11
Right. Right.

Alex Ferrari 17:12
Now, I want to I've always wanted to ask you this question. What did you think when they told you Oh, it's a first time director, and he's a young guy and all that kind of stuff? Because this was I mean, you had already been directed deep being a cinematographer for a few years. I mean, we're not few years, you probably about 10 years by that point. So you were an established cinematographer, you know, working your way up the ladder. What did you think when you saw the trailer that I shot and everything like that, in general before you even met me?

Boris 17:42
Yeah, the truth is, yes, I was by then I was I say, my career was nicely on on on steady, rising direction. And anyway, as a cinematographer, we always have to be open minded about the projects that we are working on. And, and I always find it exciting, meeting new people to work with new people. Working with the first time director, that was the first time that I work with the first time director. So for me, it was not something out of the ordinary when it comes to my approach to working with first time director. As a cinematographer requires a little bit more, I would say patience, and time. Because the COP is much as creatively, you might have some great ideas and in some ways how you see this bill is one of the cinematographer who just had to bring it out to reality and consolidate and figured out how to basically deliver the vision and sometimes if the reference have no experience, they might be dreaming big and way beyond what is really feasible and impossible. But after seeing the problem that you got shot before I came aboard, that I definitely recognize a talent that will be was like, Okay, well, that's somebody who I think I can work with and we will be able to communicate. You know, when we started working when we started our pre production and everything else, we quickly established our way of communication, as we all know, and it's really been described in the book. But the I would say the the gap that we had was just a natural gap women already identified like maybe six seven feature films and much wider projects. So I felt it's my duty to bring you up to speed and take you out any possible like expose normally first directors tends to get on. So of course, I enjoyed the fact that we could, because we had a time we could actually watch a movie.

Alex Ferrari 19:51
We watched many,

Boris 19:54
Many movies. So for me it was kind of like having the beginning of basically personal History almost built history, cinematography, personal class, just for you to be able to find referencing something. So it can be a little short. And so it's easy or if I say whatever, course, or whatever it was being able to throw around, which is also good because we know what you're talking about,

Alex Ferrari 20:23
Because it's all about redemption. Now, have you ever been on before or since a project that had well been in pre production for nine months?

Boris 20:37
That is such a rarity. Honestly, when I think about I just personally think of agreements. It's a separate Rarity, unless you're really unsure of somebody's product, it's normally the cinematographer will be part of or part of the pre production for several months. Traditionally, in typical Hollywood productions, cinematographers always brought well depends on the budget for six, maybe eight weeks, that's all you like getting into video, we do battery productions. And if you're in any larger size, well, there is a reason if you have too much pre production that's like the scope of the field. And the scope of the pre production is far bigger than having enough time to really watch movies for 40 hours every day, during cappuccinos, and Scout, endlessly, endlessly, all over the state. That's kind of luxury, which I never had,

Alex Ferrari 21:33
When we were traveling around Louisiana, looking at all those locations. I mean, we must have had, how many locations that we we look at hundreds,

Boris 21:42
I don't know I stopped, I stopped counting because I know after initial scope, and initial digital locations, we will go again revisit them. And then again, revisit them just to make sure that maybe something might change. Or maybe let's check another prison or check another strip bar. And, or another house or whatever. I don't even know how many places we started. It was kind of just like almost a baby routine. Get in the morning, get a coffee, get a breakfast, watch a movie and then get in our Lexus. The 480 SUVs with navigation lady in the truck will guide us to our design. That was Space Age technology back then. It was unbelievable what it was like to return these SUVs every week

Alex Ferrari 22:37
Because of the mileage. So can we talk about that really quickly. We actually got a product placement for move for these Lexus's from a local dealership not from Lexus, but from a local dealership. So then we could actually, you know, return it after 100 miles

Boris 22:58
Another week, or two weeks, whatever. And we would just replace the new word because the new cars otherwise.

Alex Ferrari 23:06
Needless to say, this was a period piece film, so there was no place for a 2001 Lexus.

Boris 23:15
I remember what I asked who, what I asked her to give me about it. He said don't worry, don't worry, it will be a word we're gonna put a bit of background knowledge. Nobody's gonna recognize but I don't remember even in the movie, which ends up in I think 1990 was the final scene of the film of the screenplay, at least. They had this kind of cars as you please. So I just didn't want to argue, hey, who would argue if somebody gives you I have to say this was the first and only time that I had such a car is my vehicle to drive around in production? That's like that's really like normally I see director or producer so they drive this up, not to the end. So other people on production.

Alex Ferrari 23:57
Yes, exactly the production designer, our location scouts, and our first ad who was generally on on the journey with us every time. Now, you you heard a lot of these stories of what Jimmy was doing as far as yelling and threatening people and screaming what was the one time that you heard or saw something that you that sticks with you still to this day?

Boris 24:23
Um, well, I have to admit, having driven around was always fun. Because he is definitely one of these kind of characters you see like in this movies about gangsters and mafia. I think I think he was definitely trying very hard to to impersonate either Joe Petrie or one of these guys. And I mean, these guys are always very charismatic, very talkative, for stories are predictable on every moment. You never know what's happened to them. And that's what kind of a simple mystery to each of these guys. So with a Jimmy Well, I think he liked me right away from the beginning. I think he trusted me. And that was a big deal. I think on an instinctive level he, he felt that he can, he can rely on me which is, which is fine. It's such a good place to be when you're dealing with ads like this. But his, his impulsiveness is something that was interesting to me to observe. And I've seen him a couple times in production office, I remember one occasion that he was talking to agent to the agent, one of the prospective actors, but it was actually a real I think we had somebody who was attached, attached Well, not really attached to somebody who said that he's interested in reading the script. Well, if you're in the film business, john said, somebody says, Well, I'm interested in reading the script means nothing. It has no commitment has no obligation to read it when I have time. Well, in his mind, that meant we got this guy, he's reading the script he's interested in she's gonna do the movie. And I think that was a basic, basically, like a stopping point for him to even pull the trigger in production. So that's why he brought all of us and started production, because he has a guy who is interested. And it was quite known actor that I think I happen to be in the office when the agent of that particular talent, but the movie star basically passed on possible impossible, partly because he couldn't do it because I think schedule conflict or or something was not really quite, as we say, kosher. So. So I think that's what created this rage in Jimmy and he was yelling and screaming and cursing and threatening This is gonna break this guy's kneecap next time he sees him. And he slammed the phone off great. Just like there's a whole, like, there's something if you're head of big studio, and you're doing some big movie in 40s. I think that's how they used to act. Like, probably, but not if you're someone who's never done anything. And to me there was like, okay, they just want to be very, very interesting. Of course, I called my agent right away. And that's also what's happening. She said, Well, the word is out already. That is, she said, Lowe's Canada. Nobody wants to commit to this project, no matter what associated all be here. As long as you can, but I don't think this movie ever gonna get made.

Alex Ferrari 28:09
Do you think that Jimmy was the best thing and the worst thing to try to get the movie because the door, you would have never been able to crack the door into Hollywood without Jimmy and his story. But because of Jimmy, it will never get made.

Boris 28:25
There was one thing? I think maybe when I told you that, at some point, what I realized from all this experience is that maybe subconsciously, you never want to make really, and why people don't do that. Well. It's not about money. I don't think you needed money. Well, it's about redemption. It's about you. So the process of making being acting as a producer, having people around him, making him so important of daily basis was what he needed. In his mind, as long as he can, he can live this life of importance. He is ready, but he that's what gives him really, really like like, like the film is made. Well, that's it. He doesn't have an edible, which is his one only crop. This is the story. It's great story. I think and I'll go and I'll start developing another whatever I doubt that he will be able to, even if he made the movie. So for him, it was more important to the dream of making it never making it and as we conceived this movie was ever made. And I thought it was reasonable.

Alex Ferrari 29:53
It was while it was his dream. It was our nightmare.

Boris 29:57
Well, it was a roller coaster of emotion. All right, we're for sure because you you were bested in the film, far more than that our snare just kept. So you know, kind of like, record, perhaps one of the props, we are just kind of like a supporting supporting extras were extras really like in all this in all this drama as much as much it was all really close to for me. I enjoyed every moment. I enjoy being with you I enjoy being with Jimmy and all other people that actually became friend for life, which is great, this kind of experience really bonds you but but one thing that I knew right away from the beginning, especially after that episode in his office and slamming the phone and yelling and threatening, and you're just gonna be so calm. And so for me, it was like okay, like, just just enjoy the ride. And it was a roller coaster, for sure. But if I think about anything bad that happened to me, not really. Nothing really got an actual great time. What I think about it is fantastic time we will hang out, do the things that we like to do except we will never make the movie. I think in my mind you remember I told you that in my mind after we finish all the scouts after we finish endless talks, discussions about the sea and shortlisting it and storyboarding it and everything. Basically like I feel like your scope. For me this movies that this movie I already made it just made executed in front of the lens. But I had every possible beat on worked out what kind of like where what lens, what, what movement, everything was. So as far as I'm concerned.

Alex Ferrari 31:55
Now you being there for the three months that you were you caught me at towards the tail end of my journey. out from your perspective, I wanted to ask you what you thought of me and what you witnessed in my, my day, my day to day life, then because you were pretty much the closest un. And the first ad were the closest to people to me on the production who I leaned on the most. What did what was your take on? What was that, like your impression of what I was going through and, and kind of tell the audience that?

Boris 32:30
Well, right away from the moment when we met, I realized that you are the tremendous pressure. That's why you're so so you're like a completely understand and relate where the pressure was coming from, it was obvious to me, after two minutes in production of is, it's clear, who's tightening the grip, and pressuring everything, but you have different responsibilities than anybody else in production. So obviously, for you the pressure was far greater. And then later on learning about all this background story that you had, prior to me stepping in was explains everything even more. So my take was okay, I can see. He's under pressure. How can I help? So I'm gonna be focusing mostly in creating the helping you to to, to to kind of keeping away from Genie. Ensuring Genie, and I did a couple of times I would say to me, don't worry. Otherwise, it's fine. It's okay. We'll ask anybody. Good question. Anybody? I'm sure. Okay, something like that. It'll just, you know, I can understand also for Jimmy was also he was probably he was probably reporting to some high higher authority, I don't make a true. So he had somebody to report. Somebody was giving money, obviously, we are getting our bags and being paid almost good. Cash mostly. But clearly going back to, to our connection, really, I think my main main goal was to use the pressure. And yet you're really into the world of what is important to make. This movie never gets made. I felt it would be great value for you to go through the process to prepare you at least, what's the proper way and the next time you get into the production office, how we do it this way, that way, that way, and not the other way. And I think we've made

Alex Ferrari 34:45
You basically were my film school, a second film school with with this whole project, and I was it's a film history core class and also a production class on how to actually between you and the first ad Frank They you to taught me how to make a movie, like how to actually make a feature film. And I could have done that if Jimmy wasn't around.

Boris 35:10
Yeah, well, Frank was fantastic like to have around, you have to say you have to reconsider that you're so lucky to have that knowledge and experience and also the calmness the way he was handling any situation like a really good season at work. There's nothing that can take him out of his balance. That was the greatest thing to have. Anybody else I would say he would freak out and run for his life up Frankie Frankie's who know how to do it right away. And well, for me, it was really like a kind of growth of enter, which I do nowadays, regularly with Gemma prefers. And I enjoy doing that I enjoy sharing knowledge, because I always find out. It's the two way street and working with somebody who does not have maybe that much experience. Well, the value of somebody who doesn't have much experience is a freedom. You know, as much as getting an order to getting education or learning the craft, learning what you do is great, and gives you confidence and knowledge and skill. But I've had a little bit of naivete gives you far more freedom to be unconventional. And I think for somebody who gets a little bit season, it's always good to be reminded that there is another purpose, a structured approach to do the same thing. So for me, it was like, Okay, well, I think between your freedom in doing things, and between my pragmatic, logical way of planning, because at the end, that's also what I think we can find nice balance, and I think we did exactly that.

Alex Ferrari 37:00
So basically, you were the spark to my Kirk, shoulders.

Boris 37:05
As we say, back in Eastern Europe, yes.

Alex Ferrari 37:09
What What was the worst day you saw? First of all, your worst day and my worst day that you saw, from your perspective, I'd love to if you remember anything specifically.

Boris 37:21
I think my worst day was not really necessarily my worst day, but people's worst day for everybody. Not 11. Yes. Yes, that was the day when we knew things will be different. That definitely set the tone for quite a lot of things.

Alex Ferrari 37:43
But you weren't on the production during 911. Yet you came after I came off, right. So on actual production on the actual production

Boris 37:49
Actual production, you know, there was just

Alex Ferrari 37:52
A week a week away before. Yeah, that happened a week before, it was still in the year.

Boris 37:57
But he was very much, I would say the worst. The worst always say, more like bringing Dell to reality day was the fact that when our production designer went first to Jamie's office, to ask to be released to know some other project and when to return and almost punch him for daring to ask such thing. Because obviously, we saw this as a personal betrayal. I guess in his mind wanting commitment at all. That's just how it is. So basically, I realized that he owes us we are really props were really like, like extras in the drama in the wall that he created for himself to tell the story about himself. So that was a thing like, okay, that's gonna be interesting. How do I get out of this?

Alex Ferrari 39:01
Yeah, because I think that was the moment that it dawned on you like, oh, wait a minute. I can't leave. Like I was having fun. But like, all of a sudden, like, wait a minute, I I have to figure out how to get out of here cuz you're in a different state. I mean, it would have been, you know, you just can't walk away. You know, all that kind of stuff. So it must have been, it must have been interesting for you. Because you and Frank were the only two la guys were at the time everybody else was local or so you guys were in a unique situation. You were living out of a hotel. You know, you you were making your sandwiches and bringing them in for lunch because there was no catering.

Boris 39:40
Yeah, that was that was very interesting. To me. It was very Yeah, he owes me a frank. There's the only two guys and we've been talking about okay after that, like, frequently we do. Practice like I really don't know, you know, I'm sure in There must be some kind of scenario. And we just have to find a moment that has to be perfect storm so to speak for the audience for Jimmy to be open for the idea. But seeing how he reacted on our production design his request to let him go and barely managed to get the vibe of the office to be there was a sign I was going to be using it I was thinking about it because obviously realities are not as fun as we had any we had a fun, it was fun we doing things but Okay, that's enough. Let's close this chapter. Let's move on. I have other projects lined up and careers to take care of. And I can also send out in beautiful, sweet, sweet on top top of the hotel, penthouse. I mean, it's all nice. I'm complaining it was all great, obviously did really well. Even the sandwiches I was making because like I get tired of local pools I got life. So my friend. European,

Alex Ferrari 41:02
Yes, you cut your you cut your sandwich with a knife and fork

Boris 41:07
And so that was a kind of all these elements to finally get to an idea that Christmas was coming. And that's like, that's the opportunity that's like, say for me any day, a whole year, if any opportunity can be worth it, excuse the example. It's a Christmas. And that's what I did. I went to the office, try to be as calm as I could imagine, gets to mean more than Chat Chat and chat and kind of in passing measure that you know, the Christmas is coming will be so nice if I could benefit my family. And he looked at me like what are you telling me? thinking what would happen? Would it be so nice? If I could maybe spend but but of course I'm committed to your part of this American project. And that, you know, you can count on me and you wanted me kind of like I have never ever my word committed to this. But you can count on this that the moment you leave me I'm there for you. And if you said well, if you really want to go see your family, I can understand it. You know, I'll be back when there was a moment when I had everything packed and ready. Just in case it works. I get in a car drove pick up my stuff and I was on the flight like what was ready.

Alex Ferrari 42:40
And Frank was right behind you

Boris 42:42
Frank was right behind me. So I guess Frank realize all this maybe the moment when remains soft. Because of us that same kind of like opening for him.

Alex Ferrari 42:56
I tell you though, that was I'll never forget you guys getting in the cab and driving the light. I will never, I remember we were right up front of the racetrack. And you guys got on the car and you said, you said to me, I'll be back. Don't worry, I'll be back. And I knew you were never coming back. I knew. And that was honestly the saddest day out of all the craziness that happened. That to me was the saddest day because then I knew I was alone, again, and I had no one to really protect me or guide me or, or anything to be a barrier between me and Jimmy. It was it was the saddest day of my existence on a project.

Boris 43:38
I knew that I knew that I knew this was gonna probably happen. But we didn't feel like we're leaving you hanging out there. And we really hope that our leaving the project will help with the other kind of open the door really wide. So the flood of people dropping the ship will really just happen. And then eventually, Jimmy, my disciple, put everything on hold and like you're kind of off the hook. We hoped for it because it was clear lbos especially when you realize a $20 million became 15. They became incredible thinking about it and started getting smaller and smaller. And then we realized, well, there must be some issue there. Obviously the biggest issue was Jimmy, which he will never realize.

Alex Ferrari 44:30
And what was the worst day that you saw in me. From your perspective. I'm really curious to hear that. If you remember any worse specific day.

Boris 44:41
I don't know if it was really specific day but I think there are moments you have the days coming at are usually these days of hyped up expectations for you. I know that you'd be you'd have to take a trip to meet some big actor and that multiple multiple Yes, so. So I could see that every time, you'll come back from any of these trips, meeting actors that your spirit was broken, or more, and I can see that you're realizing that the dream that you'll be dreaming for months and months and months, is further further away have ever been realized. And then I've also realized, I've been realizing that you're basically cropped, without any any way out. So to me, it's not one event, but there's been several then as especially if you have to deal with your coming back from these meetings with the actors and realizing.

Alex Ferrari 45:46
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show. Those were the those were tough times. And what was the one thing that you told me about moving to LA?

Boris 46:08
Like we could all do? Well, if you really want to if you're serious about making movies, comfortable, Hollywood,

Alex Ferrari 46:14
And what was the one thing you always told me was the biggest regret you will ever have? Is that you didn't do it earlier?

Boris 46:19
Yes, it was. A lot of people told me Yes, I remember, we had to do it right away. But it always right away. Because yes, you will have the biggest regret. If you don't do this, you will have biggest regret not doing it. If you do it later, well, you're probably not doing it earlier. But at the end of the day, I believe that things always happen where they're supposed to happen. You know, there's a, there's a there was a moment when you have to act on your instinct, or if something tells you this thing to do that you don't like it maybe too early, can be also damaging is maybe more than not doing it at all. So I think you'll do the right thing you did. You evaluated everything that you You came here, when was the right time for you to be here.

Alex Ferrari 47:12
So reviewing everything that we've gone through, you're one of my oldest and dearest friends. We went through war together, as these kind of relationships are built up on on locations on productions. They're pretty intense. Ours was probably one of the more intense ones you've ever dealt with, with another director, in this sense, looking back at it everything, what is what is the feeling that you have about the whole experience? That really kind of just rings to you, at this point, looking back with the perspective of almost 20 years back now, I mean, I can't believe we're saying 20 years, but it's almost 20 years that we did this? What's the thing that that you know, comes to your mind when you kind of look at Jimmy and the experience. And now the book, and how the story is finally going to get out there to people what's what's your feeling on it

Boris 48:15
Never fails to really amaze me, when it comes down to film industry, the range of people that this business attracts, that's really To me, it's most fascinating. And the experience, particularly its brilliance on our film world was so much different than than anything I've ever experienced before or after. But proves my point absolutely, totally to the core. And really it's a case study of the madness, the mayhem, but also the termination. And I don't think any business that quite off brings people with so much determination and also I think it's following the dream. Dream about being anything being chef being I don't know, I don't being a doctor, his dreams, but the intensity or the dream that people in the Philippines say it's exponentially higher. So no business I think other than really the cause experience what comes down to bonding. Just being a break from production. production. The level you see what Bond's people I think it's being being it's, it's really seen Best and Worst on everybody because the pressure creates environment, but you can afford you cannot cheat. We cannot lie you You are who you are. And the pressure really enables people to get to know each other, a much different level than you would normally do. And that's why everybody says, Well, that's kind of causes you when you're in a war, when you're in the trenches, you really get to know it, because you rely, you're part of the team. It's not only you, it's about everybody. So you know that if a person next to you, does not trust you, well, it could affect on everybody else and everything. So. So I think it's about the ultimate team building experience, when you're in production, that creates this unity creates a connection, especially when you come across people that are on the same wavelength, so to speak, and they're on some different level connected. That's the biggest thing that you get out of out of this.

Alex Ferrari 50:51
The one thing I mentioned this in the book, but I wanted to hear from your point of view you when you came back to LA, you would tell anybody who would listen about this story and have been for the last 20 years. Is this true?

Boris 51:06
Yes. This was the conversation that sparked the conversation I had almost 20 years. Still going, it's still they're still going going every time, you know, we hang out the pill people and everybody shares the horror stories from the set and like, oh, let me tell you my story. I'm going to drop off this. Absolutely. Nothing comes close to this one. And so far, I mean, I never heard anybody that to talk to this story. But any dinner or party conversation, because every time I mentioned GBM, what we went through and what all happens, everyone off, that's not possible, like, well, trust me. Because if I told him Yeah, it's really it's true.

Alex Ferrari 51:47
And now you actually are going to be handing out books to everybody.

Boris 51:50
I cannot wait to get the books. And that's what I told them at the party was actually there. And it's and here it is.

Alex Ferrari 51:59
Now, it's also true that anytime I would show up to one of these parties, your friends would would find me and it will come to me and go your Is it true with a Boris was just joking. Is it true? And I would have to sit there and like validate your story.

Boris 52:14
That's right. That's right. And that brings even even, like expression of confusion and disbelief on everybody level. Also, that really must be the truth. And then how is this possible for? Yeah, for sure. That's very, very, quite few things off of this?

Alex Ferrari 52:32
Oh, no, there's many, many good things that came out of this experience, obviously, a great friendship over the years. And it made me who I am today. And it's also made me the grizzled, independent filmmaker that I am now because of it. So, and it was probably one of the reasons why I wanted to launch indie film hustle, because I wanted to help others not to do the same mistakes that I did.

Boris 52:54
I think this will be perfect. For anybody who is in the film hustle world as well as anybody who is just for sheer amusement quality of the book itself. I think that's that's gonna be just amazing.

Alex Ferrari 53:09
And without question, please explain to people who are listening, because a lot of people were like, Oh, this must happen all the time, or this situation can't be this unique. You've been now close to 30 years in the film business. 20 odd years. Close it there. Let's let's round it up. round it up. You're younger man, sir. But yes, let's just throw it out there. In kindergarten, you started

Boris 53:37
With my first films. We know that we make movies in kindergarten and elementary school. And that's why we have such good cinematographers. That's the key.

Alex Ferrari 53:48
That's right. That's right. But please explain to the audience how unique and ridiculous this in that this does not happen.

Boris 54:02
Well, it's really hard to explain ridiculousness of all this experience. I mean, every detail you bring telling the story. In my case, just if I see how I get the film, it's only like, come on. If there is more than ever, there is no way. I don't want to say oh, by the way, at all, no accounting possible. So the level of ridiculousness in this whole experience, it's something that is really hard to hard to match. And that's why all the US who really lived and experienced with this, can really, truly understand how this was possible. As we went through this, as well, whatever happens to us, but I think for everybody who reads the book, I'm sure there will be people who say no, that was all No way that was all like born out of proportion. And it's okay to think that it's fine. It's fine, because for other people, there will be no point of reference in their own personal experience to say, Oh, yeah, I seen that. Maybe I didn't recognize the episodes and say, Oh, yeah, I remember also that. When we ended up scouting for a strip club in our scouting entire state to find out the best report for Pixie, I'm sure there will be people like that only I will also be the producer who hang up on the fall. Yeah. All these puzzles all these owners together, it's something that's I think, very hard to match. But it's also what I get out of this experience. is nothing ever surprises me anymore. And I've been to some productions since then. quite few. But that's okay. Let's go to like, Okay, once you have this experience, when you hit a point that is hard to make, she's like, been there, it's worse. It's nothing like in wag the dog. That's nothing. Oh, we shot the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, we will still do the bad. That's nothing like dusty Hoffman's character. It's nothing. So for me that kind of That's nothing. And that's great place to be like, whenever you get in production. And things are really tough. And they don't, they will be so so because I know. I've seen that I lived through. And I see worse. I live to worse.

Alex Ferrari 56:30
Now there has been already there's going to be this question after the book comes out. And it's already you know, from the few industry people that have read it before it comes out about the movie. The movie version, it is a question that's asked constantly in any of my interviews, it's constantly asked by anybody, is it this would make a great movie. Originally, your idea for me was to write a screenplay. I said, I didn't want to write the screenplay. And the book came out, I think it's much better that the book came out first, because I got the whole story out, the screenplay can't encompass the entire story. So what is your feeling of the movie? idea, first of all, getting made one day. And secondly, if the movie does go through, obviously, I'm the only director that I will allow on the project. And you are the only cinematographer that I will allow on this project. What's your feeling on first of the movie? And then us being part of the movie?

Boris 57:30
Well, here's the thing. The movie itself, I always say, this is still one of the best scripts I wrote

Alex Ferrari 57:37
The movie of the of the of Jimmy's movie.

Boris 57:42
The script itself. It was great. It was a free rated. If we made it, it could have done something about something. I think it had the potential. The story's interesting. And it's very colorful, and the characters are colorful, and setting is colorful, and it was unique. It was a unique take on it. Very, you know, yes, it is kind of like a mafia movie, but with a little bit more personal family. So I would see, I could see that I could see that what would set this game apart from anything else. All film making of that film will be something that well, you remember I kept telling you during the pre production that the worst thing that we are missing here, but we don't have surveillance cameras, broadcasting 24 hours what's happening in production, that it could have been the best film ever made about making off of the movie that was ever made. But we didn't think about it. We just joked about it. But now in hindsight, when we think about it, like wow, I wish we had the cameras. Well, it'd be so great to have cameras and get all these precious moments recorded. So if this movie ever gets made, making off the movie, I think it could be so interesting, because I remember back maybe around the same time, there was a movie called rope about crazy filmmaker, who coincidentally couple friends of mine worked on it when they told me when they told me what was experienced working on this film, which is probably as crazy as it can get. I will not either ended up seeing the room after a couple of times of studying for the screening. And it was the craziest the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. But it became a cult following. It still has a following without screens as a whole. And then somebody heard about it. And they made movie disaster artist about making a movie about how they made the movie The role with the crazy guy who was the director, producer, everything It was successful, it was really successful. So for a lot of people who have not even seen the movie, it was just enough to see the movie about making it to make it really great film. So I feel the same way about this film that if, if we will make it one day, well, that will be fantastic to which time.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:25
But the question I get, I always tell people this, that, you know, I always use a critique Jimmy, and you did to that this movie, he was an ego maniacal maniac, because he was making a movie about his producing a movie about his own life. And I had never really seen a producer produce a film about their own life, generally speaking, it's not something that's done. But then of course, I would take it to the next level where not only would not only produce, I would direct and write a movie about my life, have me in the scene, and then you would be there next to me. So then now, how surreal and meta would it be that I would be directing a scene with you and me as the characters and then you would be there where the the actor playing you, which would obviously saw Sacha Baron Cohen,

Boris 1:01:18
This will be so unique. I don't think he's ever in history of cinema. So there is a point that we have to break new ground here it is what it is. And as far as such a bottom coin? Well, I have to think about, I have to look at the resumes and do the screen test. I've been cinematographer in this particular story is the second crucial part, it's almost as equally as important as more important than director I would disagree, but go ahead. So we have to really think about complexity of the character, and how it is possible to bring all these nuances. Bonus is very complex guys, Jesus, because we communicate his his historic background, education, his cultural heritage, aside from his artistic skill, and whole philosophy, when it comes down to telling the story visually. So our point will be as close as we can get to get the character of polish. As really true to the life

Alex Ferrari 1:02:25
I'm rethinking the whole Boris character in general, we might have to tone it down a little bit, you might just have one or two scenes there. You should make it on the poster, you should be the poster. Without without question, I think it would be it would obviously be a very unique experience. I couldn't even I can't even think about making a movie like this without you. So it just has to happen. If it has, I mean, I can't have another cinematographer do this. It has to be you. Frank is no longer with us. He has since passed. But I would have loved to have Frank on this on this project as well. But But between I mean, having you would be there would be so surreal, I think we might break the space time continuum,

Boris 1:03:19
I have a feeling the right way to do this would be to go back to the original location to the crime scene and go to the same restaurant, get back to the same production of this as we had a lot of makeup Katrina and start production there, which will also serve as a location for the movie. And it will show you and I think everybody who participated in the original movie will be great. So bring them all back into the amazing, fantastic by now. I'm sure many of them have very good successful career. So maybe a major stepping down but doesn't matter. They can still be a better than anyone. All right. So I think that would be a really wise way to do this. Question is, how would we be?

Alex Ferrari 1:04:03
That was a question. What do you think? What What do you think Jimmy is going to do when he sees it? Because this will eventually get to him.

Boris 1:04:12
Well, it's hard to predict. As we know, it is very hard to pick the type of guy he might have his own idea. And I think the biggest problem, the biggest issue people have is that he will be taken out of equation, the whole process. So he will not like that. On the other hand, in whatever capacity even just to play himself. Who knows? That might open all possibility. But it won't happen.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:43
No, it will not happen. Not on my set, sir. I'm sorry. That will not happen. We are not casting Jimmy to play Jimmy

Boris 1:04:50
But we can bring him or we can bring him as a consultant.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:54
Absolutely not. I don't want there's no consulting. There's nothing I want Jimmy to do on this film. nothing whatsoever. If anything, we might be able to give him a ticket to the premiere

Boris 1:05:07
I think we need a beef of security for anything else for the product,

Alex Ferrari 1:05:09
or that I give that I guarantee you, we're gonna have beef up. But you and I will have personal bodyguards walking around with us. But in all honesty that what do you think Jimmy will do when he when he sees this?

Boris 1:05:24
I think here's, here's the thing. He would, of course, be very happy because he is important part of the story. So for him, it will stop us really nicely. in Monterrey, immortalize him as a as a genie forever. And that's something I'm sure he would love. I think that he would not love Well, it will not be filled. If you wanted to make about himself, it's about us. It's about the process, where he's just important part, but not the key player in all story. Show modularizing Jimmy as a character in all this story structure will be something he will not be happy about call me

Alex Ferrari 1:06:05
He won't be the star but he is the main protagonist, excuse me the antagonist.

Boris 1:06:09
He is also starring currently starring Boris

Alex Ferrari 1:06:16
Okay. Boris is not fulfilling. Can I have please? And you think that he would? That would be the problem he has

Boris 1:06:37
I think to find out to make it as soon as possible and to what really reaction?

Alex Ferrari 1:06:42
Well, he didn't hear the book before the movie is made? I that's no question the book will get out before the movies. I mean, no question. Because we are recording this prior to the release of the book. You know, we haven't spoke we'll maybe we'll do another one. When we speak after the book has been released. Maybe after it gets a little press, we'll see what happens. But right now this is being this has been recorded before the book is released. So we have no idea what will happen to the book. What what what will go on, we have no idea. So this is a very interesting place to be.

Boris 1:07:15
Oh, yes, definitely interesting place to be. And I'm very happy to be in this place. People we don't know. Reports. But

Alex Ferrari 1:07:25
I think that one day will I think the real Boris will step out of the shadows one day,

Boris 1:07:29
I will probably be proud one day to bring the cue light with me and finally release the ideal voice.

Alex Ferrari 1:07:38
And one last question. Or two last questions. They kind of similar. What did you feel when you first read the book, but the whole thing from cover to cover? When you first read it? What was the first thing that came to you.

Boris 1:07:59
Rereading the book was like, because a quarter as much for you was also quoted away for me. Because I remember, we are more before that. When I made a phone call and call you and told you, Hey, I just heard Jimmy on the radio, can't believe is not still around and still doing the same thing. something needs to be done about it. And I told you when you did it, because I knew that you need to get it out of your system. That's important. There was something that was always like we will always over years. reference it make joke always crappy jobs kind of revisit the moments and but I knew that there is far more to the story than what you and I went through. And you and I joked about. So for me, finally, when I read the book, I get the whole picture, I get the whole picture like okay, that's what's about you, that was a chapter that you needed to close for your sanity for your sake of mine. And it's also I think it was a good place to go to revisit where you started and where you are right now. Can you kind of do some kind of validation of your personal existence, your personal life. So to me, that was the thing I love. I love the book very much for the beginning when I started reading a chapter about boys. That was really very, very inspirational. And for me, it was really like I don't know what you know, like, in one continuous chunk of time. That's how I think compellingly it is regardless if I was part of it, that I could relate to many characters to many events, but it's a journey that takes people the pitch reader on even if it's hopelessly fictional. I think it's it's great to be diverse in uniform porn from porn.

Alex Ferrari 1:10:02
And when you held the book in your hand, I just did that recently, I gave you a full book because you read the digital version, when you saw it with the cover and everything. What did you feel?

Boris 1:10:15
Well, you know, there's a document. And it's a real. And I hope this book is going to stay in somewhere in some archives in the Library of Congress. So whatever is going on, others want to keep his book for generations and generations. So for me, it was a, it was a real final closure. For your, for us, for anybody who was part of this, it was like, Okay, this thing is not real. And now this thing is wonderful out there. And become part of life's of many, many people out there. So now you have the real thing in your head. And that to me was like, great moment of,

Alex Ferrari 1:10:55
Boris, thank you so much for, for the inspiration to write the book for the nudging that you've been giving me for the last 20 years. Every time you give, and you tell me to do something, it takes me a little bit to get around. You told me to move to LA, it took me about six, seven years to do that. And you pushed me for 17 years or so to put to write this book, or to write to tell the story. But it finally got it done. So I want to thank you so much from the bottom of my heart to that you did that. And for everything you did while I was going through the most difficult time of my entire life.

Boris 1:11:33
Well, thank you for taking me along on the journey. And I'm very happy that I can, I can push you in the right direction. And then when you listen to me, always results in something that you appreciate. It makes me feel good to solid things are not as crazy as I might be autos received back in all countries placebo. And thank you and hope to see you again, something exciting.

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BPS 398: Inside the World of Cooke Optics with Les Zellan

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Alex Ferrari 2:18
I'd like to welcome to the show chairman of Cooke Optics Les Zellan. How you doing, man?

Les Zellan 3:14
Good. How are you Alex?

Alex Ferrari 3:15
I'm very good. Thank you so much for taking the time out. I know you're a very busy man and talk to the tribe today about all things cook and glass and images and all sorts of cool stuff.

Les Zellan 3:26
Well, it's one of my favorite topics. So yeah, I'm happy to be here.

Alex Ferrari 3:30
So first question, how did you get into this film business in the first place?

Les Zellan 3:36
Well, there's a good question. I'm back in my I'm actually a lighting designer for the theater. But back in 19. In between 1976 and 79 I was working for a company called color tram and doing inside engineering laying out theatres of laying out studios. And then in 79, I went to work for a company called furka which was Sony equipment rental company that was obviously a rental company in New York as their sales manager and almost a day one I was approached by somebody saying Can Can I buy a baton camera from you? And I said Well, sure. Well, I didn't know the fix was in and that that at the time I was really just struggling to get a foothold in the United States and you know area was the 800 pound gorilla in the fix was it you know you could get you you were you could you could be a dealer for at time but God help you if you sell any of them. So I lasted for co until about September and to this day the guy that ran for a call at the time can't remember if I quit or he fired me. We're our memories are pretty fuzzy place a lot of a lot of our con cameras and they really pissed them off. I start my own company in the fall of 79. To sell that time cameras, which led me Of course, the lenses need a lens on a camera. At the time, the really hot lenses were beyond your nine, five to seven, and the 12 to 120. And then cook approached me and 1981, I think is the I taught at the time was the only Super 16 Gala. And cook had, we were not the only Super 16 months really well they made two supersuit made me to 16 millimeter lenses. One was called the CBK Sydney very chemical. And there were two versions of it, a nine to 50 for regular 16 and a 10.4 to 52 for Super 16. So they approached me because they couldn't give this lens away anywhere. And I was selling out super 16 cameras. And lo and behold, it went from a product they couldn't give away to a product they couldn't make fast about. Thomas Segal, I think was the first time that I convinced to take it and took it Thomas it is up in his pre ASC days, it was a documentary guy in New York. And he had a mad camera and he took a quick, lengthy thing down Tony. He sounded like Nicaraguan and Sandinistas and all that. And Eddie came back and the footage that he had was just stunning, and everything else like. So the result of that is that then we had a line of people at the door looking to buy the sleds. And that was my beginning of relationship with cook that has endured for almost 40 years. And I I wanted to buy the company, you know, straight away, and they didn't want to sell it to me, obviously. And then 20 years later, in 1998, when cook really had fallen on hard times, it was just about well, it was virtually bankrupt and pretty much out of business. I was able to buy a Dell. And you know, as they say the rest is history. We've turned the company around, I really do. I don't think it's boasting to say the cook is now once again an industry leader in developing optics or cameras and, and the intro. Was this for the industry. And it's certainly gotten crazy with you know, a new format every week.

Alex Ferrari 7:34
Very much so. But actually the question though, so you obviously you've been in love with this company since 81, basically or right before then when you first were introduced to them. And you basically like you just held on waiting for this, this, this young lady to say fine, I'll marry you fine. It's took forever. What did you both? Yeah, what did you see? In a barely barely, you know, functioning, if not completely bankrupt company that nobody else saw?

Les Zellan 8:08
That's a really great question. And, you know, you know, like, there's an expression in real estate that buyers are liars. And what that means is they say I want this kind of house that I want that kind of neighborhood and I want this, that's the other thing. And then they walk into a house that has none of those things. And they fall in love. They say this is what this is. And that's almost what it was with me. And the first time I went to cook actually the second trip I went to cook had my wife with me and I said to her, I said to Barbara, I said you know, I want to buy this company. And I want to and that was based on I don't know anything about manufacturing, I knew nothing about glass. I mean that was it was just a emotional, instant emotional response to see how this company was set up. At the time was part of the rank organization part of rank Taylor Hopson, which was a big at the time a very big company and lots of interest, which cook was insignificant. And it was obvious from just walking through the end of the factory that cook was in and I mean we were set a little shoe box inside of a big factory that it didn't want there it was obviously a cottage industry stuck inside this big company and didn't get the attention they needed why I had an affinity for it. It's one of those great What is it? I just don't know

Alex Ferrari 9:34
but you saw something but on a business standpoint you must have looked at and said I think I can turn this around I think I can make because I mean I love Love is love but way too much credit. So literally was just love like I just want to buy this.

Les Zellan 9:50
I'm not a numbers guy. I just had a gut feeling that I could do it. Okay, fair enough. And you know It took 20 years to get control and but once we got control, we've never looked back in those days that we've gone on from barely being barely alive to now, I believe we make more lens series and lenses for the industry than anybody else.

Alex Ferrari 10:17
Now, in this in this company, if you could tell a little bit about the history of this company, this company has been around for ever.

Les Zellan 10:23
The whole story of cook would make a great movie. And if you've got anybody out listening that wants to write a script. So the company the fact the founder of the company was named William Taylor, in 1886. In the company was called Robson and he he and his brother Smithies made ones. And then just to give you an idea of how it evolved, and how small the industry was back then, Kodak started in 1989. And before George Eastman started Kodak, he took the boat over to England, and he spent some time with William Taylor to find out about lens making. So I mean, this, it's all in the whole, the whole history of the movie business is interwoven well, between all these companies, but it's a fascinating story. Anyway, cook, the cook brand, it came out in 1992 93. There was a guy that worked for a company up in New York, my company is based in Leicester, by the way, less training and there was a guy in New York named I named Dennis Taylor. And he's no relation to the, to my tailors. And he worked for a company called t cooking slots, and they made telescopes. But Dennis Taylor came up with his arrangement of glass that allowed you to get detail all the way to the edge of a photograph, without shooting through a tunnel with shooting through a wide aperture is in the 1880s 1890s to get detailed to the edge really had to shoot an F 64. You know, even if basically you had to shoot for a pinhole camera. Sure. So this was revolutionary. And in fact, most optical historians consider this invention to be one of the most important and modern lens making in photography. So that but fortunately for me that has no no real application and telescopes. So the guy is a tea cooking songs went to their friends that on Western said, you want to use this patented invention we have that of course not being stupid, they said You bet. And the deal was made other than the money that changed hands. The deal was made and anyone's using this invention would be called a cook lens. And hence from 18. The early 1890s to now cook has been in one way or another been in continuous production. We made all the chapter early Chaplin movies, the Mary ticker movies, the team's Claire's Mansky movies, we made wings, the first Academy Award winning film, in fact, with the speed pan crows that came out because the sell, sell sell in the early 20s. you'd be hard pressed from the early 20s to probably the mid 50s or 60s. To find a film that we weren't on, it was sure it was really it was just a magical time. And then, after World War Two, Frank organization took over Taylor Hobson, which cook was lucky. And we actually did very well under them for a while because you've seen those old movies with the gong man at the beginning and only hits. Well ranked Taylor house, J officer rank was a faker and he would love the movies. He filled the hole. He built Pinewood he bought rank laboratories he felt Shepard and I don't know if you've bought Taylor Hobson, because of the lenses or not but they In any case, they loved the film. Well, as time goes on, rank, Mr. Rank dies. And the whole focus at the rake organization. So turns around, and instead of manufacturing, they decide they want to be in leisure businesses. So not only was a cook suffered, but things like rank syntel century strand. All their manufacture manufacturing companies, many of which you've never heard of because they're not in the motion picture business. fell on hard times. And this was probably starting in about the late 80s. So the product you know, in our product at the time, we stopped making prime lenses this paper was in 1965 and then we started making resumes. And our resumes were, you know, not only the two cvk that I talked about earlier. But I'm sure last year if the if you guys are old enough, there was a 25 to 250 and a 20 to 100 zooms that really bought I know ingenue was out there, but we really bought zooms to the motion picture industry. But as they lost interest in, in manufacturing, they didn't make investment, so ingenue, for instance, in zone, they came out with some products that weren't that good. But then they came out with, you know, the vhr series, and then the optimal series, and they just sort of left us behind. And coke was sort of withering on the vine. For years. As I said, in 1998, I was finally able to, for the fourth product, I was able to buy the company.

Alex Ferrari 15:47
It's fascinating that you were literally able to, you know, I'm sure pennies on the dollar.

Les Zellan 15:53
I wish I wish that were true. material, I overpaid. But you know, at the end, it was good to me. Yeah. It's been a great relationship. It's allowed me to go all over the world allowed me to talk to you about cut. Yeah. I don't regret a penny that I put into it, but it was not pennies.

Alex Ferrari 16:15
Okay, but you were still able to you were still able to acquire a legacy company without question. Because I've known about cook. From the days of my film school days. I mean, cook was cook and I think it was even even I would describe went to film school in a 96. So as a couple years before you purchase the kit, so even then there was still you know, from the old buy old cinematography teachers were talking about, like the old cooks and, and all that stuff. But, but I wanted to ask you about the the infamous and yet very famous cook, look. Ah, what is the cook? The cook which is not trademarked, of course.

Les Zellan 16:59
So what is the cook look to be fair? No, we did not invent that slogan. The industry invented that slogan, and then we sort of crap.

Alex Ferrari 17:08
Yeah, fair enough. So what is a cookbook?

Les Zellan 17:12
Well, that's a great question. On our website, on the cook website, we do have the best cinematographers to write it down. And they all say more or less the same thing. But in different words, it's a warm look. It's very what I think Ed Lockman used to work round looked is, it has a really nice, gentle fall off of focus. So it gives you a very dimensional look. And frankly, that the warmness of the lens gives you makes people look up. And who genuinely who doesn't want to look at negative photographs. In fact, in the old days, like in the in the old studio days, there were stars to put in their contract that they had to be photographed.

Alex Ferrari 17:57
Because they knew that much.

Les Zellan 17:59
Yeah, well, they know what they do. They know what makes them look good. And, and, and the cookbook continues today. I mean, that ever since the speed Pancras came out in the 20s, the cookbook has been consistent. So you know, you can you look at an old pan crow relative to a new f7 or an S four or whatever, the coloration in the fall off. It's all going to be very, very similar.

Alex Ferrari 18:30
It's interesting cuz I remember watching a YouTube video of like, a tour of your of your facility, or the making of a lens, which I mean for lens geeks and oh my god, it's just like, it was like it was like porn. I mean, it was beautiful. It was such a beautiful experience. Why did you just sitting there going? Because it takes so much man

Les Zellan 18:53
Aren't you a lecturer which I've done all over the world basically using you know, PowerPoints how you build lenses and interwoven with that as cook history and movie history but it's I do it all over the world. I just came back from doing I think five lectures all over China a few weeks ago and people find it fascinating and I love doing because it's it's it's an awakening to show people here's a tool that is basically their it's their eye on the world is this the lens and they have no idea for the most part other than in Scott glass in the front and West in the back. And so metal that goes into making a lens and so I love doing it is usually people are not usually the responses right.

Alex Ferrari 19:42
Now the one thing and please correct me if I'm wrong, but each lens manufacturer has their basic kind of like Coca Cola recipe for the coating. It does the coating. Yeah, for the coating. So I mean there there is a specific kind of formula that you guys have.

Les Zellan 19:58
Let's go back one step. Because whereas the cook philosophy in line is designed to get the coatings for the chef. But our philosophy has been the same from what he Pancras to today, other manufacturers have looked at their lenses, it will be all over the map. Now most of them, and I can't take, most of them have come around to doing what we do. Now they come up with a philosophy, and whatever that is, and it's not right or wrong. It's just their philosophy. And then all their lenses from that point forward have a similar look. But if you look back at like the old Zeiss distagon for the Super speeds, the 35 was one color, the third and the 20. Now they're all different depending on who design them is they didn't have a corporate philosophy of what they're but they were Amiens so it came down to the designer birch cook. One of our big advantages is we've been consistent. And you know, one of the reasons I think the animation did the Primo ones is back in the late 80s was up until then their glass was cooked and ingenue and Zeiss and, and tokina. And, you know, you fill in the blank, they bought lenses, they panavise them, and they put it up. But that takes that puts them all over the map. One of the things that they did when they came out with the premise and say, we are now color matched Well, you know, custom color match for already, then we were color match for almost 70 years. So but now I would agree with you that most manufacturers have a certain look to their, in the design. And your to your direct question. Do we all sort of guard our coding recipe? The answer is absolutely yes. But I will tell you the coding recipe that everybody thinks in parks, the magic to the lens is a few percent of the magic. The real quick look, or the brand x look doesn't come so much from the coatings, it comes mainly from the choices of glasses that you used to build your lens with. Each glass not only has a different index of refraction, but also has a different color transmission characteristics. So by by choosing those classes carefully, you give it the personality, but coatings add just the scope, but not a lot.

Alex Ferrari 22:27
Right. And it's all and it's also about the width, the way the sand how you get this, like I mean all the all the raw materials to build everything and then the process of building it. It's

Les Zellan 22:37
it's artists. Yeah, but we here we all use the same more materials. In the old days, you know, we used to smell class right now. But right now the reality is there are two or three or four optical glass manufacturers in the world. And we all use their material. So whether it's as Iceland's our cook lens, or an ingenue lens, the material comes from the same half a dozen manufacturers around the world.

Alex Ferrari 23:05
So it's more about the processing, and actually the craftsmanship

Les Zellan 23:09
And the choices. I mean, if you look at a glass map, it's it has maybe 100 different types of glass, that each have different characteristics. So are designers knowing that they want to get the cookbook command, you know, at the end, they pick the one the class types, that will not only obviously focus the lens where we need it, but also the right color transmission, and the right contrast or everything else that we're looking for that goes into the cook worlds, so that we get the cookbook out the back,

Alex Ferrari 23:39
Which the one thing that's funny that I'm listening to and it's something that I hope everyone listening understands is that you as a company have decided that this is the kind of product that we're going to put out. So every time you buy a cook lens, you expect a certain level of quality a certain look and you're not playing around with it. You're not like oh, well let's let's do a little darker Look here. Let's make it a little sharper edge to like, no, we're cook and this is what people want from us. We're going to deliver

Les Zellan 24:09
And the reason we do that is because that's obviously what people want. They wouldn't have come back to us and said this is the cookbook and we want it I'm such a thick star I can dictate what lenses I want to be photographed if they didn't like the luck playing with the out of business years ago.

Alex Ferrari 24:26
Now the the the lens that kind of put you guys back on the map was yes for us. Right. Absolutely. So what was it like with that? Because when you guys released that took you a few years to release it after you took over the company.

Les Zellan 24:38
But when you actually released it To be fair, though, yeah. The the previous management before I came along started the development. me backtrack just a bit. So the Primo has come out in the late 80s late 80s, early 90s the non Hana vision world goes into a panic Panic. literal panic is up until then, the non panic isn't real thought panic vision was on the ropes that they were going to be dead and, you know, work or sold off for parts in the few years. creemos absolutely changed that whole calculation. And all the customers that were floating away from panelization is they realize, why should I run a payload of 25 to 250, when I can just get the real thing and cook thing from autoware Guinea or whoever, at a better price. So, the prelims come out, that whole flow away from Panamanian obviously starts to flow back they had the hot new product. So the non television world guns get everybody, everybody they went to cook. area, they go to Kenya, they go to anjanette, but you Nikon, CAD, and you can you can fill in any glass menu lens manufacturer in the world, they went to all of them. And for whatever reason. This is that 9293 for whatever reason, cook is the only one that said yes. And so we started cook, the previous management started the project. Yeah, he did it as a skunkworks project. He didn't have permission to do it from the report, they would have never given him the money to do this. But he did it because he, he told me, I met him right after he decided to do it. And he said, Well, I'm going to do this, and I can do it in a year. So don't ever find it by the time they find out about it. I'll be here. All right. And yes, I, I wasn't it's better to ask forgiveness than Yes, yes. Yes, of course, if it's, if you're asking for forgiveness in your order book just went from almost nothing to this. Forgiveness is pretty easy to get well, yeah. Even though I didn't know anything about manufacturing and optical design at the time, I know he was dreaming. This was a major project. And it dragged on and on and on and on and on. And in fact, when I took over the company in 98, it was close to being done. But it wasn't finished. I won't go into all the gory details of what happened. But how he hid the money from hacci Sterling from, but it was it was it was, it was not a pleasant thing. But that's neither here nor there. So when I got there, the several vs. fours prototype. So we very quickly turned that into production. And we got out four lenses. I can't remember the first markings fly the 1825 50. I don't remember the first one. Sure. But the match, this is a magical time in the industry. And this is when you say you're not going to the right place at the right time. So all the people that have passed and the only ones that I care about passing precise and airy, and so they passed on this so and I mean I understand they have the the the prime rather than distagon to the supersedes which even then we're 30 year old designs, areas making a new area. It's nice. We're making a ton of money on those right there. 30 years old designs, the tooling, everything's been paid off years ago, and we're still selling. And so yeah, the promos are a bit of a problem, but our stuff is still selling nobody's got anything to compete. Well, we come out with these fours. They were the first modern non piano vision lens, and the world winds up in my dorm. Why so I went from no business to three or four years worth of business almost overnight. And then the anxiety scenario went into a bit of a panic and they put up you know, you know the story about putting an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number type parameters and sooner or later outcomes, you know, all the great works, but they did pretty much the same thing. But what is designers and I put them in a room and said don't come out until what became the bid did the mat not the master primes the Alia the zip with the ones before the it'll come to me anyway. But that gave us really, when you think about that, that took them about three years to do. That gave us a window from 98 to 2001 that we were all alone. We had the only new primes in the industry and they were just incredibly in demand, as I said went off the shelf, off the off the shelf off the charts and so All right place right time.

Alex Ferrari 30:04
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Les Zellan 30:15
Yes, yes. Yes, fours are still one of our best selling products, and this year are Laettner. 21 years old. Wow. still selling, I think as far as more or less the standard of the industry.

Alex Ferrari 30:28
Now, can we discuss a little bit about vintage glass? Because there is something that we talked about, about vintage cook lenses. And what happens because a lot of people don't understand. They're like, Oh, I need a brand new lens. I'm like, well, not necessarily, you

Les Zellan 30:42
know, you know what we actually, were actually dealing with that. So So tell me, yeah, tell me, you know, a lot of people love for you to build speed paragraphs. Now. Again, let's step back a little bit. Let's think digital for being a boring and scalable format. Right. So when digital comes in, I mean, pre digital people were throwing away or, or giving away a speed pack rose. We don't we're never going to use this again. Let's get rid of it and sell it for 50 bucks.

Alex Ferrari 31:14
I know. I remember. I heard. It hurts. It hurts.

Les Zellan 31:18
So digital comes in. I mean, I think Jim janardan every morning. The revolution he started is simply amazing. Yep. I'm not crazy about digital from a personal disease does 10 backdoored film but I loved it as a manufacturer. Digital has been amazing. Amazing. For me. It's taken a small market and made it astronomically big. And it's caused people to think Wow, it's really a little boring and sterile. How can I put character the character and personality I used to get in film? How do I how do I re inject that into Digital's and of course, one of the easy ways is to use old glass. The problem with old glass is that it's glass. So like with with with the, with our old vehicles, keep in mind, the last paper we made was in 1965. So if you found one today, it's almost 5054 years old, right at the at the at best. And it was probably one made in the late 40s, early 50s. So it's a lot older. We're talking 70 year old glass 67 year old glass anyway. So that glass still makes beautiful movies, but it is a pain in the ass is every lens is a different color. The wall discolored over time. I know when they were shooting the first two seasons of the crown, the DI T the hook shot on sweeping across the DI t had a separate lookup table for each lens of Oh, yeah. So. So we looked at that. And we said, well, you know, speed pack. Okay. We are I mean, I understand I get I know why people want to use the glass. And it does have a, if you remember the old St. Pancras they were very small lenses, right. And the scores are significantly bigger while the scores are significantly bigger. So we could give you a better field performance than the pancrase. The pack row, the main difference between a pan pro at an S four is that the fall off or focus on an S four starts of that what we call the picture height area, you can imagine a frame and you put a lot of vertical lines through the frame at the axis and make a circle about that area. That round circle is where we try to keep it pretty clean. And then we let the fall off come in. And that's what I told you too much now, because that's part of the cookbook. Oh, sorry, sorry. I didn't mean that guys. I know.

Alex Ferrari 33:59
He's joking. he's joking,

Les Zellan 34:00
I can't see anything. Anyway, so joke, the difference with the difference, the reason the scores got bigger, we're not only to solve mechanical problems that people wanted better scaling and better footage scales and all this other things. But it was also to increase the class diameter and get more getting better performance in the field. The pig parkrose in the pit. So the basic difference is panthro. The focus falls off as soon as you come off the axis. So the follow starts really, you move to fix those over and you're you're already losing focus is very gradual, and very flattering. But that's the main difference between the speed panic crawl and any of modern click lenses. Except we noticed this and we and there are only a finite number of old sweet aquas or old anything out there. They're all discolored. They're all in probably desperate needed mechanical, and optical parts that don't exist anymore now, and there are some companies that are trying to fix that, but we're not one of them. So we took a look at the old St. Pancras designs and said, let's just remake these mean, we can remake them, we can do two things, you can remake them in a new housing with new glass. But keep true to the old look and feel of the fall off. And we can increase the coverage is like the 2018 and the 25. I think the 32 didn't really cover Super 35 covered, original, solid 35. So we fixed all those issues, we added the metadata there our eyes system, which is evolving into an industry standard, and we put them out as the panco classics. And they are doing phenomenally well. And we know we really got it right, we've had some very big name DPS that almost shot exclusively on parkrose of the old speed macros. And the last two features that this one particular guy did, when he tested them against his love his old St Pancras and the new classics. And that abusing the classic, I mean, it takes the headache out of you get the look, you get the feel. But you don't need a different look up people for every lens, you can get parts you can get at they're much easier for an assistant to use was there you know, there are more f4 in mechanical, but pirkko classic paypro super cheap hair growing in look.

Alex Ferrari 36:35
That's amazing. So so you actually you guys actually took the old concepts of the vintage and what made it so beautiful, and then just redid them,

Les Zellan 36:43
And redid them. And what I like to tell people is the pickle classics probably look like the speed pack row did when they took it out of the box 60 years ago. But it was a clean glass and operational, you know, so and they've been extremely popular. And again, everything I make, including us wars we've never had for 21 years, we've never had stock. We've always we build the order, and we're on backorder in varying degrees on everything we make. And we've extended the belts a new factory, not the second factory. We've gone from 36 to 130 some people and we still can't make stuff we ask them.

Alex Ferrari 37:30
Wow, that's well that's a good problem to have. That's a good problem to have. That's good. Well now. Now what is cook doing to adapt to this new generation of mega resolution cameras out there the 8k 10k 25k 50k eventually, I'm sure you've seen it exactly the way I do I get up to a gazillion. I mean, like At what point do we just our eyes just can't comprehend? Can we get off Ks in a minute.

Les Zellan 37:52
But we've already we've pretty much passed that an H once we go past HD, depending on the size of the screen. Sure if you're if you're sitting in your living room watching a movie, and letting you know, you got to I don't know 60 to 65 inch sets. Unless you're sitting like a foot away you don't get the benefit of that you HD so all these resolutions like to tell people, how can your can your old speed Pancras handle all these new resolutions? Well, people are making movies with them every day. And I like what they say. So a lot of this is just marketing hype, of course. But are we dealing with it? Sure. I mean, we every time there's a new format, it causes us to say oh shit. On the other hand, it puts a big smile on my face is that on a ship? People are gonna have to buy new, more lenses isn't this right? Right when? When the industry when and you know, red is I think red is the big culprit here as far as changing formats. But then I think the whole manufac the whole camera manufacturing industry is the culprit here. The thing that annoys me about fullframe isn't that I don't love it. I love making money to support bar s sevens and our new full frame anamorphic 's are extremely popular. And we'll chat about that in a minute. But a full frame came about in my mind, it was nothing anybody was asking. Nobody was saying Gee, super 35 just isn't good enough. We really need we really need we really need to five more pixels format so I can I can watch. I can watch a movie on my phone, you know. It just makes no sense to me. As just me personally, me as a lens manufacturer, I say old boy. A new set of lenses. So with red and now the rest of the industry pushing the rest of the manufacturing bushing for frame of course, we developed the seminar lenses, and actually had them on the market. I think before the cameras, I think that's never happened before people think that the camera manufacturers and the lens guys are talking to each other all the time. And but for the old days when arion Zeiss were together in the works, they're not anymore. That's not true. We find out about it, just like everybody else does listen to rumors in the industry, and trying to get make the right guess, well, we made the right guess on the full frame. We came up with the seven, I think two, three years ago now just just as the cameras are starting to come out, they've been extremely successful. It is basically they're taking the eswar and scaling up. It's not just scaling up in a whole brand new design. But the look and feel of it when they were done looks like a cook well, so. So we did that well. And then last year, we announced the full frame AdoramaPix. Aha, which we will start delivering in about well, we'll we'll have last year at any IBC. Now some of IBC last year, we said we will have them by nav and we will have the first four lenses at nav this year, and start delivering thereafter. And there we've taken a bit of a flyer. Well, I shouldn't say that we've got tons of orders for them. So I know we nailed it. But one of the things we did is we instead of doing a 2x squeeze like we do in traditional 35, we did a 1.8 squeeze. And there was a lot of thought and care that went into that equation. And it looks like we really nailed it. And the 1.8 book is almost indistinguishable from to from except the most trained of eyes. And it's great, it looks good. The reason we want to, if we had done two and you wanted to do a 2.4 traditional 2.4 release, you lose about 25% of the excels and full frame. If you go if you want to flow, use the full three by two full frame, you It's a 1.6 weeks. Well the problem with the 1.6 wheezes, it's not really the anamorphic it's sort of maybe could be different. Maybe it it may not. It's really uninteresting. And in my mind, the only reason to shoot anamorphic is that you want to look at. And I know there's some companies making very clean out on Mars, that looks horrible. And I just have to scratch my head when I see these and think what the hell were they thinking? You know, why would I want to go to all the trouble of shooting anamorphic? Right? When I can just you know, I can just, you know, crop my frame and get widescreen and nobody's calling out for resolution, there's plenty of resolution. So anyway, so we so one point, if we do a 2x, please, you lose too many pixels. If you want to go the whole frame, it's 1.6. And that's not interesting. 1.8. Yeah, we're right in the middle, you lose about 10% of the pixels. But it looks like I've shown it to DPS they hear most of them can't tell whether it's the two or the 1.8. And as an added benefit. If you were doing a 2x squeeze and you wanted to go to full frame, you'd be at about I don't know 3.1 ratio, which is just not a very pleasing ratio, it's but but if you go from a 1.8, squeeze, and use the whole frame, you're at a 2.7. Well, 2.7 is just under 2.76, which was ultra panic. Sure. That's a really, you know, that's a pleasing range and ultra panavision that was shot with the 1.25 squeaks. So it was a little different. But the bottom line here is when I look at my look at tests, I mean, if you want to see some test shots, you can go to the Cooke Vimeo site. And there's a bunch of tests up there. I think this is the HP I can't remember. So if you go to the Vimeo site, it's the first test on the right. And it's it has all our lenses shooting the same thing over and over again but showing you and it's pretty impressive. Everybody that sees that, and I think what's gonna happen looking at this, we've done most of our testing obviously on the Sony menace. Great, great camera, by the way. I'm looking forward to seeing the new lF minning at the Venice is a great camera and look at it at the 2.4 lines. And then you look at at 2.7. You think, why wouldn't I release in 2.7? It's just really pretty. So I think in the long run at full frame 2.7 is going to become the ratio of choice to listen, but our time.

Alex Ferrari 45:21
Now, one other question I want to ask you, and we kind of touched on it before is the whole resolution in this kind of arms race with the resolution? it? Yeah, I want to ask you, in your opinion, are we going to get to a point because I think we're getting there. If we're not there already. That it just truly does not like you can't like, you know, the red 20k. Why, like, so what's the next gen and so what's what are these camera manufacturers in your opinion going to do to get us to buy new cameras? If it's not resolution? And your opinion?

Les Zellan 45:57
Yeah, but but. And this is the problem. I mean, again, look, when digital came in, what did people rush, they rushed for old speed cameras. Frankly, the reason we decided to do anamorphic speed we I've been asked to do anamorphic for 20 years, from the day I bought the company, we jump into anamorphic until digital is again the same reason people are looking to make digital interesting nanoparticles a great way to do that. I think we've already past the point of no return. And what you're asking what people have lost sight of this really annoys me with with a large part of the industry is they're letting the technology wag the dog. You know, it used to be the story would make the decisions. And frankly, the ultimate resolution does not make a picture that anybody wants to walk it up. And in fact, usually the more resolution you have, the worse it gets to say. But that's why people are using the old lenses. They're using them. They're anamorphic they're trying to do put character into what is becoming a more more and more sterile image. So I think, you know, as they said, I think this whole arms race that is a marketing bullshit, too for a 16 1,000,000k I know I know, there are engineers out there that will argue with me, but we're not engineers. At least I'm not an engineer. And, and my customers, my ultimate customers, the filmmakers, they're not engineers, they're storytellers. And they have to pick the right tool that will sell it tell their story and I'm sorry, it's hard for me to imagine that I want to tell a any kind of drama or romantic comedy or any kind of story in 20k resolution, or even an eight it's gonna look like shit. So

Alex Ferrari 47:58
Yeah, the actors aren't aren't super happy about it cuz I was looking at some some of these images that the DP did not know what they were doing. Some of these movies are shot in these high high resolutions and you start seeing every little thing on some aging actors or actresses that just don't work.

Les Zellan 48:14
I mean you're probably you're old enough to remember when HD took over

Alex Ferrari 48:19
Of course of course I was the I was there I was there when we Sony showed up we're on the cusp of I saw I saw I was at a workshop and I saw Sony show up with the first HD cameras like and they went out and we shot like you know like flowers and bumblebees and stuff but it can you imagine from the SD world to the age just straight up 1920 by 1080

Les Zellan 48:41
Remember everybody paddock them as they had to, you know the the plots you can see the scene with the flats, you could see

Alex Ferrari 48:51
The makeup, all the cake.

Les Zellan 48:55
Okay, so we got to HD an HD is still within sort of the human vision purview for the most part, but anything beyond that unless you're putting it out on you know, 900 foot screen is a way that is a waste of time. And as I said, you know we get all this resolution so I can watch the funnel. Watch the watch the movie on my phone. So I know

Alex Ferrari 49:18
it's brutal. It's brutal.

Les Zellan 49:19
And nobody was complaining that you know, the Alexa was the most popular. Yeah, it's probably still is the most popular camera, which is basically an HD camera on steroids. Right? It's not It's not for kidding. And I've seen Alexa images projected on you know, what big big like Leicester Square in England, you know, big downtown theater screens. And you're not sitting there saying Gee, I can see the space between the pixels. I wonder. I recently had 4k resolution. So

Alex Ferrari 49:52
I shot my I shot my last film on the Blackmagic Pocket 1080 p camera the whole feature I shot on that with some nice video. vintage glass and some nice new glass and I projected as on a theater, I was like, this looks beautiful. It was fine.

Les Zellan 50:08
You know, you get the right images, the right story.

Alex Ferrari 50:11

Les Zellan 50:12
And it works. And right.

Alex Ferrari 50:14
If you give me $200 million, I'm not shooting it on the 1080 p camera. Give me $200 million on product. Yeah.

Les Zellan 50:21
Yeah, you may you know, you say that. But again, the story should drive the story then drive your choices, not not the techniques. The last thing you should choose to me would be okay, this is my story, blah, blah, blah. The camera and the lens combination that will give me the look I'm looking for is this. Right now people say, oh, there's a new mini lf I have to shoot my next movie on the mini lf I must have it.

Alex Ferrari 50:48
I must have the next read. I must have the next Alexa.

Les Zellan 50:51
That's, I really think they said the tails wagging the dog. And I find that really? I find that really sort of abdication of responsibility of the DPS. Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 51:05
because I remember I was talking to a few of my friends who are in the ASC. And they were telling me back in the days, like producers are telling me what to shoot on now. Like, they're like, we need to shoot on red. We need to shoot on this camera. And they're like, but I'm the DP, I'm that's my job to choose that right? Well, your digital

Les Zellan 51:21
is, unfortunately, changed all of it. Yes. It really changed the roles of a lot of people. Yeah, without question. For me, they still need

Alex Ferrari 51:36
At the end of the day, you're still you're still coming up? still coming up? aces every time? I do try. So I'm gonna ask you a few questions. Ask all of my guests. What advice would you give a filmmaker wanting to break into the business today? Wow, I'm not being a filmmaker myself. It's hard. But But you've known a couple in the in your day.

Les Zellan 51:55
I've known a few. You know, again, I go back to the old days when I started in the business. And I'm working with people like Tom Segal and Sandy sisal and, and most of the people I used to work with an icon have gone on to become ASE members. So I mean, but they all work, they all started. They all either went to film school, or they just went to a rental house. And they started by cleaning cases. And they wouldn't, you know, they would have they would literally apprentice, you know, they clean cases, they start working on the prep floor. Somebody would notice them and say, yeah, you can be the 900th assistant on my, this weekend when I'm doing something and they've worked their way up, they become a first then they become an operator, then they start making films and and along that way, which could be you know, depending on their talent could be, you know, at least years, if not many years, they would learn the craft. I think a lot of people get out of film school today and say, I'm leaving.

Alex Ferrari 52:59
Because Because I can afford to read I'm a dp all of a sudden,

Les Zellan 53:02
Yeah. So I would say and what I've seen is the most. So if you're a dp, you obviously need to know how to frame a shot. And I think, frankly, I think a lot of people like the full frame cameras, because it does it does allow you to be a little bit lazier. And digital obviously allows you to be much lazier, but full frame, you know, he didn't quite get it right. But I can pan and scan. And maybe that's the shot I should have. Is I'm still gonna release it in 35. So that's the Shall I should add. So you know, so I think it'd become people become a little bit less prepared. And I think digital did that in itself. Certainly in film, you couldn't do that you had to really know what you're all so but the real key, you know, when the real key besides having a good eye for framing is learning how to light unless the DPS is to tools or his tools or his cameras, lenses, lighting, and hopefully his talent to frame and people that know how to light could shoot super eight and make it really look good. And people that don't know how to light it looks good. It's completely by accident. So if you learn that you don't necessarily learn that in a couple of years in films. You learn that by watching you know the Masters by working on sets and watching the Masters do this every day. So I would what I would recommend to people is just find like some real get yourself in good with some really good DPS and work for them for a while and learn everything you can.

Alex Ferrari 54:51
Now what is the lesson that took you the longest to learn whether in the film business or in life?

Les Zellan 55:00
Longest to learn? Just about everything. I'm a slow learner. Yeah, that's a great question. I'm not sure I have an answer for it.

Alex Ferrari 55:15
No, no worries. No worries.

Les Zellan 55:17
I'm not I'm not gonna worry. That's one of the things I've learned. Don't worry about what you can't. You can't answer.

Alex Ferrari 55:23
Fair enough. Now, what are three of your favorite films of all time?

Les Zellan 55:26
Oh, that's unfair.

Alex Ferrari 55:28
I know. It is. Currently at this moment in time right now, three of your favorite films.

Les Zellan 55:35
Well, I gotta say, gee, it should be let's see all the phones shot on clock. Obviously.

Alex Ferrari 55:43
Yeah, you've got to be politically correct. Are you kidding me?

Les Zellan 55:47
I was one of those guys. That actually helped pull the upset off me Academy this year. I voted for the Green Book. I thought that was a great book. I thought it was I thought it was well done. I hate films that I really hate films that lecture to me or want to show me the way it should be. I thought the Green Book was just a nicely put together. Great story. Yes. And there was a message and all that but I just thought the performances

Alex Ferrari 56:19
Oh, the writing and the performances were brilliant.

Les Zellan 56:22
Yeah, my wife preferred Bohemian Rhapsody. I didn't. didn't do much for me.

Alex Ferrari 56:28
If you take the if you take the music out of that movie

Les Zellan 56:34
And then of course they should really want you know, Lady Gaga.

Alex Ferrari 56:44
Oh, stars born

Les Zellan 56:46
Stars born because that was shot. I Maddie with cook anamorphic.

Alex Ferrari 56:51
Yeah, so gorgeous. So beautiful.

Les Zellan 56:53
That should be my favorite sound. But I all time though. You know, one of my favorite films. This is really corny, but I'm an old guy. So my favorite films is also my mind is going to Jimmy Cagney in Yankee Doodle Dandy. Okay. white fluffy. I could watch that film probably 20 times and still enjoy it. Very cool. Now where where can people find more about cook and and more about you? Well, they don't need to know much about me but they can find more about cook on cook optics calm. Also, we just as of today, the US distributor for cook used to be a company called zgc which is company you see the cook America's as of today. So but you can go to cook optics.com and find out all you need to know.

Alex Ferrari 57:47
Very cool. Let's think it's been an absolute pleasure talking to you and geeking out on cook all things cooking lunches and stuff that I so I appreciate your time. I know you're busy man. Thank you so much.

Les Zellan 57:57
Thank you very much. As he said, I can only talk about cooking endlessly. You want to do this again for six or seven hours.

Alex Ferrari 58:04
I appreciate it.

Les Zellan 58:06
Thanks, Alex.

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BPS 397: The Art of Low-Budget Cinematography with Suki Medencevic, A.S.C

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Alex Ferrari 0:00
I'd like to welcome the show Suki Medencevic How are you my friend?

Suki Medencevic ASC 4:28
I am very good. Very good. Good to see you my friend.

Alex Ferrari 4:31
Good to see you as well. You are a returning champion, sir. You are. You are one of the first guests of the indie film hustle podcast you were episode number nine. Back in the day when I was just a fledgling, fledgling podcaster You were so kind to be on my show and I never forgot that my friend.

Suki Medencevic ASC 4:54
Wow for you my friend anytime and I'm very happy to see that how indicum hustle has grown and become The Empire

Alex Ferrari 5:03
I don't know about an empire, but it has grown a lot of there's a lot more ears now than there was when you and I first had our conversation about the art of cinematography. But I thought it was a good time to bring you back on the show, not only because you and I teamed up to bring a new course to indie film, aka indie film hustle Academy, which is lightened face the artists in photography, which we'll talk about later, but also, you know, we're recording this during quarantine. We're recording this in a very unstable, unknown known time of what's going to happen in our industry. And I definitely want to touch base on that later on in the episode as well. But let's get I want to get into But first of all, for people who don't know who you are, how did you get into the business?

Suki Medencevic ASC 5:46
Oh, wow, that's a very long story. But in short, my entrance to the business was basically as straightforward as it gets. I studied cinematography in first in film school Film Academy in Belgrade. Back in Yugoslavia, and from there, I continued my education in Prague at funnel, which is one of the world's very prestigious film schools and probably want to, I will take top schools for cinematography. So upon completing my five years of studying on cinematography, Master program of cinematography, I managed to get to the United States, first as a guest of university, so I came to UCLA is what they call a visiting scholar, spend a few years among the students, but mostly doing like seminars and workshops with students, and also learning English because when I came to United States, I really didn't speak any English. And so I felt that was very important thing. And gradually, gradually, I think, I was looking forward and trying to figure it out ways to get in the film industry. Get into university was just my kind of like, entry port of entry, but really, getting in the film business was a whole different game. And when I, when I reached the point, even though I felt I was educated and qualified to do the job, I reached the point that really, to start in a film business, the moment you get the trends, you have to really deliver 100%, this is your moment. And I had also choice in the beginning to choose either going with traditional Hollywood route from like becoming a camera assistant, and gradually make it up to be cinematographer. But in my case, I realized that would be kind of like a waste of time, because I felt that I spent enough time in a film school to get educated. So I wanted to start as a cinematographer, which is more risky, more longer route, but back then that was the way kind of like you have to wait for the opportunity because the traditional way of getting your business was still very present. Like, you know, you've always assistant and go on and on. So, so I eventually got my first film break in 1994. Yes, I did. My Yes,

Alex Ferrari 8:15
I am very familiar. I'm very familiar with that film sir.

Suki Medencevic ASC 8:18
I know and I think that's the that's the You're my biggest fan when it comes down to the movie embrace of the vampire. My first film I did with Alyssa Milano, and the Jennifer Tilly and Martin campy was low budget, vampire horror movie shot in Minnesota in I think 12 days we had, right. And that was it. That was it pretty much from there.

Alex Ferrari 8:40
And you and you launch from there.

Suki Medencevic ASC 8:42
Interesting. The interesting detail is that from the movie, from the finishing the movie embrace of the vampire from the last day, I took a taxi to the airport in in a sample and took the flight to Taiwan to Taipei to do my second feature film called in a strange city, which was as opposite as it can be from the horror film. He was like, the nice lovestory omma with very nice budget, very relaxed schedule. And that was my second feature film. But getting on that film was very unusual because year before I was in Taiwan, doing a series of lectures and seminars so I sever some connections in Taiwan, but I never thought I will be doing film there. And then year later I get invited to do the movie, which was very unusual in many many ways. We can even have a whole podcast or Bravo or meeting Skype meeting just talking about experience working in different country.

Alex Ferrari 9:53
Oh yeah.

Suki Medencevic ASC 9:54
With a with a crew with a crew that doesn't speak English and I don't speak Mandarin or or Whatever the local dialect they speak. So we still managed to make the movie Despite all these barriers, but it was a challenge I have to tell you.

Alex Ferrari 10:06
So So you've been, you know, you've been, you've been, you've gotten a lot of shrapnel over the years working in this industry. You know, you've worked, you've done a ton of movies. What is the biggest mistake that you see young filmmakers make? When they start out?

Suki Medencevic ASC 10:21
Well, things have changed now in, in the last whatever, 20 years since I've been in this business, things have changed because more and more new filmmakers and the cinematographers the accessibility and being able to get in a film business, and make the film is far, far easier than it used to be 20 years ago, now, anybody who has even iPhone or or, or, or any kind of cheap camera, can do something, and, and, and make something make whatever the narrative for me is the mistakes Well, I see some great works by very aspiring starting filmmakers and cinematographers, but I also see a lot of not so good stuff. And I think mistake would be not investing in educating yourself in the language of what you're doing. So understanding visual storytelling, I think when it comes down, just in case of cinematographers, to me is the key element. Being able to point the camera, you will for sure, get it properly exposed, you will for sure with a couple of plugins, easily manipulate the image to look kind of flashy, or maybe even interesting and capture somebody's attention. But mistake is if you think that form will overpower the content is the way that you're going to tell the story that to me is something that it's most commonly and most commonly I see it on on and I see tons of films on on Vimeo on, on all kinds of stuff. I see it on YouTube, people post in their own channels, and you know, but but very, very rarely, I would say I see clear, artistic intent behind whatever you do, even if it's a small experimental film. I mean, I do see, of course, some great short films and some experimental, new things that but to me, a majority of the content that I see on now in the social media, obviously, is something that is more designed to just grab your attention, just to grab somebody, even for a couple seconds, get the click. So you can make extra, whatever money you want to make by somebody visiting or liking your content. And, and that's the goal. I think it's not the goal to be really storyteller. And it's more like, show how many likes you have and show how many followers you have. And and so I think in general in approach and philosophy, why are you doing what you're doing? I think it's the it's the main main mistake that I see among filmmakers and cinematographers.

Alex Ferrari 13:10
Now, you I mean, when you first started out, you started out doing low budget work? And is there any tips that you can have about how you would approach lighting on a lower budget because I know that the gear is a lot cheaper than it was when you were starting out. Now you can get lighting gear, very affordably good lighting gear very affordably. But how do you approach creatively lighting a low budget project,

Suki Medencevic ASC 13:34
You know, I approach every project differently, completely differently. And again, it all starts from the script, it all starts from the story. And if regardless of budget, I've seen some big budget films done with really, really minimum lighting the minimum package because the style calls for something that is very mild, call it naturalistic, something that you want the camera to be very much participating in, in the story, not to being intrusive, not attractive, not attractive, make a make point of being present in the story. So I've seen some really big budget films made that way where you really almost have no lights, and I can just name a couple like new world is it's the one that comes to mind, which was done pretty much without any single light, maybe just like one scene was done. And The Revenant also the the one that chivo lubezki did a few years ago, he is exactly example of that. I think the whole lighting package he had was a couple light bulbs that he used for like one scene or on fire, but that's it. So you really don't need to have a huge lighting package in order to tell the story in order to make interesting visuals. You better understand what is the purpose of the visuals that you're going to use and how you want to support the story. We live in times where it is than ever to make to make interesting in which we have cameras that are now digital camera, they're so sensitive to light that you can if you really want, you can show any field without any single light, basically relying just on the practical light sources. And with very little supplemental lighting. And I think this is kind of the way the filmmaking in general is now going going in a direction that we now because of the just like technical capability of the cameras that we are using, is enabling us now to rely far more on the actual practical light sources that we use to like every light source that you have to augment it, supplement it and and create something that is motivating this time, you can just put actual whatever the light sources and and it will give you what you need to get. So to answer your really your very complex question how you approach in low budget, I think doesn't really matter if it's a low budget or a big budget, it still has to again come down to, to what it is that you're trying to accomplish. And sometimes you might need more help from the art department and set dressing to provide you with the proper type of practicals then you will need from your grip and likely department to bring you all kinds of lights and you might actually ruin the whole thing that you might be able to just capture if it's done well

Alex Ferrari 16:22
Was kind of like you know, chivo if you look at tree of life, or or The Revenant is the kind of shots that he was doing doesn't lend itself to large lighting packages, you can't just mirando around and do these long takes. It's much more complex at cost. So it would cost a lot more money to do that. Am I correct?

Suki Medencevic ASC 16:43
Yes, but there was also another approach which is kind of interesting, you even see on some pretty decent budget films and TV shows that this kind of naturalistic or realistic approach is is very common like you will get on the set and you will have a set B which is built on the stage but it's built with a real ceiling real walls and everything Of course you have flying walls if you needed to. But in general, you still like it as if you are on relocation. And there's something about about studio lighting versus location lighting, it's very difficult for a lot of cinematographers to to switch the mode that even if you're going for very much realistic look it's very difficult to switch to more than that you can actually not turn on the light just because it's there not to turn on all the lights because you have them available I think it's far more interesting not to not even think that you're on the stage they think you are on real place relocation and understand the logic of the light and then create something that looks very much believable and naturalistic in terms of how the light works with the place and let certain mistake to be present. Like if you have let's say sunlight into just like creating some hot streak on the on the on the floor somewhere that you would normally have in location you have to you have to kind of think backwards and say how can I introduce light which is more realistic and naturalistic if you're going in that direction, then making it all perfectly balanced and and controlled and putting backlights where they don't belong and and have a light coming from whatever direction that doesn't really make much sense but again, it all depends what you're going for.

Alex Ferrari 18:32
So if you were if you were going to have one light that you were going to bring with you into battle in a low budget scenario, what would that light what would be your go to light like you like if I'm gonna go shoot and again I know it depends on story. But let's talk generally

Suki Medencevic ASC 18:49
Well I think if there is one light that I will use, I will use two lights. I will I will have I will have to have to obviously do lights, but I will use one or another Sure. And one of the one of them would be would be maybe you know one by one just like one by one light panel but light by the light and there are many manufacturers they make you know the small, Rosco led the LED led led one by one why led one by one I've been so many time in situation that you know everything looks perfect. And all you need to just to get the little bit beautiful light are typically in the close up of the actor but you want to lock it without lighting whole set. Having that light just little light next to the camera will give you that very invisible yet beautiful light which will not affect anything on the scene on the set. And it will it will make people look look look nice without any kind of distracting shadows or something that doesn't make much sense. So that will be that will be my choice because these lights nowadays LED technology has gone so far that they're so powerful and also the color of these lights is now so good that you can easily blend it with Many, many other tungsten sources or anything else you're using. And of course, my choice number one would be very skypanel 60. Probably because 60 is good size. And that that type of bigger, much more versatile light source can give me far more options if I need to light you know, even wider area, I can use it as a just like panel, which is size, maybe like one by two, or I can, I can, I can put like softbox may make it like convert it and turn it into something that is even nicer and bigger and make it beautiful, like soft key light wrapping light. And so it also these lights, specially airy skypanel is designed in a way that has extreme color accuracy, so the skin tone, everything is gonna look right. But also it gives me an option to change the color temperature, easily just pressing the button. Or if I want to create the effect of let's say, I don't know, the candle or TV or, or or lightning even. It's very easy. It's designed, it's almost like pre programmed. So you can just press the button and get whatever you want.

Alex Ferrari 21:13
So can you really can you quickly talk about color accuracy with these LCDs because I know that's a big issue with buying lower quality or cheaper LEDs. And people don't really understand the difference what this era is a CRT? And like what's the rating of it? Can you explain that just a little bit.

Suki Medencevic ASC 21:29
So so the whole thing about LED lights is that I don't want to get too technical about it. But people should understand that you know, not all LEDs are created equally. Why because not everybody needs high end, super color accurate LED lights, which is matching perfectly the whatever spectrum of your regular normal tungsten source. So in the early days, maybe like, six, seven years ago or so when LED is really started, like coming to the market and exploding as everybody is now making ladies, there are so many manufacturers but when you do really very accurate tests and line them up, you will see some of them are green, some of them magenta, some of them are purple, they have very weird color shapes, which we don't see by our eye because our eyes are not so sensitive to the whole this color discrepancies. cameras in our eye very quickly adjust to white balance and we have perfect color balance very quickly. But cameras don't you tell camera, what color temperature is and camera will follow this and if you say this is 3200 and you look at something that slit and looks kind of greenish or whatever. It's going to give you a kind of very strange color rendering. So a lot of manufacturers based on the research and based on the suggestions from Academy of Motion Picture and their certificate department as well as also American Society of Cinematographers motion image Council, we have also one division which is specialized only in research and and product advising. For the LED manufacturers, they developed a system of this color rendering car color rendering index, which basically explained how accurately the color is reproduced compared to whatever the standard standard light sources but color rendering index index is not only one there is there is another way of there's another way of really analyzing good what's the difference between good and not so good LED lights is and then basically you get into individual color and then it shows how each individual part of the spectrum is reproduced in the spectrum of your LED lights. So bottom line is the bottom line is this technology is advancing constantly. And if you are going by some more recognized brands when it comes down to the LED light source, you will be probably doing well. And of course it comes with the price in LED technology definitely get what you pay for.

Alex Ferrari 24:15
Now lenses glasses as it's called on the streets. It is no matter how advanced the technology gets, no matter how beautiful how many K's you're shooting generally speaking, the glass is the glass it is the eye of the sensor in your What is your go to lens or style of lens or manufacturer of lens because I know that's a really touchy subject for a lot of cinematographers. I'm a nice guy. I'm a cook guy, a clear guy, you know, like, you know, what is the lens that you love and why?

Suki Medencevic ASC 24:54
Well, I will tell you just recently I had the opportunity to See a really amazing test of 33 lenses lens sets one of the most comprehensive and extensive lens testing done by the NEA Anwar who is wonderful friend of mine, a member of the AC and also French French society AFC so what he did I think year ago they did this amazing blind test 33 sets of lenses I don't even know that there are 33 different types of lenses but actually they are including some of them never heard of. And so what they did they photographed identical scene by changing glands basically white shot and medium title shot of the same so they did 33 takes of identical simple scene. Yeah, in the girl inside the studio, she walks to the window comes back, they talk, she walks into medium close up. But enough of the setup, it was really well done to show how the lens is handling, wide shot, high contrast flare, sharpness, skin tone, everything you can see in this very short clip that was done with every lens what we did watching this test was we had no idea what we were watching, we have no idea what lens we are looking at, we just had some kind of whatever code and while we are watching we have to give it a grade what we like do we like it we don't like it and and without knowing what we are evaluating and then we watched it three times in random order. So which is which is great way to do it so it's not like you will recognize the pattern so there is no pattern so after reviewing these three times we were given the key and say the lens ACL x y was cook s four and the lens b l for m n was I don't know Zeiss summilux or size or whatever. So it was really amazing because there was a lot of mostly members from the ASC cinematographers and it was very interesting because after the screening we all ended up sitting and having coffee and kind of comparing notes. What was shocking to me to find out that some of the lenses which we will automatically just discard is like are this just you know, these are like no they will don't even bother these are not serious lenses had some of the most highest score I can tell you CP two CP two lenses which CP two is a cheap lenses I mean they're good size made by size but still they're just like steel camera lenses modified so that it can be used in in digital cinematography. All across people love them they're not like highest highest scoring lenses but their lenses they're

Alex Ferrari 27:58
they're like solid they're solid solid.

Suki Medencevic ASC 28:01
So how solid performance CPU i mean i don't even bother deal with them. But But I could change my mind because I looked at three times on three different three different events Yeah, I gave it a very good score of course some of the lenses some of the lenses as expected did really well like cook s five oh yeah. Interestingly enough my favorite was always cook as for and I love to cook as for and caucus for scored well in my test in my brand test that proves that I like cookies for I like the look of it I like the skin tone I like the contrast sharpness all things I like about this lens kukus five scored almost perfect for me which is amazing. But the biggest surprise to me and everybody else because I was not the only one who gave it a really really high not high grade was Russian made lens which I don't even remember the name something digital evolution something I don't know I have to go back to my notes and find out what lens but that lens particularly was almost everybody's favorite. And that really that was scored among all of us probably the highest and to me there was like wow, this lens is like $50,000 or, or even more and this lenses maybe I don't know, maybe like 10,000 or less. Wow. And it did absolutely like perfectly. This is some like it's a new new lens manufacturer. I don't know the name but to me. So this is one that's what a very simple question. What's my favorite lens? You know, it all depends. It all depends. I think that's why we always test because depends on like what we want to be going for if you're going for the film that requires if it's like Romantic period piece. Well, most likely I will not go for super sharp, crisp lenses that Give me this very like

Alex Ferrari 30:01
every detail

Suki Medencevic ASC 30:02
Yeah, everything you know you might have a lens which already held a built in kind of like natural softness in it and that's why maybe I don't know maybe size would be my my size is the classic size superspeed not not the master plan will be probably go choice or maybe going with cook as for Ruby probably because overall that's my February plans and it will it will do to the job interested in that panavision Primo lenses which we always used as a benchmark as the lens that defines the quality score. Okay. Not an open mic. Not on my test but the scored kind of Okay good. Yeah, that's good. No question. It's good lens but nothing amazingly better than I don't know. Let's say a C two. C two CP two.

Alex Ferrari 30:54
Which is amazing. Like when you say that, would you say they like as ICP TIG LEDs versus a pan of vision Primo?

Suki Medencevic ASC 31:01
I know and you're looking at like I don't know maybe $100,000 piece of glass versus $2,000 so it's really it's all subjective that's really what I want to do and no there is no universal lens there is no laser can be perfect for everything. No of course you know and also choice of lenses you know, not only in terms of like, which lens handles skin tone and contrast and flair and you know,

Alex Ferrari 31:26
stuff there's it's a complex question. It's a complex question like

Suki Medencevic ASC 31:29
you know, if you look at the films like Saving Private Ryan, I mean, Janusz Kaminski asked permission to actually completely remove the anti glare in coating so he wanted to get lenses is really looking bad that it has a flaring kind of all kinds of things that we've been for decades trying to get fix now like oh, no, no, we have to now bring me back to that completely kind of roll uncorrected look because that was the only lens that worked. That style of lenses worked so well for Saving Private Ryan, but it will not work for random

Alex Ferrari 32:02
Avengers. It won't work for Avengers. Yeah. For sure. Yeah, exactly. Now do you I know a lot of it because we've we've done some work together. We I know you'd like to write down sometimes your lighting setups Do you like do you do it all the time? Like you actually just like storyboard out your where the lights are supposed to go and give it to the gaffer. What's the process for you?

Suki Medencevic ASC 32:25
Well, the process is actually practices. I would say pretty much like main main mainstream straightforward. If it's location project if it's location show Well, I normally doing the textile during first during location scout, when we talk about what the scene is gonna take place. And when I talk to the director, okay, what is the concept here? Is it more like traditionally Dolly with coverage? Or are we talking camera handheld or Steadicam and we are looking everywhere going inside outside. So depending on what we are going for, will tell me what options I have. If it's a traditionally you know, house living room, and we've all covering the living room, hallway, bedroom, whatever, I will make sure to have enough light that can give me control and it's all about control. Because on occasion, you are always in a way depends on depending on on the situation what's happening outside and very often you might be already losing daylight, but you have to continue making making it look like it was nine o'clock in the morning. So my approach always is try to be as least as possible dependent on a daylight and available light. Because it's inconsistent it changes during the day. So I want to have enough light that I can create my light that will be same from the moment we step in and the moment we are up that requires usually planning and I will tell my gaffer Okay, we will be looking this way sun is coming from this direction. So we have to block the sun or do this or maybe soften the sun and but still get my HDMI lights, put them in the right position. So we know we can maintain this consistent look. That looks perfect eight o'clock in the morning but looks really ugly. No. That's kind of how I approach it when it comes down to interior. When it comes down to the exterior. Well, it really depends. On the show I was going for this the for three seasons called stuck in the middle we've been very challenging. We have been a challenging exterior, because the set was built between two walls of studios two stages. And for the exterior part, we had the window of light that basically goes between nine depending on time of the year but let's say between 930 in the morning until three and that's it. That's the when you have a sunlight and then after three o'clock you're in a shadow and basically everything just like completely overcast so for us to control The sunlight control the daylight on this particular very challenging location was a big deal much bigger deal than anybody would anticipate. Because I had to have my light in the morning when we start to light because we cannot wait for somebody to come out. So I had to light it in the morning with a bit light, airy marks or something on the calendar to give me exactly the light when the sun comes in, that will match at 930 when sun comes up, it will match what I was doing with with my with my light and the same thing in the afternoon. So when light is gone, I can still bring my light and continue continue, I think so. Exterior presents always big challenge lighting, lighting for exterior is always very challenging requires far more manpower, far more equipment. So I think when it comes down to the exterior, it's always much better to observe really well, what works in terms of the angle, how you can take advantage of what sunlight gets, you have sunlight standing by just in case you lose it, usually a couple of big guns, instead of just completely relying on what's out there. Because then we put your you put you in a situation that you have no plan B, when it comes down to studio a whole different situation. I can tell you like for instance, on this, on this big setup we had on stuck in the middle, we had a couple stages with a set in a pre production time. I had my plan via the floor plan and even 3d model 3d diagrams done by the production designer and our department. So they told me Okay, this is what we are looking, this is the living room, this is a stairs, this is a bedroom, this is a hallway, this was a kitchen. So we had all this sets and layout. So based on set and layout, I very, very precisely with my gaffer went. And we talked about what would be the best way to create, let's say, overall ambient light inside this room. How are we going to deal with the exterior, how we want to create that, behind the windows we see we see part of the set that actually is built outside. So we have to match the exterior, on on location with our exterior basically set build on the stage. So to create all kinds of different moods, we had to have a lot of lights, a lot of lights position, never, of course. Never, it never means that I'm going to use all of them. But it like being able to turn off some lights, bring them up, bring them down, it will be I will be able to quickly program different moods, let's say morning, at eight o'clock in the morning breakfast, I knew exactly the amount of ambient amount of my my sunlight effect and I would create something that will be programmed to stop. So it takes time. But very precise planning to get every light properly placed. And programs. So when you get in production, when you really get everybody in the set, you have to be ready to go in five to seven minutes. But that's why to me having everything in place. Even if it's just standing by you never know director my trainers, oh, let's get to me this shot or blocking my change. And all of a sudden you're looking different direction. So you have to you have to be ready to react to react and respond very quickly.

Alex Ferrari 38:26
So Suki we're we're currently as of this recording living in a COVID-19 world. And you know, as of right now Hollywood is pretty much shut down. What do you see production looking like in a post Coronavirus kind of world because we really don't know, it's not going to be what it was. So what what do you think what it's going to be?

Suki Medencevic ASC 38:45
Well, that's a big question that I don't think anybody knows anybody knows the answer? Well, one thing we know for sure things will change at least for for certain foreseeable future. I would say maybe at least for a year, maybe even more because it's not only film business, it's every business. And of course everybody's concerned about, you know, the the jobs and and security and balancing jobs. And safety is well, it's a big deal. You know, economy. I understand everybody's concerned about the economy coming back. But we have to be super careful, super smart about how we're going to do this. So I know they've been a lot of proposals developed by different studios, different production entities, and they try to figure it out. What is the safest way that we can we can go back to production still do what we do, but do it differently. I know there are some proposals. I think by Lionsgate they're proposing basically that entire cast and crew will be in a way created as a kind of like a cluster and isolated for the whole duration of production. So no outside contact you basically just between place of stay and a studio or whatever you're shooting. And that's it. I don't know how this is doable. But you know, everybody's everybody's trying to come up with some kind of solution to get people on the set. I mean, yes, we can have a mask, we can have protective equipment. But how can you be on the set and have your focus puller? Well maybe focus for a kindle the remote focus, but still, you know, somebody has to push the dolly, you have to get in the closeup of the actor? I mean, how can you make them six feet, I don't know, my feeling my feeling, the way I am seeing how things are changing is we will be seeing whole new different types of content that is going to emerge, people will start doing things like q&a now talking and creating something that makes sense. I don't know if we can make everything look like everybody's now in zoom. And we can create things which are kind of like, zoom style show, but that might be one way of knowing things. People might be doing a lot of like, I'm sure like projects, which would be skeleton crew, with very small cast minimum, chromium and lighting, minimum equipment, minimum, everything and still try to get some story. I'm not sure about big productions, how they're gonna do it, like Marvel,

Alex Ferrari 41:23
like, how is Marvel gonna do anything?

Suki Medencevic ASC 41:26
Well, I think they might do it differently they might do now. I mean, I don't want to be like, thinking completely futuristic. But, you know, who knows, we might get in a situation that we can, we can have virtual sets that every be that every, every, everything would be just like visual, they already have it, they use Mandalorian Yeah, Mandalorian use it for a Star Trek. So they use this concept of virtual sets to get into stage everything's LED, get your actors and get the cameras and you're creating show, which is you can place anywhere you want. So that will be one way of doing it. But maybe next step would be while you might have actor whose performance you can just capture and do the face replacement. There is actually a very interesting film I've seen a couple of years ago, which I would highly recommend to everybody to see. Five years ago, it was made his British film, I forget the name of the director, but movies called Congress. And it is with Robin Wright, and Harry katell. As lead but the concept, the premise of the film is Robin Wright is agent actress. And her manager, Harvey cutera is trying to lock the deal that she can be basically Robin right at this age in perpetuity. So she will never age. Interesting, interesting. Interesting. So what they do is they put her in this special kind of like sphere with a motion capturing array of 1000 cameras, and take her to the whole range of emotions and capture them. And from this point on, they can apply this emotion and her expression into any character they do and, and she'd always stayed the way she was at whatever age of 14 whatever she was when the movie was made. It's very interesting, very, very interesting field because second half of the film is animated.

Alex Ferrari 43:28
Very interesting, very interesting, really

Suki Medencevic ASC 43:31
interesting. Where you see now all these characters, including Tom Cruise, and Brad Pitt, and everybody's already in that world of so I don't know if it's gonna be futuristic to the point that we don't that that all the actors will just provide the emotions and expressions and and deliver the lines and then they will be later on implemented on 3d models of some avatars. I don't know.

Alex Ferrari 43:51
It's going to be it's going to be really interesting. I know at the at the studio level. When I saw the I've been watching the behind the scenes of Mandalorian. And you're just like, this is amazing. Like I heard about it, and I saw some of it. And I heard the rumblings and god knows what James Cameron's is working on right now on avatar, which I hear the technology there is like at another completely other place that we haven't even heard of yet. So the technology for those bigger shows, I think is going to make a big difference in post Coronavirus world but for independent filmmakers, on a lower budget, it's going to be smaller crews. It's going to be you know very minimal, very like you know, kind of like what I did with my last film, you know, three two crew members and some cat and we ran through though I couldn't make that movie now because there's no Sundance Film Festival so I couldn't shoot it.

Suki Medencevic ASC 44:38
You pioneer you pioneer pioneer the concept. I don't think you're a visionary. You're a visionary. Wow, wow. People know people will really Now come back to you in 404 you can you can really consult them and advise them this is how we did it. This is how you can have one person doing five positions and still still make something so I will I will say

Alex Ferrari 44:57
I will send you the check later, sir. Well Be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show. Now, there is something new on the horizon or it's not on the horizon, it's happening happening now kwibi and kwibi is is a very unique thing. I'm not sure if it's going to how it's going to survive in the future. But it is something that's going on right now. And I was talking to you off air about how shooting a quibi show is different. Can you talk about how they capture footage on set?

Suki Medencevic ASC 45:37
Well, I have not shot quibi project, I have couple friends, they have done it. And basically, it's, it's a whole new new way of basically storytelling, I would say, which incorporates the new trends of viewing content, as well as new trends of technology that we can use. So I found, I mean, who would think that iPhone is going to become like, all your other mobile phone that you're using will become the almost main way of getting, getting your whatever content is. So they can figure it out. If he if he if you limit the amount of time. So we are not, nobody's going to spend like two hours watching watching movie on on iPhone. I mean, some people will but let's say majority will not. But if you deliver whatever you're delivering in chunks of 10 minutes or whatever, that's something anybody can do while they're waiting in line or riding on the bus or on a metro or in a car or whatever. So that's something you can use your time to watch the content. So to start, that's interesting concept that you are breaking down, even if it's a full feature length film, you break it down into chapters, first chapter, Second thing, whatever you know, and then you have if you splice it all together, you can have a film. But what is most interesting about kwibi is the option that you can change the aspect ratio. aspect ratio is the same, but it's the are you are you viewing it vertically? Or are you viewing it horizontally. So imagine the nightmare now for for anybody who has to frame something that looks equally good in a vertical as well as the horizontal horizontal? Well, it's a challenge. But obviously, they figure it out that you can, if you're shooting with a high enough resolution, let's say 6k, six skaters often is good enough to give you enough of the horizontal as well as the vertical angle. So having the same same height, as well as the width, depending how you're gonna how you're going to orient the image. And all you have to do is while you're doing it, making sure that you know the content that is in horizontal if turned around and vertical will still work for the scene. And so I think that's, that's smart. It's clever. I honestly, I haven't been really getting much into kwibi because I have I still have to catch up with what was the show Game of Thrones, right.

Alex Ferrari 48:03
And Tiger King, obviously Tiger King, but

Suki Medencevic ASC 48:05
that's not that's not. Yeah, you already you already consumed that. Yeah, I haven't behind. But you know what I'm saying? Basically, it's like, yeah, that's new technology. That's a new thing. That's new way. And I think it's just normal thing that we are now seeing, seeing attempts by you know, big companies that, that create the content content creators that are going to use what is available, and just create something that you can watch.

Alex Ferrari 48:31
And they're shooting it with basically a 6k kind of camera and then just doing it all in post.

Suki Medencevic ASC 48:36
Yeah, don't even pause but you want to do it normally when you're if you're filming, you have your frame line. So this is for iPhone 10. iPhone 11 if you turn it around, so you know, this is for Samsung know, whatever, Samsung so they have all those they have all those frames. Yes, they have a spec so you can actually control it and say, Oh, yeah, that's gonna work.

Alex Ferrari 48:54
That's insane. That must be your first and on the tiger for like the free Yes.

Suki Medencevic ASC 48:58
But you know, and I think like everything else, you'll get used to it like okay, that's that's how it is. And you know,

Alex Ferrari 49:05
but you're also one of the you're very unique Suki because you've always been very open to change you've been you embrace change, you embrace, technology changes, you embrace things that are different in the way they're doing it. You're very open minded, where I know a lot of cinematographers who fight to stay the way things are, and they, you know, and they generally don't survive. So that's a big lesson for any cinematographer listening out there that you things are changing. So right I mean, I just remember film to digital, that took a decade for people to finally say, Okay, okay, airy, okay, read, I get it. It took you you were there you saw it, you know, it was it was like 10 years, but now things are changing so fast, so quickly, that if you don't change, you're going to be left behind.

Suki Medencevic ASC 49:51
Well, that's the nature that's nature. I think that's the nature of every business sort of every industry. I mean, it's it's it's non fact that adaptability. theory is key to survival. So if you're not willing and ready to adapt to new, whatever the new conditions while you will be like you will be left behind. And you know, I don't want to sound too philosophical, but you know, it's a human nature, you know, we as humans are programmed in a way that we want to be kind of set in our, whatever the frame of mind is, what gives you, it gives you safety gives you your like, safe zone, stepping out of your safe zone, it's always risky, it's associated with something venturing into unknown, right, no tiger, the tiger, the tiger can eat you around the corner, or something so so it's just by no human nature, we are, we are programmed and coded to stay as you are, especially if you invest a lot of time perfecting something, right and creating something and coming Okay, now I know how to do this analog, by the way that doesn't count, now, we have something new? Well, you have to be able to really, at least try and be open minded about it, you might not necessarily like it, but you have to be open to maybe, who knows, maybe something, something interesting might come out of it. I mean, you think about cinematography, you know, we were shooting black and white for whatever, you know, and then the color came on? Well, there's a technical or so there are cinematographers who just they know how to do technical or they don't care about black and white or black and white who don't know how to do Technicolor and then and then you know, things change and of course the cinematography advance and then we get into a point that we are shooting with only I don't know this lenses or that lenses I'm only politician or I'm only airy, how about the other one, then you have to be able to try different things, because just gives you gives you why the field and gives you better, better understanding of of what you what you really have available for you.

Alex Ferrari 51:53
Now, can you discuss the color, the impact of color on lighting? It's something that's, you know, within either the color of the light or the the production design, and what that does emotionally what that does, and it's a good another large question.

Suki Medencevic ASC 52:12
Where do I start with? Well, in my, in my aesthetics, I would say in the way I think about images, color is extremely important because colors have very, very strong emotional impact in storytelling, we respond to colors, and it's not psychologically physiologically the certain colors evoke certain kinds of emotional response. And for us, it's been known forever. And you know, when you think about in history of art, how certain artists use certain color to convey certain emotion, I mean, if you think about Rembrandt, or Caravaggio, or Fermi, or or I mean, I don't, I don't have to go any further. But if you think about it, not to even get into abstract, abstract paintings, where the it's all about the color, it's all about how you respond to the square piece of whatever the color orange position juxtaposed against blue or pink or, I mean, thinking about just expressionism and modern art or 20th century is just perfect example about bringing colors as a pure emotional way to communicate. You don't even know what you're looking but you're emotionally responding to the color. So in the cinematography, I was fortunate to get to be trained by one of the world's well at the time, you know, he was my my pedagogue at a film school in Prague. And he was one of the ones most worlds and faced in that part of the world most renowned experts on color. Yaroslav, Kuchera, he was the one of the pioneers, at least in that part of the world how to tell story emotionally, just by using the color another great example would be Vittorio storaro. I mean, I'm a big fan of the dodo Serato and his work. And he's one of the big proponents of using course not only lighting composition and camera movement, but the color can have a far bigger impact than no matter what beautifully amazingly design shot and if you look at his some of his films, you know, like conformist going even back into his early work, like conformist or even, I would say probably the best example would be one from the heart film that he did with that which is all about color. And there is a documentary with with storaro elaborates quite a lot about philosophy and aesthetics, and psychology of the color. So, to me, the color is really, really important tool in every time I get involved in project. I always bring up the question of color, what is the color palette, how are we going to communicate, whatever the scene is about and how are we going to support this by properly using color inset in pieces in addressing In the wardrobe, and then in the lighting, because this all has to be synchronized and perfectly, perfectly matched, otherwise, using wrong light color on the wrong type of set or wardrobe can completely negate and cancel, cancel each other. So yeah, color. I mean, there are, of course, some really contemporary great films are out there, which they do think aesthetically. Using the core is a very important part of the storytelling. And so even in the classes which I teach, I always try to remind the students to think also getting one layer deeper, which is thinking about how to use the color to emphasize the emotional impact of danger.

Alex Ferrari 55:46
Yeah, the one the one big example, I could just think of off the top of my head was the matrix, the original matrix, how it uses the green teal, kind of vibe in the matrix. But when you're in the real world, it's completely naturalistic, very D saturated in color. And that's with production design and with the lighting, but it has a very powerful emotion, emotional tie to the story.

Suki Medencevic ASC 56:09
Yes, and if you look at some of the more recent films like neon demon, yeah, sure by Natasha Brier, it's all about the color really, or even john wick, I mean, that. I mean, that's, that's the psychology of color used exactly, to tell the story and support the emotion. So that's, I mean, I'm very happy to see that their directors and cinematographers very strong color sensibility, they understand how to use it and really convey the idea or their films without any color, very reduced color palette. Like if you think about Revenant for instance, like no example there's like black and white almost all it's all gray, gray beige brown against the white and that's it's the world

Alex Ferrari 56:48
and it was stunning. And it was that time period it was that time yeah if you made that very bright and very like Michael Bay super bright colors

Suki Medencevic ASC 56:56
it will it will take you it will take you out of out of the movie without so I can I can I can give you another another beautiful example. Crystal kieslowski very famous bought off the earth whose work I absolutely admire read many, many amazing films he did. He did also three colors red, blue, and white. Which even in the title of the movie, he's using specific color to communicate the emotion that this particular film is so good is presenting. And I mean, that's film I always I love especially Red. Red is my favorite house my favorite selectively coordinated coordinated use of coloring storytelling. It's just just the right it just the right there. And it works really well.

Alex Ferrari 57:39
And in for everyone out there listening, do yourself a favor watch double life of Veronique.

Suki Medencevic ASC 57:44
If you're if you get a chance. Oh, absolutely. A and also one one lesson on film called blind chance.

Alex Ferrari 57:50
Yeah, I remember that one. I remember that line,

Suki Medencevic ASC 57:53
The transsexual American remake of this film, but also, you know, the great hold on to it. arterian collection, all 10 episodes of 10 commandments, just brilliant.

Alex Ferrari 58:05
No, no,

Suki Medencevic ASC 58:05
Very low budget, but very low budget. This is talking about low budget filmmaking with amazing, amazing storytelling.

Alex Ferrari 58:12
Yeah, that was that was also amazing Krzysztof kieslowski. Amazing filmmaker to study. Now speaking of directors, how do you approach working with directors? Because I know a lot of cinematographers out there Look, I've worked as a director I've worked with good cinematographers. I've worked with bad cinematographers. And, and there's always the reason when I work with bad ones generally, for my opinion, is that they're trying to impose their, their, you know, their, their, their want their vision for the for the film, and there's no dialogue, and there's no collaboration, it's just like, it's my way or the highway kind of thing. And that's what I I have a problem with as a director. So how do you approach How do you approach working with directors? You know, this

Suki Medencevic ASC 58:57
very interesting, very interesting question. And this is the, this is a question that doesn't really have straight answer. There is really, there is really no rule. And I will work with the range of directors, which are from, you know, what, just do whatever you want. Just do whatever you want, it's fine. I'll just take care of performance and just let me know you know, and I will be fine, too. On other parts of spectrum I want 25 millimeter right here, Dolly from here, and we go and we boom up and and then and then and yeah, and I want to do it in 10 minutes. That's another extreme. So for me, I have to be able to really adapt to adapt to the new new situation and and how certain directions I find it very exciting. So it's never the same, even with the same director depending on the scene depending on what we're going for, depending on the type of challenges that we have at this point on the set. How director will be able to, to communicate and come up with a solution like, like, you know, one of the directors that I did quite a few projects, he he likes to work very fast. And I understand that he likes to work very fast even when he has a time. Because he needs to be in turbo overdrive mode mentally, psychologically, in order to get creative in order to get things going. And, and he would even get to my case, like, oh, let's go to Scotland to find a week of No, no, no, I would just want to go. So I understand that I understand where this comes from. Some people will probably go crazy and react one way or another, I don't care, like, Okay, let me switch to my turbo mode, maybe we can synchronize and still get things the way the way director wants because at the end, at the end really is as much as cinematographer contributes to the film, but it's directors now. So I'm here to serve director's vision, I'm not here to make my movie, I want to make my own movie that I'm gonna take camera and shoot whatever nature videos or some experimental films or, or just take my still camera and make my still images where I'm the one and only outer of the image and I do images the way I want. But with the director, this is a team process collaborative process. And as a cinematographer, we have to be in a position that we can adopt quickly adapt to the whole method of doing things. Television is specifically a good example. Because like, if you're on episodic television, you'll get every director every week new director. And so in a way, you have to modify and adjust to directors way of doing things. However, as a cinematographer, you also have to protect the, the the style and integrity of visual integrity of the show. So that's kind of very interesting. And, and, and a tricky position to be in. But fortunately, a lot of television directors are aware as they come in as a guest director, well, there is a style that they have to be familiar with, when it comes down to the show. So if the show is designed to be all, I don't know, handheld, and quick, whatever, they cannot say I'm gonna go now static close up, not is not gonna work, right, it will be different, it will be different, different show, you can here and there give your own personal like signature, but it will be always, you know, has to be within the whole the whole big picture. So Suki, we finally got together and put together this course called light and face the artist cinematographer for ifH Academy. And I'm super excited about the course because after being a veteran in this business for over 25 years, I took the course and I learned a lot about cinematography, things that I didn't even know. So it is a wonderful course.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:51
Can you talk a little bit about what made you want to put this specific course together?

Suki Medencevic ASC 1:02:57
Well, I've been doing seminar seminars, I've been doing seminars, and, and workshops for pretty much 20 something years, among the students and and I'm fortunate to go through really, really good proper training academically as a cinematographer. So I always felt that having a structure and a method in teaching and learning is is extremely important is the foundation for anything, not only cinematography, for anybody, in any type of, you know, art, I found out that a lot of people, and some of them quite successful, are pretty good in what they do. But they're missing that missing foundation. But there's some great musicians that I came across. And there are some amazing musicians out there. But if you ask him to play anything, just basically they will not even know what you're talking about. He would ask him to transpose the music they will not understand. So I found out that he's like, if you want to be really good musician, there is a proper method, which is learning the basic learning the scale, learning the harmonies, learning the melodies, and then putting it all together. And then once you reach the point that you really understand what is the core, what is the essence of what you do, then you are far more free to experiment and do things your own way because you know the basics, you know the rules, and then you can break breaking rule just for sake of breaking rules, I don't think necessarily is always productive or creative. Maybe occasionally breaking some rules might bring you something but then how you venture into something different. So I've been teaching cinematography for quite some time in between the projects, doing workshops, and I found out that what students and aspiring cinematographers really respond to is when we go back to basics and when I guide them from very, very basic one single light, starting from the dark. And if you have a concept, okay, this is one single light, what you can do with this one single light image in painting that you're going to paint something, and you say this is one brush, this is one color, what you can create only with these two things. And if you find out what you can do with one brush one color, meaning if you can do the same thing with one light, even if it's a light bulb, in one frame, then you can easily build upon that further, then you can get Okay, I'm going to get now two colors, three colors, more brushes, then I can create masterpiece, big, beautiful, whatever I'm going to go is same thing in the music. Once you understand how the intricacies of each instrument work, what's the difference between violins and pianos and harp and you know, then you can create Symphony, because you understand you can sit down and write and feel completely comfortable that you are what you're writing for, for the violin and for the cellos. And for the clarinet or anything, it will at the end sound really well. So this is kind of my metaphor, explaining why I wanted to do what I did. So I felt there has to be way that somebody does it kind of like the way I always want it to be, I want it to be taught that way. Starting from very, very basic, and then building a building or building up structurally, and then explaining the styles explaining the concept and then really feel comfortable about it. So that's the reason why I really created the show the series, because I felt if somebody is really watching, and applying this knowledge gradually, after each course, doing your own thing and finding out what it takes. If I take light bulb and put it here and observe and get understanding what you can do with like how you can paint and create with light, what's happened if I diffuse the light? What happened if I add maybe one more light, or maybe if I put a color here? How is this image going to be changed how you can again, at the end, it comes down to whole emotional, emotional response. So I wanted to create a course which is comprehensive, but geared towards really understanding the core and basic of cinematography, which is using light from one light adding another one changing the color changing diffusion, changing all this element which gives you ability to to modify still the same tool, which is like and what's the subject is the face? Well, why the face because if you understand how to light the face, and all the details and intricacies interaction between geography and topography of the face, and how the whole things look together, how can you just slightly changing the angle and position on the right you can completely change the appearance of the face, then you will understand what you can do with a different type of light to the set or maybe some other product, you know, like some other object and subject that you're filming. So face is what Face Face is something we photograph. Like 90% of the time in your typical film or television or anything it's all about face. It's about performance is about capturing the performance in you with the light, giving it exactly right kind of mood, the right kind of emotion to enhance what his performance is all about.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:31
Well, I'm excited to bring the the course to to everybody out there interested in cinematography, it is probably the best cinematography course I've ever taken. And I'm very proud to have it as part of the indie film hustle Academy. Now I'm gonna ask you one last question, sir. What would be it advice for an SN a young cinematographer trying to break into the business today?

Suki Medencevic ASC 1:08:56
Well, if you ask me that question. Two months ago, I will probably give a different answer. Fair enough. But in the present day, I think as a young cinematographer, what you need to do, you need to educate yourself, think about what you do as a cinematographer. Think about every image that you're doing, why you're doing why you're doing this way, not that way. And understand the light everything will change cameras will be different lenses will be maybe different. But that one thing that will never ever change is the light. Still at the end of the day, there has to be some cinematographer somebody who would either put the light on on the face or on the set or on the scene or on the subject or taking the light away and controlling it but create something that communicate. So as a cinematographer, you have to understand how to communicate visually, which means invest in educating yourself. Study, study, find out Study painting see what they did and watch the movie I think forever cinematographers you can learn a lot from just looking at the film that's been done and all kinds of amazing cinematography achievements in the last whatever and decades and I think it can be educational can be inspiring can be stimulative. And, and then when you get the opportunity to, to film, whatever it is, don't think about how big or small budget is, think about how you as a cinematographers can give you can give your best to, to support the story. And that will be probably my advice, educate yourself and and get the understanding what really cinematography is all about. And that's going to make a very, really well rounded cinematographer and never give up. educating yourself. There's some beautiful cinematography is a field that is constantly changing. So that's the best thing about it, you'll never get bored.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:00
My friend, I could talk to you for hours about cinematography, but I do appreciate you taking the time out to talk to, to me into the tribe and again, so excited to be presenting lightened face the art of cinematography. I really do appreciate you being on the show and dropping your knowledge bombs, as I like to call them. So thank you again, so much my friend. Stay safe out there. Okay.

Suki Medencevic ASC 1:11:24
Thank you, you too.

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BPS 396: How to Become an Indy Mogul with Ted Sim

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Alex Ferrari 2:37
I'd like to welcome to the show Ted Sim. The legendary Ted. How you holdin up man?

Ted Sim 3:48
Doing good man doing good. Hanging out working on a bunch of stuff wasn't without any phone podcast, man. Here we go.

Alex Ferrari 3:55
Yeah, baby. I mean, this is like I was saying earlier I think is a longtime common man. It's It's uh, you know, I've been I've been a fan of yours for a while I've been a fan of what you've been doing with aperture and now with Indy Mogul. And all the service that you're doing for the film community in general man, because we're such a small group. There's not a lot of us doing what we do as far as trying to help the community and trying to be of service and all that stuff. And we all it's so funny if we don't know each other personally, we know somebody who knows each other. And it's kind of like, it kind of goes that way. So it's it's very, it's very, but I've been wanting to get you on the show. I had Griffin on the show a while ago, which was so much fun.

Ted Sim 4:32
And it's so much fun. Is he seriously just that you think he's a nice guy when you watch the videos when you meet him or talk to him in person or online. And then you're like, Oh my gosh, he's like 10 times nicer than I ever thought he could be.

Alex Ferrari 4:44
Is he like, is he like Canadian? Nice.

Ted Sim 4:49
Really good question. I don't know how to answer that. But I will say I'm certainly nice. So however you define

Alex Ferrari 4:56
Canadian, Canadian nice is like so nice. It's like, I still remember the first time I went to Canada and the first time I ever went there and everyone was so nice. I swear I was like in a horror movie, like they're gonna kill me. This is way too nice. I don't understand

Ted Sim 5:11
Where you're coming from Los Angeles to Los Angeles. You couldn't ask for a more like, culture shock. horribly mean spirited people. community to come from?

Alex Ferrari 5:24
What do you mean sir la? What? How dare you, sir? Oh, Sandra, this is where all the friendly people are. Yeah, but they but LA is the nicest. They give you the nice efuse the nicest efuse ever. Like I've never it's an art form here. Just then they'll never you'll never hear the word. No. Never, ever. It's just we're passing. That drives me crazy. Just like you go to New York, dude, your stuff sucks. And I'm not going to do it. That's like what you hear in New York.

Ted Sim 5:56
I just I just don't I know it's true. I just don't want to admit that it's true, because I hope that it'll change someday. I'm from Baltimore originally, by the way. So I'm used to the same thing you get on the bus and the bus drivers, you know, to drop an F bomb in there and be like, Are you fucking coming on the bus and you leave in the bus? I'm like, No, you.

Alex Ferrari 6:13
Let's, let's move it along. kind of thing with the bus. All right. So before we get started, man, how did you get into the film business in the first place?

Ted Sim 6:23
That was a great question. Yes, I grew up in Baltimore. So basically, in Baltimore, if you tell people you want to make movies or working, basically like saying you want to be an astronaut, it's like, honestly, I think saying you want to be an astronaut is actually a more reasonable job, because there's the Goddard Space Center and all this stuff out there. And like there's actual NASA employees walking around. So it's not really the most plausible thing to tell people. But you know, I want to work in the film industry because I grew up and I love movies. And I think I fell into the trap that most filmmakers fall into, which is Oh, my gosh, watching movies is so fun. I wonder how much fun it must be to make a movie.

Alex Ferrari 7:05
Must be easy. It must be easy. I've seen the behind the scenes. It shouldn't be that difficult. Of course. Yeah. I mean, everyone's just having fun. You're eating snacks. So there's, there's trailers, there's sushi. There's lobster tail, I mean, yeah.

Ted Sim 7:17
So you fall for that. And, you know, you get into it, you start making movies. And since I was a kid, since like middle school, I was like trying to, you know, play with my own cameras and stuff like that. In high school, I actually got a job as a projectionist assistant, where I was actually, my grades were terrible in high school, but I would go to the local theater every day, and I'd work as the assistant over there. And eventually, I made the jump to go to film school came out to when I found out that film schools actually care about more than just your film experience, which, you know, sounds it No, it doesn't sound obvious, it was something I needed to learn. I buckled down and went to Maryland, studied my butt off and then eventually got the grades got into UCLA, did my film program there and then suffered the I think the thing that I'm sure a lot of listeners can say that they suffered from which is the post film school blues of feeling elite, and you feel like you're the best and you worked really hard to get into this program and you come out and people literally want you to like claim and shoot

Alex Ferrari 8:18
So you see you mean reality. You're talking about reality on reality TV? No, no, no, that's that's life. You mean life hitting you smacking you upside the head? And going No, no, no, you're not as cool as you think you are. Yes, we all

Ted Sim 8:38
The worst feeling in the world? Does anyone listening to this that feels like they're in that place in their life? I'm not gonna say that. It doesn't get worse than that. But I'm gonna say that that is a low point. And it's normal to be in a low point there and that's okay.

Alex Ferrari 8:52
Yeah, it isn't. It is a normal place out of I mean, out of film school. I was. I started working at Universal Studios, Florida, doing pa where I was in pa work. I was a translator for global guts, the Nickelodeon show. And then I just realized a while that's like, this sucks. This is not what I was told that I was gonna make 100 million dollar movies. This is this is you know, my last name should be Spielberg. I don't understand. To me who likes me so looking around, I can tell you who lied to you the one that you're paying that bill to every month to pay back your student loan. That's the one

Ted Sim 9:30
Your driving the hot thing now Alex in terms of you know, obviously the film school versus no film school debate. It's a hot topic, right? Yes. I gotta be honest, like when I when I first got out and for probably 10 years afterwards, I thought for sure. No film school, right because I was like the golden boy in film school to like I graduated like top of my class. I like a director spotlight all this stuff, and they came out and just no They write crickets. But I think it takes a certain amount of time to see the people around you grow up and become because I think when you first graduate, you look around, you look at your friends, and you're like, Man, I'm an idiot. And all of these people that I graduated with are idiots, like, what network are they talking about. And what you don't realize is that it's not an idiot. So it's not that you're an idiot, it's just that it takes time for everyone to grow into the thing that they become. And you know, now everyone that I looked to now is, you know, producing something, or shooting something and writing something. And it's a great feeling, because it's like seeds, right? I got to grow up into something someday. So now, I don't really know, I'm kind of torn on the homeschool thing. I do believe that if you're really motivated and dedicated, you can learn everything that you've learned in film, school plus more online, you can learn it from other people, you can learn it just by doing it. If you take that money and make a movie, you can do it. I feel the same way about business, but or a certain person out there that, you know, can't make that jump or doesn't have that self drive. I don't think it's a bad move anymore. I've flipped on that.

Alex Ferrari 11:05
But arguably, arguably speaking, though, if you don't have the drive to go to the self, educate yourself, do you think you're gonna have the drive to make it in this business? That's a really good question. That's a really good. I mean, if you're like, I don't want to like have to do work to learn. I need someone to tell me what to do. Because that's the way businesses Yeah, that's, there's going to be someone holding your hand through this entire process, especially indie film. Oh, absolutely.

Ted Sim 11:30
It's a nightmare. Right? Like, again, I'm speaking to people mostly that are in the States, right? Because, you know, you got publicly funded Arts in like Germany. Sure. And like a lot of places. Sure, that's a different thing. And I there's there's downsides to that. And there's upsides to that. But if you're doing indie film in the States, or any place that doesn't have publicly funded arts, man, it is. ain't easy.

Alex Ferrari 11:52
It ain't easy in this world. Alright, so you get out, you realize that the world sucks, and they lied to you. And now you're in this dark depressive place. Where do you go from there, sir?

Ted Sim 12:03
Okay, so I get lucky, actually. So I started. I just I just start on our operating I just I got a camera, I start shooting things that shoot every day, man, I shoot bad weddings, I see horrible commercials for people down the street. I started taking on just little gigs here and there. I find my way eventually out to a set until I started doing a kind of a spiff in terms of working in reality documentary. And this is back when I think, you know, Shark Week was I don't know if it's still as big as it was back then. But sure, it was a big. Yeah, still a big deal. I got him because originally from Baltimore, in silver spring over Maryland, discovery channels out there. So I had a couple friends that were from the Discovery Channel people and I met some people on set. I'm interested started working as the like go to guy for the Shark Week people. And I was the guy that was known as. And really this is because I was just some kid out of film school, I was known as the guy that could do it for really cheap. It would be okay, not that great. But I could get it done quickly. And for a budget that everyone else would be like hell no, we're not doing that. Eventually, the guys that I started working for were the company that would get contracted out to do Shark Week, they'd get contracted to do these kind of like big discovery gigs here and there. But, you know, just like any Freelancer or entrepreneur, company owner knows, you get reached out to from time to time with lowball gigs, right? And they used to just say no to those gigs, and they would just start throwing them to me. And I was the guy that was like, oh, you'll pay me the whole camera. Hell yeah. And shoot anything, I would work anything in matter. Yeah. Um, I did that for a while until eventually, I got I got lucky. Those group of guys actually reached out to me, after a couple years of doing videos, and I think what they were noticing is the same thing that I think everyone could say it's still happening now is that the budgets for all these projects were going down. And they felt like they needed to bring on someone that you know, was scrappy, that could do kind of a lower budget projects, but they got there often. So they actually ended up bringing me on as their c string director, which I didn't know what that was until the time but there's a director there's a B director and a C string directly. It's like legal firms right? Like when you hire like a law firm or something you go after the first person the name whose person is on the legal firm, but then they don't actually work on it they pass it to their B person that the person doesn't want to work on it the president is the person right? Well, that was me doing educational videos for McDonald's and doing you know I would do like the how to set up your car BMW videos and stuff like that.

Alex Ferrari 14:36
It paid it paid something

Ted Sim 14:38
they paid. And you know what I was I was really lucky because I think I got paid to direct really early on which is something that I think a lot of people

Alex Ferrari 14:45
Oh, that's awesome. I mean yeah, look, I would have killed to direct I was I was editing. So basically what you were doing a camera I was doing in post. So that's why my IMDb is like 100 credit long and that's not even including the idea of just post a name including commercials music videos. All this other crap that I did, and I did anything for Yeah, any if it walked in the door I did it.

Ted Sim 15:07
Were you an editor or were you like an editing assistant on scoping for a long time. And he was like, man, just glad

Alex Ferrari 15:15
No i did editing I did. I was an assistant for like a minute. And then I went off and start freelance editing commercials and music videos and things like that. Then slowly I got into feature editing. Then after that I got into color grading, after that I did online editorial, and then and then post production supervision, then VFX. So I started just adding more tools in the toolbox. Because if I couldn't get paid to edit, I could color if I'm not getting paid to color I could do post supervisor, and then package it all together.

Ted Sim 15:43
Dude, I think post is the smartest way to get it. Maybe the grass is always greener. But I legitimately believe that editing, if you want to, if you want to write or direct or any of that stuff, like let's be real, most people want to write and direct, right? If you want to do either of those things, I really think post is the way to enter because that's when you assembly, this is gonna sound like belittling a bunch of jobs that again, I'm coming from a very camera heavy cinematography world. So please, if you're hearing it from anyone, please read for me. Almost everything is like building the blocks, or someone to edit, right? They're like making a bunch of Legos. At the end of the day, someone's got to put the story together. That's the editor. So if you want to write and direct, I don't think that there's any better practice in the world than post.

Alex Ferrari 16:26
Oh, I would agree with you. 100% It helps me so when I started directing commercials and directing TV, all that kind of stuff it I can move so much quicker than anybody else. I mean, I was doing 100 110 120 setups a day. Just why and because I just knew what I needed. I didn't have to wait to like, oh, we're just gonna take that whole shot. I'm like, No, no, stop right there. I'm gonna cut there. Let's move on here. Yeah. And it just, it works. So so much better. And, and not that I'm a bit older than you. But so you know, I there, I didn't have the ability to learn editing at home, I had to do I had to drive an hour get there early work on the avid, stay late,

Ted Sim 17:06
that says I don't care, even if it was slower, even if it was harder, just learning how to assemble something. Yes. And just know and be that close to the finished product. I think it's priceless man, because everything else is just so vague and ephemeral. And you don't know what's important. Until you see it in the Edit.

Alex Ferrari 17:20
Absolutely. So then, so I wanted to ask you, man, you're obviously, you know, the first time I, you know, discovered you was through aperture. And that company, and you're the president of aperture. And for people who don't know what aperture is, it's a lighting company, a very cool lighting company. How did you get involved with that company? And and, you know, how did you jump from, you know, doing really bad wedding videos, to the president of aperture?

Ted Sim 17:49
That's a really good question. That's a really good question. So in between that, obviously, I had my stamp kind of doing the directing for that production company, which, which that was, that was good, that was fun. I would basically get asked to bid on a job. probably somewhere between 15 to 20 times a year, I would put bids in and realistically, I'd probably undergone a good year. And when I don't know what, six to seven on a bad year, I'd only win like three or four gigs out of that. And they were like pretty big gigs. I can spend my time and shoot that I can live off that for a while. At a certain point, things start to slow down. So I decided, oh, man, I need to find other work outside of just this being wrapped up this company. It's they're not giving me enough work right now. So I can't say the name of the people. But I went off and I eventually ended up becoming a channel manager for jumbo YouTube star and I'm talking like early, early YouTube.

Alex Ferrari 18:39
What year are we talking about? What years are we talking about? I don't want to say okay, okay. It's early. Look, it's only been around for like 1012 years. So it's not,

Ted Sim 18:47
You know, someone's gonna piece it together, I ended up working for a really early YouTube star. Which is why I say it too, because I wasn't really happy with a lot of the work that I was doing, but it was paying. It was regular. This is like the gold rush of YouTube. Money was coming in.

Alex Ferrari 19:04
And you could then you could still cheat. You could still cheat to get your stuff up on the on the on the front page.

Ted Sim 19:08
I actually To be honest, I wasn't doing a lot. I was basically managing the production schedule and make sure that the videos will come out on time.

Alex Ferrari 19:16
I actually had the rocket jump guys on and they told me their techniques what they did back in the day, you could just you could just do steel thing to tweak it and you were on the front page. That's why they have 9 million subscribers.

Ted Sim 19:27
Yes. Yeah. Yeah. And you know what that stuff is life changing. I still think that way about most new film technology that comes out if you're the first one to get there and break it before it is too hard to break. Do you reap the rewards on those guys? I see you working working on YouTube. So doing YouTube channel managing for a big guy out there. Eventually. I'm not happy with the work I'm doing there. I'm kind of getting this sort of I'm getting the the trickle of commercial dealings. I'm not really happy with a lot of it and I get reached out to By this person who is the he's one of my mentors, but his wife's brother reaches out to me and says, Hey, I have this gear company. We're doing really well in like Asia, and we're doing really well in Europe. But I don't really know why we're not selling anywhere else. And I want to hire someone in the states to come help out with that. My buddy Travis is my the guy that recommended me for the gig was like he says, it'd be a really good job for this. What do you think it'll pay? It's a regular gig. And I was like, fine, I will take full time regular work. I'm not really sure at the time I go, and I meet this guy. And this guy is, you know, the government found it becomes a very good friend of mine now. And he's he's amazing mentor, but I meet this guy in this warehouse. 30 miles east of Los Angeles, and I sit down, and I swear, it looks straight out of like a like a James Bond movie or something like lights, or Damn, I'm sitting in empty warehouse. There's like two chairs, and we're looking at each other. And we just talk, right? That's, to be honest, as soon as I walked in, like my first thing that I'm thinking is like, I need to get out of here. This is not a good situation like this is clearly not legitimate. Why did my mentor like recommend me for this thing, but we started talking about equipment. And, you know, this isn't that long ago, this is 2013, or something like that. And this is just after the DSLR booms happened, right? DSLR boom, happens. Everyone's shooting movies, all of a sudden, cameras are affordable. Oh, my gosh. And we talk about this thing. And the big thing that he brings up is talks about how he thinks that cameras have gotten affordable. Now, filmmaking and accessories are also going to need to get more affordable now because all of a sudden, the only people making movies are not just studios and Hollywood filmmakers is the first time that independent artists are coming in for the first time that businesses do make video. And we talked about it for a while. And at first I'm kind of I'm kind of dubious. I'm like, No, like gear is expensive, because it needs to be expensive. And like, he asked me to bring some of my gear. And I brought you know, I don't mind saying that's actually I brought I brought this red rock handle, but I like screwed up camera. Remember that handle right? Here. Remember, it was like, it was like a 300

Alex Ferrari 22:12
it's expensive as hell hell.

Ted Sim 22:14
And it used to be like the cheap option, right. And like, I was really tapped in on the gear, I was like hearing her. And so like, I did all the research, I was like, Oh my gosh, like, this shoulder rig is only 18 $100. And like, you know, he's looking at it. He's like, you know, like that's to buy candles and like some PVC like, do you really think that's worth 18 $100? Right? And you got to start thinking, don't get me wrong, I get all the people out there that say buy nice buy twice, right? Like, I'm one of those people too, right? But when you have a nice industry that all of a sudden becomes blown up. And the people that are providing for that industry aren't pricing it for a lot of people that are just pricing it for studios, like Disney comes over to you and says how much is a light? Yeah, dude. ftu your Disney 10 grand a light, right? Yeah. But the whole thing that he said was he was like, I think that there's going to be this change that's going to happen someday. I don't have a lot of experience in the film industry. But I'm looking for someone that is a shooter that understands filmmaking, that knows what the interview process looks like. And can actually just try to push this stuff, right. I didn't go to business school. I didn't do any of this. We had an off and eventually I ended up saying, Yeah, I think this is a Okay, I'll do this. And in the back of my head, I'm thinking like, okay, maybe I'll do this for like six months or something. I'll do this for six months, I'll put a notice I'll leave and you know, it's winter. summer comes around the gigs always rolling in summer, I'll just do something like that. Say yes to the job and make a Facebook page, Twitter page and make LinkedIn make does all the little things right. And it's fun to say that now because now those things are going up into something else. But make these pages and I just start posting it in the beginning, we have a $0 marketing budget. But the one thing that I think is okay, you know, what did I learn from all my days on YouTube? In fact, it wasn't even that conscious. It was just like, Oh, well, if I have this stuff, and I looked at it, and I tried it, and I was like this is good. And I don't see why people don't like it. Why don't I just start reaching out to people here and there. I start reaching out to not say that I was doing this now I probably would have reached out to you, Alex and Hollywood reached out to me, I would have reached out to derrius I would have reached out to anyone that has some kind of following online. And I just said Hey, I'll send you this thing. If you don't like it, that's fine. If you do like it, consider saying something about it. And you know now I say this and everyone's like Well, that's the most obvious influencer marketing crap ever. But you gotta remember this was a different time nobody was doing and what we found is that we were the only people that were doing that. So all of a sudden you've got all these YouTubers and online people being like, Oh my gosh, like, you're reaching out to me for this day and you want to send me like a $600 light like, that's like oh my gosh, like yes. Like, let me look at this and To be fair, the Bureau is pretty good but I think a lot of it was also that nobody was reaching out at the time nobody was taking them seriously. No one's taking please here's someone who's taking the online filmmaking community seriously. And I think even today we're still starting to see the online filmmaking get taken more seriously. It's blown up a lot. It's changed like crazy, right? Like we live in a day and era now where you know canon pays like a quarter mil to like someone like the top like crazy. Again, not not me, but like does like crazy something that was his name.

Alex Ferrari 25:29
Peter up what's his name? Peter something or other guy. And I okay, the big guys. I'd have no idea Peter cannon or something like that. Yeah.

Ted Sim 25:40
Yeah, I know that all those are huge. Now. It's, it's crazy to me, which is insane. But nobody was taking them seriously at the time. Because of that, we ended up just meeting these people talking to these people. And to be honest, it was kind of radio silence for a while. nav rolls around two months before nav actually put it on notice to quit. I say, Hey, you know, I've been here for 10 months, which is longer than I expected to be there for like maybe a month or something. Eight months, I've been there for longer than I had planned to be there for and I said, Hey, you know, I had a lot of fun. Thank you for the opportunity. I appreciate being here. I still believe in the mission stuff that you're working on. But look, I'm looking at this Facebook page, and nothing's really moving. I'm looking at see two pages, nothing's really moving. And what happens is, all of a sudden, we go to nav one year. And the craziest thing happens. We're like this tiny 10 by 10 booth back in Asia corner, right? Like all the other cheap Asian brands, and where we're there and the weirdest thing happens day one, which is everybody from the internet just shows up at our booth. Like everybody you could ever think from the internet shows up to our booth, right? Like, like, I'm like mkbhd walks by at some point. It's so busy and packed and rupees online people that all of a sudden, all these fans of the online people see these online people there. So then random people are now at our 10 by 10. It's this swarm of people I think I did something like like 60 to 70 interviews per day. Because every time I saw an interview, like three other people would see it and be like, why is this company so high? I need to go shoot a thing now.

Alex Ferrari 27:14
Dude, I got to stop you when I was doing research on you. And when I typed you in all I would see you is doing any videos like that's all the other than the 1000s of videos you've done yourself. I would just see interview after interview of NBA MVP like Dude, this guy sleep.

Ted Sim 27:30
Now, so this became but now it's like a tradition or something. Right? It's like go to na P and interview Ted, which is I think it's very flattering and great. And it's a good thing for the company to but at the time it was we were just so shocked, right? Like we had like five people there. Maybe we're like overwhelmed by people. Like I think Shaq came by at some point. Like Shaq comes to nav ever he mean you mean Shaq Shaq Johnson or the real guy? I'm absolutely joking with you, sir. Yeah, Shaq comes by and you know, they like the booth is just so busy that he ends up walking by and people come to this crazy thing where at the end you know, one of the bigger gear companies out there actually asks like, Hey, would you be interested in sitting down to talk business? And the big question all of a sudden becomes one is aperture going to remain aperture by itself as an independent thing or two. And the second question when we all sat down and talked about this was he telling you still leaving and I was like it is supposed to be my last day I was kind of just going to show up and put in my time and be out but now you're like the face of aperture? Is they love me how life works and let me just say to there's like a lot of people that work in aperture that work super hard Yeah, I get credit i get i get way more credit than I deserve on this stuff. Really admins just because yeah, I can't say this enough. Seriously, there's there's so many people here that work super hard. So I do want to be clear that for the most part people think I'm like some like black magic wizard or something. We're just making products now that's not the case. We have a team of engineers that work So

Alex Ferrari 29:15
You mean you're not the one in the back actually designing and building it from from from scratch yourself, sir. That's

Ted Sim 29:21
And even the videos have like a team of people that help us make the video me

Alex Ferrari 29:24
You don't do all those videos by yourself and edit.

Ted Sim 29:27
This is what people think they want this feeling of some person doing something. It's absolutely not true. Anyways, a sub against the epic saga that has become aperture. That's awesome. A lot of changes have happened since then the teams grown like crazy, but we're now at a point now that you know, like Disney bought a whole bunch of lights, which is crazy.

Alex Ferrari 29:49
Did you try them? dollars? Did you charge them 10,000 ?

Ted Sim 29:51
No absolutely not. In fact, they sat down they were like, well, what's the Disney price and I was like, there is no Disney price because like you gotta realize that we sell or Average Joe Schmo filmmakers, right. Like I talked to hear companies that are like, we feel bad when normal people buy our products because normal people aren't supposed to buy our products, right? Like, I would feel bad if you charge some guy down the street 10 to $14,000 for some of these lights, I'm like, This is crazy.

Alex Ferrari 30:15
Now with today's technology, not I mean, before I would get it because there was an LED technology that it actually did cost a lot to produce a professional cinema. Light, you know, and I mean, I worked at those lights, I've used those lights, they're beasts, and they last forever. We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Ted Sim 30:45
Yes, I think it's also that when you make them for a small quantity of people, then yeah, you can do that. Yeah, the same reason why like, you know, diving gear.

Alex Ferrari 30:54
Well, that's why an Alexa, look at it, Alexa, Alexa is $125,000. For for that's not for everybody. And, arguably, unless you're having ASC at the end of your name, it really doesn't matter as much when there's so many other options that can get you a really pretty picture that most people out there will never notice.

Ted Sim 31:15
And I've done me wrong. There are there are, you know, there are real differences between the expensive Absolutely. But if you aren't, I would urge most people to do a little more research because look, what is it when you look at the camera that shot Superman Returns? Oh, the Genesis? Yeah, it was some

Alex Ferrari 31:38
it was but it was like it was like a it was kind of almost a Frankenstein between a Sony and a Panis and a pan of vision. And it was a beast, it was a monster, I saw that camera it like the workflow was just built for 5000 post guys to work, it was just not a friendly candy. Only

Ted Sim 31:54
thing I just want to say and like this is not to castrate on people that use the super expensive stuff, because it's okay to use what you're paying for share what you're paying. But there's so many people out there that they see price equals quality. And it's just not true. A lot of the time. In fact, if I'm being honest with you, perception equals quality. So it's like, just be wary of marketing Be wary of because it does. And when I say marketing, I don't mean just like some Superbowl ad, right. Like I see this every time I watch a Superbowl ad, the first thing I think is Oh, if I buy that product, I'm paying for that Superbowl ad

Alex Ferrari 32:33
5.7 million

Ted Sim 32:35
Right, like, I can't buy it, I can't, it's really hard for me to buy a mophie cuz I'm like, Damn, mophie just bought like three Superbowl ads. I'm like, I just wanted a phone charger, I didn't want to pay for it. Likewise, I feel that way. The other type of marketing is where you stand back. And you just price things really high. And you just say we're the best. And this is the price they're paying. And that perception is something that some curse on the show. Some asshole is sitting there thinking that it's just like me at some company that's trying to market stuff and sell stuff to somebody sitting there and thinking by standing back, and by being aloof. And by pricing things Hi, this is how we'll get you to feel like it's worth more. And this is what you do to feel like it's royalty. And I have heard people say that I did in conversations about this stuff. And I just I want indie filmmakers to know, I think they already know this too. But know that one, it's not really the gear, it's the artists but to if you're going to spend the money know what you're actually spending the money. Wine purchases.

Alex Ferrari 33:44
I mean, we were talking a little bit before we got on air about my movie on the corner of ego and desire. And that movie, if you want to talk about quality versus investment, I purchased a 1080 p pocket camera, shot the entire movie on it. I blew it up to 2k and projected it at the Chinese Theater. And nobody believed that I shot it on a little camera the size of my iPhone was shot at raw, but I also knew what I could do with it and post because I have post experience I had those tools in my toolbox just like you know what you could do with certain cameras and certain lenses because that's your that's your toolbox. So I knew what I would get out of it. It's not like I just grabbed an iPhone and shot a movie. I'm like, oh, look how cool. But it's it's a perception where people were like, if I would have led with that people were like, Oh, this is gonna look like crap. And then when I saw projected for the first time I'm like, Oh my god, this is probably one of the prettiest things I've ever shot in my entire life. It was just stunning for the story. I was telling him if this is the Avengers

Ted Sim 34:43
That you know that's not going to fit right it's not it's not gonna fit. A lot of what you're paying for is you're paying for one is like intentional liability, which is that like this thing will last forever and it's built like a tank and it's never going to break too is that you're also asking for like certain ergonomic things of like I just needed to certain features that appear in any filmmaker, you might never use those features. Right? Right. Like DMX is an easy one, right? Like lighting boards and stuff like that. If you need that feature, you need that feature, and most high end shows need that feature. But if you're an indie filmmaker, you're not going to be bringing a light board onto your sets away.

Alex Ferrari 35:17
Unless, unless you're extremely pretentious. Hey, listen, let's I said that Ted didn't say that. If you're an indie filmmaker with a $10,000. Movie, you bust out a lightboard that you've got to evaluate your, your priority, sir or ma'am.

Ted Sim 35:34
There are there are plenty of plenty of talented people that can make it do unless maybe you're using different technology. But yeah, I completely agree. Yeah, I think. So now we're in this weird place where and I would say that the past two and a half years of aperture have been marked by this, right? We've been doing this for seven, eight years now. The past two and a half years in particular have been the indie community loves us. And we've kind of we really, like we came from the bottom zero. There's people that come to the top, if you're looking for the boat, we came from the bottom, we're going up. And we're now at the point that this is the first time I've ever heard this in my life that the low end is like aperture where you go in your gear is becoming too expensive and high end, which is mind blowing for me. But people from the high end are now saying, after stop playing with the kids, we like what you're doing, make it for us. And we're in this weird situation where we're in the middle and nobody's ever happy. And I will say that the high end and the low end of filmmaking they hate each other. It's

Alex Ferrari 36:36
no, there's it's it's two camps. I mean, like, Yeah, when you say you made a movie for five or 10 grand people look at you weird. They're like, how is that even humanly possible? And then in there you How dare you make cinema for that little bit of money? And then there's the high end Guys, look, I'm best friends with some ASC guys who look at what I do sometimes. And they just look at me like, I don't understand. I don't I don't understand. I don't get it. I don't why did you do this?

Ted Sim 37:03
It's, there's there's so much value in both of them. Yes. Yes. There's so much value in both of them. And they're both right. It's just what's the same either,

Alex Ferrari 37:13
But what's the name of each? Yeah, what's the end game of each? Yeah, good. Look, if you're if you if you're making $100 million movie, there's a there's a way to make that movie. If you're making a $10,000 movie. There's a movie. Yeah, that's this. That's better than I could ever say if you did just the so it is so people. But sometimes when you get the problem is and I love this, and I'm sure you've come across this. And so when you get the indie filmmaker, with the indie mentality and an indie film set, and then they get access to a high end dp who's working on a show who's got, you know, a genie budget that's, it's seen, and he can't even understand how he could do anything with less than an Alexa. And, and and what's an avenue, you know, 120 or something like that, that costs $110,000. He can't work without that tool set, because that is what he's used to doing. Where I'm used to just like, get a cool lens, get a cool camera, let's make it happen. And but I've also worked on higher end shows that the budgets, I'm not going to do that on a half a million dollar million dollar show. That's that's that appropriate for that?

Ted Sim 38:21
Yes. And that right there. What you said is what I wish I could tell everybody in terms of there's there's a high end of the low end, and for some reason they hate each other. And I wish I could just tell people on the low end, because it boils down to this, right, like the low end thinks that there's no reason to spend that much money on the high end. I know, I sounded like I was talking before to budget. Yes, you can achieve amazing results with affordable interior, you can do that. But I just want to tell the low end people, there is a really important reason for why people spend so much money on the high end. And that's because everything else costs a lot of money. That's because the details really matter. You're paying for the diminishing return, right? And you really need to pay for that. And those tools are incredible. But it costs a lot of money to really utilize them. Right, but

Alex Ferrari 39:07
you can't like you know, Chapo can't. You want Chavo to have the best paints, the best paintbrush the best canvas to do what he does, you know, or any of these high investor needs masterful tools. He knows the greatest tools, he needs the best. So I want him to have a 65 Alexa, I want him to have, you know, giant cranes that block off, you know, he's flagging off the sun. I want him to do that because that's what a master of his statute deserves to work with. And I'm not saying that he's better or worse than anybody else, but he is a master at what he does. So he you can't do what he does in the films that he does. With you know, with a $10,000 kit, it's just not but now on the other end, if you're making

Ted Sim 39:56
if I tell the high end, the low end is amazing and They can do incredible things for such little money. Please respect that.

Alex Ferrari 40:03
Exactly. And I think it's just like how that happens looking down like How dare you The bottom line is like up looking up and going. I screw you, you elite bastards.

Ted Sim 40:12
Yeah, you guys spend money frivolously you don't realize what you're spending money on. That's not true. The high end knows exactly why they're spending the money that they spent. And there's a precise reason for it.

Alex Ferrari 40:21
And it makes it it makes financial sense because the projects they're working on are by the time they're on set that conversations already be had. It's already been pre sold. They already know how much money they're gonna make. If they're spending $150 million. I promise you unless your cats you're going to make your money. shots. Oh, come on. My best. My favorite my favorite. To eat on cats. I've yet to see the movie. I'm dying to see the movie. I can't wait to see it. Because what happens once in a lifetime, you get once maybe twice in a lifetime of film my cats. Cats is the worst thing to happen to catch since dogs. Cool, good. Just the best review of that movie. Cats is the worst thing to happen to cats and dogs. I just thought that was amazing. So anyway, we've gone off track. Okay, so I'm glad we got into this talk about gear because there is this whole gear porn subculture in the in the filmmaking space. And I've talked a little bit I've had episodes about, stop it with the gear porn, it doesn't matter. I don't care what your cameras I don't care how much you spent. All I care about is the story. And I think and please let me know what you think. And you can deny, you could say you don't want to answer this. But I feel a lot of times that filmmakers use gear as an excuse not to do what they're saying they're supposed to do. Like for me, it took me 20 years to do my first feature, because I kept saying, well, I need this to make that feature film, I need this camera, I need these resources. I can't get out of bed for less than a million, I have to make this movie for a million. I just can't do so then you start using the gear you're like, Oh, well, I need to read this, or I need the Alexa or I need this lens or I need that. And it's an excuse. It's just an excuse to not have to actually get up on plate and take a swing. Would you agree on that?

Ted Sim 42:22
I completely agree to that. And let me the irony of this is, you know, run a frickin gear company. Like, are you Why

Alex Ferrari 42:31
would you want an affordable gear company, at least

Ted Sim 42:33
people can know. But let me just say people livelihood because now we're in a place that people say like aptitude is like the gold standard. For a lot of people out there, right. So let me just say our livelihood depends on people loving and liking and gear and needing gear. You don't. If you're an indie filmmaker out there, people use gear as procrastination, the same way that I see people want to try to make their own studios or buy their own studio, I'm just like the body that has nothing to do with the thing you want to make. You want to make that thing go make that thing, don't do a step a, that leads to a step B, step a that you don't like, with the chance, the off chance that it might lead to a B that you'd like to just do the B start off there start off with the thing that you want to do, just setting out to do. That being said, for the high end people right again, like seriously, though, I understand why. And I understand the results that you're better capable if you geek out about gear, and it's amazing. But for 99.9% of people out there, people just these gears are going to procrastinate. And to research something that research in the best use of our time research is research is code for procrastination most I did a ton of that got

Alex Ferrari 43:43
so much so much. That's why I knew what that red rock handle was because I did I did research on I did. I did so much research,

Ted Sim 43:53
because everyone does what they say I want to I want to work in film, and you know, they sign up for an AI. I'm just as guilty of this as anybody else. Like it's fun to research. It's fun to feel like you're learning when you're not actually learning in the fastest way possible. It feels good, right? Like, and you know, I have people that reach out to me for mobile or reach out to their aperture. And I'm sure you probably get the same thing on indie film hustle. But, you know, I want to say thank you for supporting stuff and being a part of it. But also like, dude, go, go make something if that's your goal, like, like, there's

Alex Ferrari 44:22
a two year old light that you bought from us a couple years ago. It still works. You're good.

Ted Sim 44:28
It thought works. Go go make something like big don't chase your dreams don't chase talking about your dreams. You know, I have no horse in this race. I have no horse in this race. I literally benefit from the opposite. So no, no.

Alex Ferrari 44:42
And the bottom line is that because there's as you know, I know this might sound as a shocking statement, but there are a lot of talkers in our business, who just like to talk and hear their own voice and they don't actually go out and do it. So that's why when someone comes up and says hey, I'm gonna go make something and they actually do it. It is a Revelation, it is an absolute revelation like, oh, he actually gets get something that she gets something done, as opposed to talking about it for a year. We all know that. That writer has been working on that screenplay for five years now one screenplay for five years. We all know, look, I knew a guy who directed a short film. And it lasted for years in post, five years in post, because he just kept tweaking and moving and this and that, because he never, if he let go of it, he would have nothing else. And he knew that was the only thing he was gonna like, he felt like that was the only thing he was gonna get. So there's that, that and then they use gear they use, oh, I needed to be perfect or this and that. And all of a sudden you wake up and you're 70.

Ted Sim 45:39
And let me let me just say to like, I think part of mogul is. And again, he's these kids all the time to that we talk to high end, like the best ASC filmmakers out there every week. And when we talk, they tell us, every single one of them has some story about like, Oh, we didn't really have the tool we needed. So we had to just Jerry rigged this.

Alex Ferrari 45:58
Right? Absolutely. Absolutely funny has that

Ted Sim 46:01
story. So if that story exists on the top of the top highest end production, why are you using your lack of gear as an excuse to not get something done on the lower production?

Alex Ferrari 46:12
Every dp I've ever worked with has had some sort of magic rig, magic light, that cost $5. That gives us like the coolest strobe effect or something like that. When I had I had Russell Carpenter on the show a while ago, he's amazing. Russell is amazing for everyone who doesn't know Russell as he was the DP of Titanic and the new avatars and Ant Man and stuff. And you know, everyone was and I was going to get into to True Lies and Titanic but the first question I asked him, like, so critters too. How was that? He's like, wha no one's asked ever asked me about critters to have like, Oh, yes. We're gonna get to Titanic and True Lies and Batman and all the other ones. But critters too. How did you like that? Because I want to know how you Russell Carpenter Academy Award winning as a cinematographer. Yeah, lit critters, too. And it was just such a wonderful conversation. But I put it in the show notes, because I know people are gonna go, I want to listen to that. So it was a fun, fun conversation. But it's so true cinematographers. I mean, I've gotten I've worked with so many cinematographers over the course of my career, and they will just come up with like these homemade rigs. Like I remember, I'm not certain that's a circle, like what is called like a rim, a gremlin ring, like a ring. Like, before ring lights were ring lights, you know, there was the wooden built ring light with light bulbs built in. This is like going back into the 90s for like music, video style. I

Ted Sim 47:47
still know DPS that are using like strip lights that are just like, they basically look like makeup lights, but they bring them on. And do they bring them onto big sets. And literally like a Home Depot strip of deacons

Alex Ferrari 47:57
did and deacons did that for like blades.

Ted Sim 47:59
Yeah. All the time. Absolutely. Most, your your, you know, everything goes according to plan until it doesn't right. And like your job is to when it doesn't go according to plan. So, you know, stop freaking out. Just don't have the tools you feel like you need for things to go according to plan, start moving and getting ready and preparing and practicing to just let things get out of hand and figure it out. That's the job. And

Alex Ferrari 48:26
so we could keep talking about gear for about another 45 minutes but or four or five hours, but I wanted to get into Indy Mogul man, because when I heard you, you went over to Indy Mogul. I was like, well, this this I didn't see this coming.

Ted Sim 48:40
And a lot of people saw it coming. And people are happy. Who knows? Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 48:45
So I had Griffin on the show. And I asked him like, wow, to attend get involved. Like I didn't and he's like, he's like, No, I was great. He was great. He wanted to bring him in and it just all worked out and blah, blah, blah. I'm like, you know, Griffin is and like the sweetest like Canadian sweet. Canadian sweet. He's Canadian. Sweet. You could quote me on that. He's like super Canadians. But He's so nice because but so you so how did you get involved with Indy Mogul and explain to people who have not, God forbid have not heard of any mo because it is one of the original YouTube channels, teaching filmmaking on on the platform. So tell me how you got involved and how the whole story happened?

Ted Sim 49:24
Yeah, that's a great question. Um, so basically, we we've always been been in touch with the YouTube community. We've always been in touch with the online community of filmmakers. And back when any mobile had its first little comeback, they were talking about it and I reached out and just said, Hey, big fan of the channel. I watched the channel. I honestly watched the channel, way, way back when Watson reached out just to say, hey, as a fan, if you ever need anything, just let us know. I'll send him some lights. You don't have to do anything. I don't care. As long as you know you don't do anything with it. I'll send it to you. And we started talking and as we talked, once called Justin, the original founder actually reached out and Then, do you have were thinking about bringing in another host? Do you have anybody that you think would be a good recommendation, because you know, all the online people. So I made this long list of like, all the people that I thought were great. And again, it goes through this podcast, I'm sure you probably have seen a video from probably most of those people on a long list of all the people that I think are great. And here's the reasons why. and sent it. And it's kind of radio silence, right? I didn't really get a response. But I was like, man, I was, like, kind of rude. I like putting all this time and like, you know, I was trying to support some people. And eventually, like, a couple months passed, and, you know, like, a good idea kind of stops you. It's doxy, right? Like, you can't shake it, you know, you're you're, you're eating tornados that 4:30pm in the afternoon by yourself. And the idea comes back. And the idea was really simple. It's just, you know, what would happen if I just asked and said, You know, I am a huge fan of the show, I've loved it since the very beginning, I know all the hosts. This is a point in which to that apertured been doing we've been doing wedding content forever. And you know, a lot of people like the channel, but so many people have come up to me too, and said, Can you teach things that are just lighting? Can you bring in people or experts that can show us other things and doesn't really make sense for aperture and teach like Chrome piloting, or like, script writing doesn't make sense at all. So I was thinking, it was already kind of cooking that maybe we just started like a separate channel, or maybe it'll be like a 10 cent channel or something different. I gotta be honest, a lot of the motivation for that. And the motivation of the after channel in the first place was I, the longer I was here at aperture, the longer I was offset. And you know, the film industry, man, it changes so fast. Every day it changes. It's so hard to keep up with it. And like that's why it's great to have online education and things like this podcast will keep up. But I was feeling a little bit like all the tools that people were using on set were changing. So for me at aperture, people think it's just an educational thing. But guess what, it's also educational for me because I get to go I get to invite my favorite freakin VP in the world to come out. Teach us some things about lighting, and I am always in the know, and they brought me back on the set. And, you know, it's made everything that much better with mogul. Basically, I reached out and I said, Hey, like, what do you think about this idea? You know? And I reached out, they were like, well, like, you know, this was like a part of the reason, you ask a question like, hey, do you know of anyone, we're

Alex Ferrari 52:32
Just trying to be kind, as we want to take you to the prom. It was.

Ted Sim 52:38
It was great. It ended up being like this perfect fit. And we ended up talking to Eric and Justin about it. And they've been talking about how they wanted to see the show have new life. And I think for me, one of the biggest things that I was worried about was you know, I'm not like Eric who's like a practical effects genius, right? Like, I'm not like Zach Finn rock who is like a props master who can like make you anything, you can build you frickin district nine robot out of his out of Legos and spare parts, I can't do that stuff. So for me, it was, you know, what? What can I do? You know, I really like any mogul. And just like how Griffin kind of brought this DIY kind of documentary angle, what can I bring? I started thinking about it. And I think one of the best things of being a part of aperture. And we also have, we'll have daily microphones students here too, is that we've been in touch with some of the most amazing filmmakers ever. So like, you know, we go to the ASC awards every year. We know all the people that shoot all the big features every single year. And I know all the teams that work under them, too. And I think one of the biggest things for me was I had already talked before, but hey, maybe bringing on those teams to do like an avatar video, but it's too branded, right? It doesn't make sense. So the one thing that I could bring to mogul is I can bring this network of people that I know. And I'm gonna tell you right now, too, and I say this on the show, too, but I'm not. I'm not like a set expert. I'm not a lighting technician. I'm not those people know more than me. But what I can do is I can bring someone and if you ask me a question, how do you do this thing, I can bring someone that's an expert about it. And I will happily sit there with you and learn. Because that's my job. And I need to be in the know about that stuff. So lately mobile has been a lot about bringing in we brought out like beating Papa Michael, who's the head VP of acbp, performance Ferrari ram launch here, which is Joker. So it's just it's now it's become this amazing thing where it's half me geeking out and fanboying because I'm sitting next to my favorite makers of all time. It's amazing. It's half me learning and being able to keep in the know and like when I asked questions on that show. I'm genuinely asking like, how did you do this? geeking out. Honestly. I think all the questions I asked on that show are like real questions. Now I sit there and I get to ask my favorite filmmakers. How did you do the thing that you do? And

Alex Ferrari 54:52
I feel Yeah, that's exactly that's exactly what I do and how I've learned so much doing my show is when I asked when I asked a question I really want to know, like I had when I had Russell on? I'm like, so Titanic. Yeah. James Cameron, how was that?

Ted Sim 55:07
Yeah, absolutely. And I think a lot of people look at it like it's just this like marketing thing or like a money making scheme. And like I'll say right now, like, Marvel doesn't make it, we really don't make any money. All the money that we make goes to the editors that make the show. And honestly, the editors that make the show are amazing. And I'll say the names right now 20. Austin, are just amazing. And the reason that the show is able to exist, and that I'm still able to do avature is because those guys do the heavy lifting of making the episodes happen. I come I spend some time I learn, I get to talk, I get to meet filmmakers. And then I'm out honestly, and those guys put together the show and all the episodes that people watch and enjoy. And what that does is it gives me the time and the ability to still be a part of the actor, dt team still work together and still be able to keep a company together.

Alex Ferrari 55:53
So that's amazing dude, and you've been able to accomplish in such a short amount of time, dude is pretty amazing. I mean, you, you're definitely hustling out there, man. And like, and like, like I said, hustle, hustle recognizes hustle, man. So yeah, I got an a side note, I think I told you off air. But I want to say it on air, the only light that I used on when shooting on the corner view and desire was an aperture light. And the few times we use light, because we were all natural lighting mostly was one little LED light. And we just I bounced it off walls and stuff like that. And it was great. It was wonderful. It was wonderful.

Ted Sim 56:34
Dude, you gotta you gotta you gotta let me know about like, if there's anything in terms of feedback, or features or anything like that, that you need, cuz that's, that's literally that's how we make everything now is it's just people tell us a list of stuff that goes into a little list. And then that's what the engineers work on. They just work on that list of things. That's like people. That's the thing is that most people that make stuff, they're not actually on set. And I'm not like the engineers aren't on set, you know? So let's just ask the people that are on set to tell us what the heck they want. And then we'll make that thing.

Alex Ferrari 57:06
Stop it. Stop it. That just makes way too much sense. That makes sense, right? Like, oh, that would break the easy rule. So you don't want to do that. You don't want to break the easy rule. Now, dude, what is the biggest challenge you think facing filmmakers today?

Ted Sim 57:23
That's a crazy question. Got a slanted view of this stuff to be honest. Um, do you mean in terms of

Alex Ferrari 57:40
Just as a child like as a challenge on as filmmakers as the industry in general? Because, look, there's always challenges with gear, there's always challenges was finding money. There's always fun challenges of making money with a film like where do you think you feel that the biggest challenges because before in the 80s, and 90s, it was technology was arguably one of the bigger challenges because you could just make a movie and it was sold? It's done? Did you accomplish the 35 millimeter movie you no matter good or bad again, sold? Today, technology is not really an issue anymore. Especially with good companies like aperture and Blackmagic. And some other ones that are really affordable, high quality, make things high quality, high quality, super affordable, make a movie? Absolutely, absolutely you could. But in the general in the in the whole industry. I just love to hear your perspective on where you think the larger challenge is for filmmakers moving forward.

Ted Sim 58:37
Me, let me say it was not the problem first, and I think I'm moving around on circles. If you ask anyone on the high end, what's the problem of filmmaking, they're gonna say, the low end, they're gonna say that that dude down there is taking my gig and shooting it for way less, and he's taking no money or working for free or whatever the heck, he's ruining my industry, right? And I'm sure there's someone listening that feels that way. Of course, if you look on the low end, and you ask them, you know, what's the problem facing the industry? It's, Oh, those high end people won't give me a chance, even though I'm just as good as them and just as technical as I can make something that's just as good. I've heard both of these. I'm not gonna be honest. Neither is the problem here. The Times have just changed, man. I'm sorry that, yes, don't get me wrong. I'm sure that there's someone out there, if you're on the high end of the low end person has cut and taken your gig because some company found out Hey, I can pay a third of the price and get the commercial somewhere else I get this. But you also got to realize that we live in a time where the demand for content is higher than ever than it's ever been. And because of that there's more jobs and gigs and need for video and content, whether it's online digital commercials, and I know everyone hates making an Instagram ad and in the vertical form. I know that everybody hates that right. But those are real content, jobs. Those are real video gigs. That didn't exist before. And guess what most of the people that take those jobs are more And filmmakers, right. So the problem isn't each other. And I don't think the problem is that there's less jobs in the industry, there's more jobs than ever. I think if you're an independent filmmaker, and you want to do narrative, a problem is marketing. And the problem is making a film that actually provides value to somebody. Marketing isn't the same way that it used to be if you're looking for talking about industries that have changed, oh my god, filmmaking and marketing together, and things like crazy. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:33
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Ted Sim 1:00:43
If you're a filmmaker that doesn't know how to market your movie, or yourself for that matter, or yourself, for that matter, you're dead in the water. And I think a great example of that is, you know, I think this year peanut butter Falcon came up. Yeah. We talked about talking to dp and the team amazing, so good. And they shot it for like, next to nothing, man. It didn't get into Sundance, it went to South by Southwest instead. I know a lot of people are like, yeah, of course, it went to South by Southwest. There's so many films that go to South by Southwest and don't go anywhere.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:13

Ted Sim 1:01:16
Most folks go and don't go anywhere, right. I'm sure people are like, that's not the case. The problem is that the traditional ways that I've worked for marketing, which are, you know, festival term, or there's people that will make it with festivals, but they're not as potent as they used to be. It used to be like, you get into Sundance, that was your way. And it was it was actually

Alex Ferrari 1:01:34
The ticket wasn't to get it was it was a golden It was a golden ticket. You got into Sundance, you got your movie sold, you had a career period.

Ted Sim 1:01:40
And and it was possible to get into Sundance because it wasn't this like super corporate high end Hollywood thing that it is. Now I'm not saying that it's super, super corporate. But I'm saying that, you know, a list of movie stars are now in Sundance movies, which is that's strange, right? That's strange in some degree. So you can't look at all these traditional, can't look to a PR firm, because you probably don't have the money. If you're doing an indie film. You got to look at yourself in terms of social media, and how can I promote this movie, that's why I bring up a peanut butter Falcon example. Because, dude, I saw a ridiculous number of advertisements for peanut butter. I saw a ridiculous number of advertisements for parasite that I got targeted on Facebook and on Instagram. And I know friends that got targeted those as well, like a 24 is doing an amazing job for social media marketing. And I think there's someone out there thinking, Oh, that I have to hire a social media marketing firm. No, dude, learn how to do this learn, I guarantee that you can learn this. And you can probably do this better than a lot of the the older marketing people out there that don't even have a Facebook or don't even have an Instagram or if they do they don't know how to use it. I think it's social media is kind of the computer of our generation, right? It's the thing that gives you an edge over people that have way more experience than you are able to use it to promote your movie.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:52
I mean, if you look at every industry throughout time, especially in the industrial revolution, when electricity was coming around, and the light bulb was coming around, people were like, No, no, that's too dangerous. kerosene is the future. Because there was an entire kerosene industry ran by Rockefeller who owned the oil. And he was like, No, no, I don't want you to mess with my kerosene business. Or when trains came in versus horse and buggy, or when the car came in versus horse and buggy. There's always the old, the old, the old guard does not want to let go of the power and the the money that they have. And the new guard is Oh, the new technology, the new thing is always going to win. Always, always, always. I mean, from the the record the record industry. When the mp3 showed up, they fought and fought and fought and lost. When blockbuster saw Netflix, they fought and fought and fought and lost. And you know, and it just goes industry and industry and industry. And a lot of what we're talking about the massive changes that have happened in our industry. We're talking the last basically the last 15 to 20 years. Basically since basically 2000 it's been like every year, it's like exponentially changed. I mean, when I released my first film, my first short in 2005 YouTube had just launched. Yeah, so you know, and there was streaming was like, you couldn't get like MMR YouTube's quality was horrible and all of this stuff and

Ted Sim 1:04:26
And a lot of filmmakers that blew up from those early streams. You know, it was like

Alex Ferrari 1:04:32
Casey Neistat, Casey Neistat is the nice that he was he was the first one but I have to say because I was telling you, I was gonna tell you the story of how I should have control. Yes, I want to hear this. Okay, so in 2005 when YouTube was a year old, maybe it was before pre Google and I I created a DVD for my short film broken that had like 100 visual effects shots in and we shot it on DVD x 100 a panda Sonics it was it was pimp asik with with a wide angle adapter. So we had a nice oh yeah, the screw on wide angle adapter dude Oh yeah. Oh yeah, it was nice to camera in the in the days he was like please give me something that looks like a movie, it was 24 p were you kidding me was like the first 24 p camera not that canon XL crap like real 24 P. So we had two camera setup, then we had we edited on Final Cut four, five, something like that. And we did our visual effects and shake. And we had like 100 visual effects shots in it. And I put together a three and a half hour gorilla film school on how we did it. Because in the marketplace, there was nothing about how to make an indie film. Nothing. There was just no, I mean, you you had Robert Rodriguez is 10 out of 10 minute film schools, which is great, Robert, you're making seven $8 million movies, not helping me. So I wanted to I wanted to create product that could be you know, help filmmakers, independent filmmakers, even in 2005, I started and then I'll tell you why I left in a second. So I created this and I actually put up tutorials on YouTube, which are still on YouTube, you can go back and check them. And I would have kept going. And if I would have opened up a channel and I would have kept creating more of these tutorials on how to do it. I would have owned everything I would have been viewed. But then this is where this nasty thing called the ego shows up. And the ego said no, no, no, you are a filmmaker, you are not an educator. You're not a teacher, you're a filmmaker, why would you teach? Why would you want to teach? And then I went off and stopped doing it. And then it took me 10 years to come back to 2015. And I opened up indie film hustle. During those 10 years I would Can you imagine dude, can you imagine if I would have started making Sean merge, it would i would have would have owned everyone, it would be a complete loser conversation. But they are still up there. I got like five or six of those videos that are still up there in their little tutorials and how we did stuff and there was just nothing else up there. So that's how I that that's the one of the many close calls.

Ted Sim 1:07:15
I think, you know, at the end of the day, it always comes down to whatever the heck you're working on and take it really seriously. Dude, I can say the same thing about my time adapter. I didn't expect to be here this long, dude. You just don't know. You never know. And you got to put. You got to take everything seriously that you do. And believe me, I feel the same way about like it. But the one thing about is that it's never too late. That's another excuse that people say all the time. I missed my golden window. I know people that you know, that's a lot of the reason why people don't start channels or they don't start an Instagram.

Alex Ferrari 1:07:50
It's gonna take it's gonna take too long, it's gonna take too long. And they say, look, the same thing happened with me with indie film, hustle. I started in 2015. There was other podcast going on at the time. I mean, I'm not the first indie film podcast. Yeah. But I'm the most forever too late dude. I'm the most prolific. You know, I got almost 400 episodes of justice one podcast, because I just kept pounding it. And all of a sudden, by just as daily and weekly, pounding and grinding, all of a sudden you look back and go, Oh my god, I'm almost at 400. And you get it? Yeah. And then you have to start. You have to start like I turned, I woke up one day at 41, almost 41 to 40. And I said to myself, I have not made my feature film yet. And I can't do this anymore. I'm not 25 I got to go out and make it and 30 days later, I was shooting my first feature. Yeah, that that's simple, not because of like, Oh, I need this. I need that. No, we just got to go out and do it. And if it's good or bad, irrelevant, you learn you move on, you keep going. I would rather make 10 bad movies. Then wait 10 years to make one good one.

Ted Sim 1:08:57
You know what, because I'll learn more because it takes you 10 years to make every movie to you are not in business.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:02
You're Cooper. Cooper hilleberg is the only one that can make that work.

Ted Sim 1:09:07
And even Kubrick has practiced, he practiced it, you know, and he was able to do this. I you know, it's the same thing. My brother works at Amazon, and people are listening. And they're like, Amazon has to do with filmmaking, one of the number one rules at any tech company. And the reason I had to study this too is because I run I run a tech company is you have to throw out your first draft as quickly as possible, you have to get it done as quickly as possible. That is the hardest, most painful thing in the building in the world to do is to throw out this like half baked idea, especially with art because it's like some reflection of your soul. And I'm sure that if you're listening, you probably told a lot of people. I'm a filmmaker, I'm a filmmaker. I'm a filmmaker, which is why that when you show someone a movie that's bad, and you and they watch it, they're like, oh this is bad. But this person has been telling me his entire life that this is the thing he's born to do. I get that right that is horribly painful. It is painful. painful thing in the world, it's hard to say I'm born to be an actor and then be put on a bad performance. But at the same time, you're never gonna do anything unless you just start throwing stuff out there, man. And Amazon does this tech companies do this on all the throw out, you throw out a horrible Bad idea in the beginning. And then you reiterate. And the faster you can start reiterating, the faster you can start practicing, the better the result, I would say, model is doing the same thing to when we first started, we were like, We have no idea what this is gonna look like, let's just start making stuff. And then you start to realize, what can I do long term what actually makes sense? What, what is fun, what is enjoyable, where's that balance? Everything's about?

Alex Ferrari 1:10:38
I actually talked about it in, in my book about the 10,000. We all heard about the 10,000 hours that Malcolm Gladwell said horse, but but the argument was that there was a new thing, it's not 10,000 hours to learn one skill. It's a 10,000 experiments. So you have to keep doing it and doing it and do it because you learn more from trying and failing than you do from just just training to do the one thing again, and again and again. And example is Zuckerberg says that at any one time, there's 10,000 versions of Facebook going on every day, that they're the algorithm is constantly shifting, it's changing. They're trying new things. That's why Amazon's the same way. There's like, No, I mean, to get what Amazon has done and honed in, it's taken decades of just tightening and tweaking and every inch of that screen has been thought about it 10,000 times and we're you know, to the point where now you don't even think about it like you, I forget that I could buy something locally because it's so easy to buy it on Amazon you know, and I studied tech companies a lot because of their the new Rockefellers Carnegie's the or that they are the giants, the Titans are of this time, which is the information age. And then I've tried to bring as much of that information and knowledge to the film industry because there's a subgroup.

Ted Sim 1:12:02
Yeah. And because most filmmakers Don't even think about business. And unfortunately, this is a business it is and who is spending the most money on business? And what is the most efficient work process tech companies? So how are they doing it? Because there's some method to the madness. And the method is iterate as quickly as you can just start on things out there and I think it's harder in art than in tech because tech you can be like, Hey, we have this good prototype right? Take a look at this kind of sucks, but it'll be something someday, right? Yeah, a lot easier to do that than just someone your your bad writing and your bad movie, but I don't know any way around this.

Alex Ferrari 1:12:43
You know what to say? Look, look. I love the room. I think the room is one of the greatest films of all time. And maybe not for the reasons that Tommy was so thinks it was the greatest films of all times. But I personally think the room there's always something for somebody.

Ted Sim 1:12:59
How are you approaching this? Are you talking about like you love it in a way of like, he threw something out there as quickly as possible.

Alex Ferrari 1:13:05
And no, no, no, no. If you want to have this conversation about the room, I can have this conversation about the room because I love the room. And I'm not ashamed of it. I think I'm one of many millions of people who love the room. The reason I love the room so much is one Tommy was so is our modern day Ed Wood where there is so much passion and delusion in his filmmaking process that all he sees is his art form. It's not obviously an art form that anybody else saw because he was like literally having sex with someone's belly in the middle of a sexy there's you know, and multiple other millions of things that went on in the room that you know, we were shooting. Oh my goodness, I didn't I didn't when we were shooting. So when we're shooting on the corner of ego desire at Sundance, all of my crew and all of the actors had never seen the room. So one night we're like, you know, we're breaking I'm like Okay guys, we're watching the room so we go online and we we rent it and we start watching it and you can't watch the room by yourself you have to watch it with somebody else because if not it's just weird. I can't watch the room by myself I need another filmmaker I need somebody else to like you. Did you just see what I saw banter and chat and building and I would sit there and we were watching it and you just see people going Why is there why what's Why is it the same stock footage from San Francisco? What's going on? I'd like What is he talking to a dog what is like there's so why is your pictures of spoons What is happening? Like it's so bad. That has transcended good. Like there are movies that are just bad to be bad sake. Like I saw that documentary about the worst film ever made troll two which is an amazing documentary. And then I went to watch troll true. I can't troll to his horror I like it's so bad. It's just I felt a little bit of my soul die when I saw that film but the room here is so much passion and love behind the filmmaker that did it and I know people who worked on the crew by the way. Yeah, is as crazy as he is as As delusional as Tommy was when he was making it and it's stupid as the way the filmmaking process was, was shooting it on video on HD and on film, and all the craziness that happened, the passion of his vision spills off the screen in a way that you can't like it's not manufactured. It's not it's authentic. And that's what people are reacting to in the room is the authenticity of his insanity. is what people because we've all seen bad movies. We've all seen movies that are just so bad. You're like, I can't Why is this just bad? cinema? Why did someone waste time with this? When you see the room, there's just something magical about it that you just go in this can't be like that, because he's serious. Because if he was not serious about and he was inside the joke, it wouldn't work. But he really felt like he was making this. He really felt like he was making a masterpiece. And when everyone laughed at the the premiere, he was like, Oh, I meant to make a comedy. No, you didn't. But that's okay. And and look where it got him. Like, you know, he's blown up. And he's internationally still making millions of dollars a year off of this. This little movie that is horrible. But I loved it. And you're gonna and by the way, you're gonna see a cameo from someone from the room in on the corner of ego and desire. I'll leave it at that.

Ted Sim 1:16:20
Oh my gosh. You know, I, I will I will watch the room again, at some point, and I'll be sure to remember.

Alex Ferrari 1:16:35
You have to watch it with a friend. You got to watch it with friends. If there's alcohol. If there's alcohol in play, it's even better. Even better if you can watch it at Sundance even better. This these are the other things but um, it's so it just transcends like you watch it would you watch like pan nine from outer space you just go you there's there's so much love behind it. Like there's just so much insanity in mind. Okay, did you ever see Edward the movie? Tim burns movie, Edward. I don't think I have to do okay, you're okay. Okay. Your homework assignments. Ted. You need to obviously, watching Edward. Obviously watching myself on your watch. You're obviously watching my movie. But after you watch my movie, you've got to watch and would Tim Burton's and Edward any filmmaker? Yes, will cry in that movie, because you could just see the love ambition and the love and the insanity, the insanity of him and he has to wear his angora sweaters and like, and the carnival crew of people that he brought around him, like is like one of my favorite scenes in the movie, and you'll appreciate this. It's all shot in black and white. But he comes up at the the the the costume designer comes up and like what dress Do you want her to wear? Do you want to wear the red one? Or the blue one? And then Johnny Depp was playing it would goes, it gets a dp to come over and the DPS you know, some old really old dp. He goes, which one will work better in the movie? He's like, Oh, no, I'm colorblind.

The judge is like, well, they're right what it is all right, let's move on. Like he doesn't nothing stop nothing. Like he, like one of the actors bumps into the bumps into a wall, the whole damn, set shakes. And he's like, cut perfect print. Let's move on. And everyone's like, no, no. I mean, should we do another tech why that was perfect. He was so crazy. delusional. It's like you. There's certain human beings or certain artists that could do things like that. And they're once in a generation, I feel that Tommy was so is one of those guys. He can't do it again. Like it. He can't recreate that he can't make another movie. He's tried to make him be ridiculously Ernest, Ernest D. That makes it but he can't do that anymore. Because he understands what's going on. So he it's just never gonna happen to get that movie is such a unique snapshot in time. That will live with us, arguably, forever. It's, it is fascinating.

Ted Sim 1:19:02
I can see that in that in that view of art. I can see how that is a eternal Once in a Lifetime movie.

Alex Ferrari 1:19:09
Just you can't read. I couldn't remake that if I tried. Like if I want it to go out and make a movie badly enough. Because I would know the job possible. I would know the job was to software. It's not funny. It's Rebecca Black's Friday, right. Like, Ernest to be as funny as it is. Yeah, exactly. That's what makes it where we've gone completely off topic, but this is fine. I think everyone, I think everyone's enjoyed it. All right. I mean, we could keep talking for hours, brother. But let me ask you a few questions. I asked all of my guests. What advice would you give a filmmaker wanting to break into the business today?

Ted Sim 1:19:49
Think outside the box is everything that someone, everything that's worked for someone that is 2030 years older than you. I don't Like it's gonna work for you, because the times change so quickly. And yes, every right.

Alex Ferrari 1:20:05
It's not 1991 you are not Robert Rodriguez, it's not gonna happen that way anymore. Guys, it's gonna work the same way. It works a different way,like YouTube.

Ted Sim 1:20:14
That's what I mean by the research and things that you're doing right now. And you're guaranteed people are researching, they research the way that old people made it, it's not going to be the way that you're going to make and I'm sorry, it's just not the industry is changing too much. Try something new. Do it earnestly put all your effort into it, and just see what happens. And you might be surprised.

Alex Ferrari 1:20:35
It could fall flat on its face, or you can have the room. Okay. Are those the only two options we have? I really is that. I mean, it could be really bad. Or it could be the room? it I don't know, that's really.

Ted Sim 1:20:55
Now what is a horribly hard ban. I mean, everyone listening to this knows this, but it's just like, it's tough out there man took a look.

Alex Ferrari 1:21:03
If anyone, if anyone listens to my podcast understands how I mean, I've given a lot of tough love conversations and tough love episodes, where I'm like, you know, follow your dream, but Don't be an idiot, you know. And, you know, and all my work is about trying to break down the realities of the film business while still being supportive, while still being motivated, while still trying to educate them. And like I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm saying it's going to be harder than you've ever imagined. But I'm going to show you, at least from my perspective, tools that can help you learn that path. You know,

Ted Sim 1:21:33
Yeah, like, you know, I'm one of the things that I like to think is like, if you were doing this in any other industry, would this be a waste of time? Yes. Or, like if you were if you spent five years working on a screenplay. Let's just pretend like la has this weird thing. And so he has this thing. No one's got this

Alex Ferrari 1:21:54
Coffeeshops final draft and coffee shops. Yeah, I get it. I get

Ted Sim 1:21:56
Yes, definitely. It's got this, this way of making, wasting your time seem like a normal thing to do. And you you can fall into that into that vagueness, you can fall into that that lazy river, because you'll sit in the lazy river forever. And one of the things that helps is if you're not from that city, go home and just just look around and be like, if I lived in, you know, from Baltimore, so I'll say Baltimore, I lived in Baltimore, and I spent five years working on something. How would people view me, they see you as a bomb. I'm sorry, they would view you as a bomb. But for some reason, when you're in LA, and you tell somebody working on your screenplay for five years, they're like, oh, it must be really good. Just don't let yourself fall into that. Look at it. Like you're looking at it like any other job seriously. It must be really good. But let's let's just assume like, you know, like, say you did want to work and you want to be like a lawyer or something. And you just said like, Oh, I'm just like, studying this for the bar and contract for five years. What? So you're, you're a bum? You got a treat? You got to be that cutthroat about it. You can't just say Oh, because I'm in the film industry. This is okay. It's it's, it's not okay. And I don't mean this to say this as a bummer. Because I'm sure someone's like, Man, that really bummed me out. No, I'm not trying to say that I'm just, it's easier to say things that are nice and like, everything's fine. It is harder to say things like, you need to get your you get your stuff together, because that means that we actually care. And that's the only reason why I'm saying this is because I do actually care for this poor soul out there that's lost in the LA River of screenplays and coffee shops. The horrible situation but

Alex Ferrari 1:23:38
Like I always say, anytime I jump into an Uber, I always go so how's the screenplay going? And they go, How'd you know? It's either how, how's the screenplay going? How's the screenplay going? or How was the casting call? It's one of those two. And it's, it's sad, but it's true. And I'm not trying to lose. We all have to hustle. We all got to do our things. I'm, I'm making a joke. But you know if, if anything, I've done more than enough to help the community so I can make occasional joke. It's okay.

Ted Sim 1:24:15
If you're doing it for like six months or something like that, and get your thing started. Trust me that's different.

Alex Ferrari 1:24:20
No, no, it looks like you know, the duplass brothers right? Course mark and Jay right. So the duplass brothers when they first got back from Sundance with puffy chair, they were the toast of the town. So they went on the water bottle tour, you know, the water ball to around to all the agencies and all the studios in the lounge and you got to give it a water ball. Yeah. And you just end up with everything. You say no, and you and you meet them. You meet everybody like we want to work with you want to work with you. What's your project, let's put it up. Let's get in development. And a year goes by and they go, we haven't made anything. So they decided to call up their agents and say, we're not taking any more meetings. And they're like, but that's the way this town runs. You've got to take me He's like, nope, we're gonna go make stuff. Sorry. Yeah. And it worked out okay.

Ted Sim 1:25:05
I felt all mixed up and they will call it's the, you know, when I was doing commercials all the same thing it was, it was never because you had a great meeting. It was always because they watched something that they liked and they were like, Can you make? And let's be real. It's always Can you make this again? but for us it cheaper? Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Well, you're lucky though. Like maybe we'll make it a little bit nice if you're lucky. If you're lucky.

Alex Ferrari 1:25:29
Yeah, it always comes from what you do. Once you do creates more action for sure. When you were doing commercials, didn't you love when they said, you go out and you bid a job for like, you know, puppies, there's going to be a horse in the shot and the like, but there's no horses on your reel. Dude, it's a horse. I don't need to pull a performance from the horse. Are you kidding? I mines was dialogue. I had done all non dialogue stuff I had no one's speaking because commercials you don't have to speak you know? And everyone's like, but how do you we don't know if you can direct act like can you get I'm like, Guys, this is not Godfather, man. It's like, hey, iPhone. Like it's not like it's your lines. Guys. Are you kidding me?

Ted Sim 1:26:11
It's people that are scared of looking down in front of their bosses. Right? Some some see some see some Greg's eye somewhere is like is holding on for dear life being like if I just keep working this job for 40 years, I'll be head and Korea head of creative at one of these places. But I just can't get fired in the meanwhile. So they want to recommend the safest option. Every single time

Alex Ferrari 1:26:34
Just in case,just in case you as a director screw up. I'm like, Well, everything on paper looked okay. It's not my friend

Ted Sim 1:26:40
I picked the exact guy that has lots of horror stuff on his reel. And he did the horse thing for our horse commercial I was there was no one could blame me for this decision. Truly, there was no one better, better.

Alex Ferrari 1:26:50
I mean, he is the horse guy. Like it's like, Oh, Jesus. Alright, what is the lesson that took you the longest to learn whether in the film business or in life?

Ted Sim 1:27:01
I'm still learning this lesson, but fail fast. And everyone's heard this. Everybody has heard this, you don't really understand what it means. You don't understand what it means you think fail fast means like, write it write a first draft. And then like, look at it again tomorrow. No, I mean, like, write something that's awful, and show it to a lot of people. And you gotta gotta get used to that. And I don't care what industry you're in, I don't care if you're a writer, if you're a filmmaker, if your cinematographer go shoot something horrible, and stand next to it, and be like, this is the thing that I made. It's so hard, but just do it earlier than later get used to that feeling feel comfortable in that feeling. It's something that like, I wake up every day and again, you know, these days I'm doing I'm doing more company running through stuff. So I made probably five decisions that I regret every day. And you have to go back on them and say, you know what we tried? Because you can't just do the same thing all the time. Well, those are not going to go anywhere.

Alex Ferrari 1:27:59
Right? They're very good advisor. Now, what was the biggest fear you had to overcome to make your very first film?

Ted Sim 1:28:07
Oh, man. I don't know if I'm a great person to ask this question to

Alex Ferrari 1:28:12
Because you're fearless. Are you fearless?

Ted Sim 1:28:14
No, no, I don't think that you think Well, the question would be greatest fear.

Alex Ferrari 1:28:19
The greatest fear you had to overcome to make you first fear to make your first project to shoot your first thing.

Ted Sim 1:28:25
Just looking dumb. Yeah, everyone's afraid of that. Right? It's It's scary to say this thing I'm born to do and then make something bad. It's like, well, what were you born for them? That's literally what that's

Alex Ferrari 1:28:36
You've attached your personality to your job or to your career.

Ted Sim 1:28:38
And I'm born to do look at this thing. It's mediocre. was I born for a mediocre reason? No, that's the people feel that way. And I take that myself.

Alex Ferrari 1:28:49
Just be careful. And three of your favorite films of all time.

Ted Sim 1:28:55
I hate this question. actually asked this question for team members as a joke. And we just like it because I feel like no matter what answer you give, everyone, either they either give you the or they just rail into you. I decided that my answer to this question is Ratatouille and all movies are based on the Ratatouille scale? It does the movie have a rat in it? It's a six out of 10 got the movie cooking in it. It's a seven out of 10. Okay, the rat cooks, it's a nine out of 10 and up to two zeros on this list of movies over beers. Okay, fair enough. I get a lot of movies.

Alex Ferrari 1:29:32
So where can people find you and what you're doing online?

Ted Sim 1:29:36
Yeah, absolutely. Anyone that cares about technology and gear and again, I'd say this instant fully standing by all the stuff that I say about gear research to be procrastination. For some people, it's also just their true and deep love. They really love gear. And honestly, there's a part of me that really does love the technology behind it. sponsor. aperture is probably the easiest place for that. And then any model of courses where we're just having fun hanging out, learning about filmmaking, and I'm learning along just with everybody else, bringing on people, I think a lot of the guests that we bring on our recommendations from people that watch, so Indy Mogul as well to wherever on YouTube, we have podcasts.

Alex Ferrari 1:30:16
They're cool. But thank you so much for coming on, man. I know, we could talk for at least another four or five hours, but you're a busy man. And I got things to do as well. But I do appreciate it. I would love to have you back sometime. And it was it was great, man. So thanks for being on the show, brother.

Ted Sim 1:30:29
Yeah it's fun. Thanks, I appreciate it.

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