
BPS 046: Sold a MILLION DOLLAR Spec Script & Was SHOCKED at What Happened Next with Diane Drake

Today on the show we have million-dollar screenwriter Diane Drake. Her produced original scripts include ONLY YOU, starring Robert Downey, Jr. and Marisa Tomei, and WHAT WOMEN WANT, starring Mel Gibson.  Her original script for ONLY YOU sold for $1 million, and WHAT WOMEN WANT is the second highest-grossing romantic comedy of all time (Box Office Mojo). In addition, both films have recently been remade in China featuring major Chinese stars. And WHAT WOMEN WANT has recently been remade by Paramount Pictures as WHAT MEN WANT, with Taraji Henson starring in the Mel Gibson role.

Diane, who is a member of the Writers Guild of America, recently authored her first book, Get Your Story Straight, a step-by-step guide to writing your screenplay. She has taught screenwriting through UCLA Extension Writers’ Program, and now offers story consulting, and her own guided online course via her website.

Diane has also been a speaker/instructor for The Austin Film Festival, Atlanta Film Festival, Rocaberti Writers Retreat in Dordogne, France, the American Film Market, Scriptwriters Network, Phoenix Screenwriters Association, Stowe Story Labs, Romance Writers of America, Oklahoma Writers Federation, University Club, Storyboard Development Group and the Writers Store, among others; and a judge for the Humanitas Prize, the Austin Film Festival and the UCLA Writers Program.

In this episode, we get into the nitty-gritty of being a screenwriter in Hollywood. Diane is very open about her experiences, the good and the terrible. If you want to be a working screenwriter in Hollywood then get ready to take notes.

Enjoy my eye-opening conversation with Diane Drake.

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Alex Ferrari 3:05
I'd like to welcome to the show Diane Drake. Thank you so much for being on the show.

Diane Drake 4:38
Thank you so much for asking me it's my pleasure.

Alex Ferrari 4:40
It's been an absolute pleasure to have you before we even get started. I have to say how much I love your your first screenplay. The only you it is was forever. For all those listening who don't know that movie only you is starting a very young and Babyface Robert Downey Jr. and Marissa Mayer And Bonnie Yes, as well. Oh, and Billy Zane, if I remember correctly, is in that movie as well. And Billy's A. And the reason I bring it up first is because it was it was during my video store days when I first saw that movie. And of course, I had a huge crush on Mercer to me because everybody of my generation has that crush without question. So when that movie came out, I was just like, Oh my God, but it was honestly the first experience the first time I actually fell in love with Italy because it was shot so beautifully. The director, Norman Jewison, right.

Diane Drake 5:34
Yes, the director was Norman Jewison. And the cinematographer was fun night. This too, was legendary. I mean, he did Ingmar Bergman's movies, and he done Woody Allen's movies. And I think the only reason he did this movie was because it was Italy with a lot of people who want to work on that movie, because it was Italy.

Alex Ferrari 5:53
Yeah, it's a rough, it's a rough shoot, that's a rough shoot,

Diane Drake 5:55
you know, I tell you, I was no pool, but I'll tell you something about that. So So I, when I came up with the idea, I was very much in love with Italy. I'd been there once, briefly. And I really loved it. And I wanted to go back. So it was sort of a vicarious, you know, fantasy of mine. But the other thing was that I had realized that I felt at the time and I could be wrong about this, but I don't think so that you really hadn't seen Italy on the big screen in a while. And the only place you had seen it was in like any movies like Cinema Paradiso, or there was a lovely, lovely movie. I don't know if you're familiar with it, but I love it called Enchanted April.

Alex Ferrari 6:38
I remember that movie.

Diane Drake 6:38
Yeah. Oh, it's such a beautiful movie. So, um, so and I knew by virtue of the nature of the story, that it had to go somewhere, right, and I didn't, you know, she had to take off. And I didn't want to go from LA to New York or whatever, right? I really want to go to Italy. So I'm like, I'm gonna send her to Italy. And in fact, I don't know if you remember, but they travel all through Italy. And kind of late in the movie, they go to post Toronto. And I had never been to post Toronto. So I sent them to post Toronto because I wanted to go to post. But one of the little wrinkle of this is that when I was writing that script, and I was down and out, I was unemployed I had, I had had one little tiny say, like, gotten to the Writers Guild, we can talk more about that if you want. But, um, but I was struggling. And a really close friend of mine, who I whose work I really respected a lot. And he was a script ahead of me. And we both worked in development prior to this, and we were both out of work. And I just really, I trusted his judgment. And so I was kind of having problems with the script as one does. And he very sort of cockily said to me, you know, he's like, Well, I'll send it to me, I'll read it, we'll have brunch, I'll tell you I give him a note, you know, I'll help you fix it. So we did that. And his notes were really good. I knew that I was so funny, too, because I literally just pulled them out. I hadn't looked at them in a million years. But I knew it meant I was gonna have to tear the script apart. And that would be difficult, but I knew it would make it better. So I was okay with that. But But the other thing he said to me was, but don't set it in Italy. And I was like, Why? Why not set it in Italy? And he's like, because if he said in Italy, it just becomes a movie about Italy. So there's a little lesson for you, you know, take what is useful for you. And we asked, because I just felt like no, you're wrong about that. To me. That was one of the great joys of it started as writing it. And I think it has been for people watching it. And I will tell you that movies done really, really well and DVD and whatever. I don't know if they stream it now, but I think a large part of the reason obviously, Robert, of course, you know, come on. But

Alex Ferrari 8:49
But but also Robert was Robert circa 1994. Isn't that Robert circa 2008 2018?

Diane Drake 8:56
No. He was a big star.

Alex Ferrari 8:59
Oh, he was a he was a star. What was that before after Chaplin? I think that was

Diane Drake 9:03
before it was actually let me think about it for a minute. I think it was for

Alex Ferrari 9:10
I think it was before Chaplin and before he had his his problems.

Diane Drake 9:14
Yeah, well, between us he had some problems then. But here's the thing. Here's the thing. In spite of that, he was extraordinarily professional, extraordinarily kind. I can tell you this, the sweetest story about him if you want me to later, that to this day makes me kind of cry. I mean, he was lovely. He was lovely. He may have had his own demons at the time, but he was amazing. And I think that's part of the reason there was so much goodwill for him, you know, in all right, you know, because he's just such a gracious, kind, gifted person. Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 9:48
No, no question. I had the pleasure of meeting him once at Sundance and he was just such a just a darling, he was no reason to be nice to me. I was just as a little, you know, guy just walking up like hey, You know, can I get a picture? I gotta talk. And he was such a sweet man. But I do love that movie in the magic between him and Marissa, were just wonderful in that film. But before we go off on a tangent, because we could talk about only you for the rest of us. First of all, how did you get into the business?

Diane Drake 10:15
Okay, so it depends how far back you want to go. But basically, I'll try to make it brief ish. I am. When I got into college, I had a degree in communications, visual arts, and it's kind of worthless, you know, in the marketplace, it wasn't worth it to me. You know, I had no connections or anything. And so I thought, well, I guess I'll be practical, because my BA is not real practical. And I'll get an MBA, because that's what everyone was doing. And I guess that seemed like a good idea. And I hated it with passion. And I remember sitting in my accounting class and thinking, if I survive this, and, and this is going to qualify me to do this for the rest of my life. And I don't want to do this. So I quit. And which was really hard, because I'd been a pretty good student up to that point. And, you know, it's like taking out loans and everything, but it's just wasn't for me. So I that was not in California, that was in Colorado. So I moved back to California, and decided I would go to law school, because that's impractical. But I thought, but I'll do it in California. And I'll do entertainment law. And that'll be kind of sort of cool. And it'll be practical, too. And so I got a job in the legal department at what was then Columbia Pictures and applied. And I looked around, and I saw how miserable a lot of people in the world of art and luck. And before I got into USC, and I got on the waiting list for UCLA. But I didn't want to spend the money to go to USC and I ultimately did not get into UCLA. And I thought, okay, I mean, I don't know that I want to do this anyway. And so that, that it was at that point that I first learned, because I was working on the lot, that there was such a job as being a reader. I didn't know that that job even existed when I started. So I thought well, I could do that, you know, and, and that's how I started. And I started as a reader and worked freelance as a reader and worked my way up. You know, I did acquisitions for an independent company for a while. And then my last job, before I started writing was I was a VP of creative affairs for Director Sydney Pollack. Um, you know, at the time, you know, it was a really good spec sale era. Yes, it was. And I can go into more about how I was leaving there, but basically, you know, I just kind of looked around, and I thought, well, you know, that looks like a pretty good life, you know, like, this writer was off on a cruise around South America, I mean, seemed very glamorous, you know, because they were feature writers, and they were at the top of their game. And so, you know, it was like, well, and here I was sitting in judgment on these people's work. But having said that, to be a critic, it's a write about writing is a lot easier than writing, let me just say, you know, so, it is, it is a different skill in a way. And I think the thing that I lacked, and I wound up having a little talk with myself about it was confidence. And I think by that point, I had read an awful lot of scripts, and I felt like I had a relatively good understanding of the process, at least intellectually. And I would read stuff that I thought, you know, not necessarily stuff that our company was working on, but you know, just around town that it's old or you know, was getting heat or whatever and I would think it wasn't that great you know, and like and these guys and in most cases, they were guys did not know as much as I did. But then I had to realize I'm like, Yeah, but they're doing it and you're not no, no.

Alex Ferrari 13:41
Yeah, fair enough. Well, can you talk a little bit about that time in the late 80s and early 90s which was the script the spec script boom, which I mean in today's world is just unheard of. I mean yet there still are million dollar scripts and they are still spec scripts they get bought but people don't understand even I was even because I was I was just coming into the business going to film school but you would read about obviously Shane Black kind of crack but and Joe Lester house those guys just busted the door open for like 234 5 million baht

Diane Drake 14:12
Kind of out of control to be honest, but I mean it's sad to me that there was a time that to be original commanded a premium. Right? That's pretty much the last thing they want. You know, that particularly the studio's I mean, it's, it's just not what it's about at this point is about intellectual property. It's about anything that's already been successful as something else. And they're not in the business of making the sort of movies I used to write, you know, and I used to go see, to be honest, that my favorite kind of movies, you know, the movies like Jim Brooks made, you know, those kind of that's not what they do anymore. They don't want to spend 50 million to make 150 million, you know, they want to spend 300 million and make a billion. And it's it's unfortunate, you know, and I mean, there's work to be out there, but it's pretty much to work on that to work on intellectual property. You know, you write an original so you can get a job writing something that's already been something else, I think. I will say, you know, so I'm sure you know, and probably your listeners know, there's kind of two businesses now there's a studio model, which again, is 300 million to make a billion franchise merchandising, you know, tentpole mostly superheroes, right. Right. handful of people, like Judd Apatow, who are sort of a brand unto themselves that can kind of get away with that little middle ground movie,

Alex Ferrari 15:33
Tyler Perry and those kind of guys. Yeah, there's there's a handful, but there's a

Diane Drake 15:37
franchise, you know what I mean, like kind of its franchise, I mean, appetite, you could almost say it's French. It's not quite, you know, but, um, but there are brands, let's put it that way.

Alex Ferrari 15:47
Blum house and things like,

Diane Drake 15:48
I mean, when I when I wrote on the you, I mean, I had had I sold, I hadn't sold anything, I had written one script. And I got me an agent, very small agent. And he got me one meeting, and I got the job, which is miraculous to me in hindsight to you know, to destroy a little treatment. So it's 25 grand, it got me in the right scale at the time got me insurance bought me the year to write only you. But But so I was nobody is my point. And yet, my agent, and my agent was coming off a hot sale, he had just sold the script for like half a million dollars. So he was kind of an even though it's a smaller agency. He was kind of a name at that point. But still, Julia Roberts agent wanted only you for her. And Demi Moore wanted it. I mean, you could not get two stars. Equivalent caliber. Now, if you were nobody, you know, and get your script read in a day or two. That's how it used to be. That's how much that's how big a market there was. And how much demand there was for original material. saying, Yeah, I'm such changed. I'm so sorry to say but but and this doesn't necessarily affect me, at least not yet. But TV streaming on

Alex Ferrari 16:59
Netflix. I mean, Netflix is now the 800 pound gorilla, and they're doing things that, you know, I mean, it's amazing. They came in and just completely changed the game.

Diane Drake 17:09
They changed the game. And so you know, now there's Amazon. I just I Yeah, exactly. I just taught an advanced class for UCLA, and a manager came in to speak, it was lovely, and she was talking about Disney plus, and you know, that there's gonna be that and that's a lot of intellectual property, too. But apparently, they're looking to make some originals as well, which kind of shocked me. And in that 40 $50 million range, which kind of almost no one's doing, although somebody was telling me what Netflix is doing that day. Netflix is doing everything. But um,

Alex Ferrari 17:39
I was looking at I still always remember that film that just came out this last Christmas, which was the Kurt Russell Santa Claus movie. That's right. That was direct. Yeah, Santa Claus, whatever, I forgot the name of it. But it was it chronicles of Santa Claus, or whatever it was. But regardless, we'll see it every year for the rest of our lives now. But it was directed by Chris Columbus. And that was easily $150 million. Film.

Diane Drake 18:03
Oh, to make it? Yeah, I

Alex Ferrari 18:05
You do a lot of visual effects in that. I mean, it's over 100. It's over 100. And you still got Kurt Russell, who's

Diane Drake 18:13
I think it was we should look it up? I know, it was.

Alex Ferrari 18:17
But regardless, it could have been released theatrically without question, it would have probably made 250 million it would have been in

Diane Drake 18:22
the olden days. I'll tell you something about a Christmas movie, though. I'll tell you something. I wrote a Christmas movie with a partner a few years ago. And because I thought, you know, let me just do intellectual property. Right, like Santa it. You know, it's public domain. It's intellectual property. Everybody knows the story. So a partner and I wrote like a Santa Claus origin story, you know, and basically like, how he met Mrs. Claus how the reindeer learn to fly. Yeah, like, it's kind of right, fun. And I felt like we haven't seen this. And I'm even seeing a new Santa Claus. You know, even friends who were in the business like, Oh, that's really fun, you know. And it was basically the idea that he started off as a con man and a cat burglar. And that's why he was so good at breaking into places genius. And so you got this great character arc. And you know, you have fun with like, how all these things came to be. So I thought that seemed pretty marketable. And I sent it to an agent who said, who I could tell between us had not even read it. And I can tell it because it starts with Santa as a little kid, but it's only for like the first five or so pages. And then you cut to him as an adult, not as an old man, but as an adult. And he's like, Well, you can't do Santa as a kid. And so I had to kind of be like, not rude and saying, Well, he's really not, you know, it's just the first few pages and, you know, and then he said, and this was the critical thing. This was a few years ago now. But he said, Well, you can't you can't do a Santa Claus movie anyway, because they don't celebrate Christmas in China. Wow. Wow. Really? Yeah. There you have it. That's the extent to which the money and the marketplace is dictating what gets made. Because when I was first in the business, global market us You know, two thirds foreign was 1/3. And now that's reversed. And it's two thirds us is 1/3. And of that two thirds, a lot of that's China. And a lot of that is action. Um, so and I thought to myself, I thought, well, I guess that's why we haven't seen another Christmas movie on the big screen then it since elf. I couldn't see him since he no longer that was that was

Alex Ferrari 20:26
Early 2000s, wasn't it?

Diane Drake 20:28
I guess John Fabro wanted to make Elf 2 they would be happy to let him but aside from that, I don't think we'll see it. And so it was so interesting to see that Christmas Chronicles thing. My partner and I even talked about it about dusting ours off. But honestly, it needs more work. Like,

Alex Ferrari 20:47
If we go down Christmas movies, then, you know, the Disney Channel Hallmark has those things so, so on lock on those low budget.

Diane Drake 20:54
But But getting back to what we how this, what kind of kicked us off was you know, we had flying reindeer and stuff. So that was the other thing was like It couldn't be made cheaply, we thought because you were going to have to have those visual effects you were going to have to have, you know, it was not a cheap movie to make. So yeah, that was kind of interesting. But it was funny too, because both my movies only that have been released only what we want had been remade in China with Chinese stars. So I kind of felt like but they liked me in China, I think it would have shot.

Alex Ferrari 21:28
It's fascinating, fascinating. The, the way the marketplace has changed so much. And then such a kind of ignorant comment by that agent is like, Oh, they don't celebrate Christmas in China. If you could just that's such a Hollywood la thing to say

Diane Drake 21:44
Marketing driven right now, but here's the thing, here's the reality. He's got his finger more in the marketplace than I do. He knows what buyers are looking for. One assumes Now obviously, again, nobody knows anything and all that. I mean, I yeah, I did feel it was dismissive. And I did feel that like, you know, it was like, really? And yet, when I stopped to think about it, I thought well, and maybe that's why we haven't had enough because it used to be like every few years, you get a new Christmas movie. I mean, all those Tim Allen movies at home, you know, and we haven't seen it. We haven't seen a big family action comedy Christmas. Maybe that's why Christmas Chronicles was huge deal. I think, you know, because and people, you know, Kurt Russell, people who used to go to those movies when they were younger, and now they've got kids or grandkids or whatever, you know, and they remember him and it was kind of genius casting that way

Alex Ferrari 22:35
They credit Chris Columbus is no slouch as a director.

Diane Drake 22:39
We see MCs right? But it's so interesting that of course, it was not released theatrically. Like they didn't sell that theatrically.

Alex Ferrari 22:44
No, they could have easily if that would have been released, it would have easily made a couple 100 million to 300 million

Diane Drake 22:49
access the I think Well, you're right, maybe right. But I think the prevailing wisdom was, you know, and that's why it was Netflix. And I don't think it costs as much as you think

Alex Ferrari 23:00
I think you might be right. And I think it's at least 80 Because just to get Kurt Russell and Chris Chris out of bed, it's gonna cost a couple bucks. I don't, I don't know we will have to, after this

Diane Drake 23:12
interview, after this interview be interesting to see we should look that up.

Alex Ferrari 23:15
After this interview, I will look on that. Now, you also said you work for Sydney Pollack, who is obviously a legendary director. And I'm a huge fan of not only him as an actor, as a director, but also him as an actor, is you know him and Eyes Wide Shut. I love his stories with Stanley and all that kind of stuff. What was it like working for a legend like that? What did you learn from him?

Diane Drake 23:37
Um, gosh, well, first of all, sadly, he's no longer with us. But, um, he was difficult and extremely demanding. But because he was extremely demanding of himself, you know, and, and driven, you know, and, and kind of brilliant. I mean, he really was one of the smartest people I've ever met. He could be very charming. He started as an actor. And he could be not very nice, you know, he could be really, really tough. But I learned so much work in there. And I don't, I really don't think I would ever become a writer had I not worked there. You know, it was a combination of what I learned. And also the fact that I felt like, I'd reached the end of the road there and I couldn't I'll get into that if you'd like. It wasn't him but someone else I was working with, they're just kind of made my life a living hell, and I had to get out and so I, you know, that sort of a gun was put to my head and I was like, Well, you know, if you know so much, why don't you see what you can do. But, um, but it was great. I mean, to watch him work with writers and he was so articulate and he was so insightful and you know, yeah, they don't really make them like that.

Alex Ferrari 24:54
If they broke the mold with Sydney without question, and and just to go back to only you for a second Sorry,

Diane Drake 25:00
I'm sorry. So the guy said he was doing like in Tootsie, and husbands and wives, you know, and you know, he didn't want to be in touch. He didn't want to play that part. Right? That was Dustin Hoffman, who insisted.

Alex Ferrari 25:14
He was great at it. And just, and just to go back to only you for one second, that script was the first script you sold, and it was a million dollar buy if I'm not mistaken.

Diane Drake 25:23
It was. It was crazy. I mean, God, it, it was really nice. It was a million dollars up front. It wasn't even like if we make the movie. You know, it was it was a million dollars. Um, and like I said, I think largely because at that moment, at that little tiny window in time, we had Julia Roberts potentially interested in to me more interested. And then Norman came on shortly thereafter, I think he came on after the deal was closed. But um, yeah, I mean, you know, it was just again, it was a different time, there was a lot of competition for it, you know, the stars aligned in my favor. And, yeah, it was kind of surreal. And I remember I was so like, just praying that I could sell it at all that I could get, like, Writers Guild minimum or something, you know, so that I can continue to be a writer. I don't know. Because I didn't know what else was gonna do. At that point. I didn't think I could go back to work in development. I just had kind of burnout on that. And I just thought, I mean, I'm so yeah, and it happened so fast, you know, because this, there's a saying in Hollywood, good news travels fast. And I think it's still largely true, maybe not quite as true as it was then. But back in those days, it was like, you know, you get all this heat and, you know, things would happen or not. And so it was really like less than a week from the time it went out to closing that deal.

Alex Ferrari 26:53
Now, what is it? What is it like cuz I want, you know, writers listening, you know, you get a million dollar deal, which obviously, is a lottery ticket. I mean, it does not happen often. What happens to you on your career afterwards? Like, I know, it gives you a career, obviously. But what are the steps? Like, what are the meetings you're taking? What are the assignments you're picking up? So people understand? Like, if it just so we can live vicariously through you? What it's like, after a sale like that?

Diane Drake 27:24
We'll learn from my mistakes. Oh, okay. I did some things, right. And I did some things that probably I might have done better, or definitely, um, so I obviously kind of came out of nowhere and, and had a lot of meetings, and had a lot of things thrown at me. But, you know, I really was a new writer. I mean, it was my second script. And I'd written the first one while I still working for Sydney, like it three, in three months at night. It was a talking animal movie. only took me about a year. So, uh, you know, I at that point, for better or worse, I felt like, well, I kind of want to work on stuff that I want to work on. You know what I mean? Like, that sort of means something to me. So I probably in hindsight, had I been totally mercenary should have just stacked up assignments to the just like taking whatever came my way. And, you know, done the best I could and taken the money and run. But hopeless romantic ideal is that I am, I just didn't really feel like I could do that. I didn't know where I would pull it from, you know, I didn't even know how I could do like, a not about a bad job on something if I didn't relate to it in some way. So there was actually only one project in that time. I took meetings for about a year. You know, I was I actually went to Italy, while the movie I worked on only for a while. And it was in Italy for a little while shooting. And then I came back and you know, it was doing the meeting thing. And there was only one project that I really wanted. And actually, Meg Ryan was attached to it. And she had a deal at Fox and I didn't really have what they call a quote because I hadn't worked on assignment. So I just had, like, you know, I have a million dollar sale. So my agent asked for a lot of money, which was fine. But they didn't want to pay it. And it was a movie, pretty much starring all women. Interestingly, in hindsight, and all the people involved were women like it was it was it was actually Rosanna Arquette it was a story of hers. And Meg was gonna play Rosanna Rosanna was gonna play her own best friend. And it was complicated. But anyway, um, so we came down in price three times, like we came in at a certain level and fox came back really low, and then we came down and buckskin back really low, and then we came down and bucks came back really late. So three times they never came up a dime. And to me what that meant was, they're never going to make this movie. They don't want this movie. And maybe I'm wrong about that. Maybe I misread it, but that was my interpretation that they were placating Meg. They weren't gonna tell her no, she had to deal with the studio. But they they had no interest in making this. And because I had been so fortunate as to not only sell a script for a million dollars, but actually have it go into production. I kind of thought, Why do I want to sign on for something that I know they're not excited about? To begin with? Right? And that was when I walked away and thought, well, you know, you did Okay, last time, right? In your own idea. So why don't you come up with something else? Oh, the ego? Yeah, wow. But here's what happened. So I gave an if I could only do this now, if only but at the time, I was younger, then I said, Alright, you got a week to come up with something. And that was when I came up with what women want.

Alex Ferrari 30:42
Wow. And, and that is a great segue into what women want, which is obviously was a huge hit with starring Mel Gibson, pre Mel Gibson. And you know, Mel Gibson, pre Mel Gibson, and, and the lovely, incomparable Helen Hunt, who's amazing in the film, and I remember watching that film 1000 times I love that movie. And but there was a bit of drama with that movie wasn't there for you.

Diane Drake 31:11
There's a lot of drama with that movie that I am still technically not at liberty to discuss. But let me just say it was very bittersweet. It is very agonizing. Honestly,

Alex Ferrari 31:23
it was you have a story credit, you have a story credit on

Diane Drake 31:25
that. I have a story credit. And I wrote the original script for that movie, and there's no way that should have happened. There is no way by Writers Guild rules. Uh huh. That that should have happened. And that's all I'm gonna say for now. But that was a huge, huge battle in my life. And yeah, I, you know, I, I always say to people, I'm really trying not to do this anymore. But I always say to people when

Alex Ferrari 31:53
I want to say anyway, but but I'm gonna say it anyway, I don't say this.

Diane Drake 31:58
I say I will never get over it. And I will never get over it. But I have to start, I just have to tell myself, I'm bigger than that. You know, but I the reason it's particularly fresh right now is I just relived it all, because it just got remade, right. So I had to deal with the Writers Guild again, and I had to deal with the credit again, and I had to deal with what was done to me on that movie again. And what was done to me was, you know, brutal, it was not right. And I'm not the only writer in Hollywood to have had this experience. I know that I did get paid, I got paid very well, for my torture. And the movie got me, you know, and it was a huge hit. And all that's to the good, but um, yeah, I have a few bones to pick with a few people, including the Writers Guild.

Alex Ferrari 32:43
And, you know, and if it makes you feel any better, I also had on the show, Paul Castro, I don't sure if you know who Paul Castro is he used to use he taught over at the UCLA Extension program for almost 10 years as well. He wrote August Rush. And he wrote the original screenplay, and the original story. And he had the exact same thing happened to him. And he does, I mean, he did get the store credit, and he has a store credit, but another bigger, the producer brought in a bigger screenwriters name, and then they, he wanted to take credit. And then it was a Writers Guild battle. And it does happen, it does happen, you know, unless you are unless you are an 800 pound gorilla. You know, that's not happened.

Diane Drake 33:24
You know, that's the thing. I mean, after I sold on the EU, I didn't teach anything. I didn't do the kind of thing I'm doing now. But every once a while, I get asked to speak somewhere, you know, and I'd always get the question like, how do you protect your material? And I would always say, Listen, you know, I mean, obviously, at the time, I was in The Guild, I had an agent, I had a lawyer, but still, you know, it's like, you can register your stuff with the guild, even if you're not in the guild, like $25 You can register it with the US Copyright Office. And my response was always, it's just easier for them to pay you than to steal it from you, really. And then what women want happened to me. So yeah, it's, uh, there's, you know, there's only so much you can do and,

Alex Ferrari 34:13
you know, when you go up against when you go up against a studio when you go up against bigger, you know, bigger name, you know, like, you know, for lack of a better term, like, you know, this doesn't happen to Aaron Sorkin or Shane Black you know, yeah, Quinn Tarantino

Diane Drake 34:26
would have not I think I mean, listen, read William Goldman. I mean, they all have their horror stories, even people very top you know, it's just, it's just differently, but, um, yeah, I will say I feel like and I always have to, like temper this. Like, I've been very fortunate. You know, I was fortunate that it sold I was fortunate that it got made. I was fortunate. I got paid. I had a really good attorney. I'm not good enough as it turned out. But, but you know, I really do fault. The writer skill a lot on this And, you know, I'm not the first writer to do that. And you know, they do their best. But, um,

Alex Ferrari 35:07
it's politics. It's Politics, Politics, Politics.

Diane Drake 35:11
It's just the reality, you know, and I had the guilt exists. And I appreciate, you know, the residuals and all that. And, but, yeah, they're, they're not immune. They're not, you

Alex Ferrari 35:21
know, it's politics. And I think that's something that they don't teach in film schools and stuff, they don't understand any new screenwriters coming up, don't understand that. Look, there's there are rules that everyone says there are. And then there's rules that nobody tells you there are until you get slapped across the face with those new rules. And you are a perfect example. And Paul's a perfect example of that, that things happen, especially when egos get involved, especially when big names get involved. And a lot of times are like, well, who's that? Well, that's an app, let's just crush that and move that out of the way. It does happen. It does happen. It's unfortunately, it

Diane Drake 35:55
does happen. And it happens far too often. I mean, you know, compared to a lot of what people go through, you know, at least my name is on it, and at least

Alex Ferrari 36:04
Absolutely, you actually have one of those success stories.

Diane Drake 36:07
Having said that, I mean, you know, that it's just, you know, it's funny, I'll do a little segue here. So one of the things I talk about, and it's only kind of recently come to me, you know, it's interesting teaching, because when you're writing, it's, you know, I assume it's like somebody who's a good tennis player or whatever, it's intuitive, right? They've been doing it so long. And then when you teach it, you have to really break it down. You're trying to explain to somebody else, you know, how it works. And so I like teaching because you always kind of get new insights for as long as I've been at this I'm still like learning stuff myself, you know, there's never ending. But one of the things I've recently kind of concluded, or at least, you know, contemplated is that I really do believe that in a way stories are about justice. Because I think everyone feels like an underdog and everybody recognizes that life is not fair. It's just not and yet And yet there's something really deep in us like primal almost Lee almost that wants to believe it is that you know, is so like, we just like expect it's going to be but of course it's not. And that's part of the function story, sir. Right? Because we want to see people get what they deserve. We want to see the hero get what he deserves. We want to believe there's justice in the world. We want to believe, you know, we want to see the villain get what he deserves. And you know, and that leads to the whole Zeitgeist thing about superheroes now, because I think everybody feels so powerless. But you know

Alex Ferrari 37:38
what I mean? I always use this as an analogy, because what you just said is a perfect analogy for arguably my favorite film of all time Shawshank Redemption. Yeah, you saw shank redemption. I always people like what is about that movie that, you know, I saw that movie when I was 20 something where I literally probably still thought John Claude Van Damme was a greatest actor of all time. So there wasn't a sophistication there to see a good story but yet even my high school and college friends were liking that movie. Like, what is about that story? Like, on paper? It's a horrible title. It's like not right horrible worse, worse marketing worse marketing campaign ever. I mean, it's about you know, in the middle, it just there's nothing appealing from on the surface about that film. But yet I always tell people that I think it's I think people connect with it so much because it's an analogy for life where you are Andy do friend and you feel like you your your life sometimes might feel like you're in prison or that it's not fair. And then you get beaten constantly for 20 years, and then you finally escaped and assistance cathartic thing? Yeah. So that's why I just thought of that when you were saying that because it was, I feel it's very much what do you think about the damage? I'm assuming you like that? If not, you're dead inside. And I

Diane Drake 38:53
haven't seen as many times as you have. I remembered I remember very fondly. But you're absolutely right, that it is a lot of people's favorite movie. Like, you know, if you're on Twitter, and people name things, that movie comes up a lot. So it really did strike a chord with people. And and yeah, getting back to what I was saying. I mean, I think the most powerful people in the world think of themselves as underdogs. You know, it's all relative right? Here. I think they identify with the underdog. And it's funny, you know, that, how I am and I don't know who it's by, I should know, but I'm into each life some ramus fall, you know, that saying, okay, so I only just recently came across the line that precedes that, which I think is really lovely, which is by fate is the common fate of all into each life summary as well. That's awesome. Like, you're not going to be exempt, you're not going to be exempt and it's going to suck you know, and so we all have our our crosses to bear so to speak. So yeah, I do think stories really speak to that in the desire to believe there's some I mean, you know, we look at we build temples to justice, Supreme Court, whatever we want to believe that that matters, even though so often, it seems not to

Alex Ferrari 40:04
what is the what is the great fear that you had to overcome to finally be able to put your fingers on that typewriter or on that computer or on that on that computer to actually start writing and put yourself out there as a writer, because I know a lot of people listening are either just starting out, and they just have these. I'm a very big mindset guy. So like, it's all about your mindset and what beliefs you have about yourself and the confidence that you spoke about? And what was that thing that you finally, what was the dragon that you slayed to get to where you were,

Diane Drake 40:35
um, you know, I don't know if I can quite put my finger on the fear, although, like I said, just sort of the general umbrella of lack of confidence, which I think stays with you, you know, I just think stays with writers period, and probably most creative people. And, and I but I do remember telling myself that I needed to accept the fact that I was not going to probably be able to write to a level that I would really respect, right, because even though my critical faculties have been pretty well honed, I was just beginning as a writer. So you know, cut yourself a little bit of slack there, right? You know, you haven't been doing this, as long as you've been watching movies, you know, even people who don't do development for a living, don't analyze material for a living, you still do it right, as a viewer, an audience member, whatever. So you've consumed a lot, but you haven't produced much chances are, you know, depending on where you are in your life, and what else you've done, in terms of creative writing, so there was that. And then there was also an again, this is a little bit more of a function of the fact that it was such a great time to sell originals. But and what I was saying earlier about, you know, looking around and seeing people selling stuff and thinking, Well, I know as much as they do, or you know, so I really didn't kind of start thinking, Well, why not me? Why not? You know, I been at this, you know, so I think it's a combination of, again, allowing yourself to be a beginner in a way and at the same time doing your homework, so that you have something to back it up. Right that you have educated yourself about the craft. And that's one of my pet peeves, I have to say is that I think people, a lot of people by virtue of the fact that they've seen a lot of movies, I think it's probably it's not that hard to write one, right. But the analogy I always use is like, well, I've driven a lot of cars, but I wouldn't attempt to build one without investigating how an engine works and aerodynamics and those things, right. So and it's also the function of the fact that like, not everybody thinks they can play a musical instrument, but everybody can type. Everybody can, you know, they know the alphabet, they got a computer. So you know, but there's a little more to it than that. So yeah, you have to do your homework, too.

Alex Ferrari 42:44
Now what? So we've, we've gone down the rabbit hole of your career, and actually just kind of talked all about the business of screenwriting, which is fantastic. And I think it's great, great information that doesn't get talked about often. But let's talk a little bit about the craft. Just a little bit about the craft. What are some of the most common mistakes or issues you see in first time? screenplays.

Diane Drake 43:08
Okay, so I, I'll be a little plug for myself here. I recently not that raised by now. But a few years ago, wrote a book called get your story straight about writing screenplay. And it grew out of my teaching for UCLA. And as I was saying earlier, in terms of like, trying to figure out how to teach it. What I wound up doing, you know, what sort of happened was, I found myself putting a lot of emphasis on structure. And I know people have a problem with that. Sometimes they think of it as formulaic or whatever, but it's really not sorry about the sirens.

Alex Ferrari 43:44
Oh, good. So good. I'm assuming you're in LA. So it's okay. Yes.

Diane Drake 43:50
Yeah. But, um, so I think that's it, I think a lot of times, you know, because the screenplay, it's a marathon and you spent 120 pages now it's maybe 100 to 110. But that's still a lot, right. And it's very easy to get lost on that sea of possibilities and, and write yourself into a corner to mix my metaphors. And I think, again, getting back to what I was saying about justice and sort of how it's primal. I think that story structures like I, I didn't invent it, you know, this was Aristotle, this is beginning middle. And this goes way back. And again, I think is sort of primal. It's kind of like you, you may not know a lot about music, but you can tell if something doesn't sound right. If it's out of tune or whatever, right. You might not be able to put your finger on why it's the same thing. It's like, we almost have this intuitive sense of like how things ought to be building or moving forward or shifting, you know, as the story progresses. And I think structure is something that's often kind of invisible to the average person. They don't they're not conscious of it, but they are unconsciously aware of it, you know what I mean? And that's and so Those are the problems I see most often, you know that people are structural, yeah, they're structural, you know, it's like it, you and that everything needs to have a purpose, right? It's not just random chitchat, it's not, you know, you need to be building, these seems to be telling you something that you didn't already know. And they need to be taking you in a specific direction, and you probably better have a pretty good idea of where it is you want to wind up before you start, if you're going to stand any chance of getting there.

Alex Ferrari 45:28
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now, back to the show.

Diane Drake 45:39
So and I also always, you know, the caveat to that is, you know, there are movies that don't follow those, I don't even like to call rules, principles, maybe, you know, but if you want to do that, well, fantastic, you know, then, but it, you'll be doing it if you if you educate yourself about it, you'll be doing it consciously, you'll be breaking those rules consciously, instead of you just don't know any better. And you're just kind of bound, right? Like Charlie Kaufman can

Alex Ferrari 46:06
do that. Right. But very much so.

Diane Drake 46:10
But that's a high wire act, you know, I mean, don't try that at home. That is that is somebody who's at the very top of their craft, and very unique sensibility and all that. For the most part, the vast, vast majority of critically and commercially successful films hit those beats, they just do. And it's funny, because even movies that you think of as being, or I think a lot of people think of as being novel and indie or whatever. You'd be amazed how much they fulfill that. I just, just recently, we screened Little Miss Sunshine. And I had them do a worksheet on it, like, you know, what's the inciting? What's the opening image, you know, opening image of that movie, it's so on target, it's all sitting there watching a pageant, and it's reflected in her glasses. I mean, it's so perfect, and she's acting it out. So you instantly know what that movie is about, or you know, you don't know. But in hindsight, like, that's what that movie was about. And all those beats that inciting incident in the first plot point, and you know, the midpoint, and he's just hitting those marks in in really inventive and character driven ways. So

Alex Ferrari 47:16
very much. So one thing I wanted to ask you as well, what do what does the scene always have to have in it? Like, what are the elements in the scene? Because you're right, so many times people are just like, so how are you doing? I'm doing fine. How is that going? And they like, just, it's like, no, that's that way we watch a movie to watch real life. That's called a documentary. What should a scene do? And what elements should be in every scene in your script?

Diane Drake 47:39
God, I wish I knew. But I will say this, you know, I mean, dramas conflict, right? Somebody should be one, tell me she wants something, you know, and they probably should know. And I wouldn't say always, but oftentimes, we going up against somebody else who, you know, doesn't want them to have it. Right. That's kind of how you feel it. But I think, you know, some scenes are more character oriented, and they're telling you something more about the person, particularly in the first act, you know, when you're getting the lay of the land. You know, some scenes are really just kind of moving the plot along, we know who these people are, by now, you know, you want to be consistent with who they are. But this is What's tricky about it, right? Because you can't really totally boil it down to a formula, that it's the prototype every time out, right. And that's why even people like Sydney, Pollack, you know, have their hits and their misses, you know, it's just, they're there. It's intangible in a way, you know, but, um, in general, you want to be moving things forward, you don't want to be repeating yourself, and you want the story to be building as you go. And you want there to be something at stake that people care about, or understand at least what it means to the protagonist, and that you care about whether or not they get it, because if you don't care, then the whole thing is moot. Right? Right. That's kind of fundamental.

Alex Ferrari 49:01
So then what film in your opinion has, as an example, like a perfect setup, structurally speaking, like just like, great,

Diane Drake 49:09
you know, there's quite a number of them because I, I know this because I teach them in my class. And I don't have anything that's really brand new. But you know, I try to get to newer things, but tipsy is genius. But you know, 10 Seems like I don't know, eight writers on that. Right? I mean, credited it's not but like Elaine May was uncredited on that, you know, Larry Gelbart was on that Marsha school, who was the guy who came up with it with Dustin. You know, and then there were at least three or four others. I wasn't working for Sydney at the time. But you know, I'm aware at least three brothers that you know, he worked with plus Sydney, who never took a writing credit, but worked very closely, you know, with people developing scripts. So that's how hard it is. Right? That's that this is how challenging this craft is. You got all those people at the top of their game and it took them years That thing did not happen overnight. I think that thing was in development at least three or four years before. And when they first pitched it to Sydney when Dustin and I guess my Cisco versus Sydney, he's like, you know, and he had not done comedy right. In fact, I think that's his only comedy. And it's really a shame because it's such genius, but he felt like, you know, I don't really do farce, and it's great. I would go see it. You know, Blake Edwards did it, I go see it. But I don't know how I don't know a way into it. You know, a guy putting on a dress. And apparently, in one of those meetings, somebody said something about, you know, how it makes a man out of my goal, like being a woman, man. And that was what Sydney latched on to thematic, Lee, that was interesting,

Alex Ferrari 50:43
then I'm assuming that is a that's a difficult pitch like that, at that time in history as well. It must have been a difficult pitch,

Diane Drake 50:51
Dustin, and he was pretty big star. But, um, and he really wanted to make it and he really wanted to play it. You know, there was something about playing that character he really sunk his teeth into. But that was the thing that made it interesting for sending this was sort of the larger thematic question that he could explore there. But Toy Story is also master class and structure.

Alex Ferrari 51:14
Pretty much almost every one of their movies is a masterclasses structure. I mean, you could argue that all of them,

Diane Drake 51:21
I'm going to be unpopular here and say that I'm not as big a fan of the Pixar movies as I used to be, because this is just me. I don't think they're as funny as they used to be. I think they've gotten very sentimental. And yeah, and, and I missed the wit, you know, and I don't know if that's just a function that most of the guys and they are guys, almost all guys, and maybe there's some women now, but who made the bulk of those movies have gotten older. I don't know whether it's just easier and safer. commercially speaking, you know, it is easier, I think, to sort of push those sentimental buttons than it is to be genuinely witty and inspired. Especially when you're kind of working on almost like Shakespearean level where you're aiming at kids and adults and everybody in between. But I just think the original Toy Story is genius. And, and so funny and, and, and ultimately, so touching. But I mean, the idea that buzz has this existential crisis when he realized he was not a Space Ranger. I mean, now, right? There was best things ever in a movie. And it's fantastic too, because it's fantastic character arc, because it's that's his epiphany. That's the moment that they're able to escape sins and you see the light go on in his eyes. And he finally realizes, you know, it's okay not to be a space ranger, you know, he's cool with being Andy's toy.

Alex Ferrari 52:46
isn't a great in the sequel, where he actually runs into another Buzz Lightyear who still has that same thing. He's like, Oh, you silly, silly, man.

Diane Drake 52:56
I mean, yeah. The King's Speech is another one that really hits those marks sideways really hits those marks. A lot of them you'd be surprised so you can any really, in my opinion, pretty much any really successful commercially critically, you know, solid movie, you can go through that checklist and identify for yourself those beats again, unless it's something very different. Like like Charlie Kaufman or

Alex Ferrari 53:24
you know, Tarantino Tarantino stuff.

Diane Drake 53:26
Yes, exactly. We've got that loopy structure and stuff, you know, which is genius, too. But I think even in that, you know, you can identify Inciting Incidents and stuff. Yeah, that's, that's yeah,

Alex Ferrari 53:37
you break Pulp Fiction down, and it follows the path, but it's it's done that

Diane Drake 53:42
The way. It's, yeah, it's so put around in time that way, and like 500 Days of Summer, or Yeah, yeah, they're hitting those marks, but they're doing it in a way that like, it's like, really,

Alex Ferrari 53:53
it hurts the brain. It hurts the brain to think about how he, he was able to structure that up. No, I wanted to touch about because you touched upon this earlier superhero films. It's obviously so pervasive right now in our culture. Um, look, I have a Yoda sitting behind me. I have some superhero statues in the back. I'm a huge superhero fan is my generation. I was raised with comic books and stuff. So I love it. But it is now a thing that now studios every, like, if you were I remember, like 89 When Batman showed up that Tim burns Batman, everyone was like, holy cow, a superhero movie that was not Superman, circa 1977. Now, every week, there's a new $300 million movie. What is it about the superhero genre, which Spielberg also said that will eventually go out like the Westerns? I don't know when it'll go out but waiting. It's gonna it's gonna be probably another 30 or 40 years. I mean, they're gonna they have 40 or 50 years of these characters still going and then they can reboot it and as long as people keep showing up, they're gonna keep going, but what is it about that genre? What is it about? What's your opinion on the genre? And in better and better question is like, is there anything that could be done with screenwriters coming up in this genre?

Diane Drake 55:12
You know, I am not the person to ask because I really, I all admit that upfront, I'm just I'm, I, I've tried, I really have tried design. No, that's what the kids are saying. You know what I mean? I like I know, of course, I'm well aware of how popular these things are. But they just make my eyes glaze over.

Alex Ferrari 55:30
I have a Nolan How about Nolan's work?

Diane Drake 55:34
Christopher Nolan. Yes.

Alex Ferrari 55:35
Like the Dark Knight?

Diane Drake 55:37
I haven't seen it. I'll confess. So I'll say this. I love Iron Man. Okay. It's Robert. And because it's John Pharaoh, and I love John. I think John Piper was fantastic. So there's wit in that movie. I think that's just for me. I just, I like, things that make me laugh. And I'm bored by watching an accident sequence that goes on for 20 minutes. I mean, how many times can you watch things blow up? How many times can you watch, you know, giant fingers punch each other? I just entertaining. I wish I did. Because clearly there's there's money to be made, you know, and I feel a little left out in the cold at this point. But I it just they don't entertain me. I never read comic books. I'm not interested. I think the original Superman is brilliant. Because again, it's character, right? There's width, and there's romance, and there's character. And there's tongue in cheek, you know, and maybe some of these movies have that. And I've missed the ones that do. But I'm like you said There's a new one every week. And i just i i It's not my thing.

Alex Ferrari 56:44
The one thing the only movie I will suggest you do. Only one I would say you watch is the Dark Knight. It is arguably the godfather of of superhero movies. And if you take the superhero element out of it is a basically an amazing heist film, just a heist film mixed with a crime drama thriller. If you take it because a lot of these you you take the suit off. It's done. Right, right. Christopher Nolan does such a good job that and that's the second one. Not the first. The first one's great. And the third one is good. But the second one is, if that's the reason why we have 10 That's why we have 10 Oscar nominees. And because of because of that movie, right?

Diane Drake 57:23

Alex Ferrari 57:23
it was so good.

Diane Drake 57:25
Well, and this is not superhero, but um, you know, it's not like I don't like if anybody cares. Really, right. Like, I'm like, you know, darker movies. Like, really a movie that I love, actually that I was also just pointing out to my students because the final battle in it is aliens. The second one simply ever did, which I just think is genius. You know, it's so suspenseful. But again, great characters. You know, Paul riser is so scary in that movie. Like you can't believe he's that bad a villain and he's frightening

Alex Ferrari 58:01
and normal looking. But is normal looking. That's the thing the same, right?

Diane Drake 58:05
Whoa. And we're used to seeing him in comedy. And then again, it's gonna be incredible. And oh, my God, oh, Caxton. I know.

Alex Ferrari 58:21
Man, and I would argue and I know, I might get crap for this on people listening. But I'm like, it honestly hasn't been a James Cameron film that he's made really, that I don't like, I think they all have. I mean, he's just one of the, like, the abyss, I thought was,

Diane Drake 58:36
I actually never saw any of this. I was not a big fan of Avatar. In fact, I felt like Avatar was a bit of a rip off of aliens. Oh, no,

Alex Ferrari 58:43
Avatar was a ripoff of FernGully it was a ripoff of a billion other things. But it hits those he was able to hit those buttons. So yeah, everyone was a bull's eye. Everyone was a bull's eye. And then you mix that in with insane technology. Insane,

Diane Drake 58:59
respectable. Exactly. And I clearly that's part of its success. And probably a lot of people who loved avatar never saw aliens, you know, I didn't realize the extent to which, you know, he was kind of ripping himself off. But um, I just and I also think, you know, aliens had wit, I mean, it just so you know, if you can combine all those things, it's fantastic. But to me, I just feel like so much of the superhero movies are the ones I've seen. And again, I haven't seen very many, but the ones I've seen and even wonder woman like I heard so much about Wonder Woman and of course I wanted to, you know, applaud it. It wasn't that great. I'm sorry. It really wasn't I was expecting Superman and maybe the bar was too high. But in terms of like that relationship between her and I can't even remember the guy now. I just really expected more of it. It looked great. She looked great. You know, but that whole third act is same old same old you know, it just I I don't know I mean a Listen, I'm not an easy person to go see movies with

Alex Ferrari 1:00:00
Fair enough, fair enough? No, confess,

Diane Drake 1:00:02
whatever you do your that was more critical.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:06
So what?

Diane Drake 1:00:07
Let me just say, I will say this, when something's really good, in my humble opinion, I appreciate it so much. Because I know how hard it is. I really do

Alex Ferrari 1:00:16
I agree when I say like, I saw green book, and I was just like, well, that's just great. I mean, it was just so well, the chemists literally two guys in a car. And it just held you and it was wonderful performances, wonderful writing wonderful directing. It was just hitting every I don't know if it was best picture. But it was still are arguably one of the best films I saw this last year. But yeah, when you find it when you see it, if it keeps me up past my bedtime, that means it's a good movie

Diane Drake 1:00:48
See it again, because you want to see how they did what they did. You know, that's something for what it's worth, I really recommend to your listeners and writers is, if there's something you really like, watch it and read it and watch it and read it over and over and over. I feel like it seeps into you the rhythms of it. You know, even if you feel like you know it forwards and backwards, if you can still learn from it and really dissect how they're doing what they're doing. Look at how it looks on the page, look at how you know, it hasn't made it to the screen, that form has been changed that kind of thing. Just really do the forensics.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:25
Yeah. And yeah, of course I've been I've worked in a video store. So I saw 1000s and 1000s of movies. And that's how I kind of got started in my business just watching. It was the first time in history that you could do that when the VHS came right, right. That's right. Yeah. Before then you have to wait for the movie.

Diane Drake 1:01:39

Alex Ferrari 1:01:41
you can pause it and rewind it. And you're gonna have Martin Scorsese talking to you.

Diane Drake 1:01:46
Yes. Now.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:48
There's no excuse whatsoever. Now, your book, uh, tell me a little bit about your book. I want to I want to get people to if you're interested in it, where they can get it. What's it about?

Diane Drake 1:01:58
Um, it's called get your story straight. It's on Amazon. Like I said, it kind of grew out of my teaching for UCLA. And it I really go into what I think are the important elements of a functioning screenplay. And I use a lot of examples. Like I was saying I dissect a movie at the end of noumenon every chapter but almost every chapter, including Ironman and King's speech and sideways and Tootsie and toy stories, and the kind of all over the map fell on the waves, you know, winning screenplays, yeah, genius. Thurman always so holds up. How well that movie. It's so good. It's so good. That sequence I just gonna go up on tangent here quickly, the sequence because founders are talking about turnaround, the sequence where they get stopped by the cop. And Thelma, you know, starts in that sequence as like a little girl, you know, she's like, please, please, please don't let it get stopped. Please don't ask us. You know, and then they need the cop clips of the car. And then she sort of coqueta she was like, officer, I told her to slow down. No, it doesn't work either. And he makes Louise get out of the car and makes her go sit in the police car. And then, you know, Thelma appears at the window with the gun and start calling the shots. Oh, shoot the radio. And so you see that character arc in that sequence? You know, and it's just so brilliant. And it's so brilliant too, because you believe it? Right? Because we know she's met Brad Pitt. And we know there's money been stolen. We know. You know, she's desperate at this point. She's also, you know, had this little quick romance with him. And yet he's taken their money, but he's taught her how to Rob I mean, so it's not like it's not set up. You know, it like you don't see it coming yet. At the same time. It's like, oh, yeah, I can buy that she would do that. So

Alex Ferrari 1:03:49
it was such a great such agreement, and we are going to attach it but that was a great movie. Ridley Scott directed it. And people like Ridley Scott, like when he did that movie. It was like, what the guy with the Blade Runner and aliens doing?

Diane Drake 1:04:01
I know and it's visually so stunning. You know, it's Oh, it's so great. Anyway, so about the book. So yeah, so that's that's what the book is.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:10
With. Thank you. And then what else are you up to? What other things do you do?

Diane Drake 1:04:14
So I teach I do consulting. I do private consulting I speak I which I really enjoy I last year and I'm doing again this July I was a mentor at a retreat at this castle in France called marijuana castle. There are some folks anyway, it's miles Copeland. I don't know if you know that music producer responsibly. His castle. But it's fantastic. It's just a great experience. And then I'm gonna do another one of those in a monastery. Naples.

Alex Ferrari 1:04:46
Rough. Yeah, that's

Diane Drake 1:04:49
the best part. Honestly, I'm like being read. Anyway, that's an April 2020 The Italy one. So I do that and I I am Working on working on something and I haven't written anything in a while for all the reasons we discussed. But I do have a story I want to tell. So a lot of people have told me I should write it as a book. For a number of reasons. A Hollywood's more interested in books right now than they are in original ip ip. Yeah, exactly. No, it's really true. I mean, the manager who came to speak at my seminar or whatever, at UCLA recently, was saying literally even self published books they're more interested in than they are in an original screenplay. Because it sort of doesn't matter. It's as long as it's something else first. It's stunning. Um, but having said that, you know, I'm not. I've spent all these years in Screenwriting. That's what comes to me naturally and to try to write it as a novel. Oh, although the thought of like, not having anybody mess with it is really appealing. And it's, it's kind of daunting to me. So we'll see. But I yeah,

Alex Ferrari 1:06:00
I'll tell I'll tell you what if I can write a book because I have a story that I had to tell. And I wrote a book that just got released about a crazy story in my life as a filmmaker, and it got published and people already asking me, when's the movie coming out? Because a friend of mine wanted me to write the screenplay. I'm like, I'm not gonna write the screenplay. I'm not gonna go chase money for a screenplay. I'm not gonna, and I can't tell the whole story. In a screenplay, it's gonna be so much more difficult. But what a lot of freedom in a novel, it is a tremendous amount it's for. And I've written more screenplays that I've written anything else in my life? It just just flows. It's so it's nice. It's,

Diane Drake 1:06:37
well, how you encouraged me, I appreciate that. I just, I don't know, I don't literally like kind of know how to do it on the I'm so used to being spare, you know, like, now. I've got to like, you know, they said, you know, it's like, I find that really challenging. Maybe I should just like, map it all out and then translate, right?

Alex Ferrari 1:06:55
It's like speaking, it's like speaking publicly doing a 10 minute speech versus a three hour speech. Like, it's much harder to do a 10 minute speech than it is to do a three hour speech, because three hours you can just Miranda and

Diane Drake 1:07:08
tell stories. And can you think the novel is like a three hour speech?

Alex Ferrari 1:07:12
Absolutely. Because I was able to go into places until until little detailed stories and then not have to be so precious with your words. Because when you're a screenwriter, they just beat you down with like, every single word has to mean something, that description has to move the story or we're in a novel, you could just you literally just all the chains are off, and you could just write and it is honestly for me, as you know, as a screenwriter, and as a writer it is so it was so freeing. I was like I'm just gonna write 1000 words today and then just write 1000 words and I'm gonna write another 1000 words today and, and there's no the structure is so much more freeing it as a writer, it feels it feels so much better for me. I do think that novel writers have an extremely difficult time becoming screenwriters. But I think screenwriters have a much easier time become novel writers. I had Doug Richardson, the screenwriter from bad boys, and diehard to on. And Doug. He's writing. He's writing novels now. He, he loves to teach. He said series of novels. And he still write screenplays. But he's like, oh, man, it's just so great. Because you could spell play and what you said, it's yours. No one's gonna mess with a word.

Diane Drake 1:08:24
Well, that's, that's the biggest thing. You know, I mean, obviously, you got editors, you know, if you get that are your sisters but, but, ya know, it's a whole other. Yeah, that that is something that, you know, is, I think, kind of unique to screenwriting. It's like, you know, if you do if you're a painter or poet, or whatever, you do it and maybe people like it, or they don't like it or whatever. But nobody's like, let's put a little more read on that. You know, write your own brush. Yeah. So I

Alex Ferrari 1:08:54
hope I've encouraged you to write in a novel.

Diane Drake 1:08:57
It's a good perspective shift for me.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:00
So I'm gonna ask you a few questions. I asked all my guests. What advice would you give a screenwriter one to break into the business today?

Diane Drake 1:09:05
You know, I I think I think okay, if you happen to be a minority, there's never been a better time. Right? So many fellowships, diversity fellowships programs out there particularly in television. I think the vast majority are in television but they all these you know, platforms and networks and everything as we discussed have so much you know, time to feed you know, and there's unlimited Netflix right?

Alex Ferrari 1:09:39
Oh, there's Netflix is just the starting there's so many streaming I think there's like 1000 moments shows going on right now. It's insane.

Diane Drake 1:09:45
And who knows how long that's gonna be the case. But for the time being, there's there's that vacuum not backing but you know, there's that market to fill. And there's a lot of heat on these organizations to open doors to people who always have been kept out basically. So, um, so if you're one, if you fall into that category, I would absolutely encourage people to pursue those fellowships and, you know, do your homework on that. And that's easy to find on Google that stuff. And then there's the contest, you know, nickel, you know, there's a handful that I think really sort of matter nickel as Film Festival, probably final draft, you know, there might be a couple more that I'm not thinking of right now. But that's kind of a way to get noticed, you know, and then, you know, the other thing is, and this is the trick, right, it's like, go do your own little thing. So there's this democratization of the technology, right, but at the same time, there's so much clutter out there. So that's hard to rise above. But, you know, I always say, and I always add that, you know, sometimes I wish this weren't the case, when my work doesn't seem to catch fire, you know, but, um, I really do believe if you write something good enough, and that bar is very, very high. But if you do, it will get noticed, people will talk about it, they will talk to their friends about it, and it will spread, and you will get somewhere with it. But you know, Mike Lawrence, you know, who wrote Little Miss Sunshine. There's a great clip of video of him online, if people are interested, where he talks about sort of his inspiration for that movie, and the origins of it, and he's really lovely. But one of the things he talks about is how he was a reader before he became a writer, I think, from Matthew Broderick, and and he says, I believe it's in that clip, where he says, you know, that I realized the talents, kind of a wash in B minus two B plus scripts. And then a lot of them just didn't ultimately fully deliver, particularly in the end. And he it was very important to him that that ending on Little Miss Sunshine really said something I did, and yeah, you know, like, it went away, you didn't expect and yet it made perfect sense. And it tied everything together with the medically and, you know, story wise and everything. So, I think that's true, you know, I think, to, to write a B script, it's probably not going to get you that far. But if you can, either, you know, whether it's in the conception of the idea that so unique that it's like Jurassic Park or something, you know, that it just really is just almost sells itself that way, or your execution is really so masterful, and and that is hard. That's really hard. And you had it, it doesn't happen in one or two drafts, you know, you'd have to really be willing to keep at it.

Alex Ferrari 1:12:31
Now, what can you tell me what book had the biggest impact on your life or career?

Diane Drake 1:12:37
I wish you'd asked me these questions about what book had the biggest impact? Um, you know, I can't think of one in particular, there's a book I really, really love. I don't know that it had the biggest impact on me, but it's called West with the night. It's actually setting African people wanted Sydney to make it after he did out of Africa. And it's a true story too, but he'd already done out of Africa. So sure, he wasn't gonna go back there. But that's a brilliant really book written by a woman who was a pilot in a bush pilot at the same era of Isaac Dennison. But what I will say is after I quit business school, and was thinking of going to law school, when I was in college, I didn't take any Well, I took one literature class, and I hated it, because they made us read books I didn't like, and so which is kind of like being forced to eat food, you don't want to eat, you know, and irony of ironies, that's what my living became, was reading, reading stuff. I didn't want to be reading screenplays. But for whatever reason, I just decided, when I got out that I wanted to have a better understanding of classic literature. And so I did my own little self, you know, self directed course, I guess, of reading the classics, sort of right after I got into college. So I read because I wanted to know what we built by Moby Dick Or they talked about Grapes of Wrath, or they or, you know, Jane Austen, or whoever, Tolstoy you know, I wanted some familiarity with that. I don't honestly really even know why. But I did. And what I learned from that was, it just taught me a lot about the universality of human nature. You know, like, at the time, like, you know, it was still the Soviet Union, and they were like, the big red menace, and I knew nothing about Soviet and then I read Tolstoy, and it's like, oh, but they're just like, people. Right? I mean, obviously, he was precisely, but you know, what I'm saying like that this Russian guy, you know, from the 1800s, right? Us 1800s, I believe, could speak to me, you know, in the 20th century, which was astonishing to me, but he really did and that's it. That's Shakespeare, right? That's, that's the things don't change that much. And so I think collectively that experience, really, it gave me a lot and I think it also gave me kind of confidence in my ability as a reader That was

Alex Ferrari 1:15:02
Very good. Now what is the lesson that took you the longest to learn whether in the film business or in life?

Diane Drake 1:15:11
Wow, what am I still learning? Um, you know it, I'll say this, it gets back a little bit to what we're talking about justice, you know, and you stay in this business long enough, some really shitty stuff is going to happen to you. It's just going to, and like I said, nobody is immune. And it's ugly, it is it is uglier than you can possibly imagine, that I could have possibly imagined. Um, the other side of that coin is, is can be incredibly exciting and incredibly fun. And I got to go to Italy and hang out with Robert Downey Jr. You know what I mean, it's like, but it runs the gamut. But I do remember having a point, a long time ago, in my life where I thought, you know, you either need to just accept that this is the nature of the game, you know, this is the nature of the beast, or you need to get out, because you are not going to change this. And so, yeah, you're not. Now having said that, I still have difficulty with that. And, and I will say, in the wake of the me to stuff, part of me is like, hats off, you know, for your collectively for those women collectively going, No, you know what, it's not okay. And we are going to try to change it. And, you know, maybe they will in the long run, maybe they won't, I don't know, but I really give them credit for having finally said, No, we're not just gonna say that's how it works. That's how the business is. There's nothing we can do. So if you have to, I think almost have like a duality, you know, where it's like, okay, this is the way it is. And you do your best to cope with it and just keep your head down. You know, do your work. That in the end, I think is your salvation, is do your work, do the best you can and, and strive as you do that, because it is so critical to be inspired by the work that you admire, and the work you love and really seek that out. Because that's what beat you.

Alex Ferrari 1:17:10
And the toughest question of all three of your favorite films of all time.

Diane Drake 1:17:14
Oh, my goodness. See, now this is so hard. Um, well, I would put them on Louise up there. I really would. I love that movie. Um, gosh, we think hear from it. I mean, there's little movies that I love. I don't know if I put them My all time but they just touched me like Al Pacino. I love love Pacino's beautiful. It's so beautiful. And it's just so quirky and sweet and beautiful. I really like Pulp Fiction. Fiction, and I and yeah, so and yeah. Butch Cassidy maybe Hello. Paul Newman. Anything Goldman? It? Yeah. And anything really true

Alex Ferrari 1:17:58
Princess bride I mean,

Diane Drake 1:18:00
Princess Bride, misery. I mean, come on. Yeah. All the presents. And at all of them. He's just genius. And they all hold up so well.

Alex Ferrari 1:18:09
And where can people find you and the work you're doing?

Diane Drake 1:18:13
I didn't, they can go to my website, which is dianedrake.com. And you can reach me there.

Alex Ferrari 1:18:18
Very cool. Well, Diane, it has been an amazing conversation. I'm so glad it went into places I wasn't expecting, which I love. Which is great. And you really drop some knowledge bombs on the tribe today about the realities of being in this business. And hopefully some inspiration and some cautionary tales, as well. So thank you so much for taking the time out to talk to us.

Diane Drake 1:19:02
Oh, my pleasure. Thank you. It's really fun.

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BPS 033: Beat by Beat to a Better Screenplay with Jim Mercurio

Today on the show we have Jim Mercurio. Jim is a filmmaker, writer, and author whose screenwriting instruction has inspired tens of thousands of writers around the world. Creative Screenwritingranked him as one of the country’s top story analysts:

“The best example of how an analyst can give concrete help without veering off the track of your story… (Jim) is not just telling you how to rewrite a particular script… but how to apply it to future work as well.”

Jim works with Oscar-nominated and A-List writers as well as complete beginners. He adapts to each writer and script.

Jim is a true champion for undiscovered writers and filmmakers. He produced Hard Scrambled which, like the horror-thriller he directed Last Girl, was discovered in a contest. The film stars Kurtwood Smith (That 70’s Show) and indie stalwart Richard Edson. It premiered at Cinequest and won Best Dramatic Feature at Garden State Film Festival. His experience as a filmmaker informs his approach to the material. He helps you to execute your vision with vivid and cinematic storytelling that can attract allies like directors and producers.

He directed more than 60 hours of Screenwriting education including the first 40 Workshops in the Screenwriting Expo Series including classes by some of the other top screenwriting teachers in the world. His own course Killer Endings was one of the best sellers from the collection. He wrote and directed Making Hard Scrambled Movies, filmmaking tutorials, as bonus material for Hard Scrambled’s original release.

The Washington Post called them “a must for would-be filmmakers.” Inspired by his work on the Expo series, Jim applied his entrepreneurial “go big or go home” attitude to the six-disc DVD set Complete Screenwriting: From A to Z to A-List, a behemoth of screenwriting instruction. It is one of the most comprehensive screenwriting resources in the world. It’s a fast and furious ten hours with an hour of stunning motion graphics that help to explain seldom-discussed topics like theme, concept and character orchestration.

Jim wroteThe Craft of Scene Writing: Beat by Beat to a Better Script, the first-ever screenwriting book that focuses solely on scene writing. It will be released on February 1, 2019, by Linden Publishing.

Together, Jim’s course and book illustrate his forte, to illustrate advanced craft and nitty-gritty insight essential for mastery of screenwriting craft. Enjoy my conversation with Jim Mercurio.

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Alex Ferrari 0:00
I'd like to welcome to the show, Jim Macura. Oh, man, thank you so much for being on the show.

And he was so kind, and giving of his time to come in and share his knowledge and experience with you guys, the tribe. So without any further ado, enjoy my conversation with Jim mercurial. I'd like to welcome to the show, Jim Macura. Oh, man, thank you so much for being on the show.

Jim Mercurio 2:21
Hey, Alex. Thanks for having me. It'll be Well, I think we'll have some fun today.

Alex Ferrari 2:24
Absolutely. Man, I'm here to pick your brain, about screenwriting and how to write a better script.

Jim Mercurio 2:30
Sounds good.

Alex Ferrari 2:31
So first of all, how did you get into the film business in the first place?

Jim Mercurio 2:35
Oh, you know, I always wonder if I'm really like in the film business, you know, I spent a decade making these low budget films from like, 2000 to 2010 and didn't make a bunch of money. But, you know, it's like, the passions there, the experiences there. So I've kind of been like I'm outside of the Hollywood system. And you know, the last decade things have changed a lot. So I'm back to where like, a lot of writers are, you know, writing spec scripts, and, you know, taking a little assignments here and there. So I just saw, you know, I love filmmaking. I don't want to sound the cliche, I want to be director, I thought speed reading was definitely the way through. I got a master's in film, but it wasn't a huge emphasis on screenwriting. So when I first moved to LA in the 90s, I want to figure out between where to cut inside and out, like I had to kind of teach it to myself. So you know, kind of over the years of like, being the student and then, you know, segwaying into like development, and, you know, producing and teaching and stuff. I don't know, it's always been just about wanting to eventually direct and just be able to tell stories on this big grand scale on. Like, even as even as a kid though, like, you know, like my friends were watching Star Wars and I was watching like 70s Scorsese movies and conspiracy theories, I always came to film like, as an adult, like they can could do really smart stuff, and, you know, theme and like, you know, really gritty character stuff. So, I don't know, I've always loved movies, I'd love storytelling. And cinema just seemed like maybe the Hollywood that I imagined existed where I, you know, first came out to Hollywood never really was there or something like I missed by a couple of decades. But I just, you know, always wanted to tell, you know, be part of telling these great stories, great character studies, and like, great, exciting stories, you know, on this big grand scale.

Alex Ferrari 4:22
Now, how did you get involved in teaching screenwriting and your theories behind it?

Jim Mercurio 4:27
Well, like I said, part of my quest was I have to figure out the screenwriting thing for myself. So the first few years in Los Angeles, I was like, working another job, and I was just like, you know, reading every book, writing and then I started writing for creative screenwriting. And I said to him, to Eric, my buddy, who eventually produced a couple movies with me, I said, let me go take all these story guru classes. I was trying to like, you know, be smart and resourceful, save myself a few $1,000 You know, write a review about it. So I don't know 20 Some years ago, um, you know, I went to a I think I take him lucky.

Alex Ferrari 5:01
But I had everyone's advocate.

Jim Mercurio 5:03
I think I didn't before that. But then as part of this process, I did Truby and Walter and kitchen and Hague, and, and just just a bunch of people. So it was like, and then eventually, it was interesting. I ended up directing, like 40 DVDs with a lot of those people. So it's like, I was immersing myself as the student, but it's like to know something so well, you kind of have to, like if you can teach something, you know, better than if you can't you know what I mean? So, like, I was learning this stuff, and I was integrating it. And I wasn't thinking about teaching, I was just like, trying to learn it for myself. But then these chances came up to like, do notes for a friend, you know, write a script review. Oh, you like my notes? Someone else? Why would you notes. So as I started kind of figuring out for myself, I would call on what I learned from other people, because I started kind of like figuring out oh, wait a second, she there's kind of the rules or principles that I'm using for myself. They seem to be working, they seem to like, align or, or pull together 15 different theories, or three or four different gurus into a way that makes sense for me. So it just started kind of naturally like, oh, I can explain it to myself. So I can explain it to someone else fairly well.

Alex Ferrari 6:12
So why do most people and screenwriters when and where screenwriters fail at screenwriting?

Jim Mercurio 6:18
Well, you know, it's interesting. The thing with like, first time script writers getting script writers people always ask me, Well, what's the most common thing that's wrong with the script? And I'm like, well, kind of everything. Not only that as a slight, no, I don't mean, it's a slight. I mean, like, they don't know what they're supposed to know. Like, they don't know the care and the time and the attention that it takes. So it's like a lot of times I think like with beginning screenwriters, or from working with someone as a coach, or, you know, consultant, it's like, the first and best thing I can do is kind of open their eyes and say, This is what great screenwriting is, these are the expectations you kind of you have to have. And if I'm allowed to go on a little tangent, sure, you know, you shouldn't move with your rival. Yes, I did. A cool sci fi movie, they used a hyperbolic version of this thing called the dissapear Whorf hypothesis, it's this idea that language to like, your language that you have affects your worldview. So in that it was very hyperbolic. And that movie was like, if you learn their circular language, you'll be able to, you know, visit the future in the past. And that'll be super powerful. And obviously, you know, real life doesn't quite work that way. The cliche example, and I don't even know if it's true, or if this is scientific anymore, but like, let's say an Eskimo has 40 different types of snow they recognize. So when it snows, they see something different than say B, we're all C, because they know it exists. So like there's a different view of the world. And same thing with screenwriting. Like if you know, 30 different things, and you just have named for them, like, you know, whatever, and ellipses or exposition or reframe, just like little tricks that writers do, or craft principles, even if you don't know how to do them yet, but you're aware of them, you're already ahead of the game, because you're going to be learning them faster, you're going to recognize them and other movies, you're going to expect that you're you know, that your films and your story should have them. So it's like if I say, Hey, man, you opening image should always augur theme, and be like, right on on the nose or on point with what the movies about. And you've never even thought about that. But now that you think about it, you go back and watch your 10 favorite movies, and you're like, Oh, hey, wow, like, I didn't realize it. But Citizen Kane has an opening image. It does that exactly. And so does, you know, this movie is still the seven, which I know you're Fincher fan in these movies, it's all of a sudden, you're like, wait a second, every great movie that I've loved, I just realized, has a really profound and concise opening image that like augers theme, and sets up the character, and every time the character is introduced, it's like, the dilemmas right there. So it's like, if you start seeing things that you didn't even know existed, you know, like, you're already entered the game, you're going to learn faster, you're going to start having expectations for your script. So it's like a lot of it is, I mean, not to, you know, say, hey, those of you who aren't in the club yet, it's hard, you don't know what's going on. It's like, hey, no, just respect this. Like, there's a lot to learn structure and character in theme. And then when you get all that stuff down, then there's like rewriting a subtlety and nuance towards like, I just feel like it takes a while to do a lot of times. It's, it's not even that a beginning script is like, it is a problem. It's like, No, you're exactly where you're supposed to be. Like, there's there's talent, there's some intuition, there's some great moments, you know, you know, in depending on your skill level, or if you believe in innate talent, there might be different levels of where script is, but it's not supposed to do everything, like, the first time or the second time. It's like, that's why, you know, I respect and like, you know, like, it would be like, you know, it would be bad self esteem for me to say like, oh, well, I spent all this time trying to help people learn all the nuances in you know, and finesse is that can be done with screenwriting. If it's like, oh, yeah, it's kind of easy and like, you know,

Only 10 Things You Should Know. And if you know that and read one book, that's enough, it's like no, and this is, this is really hard. And like, you know, I'm still learning myself or, you know, or like in the last five years of my 20 years of figuring this out, there's still stuff I'm learning when I read like great screenplays.

Alex Ferrari 10:14
Absolutely. No, absolutely. And that's the thing, a lot of a lot of screenwriters and filmmakers, for that matter, think it's an easy process. And like, Oh, if I just, if I just put the hero's journey on everything, or if I, or if I just, you know, use troubIes technique, or if I just use this technique or that technique? It, there's no one answer.

Jim Mercurio 10:33
Yeah, but the thing is, though, like, will you want to talk about this later, but like, I have a kind of focus on sheet writing, and I write about it somewhat. And it's like, you know, that that specific approach is, it's not that, you know, to be structure or Syd field or save the cat. It's not that I have to say no to any of that. But just like, like, an improv is yes. And it's, but it's like, you know, one thing isn't going to answer at all, like, you know, like, volger stuff is really good, especially for some sorts of stories. But like, you can, I would say, like, look, a lot of older stuff for a lot of stories is what's, how do you phrase it? It's, it's necessary, but not sufficient. So it's like, you know, yes, every story will have some kind of reluctance in the first act, maybe. And there'll be threshold guardians, there'll be some kind of forces or people or elements that try to stop the person or the, the protagonist from going to that new world. But if it's just an obstacle, if it's just an ogre, in the road with a club, that's not going to be enough, it has to be also on a psychological level. So it's, it's, it's, it's true that yes, all these stories will have these obstacles. But if you have the obstacle, it's not enough. It also needs to resonate on a psychological level. It also has to be aligned to that character. So it's like, I'm very often saying yes, and like, yeah, we save the cat. Read Richard Walter Reed, Michael Hague, if Truby works for us, especially the genre stuff, yeah, use it. If nothing I say should really ever contradicted. It should just kind of enhance it, or maybe reframe it in a way that works for someone better.

Alex Ferrari 12:07
So you're what you're saying is that ogre with the club should be the long lost father of the character. That creates, and we're just

Jim Mercurio 12:15
playing rugby, so on the nose. Right, right. But it might be just the smallest hint of that, like, you know, I'm ready to I'm ready to leave town. And I'm driving out of my hometown in a policeman pulls me over well, that's, that's like over with a club. But wait a second, what if it's like a guy from high school, who kind of thinks I think of a big shot or kind of puts me down or thinks or kind of reminds me that, hey, you're not really supposed to leave this town, you're, you're destined to be this small town person that's supposed to go to Los Angeles, or who you have these big dreams. And all of a sudden, it's like, yeah, it's the negative father figure, or it's like, you know, your uncle, who's a foil character who failed at it, reminding you the stakes, it's like, it could be very subtle way. But like, I don't, I don't want you to get a ticket for a policeman, because you're going too fast. And that's the point I want, I want that to represent something. And if it doesn't, then that policeman doesn't belong in the script like that, that incident, that scene doesn't belong there, you have to find the thing that does two things, both story and character. And, you know, like, when I talk about, you know, seeing just like you want your scene to change at the story level, but also the character level, in pretty much your goal has to be always doing both, like, really, there's almost no reason to only do one of them. Or if you do it a few times, that's fine. But you know, you only have a certain amount of opportunities to get insight into character and to make these important changes in the story. So why would you pass them up, you're always looking for like, the internal and the external to kind of like move forward and change the same time. And that's a tricky thing to do as a beginning screenwriter, so it takes a while to learn as a skill.

Alex Ferrari 13:45
Now, what makes a character? Since we're on the topic of characters, what makes a character interesting to an audience and your opinion?

Jim Mercurio 13:54
I don't like that. That's interesting, because I don't necessarily, I don't necessarily like to, like have these rules of like, well, this is what makes them likable. This is, I'm more like, Here's how you make a good character. And the essence of a great character is very simple. It comes down to one simple dilemma. Look at a craft level. Like if you could ask the God of screenwriting or the muse of screenwriting, like one question that would pretty much define or help you write your entire script? It would be it can be phrased a couple of ways, but one of them is like, what is my character's dilemma? At his core? You know, what is it that he's afraid of? What is the hard choice he has to make? Because that will pretty much answer everything. So if you have that nailed down, really specifically, that's what makes a great and complex character. And I'm not going to be the one to judge like, what was he likable enough? Or what kind of traits does he have to have? I'm not going to say that I'm just going to be pushed. I push writers and storytellers to be like, I want you to be good at this. And I want you to be good at writing characters. I want you to understand what makes a dramatic character work like it all boils down to one thing And one time I was saying this to a class and they were like, you know, oh, why don't think Shakespeare but I'm like, okay, Shakespeare, what's the first thing that comes to mind? They were like, well to be you're not to be like, well, da, right? I mean, you know, like, one thing, you know, Godfather, Michael, you know, be in or out or the family's gonna fall apart. Pardon, that's horrible. I have to be I have to be a criminal, which will eventually lead to me killing my brother. But, you know, to protect my family and the legacy of my family, it's all going to go away. If I don't step up and do this. And obviously, you know, he has his own flaw. But, you know, even Napoleon Dynamite, like, the most important thing to Napoleon Dynamite is to be cool, right? But then what does he risk? Right, but what does he risk at the end? For Pedro, he does that dance in front of everybody. He's willing to be a dork. And it's like, that's actually huge. Like, if he's just like, hey, Vote for Pedro. Because I have this logical argument that that's that's not? Well, that's not good storytelling. But it also doesn't give me insight into character. Oh, well, the character is smart. And when push comes to shove, he's able to use rhetoric to defend his friend, he's running for president, I know, a guy who's so afraid of being unliked. And being a dork was willing to sacrifice to make the choice of I will risk not being like being so uncool, if, because of friendship, and support. In my alliance with a friend, it's like, you know, the idea of dilemma is kind of there at its core, and it'll basically help you write, I don't know, 90% of your script. So it's not so much I want to tell people what a good what like a good character should be. But like, I want to give them the power to bring to life the characters they're trying to aim for. And to know, kind of what their, their aim should be, like, how well they should know a character, because if you know, a character really super specifically, it then allows you to, you know, create the supporting characters that are more specific, it allows you to write great dialogue, everything stems from that really specific understanding?

Alex Ferrari 16:52
Do you agree that a hero is only as good as their villain that they're facing?

Jim Mercurio 16:57
Well, yeah, it's kind of back to what I was saying. It's like chicken egg. The perfect antagonist is the one who tests the weakness of the character. So if you don't know what that is, it's so like, Oh, hey, hey, I'd like to the protagonist and the antagonist I'm going to get in your way. I mean, does that mean like, I put my arms up and like, move to like to block you from taking a step forward? Yeah. You know, in a story, that's part of it, but like, but if I know your weakness, and if I can prey on that, then that makes you better antagonists. And that challenges you more. So now there's more conflict. So you have more, you know, you have more to kind of fight, you know, at the beginning of LA Confidential. You know, Dudley Smith is a great antagonist. He's a little bit like Darth Vader, and that he's like, he's more and full and more whole than Luke is. And he says, to actually his, you know, by the book, goody two shoes, he says, Would you plan evidence? Would you rough up somebody to get a confession? Would you shoot somebody in the back. And ironically, that's foreshadowing what has to happen later, but he's also saying, I know, you two goody two shoes. I'm reminding you as conflict, but I'm also for myself testing. I know, you wouldn't do those things. So I know, you already beaten like, you can never beat me because you're limited into what you can do. And, and once you know that, that specifically, then you can write better scenes, like for instance, there's a little moment like a second where I show it to my class. And the first time they watch it three or four times they don't get it. It's Christmas party at the at the precinct, right. And he goes off to the side to talk to him. And he grabs two glasses of punch from you know, someone he hands it actually, and he won't drink it, he doesn't take a drink. And it's like, oh my God, he's so British shoes, even at the Christmas party, the holiday party, he won't take a sip of punch, because it has alcohol. And that's breaking the rules. And it's like, do you see how that's why that script wins an Oscar because that moment and that specificity of character is able to be put on display. So you might in your head, think your character so well defined that you know him or her, but until you can use craft to reveal that, you know, it's it's back to intention, you're not doing great screenwriting until you find ways to express that.

Alex Ferrari 19:08
So, so I mean, I always use the example of the Joker and Nolan's Batman, which is as perfect of an antagonist as you can create, would you agree? Absolutely,

Jim Mercurio 19:17
absolutely. I mean, I mean, the way he wants to kind of break the value system of Batman wants to show people are corrupt and he wants to Yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean,

Alex Ferrari 19:29
he has his own. He has his own methodology methodology and his own his own his own his core beliefs that are counter and he wants to literally break Batman psychologically, as opposed to like the 1960s Batman, where the Joker was just a kind of buffoon in his way there was no depth there. If you're gonna compete if you're gonna compare like the same Carol

Jim Mercurio 19:51
was written to Sally I would say that's totally apples and oranges, but I don't it's not really fair. You may have done some this because I know I've seen Like, a lot of people go into depth about tab relationship and philosophy, and that's the thing like, you know, ideally, you have on, like, I don't believe that you have to write that 100 page on, you know, backstory for everybody. I actually kind of believe in precision, like, if you can do your antagonists dilemma in a sentence, like those values then become like a contrasting sentence for the, you know, for the antagonist. You know, it's like, almost exact values, like, you know, in a love story, you know, if he's, if this character supposed to believe in the power of love to overcome stuff, well, then the the antagonist is someone who obviously is negative doesn't believe that it is really kind of good at showing what convincing that person that love is can't overcome, and maybe isn't real, you know, saying like, they're challenging the exact most important things to the protagonist. So it's like, kind of chicken egg like, yes, your antagonists become stronger, your protagonist has to become stronger to fight them. So it's like, you need to align them kind of perfectly, because you might have a great antagonist this wrong antagonist for the story? Well, you might have a great protagonist, but it's wrong protagonist for the story. So you have to make sure that what the antagonist is good at challenging and making difficult, or the weaknesses he or she can pick at, or specific to align with the protagonist. Does that make sense?

Alex Ferrari 21:21
It makes perfect sense. I mean, and I want to ask you a question. This is now a personal question I have because there's a character that I found extremely difficult to write for, which was Superman. Superman is such a difficult character because he literally is a god. So it's so difficult to create an antagonist that could even right, even do anything against them. So you got the Lex Luthor with the real estate scams that's of two different movies, right?

Jim Mercurio 21:51
Well, a couple movies that are pretty well, yes. The Superman The Movie, The 1978. Renaissance. Excellent. Right. Right. Okay, so a couple things. It's set up with the who's the father, drill drill? Yeah. He says, you know, that you kind of you should, you must not reveal who you are, because then people will hurt the people you love. So it's like, okay, this is our setup. Okay, Superman is our vulnerable, but people who love could be vulnerable show. So what is Lex Luthor, he sends the two rockets in opposite directions. And Lois Lane is in one direction. And you know, New York's in the other. Yes, kind of the same thing as the Joker did it, you know, in, in Batman with, you know, with Harvey and yes, and that.

Alex Ferrari 22:30
Yeah, I never saw that. gacha. But it's the right he creates, he creates

Jim Mercurio 22:33
the dilemma. And then it's also set up and this is, you know, it's a little bit contrived, but you have to do the work, you know, you can't change the course of things. So Superman has to decide whether he'll go in circles and turn back time, which is a little bit out of the blue. But it's like it's at least some point, he has a big huge moral question. Will you tamper and play god, you know, as Superman or will you not do he makes a mistake, but don't mistake me he chooses it, which makes him imperfect and cute when human away which, you know, we kind of like and then in this in the, the Man of Steel, I some fluff stuff, a couple things. Like, it's really interesting that, you know, when Kevin Costner, the dad character says, You can't let people know about your news for slightly different reasons, because they won't understand Oh, yeah, you know, his face. But an interesting thing was he was so dad shall let those kids on the bus. I let them have died. He kind of said, and I forget if he says or if he just kind of implies it was kind of like, yeah, maybe it's like, Whoa, I go that's like that's pretty intense. So in that final scene, where you know, he breaks the neck of Zod. The dilemma is right there, Zod is fighting to hurt humans is like his, his his vision is right inches away. So he's fighting to pull his neck back. So it's like the only way he can stop him from killing those humans is to kill him. So Superman makes a choice that he never really makes her words very kind of bold and like, know exactly, but at least it's set up. So it's like, you can't say well, he killed him because it was all he really could do. Or he was mad. No, he killed him because it was either kill him or humans would die. So once again, it's like they they have to make var will people be important to him? And then the vulnerability to the bad guy comes through the humans that are vulnerable. And it's you know, it's I I'd say it's an effector Saturday because otherwise you know what else? What else you're going to do?

Alex Ferrari 24:29
I mean, that's what I loved about Superman to the Donner cut, not the original but the dot the Richard Donner cut, which he had literally three Superman versus him and he lost his powers. And he had to do all the things that he didn't need. And there was just a lot of complexity there. Which with which, arguably, I think one of the better Superman those two are probably the best still to this day.

Jim Mercurio 24:51
I'll tell you what, I mean, like story wise, and plot wise. Yeah, there's a lot of fun stuff going on here. But I have a question though. Like if I say like When you come out of Superman movie, the first one, would you kind of learn and look? And I say, Yeah, you know, like, Hey, man, he shouldn't play God shouldn't turn back time and, and you're really vulnerable humans. But like if I say what do you like, but what's the theme? What's the character arc? Or what? What's the thing he learned in Superman to, like, now I'm studying, we might go back and I might be there might be several, but like, like, do you have an answer? Like, like, like, it's I feel like, um, it doesn't resonate as much for me. And this is back to my, like, kind of telling you like, I can't have movies as an adult, you know, like, so it's like, I don't want to be simplistic and say, well, movies should only be deep, dark siematic character studies. But But also, I don't believe movies should only be obstacle course rollercoasters. Now, when I say that people always say what about waiters last car? I'm like, Okay, I tell you what, if one time in the history of cinema, like the most talented kinetic filmmaker ever was able to make a movie that was mostly roller coaster. That was amazing, you know, Steven Spielberg, but like, you can't be your goal. It's like, it's like a dilemma. So a lot of times writers think they have a choice, I need to make it the roller coaster. I need to plot, I need to have this cool twists. Or I need to be deep enough character and you know, like, in my kind of growth as a teacher, and as a writer is like you it's not either or, it's both you and it's a choice. You have to choose to attack your weaknesses or to make sure that the side that's harder for you to do that. You work on that and make sure that hey, my character study doesn't have to be boring in my genre piece doesn't have to be fluffy and light. I mean, LA Confidential, Lethal Weapon seven Silence of the Lambs. I mean, these are some of the best Hollywood movies, you know, and there's genre movies, they don't, they don't compromise. They're not like, well, you know, science a lamp, we take away some thrills because we're so thematically profound. No, no, it's, it's like, yes. And it's like, you know, and this is what screenwriters see, like, oh, well, I'm a first time screenwriter and I want to write something deep and dark. Fine, but this is fun. Is it hit the genre beats? Well, I don't have to because I I'm doing this extra stuff. It's like no, man, like, do that extra stuff. Do you want special to you, but but then don't like shirk responsibilities of like, what did everybody has? So it's like, you know, you know, my kind of thing is like, as a writer, you have a dilemma and Issue two choices, kind of like, No man do both. Like, like, choose the hard choice of, you know, movies can be both things. They can do more than one thing at a time.

Alex Ferrari 27:26
No, no, absolutely. So what are some of the story elements that you find in today's blockbuster films? That make it good? Because I mean, look, Marvel obviously, as you know, it has done something that nobody has ever done in the history of cinema. So they obviously are doing something right. Some of the movies are amazing. Some of them are not as good

Jim Mercurio 27:48
well, I've top your head what are your favorite ones? What which ones work the most? The ones

Alex Ferrari 27:52
that work the most are the the one on a story point, the story, you just on story and structure and script and screenwriting and storytelling. Winter Soldier is excellent. I thought it because winter soldier to me was just like, a just a good spy movie. Like, okay, kind of like the Dark Knight was a heist film. Right? You know, you do Batman out of it. It's just a damn good heist film.

Jim Mercurio 28:17
You know, it is but it's funny because I'm like, the things I love about dark night or like, lower the things that like I don't like what dark night or sometimes bog me down and watching it again is like is the actual sequences I'm like, the character stuff in the theme stuff and like a dialogue is so amazing. So good. Like, forget that JC like Yeah, I know what's gonna happen. Oh, yeah, no, well done. But like, I want to get back to this stuff. But about Winter Soldier though. Okay, so give me I mean, I've seen him once or twice, haven't tested it. So so give me like the one sentence log letter when her shoulder just just just refreshed me and then

Alex Ferrari 28:51
under soldier, he's got to fight his because I haven't seen in a bit. I just remember loving it. Um, he has to fight. Not only he has to stand up for his for his ideals, but he also has to defend his best friend.

Jim Mercurio 29:09
So okay, stop, stop right there. Hey, remember I said about a dilemma? Is their strong dilemma. They're very you said it but even even in your description, which were you know, which was unprepared and that's fine. It wasn't it wasn't perfect you it you really went to a resonated with us like man, a guy is caught between his values are fighting his friends versus his best friend defending him or defending his best friend versus what's supposed to be right. It's like, well, there you go. And so it's like, it's like once again, like I'm not unlike the super commercial guy that's going to tell you all these elements that make

Alex Ferrari 29:46
it these save the cat right? But

Jim Mercurio 29:49
but you know what, though, but but the things that make a story great rep potential be great. Are those deep things like lemon keratin theme they have to resonate? It obviously doesn't they're the earth Spider the Spider Man movies that Sam Raimi did yeah. Alvin Sargent wrote them, I mean, the coming of age aspect, but it's the dilemma and his uncle teaching them the lesson, you know, with great responders, great repetition comes great redundancy. I'm kidding. That shows up a few times, but actually, they somehow didn't make it this last one, but but their movies where the characters have something at stake, right, where it's real.

Alex Ferrari 30:27
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now, back to the show.

Jim Mercurio 30:38
Now, once again, if you do those movies, and they're boring, and they're just a drama, I'm not gonna I don't think that makes it like, you know, like, if I was the film snob, maybe I was in my 20s. And I said, Well, that's what makes great movies. Well, no, that doesn't really make a great superhero movie, right? But these, but these movies have like, like we do with Superman, especially Dark Knight, I mean, these characters have really crisp and clear dilemmas, things matter to them, you know, they relate to the real world. And it's like, these are the things that can make something powerful, that can anchor it. That can make it once again, I don't know how to say popular, I don't know how to say like, you know, commercial, but it makes it good at being story. It makes it being good at what like, you know, really pulls people in. So it's like,

Alex Ferrari 31:25
well, I mean, look at Iron Man, you know, that was pretty much launched the Marvel Universe. Right? That was remarkable. I mean, a lot has to do with with Robert Downey and his amazing performance of that character. But that character changes dramatically from the opening character to the one at the end of the movie. And he does have dilemma, and he does have, you know, issues with who's the antagonist is? And it was really well, well done. What's your opinion?

Jim Mercurio 31:55
Yes. And he has the full character like the father, who is the flat, I wouldn't say evil, but the flat morally, like the material morally ambiguous, rare deficient, I mean, the father made the choice of like, make this stuff so I can make money like this. Like he never had it. He never had the conscious, or the, you know, the doubt of his conscience. But But he does. So it's like, there's a foil character, are you going to go that way? You know, or are you going to go some, you know, perfect goody two shoe is for you don't do it all. And he literally becomes like, the Iron Man, he becomes the mixture. I mean, I don't even know if this is like on a conscious level. But like, he becomes the machines and technology, and it becomes human like he's the iron human. So he's a guy who find some way to bridge the technology and the power with humanity, guess what? Well with a heart, right?

Alex Ferrari 32:51
Literally, literally and figuratively.

Jim Mercurio 32:54
Exactly. Know Exactly. And the thing is, though, you're forcing me to talk about these things. You know, a lot of times I'll watch these movies and just have fun with them, like, but if it works, and you start thinking about why it should work, it's like, there's a dilemma. He's the, he's both sides, he represents them. He's the only character who can straddle that. So it's like, you know, like a protagonist, who can synthesize and be in two worlds at once. It's really kind of powerful. And it's really a lot of times what makes someone special. This isn't necessarily like some deep literary theory that like I smile, you know, it's, other people have talked about this, but it's okay. So Iron Man can be iron in technology and weapons. And he can be humor, you can have a heart, but you know, in Good Will Hunting will can be the blue collar guy who beats the crap out of Harvard. And he can be the most efficiently productive mathematician in the world, and solve problems that can save the world. And to have a character that can straddle things like that. We need the whole or they have the potential to be whole that's really you know, that's really kind of interesting. Because even like in a okay even like, you know, this isn't a superhero film, but like a great genre film with a weapon

Alex Ferrari 34:06
a rifle Shane Black at his best,

Jim Mercurio 34:08
right? But like okay, character dilemmas or character struggles, one character wants to live up to orphans or wants to die. Right right. Can you be more Can you be more concise you know in specific and it's like each of them has to grow to say the story so I would say like the pretty much one of the times we that you have co protagonist like right before the climax of the movie Did you know The daughter is taken and it's the all is lost moment when we're not only are you physically and this is back to the paradigms so like that all is lost rock bottom dark cat of the soul, whatever like Snyder calls it. Yes, you need to be as far away as possible from the goal. So in Lethal Weapon, they've kidnapped the daughter. That's pretty funny. But, but that's not, that's necessary. But that's not sufficient. You also need to have the character, the most furthest away psychologically the most regressed the most the furthest distance from the where they need to be in order to save the day. So like a love story, it's not only boy loses girl, boy becomes a girl becomes the worst version of themselves, that aren't worthy of love that that couldn't win that love back that don't deserve it. So So Roger, is lost his daughter or his daughter, you know, he's got her back, right? He's really far away from the goal. But he is by the book is safe, because he wants to survive. And he has this guy in front of them, who's presenting the attitude of lethal weapon, whatever to kill. And he says, you have to do it. Mine is really, you know, and it's really like, great craft is foreshadowing his alley setup. He's like, You have to listen to me, we shoot to kill, we take no prisoners, we can arrest this crap. That's the only possible way. And he believes them. And trust them, they go. And even though they get it doesn't work right away. Like he has to grow and learn from him in order to have a chance to save the day in order to kind of kick but at the end of the day, it's like, well, wait a second. Yeah, well, what what Riggs has to do well seen before that, when they fake his death, remember, right, he reason why they can fake his death. As he gets shot, he goes through the glass, and water goes over and worried about him. And he's like, surprise, you were the you were the bulletproof vest, you have proven that you love yourself in life again, that you're not self destructive, that you're not suicidal, I trust you now. So when you say we get a risk, it's the right thing to do. I can believe you now. Because now I don't think you're that self destructive suicide thing that I was like ready to, you know, kill or hate, you know, 3040 50 minutes ago in the story. So it's like, he needed to do that and have that growth, so that Roger would then accept his risk taking attitude as not as self destructive, suicidal stupidity, but as like a conscious, clear choice that he's making now as his friend. So it's like, you see how like, in this, Hey, man, it's just fun people getting shot and kidnapping and shooting stuff. No, it's also this character stuff. And it's like the same thing. Superhero Movies man, like, I don't know. Like, it's like I you know, there are people who probably specialize and talking about all the elements of the universal, they can compare movies, when a client comes to me with that kind of story. We'll pick two or three movies, and we'll look at them and I'll break them down. And I'll kind of like, you know, when I put my mind to something, to see something, I'll see stuff that other people don't see. And we'll find that. But like, all I can say is like, you know, what, if you want to write that superhero movie, here's what a good movie is. His Word of the story is, and don't think that you can't have themes and spoil characters, right after, don't think that it can't be unified. Because, you know, the dilemma, the specificity the character is what brings unity to everything. And that unity is what kind of, you know, brings you power. So it's like,

Alex Ferrari 38:02
I mean, it's a perfect example. And I use this example, a lot on the shows, I've said this before, is like you look at the Avengers, and then you look at the Justice League, right, and one failed, one launched an entire universe that made billions and billions of dollars. So to analyze the two of them and how both of those films, what led up to both of those films, you can obviously see so clearly, were one you were so emotionally connected to all the characters, because you had wery went on individual journeys with all of them, as opposed to the other one where you kind of knew somebody and then there was a new Batman that no one ever knew. You know, like,

Jim Mercurio 38:42
it's interesting. It's interesting, you say that, because you're talking about, you know, the level of how good a movie can be is based on the antagonist. Wasn't the attack. Stupidest antagonist ever. But eventually, he want to have some power and do stuff. Like I mean, like, what what was, right? Yeah. So so it's like, you know, the like, like, they were trying to rush it. They were doing they were doing fun stuff, like Superman coming back and being a temporary obstacle. You know, like, that was interesting, I guess, or scary or interesting. Sure. Then it's like that was more interesting, Then. Then. Then the dilemma or the meaning of trying to kill the other dude. I mean, the bad guy was like, Well, yeah, kill him, cuz he's a dude. And like, oh, yeah, you all have complementary skills, and you use different ones. Well, that's interesting for like a seven or 12 minute cartoon, but like oh, you're special skills. We're gonna come together and do it like the 80 that was the 60s Patrick Macnee Avengers, you know, like for 47 minutes British spy show,

Alex Ferrari 39:41
but it doesn't. It doesn't fly today doesn't fly. Yeah.

Jim Mercurio 39:45
It's just interesting enough we're actually you know, if you want to tangent on this, you know, Fincher in some of the genre stuff might be a great because I know I know your Finch, right. So in one of the movies, I was talking about a seven so we're gonna have to do this moment but like a Some point we can kind of like segue over because I think he's a good example of like, like the best genre Hollywood movie making. But that doesn't sacrifice these higher, you know? Oh,

Alex Ferrari 40:11
I mean, look at Fight Club. I mean, look at God girl, I mean, look at any of his work the game, you can create a spectacle, but yet have so much depth and character and theme and hidden things that you will see years later. Like I go watch Fight Club now, right? And it's a different movie than I saw when it came out.

Jim Mercurio 40:32
Right? I tell you what, Fight Club is a movie that watch once or twice, love it, I recognize his brain. I just never really kind of reason or like to like, I don't wanna say ruin it. But like, I just never started it to death like, like, I get it the legal stuff. In our second viewing, it has extra levels, because all the setup for the like, he'll do the fight scene with the guy and then he'll to the point of view, by themself, right. But that's but that's, that's brilliant. I mean that that's, that's how you like, if you can get surprised and twist in scenes that are completely based on setup from what you've already shown us, then that scene doesn't need to set up an exposition It just is. And then the power is that you're seeing it with already set of expectations and already an understanding of what you want to get from it and why the things you see are surprising. So rather than having to have the moment where you explain why this next scene coming up is interesting, or what people want in it. It's already in the texture of the movie and talk about what's it look, it's Taco Brewer Fincher, for a second, give me just let me let me disclaim this. I don't I don't think that my appreciation for venture, or my finding some common ground with with, obviously, where I feel like is his ethnos of filmmaking. I'm not saying I'm as good as that, or I'm worthy, or whatever. I'm just saying. It's like, I watch his stuff. And it's like, if I had written the perfect screenwriting manifesto, and put it out in the world, it was as if like, he embraced it, because he never ever violates a principle that I teach. And it's like, I'm actually more proud of myself that like, I've come up with, like, all my theories and stuff. And then one of the greatest filmmaker, storytellers, you know, alive working right now seems to kind of, you know, implicitly, almost prove or show that I'm on the right track in some way. Like, like, he just, he just wants to like, for instance, like I say, opening image is always right on, if you remember the opening image for a gang girl,

Alex Ferrari 42:29
I don't know, off the top of my head, I don't remember. It's in a

Jim Mercurio 42:31
book too. So good for her. Because, you know, the author was doing this, but it's the picture of the wife's head. And he's like, I want to get in that head. And it's like, Oh, my God, he mean, psychologically understand this even social path. But it might mean it does mean I want to crack it, open it, that's what you're supposed to think it means. It's like, oh my God, in like, an image in five seconds. This movie has already announced what it's about what it's gonna be about, like the irony of like, the two of like, well wait a second, is she getting in her head? Like, you know, you know, figuratively where's he break into our heads? So it's like, it's so right on. So like, like, it's simply an introduction to characters like in the game, which I haven't really studied that much. But like, one time, I said, you know, Fincher always introduces his characters very, very, very concisely. So I say one of the first images of the Michael Douglas character is that beautiful side of San Francisco, down the hill, and his car is smoothly in the grooves of the trolley tracks. It's like skies on autopilot. He's like, he's on the tracks. He's going straight forward. There's no whole lot of thought and someone said, Oh, my God, no, that's you're still reading into it. That's so like, stereotypically, you know, bad teachers during this like, okay, I'm okay. Okay, so let's just imagine that I'm wrong. And when you introduce his character, he doesn't make them so specific. It's so unique to the character. Okay. Well, how do they introduce the brother? Oh, on the phone call? Oh, line to your brother. No line to a guy named Seymour butts. So he's already playing jokes. He's already practical joker before we even see him. And the brother instantly knows. Okay, that's my brother, cuz my brother plays jokes. And then in the restaurant, and then this takes work. I don't know if it's in the script. But as he's walking up to him, Sean Penn has grabbed it off. Whenever he has it with him. He's a spray bottle with him. He goes up to and he sneezes, sprays, right. That's like a pretty extreme specific thing. Why is that? Because he's a trickster. He plays games. He's a practical joker, and you need that because you know what? The entire movie is gonna be based on you believing that this guy would spend I don't know $100,000 To play a joke, a game with his brother. If that's not the essence of the character, if he's not someone who lives and breathes and walks and talks like that. It's like well, yeah, believability. Here's the thing, you might say, well, that's too far and this non-credible Not that always lost me fine. But you know what? That filmmakers were good storytellers. They did everything they could do to make that kind of work. So it's like, so it's all there. So, so opening images and introductions characters can talk about that for a second. Sure, please. Okay. So, you know, I was talking about opening images being like, so powerful, so important. And then I tell writers, you know, writers say, Well, how long do I have to do another page, paragraph two pages, well, into Kevin Walker, and his draft of seven, created an OnPoint opening image that did what I'm telling you that they should do. In the first five words. He says, light fights through the suit, right? darkness, light, trying to find light. And and I think in his draft, at some point, Somerset takes a switchblade and scrapes away grime off the wall, there's a rose there. So this idea of, you know, light, trying to fight to the darkness, good trying to find good and through evil, all that stuff. That's right there. So so he did his job as a screenwriter, like he knew what his movie was about. And he did it in five words. Right? Right. I mean, I mean, you can almost say, you know, it's dark, you know, it's about darkness, you probably even know, like, it's a mystery, because what's, you know, what's shrouded in darkness and you know, a story about light and darkness, you know. So it's like it gives away it tells you the genre, it tells you the themes, it is going to actually tell you about the character second, too well, Fincher did something a little more specific. He, which is what you're supposed to do. And this is what you can do as a writer, like, you look at your first draft, and you say, Oh, well, it takes me a page and a half to get to my like, theme and all the stuff but Jim says it should be done in a couple sentences. And Susan Cain does it like in a couple sentences, Susan Cain, like no trespassing, right?

No trespassing. The fence, guess what the camera moves up and over and you are gonna get you invade this guy's life. And you're gonna like, you know, that was the whole point of the movie, like, you're gonna like violate this guy's life, you're gonna think that you can figure out what's going on. So it's a Fincher takes, what some of the ideas in that draft, and he does something really specific. So the very first shot is rather than trying to kind of, you know, I don't have to show and I'm not gonna let you into it. It has a shot where Somerset walks in, pours out, coffee walks out. But he's framed between two very peculiar specific things. The background is the window with the sounds of the city, in the script is set up that the sounds of the city were there, he was trying to block them out. And it was like chaos. And it was like the evil world and stuff in the front of it is something that I couldn't quite tell what it was. But they look really closely. And it's a chess set. So I'm just gonna lead you to it. So in the very first frame, the very first shot, you have a character who's visually caught between unknowing chaos evil that's out there, you can't know it's uncontrollable, or a finite, logical, complete information world where wisdom can win where there's a clear winner, and you can do it. Because like chess is like an interesting game. Because chess, you have perfect information, unlike poker, where you don't see the other person's cards. You see. I mean, how you got, right, right, right. But there may be effects it but like, you see everything that's available to anybody, right there in the thing. So right there, he sets it up. So it's like, sorry, I bumped the mic. It's all good. So, so merely sets it up. You say? Well, once again, Jim, you're being a little bit too much. Right? Okay. Just let's stick with me for a second, let's say if the chaos and the evil and the unknowing let's call chaos, versus the order versus wisdom, and experience and knowledge can win, right? This the say, chaos and order for second, right? Well, the very first order from getting ready for work, which is getting for work ready for work, showing he's a cop that's necessary, but it's not sufficient. You want to do more than that. It happens to show him picking a piece of lint off his jacket. So it's order and then the next shot, which is order, but ironically, his order it has cast within it shows the five or six tools of his trade pen, the bags, switchblade a notebook, right. And they're all lined up. So so as content, it's Oh, that's order he has these things all lined up. Right. So it's the first shot was chaos versus order. That's the question, Dennis order. The week is dressed in this order. The surprise within that order is the badge in the notebook and the pen versus the switchblade. Right. Right. Violence versus order or, or, you know, knowledge and taking notes in the pen versus a switchblade and then it goes back to him getting dressed. And it's once again what part of getting dressed it's him adjusting this time, right. So it's back to order. It's not just oh, I'm putting on my pants or this is my badge my uniform. It's I'm you couldn't show a more specific like, you know, orderly aspect of the dress. Right. So then if I'm right, right before he walks out in the sequence is over, we're gonna hit, you know, the note of overcast again, right? Well, as he walks by he walks by his bed, the camera pans and lands on something. Do you remember what lands on?

Alex Ferrari 50:13
Don't off the top of my head?

Jim Mercurio 50:15
It's on the metronome. Oh, yes, yes, yes. So, and actually, in the writers draft, the metronome is there, like, you know, or like, literally the most specific, unique, most powerful example of what order is right. And he's using go to sleep, I might even like resonate with like the way puppies, you know, you put a ticking clock with a group of puppies and makes it sound like the mother's heart, it might even have like more resonance, but he's sitting there listening to the metronome to block out the sounds coming in from the window. So all those ideas were there, but look up what Fincher did chaos and order and a shot, then order, then order which has some chaos and then order, then complete order, then the absolute next shot is a jaggedly framed image of a bloody dead body show in content and form. Chaos. Right? So metronome to bloody red body so so it's like, you know, kind of like in a true Roman so in my life when I say you know, tell me tell me for Lion like chaos and order that that unity and specificity is so right there in Fincher is like, he's like a precision surgeon where it's like nothing is is wasted in like, Iran will see that the floor of his of his kicks in is checkerboard, right. At one point, he gets frustrated, and he throws you throws his footplate and or the metronome on to the checkerboard, right. So he's colliding these things. And it's like, once again, this rule of like, well, if you know, we open a gym you're supposed to do, and you know how fast you can get to it. And you know, you can introduce characters, like the very first thing you see about them, you know, here's a guy who's struggling to keep things in order, and and believe that he can with Tick, tock, tick tock approach to the world, he can save things. Here's a guy who's struggling with that, right? And it's all there. I don't know, 3040 seconds, seven shots, 10 different paradigms. So like, if you see that specificity, and that's your job to be so specific. Right? So like, so you do it, your first draft, nothing to do your second draft, I'm not going to do it, then you guys sit around in like your beginning writer, your third time writer, you're like, Okay, well, I gotta aim for that. So then you write a version that's a little bit on the nose, but you're getting closer, but like, you're not gonna let that go. You're not gonna think, Oh, I'm done. Until it does, what that does. So it's like, you know, these ideas of dilemma in knowing things and specificity. They, they turn into magic, they turn into the elements in the in the scenes that make your stories kind of special and unique. Does that make sense? It makes

Alex Ferrari 52:55
it makes perfect sense. And I know a lot of people listening will partake. Oh, I think I think Jim's going a little too deep on Fincher. As far as like, I think he's, he's reading into stuff that Fincher is doing. But I would say from my point of view, that you are not because the only thing and everything that Fincher does has purpose

Jim Mercurio 53:13
will listen. Okay, so if Jim material can come up with this, and you believe some of it, so guess what, David Fincher is better at this than I did affect David Fincher the master I mean, I mean, he, I mean, some people even criticize him. He's two cores into intellectual, but like, okay, so, so already, you have a guy who working in commercials, he's already worked in the smallest sort of forms, known as like, you know, a monster for details. And it like, if someone in the world is gonna do a perfect movie, or perfect sequence, we're going to do something when nothing is wasted on why wouldn't it be one of the top two or three directors working right? I mean, so it's like, you know, no, no, trust me, he's doing that instead. Once again, if you think I'm wrong, go pick the top, take your top top 10 movies or, or be a film snob and tell me the top five movies you think are the greatest movies of all time. And I promise you, eight or nine of them will have that amazingly succinct introduction to character, that amazingly succinct opening because it's like, Wait a second. So you tell me the guy who has her head in voiceover I want to get inside that head as the very first five seconds of Gone Girl doesn't know what he's doing doesn't control? No.

Alex Ferrari 54:23
Right? All you got to do is what seven and fight club and social network and all of them

Jim Mercurio 54:28
know exactly, exactly. Same thing. Social Network, you know, he has an eight minute long scene, right? The Talking scene? Yes. And but then I see an opening image sums it all up. So you see my gym. That was an opening image that was a page of talk. Well, first of all, if you listen to the 10 things opening image is supposed to do that does eight of them sets up the world sets up the rules are okay. But then in the script, there's like four or five lines, three little paragraphs of him walking back to get to the dorm. And it says any place he feels comfortable fit Turn that into like a $3 million sequence. It's one of the biggest sequences in the movie. He goes to Harvard. Every single moment someone's doing something always in couples going the opposite direction. No one's ever going the right direction. Oh, that's, that's you picking that? Well, okay, look at the 17 shots and tell me how come never one person is alone, never one person is pointing the same direction or moving the same direction. He's going against all that stuff. He gives you the opening image second, but he goes through. And even though he kind of doesn't have to, because you probably nailed it in all the dialogue. Oh, he says, Sorry, spends 90 seconds for stroking does. But Fincher decided to spend two minutes of the film in like four days of shooting and a $2 million sequence of him going, right Rex, it was so important to get them crushed. And so that instead of up so it's like, once again, tell me I'm not lying like so yeah, he broke the rules about opening him just No, he didn't. He bent the rules, and then did exactly exactly what I said he, you should do. And he should do. So it's like, yeah, he broke the rules bent the rules. But guess what, he did everything we just said we should do? So it's like, you know, I playfully challenge you, you know, or some point to do a follow up. Like, you know, let's let's think about 10 classic movies of all time. And just ask yourself, Wait a second. Did they do that? Yeah, those filmmakers? And you're gonna find you're gonna find always that, you know? pretty much always that is right there that, you know, the filmmakers are doing that is funny because I sometimes do people say, Jim, you go too far because as a filmmaker, I definitely bring my my kind of filmmaking and understanding of like all the other parts of filmmaking, editing and lighting and you know, some photography, I bring that into my screenwriting teaching. If you were to say, well, here's where most people say screenwriting and directing and filmmaking kind of begin, you know, on a scale from one to 100. Let's say like screenwriters enter 40. And then the price filmmaking process takes over right now, there's definitely been times when I might talk, maybe somewhere else talking about movies, some of it is a little bit more of the filmmaker, stuff like that the checkered, the checkered floor is probably, let's say, I talk about stuff that's in the 80s 90s. Like, you know what, that's definitely director stuff. But I'll tell you what, almost are not on a 10 screenwriters would be better off, you know, misfiring in my direction, starting trying to put a little bit too much or a little bit too much details. Because in movies, what you see and what you hear, the only difference is on a screenwriter has the page, a director has the whole actual canvas in the screen to do it. But it's like most screenplays are not as visual as they could be. They're not using as many of the tools and understanding of what you know, kind of what film can do. So it's like, I definitely believe that on average, screenwriters need to come more my direction, and kind of take more responsibility for the visuals and images and details that they put on the page. If they overshoot by a little bit fine. It's really easy to cut back Oh, it's much easier,

Alex Ferrari 57:51
it's much easier to pull back than it is to push.

Jim Mercurio 57:53
i And the thing is though, I promise you almost 99 of 100 screenwriters would be better off if they err a little bit more, if assuming I'm wrong, or towards my side of like, well, wait a second, go a little bit further what the screenwriting books tell you as far as what you can do, because, you know, if you if you can nail how someone dresses, how it sums them up, then, you know, kind of put you know, put put that in there. And it's like, or if you even know Wait a second. I know that wardrobe is something that I can use so like in in Dark Knight. Remember he goes to Matthew Modine character, and he says it's not like I'm expecting you to walk down Main Street with your dress your dress, blues honor, you know, your your fancy, you know? Guess what, then the climb his climb actually run the movie, his character has on that blue outfit. He's walking down the street. So it's like, Oh, he did do the most audacious bold thing that he was challenged to do. He actually did that. So like the fact that you knew wardrobe could have meaning, but and actually what you did more so than the wardrobe was you use for shadowing, and, you know, worse to charge that item. But it's like you see how like, you can do something that maybe another person another way wouldn't event but like, like, I don't think that's outside the realm of screenwriting. That should be part of screenwriting. And if you doing those kinds of specific things, you're going to be a better storyteller than the average Dre, you know, the average writer and go on?

Alex Ferrari 59:17
No, no, no, go ahead.

Jim Mercurio 59:20
What is nowadays, a spec script, you just have to execute it. Like there's no development money. People don't want to develop stuff. They want to be on the page, you want to write like actor B, you want to write director Bay, you want to write scripts. They're like, Oh, hey, you know what? This is on a page. This can be shot in three weeks, I could send this out to directors, I could spin this out to actors, like so like my focus on scene writing, in the nitty gritty details, but I focus on it because the best thing I can do for you business wise, is help you write and execute the scripts in your head, the script you want to write, because if you can nail it, and make it really attractive to all the other allies you need, like an agent can say, Wow, this is really the set piece seems really showy. I could send this to a director or this role is really Fun it does monologues are great in this subset P scenes for the actor to do. I know actress who played this, if you didn't get that in your storytelling in the execution, you were you were so far ahead of the game because people don't want develop stuff and applying concepts anymore. He's done that the 90s were like a logline and a concept, you know, we'll get a million bucks. Exactly, exactly. So you have to, you have to know you have to be great. You have to be you have to be both sides. Yes. Genre. Yeah, transcends genre. Kiss was great characters. It's great themes. It's, there's roles that people would want to play. So like, you have to be all things.

Alex Ferrari 1:00:37
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show. Without question, how do you suggest writers outline their screenplays?

Jim Mercurio 1:00:53
Of course, but once again, like it's it's a back and forth process. Like I think I listened to your podcast, and they were saying, someone were saying, you know, a writers make mistake because they don't do enough preparation. They don't, they don't outline enough. But here's the thing, somebody they don't, it's, that's true. But also, they can't, because like to do it right? To develop a story that's both working on the external level and the internal level, which is what your goal is, like, a lot of times, people talk different ways, like you want a story that has resonated with resonates, or that's deeper, or has meaning or steam, there really what it means is that every step of the way, is an eternal journey, an external journey. And it's like, you can't do that right away. So it's like writers should work on structure, they should be prepared. But then they write a little bit, and then they stumble upon in discover turning points, and things that come next. And then they can use that to augment and expand their outline in as long as they don't like, you know, write 3040 pages really fast. And they get stuck to and say, these pages aren't going anywhere, but are willing to look at that as like, that's kind of your outlining, you know, and you discovered, so you wait 1015 pages, you just you might discover a turning point, after reading 10 pages, you throw away all those pages. But now you know, the turning point you're aiming to with a Fincher like precision, and like that created your outline. So there's two days of writing what wasted, they help you write an outline that covers 10% of your script, right, but you had to write 10 pages and throw them away. So it's like, it's a back and forth. It's a chicken egg. So like, you always want to ask yourself, what happens next. But like, I'm just trying to build good habits, your scene should always have a change that has a story and the character. Also another way to think about it, what happens next, but also different way to think about is, what would my character do next. And if you can follow those things and align them. That's the skill it takes to be a good storyteller. That's not something's gonna happen the first time you sit down, it's not something that you're gonna be able to do for like outlining 100 page story. So it's like, if you know, that's your goal. He had the habit of like, well, okay, the next thing is he has to go after and target these people. Okay, that's generic. Well, how does he do it? Well, now, he's really impatient. Or now he's mad. Now he's willing to break the law, you know, so it's like a perfect example is another confidential you know, he was told earlier, would you rough up somebody to get you know, a confession? No, wouldn't do that, when he goes to rough out the DA with, with a bud white. But it's perfect. Because bud whites the mentor, leading the way, he's like, on your journey, to quit being the goody two shoes, quit being a super ego and getting your hands dirty. Here's the second or third step before the very end. So we're gonna take you on that journey, you're gonna get information from Da to turns the story, but you're gonna do it in a way that's really fun. Because it's new to you, like you haven't done it before. It represents growth. It represents like you moving like direction. So it's like, that's a perfect example of like, the story external stuff. And the inner journey internal emotional character arc stuff, you want to put those together. And yes, you do have to be prepared, you do have to have preparation. But don't lock yourself into thinking I'm gonna nail it all in the structure in the outlines, stage. No, you are working for I call it a phantom treatment or phantom outline. It's something that grows and builds as you're writing. But don't be afraid to explore a little bit then come back and explore but come back because it's gonna take work the first few times to get you know all these things working and that's back to the thing about a lot of times veterans don't know what to aim for your first chapter. You don't know you're aiming for that. You don't know like that the next step of all the capacity interrogate the people also has to have some personal character aspects specific to your flaw, or the antagonist has to make it harder in some way that's specific to that character. So it's like, you know, first time screenwriter, maybe they don't know that's, that's not like just a lofty goal. That's the bare minimum. Like that's what that's what storytelling is. That's what great storytelling is. So it's like, yeah, it's they have to but also You know, it's not about rigidly like, okay, just commit to it. And because you say you're going to do it, you can just magically have those skills they need to develop over time.

Alex Ferrari 1:05:10
Now, can you tell me a little bit about your new book, The craft of screen or have seen writing?

Jim Mercurio 1:05:14
Yeah, it's actually the first ever book that focuses, you know, just don't scenes. And at first, you know, I was defensive about it, like, Oh, it's just for people who do short form stuff, commercial stuff. But as I wrote it, I kind of realized, oh, no, no, a scene is, you know, really small unit. I mean, a beat is the smallest unit, like a little change a little moment. And then a few beats beat up to a change. And that's a scene. But it's seen as the first unit of drama, that's a story in and of itself, is storytelling is pure form, and you leading up to a change in the craft to turn that change, to understand the climax, like I just said, to make the character and story change. That's a skill. That's probably the most important skill in Screenwriting. And people will say, Jim, you're being too extreme. No, no, I mean, your climax of your movie is where your character arc comes. And like the clever solution, guess what that is, that's that story change. And that's the character change, I call the killer ending where the goal and the need the external and the internal, unifying the ones who seem to action that aligns and the pulls them together. So it's like, if you can turn a moment using both character and story, and you do it perfectly, that will perfectly means you've drawn from character you drawn from the deep recesses of the character you'd want from the clever setup you created. Um, you know, I'm saying like, like in Fight Club, we has that fight with himself. You see just him. Right, right. Well, that scene works. And the surprise comes from the fact that you saw the fight the first time, right? Without it, or, or I know, yeah, you know what? I know. You know, like an eight mile I knew everything you have to say about me. I know your favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption. Yes, but But look, I mean, that's the movie that that a lot that a lot of success is having great scenes is so carefully planned out. So think about how carefully it's orchestrated. They decide to switch over, they switch the perspective a few times, but they decided to show the escape from the wardens perspective. So it's a mystery. It's a suspense, right? And we see it come up. And so then we're ready to show it later on, which is a really conscious choice. It's like a scene reading choice. But also, like on one level, the scene or sequence where it's shown now has power because of the setup you created for it has a couple things, it answers the question of, Hey, how did that happen, but also, because Red's telling the story in voiceover, it actually has an extra level to it. So it's like, if you can nail scenes and understand how structure they work, that's going to help your scenes be sharper and crisper, that's going to help your sequences as can help your x, it can help the entire story. So it's like if I see three or four scenes, the first few pages are wishy washy, and the climax has fat after it. It's not concise. I know why would I think that your climax is going to be any difference? Because that's all it is just to change this reversal. So yeah, I feel like my focus in craft is something I do this kind of special, I think writers will get something really unique out of my really kind of microscopic approach. It's not a niche. It's really something that's really super universal. And I'm hoping that it'll kind of get people kind of excited. It'll be like a new canonical book. Because I mean, all the great great screenwriting books, like if I were to list them all but one or two from like, you know, I don't know 30 years ago, I'm used to go back right back to Walter Haig field in some ways, right? my keys, my keys book is solid, he's good, but it's hard to read. Like I can't say, Hey, first 15 minutes go read

Alex Ferrari 1:08:40
it. Yeah, McKee is not an easy day to me

Jim Mercurio 1:08:44
as a teacher, I gotta read it or someone who like is trying to synthesize all the stuff of course, or advanced screenwriter, you might you might do it, but um, you know, it's hard and very first thing my book now anyway, does EPA grant epitaph, EPA, EPA epigraph, the epigraph of my book, little quote in front of my book is from Renoir, Pierre Augustine Moore, he says, First learn to be a craftsman. It won't keep you from being a genius. So it's like learning this stuff, seeing what other people do. Like, it's not gonna prevent you from using intuition, or every piece of talent you have. If I tell you, your opening image has to argue the theme and be right on that book. What are you going to argue? Well, no, I thought I start my movie off with some junk that doesn't really, nail it doesn't really belong to it. Well, if that's the case, guess what happened? You cut that? You know, like, if you have that your script, well cut, cut, cut, oh, here's what the story becomes itself. Here's where the story presents itself and its themes in what it's about and its essence. That's where you start your movie. Why would you start with that? So it's like, even if you follow my rule and do that, you still have to have the magic. You still, you know, you still have to find a way to clever, unique way of being on point and saying, Hey, show me or I'm going to show you the essence of my movie. In a sentence, or an image, right, or three sentences in, you're going to go back on a second or third reading, you're going to know are you going to appreciate, oh my god, this movie is what it was about neuters about from the very first frame, their very first story. That's, that's something that is hard to achieve in your great movies that you love. Not you, but like the movies that like, you know, aspiring writers or beginning writers love, they probably do that and not even aware. And that's the very first thing I can do is say, Man, appreciate this craft. Look, let me be able to show it to you inside the Sapper Whorf hypothesis, if you know what exists, it should change your world. Like if you know that nine out of 10 of your favorite movies do these things? What are you fighting against? You know what I mean? Like yeah, it's hard. It'd be easier not to shortcuts are obviously shortcuts. But

Alex Ferrari 1:10:57
was you know, I didn't mean to interrupt you. But like, it's a perfect example of like, if you don't know what the hero's journey was, if the hero's journey has never been brought to you or even brought into your world. Imagine when you first heard about the hero's journey, Joseph Campbell, like it changed everything, whether you use it or not, you know, it's there.

Jim Mercurio 1:11:17
What's the can you steal from all this stuff? So it's like, okay, so we know stories go up and down. We know things have to go down. So okay, dark night of the soul and JoJo Tim's rock bottom character goes down. He's far away from the goal. Psychologically, he's regressed to be his worst self, like Budweiser. But what goes on punches girlfriend in the face, he becomes his father, he becomes the worst version of himself before he goes on, and then starts thinking and helping out with actually he goes from his very worst to his character. I think that's the twist. And that's the, you know, surprise reversal that I talked about my film with, like, you know, with great detail like, if you can do with line of dialogue, or a couple of words of ActionScript and then you can do it with entire story. So this is back to the USN. So like, you know, stories go up and down. And you know, at some point the characters are farther away from the goal and also regret for the worst self like the other confidential bud white punches girlfriend, the face comes as father becomes his worst self, the moment reflect the split second before he becomes the character arc of like, you know, helping out using his brain not being like this angry it like creature. So let's say you know that you haven't your story. But then you read Vogler, then you think about mythology, and then you think Phoenix, rising from the ashes, oh, well, that's a cool image. So like one of the Spider Man movies, something crashes in on Peter, and then boom, he jumps up, and all this stuff flies out. And like, to me, I always thought of like, oh, it's like the phoenix rising from the ashes. So like, you may get an idea for an image, or a beat from like, one of these paradigms. And it's, it's not like, oh, well, I was never ever going to know about this beat. But it might just give you like a specific idea, or might just give you a specific way through it, or my challenge to say, Okay, make him the furthest away possible from the goal. You know, if you're the guy who's writing a drama, you might be able to say, Okay, I need to push the story further away. Or if you're the guy who writes the story will coaster obstacle course movies, you might say, wait a second, regression psychology, I didn't think about that. But let's take, I gotta think about that for a second, what is the worst thing that could possibly you know, and it's like, some little paradigm, or some little specific insight, or example, might give you a scene, or visual, or just open up something for you. So it's like, it's to me, like, if any of these parents resonate with you, it just, it just means they're working. It just means because we're all metaphors. So like, if if it resonates with you just means there's some truth to the metaphors, it's mapping somewhat accurately, or some truth and honesty, storytelling thing. I don't think any of them are perfect. I don't think mine is perfect, or I don't think any of them are necessarily complete. But if like all of them do 80%, or all of them have some good things you can pull from them. Like, yeah, definitely learn from 10 different places that that's how, you know, I mean, that that's how I became a good teacher is like, I went down all these paths and different perspectives. And I said to myself, well, I'll take the best lead the rest of all these, I'll collide them, I'll compare them and like, I kind of came up with this, like creative like, way of like, you know what, I don't think my stuff violates or, or goes against or puts anything down that's out there. I just think I just think it also will add something specific and give you different new tools, no matter where you are, what paradigm you're thinking about, I believe Mitel complements it. So it's like, I'm kind of positive guy wants to be yes. And I want you to do all things. I don't want to do just one thing. I don't want to do just my paradigm. I don't want to say Michael Hayes better than Truby. I think this Hague stuff is good. I think it's tricky stuff. That's good. It is my stuff. That's good. Who cares at all, but I would rather you say yes, to like seven things out of us than say, Well, I say yes to three of those things with others. Things are kind of counterintuitive and hard for me. So I'm just not going to make that policeman Threshold Guardian, I'm just not going to give a big psychological resonance. I'll just make it funny. It's like no man, like, you'd lost the battle right there. It's like, you can't take away for every time you take away from something, you have to add more, and probably even add more than you take away. And even like, sometimes, like, you know, Robert, Robert Altman used to make these like deconstructions of genres where he would like, trim stuff down and take things away. But I would argue, as an art film, or as a smart guy, or as a experimental filmmaker, he was adding way more than he was taken away. So it's like you always you always want to look for like, you know, ways to say yes, then yeah, I'll do what everybody else does. And then I'll transcend it. And then I'll go deeper in these areas that usually most people don't do. It's like, you want to be able to set yourself apart. You want to aim, aim to be great. Your expectations have to be, you know, shouldn't be aiming to go I'm gonna do like a cool buddy cop movie, this kind of funny, or this kind of reminiscent weapon. It's like no, right? Nowadays, you get to write something this bedroom for what was good with a weapon, or that's the modern day version with a weapon. It's like, you have to kind of go for it.

Alex Ferrari 1:16:11
Alright, man. So let me I'm gonna ask you the same questions I asked. All my, all my guests. What advice would you give a screenwriter wanting to break into the business today?

Jim Mercurio 1:16:22
Well, like I said, I mean, just go I mean, start writing. Understand that your writing process yourself is going to lead you to things like there are things you only learn from writing. Sure, right. Read screenplays, read some books read or reports or books, or recent blogs. And it just go back and forth with it. And it's like, you're going to do all these things at once. Because the more you know of the more you're aware of, if if you go and read an article, or analyze a screenplay, and like he points something out that Fincher does. Now, you know, it's possible you could do that, for another guy gives you a good idea about how to break in your second act. Well, that's cool. If you read three scripts, and you see, every single modern comedy has an inciting incident, the first eight pages rather than 11, then you can you know, I'm saying like, just just go blindly for for a while, and things will start catching up and kind of aligning and occurring and like, don't think that there's one way I can, I must outline and most rigidly plan, or I must just write for the seat of my pants because I'm a genius. The answer is no to that. No to this, it's yes. And yes, yeah, write some don't be afraid to throw it away. You know, discover, go back and let that be your structure. And then, you know, one of the people you come to is me, I had this big, huge 10 hour DVD set on my book eventually, or, you know, I work with clients that have made billions of dollars in box office and complete beginners. So it's like, you know, that is something I do, you can check, you can check out my website for

Alex Ferrari 1:17:51
that. Now, can you tell me what book had the biggest impact on your life or career, screenwriting book, either screenwriting or any other kind of book?

Jim Mercurio 1:18:01
You know, I mean, I don't know. I don't I don't know how to books did I mean, when I was in college and writing my first screenplay, like, I went to the bookstore, and there's two or three books on a shelf, so I picked up like, I think Walter and field and they were like, they were like, a complete but they were solid. And they were like, you know, they gave me a framework. You know what I don't I don't have a mantra. If

Alex Ferrari 1:18:28
you don't have a good answer, we can move on. It's all good.

Jim Mercurio 1:18:31
I think the screen already works. I think Michael Hague's reading screenplays that sell really started aligning theme and character with story. I love that. And I think Linda seghers book, yeah, making the script Great. Which is, which is actually in some ways, not because of her writing. But because of the complexity and the details, is a hard read, you actually need to watch the movie almost have in front of you almost outline it, because to really understand what he's saying is setups and payoffs and nitpicky stuff, you really have to kind of know it. In my book, I do the same kind of stuff, where it's like, I'm going to get five examples, and three of them are gonna be like, Oh, I'm not sure about that movie. But the two that you know, are going to be so specific. So on point so her book was very specific, and really about so you how movies were about setups and payoffs. I think that was very powerful. And then as a as a director, a friend of mine who produced the movie, said, You don't know the actor, actor language. You don't talk to actors yet. He made me read this book called audition, but Michael Shurtleff, and it was like, oh, actors prepare Yeah, for and, and what it did was, the book is amazing. It's helped me amazing helping my writing to take those principles, but the idea that you must consider the other perspectives of other people, cinematographer, editor, actors, if you understand their point of view better, it makes you better screenwriter, not just on some theoretical, like, intellectual level, but like a deep personal emotional level. If you You know, that extra that act of playing that small role is a person is invested into spend 40 hours making a backstory for the guy gives the tickets out on the boat, you're going to put more emphasis, you know, and, and details and thought into your minor characters. Because you know, an actor, a real live person is going to play it to like sympathy and empathy and understanding for those other things intellectually and emotionally. I think that that was a book that was like, first opened me up to that mindset.

Alex Ferrari 1:20:29
Very cool. Now, what is the lesson that took you the longest to learn whether in the film industry or in life?

Jim Mercurio 1:20:36
See, I think is that, that that Yes. And or do both like, like, for 10 years, I was making movies 2000 2010, a little bunch of movies. And, you know, there's this thing called deliberate practice, like, I was learning to be a better screenwriter, and I was learning to be a better teacher. And it wasn't like that time was wasted. But I think I wasn't running as much during that time. Because I said to myself, well, I'm making movies. So I don't have to be the writer all the time to, I don't have to crank out scripts, you know, as the guys who aren't also spending 5000 hours making movies. And it's like, no, no, you know what, man? It's hard. But you have to do both. Same thing with, I want to write action movies, what do I care about the main character? No, you have to do both. I write dramas where I care about twists and turning points. No, you have to do both. So this idea I think of like being whole and not, or I don't want to mark it, because I'm just a genius. I gotta admit, I don't teach anything about marketing in business. It's not my strength. I don't like it. So as a teacher, I'm allowed to do that. As a writer, guess what I have to come up I have to write the logline, which I hate, I'm not good at, I have to query people, I have to do everything. So it's like you got to do both things. You have to make yourself whole like you have to have your character arc as a writer as a person, write business and craft, character and story and you know, fun, internal external, you got to be whole you got to like kind of, because for you to put your best self out there, you have to access your wholesales

Alex Ferrari 1:22:04
and three of your favorite films of all time.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:06
Oh my god. Well, okay.

Alex Ferrari 1:22:08
Just the ones that come to your mind right now.

Jim Mercurio 1:22:10
Okay. Okay. I guess to give you two quick answers. The cliched version is everybody loves these and I feel like I'm boring Godfather Chinatown. Any hall like everybody. Yeah, Bicycle Thieves is that is probably like my favorite or the classical. I'm Italian. It just hits me movies that like I thought I appreciated it real personal that I found something surprising in breaking away. Being that cowboy angers not as a hunter. In movies, I say like, you know what, there's my voice. I wish I could have written that. Alexander Payne election sideways kind of comes to mind. Breaking Away Been a Cowboy are so jam packed with theme and coherency. They're just

Alex Ferrari 1:22:48
Well, that was like, that's like 10 movies. You did a good job.

Jim Mercurio 1:22:53
But it's all he can't be pinned down. It's like, No, I gotta, I gotta tell you what, though, if you think I'm going too far, like, you can watch the first like three minutes of Midnight Cowboy. And you could pick out 30 I'm not kidding. 30 things that point to theme, the way we talked about seven the way you think I went you are what you imagine that someone would say when you fart, you could look at the first 345 minutes of macabre and you could easily pick out 30 clearly defined craft, you know, techniques and attempts to make meaning and to set things up and it's it's so JAM PACKED is perfect. And where can people find you? My website? James P. Mercurial comm you can sign up for our newsletter there, which is free from back issues. My DVDs DVD set there is they're at a really super reduced price now. And if you want to, you know, talk to me about the coaching or script consulting, you can email me we can have a talk no pressure. I mean, my sales pitch usually is you've listened to me if you'd like what I said, you think I can help you? You know? So like, that's the there's the pitch. So like, if you want to talk about it, or if you want to check it out? Yeah, go to James P. mercurial.com. Jim,

Alex Ferrari 1:24:03
man, thank you so much. This has been an epic conversation to say thanks.

Jim Mercurio 1:24:07
But also, like I said, Man, it's an appreciation for screenwriting. Like, you appreciate it. And like, I think you get excited because sometimes you'll learn stuff too. But like, it's so fast. It's so fast, that you know the things you have to know, you know, and I appreciate you fighting the good fight to get that out there.

Alex Ferrari 1:24:22
And I appreciate him. And I look and I've listened, I've listened to or spoken to many of the people you've talked to almost almost all of them that you quoted in this in this interview. And it's true. Like I've learned so much over the course of the last three years of doing this. Because you learn from these different, you just learn it you I always look at it this way. We're all looking at different pieces of the elephant in the room. No one's got it all figured out. But if you start piecing all of them together, you get a much whole more holistic approach to storytelling, and I think it's beneficial to everybody to to learn from as many different things sources as humanly possible. So thank you for dropping some major knowledge bombs today on the tribe. I want to thank Jim for coming on the show and dropping some major knowledge bombs on the tribe today. If you want to get links to his course, his workshops on ifH TV, or if you want to get in touch with him for some consulting, head over to indie film hustle.com forward slash BPS zero 33 for the show notes. And guys, if you have not already, please head over to screenwriting podcast.com And leave a good review for the show. It really really helps us out a lot on iTunes. Thanks again for listening guys. And as always, keep on writing no matter what. I'll talk to you soon. Thanks for listening to the bulletproof screenplay podcast at bulletproof screenplay calm that's b u ll e t e r o f s CR e n PLA y.com

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BPS 031: How to Break into Television Writing with Steven Vitolo

Have you ever wondered what it takes to break into a network television writer’s room? Then this episode is for you. Today’s guest is Steven Vitolo and he did just that. His latest written episode is on the hit ABC show Black-ish. Steven has over 10 years of experience working in writer’s rooms, most recently as a script coordinator on the TV series Black-ish, where he co-wrote the episode “Dream Home”.

Steven Vitolo also is the CEO and founder of Scriptation, the script reading and annotating app for film, television, and video production. Steven developed Scriptation after seeing first-hand the staggering amount of paper that gets consumed onset and is dedicated to promoting sustainable practices that inspire productions to go paperless.

Enjoy my conversation with Steven Vitolo.

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Alex Ferrari 0:35
I'd like to welcome to the show Steve Vitolo. How are you doing, brother?

Steve Vitolo 3:23
I'm good. Thanks for having me.

Alex Ferrari 3:24
Thank you, man for coming on board. I've I don't know much about the television world and television writing overall

Steve Vitolo 3:31
happy to fill you in.

Alex Ferrari 3:32
So that's why you are on the show. I know. Exactly. So I'm, I'm dying to hear about all the inner workings of network shows in writers rooms and all that kind of good stuff. But first of all, how did you get into the film business?

Steve Vitolo 3:47
Well, I went to Boston University and graduated college human communication that a film and TV degree so did that whole thing. And as far as the actual degree? How useful is it? Not at all? Has anyone ever asked you in this industry to show you that? Oh, no one's no one's like, Oh, you got you know, here's where it does help. There. It helps in the connections that you make while you're there. So for example, I before I moved out to Los Angeles, I stayed at home for a year just to save money. So I could move out to Los Angeles to eventually blow that all in like three to six months, obviously. But, but where it where it really helped is that there was a contingency of people that moved out right after college. And they all got the crappy jobs that no one wanted to get. So there were all PDAs and interns and things like that. So there was such a big network at BU of current people and also alumni. So that's where it really helps you but no one's looking at your GPA for a film job and seeing what school You want to, although maybe maybe if you're a Harvard graduate that, you know, you kind of have a leg up anywhere in any industry.

Alex Ferrari 5:08
Really? Do you think Harvard film school really gonna open the doors too much?

Steve Vitolo 5:12
Well, it doesn't certain writers rooms for sure.

Alex Ferrari 5:16
Oh, no. And writers room is I actually saw that documentary about the Harvard Lampoon. And and those guys, it's almost like a club, a fraternity. If you're in the Lampoon, you automatically cut the line in a lot of ways.

Steve Vitolo 5:31
Yeah, that is true. I'm not all the time. But they have a big leg up, and they'll get meetings and they'll get signed and things like that. So if you're going to go to Harvard, yeah, you should put that on your resume.

Alex Ferrari 5:48
No, I mean, I went to Full Sail Film School in Orlando, and not once. Has anyone ever asked me in the entire time I've been doing this? Can I see your degree?

Steve Vitolo 5:57
Right? Yeah. I mean, you hope you get good training, and you're able to do what you want to do. I mean, I think if you're going to film school, you probably have an A, I don't think anyone go to film school is like, I don't know what I'm going to do. But usually when you go there, it's like, okay, I want to direct I want to write on produce, or maybe when do all those things. And hopefully, you get the training at the school to do that. And then you know, when you move out, some of your friends or schoolmates will be there helping you and then it's a connections game. Mm hmm. It really is. It really is. And Italian game, hopefully,

Alex Ferrari 6:31
it will, the talent is its has unfortunately, sometimes it's still like the lower, lower, lower on the totem pole sometimes. But a lot of times, it's like those connections do get you in the door, but you have to stay in the door. Exactly. And that's where the talent and experience and things come in. And

Steve Vitolo 6:49
you're you also have to get your foot in the right door. When I saw when I moved out here, I was, you know, I take any job. So I started in reality television, and award shows. My very first pa job was on Jamie Kennedy's show. What it was called blowing up. Yeah, it wasn't.

Alex Ferrari 7:14
I love what you said that, like it's called Love went up.

Steve Vitolo 7:18
I know, sell it, sell it. I think it was on MTV. I've really bad memory. But I think it was an MTV show. And I remember the first day I was there. My job was to hold an umbrella because we're outside. So my job was to hold an umbrella over Jamie Kennedy. So he wouldn't get sunburned.

Alex Ferrari 7:37
Nice as opposed to the star. So that's not bad.

Steve Vitolo 7:41
I know. And that so that was the glamorous I it was, you know, it's funny, I had that I got that job. It was like my second day there. And you know, my friend at college was like, Hey, you want to be a PA for this thing? And it's like, Great glamour is everything. And then yeah, that's my job.

Alex Ferrari 7:59
So from there, how do you parlay that into the next stages of your career?

Steve Vitolo 8:03
Um, yeah, so I kind of was a PA for a while, and I was working in reality and live event shows. I eventually, because I did a couple of, you know, Pa jobs like hearing there just for a couple days, because I didn't really have like a full time pa job. It's like, take a gig here, take a commercial there, that sort of thing. I eventually got on the Academy Awards as a PA,

Alex Ferrari 8:32
see, I wouldn't, I would have killed for a job like that coming up, I would have killed for that.

Steve Vitolo 8:35
It's a it's a it was a great experience. I mean, it's not like they prep three to four months before. It's crazy how long they've prepped for this show, I had no idea. So I was just and when you're when you're a PA on that show, for the production office, and there are so many different departments that don't have their own PDAs you're doing everything for everyone. So you're really you know, an errand person. And so that was my my first, you know, quote unquote, steady pa job, which was like three or four months. And then I actually kind of went back to that the next year and the year after, just because it worked out that I wasn't working at the time because that's, that's the life Right, of course. So, but eventually because I had that experience and because it it was you know, you're involved in so many different departments and it's it's kind of a harder pa job than most I would think I mean, I haven't had that many but it seemed like it. I was able to get a PA job on the pilot for the middle, which I wanted to get. I wanted to be a TV writer. So I wanted to get in scripted TV and a friend of mine who had moved on from pa found a job opening and referred me and I was able to get that job and it was actually not the not the middle show that was on for nine years or wherever it was on with Patricia Heaton. It originally started Ricki Lake. Yes. Wow. Yes, I was on that one. I think that was 2007. It started Ricki Lake, and a bunch of other actors and didn't get picked up. It went through a redevelopment they got Patricia Heaton, I think in 2009. And then it got picked up. And it went, but yeah, not many people know that, that it was not. It was not in its current form. And yeah, the script was actually pretty much the same. But yeah, I mean, actors, man, you got Patricia Heaton. And, and you're probably gonna go a little while Off, off off and running. Yeah, you're off and running. And what

Alex Ferrari 10:51
were you doing? What were you doing, and you just BPA still?

Steve Vitolo 10:55
Yeah, it was an office PA. And I was able to parlay that, you know, very luckily, into a writers pa job, which was, you know, people are dying to get into the writers office. And I was very lucky to get in there. Actually, my production coordinator was letting the PA go by picking names out of a hat, because she couldn't decide where to let go. And my name, of course, was the first name to get picked out of a hat. So like I was, because I'm on a pilot, you know, you're only working a certain period of time. And then, you know, pickups and all that stuff. So, so I was like, oh, first, my production coordinator said, I feel so bad. Because I was also like, brought on last. So I like the shortest amount of time. And she's like, but I'll find something for you. And I'm like, Okay, sure. And then, you know, to a day later, she got me an interview as a writers, PA on Hannah Montana. Nice. And the next day I was hired. And that was really a crazy whirlwind. And I was finally after a few years in the writers office, which you just want to get your foot in the door there. See what those people and it was a great show.

Alex Ferrari 12:14
So tell me, what is it like being in the writers room in the writers department of a network show?

Steve Vitolo 12:22
Um, well, you mean, as opposed to something that's a i You saying, as opposed to cable or just like,

Alex Ferrari 12:30
No, just didn't? Know, you've been specific about network TV? But like, no, Hannah Montana was cable, but I worked on network shows as well. I'm assuming they're not very different. Yeah,

Steve Vitolo 12:41
they're the same, especially now streaming services.

Alex Ferrari 12:44
Just there. How many scripted shows? Are there now? 250 300?

Steve Vitolo 12:48
A double that?

Alex Ferrari 12:50
Oh, is it? Is it? Is it really that much now? Like five or 600?

Steve Vitolo 12:53
It's, I believe it's over 600. Now. I think that, and that's just us. I mean, Netflix, I mean, you you turn on Netflix. And every week, there's something new that they've spent $25 million on Amazon, and Amazon. And you've had you had no idea you've never heard of it. Right? And like it has this star in it. Like why has a star in it? And and like it must have you must have skipped the trade that day. And it's like, oh, so they just made the show for like $25 million.

Alex Ferrari 13:23
I literally was just watching. I was on YouTube the other day, and I saw this trailer for like the outlaw King, starring Chris Pine. And it's like this Braveheart style. Epic on Netflix. Like I've never even heard of this. It's about Bruce. Oh, the something the Bruce was a Scottish guy. And it's basically Braveheart again, but different. And I'm like 10 episodes? No, no, no, no. This is not this not show. This is a movie. But there's shows like that that come up all the time. Like, who's this? How did this happen? Where did this come from? It's constant all the time. So it doesn't it doesn't surprise me that 600 episodes or six shows are being scripted right now. So it's a good time to be trying to get into the writers room.

Steve Vitolo 14:07
It's a good time to be working in the industry, for sure. There's definitely more opportunities. When I first started working, there was a certain cycle where you had pilot season, then you didn't work and then shows picked up and if it was canceled, which after Hannah Montana, I went to a show called Do Not Disturb. You probably haven't heard of it. It was the first show canceled that season. Of course. It was. We filmed six episodes, we aired three. And it was like it was at I live in Culver City. And it was at Fox and it was like a dream for me. I don't have to travel into Hollywood to work and like this is gonna be great. I'm gonna bike to work. And then two months later

Alex Ferrari 14:56
is there is there still a pilot season? I mean, there's some sort of pilot season now Like in January starts in January, right?

Steve Vitolo 15:02
Yeah. For network networks, they'll doing the pilot season. It starts around January, sometimes early pilots can go like November, December. But basically like, January, February, March, you shoot the pilots and then pick up so yeah, there's still that in a network. But with Netflix, they're not doing pilots. So they go straight to series. And with cable, because when I first started cable wasn't what it was either. Right now, there are so many shows on cable that SOS are all I mean, there's no set, seasonal thing for that their shows popping up all the time. So there's definitely more opportunity now than there was, you know, 10 years ago.

Alex Ferrari 15:41
So what is it like to be in a writers room and any kind of show?

Steve Vitolo 15:45
Yeah. Fantastic. It's fantastic. If you have nice writers and funny writers, and your boss is great. And I've had, I've been very lucky in that I've had great bosses. So my, I worked on blackish most recently, and Kenya Barris created the show. And he's just so brilliant. He'll just come in the room and just, you know, sort of Jedi mind everything into what the story needs to be. And, you know, a writer that has a clear voice is refreshing because you you know, you know exactly what he wants. And also Corey Nickerson ran the room. And she, you know, she's able to address notes and and just the way she can craft a scene and get us through the script, make it great and funny and get us out of there. So we're not working till two and three in the morning is a real talent. And everybody loves her for that. So if you're working in a writers room like that, it's great. You know, I've worked on some shows, when you work on a show, that's a first season multi camera show, for example. There's a lot. First of all, the multi camera schedule is not great for writers. It's fantastic for actors, but for writers, actors are often rehearsing at two, three, sometimes four. And then after that rehearsal in the writers room, you go back and you rewrite the entire script. So you're starting the rewrite at four or five. And it's not just your notes, but it's network and studio notes that you have to address. If something's really not working, it could be a problem. If it's a first season show, there's going to be a lot of scrutiny so that you can start working till you know one or two in the morning. But luckily, I haven't had that experience too much. And I've worked for great people like Kenyon Cory, Susanne Martin, I worked with, she created Hot in Cleveland, and a show called crowded Victor fresco, who I worked on for man up and Shawn saves the world. And now he's got Santa Clarita Diet on netflix. He's just a great guy, fantastic person, nicest boss you can have. So yeah, being a being in the room is great if people in the room are great.

Alex Ferrari 18:12
So what are like the politics of the room? Like you say, the show, the showrunner, the executive producer, pretty much is in charge. Right? Right. And then there is someone who is in charge of the room underneath them kind of like sometimes sometimes, or sometimes not.

Steve Vitolo 18:32
It depends on the show, usually on a multi cam show because of the way it's structured. The showrunner is running the room, because as writers on a multi camera show you do everything together. So you go down to the set together, you watch rehearsals together, you come back together. So the person who created the show, usually, the showrunner is running every aspect of it, if work on a single camera show, because it shot like a movie. Sometimes that person will be on set Sometimes. It depends how it's structured. And then there's a number two, so kind of the I don't know there's no like real title. But sure, the weekend later, basically kind of idea. And then yeah, and that person will be will be running the room. And then what happens is then the showrunner will come back to the room if they've been on set. And then we'll review everything that we've done in the room, kind of how it works.

Alex Ferrari 19:28
Now, how are ideas incorporated in an episode in the writers room? Like? Are people throwing out ideas to people go away, write an episode, come back and then get beat up? How does it work?

Steve Vitolo 19:40
Yeah, it's different. There's no one way to do it. But in general, everyone breaks a story together. That's how it's done. I would say for 90 something percent of writers rooms is that either someone comes in with a story or we just start pitching around funny. Live our comedy so we just start pitching around funny ideas or something that happened and if we could build a story around it, but but everybody, for the most part is sitting around a table breaking the story together. And it's done in stages. First, it's, you know, a rough outline or some notes. And then you make a more complete outline. And then on blackish, for example, we would all come up with the story together, we would have on whiteboards, we would write the scene, what happens in the scene and the jokes that we like. And it would be, you know, two boards full of the story, or sometimes three. And then we would give that to the writer. And the writer would turn that into an outline, the outline would be reviewed by the showrunner or some of the writers and the studio on the network, they would get notes, they would write a draft. And that draft then comes in to before it goes anywhere, the writers draft comes into the writers room. So it gets distributed to all the writers, the writers read it, make notes, and then we talk about the draft, and then we make changes in the room. So that's generally how it's done. It's not like a hard and fast rule. I've worked on shows, for example, crowded and Hot in Cleveland, we did it a little differently, where we broke the story together. And then we each took scenes. So all the writers would go home and they would write a scene, and then send it to the script coordinator, which was me. And I would put all the scenes together in a script, send it back out to everybody, everybody would read it, and then we'd discuss in the room. So that's how it's done sometimes, too. And on Hannah Montana. Stop me if I'm being boring.

Alex Ferrari 21:52
And I think everyone listening everybody, everybody listening wants to hear this stuff. So please continue.

Steve Vitolo 21:57
And on Hannah Montana, it was all room written. So I think that's the way it works on Chuck Lorre shows I've never been on one. But where everybody writes in the room, and then it's assigned to a writer afterwards.

Alex Ferrari 22:14
Okay, so everyone beats it beats the story down or breaks the story outlines and then they give it to one writer to like, go write the script.

Steve Vitolo 22:20
No, not for that one for for Hannah Montana and the Chuck Lorre shows, once you break the story, then the writer's assistant opens up a blank document in the room, and people are literally dictating the script. So it all gets written to get with everyone together in the writers room.

Alex Ferrari 22:38
That must be insane, though,

Steve Vitolo 22:40
kind of I mean, it, it works. I've seen it work on certain shows, it doesn't work on other shows. Like I don't think that would work on Blackish. Because it really like that show needs a point of view, yes to that. And it needs a writer to to sit with the material and really think through the story and scenes. But on a multi camera show, for example, when you're going beat by beat by beat. That's something that maybe is unnecessary. So it works much better, at least in a multi camera to have to be room written.

Alex Ferrari 23:17
Got it. Now you mentioned to you were script coordinator. Can you tell the audience what a script coordinator on a television network show does?

Steve Vitolo 23:26
Yes. And I'm so glad you said script coordinator and not script supervisor because pletely different fancy use nine out of

Alex Ferrari 23:33
10 so good to tell the difference between the script supervisor script coordinator.

Steve Vitolo 23:37
Sure, so script supervisor and script supervisors forgive me if I'm messing this up. But they are their onset. They they deal with continuity. They work with the director, they deal with timing and they get they make notes and give it to the editor. So they're on set. They're really important there with the director and the writer and making sure all they got all the shots and things like that. So that's what the script supervisor does. A script coordinator is not on the set a script coordinator is and it's it's kind of different comedy and drama. But the main job of the script coordinator is to be the liaison between the writers office and the production. So your job is to get the script in production shape. So scene numbers, scene headings, you deal with legal and clearance issues. So once a script gets gets distributed, it goes to the clarinets department and legal and they'll say what you can and what you can't say. And also your so I also want to say the liaison you are also dealing with the departments and helping them with clearances as well. So art departments will say, hey, we need to sign for this thing. Can you clear these five names? So that's a job as a script coordinator on a drama, that's mostly what they do their script coordinators are in an office, they get so many revisions on a drama, that that's kind of their whole job is to is to work, you know, in the script in that way, on a comedy a lot of times, and has been my experience, always, script coordinators also act as a writer's assistant. So there they are in the room working in the script, or taking notes when people are outlining or things like that.

Alex Ferrari 25:32
So what is it a writer? What does a writer's assistant do, then?

Steve Vitolo 25:36
writer's assistant, is responsible for taking notes. Doing some research may be working in the script for rewrites. So once a writer brings in a script, and we all talk about it, the writers assistant will take the notes that we've just talked about. And then once we go back into the script and room, write it together to do the, to do a pass, the writer's assistant will work in the script, changing the text. So you need you need typing skills for that. And you need knowledge of script writing software to be able to hop around in the script. And yeah, I mean, it's, it's not so easy. It's, it's something that you definitely get the hang of, and it's a skill, knowing who to listen to, because you get a lot of voices coming at you. So being able to get all the pitches down, and know which ones the show run or wants and kind of who to listen to in the writers room and who to definitely get. That's a that's a writer's assistant skill.

Alex Ferrari 26:41
Now, you, you've been going through all of this, you've been a script coordinator, you're a writer's assistant, and done all this kind of really heavy lifting throughout your career. And then all of a sudden, they point to you and say, you're going to get to write an episode. What was that, like?

Steve Vitolo 27:00

Alex Ferrari 27:02
And that's the end of the show. Thank you know, it's

Steve Vitolo 27:04
worked out different on different shows that happened on on blackish, where I was there for, like a year and a half. I didn't expect to get a script my first season. But the second season, I you know, it was one of those shows where you don't have to ask for it. Because that's been the culture of the show where they'll give scripts to the writers assistants, if they think the writers assistant or script coordinator is good. And yeah, on blackish, I had heard rumors around it, and then they made an announcement in the room. And when you're an assistant, the writers applaud for you. That happened. That also happened on Hot in Cleveland, where they made an announcement in the room, which was super great. And then on crowded. I had worked with Suzanne Martin on HUD and Cleveland. So when I was hired as a script coordinator on the new show, she was kind enough to let me write a script for the show as part of being a script coordinator. But yeah, it's it's a, it's a great feeling. And the great thing about blackish and sort of the humbling thing is that I was writing it with the other writers assistant on the show, and it was the finale of the season. And it was good episodes.

Alex Ferrari 28:25
That's a good episode.

Steve Vitolo 28:27
And it was a tough one. In the last episode of a four episode arc. We're getting separated and we're coming back together.

Alex Ferrari 28:35
Yes, it was a brutal, brutal Ark was brutal was a

Steve Vitolo 28:39
watch show is a perfect word. It was brutal. And it was necessary. And people didn't really like it.

Alex Ferrari 28:48
Nope, nope. Nope. did not like it. Thumbs up. I'm gonna be honest with you. i My wife and I are going, they're going too far. They need to stop this. I have enough troubles in my world. I don't need this.

Steve Vitolo 29:01
I know what that was a lot of the feedback on the Twittersphere Yeah, people was bawling. So it was bold. It was bold. And Kenya really wanted to show that because they never showed that thing. You know that that kind of thing on The Cosby Show. And he felt it was kind of, you know, that that's life. You know, you kind of go through these ups and downs. Yep. And but yeah, we were we were tasked in the in the writers assistant task with writing the finale. And it was one of those things to where it was obviously an important episode. They're getting back together, which is great. But also it was at the end of the season. So like we've done 24 episodes and like everyone's burnt out. So when we got the outline if you know we had in the writers system, we had some room to play with, because we knew like we knew the story wanted to tell and we had the outline and then like we noticed like okay, Like act three isn't as broken. And there's no tag, it's kind of up to us. So we can play a little bit.

Alex Ferrari 30:08
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Steve Vitolo 30:20
And, like, a lot of times when you get outlines, in writers rooms, it's like paint by numbers. And this we actually had some room to do some things. And luckily, we succeeded on most of them. And it wasn't a major rewrite coming in. And our tag, I'm happy to say, went all the way through. Shockingly, it was I don't know if you remember that the tag but it was pops in and Ruby in the, in the shared home that Trey was no longer there anymore. And they, they thought they should get it on? Yes, I do remember that? Yes. Yeah. So we're so happy that that sell through. Because a lot of times when you bring a script in, it looks stuff gets changed. That's the nature of the beast. And it's it's 99% going to get changed for the better. It's better when you have you know, 1015 writers that are smarter than you think here's how we can improve. So yeah, when something when something sticks past the goalie, and they're like, Yeah, okay, we'll go with this. That was pretty cool.

Alex Ferrari 31:23
Now, what does it what does it do for your career working on a show like blackish in such a pivotal episode as well? I mean, has it opened doors that weren't open before?

Steve Vitolo 31:33
No, not really. Fair enough. Fair enough. Yeah. I mean, you know, maybe in the future, I mean, it's a good credit, for sure. Sure. And as far as, you know, Writers Guild residual goes, it's gonna be fantastic. Because it's a syndicated show, and it reruns and so, but yeah, as far as like, agents, managers knocking on my door, not so much doesn't really happen. I would think you would,

Alex Ferrari 32:03
you would think well, that I wanted to kind of bring that up, because I want to make sure everyone listening knows the truth. Oh, they know the truth. Like all of a sudden, like most people like, Oh, you just wrote the season finale for blackish a huge show on ABC. You know, they must be just rolling up to your door with cash. Waiting for you for your like, what show would you like to run,

Steve Vitolo 32:26
sir? Yeah, exactly. No, it doesn't really work like that. Unfortunately, I was I was the most naive person coming out to Los Angeles. So I would have totally like, like, I, my idea was, hey, I'm gonna write a script for Two and a Half Men and show it to the showrunner and he's gonna hire me. Yeah, now, which is the exact wrong thing. Anyone listening out there? Don't Don't do that. Don't ever do that. Don't ever do that. What you want to do just for aspiring writers? Write a pilot. Some? Well, it's okay to write a spec for a show that everybody knows. And now that was kind of okay to do. Back then when I was writing specs. And there were only 20 shows? Like, I look, I wasn't, you know, I didn't I didn't start in the 50s. Right. And 10 years ago, there weren't that many shows. And people would watch it. So you know, so writers would write a spec for like, so I wrote a spec for two and a half men. And anyone who read it had seen Two and a Half Men and understood the characters and understood, like the voice of the show. Sure. But now, like, you'll write for a show no one's ever heard of, or no one's ever seen. So that's probably not the best idea to write a spec for a show, unless maybe you're doing monitor family, because what everybody's seen that show. But nowadays, write a pilot, and, and make it good. And get some good feedback and rewrite it and rewrite and rewrite it and try and do something with it.

Alex Ferrari 33:57
I mean, my experience in television from the directing standpoint is that it is a very much of a club. Because the it is a good job. If you get on a show and you get on a good show. Even if you do you know, as a director, at least, even if you do five, six episodes a year. You're good, like financially financially, you're doing very well.

Steve Vitolo 34:20
And a residual. So you're doing good. You're doing

Alex Ferrari 34:24
good, right? So it's so difficult to break in. I'm assuming that's similar to the writers because I do all the writers get residuals off everything or how does that work?

Steve Vitolo 34:34
writers get residuals on the on the shows that they write. And I don't know, I know the creator gets residuals on every offer on everything. But I don't know what other levels or how that works. I think only if you have points in the show. sure that you get you get that but yeah, for writers it's it's the episode you write and if it airs again in primetime You get half your script fee, which is fantastic, which is fantastic. And then you could get I mean, if you're a syndicated show, you could get a big check just because they made a big syndication deal. So so like

Alex Ferrari 35:12
the guys from friends and Seinfeld says friends and Seinfeld are doing okay. Yeah. All those writers in that writers room they did all

Steve Vitolo 35:20
right. Yeah, I mean, even like the I knew a writer that worked on The Cleveland Show and he was like, he said to me here, I want to show you something. This was he's like, I know you guys are, you know this. He's like, I know you're, you know, getting your first scripts and but I want to show you what it could be. And he kind of showed his Writers Guild residuals, and they were

Alex Ferrari 35:39
fantastic from from the Cleveland Show, the canceled on The Cleveland Show,

Steve Vitolo 35:43
and like some other shows, but yeah, I mean, like a show goes into syndication. Not even like a super successful show. Yeah, it could be pretty good. It's a nice career. And the Writers Guild benefits when you retire great, too. So

Alex Ferrari 36:00
can I ask you a question and I'm gonna be that guy. What is the range of like money that you get off of residual so people I'm in life standing?

Steve Vitolo 36:09
I'm not the right person to ask. Okay. Just because I've, you know, I've written three

Alex Ferrari 36:15
checks. I mean, yet?

Steve Vitolo 36:17
Yeah, it's hard to tell. I mean, one was, one was a syndicated show Hot in Cleveland was a syndicated show. Yeah, that has not been as good as you want it to be. Right. But finger you know, I'll just throw out numbers. Sharon is these are these could be totally wrong right out of the air. So let's say on a half hour network show, your you get paid if you write it if it's you know, story by written by you. You you've written the script, it's your name only. That for half our network that's $26,000. Bad. If it gets rerun in primetime, you get half that fee. You get $13,000. Okay. Okay, so there,

Alex Ferrari 36:59
that's good. Right there. That's good. Right there. You're doing really good. You're doing

Steve Vitolo 37:03
good. If it airs again, in primetime, it's probably half that. So maybe it's like 6500 or something. Okay. And then your guess is as good as mine. On syndication? On syndication? Yeah. I mean, you could get I mean, no one, like I've gotten a syndication check for on Cleveland. And I wrote, it was a cable show, and I wrote half the episode. And the syndication check was, like, not not even half of what the original fee was. So it wasn't it, I felt like that check should have been more, right.

Alex Ferrari 37:42
I mean, I always feel checks should be more, but that's just me. Anytime I get a check, like this check should be for more. I mean, well, I don't want to be the crass guy asking about money. But it was just, it's a lot of people out there who just don't even understand what people make. And there's all this information. A lot of this information could just find the Writers Guild Writers Guild.

Steve Vitolo 38:03
Yeah, if you if you go online, and do WG a schedule of minimums, it's right there, you can find out everything that you'll make for TV and for features too. But I don't even think the real. I mean, that's not even the real money is in the script. I mean, it's great. It's like bonus money. If you're, if your producer level or CO EP, I'll forgive your then forget. But even if your story editor, so again, you can look at this schedule and minimums. But if you're a TV writer, or a network show, if you're a, if you're a staff writer, it's something like three plus 1000 a week, if you're a story editor, it could be five 6000. So it's, that's the real money. If you can get on some of these shows, writers make a good living. I have not been a staff writer, or a story editor or anything on a show. So I don't have that experience. Sure. But it's that's the money.

Alex Ferrari 39:00
That's that's where that's But as always, you get paid to be there. And then you also get paid per episode that you write.

Steve Vitolo 39:06
Yes, that's just it's however, if you're a staff writer, and they're, they're just never gonna change this. You don't get a script fee, which is insane. I think just know, buddy. The people that are fighting just don't seem to care, because they're so upper level. But yeah, so for example, if, as a script coordinator, let's say you write a you got to freelance episode you get paid $26,000 is for the script. If you're a staff writer on the show, that's making 3000 plus a week and you get a script. You don't get that script fee. You get residuals, but not script fee. And it's for I don't know why, but it's still around. And no one seems to ever want to pay for that. It's, it's crazy. That's insane.

Alex Ferrari 39:48
Yeah, that's insane. Yep. So with all of this now, you've told us all this kind of work that you've done over the over the course of your career, you've then decided to jump into the technology game and come and invented an app called script notation to to fulfill a need that is desperately needed in the in the world of film and television. Can you talk a little bit about script station?

Steve Vitolo 40:15
Yeah, so being a script coordinator, I was the one responsible for sending out scripts and script revisions. And I come from the TV world. So I was working on this, it was a pilot, we had a, we it was a weird production schedule, we had 10 days from the table read to when we started shooting. And every single night, we're putting out a full 50 page script to 100 plus people. So I get the script together, give it to the PA, they make copies handed out to people, people make notes on them. The next day, same process all over again, people are rewriting their notes on the new drafts. And they're dumping the old draft in the trash, or hopefully the recycle bin. And that's a crazy process that we've been doing for years. And at that time, everyone on this show, at least in the writers office was feeling this is an incredible waste of paper. And I was I was thinking that too. And not only is it a waste of paper, but productivity, where you get one draft, you make all your notes, whether whatever department you're in, if you're a writer, if you're a set decorator, if you're in sound, if you're a director, you make a lot of notes, if you're a director, same thing with a DP. And you're making all of these notes on a script that is going to be obsolete in 24 hours. So I knew that we could annotate on an on a tablet. So people had iPads at the time and iPhones. And you could you could use Adobe write to you know, annotate PDF document. But the real problem was once you annotate the draft, so let's say you have a table draft of a script, and then you get your production draft, how can you move all of your notes and annotations from the table draft into the production draft? And that was the problem that we're trying to solve? And I hired a developer, I said, Can you do this? And he said, I think so. And that's what kind of launched discrimination we, we figured out this problem. You know, after two or three years, it took us a while to figure out how to transfer notes from a draft to a new draft and do so intelligently where we could tell you what change and if you handwrite, a note that's on the top of page three, and now is on the bottom of page two, we can move that handwritten note in that same spot. So yeah, that's, that's how we kind of came up with it. And, you know, we put it in the app store. And it's been pretty successful. And we've had directors that that tell us, it saves them four to five hours a week. That's a lot. And that's four to five hours in BS work. That they don't, is when you're directing what you want to spend your time recopy notes and figuring out what changed, or you want to see how it's going to look and get the right performances and set up the shot. Right. So that's the time that that we're saving. And it's it's been really great that not only have people on the crew been able to use it, but also agents and managers and studio executives are using it to because they've got a ton of scripts and that are carrying around a giant binder, they've got a tablet,

Alex Ferrari 43:38
in brain, of course, it's it's insane. When I'm directing myself, I have to carry around this huge binder full of you know, and I tried to put my notes in and it's, it's such a pain in the butt. And I was like, this is such an old fashioned way of doing things in today's world. But now your script scripts, as has alleviated that pain?

Steve Vitolo 43:58
Well, on your next production, you're going to need to use it

Alex Ferrari 44:01
obviously I know somebody's in the in the company. So hopefully there'll be no no. So so how much does it cost? Where can people get it?

Steve Vitolo 44:11
Well, I kind of have an announcement to share about that. So we script station for the past almost two years has been in the iOS App Store that you can get an iPad iPhone for 999. And what you get with that is you get annotation you also get no transferring, you got another feature called actor highlighting, which is useful for actors that table reads because instead of manually highlighting all their lines, they tap a button and boom, all their lines are highlighted genius. Also useful for sound mixers, which we found out I didn't know I built it for actors and then sound mixer say hey, we highlight lines too. And you do X, Y and Z. So yeah, so script has been in the store for 999. You get all those features and a couple other things. We're gonna make that free one. Yeah. So the core script tation, core of sortation, you're actually going to be able to get for free and use as much as you want with as many scripts as you want and transfer notes as many times as you like, no limit on,

Alex Ferrari 45:20
okay? And then what's the, what's the rub? They know you have to be a business. So what

Steve Vitolo 45:29
good to be free,

Alex Ferrari 45:31
it sounds too good to be true, is this should I just buy real estate with no money down.

Steve Vitolo 45:39
So what we will be offering is we're going to be offering script tation Pro, which is going to include cloud storage, and will be able to actually sync all of your script tation, metadata, actor highlights, no transferring deletions, etc. In the cloud, you can access it device to device, we also have our document editor, which lets you add facing pages to write notes. And actually, in the note transfer, this is really cool. So if you're a director, and you're at a table read, and you make all of your notes, and you insert shots and diagrams, and then you get a shooting draft, you can actually transfer all of those inserted pages into the new draft as well. The way the algorithm works is actually find the like page and then moves that page there. So you really don't have to do any work when translating notes. That's amazing. And we're also offering a reader mode for the iPhone, where sometimes it's hard to read scripts on your iPhone as a PDF, and we're going to make that easier for you. That's actually being included in the free version. But that's that's going to be launched with Scriptcase. Pro. And then we've got a couple of other features that we're launching with pro there. And yeah, that's

Alex Ferrari 46:57
that is that is the rub in a good rub it is sir. And then what and where can people find the app on just on the App Store?

Steve Vitolo 47:05
Sure, yeah, you can search, go to the App Store, search for script tation. It'll be there. You can also go to the Windows store and get some rotation. It's available on any sort of Windows device that you have.

Alex Ferrari 47:16
Fantastic, man. And I'm going to ask you a few questions that I asked all of my guests. What advice would you give a screenwriter wanting to break into the business today?

Steve Vitolo 47:26

Alex Ferrari 47:27
Fair enough. You're next. I'm joking.

Steve Vitolo 47:31
Yeah, I'll elaborate a little but it's really simple. If if you want to be a writer, right. And if you have no outside responsibilities, like you're a single guy living in a city, right, because maybe you'll get a girlfriend, maybe you'll get married, maybe we'll start a family, maybe all bills you'll have to pay, and then you won't be able to do that anymore. So if you can do it, write write as much as you can write, rewrite. Find a group of friends who don't send your script to everyone to get notes, and then try and appease everybody. Find a group of people that you trust, you trust their opinion, you trust their taste. Three people for Max, send that to them, get their thoughts become a better writer with that.

Alex Ferrari 48:16
Now, can you tell me what book had the biggest impact on your life or career?

Steve Vitolo 48:21
You asked that to everybody, everyone and oh my god. Dr. Stephen. Let's see the New York Times crossword. I think it doing crosswords makes you a smarter person. Fair enough. And yeah, I'd recommend everybody to you can. You don't have to get the New York Times to do it. You can actually they have a crossword app in the App Store. So get New York Times crossword start with Monday. Be really upset that you can't get the easy ones, but eventually you will.

Alex Ferrari 48:54
Fantastic. All right now What lesson took you the longest to learn whether in the film business or in life?

Steve Vitolo 49:01
Oh, man. There are so many things I have learned. I've been so naive in this industry.

Alex Ferrari 49:10
What took you the longest to

Steve Vitolo 49:12
learn? Patience? Probably.

Alex Ferrari 49:15
So that's a very popular answer. On my that's my answer to No, it's

Steve Vitolo 49:19
It's true, though. You know, you can't do everything at once. Plans are gonna I mean, you know, I've learned this a lot with rotation too. But you got to be able to pivot, whether in a company or in life. If things like, like patients, but at the same time, be willing to change what you're doing. And I don't know all about you know, be mindful of things and have a good attitude. These are like, what am I saying right now? But all of these things are Yeah, I mean, all go to yoga,

Alex Ferrari 49:56

Steve Vitolo 49:58
Do all of those things. You can't do everything for everybody. You can't do everything at once. Sure. Do what you want to do, do what you know, is right. And hope that you succeed and have faith that you will.

Alex Ferrari 50:11
And what are three of your favorite films of all time?

Steve Vitolo 50:16
This is gonna sound so cliche go for it. It's okay. Because it's so of my time. I know. I was in college, so that's why it's gonna sound cliche. Sure. Um, office space.

Alex Ferrari 50:28
Now I love that movie. I really Yeah, really. It's a it's a brilliant piece of cinema. It really is.

Steve Vitolo 50:34
It really is. It is so perfect. In almost every way. It's so ahead of its time. It's so ahead of its time. It's just so Mike Judge is just so brilliant. That movie I could watch over and over again

Alex Ferrari 50:49
and hit that other one. He did a video Krasny or, Oh, Idiocracy, Idiocracy. Oh

Steve Vitolo 50:54
my god. Oh, you mean what's happening right now?

Alex Ferrari 50:56
Exactly like where we are in the world right now. It was the writer I saw the writer or read the writer like he was when I wrote this. I never thought that this would actually happen. Yeah, it is scary. Scary. That's that's a frightening movie to watch now while we're

Steve Vitolo 51:11
watching it right now we're all watching rolled watches this movie. Another movie just because I can't think of my favorite that I can just put on and watch is Midnight in Paris. I I love them. I love wish fulfillment movies. I wish more movies were like that because that's what I want to go to the cinema for. And so I there's just something you know, it's just comfort food for me to watch that movie. And when I was a kid growing up, Superman.

Alex Ferrari 51:41
The original Superman is so good. It's good. It created Donner created without donner. There is no Avengers. Agreed. I mean 100% There is no Batman. There's no Batman. There's nothing without Donner setting up the entire genre. He's the first one to do the genre and in theatrical environment. Oh, and

Steve Vitolo 52:02
making it feel real everything I mean, no way. I mean, that's sort of what Chris Nolan did with the Batman movies is make it feel like this could happen right and and just make it feel grounded. You know, Chris Nolan took it to the next level Batman Begins that's up there one of my favorite movies. Yeah, but yeah, Superman man that as a kid and and today Superman one and two, I should say. Yeah, those

Alex Ferrari 52:25
two together are I look at about three are holy God for I mean, let's not go there, though. I actually was a kid when three came on. I love three when I was like, you know, 10 voted on

Steve Vitolo 52:35
Yeah, to like Richard Pryor when I was. I don't want to look for oh, maybe I didn't even love for and I was 10 I was like that

Alex Ferrari 52:42
I was already a teenager by that time. And I even I could go this is not right. There's

Steve Vitolo 52:49
there's something there's some weird there's some don't like that guy's fingernails. Why

Alex Ferrari 52:53
is why? Why can you cut Superman's hair? This makes no sense. It makes no sense. I don't understand what you're doing. Did you ever see the Donner cut of Superman to

Steve Vitolo 53:06
it? Yeah, it's the best thing I it's the best thing i i have that DVD or maybe illegally downloaded it.

Alex Ferrari 53:12
Wow. It's amazing, though. But it's amazing. This was

Steve Vitolo 53:16
like it came out like 10 years ago. Something like that. Right? It not that oh, it probably

Alex Ferrari 53:19
within the last 10 years it came out. But the Donner right was so much better. They got rid of all that funky, throwing the Superman signal that turned into some saran wrap.

Steve Vitolo 53:30
Oh, that was That was crazy. Like, where

Alex Ferrari 53:32
did that come from? Like, Superman can't do that.

Steve Vitolo 53:36
Yeah. How did you even think of that? That is that.

Alex Ferrari 53:40
That's when they lost? They ran off the rails with that one. But when you go back to the Donner cut, you're like, Oh, this is what it was supposed to be. We could have had more of this. Right? Yeah, it wasn't for those damn producers, which should be a t shirt in Hollywood. But anyway. Now, um, let's see, where can people find you, man?

Steve Vitolo 54:01
Well, I'm on. I mean, I'm not really on the social networks. I'm only on it through my scripts can handle that. So but you can contact me through there. So at script tation app, on all the on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. And yeah, if you want to contact me then send a message through any of those social media services.

Alex Ferrari 54:24
Steve, man, it's been an absolute pleasure talking to you, man. Thank you so much for dropping some knowledge bombs on the tribe today, man appreciate Yeah, man.

Steve Vitolo 54:30
This was fun. I hope it's useful.

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BPS 019: How Screenwriters Can Navigate the Hollywood System with Scott Myers

For screenwriters, navigating the shark-infested waters of the Hollywood system can be a daunting task. You never know what the producer or studio is looking for. How do you pitch your story properly? So many questions. I hope today’s guests can help guide you a bit through those waters.

Scott Myers has been a professional Hollywood screenwriter for over 30 years. Since selling his spec script K-9 in 1987, Scott has written 30 projects for every major Hollywood studio and broadcast network. His film writing credits include K-9 starring Jim Belushi, Alaska starring Vincent Kartheiser, and Trojan War starring Jennifer Love Hewitt.

From 2002–2010, Scott was an executive producer at Trailblazer Studios, a television production company. In 2002, he began teaching screenwriting in his spare time. He won the UCLA Extension Writers’ Program Outstanding Instructor Award in 2005 and for eight years taught in the Writing for Screen and Stage program at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.

He has hosted Go Into The Story, an amazing screenwriting website, since its launch on May 16, 2008, and is partnered with the Black List as its official screenwriting blog.

Scott breaks down the Hollywood system, talks about story and structure and just tells it how it really is in the business.

Enjoy my conversation with Scott Myers.

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Alex Ferrari 0:00
I like to welcome to the show Scott Myers, man, thank you so much for being on the show. Great to be here. I appreciate it, man. So how did you get into this crazy business we call the film industry.

Scott Myers 3:57
How do you secure this route? I was I was going to be an academic. I went to UVA undergraduate and Yale graduate school got a Master's of divinity degree at Yale, I was going to become a PhD and teach but my parents at the age of 14 Ill advisedly, bought me a guitar. And I started playing music. And by the time I got down to Yale, I talked to my friends and the dean and I said, you know, if I don't pursue this creative thing, and just become an academic, I think I'm going to really regret it. So they said take a year off and that became the rest of my life. I played music for seven years, I did stand up comedy for two years. Along the way I discovered screenwriting, I wrote a script called canine that sold the spec script in 1987, to universal and that's where it all started.

Alex Ferrari 4:44
Wow. And you never looked back since?

Scott Myers 4:47
Well, I've had various incarnations I was in LA for 15 years wrote 30 projects for every major studio and every broadcast network except for ABC. With my family, we decided for family reasons to Back east where I was from, and I took a position as a television producer basically heading up the creative development company part part of the company for for Blizzard studios. And then I then I started teaching as a side thing because people kept saying every time I do presentations, hey, you're really good at this. I started teaching at junk through university, North Carolina, and Chapel Hill, where we were living and also UCLA Extension writers program. And then I started my own online company with Tom Benedek. Rocha Kuhn is the first screenwriter I met in LA I call screenwriting masterclass. So I continue to do that. But now, I'm in Chicago at the School of Cinematic Arts at DePaul University and full time faculty here. And so I've transitioned into teaching I still write and still because of my blog and whatnot, actively involved in things in Hollywood, the entertainment business, but yeah, you know, just wearing a number of hats along the way,

Alex Ferrari 5:59
and eating a lot of great pizza in Chicago, I'm assuming.

Scott Myers 6:02
Yeah, pizza, and everything else.

Alex Ferrari 6:05
So good, man, the food there is amazing. It really is amazing. So um, one of my favorite films, going, one of my favorite films from the video store days when I worked at a video store was canine. And I want you to discuss a little bit about how that script was made, and what it did for your career.

Scott Myers 6:22
Well, I had one of those odd circumstances in life. I'm a big Joseph Campbell fan who discovered him in college and studied him in there at the University of Virginia and then later on at Yale and have read a bunch of stuff over the years. And this idea about follow your bliss, find that which, you know, excites you and enlivens you, that you have talent for and pursue that. And I'd always been a movie fan, my dad was in the Air Force, we moved around all over the place when you're living in mine at Air Force Base, North Dakota, and there's nothing to do. And you can go spend 50 cents at the movie theater and you know, watch movies all day long. That's what I did. So I was a huge movie fan. And as it happened one night I was doing stand up comedy in a club in Ventura, California. I gotten to know the owner, and one of the owners there. And he was going to the USC, Peter started producing program. And the script that he had, that he was going to use for his master's thesis had dropped out, it actually got optioned, and it just happened that day. We were talking that night. And he said, Well, I need a script. And he jokingly said to me, can you write a screenplay? I said, I can do that. Which has always been my attitude about creative things that I connect with. And I didn't know anything. He gave me three scripts, witness Back to the Future and breaking away. And Syd fields book, screenplay foundations of screenwriting. And so I wrote a script. And then I wrote another one. And then we wrote one together called canine, and that's based on actually a story we heard about a Ventura policeman, a canine policeman, who had been had a police dog partner who had been killed in the line of duty. And we met with this guy, and he was just like, weeping as he's showing us pictures of this. And we thought, well, that's an interesting idea for a movie, we wrote the script. And as I say, it's sold to universal, actually, a pre pre emptive buy for quick money. And that's where it all started. We didn't have representation. Just

Alex Ferrari 8:25
really, you didn't have any reps at the time you just were able to how did the universal find you?

Scott Myers 8:30
My partner was working as an assistant at 20th Century Fox. And this slipped the script in there and a winner for the weekend read and Scott Reuben was the head of production. And evidently, I've heard this from several people. You know, at the end of all these scripts he didn't like he slapped his hand on the table and said, I love this one. And it wound its way around town. That night. I didn't have an agent that day that night, I met Dan Hall said, Steve Stephen on my partner, and dam was just a junior agent at Bower Benedick, which later became UTA Dan's got his own management company called management but he was our first agent along with Peter Benedict and Marty Bower. And so that's how it started. And then we just ran it took a lot of meetings and often

Alex Ferrari 9:16
now there was another dog cop movie around that time. Is there is there any connection?

Scott Myers 9:22
Yeah. Turner and Hooch yeah at Disney. I you know we were players of the week we were in around a met everybody including the some an executive at Disney who said hey, we were thinking about suing you guys. And we had no idea what he was talking about. But there was this project Turner which was sitting in development hell there and you know, very typical I learned a good lesson in Hollywood how they operate this similar but different which is the the business ethos. They're so afraid to make anything Mm hmm. That they look for something that's similar to something that you know, was successful. Well, we went around and people were telling us guy you guys were genius. Men rent Tintin was the biggest star In the history of Hollywood near your resurrect him and thought about that at all, but I just nod my head and go Yeah, that's right. Yeah. So they looked at our script, Disney looked at our script that sold for a lot of money and they said, Well, hey, if universal thinks that a competent doc movie a comedy is a good idea, we should resurrect this thing, Turner and Hooch which they did. And so, there was this little competition between the two films, which would come up first and ours did and both movies you know, did well. Canine spawn two sequels. And Turner, which did business as well.

Alex Ferrari 10:32
Yes, they were both I used to recommend both of them at the video store at the if I were if one rented one. I'm like, you gotta watch canine as well, or devices that

Scott Myers 10:41
I that I probably made, I don't know. 25 cents or residual. So thanks, Alex.

Alex Ferrari 10:46
Anytime, sir. Anytime. I'm sure I've watched that movie a ton of times. I love that movie. I love James Belushi. He was in his the top of his power back then, during that time of his career, so thank you for making the movie sir.

Scott Myers 11:01
Made and you can't say that about a lot of projects.

Alex Ferrari 11:04
I mean, seriously. And I remember that hit the theater. It was a theatrical release. And it made if I remember it was it did very well. Both of them did very well. For the time, that's when Hollywood was making, you know, $8 million movies $10 million movies. You know,

Scott Myers 11:21
they don't do that. They don't do that much anymore. That whole middle areas dropped out. They do those big, big budget franchise things and the lower budget things, but it's up to the financers and other production companies make those you know, 10 million up movies.

Alex Ferrari 11:35
Exactly, exactly. Now, how do you how much research do you do when you when you're writing a script?

Scott Myers 11:42
Well, for example, a canine I actually spent time with the Ventura canine police. Then once the project got set up, went on some ride alongs with some of the LAPD. I did a lot of research. So yeah, I do a lot of research.

Alex Ferrari 11:58
Do you suggest that screenwriters when they're writing something to do as much research as humanly possible?

Scott Myers 12:03
Yes, up to a point it can it can become an excuse not to write. You know, I can't tell how many times I've you know, was when I was living in LA because you see screenwriters all the time and and aspiring screenwriters as well, and you say, Hey, how you doing? Oh, yeah, I'm working on the script projects were were to thing you know, set in Korea. Oh, great. See him six months later, how you doing? Yeah, I'm researching this project. And we're, we're to create Well, we're gonna start reading, I do think it's important to do research, you know, be smart about it. But you can get a lot of anecdotes, a lot of character development, a lot of inspirational things that can inspire scenes and whatnot, you need to hit that mark, that big, 25 cent word, the script has to have a sense of verisimilitude. It's got to feel real, it's not a documentary. But it's got to come across as authentic, you have to gain the confidence of the reader that you know what you're talking about. So to the degree that you, you know, have to do the research to get to that point. And yeah, it's research is important.

Alex Ferrari 12:59
Yeah. And if you walk into any Starbucks here in LA, everybody, you cannot walk cannot see a laptop without final draft on it.

Scott Myers 13:09
I came I when I left LA, I flew back there for a TV production thing that we were doing. And I came in really late at night. And I was walking up the courtyard to my hotel room. And I saw this, you know, the light of a computer shining on some guy's face, alone out there in the corner, and I said, I guarantee this guy's got Final Draft open, I just know it. And I walked past and sure enough, it's like, can't escape it. You know, it's like,

Alex Ferrari 13:38
when I got here, when I got here, but almost 10 years ago, I was I was shocked at it. There's not one coffee bean, not one Starbucks anywhere in Los Angeles at any time there is someone writing a script. And

Scott Myers 13:51
you know, that can be both good illuminating emotionally because you realize, oh, my gosh, everybody's like out there trying to do this or doing it. But it can also be inspiring in a, in a wicked sort of way. And that you realize that when you're not writing someone else is and so that that can put that sort of negative reinforcement to get your butt in the chair to actually write? Yeah, it's

Alex Ferrari 14:13
writing is a screenwriting is an extremely competitive sport. It's

Scott Myers 14:18
especially here in Hollywood. Yes, it's extremely competitive.

Alex Ferrari 14:22
Now, can you talk a little bit about the blacklist?

Scott Myers 14:27
Yes, the blacklist is to me and I think this would probably not be countered by many people. It's the most significant brand screenwriting brand in Hollywood. And I don't say this because I'm my blog go into the story is the official screenwriting blog of the blacklist, though I I love those people and Franklin Leonard is a friend and I've followed what they've done for years. But, you know, Franklin started this like 12 years ago when he was an executive Ursel and just sent around notes to people, you know, emails to friends. And going away for, you know, that December break, you know that everybody does for about a month, saying, Hey, can you recommend some of the best scripts that are out there right now that are not being produced. And he simply got their feedback, totaled up the numbers, created a PDF and send it out. And it became like this thing, it's evolved now to the point where in December, it's basically I think, the second Monday in December, they come up with the annual blacklist. That's a big deal. You know, for that two to three hour period of time, the entire development community in Hollywood is focused on what makes the blacklist that I've interviewed dozens of blacklist screenwriters, if their script makes the blacklist, if you're not represented, you can get represented most of the scripts are, you know, with writers who were represented, if if the project has been sitting and not moving forward, well, oftentimes, it gets it move forward there. There's talent now, that will only read material. If it's on the blacklist, for example, The Imitation Game, Benedict Cumberbatch read that script because it was a top blacklist script. I've read several actors who talk about how that essentially it's an imprimatur. The Blacklist is a good housekeeping seal of approval that the community is the development community saying this is a script worthy of your attention. So the blacklist is an important important brand, for screenwriters in Hollywood, and I can tell you that the every writer that I've interviewed who's made the blacklist, it's been a big boost to their career, as well as getting helping to get movies made.

Alex Ferrari 16:51
And a lot of the a lot of the scripts are on the blacklist sometimes are from what I've known, and from what I've read over the years is like some scripts are just they're not producible. Sometimes they're so good, or they're so out there, that they're wonderful scripts, but the Hollywood would just not take the chance on him. Does that happen often to

Scott Myers 17:08
that? I don't know. Often. I mean, that's, you know, just getting anything made is hard. And Hollywood, even if it comes with the, you know, the the kudos from the blacklist. Yeah, there have been certain projects, like there was a project about a comedy about Ronald Reagan being president who was, you know, suffering from essentially early, you know, or dementia. And that was looked like that was going to go forward. But then, you know, some people thought that was insensitive or whatnot, so that that got pulled. Ironically, you know, some of the more bizarre scripts. The I think the blacklist helps, for example, there was the script that, oh, gosh, the one about Michael Jackson's monkey? Yes. Yeah. Isaac Adams, I think wrote that Portland and it, you know, it's now it's getting made as a stop action, stop motion picture, right back to somebody or whatever call it. That technology with Dan Harmon is an executive producer. So bubbles was the name of the script. That was Michael Jackson stupid, like literally told from the perspective of bubbles during the crucial year and Michael Jackson's life. So that's

Alex Ferrari 18:20
genius. It's actually quite genius concept. Oh, it's

Scott Myers 18:23
fantastic. And of course, Isaac said, there was no way that he thought anything would happen with it. He just thought it was a funny idea. But there you go.

Alex Ferrari 18:29
It's kind of like what Charlie Kaufman does with his scripts, like, you know, Being John Malkovich, who, in the right mind thought that that ever get made. Right. But but it's genius. It was absolutely a brilliant script. Can you talk a little bit about from your perspective, your feeling on the way Hollywood is going today, and how it's so dramatically changed from the days of canine to the days of today. And obviously, a lot of big problems are happening at the box office, this year's one of the worst box offices in decades. If I'm not mistaken, I know that this Labor Day coming up, they said that this is going to be the worst Labor Day weekend in 25 years. So I want to hear your perspective on that if you can,

Scott Myers 19:13
well, it has changed considerably. So the underlying ethos of similar but different that we talked about earlier that I think is still pretty much in place. In fact, in some respects worse, it's almost like they Yeah, it's almost worse than that they're they're looking for things that are more similar than more different because that fear factor, the main changes, you know, some of them for the positive the digital technologies, which in some respects, at least, if you're a filmmaker is a major boon because you know, you don't need to buy film stock, you know, you can literally go out with a digital camera or even your iPhone, we saw that with tangerine, that movie, where you can go out and make a movie for next to nothing, you know, these micro budget films Ever burns makes and whatnot that you know, for $25,000 or even less, you can do that nowadays. On the other hand, because of digital technology, you've got CGI phenomenon. So that, you know, you can make these incredible spectacle movies. Unfortunately, that has tended to suck the air out of what used to be a mainstay of Hollywood filmmaking, which was a mid budget dramas, mid budget to action thrillers and whatnot. And so the studio's for whatever reason, I think they have some numbers to bear this out, though, that may be changing with this summer, because so many of the franchise movies have underperformed the box office, you know, they put their, their, their money into these franchise films. You know, I have this, you know that you've heard that theory of the four quadrant film, which is adult child, male, female, and my theory is that there's a new four quadrant theory franchise. See franchise, spectacle, nostalgia, and international. Those four things are really driving the marketplace right now. And so you've got this bifurcated approach that the studio the major studios have, which is expensive 250 202 100,000,200 and $50 million franchise movies. And then lower budget, genre type things, very middle, whatever is left of the middle, is really being handled by these financiers and production companies. There's probably still have many movies being made, maybe if maybe not as many necessarily as back in the 80s. But the major studios are not making anywhere Disney used to make like 3540 films a year. Yeah, exactly. Now they make you know, maybe 15.

Alex Ferrari 21:43
So that's one and that's a lot. And this, I mean, they they're probably the leader, I don't think because a lot of the big studios are like paramount for god sakes, they make like 234 You know, big, big movies a year. So it's it's changed dramatically.

Scott Myers 21:56
Yeah, well, that changes with each regime, like Warner Brothers for many years. Like I tracked spec scripts, deals. I've been tracking them since 1991. On my blog, I've got a database of over 2000 spec script deals. Since 1991. Your Warner Brothers,

Alex Ferrari 22:10
you're crazy man.

Scott Myers 22:12
I just, you know, I started doing it. Because that's when you're a screenwriter, you got to know what's selling, you know, and you got to if only to cover your ass to say, Oh, well, that project. So that was just like what I've got in this, I can't be doing that anymore. But just to also follow the trends. If you're looking at like what's in the movie theaters right now as being an example of what the buyers are buying. You're two to five years behind the trends. You know, you follow the spec script deals now in order to find out what the development community is interested in. Any house so I don't know where I was going with that forgot my train of thought. But

Alex Ferrari 22:47
how crazy yeah, how crazy. The mid the mid range? Things are?

Scott Myers 22:50
Oh, god. Yeah, the mid range. So so that, yeah, these financiers, so called financiers. You know, many of them sons and daughters of billionaires like Megan Ellison and David Ellison. And opponent productions. You know, they will step in, and they'll make some of these movies, you know, that we would typically see in the past the studios would have been doing, but the studios aren't. But we'll see. It'll be interesting. I'm not sure where they're, you know, maybe there's a bit of franchise fatigue. And the idea that they can just throw spectacle on the screen, by the way, Aristotle, that was the lowest, that was the least important thing in his list of things and poetic spectacles of the very bottom. And, you know, it's like, you have all the stuff on the screen, if there's no emotional resonance with the characters. You know, what's the what does it mean? Well, that is tended to play out. Okay, some of these movies that have done poorly domestically have done okay, internationally, which now is basically 70% of box office revenues. But, you know, they're getting more savvy about this. They're saying, hey, wait a minute, we want a good story, too. So I'm not so sure that we might see a little bit of a retrenchment where they start to make a few more movies and lower budget movies, the major studios, but we'll see.

Alex Ferrari 24:04
I mean, look at look at a movie like Deadpool, which is an anomaly. But that is a big studio movie, but it was made for $40 million and did not it was it was a complete against everything that the studios normally do. It's an R rated movie was a second tier third tier character. And Ryan Reynolds is you know, he's a star but he's not like he wasn't a Monster Monster star. either. You know that he's not a Tom Cruise or any of these kind of bigger stars. That would justify a big big movie like that. So it was really wonderful to see a movie like that not only get made but the shake up the industry because it outperformed pretty much. I think almost every comic book movie here they came out.

Scott Myers 24:50
Yeah, those writers that you know, that took him 10 years. Yeah, you know, because the thing Ryan Reynolds basically, you know, kept not stringing them along but supportive. In that project, because people were saying, who's going to go see an R rated superhero movie that's basically kind of winking at the genre.

Alex Ferrari 25:08
Right. And then the way they finally got it done is Ryan Reynolds, leaked, leaked some footage onto the internet and everyone went crazy.

Scott Myers 25:17
Yeah, same thing. Similar thing with a rival. You know, Eric Kaiser, I know, you know, he would go around town when he was having all these meetings. And they said, Well, what you know, after the end of the meeting, hey, what's your passion project? They whip out the short story by Ted Shane, story of your life, and said, like to do this, and they'd say, Oh, great. Well, what is it? Well, it's about these aliens. Oh, aliens. Oh, that's great. So yeah. And and so the hero, you know, it's like the big accident they Well, no, not really, the heroes a woman and she's a linguist. But she's linguists. And so but there's still a big action, you know, blowing up and no, actually the aliens just leave. You know, it's a linguist who salt. And they would just, you know, nobody was going to make this movie until, you know, some, some producers finally saw it. And you see it. It's a fantastic movie. It's done really well. It always takes there's, it takes one person to say yes. One person who's got cloud perhaps. Yeah. And you just try to find as a screenwriter, you try and find those people.

Alex Ferrari 26:11
Yes, it's Yeah. Good. Yeah. On paper that doesn't look, you know, it doesn't fit in all the boxes that a studio would be looking for.

Scott Myers 26:19
But like none of the boxes. Not even one. Not even science fiction. But you know, a female leader, drama linguist.

Alex Ferrari 26:31
Yeah, I know. It's it's it's no one no action. What? What didn't make any sense. I'm, you know, do you ever think that Hollywood is going to come around to original ideas and really start focusing on it because they might be riskier, but they, but these franchises that they keep bringing up, they're all from 80s 90s, and even 2000s. And that's what they keep recycling and they're even going deeper now into television. And, and you know, anything that's, you know, but there's a certain point where they're going to run out. They're gonna run out of I mean, they're redoing fantastic for again, they're rebooting it again, like Kai's just original. What do you think?

Scott Myers 27:16
Look, if you talk to, you know, most working screenwriters. Yeah, they all we all say the same thing, you know, which is, we'd love to see more original movies made. But the reality is, again, it's a fear based business. And right now, frankly, this nostalgia element is just

Alex Ferrari 27:34
huge. A stranger things and that kind of Yeah, it's and so

Scott Myers 27:38
I mean, like the perfect you know, what really drove this home to me was when I saw Jurassic World, you remember that the Spielberg gaze, you know, when they look up, right in Jurassic Park, when you first saw that, that was when they saw the dinosaurs for the first time in Jurassic World when you first saw that it's when they saw the park for the first time. So the Jurassic World was was it was a wash in the stallion, about the movie Jurassic Park is exhibited in the actual park itself. So I think we see that right now. And that's a major driver, frankly, even some, many blacklist scripts that do well, having a stylistic element of last year. The tops script was on Madonna, that she the year that she was a Blonde Ambition, which she was going to break out that year, the year before that was bubbles on Michael Jackson. Yesterday, a spec script sold. That was called Jack and Dick about the friendship the odd friendship between Jack Kennedy and Dick Nixon. We are also that's Yeah. So you see a lot of these black lists scripts that dramas are historically based dramas that evoke something of our past. And so I, you know, you can still do original movies, you know, involving Elijah. But this franchise type thing. Yeah, that's just completely all about repeating the same thing. Look, I have a running bet with some writers. How soon will Warner Brothers reboot Harry Potter?

Alex Ferrari 29:09
Yeah, I was wondering that myself, like, at a certain point, like, when are they going to do it again?

Scott Myers 29:14
You know, if they continue to have problems, you know, that which they are just shrinks the time before you because you know, they're going to do that.

Alex Ferrari 29:22
But I mean, well, I mean, they did it with the Hobbit, which was just God, like, Why No, they did learn that basically, the it's close to a reboot of Lord of the Rings as they could have made. But, you know, I was wondering, like, how long is it going to take my can they do it? Like, you know, it's Harry Potter. I mean, this is something that's never been done in the history of cinema.

Scott Myers 29:44
We'll see. I look it's it's an IP, they own it. It's, you know, universally loved. They'll have another generation that will come up and and have their version of Emma Watson and, you know, all the rest. I wouldn't, I wouldn't put part of it you know, they They're driven by obviously trying to make money. And

Alex Ferrari 30:04
we'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Scott Myers 30:15
But these things are all running cycles. You know, I, you know, I remember, obviously musician for many years and living in Aspen, Colorado, and which was great at the time, because there all these clubs where we could play, but then disco came along. And so a lot of these clubs turned, you know, turned into disco. And it was very depressing for, you know, you know, actual musicians because it wouldn't make as much money that way. But then what came along, you know, punk music came along, and GarageBand, the Dire Straits came along with Sultans of swing. And so that, you know, led in the whole Nirvana and all this. So these things run in cycles, and it's the same thing with movies. You know, there will always be filmmakers out there doing original content and with the digital technologies, you know, it's not that expensive to go out and, and do things like the Duplass brothers and whatnot, you know, we can make these movies that are character based, and they'll find their, you know, they'll find their mark, the big sick, perfect example, the big sick, no, I have a terrific, terrific movie, it's got like a 98 rating on Rotten Tomatoes. And it's an original film, and it's just touching and human and done great business. And so there's always room for that type of thing.

Alex Ferrari 31:31
Now, where agents and managers, How and when do you need to get one?

Scott Myers 31:38
How and when? Well, obviously, it's a benefit to get represented. You can't typically get material to producers and studios without being represented. Some people can have an entertainment lawyer and do it that way. How do you get a manager basically, or an agent? First of all, I think my advice to people is you focus on managers, managers are a different breed than agents agents are, you know, this is a real generalization and it varies from agency to agency and management management company. But as it was explained to me once by a manager, he said agents wear suits and managers wear blue jeans, which is an aggressive way to think about it agents are dealmakers largely, you know, that's their primary thing. Managers are more about nurturing the careers of, of writers and so they can spend a lot more time with writers, you know, actually developing material and whatnot. Again, it varies from manager to manager, they're much more likely to be open to unsolicited material, just email them very briefly, like Seth blockhead. He wrote, he wrote to Hannah, and he was in Vancouver, and he's just sent out an email to like 500 managers, a new spec script, girl trained to be an assassin interested. And he got like two responses and one of them became as manager and then that led to handle well, you can be a lot more targeted on that. You know, whatever project you've got, find guy IMDb Pro find 10 to 15 movies that are like yours in the same genre space. Identify the producers who are also managers. That's one of the reasons why agents become managers, because they can also be producers. And then find out their email addresses. Oftentimes, you can find them online or through Done Deal pro Twitter, that's Twitter, whatever. Yeah. And then they do a very simple thing, say, you know, I've got a spec script, like your movie. And then that's it that's in your subject line. And then you go into your text, just very briefly, here's a logline. Are you interested? I've known people who've gotten a lot of people actually gotten into the door that way, more traditional ways. You can go use the nickel fellowships in screenwriting, which is the most prestigious of those contests. There are other ones but that's the one that I've interviewed every new winner since 2012. And so, again, like the blacklist, that's one of those things that can change your life, you can get representation off and get a lot of work. The Blacklist has its website, by the way, I don't get paid by the blacklist. So I'm not getting a kickback here. But that but that's been very successful. It's like real time Hollywood, I think they're like over 3000 members of the Hollywood development community, that track it's probably their, their assistants who do this like on Monday morning and go through and just see what's up there. But you can from anywhere in the world upload a script, there, obviously have to pay money to have it hosted. You get it evaluated by their readers. But they've had I think five movies made off of scripts discovered off the blacklist website at this point five, and they've had hundreds of people get representation that way. So so there are you know, this is as difficult as it is and challenging as it is in some ways it's more competitive than ever. It's actually got more access to Hollywood, I think nowadays than it used to be it used to be, you had to know someone who was sisters was someone who slept with someone who worked in the business to get your material to someone who could actually read it and do something about it nowadays, there are these conduits into the system, you know, that don't require you to move to LA and become an assistant though that's a certainly a, you know, an intelligent thing to do if you're young and, and have the wherewithal to do that. But in terms of getting a manager, that's one way of doing it, you know, is literally, you do your research, find some movies that were like your script, and then source those, those manager producers and just email them. And the best of all worlds, you'd have three scripts in the same genre. And say, is that shows that you're, you've got an approach, you've got passion, you're persistent, you've got three projects, which they could potentially set up, or try and get, you know, writing assignments, for writing assignments or even get them optioned are sold. But But generally speaking, that's that's one way to do it.

Alex Ferrari 36:12
Now, can you talk a little bit about what writing assignments are open writing assignments?

Scott Myers 36:16
ows, that used to be a staple of the business. I mean, I did of the 30 projects that I have done in Hollywood, you know, when I was when I was out there actually vying for overriding sides. Now, I just wrote on spec, and if they like it, great, if not, and that used to be a staple of the business. I mean, I'd say that probably 20 to 22 of the projects I've written had been open writing assignments. The rest were pitches, respects, it's all open writing assignment is what it sounds like. It's a project that's at a studio or a production company, where they've either got a draft that was written by like a first writer, and they feel that it needs to work, or a draft that's been rewritten by a bunch of writers, which is often the case. And and they need someone to come in and fix it, you know, at a very fundamental way, a screenwriter in Hollywood is a problem solver. And so, executives and production executives will meet with you and say, Look, we know the script has problems, we don't know how to fix it. So your job as a screenwriter is to identify the problems, and then come in with suggestions. Here's how I would approach this. And in solving this, here's the story I would tell. And, you know, I'm reminded of the story of Forrest Gump. How, cuz I'd done some work with the producer discovered the book, when you find him and he told the story about how Tom Hanks and his passion project for Tom Hanks. And they'd had three als writers writing, adapting that that book, and had not nailed it. And then they finally brought in Eric Roth, and Eric read the scripts and read the book. And he said, I think I know what the problem is. There's no love story, Jenny, I guess it's not that big of a deal in the book. But what Eric identified was a problem. There's no emotional through line for that project. So that's a perfect example of an overriding aside where we came in and identify a problem. And then I mean, can you imagine Forrest Gump without the the forest? Jenny? Long story? No,

Alex Ferrari 38:23
of course not.

Scott Myers 38:25
So it's just amazing. The three a list writers didn't identify that, but Eric did. So overriding the problem is that there's just fewer projects getting made now. So there's fewer open writing assignments. And that's why you see something interesting nowadays, that working screenwriters, these are people who are like, maybe not a list, but a minus list or B list, screenwriters will spec scripts, you know, at least one a year will write a spec script, you know, at least one maybe even two a year, even while they're you know, they're actively involved in the business and getting work. Because the open writing assignment arena, you chase those things. I know a writer who for a year, chased over writing assignments, didn't land one thing and just said, Screw it, and then expect something and then, you know, in that in that setup, so that didn't used to be the case, you would write a spec script. And that was it. It was just to get you into the business nowadays that you know, the there are so few writing assignments available, that that market has shrunk, that you see a lot of working screenwriters who were continuing to write spec scripts. So do you

Alex Ferrari 39:30
find that a lot of screenwriters that normally did feature work are now going towards television and streaming platforms?

Scott Myers 39:38
Yes, that's absolutely the case. And there's an upside and the downside of that. Some upsides are its its employment. So that's one thing. The downside of that is it's not as much money and particularly the streaming services. The staffs are smaller the time pressure, the budgets are less. So you're doing a lot more work in some respects for a lot less money than if you were writing a screenplay that can vary from project to project, but, but it is employment. And it also offers writers an opportunity to do these 10 Episode chunks, eight episodes, 1213 episodes, these limited run series, they can just go in an knockout of a mini what you used to call a mini series. And they're done with it, you know, it's like a long story, or they can, you know, do like, oh, Holly did with Fargo, and you know, have a three series, three season series, you know, which means that he can go off and do the series and then go off and direct a movie to in the same year, because, you know, it's only 10 episodes or whatnot. So, that market has blown up, as you know, they talk about the second golden age of TV or PTP, you know, supposedly there are over 500 TV series on broadcast basic cable pay cable and streaming right now 500, which I think is like quadruple the amount that maybe there were like 10 years ago. Interesting thing is that there's a, it's, again, it's it's like this, there's so many things changing right now, on the one hand, you've got feature writers going over working in TV and bringing those feature sensibilities to TV. And in many respects, what we call TV now does feel like long movies and does have the cinematic quality of movies. On the other hand, we're seeing the flow of ideas from the TV side, entering into the film side, where you've got these writers rooms, you know, working on transformers at Paramount, or working on the horror movies at Universal, or working on DC Comics or Marvel. So there's this really interesting interplay. And frankly, I don't know that in 10 or 15 years, because everybody's, you know, people are actually watching Mad Max Fury Road on their iPhone, which, of course, I would think is insane. It is but you know, young people, you know, whatever, in 10 or 15 years, we may not call them movies, we may call them TV. I mean, I asked my students in the beginning every quarter say, so what are you watching? And they tell me what shows are watching and say how many of them watch on TV, and no one raises their hand. So why even call it TV if we're not even watching on TV?

Alex Ferrari 42:12
So I call it film, if you're not shooting on film,

Scott Myers 42:14
not shooting on film? You know, if you you know, what is it about, you know, the two hours, maybe they will, we're seeing a growth by the way of short films, the short film festivals are expanding. And short films is another way that you can break into Hollywood, you know, go out and make a five to 10 minute film, show your chops as a writer and as a filmmaker. So there's a lot of things in flux, it's a great time to be a content creator, that's one thing.

Alex Ferrari 42:41
Yeah, there's no doubt there's a lot more opportunity. But there's you got to put the work in. And that's something I always preach about, to everybody in the business that they got to work. And this is not going to be a one year thing, it's a 10 year plan, and you got to get ready for the long haul. Would you agree that

Scott Myers 42:55
that's exactly right. That's what I tell my university students here at DePaul, you know, who have interest in going out to Hollywood, we have a very, very successful program here. And in the LA quarter where they go out and typically their spring quarter last year as an undergraduate. You know, 90% of the people that come from our program, are actually working in the business. This is after several years out there. Now, some, some of them are in lower level, you know, Assistant type positions, or PA type things, but many of them are now working as writers and, you know, segwayed into production, executive positions and whatnot. But yeah, that's why I tell them, you've got to be able to put seven to 10 years, you know, and really, and part of that is not just about finding work, it's about growing up as a human being. You want to be a storyteller, you got to have stories to tell. And so you know, living life as a big part of

Alex Ferrari 43:50
it. As a guy that's, that's like, gold to my ears. It's It's so good to hear somebody else saying stuff like this, because I preach it all the time. You're right. You can't be a writer, you can't be a filmmaker unless you live, if not, your stuff becomes hacky. And it just, it's regurgitated stuff from what you've seen already, as opposed to trying to tell original stories of your experience on the planet.

Scott Myers 44:13
You know, that's one thing that we pride ourselves here at DePaul because we have a very diverse community of students and faculty administration. We we encourage our students to tell stories that come from their perspective backgrounds, the world right now. Perhaps never more than ever need stories about diverse, diverse people, amen. Different different cultures, different subcultures to put a human face on the other, so that we move past this sort of demonization and fear base about who the other is, but just recognize our shared humanity. And so that's something we're very, very much in favor of, and and encourage her at DePaul.

Alex Ferrari 44:56
Now, can you discuss a little bit about what the anatomy of a screening deal in Hollywood looks like? Well, it's changing. Everything else

Scott Myers 45:07
it used to be you would, you know, you'd get a deal like I did with canine where you, they acquire it, they have an acquisition price, then they give you a fee for, you know, first draft, and then you'd get a built in second draft a rewrite that was built into the contract. After the last Writers Guild strike 2007 2008, I think the studio's probably had this in mind before, but they use that to then do these single term deals, no, no guaranteed rewrite, which is a real problem. Because what happens is this, if you're only going to get one shot at a project, right, to go forward with it, you're gonna, you know, you get a call, well, you know, they like the draft, but if you could just make a couple of changes on it, you know, that, then they, they bump it up, you know, to the, to the food chain, you know, so basically go away, and now you're doing it and unpaid rewrite, you hand it back at a, you know, got just this one thing, if you can do this one thing. So now in your agents in the, you know, we're gonna say that same, pretty much the same thing do well, it's your choice, but you want to go in with your best foot forward, you know, wink, wink, nod nod. So that's been a problem. But the deal is, the deal is structured like you can, you know, you can make, you know, you can make a goodly amount of money from project to project, a lot of them. A lot of these deals you see trumpeted as a sale are actually options, which can be for as little as 10,000, or $5,000, or even less. So, it's not a lot of money. You know, I'd say maybe the typical deal, it's hard to say, you know, you get maybe 75,000, against 175,000, what that means that you're gonna get $75,000 compensation for the script and your writing services. Versus if it's 175,000, another $100,000. Should the movie get made? That's reducible by if you you're, you share credit, writing credit with someone else. But like, you know, in the old days, like canine sold for $750,000, you know, and there are scripts that do sell for that much money, but it's just very rare. But so when you see somebody say, Oh, it's a six figure deal, you have to be very careful about that. Because that six figures is almost assuredly talking about the back end stuff. It's like that, you know, that $80,000 against 200,000. So they're saying it's a six figure deal. We've seen a ton of that, but you're not guaranteed that money, you're only guaranteed the $80,000 You're also get net profit participation, which translates into $0. There's like hardly any movie that ever gets the net, because the studios have various sets of accounting books.

Alex Ferrari 47:48
And then Forrest Gump still hasn't made any money.

Scott Myers 47:51
Yeah, I will. Yeah. So well, you know, when they have gross profit, you know, like, Tom Hanks gets dollar one, you know, gross.

Alex Ferrari 47:59
What? Can you talk a little bit about the difference between net and gross for the audience? Okay, well, gross.

Scott Myers 48:03
And there's a bunch of different definitions of gross and this is a little bit beyond my purview. I just know this, you know, from my screen, right? I'm not an accountant or anything. There's these various definitions of gross, you know, dollar one, which is I think, you know, the one we're basically every penny, from the you know, that's being spent, that whoever that talent is, they're going to get a percentage of that from dollar one, then there's reduced gross and various definitions of gross. But basically, that's what you want, you want to get a gross profit participation deal, if you can get it, there are writers get that I would imagine, like, probably Sorkin gets it and some of the other a list writers who are very, very well established. But that's more along the lines of directors. And you know, top talent, top acting talent. Net is where they say, Okay, if we get the net profit, then you're going to get, you know, your percentage, two and a half, or 5%, or whatever it is. But you never reached that, because the studios will assign all sorts of costs to the production. So they'll create a production company for the production, then they lend the money to the production to produce the thing, and they charge interest on that loan. That interest goes back to the studio. And it's also it's also a cost to the production. So it's like really, really hard to get to that. I think perhaps My Big Fat Greek Wedding, a movie like that, which cost $5 million, and, you know, gross upwards to 300 million. Nia Vardalos probably, you know, saw some that dollars on that, but very aware.

Alex Ferrari 49:35
Yeah. So can you can you list off a few of the do's and the don'ts on the business side of screenwriting? Because I know that's a very mysterious thing, the business of screenwriting for screenwriters, everyone's always talking about the craft, but the business is not talked about that much.

Scott Myers 49:51
Well, on my blog, you know, I've got like 200 blog posts called the business of screenwriting. So as you go into the story.com, and read that I've got a whole slew of things there. Well, first thing is learn the craft and and you know that that's super important. You've got my mantra, right watch movies, read scripts write pages, you know, it's possible to learn what you need to do just by doing that. And reading scripts is the one area that people tend to fall down on, it's incredibly important to read scripts, not just the classic scripts, but current scripts scripts within the last five years that are done, you know, movie scripts and or blacklist scripts or nipple scripts. Because you're, you're learning the style sensibilities, and I'm just getting into the mindset of what people are responding to in Hollywood. But you need to learn your craft, you need to find your voice, you need to have an approach to story prep, and how you get through so that you're confident enough to know that when you sign that contract, you know, for $200,000, to write this project, you're going GA and you turn the page, it says script do in 10 weeks, and you know, your specter doesn't go up through your mouth, you know, you got to have the confidence to be able to do that. And so learning the craft is critical. But there's some basic don'ts, you know, don't be an asshole. And that's a bullet. That's a big one. People in Hollywood like to work with the people they like to work with. You know, I mean, it sounds kind of silly, but it's absolutely true. If it comes down to writer a or writer B, and writer B's an asshole, writer A is not. And they're both equal talents, you know, then they'll probably go with writer a, you know, everybody you meet as a potential networking opportunity. And I don't like the word networking so much. But I mean, it really is true, you got to develop a network, don't expect your agents and managers to land you, you know, gigs, a lot of times you'll land them just through the relationships you develop with production executives. So you know, nurture those, you know, follow up with an email or a call and say, Hey, I really enjoyed meeting I thought that was great and drop in, you know, every so often like two, three months and say, Hey, what's going on, you know, nurture those relationships, be kind to assistance. People, they are human beings just like you, you know, don't overlook them, when you're excited to go see that manager, that agent, that studio executive, the assistants are human beings. Moreover, they go up the food chain, and the person who has been assistant today will be a studio executive and could hire you tomorrow. But you know, just as a human being, you know, be kind to them, because they have very, very difficult jobs. And, you know, they they're worthy of respect. Do some research, you know, track down, who is who, in the studio, at the executive level with production companies know a certain amount about the business, you don't have to let it dictate what you write, but to know, and track via the trades, you know, variety, Hollywood Reporter deadline, the wrap, and stay in conversation with other writers about what's going on that screen that can be helpful, you have to determine what kind of writer you are. There are some writers who are very successful at chasing the market. You know, I mean, there's a lot of writers who say, Don't do that. But there are some writers who are like their action writers or the thriller writers and the science fiction writers. And they, they know what's out there, they know what's being developed, they try and forecast what will be the next thing that will sell. You know, so they're very, very specifically trying to write to genre space. There are other writers who are exactly the opposite. They just follow their creative instincts. And, and, you know, some writers can do both, but you need to think about what writer you want to be. Here's another tip, which is, find a genre space that you love, and are good at. Not to say you can't write across genres. But if you write three scripts in one genre, and have two treatments in that same genre, and you do what I told you to do earlier about reaching out to a manager, I don't know a manager alive who would look at your material given that a particularly if you have a good logline for that first project, you listen to them, because if you're in a genre, like this is your thing, I'm an action, right? I'm a thriller writer, you know, I'm a comedy, then that's how they put you up for writing assignments. That's how they market you. They brand you, frankly. And so you need to be well, sorry, go ahead. Yeah, they

Alex Ferrari 54:27
have to put you in the box. They have to it's it's an easier sell, as opposed to someone who's like, he's a comedy writer, but he also does drama, but he does his one action script and he does sci fi. But you're right. If you can be a specialist. That's what they're looking for.

Scott Myers 54:40
You get put on lists. You know, I got put on lists. I got put on animal lists. Comedy. I wrote a movie while after I wrote the dog movie. I wrote a movie about called what it is about, it's about a pig in a witness relocation program. Hamlet There was another What about frogs? There was a little frog. So I joke that I did movie I wrote movies about dogs, frogs and hogs, I mean, you know, they put you they, they assign these things to you. And if you're willing to do that, then that's your brand. And so you can do that for like seven years and make some good money, you know, all that, that that person is, you know, is a comedy guy or that woman is great with, you know, with drama, why not? Now, you can always write a spec and bust out of that. And it's not to say you can't write across genres I don't like Brian Duffield is very, very successful. And he writes just all sorts of different things. Sure. But generally speaking, when I talk to managers, they they prefer to have clients who settle on one genre. So those are some words of advice, I hope. Hope you found

Alex Ferrari 55:43
that helpful. Now, why hasn't Hamlet been made?

Scott Myers 55:47
Well, that was easy. We were set that was Dawn steel, and we had a director attached. And we were going we were in pre production, then babe came out, just completely blew up. Right? It was like nobody anticipated that that movie. And then that studio just got cold feet, you know that you think well, similar, but different. But I guess in that case, you know,

Alex Ferrari 56:13
it was too different. It was too similar or too difficult. So, because that sounds genius, I would have loved to watch that that canine as a double feature, I think would be good.

Scott Myers 56:22
Compared to witness reel. I mean, that's so classic, late 80s, early 90s. Right?

Alex Ferrari 56:26
Very much so. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Sure if that's that story flies today. But back then, Oh, my God, it would have been brilliant. Now, what should screenwriters deal? How should screenwriters deal with getting rewritten, which happens almost all the time? And it's a big deal?

Scott Myers 56:43
Almost all Yeah, I have a business a screenwriting post that I did where we went up for right my writing partner, I went for a writing assignment to rewrite a script that had been written by Ron bass

Alex Ferrari 56:58
of cheese, okay.

Scott Myers 57:00
remastered the most successful screenwriters in the history of Hollywood. Yes, yes. And so I sort of my partner said, Well, look, if we're up to rewrite him, you know, yeah, everybody gets rewritten. Everybody gets rewritten. You know, there was that story of Moneyball, where Steve Zaillian had written a draft of that, and you know, that that story's amazing how that movie got made? You know, considering the Soderbergh's turning in a draft and, and the different than what they were expected. And Brad Pitt's said, No, there's a movie here and I see it and then sailin wrote a draft. So I remember the story. He was in Rome with his family on vacation, his cell phone chirps and answers it says, Steve, this is Aaron Sorkin. I just wanted to call you let you know that I'm rewriting you on on Moneyball? Well, they ended up actually working parallel. But to get on that project, basically rewriting each other. And then Moneyball came out and it was a successful movie. Everybody gets through it know how to deal with it. Well, it hurts. You know, you don't want to get rewritten. You're the person being rewritten. You don't mind a little off color. Story do.

Alex Ferrari 58:12
off color is fine.

Scott Myers 58:14
Okay. So because we got rewritten on canine and when they when they said that we're gonna bring somebody else in, of course, they tell you, this is how much confidence we have in the project, we're actually bringing in someone to rewrite you. It's like,

Alex Ferrari 58:29
that's, that's so Hollywood. I can't even tell you how all these actually

Scott Myers 58:33
a compliment to your talent that we're bringing in somebody to rewrite you, you know. So anyhow, my agent, Marty Bowers said, Well, guys, you got F but you got F with a golden dick. So, you know, that's kind of the mindset, you just, you know, you you that's why you have multiple projects, going stack projects. That's what you can do as a writer. So you're writing this, you're rewriting another thing, you're developing another thing. So you give yourself 24 hours, go Taiwan on, you know, get hammered. Go talk to your friends, then wake up the next day and start on the next project.

Alex Ferrari 59:07
Do you know the story of the pretty women rewrite?

Scott Myers 59:11
Well, it was very dark dry.

Alex Ferrari 59:12
Yeah, yeah, it was Yeah. Yeah. Assuming you would that the six out it was called six grand or something like that. And, and the writer was super upset about him be rewritten. This is not my story. Yeah. And then of course, after I made, you know, a gazillion dollars, just like yeah, that was my I did that.

Scott Myers 59:26
Ended up with sole credit. So yeah. On the other side, if you are rewriting someone, it's become I think, I think writers have become more human nowadays. About that. It's a good thing to contact the person who rewriting and Eric Heizer. I talked to him about this, and he's his way of approaching it is look, they've handed me the keys to your car. And so I'm going to drive it for a while, but it's still your car. And I just wanted you to know and then you haven't given them an opportunity to talk about it. You know what their vision for it was and just be a decent human being, you know, that does take a certain amount of humanity, I guess, you know, courage and courage to call up a writer and say, you know, look, I'm rewriting you and I just want you know, to reach out to you. But I think that's a decent thing to do. And writers should be decent to each other. You know, if other peoples aren't going to be decent to us, at least writers can be

Alex Ferrari 1:00:27
right, because writers are historically one of the most beaten down professions in the business. We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor.

And now back to the show.

Scott Myers 1:00:45
Yeah, ironically enough, and I think part of it is frankly, you know, beyond everything else that they can get away with it that writers tend to be, you know, kind of, can be cantankerous characters and whatnot. Part of it is frankly, they, they can't do what we do. Right? And that, that bothers them. They can't create something out of nothing, they can't problem solve like we can. And so there's, there's, that's some of the psychological subtext going on there. Historically,

Alex Ferrari 1:01:16
I've never heard I've never heard it put that way before. That makes perfect sense, actually. Yeah, it's

Scott Myers 1:01:21
like it goes back to that old line. I think Thalberg, you know, Irving Thalberg, the first grade Hollywood producer is meeting with the writers and had, you know, a love hate relationship with the writers. But he said, you know, what is it with the writers, you know, you think you're so special. It's just, you know, it's just a matter of putting down words. And one of the writers looked at me and said, Yeah, but to know which words

Alex Ferrari 1:01:49
No, now another question that I get asked a lot by screenwriters what's what should be a page count be of a standard Hollywood script?

Scott Myers 1:01:56
Well, you know, I'm not a big one for this is the so called screenwriting rules. In fact, on my blog, you can see, I actually have eight free ebooks now, blog stuff, I'm going to end up with 12 This year, nice, thanks to clay Mitchell and Trish Curtin for helping me edit those things. But one of them is so called screenwriting rules. And one of them is about, you know, page count. You know, stories are organic. And yeah, there are conventions and expectations, but there's no real rules. You know, you can actually have an act that goes into like, page 35. Yeah, you know, you've got to make sure that that needs 35 pages, but generally speaking, you're looking at 2025. Okay, page count, I think that there's been some shrinkage, frankly, you know, because people like things to move more quickly nowadays, because of YouTube and whatever. So what used to be like 120 page script, but say now, maybe, you know, we tend to see scripts, 200 510 pages, what used to be the end of Act One is Now oftentimes the middle of Act One, you know, so I would say, you know, again, if this is just a rule of thumb, and I hate to use that word, though, it just says a ballpark touchstone. You know, you want to write 100 page script, basically, there are certain readers that will think that a script maybe is underbaked undercooked, if it comes in at 90 pages or not, is something around like that. Now, that's not always the case. Because you may work with a production company that's very specifically working on a low budget movie, in which case, you know, 85 pages, or 90 pages for a horror film or whatever, comedy perfect, that could be fine. But if it's a studio thing, you know, if it's science fiction, you get a lot of world building, so maybe it's a little longer if it's an action movie with a lot of scene description and not much dialogue, maybe it's a little shorter. So I you know, 800 pages is probably a good page count, you know, I like 105. But, you know, everybody's got their thing.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:51
Got it. And then our screenwriting contest worth it.

Scott Myers 1:03:56
Well, to the people whose careers have the benefit, they would probably say yes, I mean, there's a bunch of them out there. There's the Austin Film Festival. There's tracking be this tracking board. There's Nicolas. Well, the nickel is legitimate. I mean, that's the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. I mean, that's been around for years. I mean, that's like got major people involved, you know, on that on that board and and you know, there's just a track record of those people who you know, when the nickel going on and doing well,

Alex Ferrari 1:04:29
well, even placing in the nickel, it gets you Yeah, you they sent

Scott Myers 1:04:33
out email blasts. I think from quarterfinals up, maybe semifinals up exactly the top 10 Absolutely. I know people who finished at the top 10 In fact, we had a DePaul student who finished in the top 10 And you know, God representation of that he's currently working as a screenwriter in Hollywood. So yeah, you know, I you have to understand bottom line. These contests are about them making money. You have to understand Bam, that, you know, they don't do this because they're, they're, you know, generous. If this is a money making operation, that's why they charge those fees. Okay? So just understand that, you know, do your due diligence. If you make sure you see, you know, some, check the results, you know, have people actually translated that they're getting gigs. Now you have to be careful. There's some really kind of hinky things got there. You know, people will say, you know, this deal, you know, so and so was a graduate of this, you know, online educational outfit, or, who is, who is, they'll say, an alumnus, alumnus of you know, what the minister they submitted their skirt to the competition, right? You know, they didn't actually learn anything, or this educational outfit, maybe they just gave them a bunch of PDFs, and the peer review of their kind of, but they'll say, this deal that they say, Well, what the deal is, is simply they just got representation, they get their management, though, there was no money, there's no deal. Don't even sign with a manager, you know, there's no contracts with managers. So you have to be very careful about what they, they, they claim, you know, their success rate is but you know, if you do due diligence, you'll find read interviews with writers, you know, a lot of them will talk about their experiences, you know, having tried contests, and, but if you really want to be safe, the nickel is the safest one, I think, probably the Austin film festivals, you know, maybe not as much cachet is the nickel, it definitely doesn't have as much cache, but then the other ones, you know, just be buyer beware, they're out to make money. You know, and some of them I guess, are more successful than others. But just the best thing you can do is just write the best script possible. And if you really want an honest, like, you know, unfiltered thing is the is the blacklist website because then that's the ultimate contest. You're actually having people who are in the business, you know, reading your material based on, you know, your logline and some evaluations as a direct line to to the buyer.

Alex Ferrari 1:07:06
Great, great advice. Now, I wanted you to I wanted to go into your insane blog, go into the story, I want you to talk a little bit about that blog and in what an insane resource it is for screenwriters.

Scott Myers 1:07:20
Well, it started in May 16 2008. And I blogged every day since so it's like 3300 consecutive days Jesus, the the inspiration for it was simply this, you know, back then. There weren't as many resources as there are now. And a lot of the stuff that was being trumpeted as you know, back then you see, actually people saying, you know, learn the secrets to writing a million dollar spec script, you know, from people who had never worked in Hollywood, and had a movie made shysters Yeah. And that was upsetting. You know, I mean, I had people in my online classes saying, I just feel completely ripped off and, or they show me notes that they got from a script consultant. And the notes were just complete, you know, Bs. And so I felt like, well, I worked in the business I, you know, I've had movies made, I've written dozens of projects, I've done TV and film, I've taught, you know, John Agus had a great as it has had, he's like, the grandfather of all this stuff. You know, he started his blog, I believe, in 2004. And it's an incredible resource. But what I didn't see was someone doing it every day. You know, like, someone who was following the news. Someone who's tracking spec script deals, someone is providing inspiration and information on a daily basis. It's just an extension of what I do naturally, as a writer, where I would just go through and look at the trades, follow the news, and I would read, I read poems, and I read, writing quotes for inspiration. And, you know, so that's how I started it is like a free resource. No advertisement never had an advertisement on my blog. So they don't have to feel like they're being you know, uploaded or trying to be perfect that phrase, but upsold. And to have this resort, and then ultimately, to build this, this mass of content, so that people could go and just, you know, look through it and find stuff on like every different subject. So there are now 23,000 posts on the blog. You know, I have six posts a day, you can get a daily summary, you know, sort of comes in your email, you do six

Alex Ferrari 1:09:25
posts a day. Yeah, it's it's

Scott Myers 1:09:27
like, again, I type really fast, I think really fast. I've gotten used to doing it. I'm like the perfect blogger for this type of thing. Like, for example, here's, here's a great example of something that emerged out of the blog. In November 2015, I'd had a project I was writing and something in the news happened that blew it up, just completely blew it up. I could no longer write that project because of what happened to the news. And I'd had a comedy that I've been sitting on for some time, and I got so frustrated. I said, Well, NaNoWriMo was no longer doing the script. frenzy, which they did, up until 2013, which was a script version of NaNoWriMo, where you're writing a novel in a month, just would be writing a script in a month. So I just invited people via my blog to join me. In November, I was going to write a zero draft, I said, I'm just going to write this thing from fade into fade out, you know, it's gonna be, it's gonna suck, but I'm just gonna put the words out. And I normally don't do that I normally work from an outlet, but I just wanted to try it. Well, I had over 1000 people respond to that. In fact, it created this thing called zero draft 30 challenge, zero draft 30 Challenge, which we now run twice a year. So starting on September 1, which is tomorrow, we're going to be reading the zero draft 32,017, September challenge. And every day on the blog, I'm going to post something there along with my other posts, about the challenge where people come and they talk about, you know, what they're writing. They'll provide some inspirational quotes or videos or whatnot. There's a Facebook group, the zero draft 30 Facebook group, which has got 2300 members, a terrific group of people very supportive, positive minded. We have a Twitter feed, hashtag zd, 30 script. And so this is something that's emerged now that twice a year, we I did to get people writing to write two spec scripts a year, you know, which is what you should be doing. And so that's something that's emerged from the blog, the blog has created all sorts of initiatives, and community outreach type of things. And it's been very since I had more traffic now than I've ever had site traffic.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:32
That's, that's amazing. Oh, well, I mean, I've, I've known about your site for a long time. And I before I ever opened up any film, hustle, I used to visit it all the time. And, and you just have such a wealth of information. It's, it's there's, I don't know of another resource out there that has so much for free,

Scott Myers 1:11:52
for free. It's all free. Now, lately, just one little anecdote about this. You know, I had a friend who's a writer, he said, Scott, why are you doing this, this is insane. Giving away all this content for free. Basically, every almost every night, almost every good thing that's happened to me professionally, has been because of that blog. Yeah, I am now more well connected in Hollywood than I ever was, when I lived two miles from 20th Century Fox, no more managers, more agents, more producers, more talent, more writers than I ever did when I was out there.

Alex Ferrari 1:12:26
And I will, I would say the exact same thing has happened to me ever since I launched indie film, hustle, the amount of connections, relationships, being able to sit down and talk to you for an hour, you know, without a blog, that's very difficult to to reach out to people of your caliber and, and just the relationships you've built over the time it is everything that's happened to me since I opened up any film hustle has been directly it's been generally directly because of the of the blog. So I understand 110%

Scott Myers 1:12:55
Yeah, your site is, you know, one of those sites that provides quality content, and those resources are great, you know, I think film schools not for everybody, I think, you know, a school like DePaul where they can literally go out and they're making movies in their freshman year because we've got three soundstages it's in a space where they shoot all the Chicago Fire Chicago and all that stuff. They've gotten incredible gear. But But film school is not for everybody. So you can put it together a version of it. You know, by using places like go into the story or your site and other sites. There's just a ton of free quality content. Just make sure you vet things and are looking for the quality of sites out there.

Alex Ferrari 1:13:35
Now I'm going to ask I'm gonna ask you last few questions which ask all of my guests so be prepared for your Oprah questions. I call these the Oprah questions. Okay. What advice would you give a screenwriter wanting to sell their first screenplay?

Scott Myers 1:13:52
Well, if it's only their first screenplay, they've written their first screenplay. I would say write two more. You know, don't try and sell your first screenplay. You, I can almost guarantee you that. After you've written three screenplays, you'll look at your first screenplay and go, Wow, I thought I'd written a really great script, but it's got some issues. So so, you know, and moreover, again, are you going to when you're signing the contract in the lawyer's office, that says this script is due in 10 weeks? Just, I tell this to my university students, you can just see them tense up. So you got to know you've got to have a confidence that you can do this. Now maybe after one script, like Diablo Cody did, would you know, you know, but she'd written she'd been a blogger for years and she'd written you know, a memoir. She was a writer. She's a born writer. You know, maybe some people can do it with one script, but my advice would be wait two more scripts.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:51
The best advice I've ever heard about screenwriting was given to me by Jim rules. Do you know Jim? Yeah. Jim said when you Get sit down. Write a Screenplay. When you're done with that screenplay, write a straight, don't edit it. Don't do anything. Just just write it straight. When you're done, put it in your dress in a drawer, start another screenplay, do the exact same process, put it in the drawer, do the third time, put it in the drawer now take that first script out and start rewriting it because now you're a better writer.

Scott Myers 1:15:20
That's great advice.

Alex Ferrari 1:15:21
Is that amazing? I thought that was brilliant.

Scott Myers 1:15:24
And he had the number three like me, too. So

Alex Ferrari 1:15:28
now, um, can you tell me what book had the biggest impact on your life or your career?

Scott Myers 1:15:34
Oh, that's, that's pretty easy. It's the hero with 1000 faces by Joseph Campbell. Great book. It's an academic book. I was shocked when I came to Hollywood and I saw it on the bookshelves of, you know, studio executives and producers like what is this academic book doing? And of course, I found out about George Lucas and Star Wars. But um, you know, I there, you know, because of Chris Vogler, his book The writers journey, which is an excellent book. At that, because, you know, the hero's journey, he reduced the 17 aspects of narrative that Campbell talked about, and he wrote the house faces to 12 to make it more amenable for screenwriting, you know, it's become a thing. And it kind of makes me kind of sad in a way because I've heard producers say this, in fact, I blogged about it, because I, somebody did this on a message board manager said, I hate the hero's journey. Why? Well, because it's all just this formulaic crap. Well, that's not what Joseph Campbell intended at all. And I'm sure that's not what Chris Vogler intended, it's what happened, you know, people tend to reduce this thing, trying to find some sort of paradigm, you know, Hatter and magic bullet, you know, that's not what Campbell had in mind at all. So I tend to approach the hero's journey, from more of a medic view, you know, the three the three stages, it, you know, separation initiation, return, the idea of transformation, that the whole point of the hero's journey is transformation, and that the message of the hero's journey is follow your bliss. And so, it works for me on two levels, as a writer, and storyteller, and as even being because there's, there is no more important message for a creative person than follow your bliss. I think it's the first thing I tell my students every quarter, and it's the last thing I tell them as we in every quarter, if you get nothing else from having worked with me in class, live with this idea. You know, it's it's a scary way to live. It's a it has ups and downs. But it is the most authentic way to live. If you're if you are aligned with what turns you on creatively, and you choose to pursue that with passion, and you have talent, and you have a voice and you think that you've got something you can say of worth to greater society and the world at large. Then you are set on a path that's going to bring you great satisfaction. Yes. Ups and downs. Yes, trials and tribulations. You're on our own hero's journey that way, but at least you have aligned yourself with something that you know is yours. Campbell had a say saying a paraphrase he said nothing more. There's nothing sadder than for someone to be spend their lives climbing the ladder to success, only to discover they've been on the wrong wall.

Alex Ferrari 1:18:25
Oh, wow. What an amazing quote.

Scott Myers 1:18:28
And that's the that's the antithesis of follow your bliss that someone did not follow. They followed somebody else's. Not their own,

Alex Ferrari 1:18:36
whether it be their parents or what society told them.

Scott Myers 1:18:39
Absolutely. Yeah, find out what you want to do. Find out what your pet find out what your rapture is your bliss. He was that.

Alex Ferrari 1:18:46
That was I didn't mean to drive too, but he was more of a philosopher, as well as an academic

Scott Myers 1:18:51
and a spiritualist. Yes. Yes. You know, he created his own. No, he taught at Sarah Lawrence University for 43 years. So it's college age. It was Yeah. I have a picture of the doorknob for his door from Sarah Lawrence College. Oh, it's my desk. I had someone who went to school there and found the door to his office. He had for a few years and took a picture. That's amazing. But yeah, he created it. He didn't get a PhD. There was no PhD in what he did he just read. People ask him Do you praise it? No, I read 10 hours a day. He read stories from all around the world and he noticed these similar dynamics, separation, initiation return Euro gets transferred, then Oh, yeah. Now I've got people with other faces. That's the most inspirational book

Alex Ferrari 1:19:38
now what is the lesson that took you the longest to learn whether in the film business or in life

Scott Myers 1:19:49
that's a good question. I'm, I guess I'm still learning it you know. You know, I it for a long time. I looked at my life and I thought, I've never failed. You know, I never even got like all the colleges and graduate schools I applied to, I never got rejected by any of them. And so for the longest time, I was just living this life, you know, and then selling a spec script for, you know, a lot of money and yeah, all right. Everything I did music, comedy, academics, screenwriting successful. You, you know, you learn the most about yourself, I think in life in general, when you fail. Yes. And that has been a lesson, you know, that I think it's been something that I've had to learn. And, and you have to have that understanding, ending to work in Hollywood, because you will, you are absolutely going to fail. And you're going to fail multiple times. And so you've got to be able to live with that and learn from that. So that's probably the most important lesson that I've struggled to come to grips with. It's not fun, obviously failing. And it's hard to determine from time to time, like, what lessons you can learn from it. But the one thing is universal, you just get up and you go back at it, you know, persistence. That's, you know, writer. Absolutely. If you fail, just get back up and go on to the next story.

Alex Ferrari 1:21:19
Now, what are three of your favorite films of all time?

Scott Myers 1:21:21
Oh, that's easy. The apartment is absolutely my favorite movie of all time, personally. Well, it's my is my favorite Billy Wilder. And as a diamond, those are my favorite. Billy Walters, my favorite filmmaker. But I also love the Coen Brothers. And I also love Pixar. I'm a huge those three, it will keep our tickets to but

Alex Ferrari 1:21:46
yeah, well, I could talk for hours and Kubrick.

Scott Myers 1:21:49
You know, I'd be tempted to put up in there because I thought that was just brilliant. I be tempted to put there's a handful of, you know, Coen Brothers movie any and they're great Inside Llewyn Davis is an incredible movie, but, but I'll go with a couple more traditional ones. Dr. Strangelove, which is just the greatest satire ever, ever created, I think. And then I've got to include a maybe more of a, okay. At Silence of the Lambs. The silence the lambs is like the perfect for what I teach. It's like the perfect looking. It really is. And it was one of three movies to win all five of the major Academy Awards.

Alex Ferrari 1:22:29
And now it was insane. It's a horror. It's a horror movie. And that was, was it the wasn't the first one. I think that exorcist

Scott Myers 1:22:39
would hurt. Oh, The Exorcist. Um, I think it might have won something. Yeah. But yeah, it was. You know, I think back then in 1991 a qualified as a horror movie I don't know would necessarily right.

Alex Ferrari 1:22:54
But it was it was one of the it was the third film ever to win the all five.

Scott Myers 1:22:58
Why? Best Picture Best Director, Best Actress, Best Actor Best Screenplay?

Alex Ferrari 1:23:03
Wow. It was an amazing film. Amazing. Now well, where can people find you sir?

Scott Myers 1:23:10
Well, if they're in Chicago,

Alex Ferrari 1:23:12
no, no, no, your personal home address online online.

Scott Myers 1:23:15
I can tell you a bar that I hang out. But no, they can find me go into the story.com that's you know, it's actually go into the story black dot blacklist or BLC K LS T dot LST calm but just go into the story. Which is the my blog. And then screenwriting masterclass, which is my online educational resource that I teach online. I've been doing it for years, I've had great success with my students, many of them have gone on to do very, very well with themselves. So there's that there's the zero draft 30 Facebook group, which I host, but basically, that just is those people. They're just great. And they constantly doing stuff. So those are three, three ways you can reach me.

Alex Ferrari 1:24:02
Scott, thank you so much for taking the time out. It's been a lengthy conversation. But I could ask I could ask you another 100 questions, but I know you're a busy man, you've got 15 blog posts to put out today.

Scott Myers 1:24:13
Actually, I do have another call right now. So it's a good time to answer.

Alex Ferrari 1:24:16
Scott thank you again so much my friend. Okay,

Scott Myers 1:24:19
great talking with you. And good luck with your your blogging.

Alex Ferrari 1:24:23
And Scott really did drop some great knowledge bombs on you guys. I really hope you got a lot out of that episode. I know I did. And I want to thank Scott again for doing the show and really just sharing so much great information with the tribe. So thank you, Scott. Once again. Now if you want links to anything we discussed in this episode, just head over to indie film hustle.com forward slash BPS 019. And if you haven't already, please head over to screenwriting podcast.com And leave us a good review leave a five star review. It really helps out the show. It's a young show to new show and every review helps us in the rankings and iTunes helps us get this information out to other screenwriters who need it. And by the way, happy July 4 to all of our listeners here in the United States. I hope you have a good fourth. Eat a lot. Enjoy some fireworks. And as always, keep on writing no matter what. I'll talk to you soon.

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BPS 017: How to Write a Super Natural Hit Film with Beetlejuice Creator Larry Wilson

If you were a kid of the late 80s or early 90s then today’s guest definitely had an impact on your life. Larry Wilson is the co-creator of the cult classic Beetlejuice (directed by Tim Burton), writer of Addams Family and worked on the legendary television show Tales from the Crypt.

Larry wasn’t always a screenwriter, he worked on the studio side of things as well as an executive. In this interview, he tells the story of how he championed a young and pre-Terminator James Cameron to be the writer/director of Aliens. Great story! Check out some of his work below:

Larry Wilson was also a screenwriting teacher at UCLA, arguably one of the best screenwriting programs in the world. He has continued to teach through his very popular workshops.

Below you’ll find the episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents that both Larry Wilson and Tim Burton worked on together and started their Beetlejuice adventures. The episode was called “The Jar.”

Enjoy my spooky and funny conversation with Larry Wilson.

Right-click here to download the MP3


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Alex Ferrari 0:00
I'd like to welcome to the show, Larry Wilson, and thank you so much for being on the show.

Larry Wilson 3:31
Oh, you're welcome, Alex, thanks for having me.

Alex Ferrari 3:33
I'm, I'm a huge fan of your work. I'm a 90s guy. So you know a lot of the work you did, especially in the late 80s. Early 90s. Is, is I was in my video store days to during that time, so Okay, I think I sent you a picture. Did I send you a picture of my uh, yes,

Larry Wilson 3:52
he did. Yeah, I

Alex Ferrari 3:53
just happened to be going through it. And I saw it. I was like, this is just too perfect. And I was standing right next to a standard for Addams Family. I thought it was

Larry Wilson 4:02
I had one of those in my basement until it burned up and a house fire actually, I had I had one of those candies. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 4:10
I wish I still had some of those daddy's tell you the truth. So anyway, I wanted to first ask you what made you want to get into the very easy and profitable world of writing?

Larry Wilson 4:21

Alex Ferrari 4:24
I there's some sarcasm in that question. Yes.

Larry Wilson 4:27
There should be I you know, I I came to Hollywood not knowing I was a terrible student, high school student. You know, just but I had a passion. Very, very unspecific. That's the word of passion for films and wanting to do something. And I took a standalone. This was like a million years ago to Alex I mean, I took a standalone screenwriting class at The time has been taught at Stella Adler, and the instructor whose name sadly I'm going to forget actually saw some first pages and said, you could be good at this. And it just, you know, it lit a fire. And I said, I just told myself, I'm going to be a screenwriter and I started writing it was back before there were a lot of resources as there are now about you know, how that works. All that I got a hold of a couple of scripts and tried to mimic them and and I just, I just kept at it until I suffered a severe case of writer's block. I sort of had a golden door out of writing, which was I was a studio executive or I was a script reader and about to become or had a chance to become a studio executive at Paramount under Jeff Katzenberg and Michael Eisner. And I did that and I was doing it pretty well, I think. But I really miss writing and I was really having qualms about the notes. I was giving writers and we were sort of the iron fist in the velvet glove studio at that point. And then I went back I finally made a decision. I cut the histories, but less than short to jump back into writing and the first thing I wrote co wrote with my partner Michael McDowell was Beetlejuice.

Alex Ferrari 6:24
Now how did Beetlejuice come to life because that is a very unique story.

Larry Wilson 6:29
You know, it's so funny because it the the first stage of it was so was so just a really over a weekend I had a producing partner too. It's both late Mike delayed Michael McDowell. Sadly, both of these was my writing partner, and the late Michael Bender was my producing partner. And the three of us were just talking about what we wanted to do together, we decided to have this partnership. And I said psychedelic ghost comedy. I didn't know quite what that meant.

Alex Ferrari 7:07
It's a very loose. It's a very loose term for sure. Yeah,

Larry Wilson 7:10
you think yeah, so it but it sounded good, right? Yeah, sure. I'd watch that interesting. And Michael was living in Michael McDowell, my writing partner was living in Boston at that time. And he called these that I and he said, Okay, here's what it is. It's the ghost haunting the humans. And that was like, the first thing that we just went, wow. Okay, that's cool. And what I came back with, after Michael said, it's the ghosts are the humans haunting the ghosts, excuse me, the humans haunting the ghosts. And I Oh, that's great. I love that. And Michael and I had kind of a funny relationship, just in the sense that he was very well educated. I want to say Harvard, it may have been another prestigious university. It's a very sort of sophisticated man, shall we say? And I had grown up, you know, a surfer, a borderline high school dropout. So we sort of had this, it was always in good fun, but kind of this class war thing going on. And I said, Okay, Michael, it's the humans hiding the ghosts. And I'm the ghosts and the humans are you. And so that was part two of it. And then part three was, and this again, was over just a few calls over a weekend. We said, well, the the humans are just too or the ghosts are too nice. They don't know how to get the humans out of the house. So they need to hire a gunfighter and that gunfighter course became Beatle twos. And it was that the premise was locked down over over like a weekend of maybe three, four phone calls. And that was, you know, that that that was the start of it, then, of course, all we had to do is write the script,

Alex Ferrari 8:50
right. There's that little part of the whole thing. Yeah. Now, when you so I'm assuming you went to pitch this. I mean, this was the 80s. So it's a different

Larry Wilson 8:59
time, you know, what we we decided to Michael and I wanted to learn to write together. Michael McDowell was an incredibly professional writer and and even though I'd been a studio executive at that point for several years, and I was also head of development for the great director, Walter Hill's company. Like I said, I had sort of given up on screen writing, or maybe I didn't say this, but I had a real case of writer's block, there is no doubt about it. And Michael helped me break through that, but we decided to write the script on spec. And so that we we never even thought about pitching it. And Michael was a writers writer. And the idea of going in and pitching an idea at that point was kind of an anathema to him. And so we you know, we we wrote the script. And if you want to if I can share a kind of a funny please please add you know, Alex, I've learned I hope, I hope you in the audience doesn't mind is I and sort of learn not to name names. It comes back to haunt,

Alex Ferrari 10:04
you're not the first guest to kind of dance around certain names, but they like to tell stories.

Larry Wilson 10:09
And I'm gonna dance around this one. But all I'm gonna say what I'll say is I took the script to a very prominent studio executive. And I asked him to read it because he liked my, my work as an executive. And he said, Yes. And he took it. And he read it over that when the first draft was finished. I gave it to him. And he and he read that over a weekend, and I actually got summoned to his office on Monday. That's first draft of blg. So obviously, and I thought, wow, he's calling me into the office already. He's read it, he, you know, fantasizing he's gonna love it and all that and he and he literally called me into his office to say, what are you doing? Your career? This thing is so weird. So out of touch with any kind of that I can imagine he said, you know, you have a very negative, why are you just gonna blow that with this piece of shit? And oh, my God, you can imagine I was like, I was like, you know, I was pretty devastated. But there's an unsung hero in all of this. That you mentioned, when the when we were talking right before we started here, I taught at UCLA Extension for over 25 years. And I had a student named Marjorie Lewis, who had a very sort of low level development job at the Geffen company. And she was sort of the smartest young woman in my class at that time, and I'd given it to her to read over that same weekend, because I just was curious what she'd say and and after, after having fed just completely derailed by this conversation with the studio executive, and then he asked me what we thought we were going to ask for the video exactly what what we were going to ask for, you know, in terms of a selling price that I think I said like $100,000 And he just laughed, you know, I mean, he so but I called Marjorie and I said did you read it? She said yes. I said did you like it? She said like it I'm going to get the Geffen company to buy it, you know, and and knowing Marjorie, she just kept pounding people to read it, you know, so, so so it that the idea came quickly. The first draft came pretty quickly with Michael and I and we put no limits on ourselves. We had no thoughts about a demographic a you know, yes, I suppose it's the only PG rated movie with an F bomb in it. Right. And and you know, and then we, then we sold it to the Gatlin company

Alex Ferrari 12:59
now, yeah, cuz you could, anyone who's seen Beetlejuice that you can tell there is no demographic involved at all in the story. whatsoever. But now when did Tim Burton come into play? Because it is Beetlejuice is is it's so I know you guys came up with the story but I guess the way it was directed and brought to the screen it is so Tim Burton in his in his aesthetic how was it collaborating with a kind of young and pretty raw? Tim Burton had only done a big top beat or no BBs big adventure at that point. So he was still very unproven.

Larry Wilson 13:33
Yes, exactly. You know, and and I think it's pretty common knowledge that there was a bit of a, a battle between Tim and and Paul Reubens peewee about whose movie it really was, you know, it really was Tim Burton was not the Tim Burton at that point.

Alex Ferrari 13:51
Yeah, PeeWee peewee is not a Tim Burton esque film at all. You can tell it's not you can see a little bit of it in there, but not really. Yeah. So

Larry Wilson 13:58
so, you know, yeah. So as you said, Tim was, you know, still somewhat unproven. He was as as we all know, a very idiosyncratic person and he frightened a lot of studio executives. Still, he's still frightened. Yeah. Which I love about him. Yeah. But so Michael Bender, or excuse me, Michael McDowell and I wrote, We got to know Tim because he, gosh, you know, Alex, I'm trying to remember how he got his hands on the first draft of Beetlejuice. But he did. And he asked Michael Knight to write the Alfred Hitchcock television anthology show. Sure this is a bit of 80s history, you might remember that they colorize some of Hitchcock's openings to the show. And then we wrote well, many writers wrote new episodes for the anthology but based on the Alfred Hitchcock introduction, And a mic on I did one of those for Tim. It was the first time we work together called the jar which is available on YouTube, if any Tim Burton, historians want to dig into that. And that kind of cemented their relationship and Tim told us he said I love Beetlejuice. I would love to direct it but I've got another project that other project that there's a long development hell story that can go with this but that other that other project finally fell through at a time when we really needed someone like Tim to step up and rescue the script from what what a very grueling and very counterproductive development hell

Alex Ferrari 15:41
yeah, I was gonna add I was gonna ask about studio notes specifically with this because it seems like it is as far from a studio movie as I've ever seen. The how, how crazy was the notes because I can imagine people you know, in the studio system just could not wrap their head around it. Well,

Larry Wilson 15:58
I'll tell you again without naming names, names. And this was not David Geffen himself. When David Geffen became involved why you say it's like, unlike almost any studio movie, you can imagine it was because he ran interference for us and of course did it with all his clout and all his brilliance. But we Michael McDowell and I felt that we spent a year ruining the script, that all of that could you know, it has so many like, just if it made Miko and I'd laugh or if it felt right, it went into the script. And you know, there's there's references to psychedelic music there's references to Mexican horror movies or references to Tom and Jerry cartoons. All of all, this weirdness didn't feel weird to us. But we got into one of those situations with it with a development executive who just tried to flatten everything that was quirky idiosyncratic out of it. And and we were pretty much at the point feeling like we had ruined the scrap when thankfully and again, it's it's kind of a long, complex story but but when we were managed to say to him and Kim's other project had fallen through, would you want to step up and direct it? And Tim said yes, but he said he essentially said I want to do it if I can go back to what the first draft was the pot this huge break, as you can imagine, and and, and yeah, and Tim, at that point, he wasn't the Tim Burton yet. And I and you know, Mike and I built the rocket and you know, put it on the launching pad but Tim launched it to the moon and of course, his sensibility it's a it's all there and it was just this very, you know, it was one of those Yeah. And and, and the thing about him and me at that point was the things that we shared together. Were were like the driving movies, we'd gone to see you know, the ice movies, Corman movies and and you know, just just all this all this kind of what was kind of at that point, as you'll remember, like the kind of like this trash sensibility, you know, very brilliantly said that we were the acceptable edge of the unacceptable

Alex Ferrari 18:20
would see that it's created line. It

Larry Wilson 18:24
is right. Yeah, I've always thought about that. And I've tried to sort of live by that code. Maybe sometimes to my, my commercial device.

Alex Ferrari 18:34
No, that one.

Larry Wilson 18:35
So yeah, that but that Tim became involved and it kind of went back to what the first drafted ban and then his sensibility and it gelled into what Beetlejuice is, and

Alex Ferrari 18:45
for people who I mean a lot of we have a lot of younger audience members listening to this if you guys haven't seen Beetlejuice you gotta go watch Beetlejuice it is a triumph a creative triumph without question but a lot of people forget it was a pretty monster hit when it came out

Larry Wilson 19:00
it was and and yeah please if you have if you haven't seen it, it's everywhere copies and you know so and that was another thing that there were there were people at Warner Brothers marketing executives particularly hated the movie oh my god they hated the movie and and you know they there there was a movement within that that those people to change the title the house ghost that was oh my god out you know and and just kind of dump it the way that is because they thought it was they just didn't get it and and that that the first weekend it came out which was actually really cool because you know the the Winona Ryder character Lydia, which you know, she's so great. Yeah, you know, it's become like this iconic goth girl character. Out with that one. I mean the initial A vision of her I will take credit for because I had gone to hear another 80s reference. I'd gotten to see the band the cure.

Alex Ferrari 20:08
Yeah, you read my mind. I'm like, he's gonna say the cares. Yeah, you

Larry Wilson 20:11
know, I'd gone to see him at the Rose Bowl. And I thought, and it felt like it away I was in an audience was like, 50,000 teenage girls dressed in black, you know, and, and. And I saw, so you cut to the opening weekend of the movie, and I went the first night to see it. And the audience was coming out. Some people loving it, some people hating it, which I actually thought was really good now, because we had wanted to write something that was a definitive statement, not something that would please everyone. And that was certainly Tim's goal, too. Yeah. And, and so then I went back on Saturday night to see it again. And I saw all these girls like these teenage girls, who had who had obviously seen it the first night, gone into their closets the second night and come back dressed like Lydia Deetz, you know, the Winona Ryder character. And that's when I knew, Okay, this thing is going to take off. And it did. And it was a huge, you know, I mean, surpassed everyone's expectations. And then some continues to do so. You know, it's, it's amazing to me that it's become this pop called classic that it's become, but it has, its it.

Alex Ferrari 21:28
I remember, I mean, I was I went to the theater to see it. And when I was in high school, and it blew my mind, because you'd never seen anything like that before. And I think that pretty much announced to Tim Burton was really quickly and announced him in a huge way. And then obviously, right afterwards, he got that little movie called Batman. That little thing that went out, but I'm always fascinated about how studios, you know that you always hear these horror stories of studio execs or just you know, development executives always trying to get in the middle of ruining something. And I've heard other options do that they actually do help sometimes. But with something like this, it's just so outside the box. That's why I was amazed. And I guess I don't know, if a movie like this could get made into it. I don't think it would get made in today's studio system. Unless you had a big gun like a timber and or someone behind it. But in the 80s it was a little bit more wild wild west. Do you agree? Yeah,

Larry Wilson 22:22
it wasn't I don't you know, because I've been a studio executive, I don't want to, it's so easy to use that brush, you know, Ain't Them All that they're always right away. And they're always messing up your project and all of that. And it's not necessarily true. And we had you know, we did have fans and and within Warner Brothers and people who did get the movie, but there were there was a and but the main thing we had was David Geffen on our side. And the champion. Yeah, as as the champion of it. And there's a there's one more funny story that I'll tell if it isn't going on too long. Sure, sure. But at so after this weekend, where the film just exceeded everyone's expectations, there was like a marketing meeting. We were invited to. And one of these marketing executives, who had been so passionately hated the film was having to confront the these weekend grosses. And he said, well, at least we got the little girls and black to come in or some line like that, right. Or we walked out of the meeting, Tim said, Will who did he think we made it for? You know, I mean, so? Yeah. So so it was it was a film that divided everyone in the beginning and now everyone, including myself will take credit for it the, you know, this pop classic?

Alex Ferrari 23:53
No, I mean, Tim, obviously got Batman afterwards. But you also got another great gig right afterwards, which is Addams Family. Yes. Yeah. How was how was it? I mean, bring in such a classic TV show to life. Because at that, I mean, it's still being done today. For God's sakes, we got chips coming out for some godforsaken reason. But, but you know, this whole T turning TV shows into Yeah, I think it started in the late 80s, early 90s. Is when this the this kind of pattern started happening, correct?

Larry Wilson 24:23
Yeah. And the I got involved in the Addams Family and wrote with my great partner and friend Caroline Thompson. It was Scott Rudin, who brought us together. And Caroline and I sort of had this writers blind date at a for those of you who aren't in LA, there's a very famous drive thru restaurant called Bob's Big Boy. Caroline and I met there and had a hamburger and decided we could work together and work on the Addams Family together. And we were brought together by Scott and Scott Rutan. And the thing that people always remember the TV shows the origin but the actual origin were these comics New Yorker cartoons by John Adams and that sort of animated our sensibility of it or we, of course, we refer to the TV show and you know, borrow borrowed characters for a minute particularly thing the hand and asked, you know, but it was really the Charles Adams New Yorker cartoons aesthetic that we really tried to really try to emulate. And yeah, I mean, I I'm sure there was another you know, at that point, taking a you know, a TV show and rewriting it into a film but we were definitely one of the first and started that that trend for better for worse. I don't.

Alex Ferrari 25:53
I mean, I can't I mean, I'm sure there are good TV shows that I mean, there are but I just can't remember like Charlie's Angels. I guess the first one was a lot of fun. But anyway, we can go on and on. But Adams family actually I really enjoyed Adams family. It was it was it was a monster hit too. It was another another grand slam. When it came out.

Larry Wilson 26:11
Yeah, it was it was a huge,

Alex Ferrari 26:14
and it was Barrett was that Barry Sonnenfeld his first directorial movie? Ah,

Larry Wilson 26:19
yes, it was and he had, you know, he and his cinematographer for the Coen Brothers and it was his first directing a feature directing gig and and again, there were a couple of of executive suits who were very suspicious of him stepping up and doing that but of course, you know,

Alex Ferrari 26:45
he's not okay with himself the man and blacks and so

Larry Wilson 26:48
and again, it was someone who had a brilliant sort of his idiosyncratic vision and took what we had done and you know, brought it to life and just an incredible way.

Alex Ferrari 26:59
No, real quick I had to ask I forgot to ask one question about Bee Gees. Is it beetle juice or beetle GEIS what why what's the difference cuz I know

Larry Wilson 27:07
as I as I remember that day the beetle guys being the constellation and it was Michael McDowell who who came up with with the the pine I don't know if it's a pine exactly, but the idea of that we would take beetle guys but pronounce it beetle juice. And then we changed it to beetle juice as like the juice of a beetle, which was another thing that a lot of people hated was you know the name

Alex Ferrari 27:36
but in the actual movie, it's the title is beetle guys, if I'm not mistaken, and that is that. Well, it might have changed.

Larry Wilson 27:44
No, in the title is beetle juice. Gu ice. Yeah, there there were some beetle guys references are very early on. I don't remember exactly. But thank God, it wasn't called House ghosts, which

Alex Ferrari 27:59
that's at the end of the day, we're all grateful for not being called house. Now, do you have any advice of from in this? This actually is a good question. Because you're on both sides of the fence here. Any advice on how to deal with studio or producers notes as a writer?

Larry Wilson 28:16
Yeah, it's it. It is it? Well, yes, I do. And I'm just I'm just taking a breath here because I want to say this succinctly because it's it's a subject guy here go on about their day, there's a there's a dance involved in it, there's no doubt about it, if you are that that young writer out there who it sells his or her first script to a studio be prepared to write many drafts get a lot of notes and and and deal with it accordingly. And accordingly to me means you need to be respectful the processor, don't sell them the scrub, you know, become a DIY director, which is of course doable. Now you're doing you know, I mean, if it's just your vision or no vision do it yourself. I you know, which was not an option particularly in the 80s in the way that it is now. But but there's that there's a dance involved in working with studio executives and you do need to think a little bit about well first of all, you have to be open and and and don't assume that someone an executive won't have anything smart to say or good to say to you and don't take all of these studio executive horror stories. So seriously, that you aren't willing to listen. And often you will get notes that will make your script better but you do also have to have it kind of in an internal Courage and a resolve that there are things that you will say no to. And you can you can say no respectfully you can say you can say it in the context of realizing that, that you're you're working with a team of people who are hopefully trying to make the best movie or TV show possible. But you have to know what you can. Well, you have to be open to listening. And maybe there's a better idea. It's a collaborative medium to use that horrible, good cliche. But but it within that, that dance, you also have to have things that you just absolutely say no, that that, that so destroys the vision that so destroys the essence of what we're trying to do that, that we can't go there. And it's, you know, it's not for the faint of heart. Is it Alex?

Alex Ferrari 30:54
No, it's

Larry Wilson 30:54
yeah, you know, and I've, and I say this after, you know, decades of experience doing this, I've got a new animated film coming out. October, this was this year, Halloween 2017 is an animated version of the little vampire. Well, very cool. Action version. Yeah. And that, you know, my, my, my producing partner and writing partner, Richard Klaus, we have we, we go back and forth. Sometimes it feels endlessly on scenes. But at the end of the day, I know he has the best interest of the film at heart, and I do too. But there's things he said, he said to me, absolutely. No, this isn't what we're doing. And there's things I've said to him. And then there are things where you say okay, no, you have a better idea, or let's try it at least, and it's it you gotta you gotta have you gotta have some if you're going to play that studio game, and I don't want to game is too light of a term for your movie through a conventional Movie Studio process. You got to be willing to play that we'll call it a game or call it a dance, you got to be willing to play the game or do the dance. Yeah. And, and, and do it do it intelligently. And and again, it's being open to good notes. But but then having that sort of the intestinal fortitude, the guts to say, No, I can't do that. It doesn't work.

Alex Ferrari 32:25
Right. Until Until you know, you become James Cameron that you just tell him no, it's not going to happen. And it's gonna happen this way.

Larry Wilson 32:32
You know, and and it's so funny because if you look at at like Caroline Thompson, my you know who my Addams Family, right, you know, is written so many brain films, from Edward Scissorhands. I just watched the Corpse Bride again last night. I had to go. I mean, I could go on and on with her credits. But, but she's, she says, sometimes if we ever think about collaborating together, she'll say, don't you think at this point, we should be able to walk into one of these executives office offices and say, Here, here's our resume, here's what we've done. And you please just let us do it and leave us alone. Right? IV but it's just a joke, because it never happens. That way. If you're working for a studio, you're going to get notes you're going to you're going to be in that it playing that game or doing that dance and

Alex Ferrari 33:21
like, but can you can i I'm trying to think of a writer who has that kind of power. There's very few I mean Tarantino obviously but he's a director, but like, who is a writer and just a writer, not a director has that kind of power? Because there are directors who do have that power. There's very few, but there are that can kind of do what they want, depending on the budget, of course, you know, but like Woody Allen does what he wants when he wants, but he also keeps the budgets at a very low, let's say the Coen Brothers or another group that these guys just literally do whatever they want, and I I don't think they get a lot of studios but are there any writers do you think I mean, there's obviously some very monster writers out there who you know, who are you know, at the upper echelon if you will of writer but do they have that kind of power anymore? Is there anyone like that?

Larry Wilson 34:09
I you know, I mean, wow, that that would be a list of what like two three people right, exactly. It's

Alex Ferrari 34:15
a very small

Larry Wilson 34:17
i There's I consider myself depending on the arc of my career, I guess a list down to a minus list. You know, I'm, I am well respected at this point and be sure will, will will will listen to me. But once but when Steven does that A plus list that may be Aaron Sorkin but you know, but they're even visible to a director I mean, right if you wanna if you want to do it yourself you got you know, really do it and and it's your vision and all of that there because the names that you listed the Coen Brothers Tarantino, of course, they're brilliant directors and, and and they're that and they have both those things going on. screenwriters not so much.

Alex Ferrari 35:05
And that's the that's the cliche of like, the screenwriters never, never, never get. Never never get the respect that they deserve. Because I mean, without without the word, there's nothing.

Larry Wilson 35:16
Yeah. And and, and that's, that's another one of those things that that that's a truth that can be untrue. I, I sometimes you know, because I'm heading into Oh, my God, I'm knocking wood here, Alex. You know, I mean, like 30 year run of, you know, great years not so good years pretty good years. But you know, I've made my living as a writer now for over 30 years, which is like kind of insane.

Alex Ferrari 35:43
It really it is it is a miracle, honestly. Yeah,

Larry Wilson 35:47
it's a Yeah. And and I I'm very I'm very aware of it. And I have a new film coming out this year is like it's like a really brilliant thing. But but you know, am I can I? Like I was saying When Caroline, can I walk in a room and say this is what I want to do. And this is how I'm going to do it and look at you know, if you want that, you know everyone wants to do Beetlejuice until you think you've given it to them. And they get scared I mean in studios and and and it's in screenwriting it you're not going to be with maybe again, maybe we could come up with a list of three people, four people and even then you're

Alex Ferrari 36:31
you're right.

Larry Wilson 36:32
You're not going to be that that where it's you and it's you and everyone you're not going to be they don't they don't celebrate the screenwriters too much do they? You know,

Alex Ferrari 36:40
not really. And even those guys are on that list. You're right, they do have to answer to a director eventually. And you know, unless there's both the same person that the screenwriter is, I mean, there are some that have a little bit more clout and obviously a little bit bit more muscle, but even then, at the end of the day, it all depends. And if they're working at that high level of budget, generally speaking, the director that they bring on is going to probably be at that high level as well. That's why I was like, I always tell people like you know, I have such a great respect for a James Cameron because he really is probably the only guy on the planet who could have done avatar, the way he did it, like not even. I mean, Spielberg was you know, Hatton hand for Lincoln for years. I'm like, It's Steven. Frickin Spielberg. Yeah. Yeah. You know, like in Martin Scorsese was trying to get silence done for 20 years. Like, he's Martin Scorsese, you know, so, yeah, you know, so it really is, you know, it's a very small crowd that can kind of work in the studio. So I mean, Chris Nolan right now is probably one of those guys who could pretty much you know, even David Fincher Can't you know, and he's David freakin Fincher. Yeah, you know, I had Jim rules on and we were talking about fight club and the battles that they have with Fight Club and, and all that stuff, not him and Fincher, but the studio's a very similar thing. And I can imagine they just didn't get it like it. Same thing with Beetlejuice. They just didn't get it. And it's now become a masterpiece. It's considered a masterpiece. So I'm with them. So you also worked a bit in TV with tails in the crypt? How does your work differ when you're writing for television? versus writing for feature films?

Larry Wilson 38:17
Well, you know, Tales from the Crypt, which I understand is being revived was like, just one of the great anthology Shows of All Times, oh, yeah, I feel very blessed. I wrote six episodes, I wrote and directed an episode of First directing gig that I'm still remain really proud of. And it was it was like, just one of the best run shows imaginable. It was and the show runners name was Gil Adler. And he I got to know Gil, personally, after the crypt was kind of winding down. And he was two different people. He could be very, he was a very nice man actually. Sure, still is very nice, man. I'm seeing him in a while. Offset, but onset and during the making of that show. He could be really intimidating if he chose to be. And I always considered it. You know, it spoke well of me that I got invited back every season of the show to do an episode. But the thing about it was I mean, I'll just start right at the beginning that scripts had to be 21 pages. They could not be 22 pages, they could not be 20 pages, they had to be 21 pages. So you had to really learn to write that succinctly. And and if I did it my sin probably every season was that my first script first draft would be you know, too long by a couple of pages. And I would say to Gil, well, can I have an x page and always be no 21 days? You know, I mean, which is an You know, there's this whole flash story movement that you may be aware of, you know, where you write, like 100 word story and, or a 1500 word story. I love that. And it seems,

Alex Ferrari 40:13
can you tell me a little bit more? I don't know about that. Can you tell me a bit about that?

Larry Wilson 40:16
There? There's a literary movement out there, I guess you'd call it called a flash writing. And it's the idea of writing a short story with a very specific number of words that you have to tell your story. I came across this. There's a horror writer named David Lake who published an anthology book of 100 word, stories. And I and I read a few of them. And I went, Wow, this is so cool. It's because it's such a great piece of discipline. And then I started to explore it. And it's actually like, it's it's like a literary movement, you know, and I mean, and there's, there's Twitter stories where you have to write a story with how African how many characters you have with your Twitter feed 140 characters? Yeah, there's, you know, there's, there's, there's 100 word story, there's 1500 word story. And it's just the idea how much can you convey? And how good of a story can you tell with this very, you know, within this very limited frame of just a certain number of words. And I sat down after reading a few of the 100 word stories, and wrote my own 100 word horde. Sorry, I went, Oh, wow, you know, it actually, because it was, you know, it was probably like, 150 words, when I finished the first draft, and then, you know, cut it out, cut it out, cut it out, cut, I kept, kept cutting knows exactly 100 words. And it was amazing to see. And I'm sure you can relate to this as a filmmaker, about how much you can cut and how many things that may seem precious to you cut them away, and you can still convey the essence of the story. And that was very true on Tales from the Crypt. Like I said, we had 21 pages that tell a story, and everyone was a miniature movie, there were no repeating characters, there was no you know, everyone was very different from the next and it was an incredible bit of writing discipline. For me, it was, it was incredible to have to tell the best story possible. And within that limited frame of you know what, I guess that would be 21 minutes, you know, give or take. And, and that was you know, I've never done a series television I, because I think I think too much beginning middles and ends. That's not a bad thing. But that's the way my brain works. But, but I guarantee that one of the disciplines of TV even in this, you know, this great era, we're in now, you know, where you can do, you know, like, like, the Breaking Bad, you know, four seasons, all that, but the essence is still economy, I think television.

Alex Ferrari 42:50
It's a great discipline concept of flash writing. It's a great discipline for writers, any writers listening out there, try to do that, because it's wonderful.

Larry Wilson 42:59
Yeah, that Yeah, Alex, it is. And it's something that that I just really came across a very short time ago. And I love it. And I know we're going to get around to talking about some of the workshops. But it's something I'm going to utilize within within those workshops. Because I just think it's, it's an incredible it. It's like the perfect discipline for a screenwriter who's taking a day off from screenwriting, but still wants to get their you know, their writing muscles. Exercise that day, that this idea of, of 100 word short story, because it's a very cinematic way to tell a story, you have to do it with very key images, and just those moments that really can convey what you try to convey.

Alex Ferrari 43:46
I mean, it's basically a workout for your your writing muscle, it really is because you have to do it within this framework. And it's a great discipline to carry on with all your writing. Yeah. So it doesn't get to you because sometimes writing gets away from you.

Larry Wilson 44:02
Yes. Yeah. And, and my first drafts are always over alarm. And then they go into the digital drawer now for a while and I go back to them. And I always realized that in your first draft a lot of white why there, you know, my drafts are probably like 20 pages too long, is I'm still explaining the story to myself in that draft, you know, and, and then it and you'll cut things away that you will think, Oh, I can't lose that. But then you you, you lose it. And most often you don't miss it. And of course if you know that's the miracle of the computer, you can you can, you can cut it then you can undo the cut and put it back but I know I like to be relentless with my first draft after I've written it and put it away for a few weeks and just cut it to death and see where it stands

Alex Ferrari 44:56
now and you're talking about tails with a Crip to actually bring it back and marry me He's in stories. We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show. Did you hear that?

Larry Wilson 45:14
Oh, no, I hadn't heard about that one. I forget who it is, is bringing his bringing Tales from the Crypt back. I should probably go knock on their door.

Alex Ferrari 45:21
You should. You absolutely should. Yeah. But amazing, amazing stories was one of those shows from the 80s to I mean, I think there's a lot of anthology, that analogy is starting to be a little bit in vogue now. And they're starting to bring them all back.

Larry Wilson 45:32
So glad it's great. Yeah. And it's, it's and the right the right show, a show that was run as well as the tales from the crypt was run it was it was a chance to write a movie in miniature. And also be you know, I always said, you know, it was my chance to be sort of like a you know, like, like, if I had a heavy metal a static in me that was the corrupt, you know, I could be dark and disturbing and spew a lot of venom. It's just awesome.

Alex Ferrari 46:06
Yeah, you get, you get to play in a place that you might not want to invest in the entire feature film, or try to get a feature film off the ground. But for a 21 minute piece, like, you know, I really have always wanted to play with this idea. So let me just throw it into this short and it's based is basically a short. And I think in today's world, that's why anthologies are starting to come back. Because the attention span for a lot of younger generation is it works as an anthology, as opposed to the longer formats as well, but I was gonna ask you something. What are your tips? Do you have any tips that you can share about writing horror and fantasy since you've done it so often in your life?

Larry Wilson 46:41
Yeah, I, I think so. And, and the big tip about it is look, horror, horror, particularly fat, you know, but we all now can go to a, you know, a multiplex fantasy movie, or a multiplex comic book movie, which is essentially, you know, it's a fantasy movie. And you see the trailers preceding the movie, and they and they all they all bleed into where they feel like, it's the same movie, you know, like, you see six versions of the same movie in the trailers, and then you see the movie, and it's the same movie. So and, and, and, but horror, particularly, it runs in cycles, someone will do, you know, something like paranormal activities, you know, that is sort of this groundbreaking film in terms of, you know, how we shot the budget, what we shot out, and all of that, and then it will be heavily ripped off in and, you know, and and beaten to death? And yes, and, and, and, and so how do you how do you be original, within the context of shock? Or are, in a sense, they are based on repetition, there's only so many ways to scare people. And the thing that I try to teach people and say to people about it, is you need to be personal, you need to really, I think that really be scary, you need to go inside yourself and find that piece of darkness that and I don't consider myself a dark person, by any means, you know, I consider horror a nice place to visit, I wouldn't want to live there. You know, in my life, obviously, but, but you got to kind of go inside and find that thing that just scares you to death scares you to death. And start there. And that's where you're going to find a voice and and, and that's where you're going to find originality, by bit by by taking a genre that too often, again, once at once a you know, whatever the horror movie does your is it will be ripped off endlessly in usually, you know, a rapidly declining way. But if you can be person on and if you can just really, really look inside yourself and say, What's my darkest impulse? Or what is the thing that scares me to death and start there, then you have something to build on? And then you have something that that that has a chance of, of having some originality?

Alex Ferrari 49:20
And yeah, that's a very, very good point. And,

Larry Wilson 49:24
you know, and just quickly to go back to Tales from the prep. You know, they were all based on these 1950s horror comic stories, you kind of took the premise of the story, they wrote something new around it, but I can look at all of my episodes now without going into you know, the family psychodrama or any of that I can see exactly where they came from, and feel myself within them, even though they were based on on another story and, you know, a comic book story and of course, you know, it was, you know, an anthology of I forget how many Episodes preseason. But I can look at all those episodes and see some of my worst fears and some of my impulses, I guess you'd say within those stories. And I'm proud of that.

Alex Ferrari 50:12
Now, can you and I think this is a really important point to kind of stress to the audience. Can you agree with me that all good art and specifically art in the scope that we're talking about, which is filmmaking, and screenwriting, the audience is really connect with truth of some sort, whether that be the truth of you, like you just said, it scares the hell out of me go scare the hell out of me. So I'm going to make paranormal activity. And there's that, that, that ends the essence of truth from the filmmaker themselves, or from the writer themselves. That and that's what people connect to do, or, or some sort of truth within the zeitgeist of the world. But truth is what we look for. Do you agree in that sense?

Larry Wilson 50:56
I completely agree. And it's, I suppose it could be very, very easy to be cynical about how much truth there is, in you know, the Hollywood blockbuster, the, you know, that 200 $300 million movie, but the ones that that really work. And that really, I think, step out of the pack, they do speak to they speak a truth and and a truth that that just that just grabs you by the throat and you want to go back to it and you can go to something Yeah, we can talk about the scared that scary, dark truth. But Harry Potter is full of truth. And truth. And and at that. I mean, I speak to a worldwide audience and particularly a young audience in a very profound way. And and, and I think if you go back and read the first book, you and you understand that, that came from a very personal space, and and

Alex Ferrari 52:05
she was on welfare is sitting in the back of a car. So we're writing it, exactly. You

Larry Wilson 52:09
know, and, and it is, and it's, you know, it, that that truth is within that story, and, and, and those aspirations of breaking out of that, that cycle of, you know, despair and poverty and in and all of that, and, and, you know, what, if you if you're going to, if you're going to do this gig is screenwriters, yet you better have something to say, and people, you know, yeah, you, you'll get going back to the development part of it, you'll have people who will try to beat that truth out of it sometimes. And that's when you went when you really have to put down your foot and say, No, that and that's what I was talking about this join the essence of it, you just really summed it up better than I did, Alex if that if they're destroying the truth of it. And I've always written, you know, I didn't know I had a theme, until I had enough work where I could say, oh, my work has a theme for the most part. And for me, it's about you know, families that have fallen apart who are brought back together in some very bizarre way. And, and, and that that comes from, from from a place within me and it's something that when I when I start thinking story, it's sort of naturally where I go and and I, I feel sorry for young writers out there who are just trying to emulate Yes, Art Night or whatever, you know, whatever it is that they've watched it so many times that they think they can write that without having their own that without having their own truth within them, you know?

Alex Ferrari 53:42
Well, that's the thing that I've said this many times on this show is that you know, when you try to emulate as a director or a screenwriter, like I'm gonna be the next Quint Tarantino like we don't need another kwinter do. We've got a Quint guarantee? And I guarantee you Quinton does it much better than you'll ever do it. Yeah, you know, and it's a be original.

Larry Wilson 54:00
Yeah, you know, you're talking about James Cameron earlier. Yeah. And my last development job was I was I was working for Walter Hill. And I was tasked with the job of finding a writer for the alien sequel, which of course became aliens. And I met Jim Cameron at my office and that was right after Terminator so he was yeah and and I don't even think as I as I remembered at least I don't think Terminator have even been released yet. But I got a hold of the script. And this was not some brilliant call on my part because if you read the script Terminator at that point, and you couldn't see that this guy was going to become the Jim Cameron you you didn't deserve the job that I and and and you know, he came and met me in my office and at that time, this will put this back into the 80s he was he was working on a movie called New Year's Eve 1999 My anybody all this brilliant conceptual art and, and, and talked about it so passionately and I'd read Terminator and I went to Walter Hill and I said, Okay, I found our writer. And of course, Jim became the writer and director. And I went through a lot of development meetings at Fox with in the room with Jim and some studio executives over there. And yeah, you talk about a guy who knew what he wanted to do and knew how he wanted to do it, and knew how to say no, and that was James Cameron. And I and I, I, in terms of my development, life, that's my proudest achievement was was connecting Jains to the a, you know, the alien sequence in the early stages.

Alex Ferrari 55:42
And that's still arguably my favorite, I think of the alien of the Alien movies. And it's just I mean, and we could talk for hours just on James, but it's pretty remarkable that you know, I personally don't think he's made a bad movie in his career other than maybe Parana the spawning, but

Larry Wilson 56:02
that's what I had to show people to begin.

Alex Ferrari 56:06
There was no Terminator yet.

Larry Wilson 56:08
There wasn't a terminator. I have prorata

Alex Ferrari 56:11
Roger Corvis

Larry Wilson 56:13
the next big deal here look at Parana.

Alex Ferrari 56:18
No, no, no, no Purana to the spot, not even the original Parana.

Larry Wilson 56:23
But you know, but But again, if you if you if you read Terminator, and you met him, oh boy, you just you had to know, you know, right,

Alex Ferrari 56:31
exactly. So no, I hear that you're giving workshops now on screenwriting. Can you tell us a little bit about the kind of workshops you're given?

Larry Wilson 56:39
Yeah, well, I'm, I'm, I, I've taught for over 25 years, I'm gonna I'm going to say something that's going to come off a bit snotty, maybe Alex? Oh, but but maybe what separates me out from a lot of screenwriting teachers out there is, is that I'm still a working screenwriter. And, and and that I you know, I've been in the trenches for all these years. And I have had experiences on both sides of the desk. I've been a studio executive, I've been a screenwriter dealing with studio executives. And I've done all my teaching. Well, not all of my teaching by any means, but a majority of my teaching at UCLA Extension. And I taught a class at UCLA Extension, a couple of semesters ago, a few semesters ago. And I just kind of realized that I wanted to step out of that curriculum, and do it on my own. And so I have started in and here's the website, everyone, Larry Wilson, screenwriting workshop. And the first two workshops I'm going to do are horror and fantasy writing. They're called the methods of madness. They're at Larry Wilson screenwriting workshop, right now, they're going to happen in LA, April, eighth, and ninth, I believe, and then another weekend in April, if you go on the website, you can check them out. And I definitely my career has, has, in terms of my work has been primarily in the Dark Comedy, Horror, fantasy world. And I'm going to get and I'm going to do my first two weekend workshops on on horror and fantasy writing. And, and, and then but I'm also going to be consulting with, you know, I just, I think, because of just this sort of this life of experience I've had now you know, it's like very weird to wake up and you've been doing something for 30 years and, and the fact that I have, I've kind of done in a lot of different ways, I just think I I have a unique enough perspective and, and a fresh enough preset perspective to bring something to aspiring writers in terms of consultations, or in terms of my workshops, and all of that, that that I and I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't think I could, you know, it's a matter of the truth again, because you don't get rich teaching at UCLA Extension. And there have been a lot of years I've taught there I didn't even the the money was wasn't an issue whatsoever, you know, I mean, but I've just always loved teaching and and I've loved exploring, you know, moving writers, you know, and it's that when you find that writer in your classroom, or you where you go, wow, this person can actually do this. That's just that's just a brilliant moment. And so there's a truth to my teaching to and a passion to really help people you know, get their script get their script finished for one thing. Oh, my gosh, you know, this

Alex Ferrari 59:47
Yes. The the screenwriter has been working on the screenplay for seven years. That guy that yeah,

Larry Wilson 59:52
that thing that I always say to people and I make up the number in the beginning just as sort of what I think fits the room. I sometimes say 98% of you are going to fail. When I say that you'll fail because you'll never finish your script. Right. And, and, and that's, that's a sad truth that that I've, I've confronted many, many times in my teaching career. And and I'm, oh my god, please God shoot me if I say I'm motivational. But

Alex Ferrari 1:00:28
I'll just call you Tony Robbins. Yeah.

Larry Wilson 1:00:33
But But I do I, because, you know, look, I went through a very severe case of writer's block, I had, I had a, like I say, a door to walk through the to become a studio executive as is that to do that that job for a few years to realize I wanted to write again, but I understand the fears of it you know, and and and for me, it was I barely had a high school education and I thought being a writer was you had to, you know, gone to college and get a degree all this stuff's its course absolute nonsense. And, and I and I think so I think I'm gonna be good for the writers who want to work with me in terms of that just getting your script finished. Oh, my gosh, finish already. And so, you know, the horn fantasy workshops will be based on sort of a wealth of experience and a love for the genres, and a passion for the genres. I you know, it's, I can geek out on them. But also, you know, the, the practical side of it. And yes, a motivational side of it. Finish your script. Yes. Yes,

Alex Ferrari 1:01:36
exactly. Now, um, and I'll put all that information in the show notes for everybody listening. So you can go right there and get links to everything. Awesome. Thank you. Now, what advice would you give a screenwriter just starting out besides finish your script?

Larry Wilson 1:01:53
Yeah. Besides, which is like the I've given away my work. That's it. That that's, that's, that is the biggest one. But, of course, the thing that has changed so dramatically since you were working in a video store, and I was, you know,

Alex Ferrari 1:02:13
screenwriting Beetlejuice,

Larry Wilson 1:02:14
right, where is DIY? Yeah, and I know, and, and I love your site.

Alex Ferrari 1:02:22
Thank you, I

Larry Wilson 1:02:22
love the resources that you bring to people. Because there, it used to be very, very, very hard to get a movie made. If only because film stock was so expensive. Just that alone. And the cameras. Yeah, and yes, and, and, and, and, and the rentals and all the lights and the you know, and if there's and now, to state the obvious that no longer is the case. And I am going to be doing a lot of DIY preaching within my workshops, too. And particularly, I heard a I'm gonna forget the filmmakers. name now, but he's making really kind of, you know, balls to the wall. Pretty good horror movies for like, $5,000 that he's crowdfunding and right. And that that story's out there in lots of different places now. And he said something I thought was so smart. He said, I think that that for the budgets I work on and the limitations I'm work on, you can do a good drama, right? You can do a Okaya a good drama, you can do good horror movie.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:37
I mean, you absolutely can. Absolutely.

Larry Wilson 1:03:42
And so there's there's no excuse left. If you really, if you really want to do this, and you and you really want to make something. There's no excuse left. You could do it for $5,000 I know you had I forget I'm sorry. I'm forgetting his name right now. You had a conversation on your podcast. Uh, just maybe it's the most recent one was someone who made a movie for $500?

Alex Ferrari 1:04:09
Yeah, I had a couple of them for 500. I had a Josh Caldwell who did his feature film for 6000, which was all at night in LA. You know, it's there's there's absolutely no excuse. And and I just did my movie. This is mag for humble budget under 25 million. As soon as my audits done, I released the budget, but

Larry Wilson 1:04:33
under 25 million, right under 25

Alex Ferrari 1:04:34
million for sure. But there's no excuse and my audience is I've heard they're exhausted with me telling them this. But I'm glad that you're someone like you of your caliber is saying the exact same thing. And as a screenwriter, I think Do you agree that at this point in the game as a screenwriter, a young screenwriter starting out instead of trying to I mean, there are the you could obviously submit you could obviously try to get into the studio system, but that is a much more competitive world than writing Doing your own stuff, teaming up with the director or production, you know, to do a small $5,000 movie, or do it yourself, literally just go out and shoot it yourself and find people that can support you. Especially if you live in LA for God's sakes. But but you can do it anywhere in the country or anywhere in the world, for that matter. Would you agree with it?

Larry Wilson 1:05:18
I totally agree with it. And you know, that this, this, these workshops, the LA workshops, sign up now kids, because they may be the last ones I do in the US for a while because I'm, I'm my, my lovely new wife of about eight months now.

Alex Ferrari 1:05:39

Larry Wilson 1:05:41
we're moving to the Netherlands over the summer,

Alex Ferrari 1:05:44
are you That's awesome. Yeah,

Larry Wilson 1:05:46
we're moving to Amsterdam, or Rotterdam, and for good, or just for the summer go out for four days, who knows? You know, we'll see what life brings. But we're, it feels like it's going to be for good, whatever for good means, right. But I'm hoping to be speaking to an international audience very soon. And you can do it anywhere in the world. And, and it's, and I sort of, to think that, you know, that, that, that maybe as a young writer, you can have a two prong approach have that project that you know, your your, your big studio movie, and, and, and, and, and, and write that spec script that is the one that you hope you'll sell, you know, that million dollars sale, and and you know, it can be that big budget movie, but never let go of this really compelling fact that if that isn't happening, or that script gets stuck somewhere that you can turn around and you can do a movie, you can borrow the money from your parents. If you're,

Alex Ferrari 1:06:54
I mean, it's fine. I mean, 1000 bucks, 2000 bucks, 5000 bucks,

Larry Wilson 1:06:59
you know, right? Yeah. But, and it's Oh, my God, the sense of liberation and relief in that is so huge. I, you know, I've because I've going there myself and starting to do some DIY work because I just because I get I get very bored with by how long it takes to get something. Uh huh. The studio. And I, you know, and I'm writing screenplays, and there is no more useless document than a screenplay. That's unproduced or stop, right. So I it's something that that I'm exploring for myself at this point. And it's just a great sense of freedom and liberation and fun. I'm gonna

Alex Ferrari 1:07:49
tell you, when I made my I just finished my first feature. And with that same, that same spirit, and it is the most fun production I've ever been on, and I've done a ton of stuff in my career as a director, but it was so freeing, I answered to no one, you know, for better or worse, people like it or don't like it, it's on me. You know, and it's wonderful though. It was the most freeing creative experience of my life. And now I'm addicted to it.

Larry Wilson 1:08:12
Yeah, yeah. Alex, I hear you and and me too, and it's that my workshop students are going to get an earful about DIY because I just think it's, it's it's a it's a brand new it's a brand new era of of filmmaking and, and, and it it's probably the best thing that's happened to movies in decades.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:40
Yeah, absolutely. Now, I'm going to ask you three questions. I asked all of my guests Yes. What is the lesson that took you the longest to learn whether in the film business or in life

Larry Wilson 1:08:52
not to get my feelings hurt?

Alex Ferrari 1:08:54
Oh, good enough answer.

Larry Wilson 1:08:58
Because I probably if you're a writer, if you're an artist, you have a certain amount of sensitivity and working DIY or working in Hollywood is not for the faint of heart skinned and I had to develop a thicker skin and and not get my feelings hurt and not realize it's all personal. I did I did a Screen Junkies interview recently.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:34
I love by the way love Screen Junkies absolutely love what they do.

Larry Wilson 1:09:37
It's pretty cool and very short story, I promise. And you know, and it was it was about the Addams Family and and Spencer, the host asked it, you know, because there were Twitter questions coming in? Well, it had Addams Family values, the sequel. What do you think of it? And I said this Answer honestly I never saw oh really I wasn't asked back you know IV for a lot of reasons but IV that's that's the skin dude

Alex Ferrari 1:10:12
yeah that's yeah

Larry Wilson 1:10:14
yeah i did it i And and so not getting my feelings hurt that's that's the answer to that question and and and realizing that that that these things are very seldom personal notes or rebellions on the SAT and all of that they can they can be personal I guess but I just I just at this point I just I'm kind of able to laugh about it

Alex Ferrari 1:10:38
that does take time to to build up that skin yeah it does it's taken me a few years so what are three of your favorite films of all time?

Larry Wilson 1:10:47
Can it Can I can I can I start with like my favorite film of all times by absolute feature film and that is animated in some way animated in the sense of brought life to all of my work and it's the Bride of Frankenstein.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:00
Ah such a great movie. Oh

Larry Wilson 1:11:01
my god you know it's the 1936 sequel to Frankenstein it is I had the great joy of seeing it on a on a big screen a couple years ago. If you haven't seen it it is it is both a dark fairy tale a Christ parable a horror movie over the top melodrama and that that film I love and an M just remain absolutely absolutely passionate about a film that that so that that's that's probably number one and I think that that Silence of the Lambs had a huge impact on us such an amazing movie yeah and and I was in my lap I was in my last days as a script reader which I was for many years I was also a story analysts a union story analysts I work at every studio in town and one of my last days as a story analyst I read the the galleys to the book Silence of the Lambs and and and and it was I actually wrote in you know, the comments of my coverage. I said if done right, this can win an Academy Award. And I'm very

Alex Ferrari 1:12:30
you called it Yeah, I

Larry Wilson 1:12:32
call and I just think I just think it's it's the most extraordinary it's it's is it a thriller? Is it a horror movie? Is it a police procedural? Or is it a philosophical statement? I think it's all of those things. Yeah, that's right. A Frankenstein. Silence of the Lambs. And I want to think of something recently that I saw that just really you know, because because I could go on and share Sure. Androids about foreign films indie film studio films, I've Ababa, but I but I think just bring it back to horror the movie that really just in the last few years just really, really just I fell in love with it was Baba Duque haven't heard that one. Oh, it's an Australian horror movie, made, written and directed. For a very low budget by it. I'm going to forget her name now. I'm a woman, writer, director in Australia. And it is a incredibly compelling dark horror movie about a mother and a son. And written from such a personal space. And again, I don't know the woman's history, but there's there's so much truth within that movie. So I'll just stop there for now.

Alex Ferrari 1:13:57
Okay, that's three. That's good. Three. That's a good three. Now, where can people find you online?

Larry Wilson 1:14:04
Larry Wilson, screenwriting workshop. Ah, please go there. Check it out. And I hope to meet you in my seminars. And and then draw door is my Twitter feed and I'm climbing back on Twitter today. i The the website for the workshop has just gone up in a new incarnation. I'm going back on Twitter today. I'd love to hear from anyone. And that and Larry Wilson writing workshop. Go there and dotcom.com.com Excuse me, yeah, and draw door on Twitter. And I will be there and I love to meet everyone. You know,

Alex Ferrari 1:14:45
Larry, thank you so so much for being on the show. It's been an absolute pleasure talking to you.

Larry Wilson 1:14:50
Oh, well. Thank you so much, Alex. It's been great. Thank you.

Alex Ferrari 1:14:54
I told you that Larry to be dropping some major knowledge bombs on this episode and I had a ball Talking to Larry he's, he's just awesome. It's awesome to talk to someone of his caliber who's written some iconic, iconic movies in Hollywood working within the Hollywood system and and still giving back with his with his workshops and trying to teach the next generation. Now if you want links to anything we discussed in this episode, just head over to indie film hustle.com forward slash BPS 017 for the show notes. And don't forget to head over to free film book.com That's free film book.com to download your FREE screenwriting audio book from Audible. Thanks for listening guys. And as always, keep on writing no matter what. I'll talk to you soon.

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BPS 006: How a Screenwriter Becomes a First Time Director with Kelly Fremon Craig

I’m asked all the time

“How does a screenwriter get the opportunity to direct one of their screenplays?”

That is the question. In Hollywood, more times than not, writers don’t have the power or ability to direct their own material. It took a few screenplays before Quentin Tarantino got the shot with Reservoir Dogs. Today’s guest is writer/director Kelly Fremon Craig. She got her shot to director her own screenplay on the 2016 critical darling The Edge of Seventeen starring Hailee Steinfeld, Woody Harrelson, and Kyra Sedgwick. Check out the trailer below.

Kelly’s adventures through Hollyweird are inspiring to say the least. Enjoy my conversation with Kelly Fremon Craig.

Right-click here to download the MP3



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Alex Ferrari 0:00
I'd like to welcome to the show Kelly Freeman. Craig, thank you so much, Kelly, for being on the show.

Kelly Fremon Craig 3:04
Oh, thank you so much for having me.

Alex Ferrari 3:06
I'm a big fan. I loved your movie edge of 17. It's it hark back to my well, basically our time growing up in the with John Hughes films.

Kelly Fremon Craig 3:18
Yes. Oh, man. Thank you. That's such a great compliment. Because yeah, I grew up on those films. And, and it Yeah, I feel like they were especially that age. Like they're so formative, you know, he would get that feeling.

Alex Ferrari 3:34
Yes, he had he had his hand on the pulse at me.

Kelly Fremon Craig 3:36
Yeah, he totally did. He got out. Like, I think like, the thing that was amazing is he got how layered it is, you know, and messy and complicated. And, you know, he always pulled that off, which was just, which was just cool.

Alex Ferrari 3:52
So, so let's get started. First of all, how did you get into this crazy business?

Kelly Fremon Craig 3:58
I a man in college, I was, you know, I was I was an English major. And I was writing a bunch, but I didn't really know. I didn't know what I would do with it. Exactly. Um, and then I did my first internship when I was a senior in college at a at a film production company, and read my first screenplay and just kind of fell in love with with the medium. Luckily, the first screenplay that I read was was something really good. And so it just made me it made me want to try it at the time I was doing like I was, um, I was doing, like spoken word poetry, like slam poetry,

Alex Ferrari 4:41
slam poetry, that must have been that must have been a dark time.

Kelly Fremon Craig 4:46
That's like a college thing to do. Or, like, go to like, little underground coffee shops, you know, a moat, you know?

Alex Ferrari 4:54
Did people snap instead of clap?

Kelly Fremon Craig 5:00
It was we took ourselves very seriously very soon

Alex Ferrari 5:03
as you do in college.

Kelly Fremon Craig 5:06
Yeah. So, um, so anyway, so I was writing, I was writing those like little characters that were they were basically like monologues, I guess I was writing different in different voices essentially. And then when I read my first script, I was like, Oh, this is you can make all these different voices talk and things happen. And there was something exciting about that. And at that time, I just started to watch movies that I felt like, were about me at that age, like I had, for the first time discovered swingers. And that was actually one of the films that really made me like, Go, man, this can be about like me and my friends and my life, you know, movies about that. And so it made me want to just start to try to, you know, try to write something. So, so yeah, so I started and, and then moved up to LA and, you know, was like temping, and a receptionist and an assistant and that sort of thing and writing at night and then finished my first script a few years later, and, and then ended up selling that and that was probably in 2004 or five is that is that postgrad? Yes, yeah,

Alex Ferrari 6:23
how was what was your experience as a as a, as a first time basically produced writer working on a fairly decent sized budget? Film, and like, that whole experience?

Kelly Fremon Craig 6:35
It was, it was, it was wild, it was crazy. Because Because on the one hand, you're just, you're so excited that like, someone is gonna make your film like, this is gonna happen, you know, right. And then and then just sort of like the, just the excitement of all that was an incredible high, but then when you actually get into it, and you realize that, um, that, you know, you write this thing, but it's really kind of a template, and then it's, it sort of grows legs and runs away. And it's not really yours anymore, you know, um, so. And that that part, that part of it was hard. It was hard to go and like, and sit down in the theater for the first time and see it and feel like whoa, oh, my God. This is, this is so

Alex Ferrari 7:26
not what you wrote.

Kelly Fremon Craig 7:28
Not what I Yeah, exactly. Right.

Alex Ferrari 7:31
Isn't that the the the trials and tribulations of every writer in Hollywood?

Kelly Fremon Craig 7:37
Exactly. And so, but I think like, you know, you sort of at least starting out, you don't think it will happen to you?

Alex Ferrari 7:46
Like, oh, yeah, oh, no, I'm good. I won't fall into that trap. I know, the traps there. I won't fall into it.

Kelly Fremon Craig 7:52
Exactly. Yeah. And then all of a sudden, you're there and you're like, holy shit, it's there. Everyone's right. And that's what happens. So anyway, so, um, so. But, you know, that was a painful experience. But the good part of it, the thing I think that that was, that was positive that came out of it was it just number one, thicken my skin, which I feel like you have to, you have to be really tough to just survive this business anyway. So I think you need that. And I did not have that coming in. Um, I was just sort of starry eyed and like, Oh, my God, script like, you know, CZ, you know, um, but that yeah, that was that was a very quickly replaced by, you know, citizens. But anyway, yeah, so it was, the good part about it was, it's, um, it happened to me, but it also just made me you know, want to direct which I, which I don't know, that I would have really tried to do had I not had that experience. So for that I'm thankful for it.

Alex Ferrari 8:57
So then how did how did that experience help you get edge off edge of 17 off the ground? And how did it come together? And in general,

Kelly Fremon Craig 9:07
um, I don't know that they were related at all. I really kind of like once it was done. I was, I was, once postgrad was done. I really, I mean, I really had a moment where I was like, I think I'm done. I think I'm just done with this whole deal. I think I just need to move out of the state. I just need something different because I I just I thought, Man, this is not not what I wouldn't what I had, thought it was gonna be like, and then and then I sort of had a moment where God bless my manager, he was he at the time just was like, oh, you know, write something that you want to write. And, and just, you know, don't think about anybody else. Don't just write something for you. Because at the time, I was also doing rewrites and studio work and stuff like that, which is, you know, when you're sort of a hired gun like that, it's a different deal. You're writing. You're You're, you're an auto, you're more of an auto mechanic. You're just sort of trying to help somebody else fix something that they're, you know, that they're working on. And

Alex Ferrari 10:05
that's, and that's, and that's something I wanted to talk about real quick that a lot of a lot of filmmakers and screenwriters listening, kind of don't get sometimes, like, you know, they just see like five years in between movies, and they're like, how are they surviving? And how do you survive?

Kelly Fremon Craig 10:22
That's the thing, you know, you're doing a lot of things that, first of all, so few movies actually get made. So you're writing a lot of things, but that never get may never see the light of day. It's amazing how many things you know how small the percentages that actually gets through feel, honestly, like somebody said, like, it's actually a small miracle to get a film made. And I think that's true. It's a it's really, it's a it's a feat. So there are so many ways. So there was a lot of time in there, were just sort of writing for a doing those type of things. And then there and then there was sort of the moment where I kind of stopped everything and went, alright, let me just go and write something I really care about and just write it for me. And then that was, that was that was just 17.

Alex Ferrari 11:09
And then how did it come together? How did you get hooked up with that little producers? Names Jamie?

Kelly Fremon Craig 11:15
Has anyone heard of them? But

Alex Ferrari 11:19
ah, James Elbert James L. Brooks, for everyone listening?

Kelly Fremon Craig 11:23
Yes. Yeah. You know, um, so I had, he was used just like the guy that I, there's really, and there still is nobody that I admire more than the business like he's so his films are. So I think on so many occasions, he's made literally perfect films. And so I just had always worshipped Him. And when when I wrote this, we decided to take a shot and send it to him, even though it was like, it was, you know, everybody prefaced it with, this is never going to happen. Like just just so you know, like, it's not going to happen, but we'll try. So I was like, I was braced for like, absolutely no way in hell. And then, and then all sudden, I heard Wait a minute, he read it, and he likes it, and he wants to sit down with you. And then I was like, I can't like the week in between hearing that and sitting down with him. I like, I can't even describe to you all, like, I see that I had. No, I'm sure.

Alex Ferrari 12:30
I mean,

Kelly Fremon Craig 12:31
just like your stomach and knots and like rehearsing every last thing I was gonna possibly say. And then and then I sat down with him. And, and I also in my mind had decided that, you know, I really wanted to direct it, I really want to hold on to it. And I had decided that at some, some point down the line once I had, hopefully, you know, buttered him up. It convinced him that, that I that I should do it. Um, but it turned out that in that first meeting, when we sat down, he said, I think I think you know, I think the voice is really specific to you. So I really think you're the right person to direct it.

Alex Ferrari 13:11

Kelly Fremon Craig 13:12
I mean, I, I can't, I wish I really wish like, I had like a video of that whole reading the absolute utter shock on my face. So, um, so anyway, yeah. So I and then it ended up that we, you know, he helped us out. And we went and made it a few years later.

Alex Ferrari 13:35
So yeah, I wanted to ask you, because a lot of films, a lot of screenwriters kind of don't understand the business side of it, in the sense of from the first draft, to first day of shooting, how many years was that?

Kelly Fremon Craig 13:46
That was four years.

Alex Ferrari 13:49
So I preach a lot of the grind, and the hustle that you have to do and, and you have to show up every day, and you have to keep pushing every day.

Kelly Fremon Craig 14:01
Amen. Because you know what? The thing is, like, I think it's very easy when you see something on the internet, or something. You think a person is just like, you think it's just happened overnight? Like it seems like it's just like, Oh, it's just happened. But yeah, you don't see the, like years and years and years of work to get it there and the and the amount of nose that you have to turn into yeses. And you know what I mean, there's there's a whole big mountain to climb to get there. You know, it's, it's fascinating. Most of it, yeah, most of the job. It's fascinating

Alex Ferrari 14:36
that a movie like just 17 could get made, just in general because, you know, in today's world of, of, you know, multi blockbusters that a studio could get behind if a film like that is awesome, but yet also that hope, that hope development stage. How many projects I'm sure have you've heard about from other people or have been involved with that book. through that development stage, and just die, like five years in, they're like, oh, there's a change in the studio or all. It just goes away. And then you're just heartbroken.

Kelly Fremon Craig 15:09
Yeah, I mean, that's the thing. I think it's, it's so many different things have to line up for it to work. And, and it's also, you know, I think you have to you have to care about the film that you're making so much that you are able to withstand the, the, the slog of it, you know,

Alex Ferrari 15:39
the brutality, the brutality.

Kelly Fremon Craig 15:40
Yeah, exactly. And just the, you know, I mean, also just having to live with live with it for four years, and love it still, and be passionate about it still, even after you've been so in it that you can't, you don't I mean, I mean, it's like, when you're in the editing process, like, by the time you use, you know, you get to your test audience, you've seen the movie, like 500 times, so every joke, like nothing makes you laugh, nothing makes you cry, like, there's, you don't feel a damn thing because you're just, you're desensitized, because you spent so much time with it, you know, and you somehow I think, have to be able to get through that and, and reset and reset, and constantly somehow, like fresh in yourself to experience emotionally knew over and over and over again. And that also, I think, is something people don't really talk about as part of the process. You have to like, be able to show up and feel it again and again and again. And again. You know,

Alex Ferrari 16:45
you get no till you get dull, it just nullifies your feelings towards it. Because you know, I mean, I've been editing for 20 years, and sometimes when you're on a project and you edit a feature again and again, like you forget the jokes, what made you laugh three months ago? Doesn't make you laugh now.

Kelly Fremon Craig 17:02
Now just yeah, now it just makes you want to, like, you know, pain your head against the wall. And you know that it's yeah, it's it's really, it's a Yeah, it's a part of it is really exactly what you said. It's the grind of it. It's hard.

Alex Ferrari 17:17
Yeah. Now, what was it like working closely with James Ellis Brooks? I mean, he's obviously a legend in the industry. What was it like working with a legend?

Kelly Fremon Craig 17:27
You know, what's amazing to me is that, you know, sometimes you meet your meet your heroes, you meet those legends, and you're like, Oh, he's just, you know, a mortal man. He said, Yes. But with Jim, I swear to God, it's like, the closer I got to him, the more I just was enamored and blown away by his his genius. Like, he's, he's literally, he's a genius. He's, he's also like, I've never seen anybody who has a more lightning fast mind. That's the other thing. Like he's, he is able to, he's able to articulate things so beautifully and poetically, and, and hilarious, in the most hilarious way imaginable, and off the top of his head in like, a half a second. And I don't, there's so few people on earth that can do that, you know, and you can also distill something down to its essence, in a second and a half. And he's, I mean, I just, I feel like I'm, I, it's, I only and more. They only worship and more, I'm only more in awe of him. I feel so lucky that I got to be in the presence of that, you know,

Alex Ferrari 18:48
if you had one lesson to take away from working with Jim and I call him Jim not because I know him obviously. But it from from working with Mr. Brooks, what would be that one lesson be like, Oh, my God, this is that nugget of that, that gold nugget of information that just is invaluable.

Kelly Fremon Craig 19:05
I'm a to two things actually, the first thing was, and this totally changed my life really, really, really. He said, when we first sat down, and we're starting the development process, he said, The most important thing you have to figure out is what do you what do you sing about life in this story? And I thought that was that's it's so important because there's so often you can get caught up in the mechanics of storytelling and jokes and you know, and everything, but at the end of the day, if a film needs a thesis, it needs to say something about how we live, you know, something about our experience as humans and and it's amazing, I think actually how Frequently that question is actually asked, when, you know, when when people are making a film. And I know, I don't know that I was asking myself that question before. I've worked with him. And now I've never, I never approached to a film. You know, as I'm looking at a new project and starting new things, that's always the first question on my mind to the point where I'm probably annoying everybody. Because I'm like, but what is it saying?

Alex Ferrari 20:28
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor.

And now back to the show. So what does it mean? What is the meaning of life in this store?

Kelly Fremon Craig 20:43
Exactly. I mean, that's really, but when you think about it, like, when you really think about your favorite movies, you can, you can do that you can say, it's saying this, it's a it's really about this, like, there's something that you take away. And so that was a really, that was life altering, honestly. And and then the other thing was, he really, he encouraged me to go spend some time with teenagers just research it spend time with the people because there's something about that, that. First of all, there's it, they give you little details and insights that you can't, you can't just make up. And they also it's suddenly you have a face. For you. It's it's, it's it's like you have a little constituency or something. Right? It's just a gives you a different, I don't know, a different level of mission or something. Because you're like, oh, man, but these are the people really actually living there. So how can I try to really capture that in a way that they would go? That's it. That's the line, you know,

Alex Ferrari 21:55
to honor them? Yeah, exactly. Their struggle, because it is not easy. Being a teenager is not easy. I cannot even imagine being a teenager today with us.

Kelly Fremon Craig 22:07
I've got you know, what is you know, it's so amazing to like, the other day, I'm driving along, and I was driving along with my husband and I heard a song from from the 90s When I was a teenager. And I was it just like, it did that thing where just hit me like 100 bricks. And if I was just my stomach was in knots. Like, holy, like, I was like, I was back there immediately. And I was with Whoa. I mean, it's it's it was a amazingly powerful time in life. Oh, I'm happy to be past it.

Alex Ferrari 22:45
Yeah, it's no, no, I mean, but just the brutality of social media and teenagers I cannot even imagine.

Kelly Fremon Craig 22:53
Oh, god, yeah. Now it's now it's so much. It's got to be. It's it's got to be worse. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 22:59
Oh, it's, it's without question. It's worse. We were growing up, it was just much more innocent. And then,

Kelly Fremon Craig 23:06
yeah, you will. And that's the thing. Like, you could kind of get away from it for a second. No, you're this like fishbowl at school, but then you could go home and kind of like, forget, but now it's just everybody's gonna force all the time, is doing all the time and compare yourself to it and wonder if you're, you know, how you're, you're always I think in this like, weird, like, comparison of where you are on the social spectrum and how you're doing in life. And that is absolutely, like, I think maybe the most crazy making like biggest mindfuck there is that age, you know? Right? Also, like, Who

Alex Ferrari 23:43
are you and where are you? Like, where do you rank in the social hierarchy. But as you and I both know, it means absolutely nothing. All the problems that you see in high school, in the grand scheme of things is a blip on your

Kelly Fremon Craig 23:56
Yes, exactly. Like the end of the world when you're there. Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 24:01
God Yeah, though. I didn't get I didn't get that A I didn't get that be really? Yeah.

Kelly Fremon Craig 24:06
Exactly. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 24:08
So now you worked with some fairly popular and legendary actors as well. And you were a first time director. So how was it? Like how do you direct Woody Harrelson and keep your character Cedric?

Kelly Fremon Craig 24:23
Oh, man, you know. So this is also a credit to Jim um, when we went when I was gearing up to to go into production. Jim said, okay, the thing we've got to do is we've got to go sit in the back of Larry mosses class now Larry Moss is a he's a very famous acting coach. He's He's you know, he's he's coached like Leonardo DiCaprio and he coached Helen Hunt and as good as it gets and and he puts up these these classes where essentially like actors go and they, they put up a little, they put up a scene from a movie or a play and and then he directs them and you see something, just bomb. And then you can give these adjustments where all of a sudden the scene just, like just burst to life. It's amazing. It's amazing to watch the transformation. So sitting and watching, like a master do that. And you know, and really watching him for hours, honestly, that was that gave me I had something to shoot for. I had something to go okay, that's the thing to be after. And I think and and that helped me tremendously because I think had I not had that experience. Um I think I probably would have gone into I'm going gone into the gone into production, not necessarily a little bit rudderless, not knowing what the thing to shoot for is, you know, not knowing what good directing really looks like, you know what I mean? So, so honestly, I think that that helped tremendously. I mean, no matter what, it's still Woody Harrelson. And I mean, you know, I mean, when the first time I met him, it's like, it's terrifying. What he said, you know, but he is also such a just cool, warm, wonderful person that he he helps that melt away really easily. And he's also somebody who's really committed to the work doing great work, you know, so that makes it easier because everybody's sort of wanting to do the same thing. So yeah,

Alex Ferrari 26:49
he kept he keeps kind of like he keeps the he puts the bar high.

Kelly Fremon Craig 26:53
Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Alex Ferrari 26:55
Yeah. Now, um, do you have any tips on like, how do you actually adjust? You know, a movie star, as opposed to, you know, is there a difference? Or is there are they just actors when they're on set with you? And I know, that's kind of a weird comment. But do you know what I mean? Sometimes there is that baggage of a movie star as opposed to just an actor trying to get a scene with a director? Do you talk to them beforehand, because I had another director on first time director on and he had a movie, he did a movie with John Malkovich. And he actually asked John Malkovich, how do you want to be directed? Because it's John Malkovich. I mean, seriously? Yes.

Kelly Fremon Craig 27:31
Yeah. What a great question.

Alex Ferrari 27:33
Yeah. How do you want to be directed? Because you know, I'm not gonna sit here and give you motivation. That's why I hired you. You are Woody Harrelson. So like, Are there any techniques or tips that you can kind of throw at us?

Kelly Fremon Craig 27:45
Um, you know, I Oh, I really always tried to do it as as a as playing and trying things, you know, an exploration. So my approach is, it's never like, I'm never like, you did that wrong? Can you do it this way? This is the right way. I'm, I'm everything is like, hey, let's, um, can we try one where we do blah, blah. Let's try this this time. Let's try that. Let's try. Let's try these different things. Because that to that, to me, at least, if I'm imagining myself in an actor's shoes, that's an exploration that's not, you know, you're messing up, could you do it? Could you do it right?

Alex Ferrari 28:25
Not the putting out the Kubrick way.

Kelly Fremon Craig 28:28
Which is, um, which also, by the way, you don't know, you, you you really, the other thing that I think is so important, when you're directing is like, is getting choices. And that's another thing that did, Jim drilled into me was just like, get, you know, get what you, you know, what you had in mind as a writer, but then get a lot of different iterations of it, because you, when you're in the editing room, you're gonna want to be able to move the scene along a spectrum and not just be stuck in, you know, because you have five takes that are angry, you know, what I mean? Like, if you have versions of a line, then all of a sudden, you can actually have the tools to shape a scene in the edit, you know, otherwise, you have many less tools. Um, so So that's also helpful because it just becomes the direction really just becomes about trying things, you know, and choices. And let's get one like this. And let's, you know, so we have options. And I think that also that just that eases everything off. That eases the pressure off and also gives, I think the actors permission for them to try things. That's the other thing I want that I like, I never give direction, in the beginning of a scene, like, you know, we'll go over the blocking but I tried never to, you know, I tried never to say anything, because I loved what they would come out with, you know, I loved watching Oh, that's their interpretation of that. And sometimes it's, it's much better than what I had imagined. So, um, so It's nice to just let everybody explore and play. Play.

Alex Ferrari 30:06
Yeah, we're making a movie for God's sakes. Yeah, exactly. Now how much improv was there on set?

Kelly Fremon Craig 30:12
Um, ah, it depended on the actors. Hayden Zito who plays Erwin. He's just he's such a wonderful improviser. So, and so, I mean, really, everybody was Hayley is a wonderful improviser as well and would ever really, you know, everybody on there was, but I would say probably with with Hayden, um, it was just really fun to let him riff, like, do his nervous riff, because they would just there was so endearing. But if I just let the camera roll, or I just say, okay, you know, just try try something, try something. Try whatever you want to do. Like, let's shake it up after after I had this scene, letting him kind of just play, um, really, really resulted in I think, some great little moments that are that are in the that are in the movie that wound up in the movie. You know, when he yells off the Ferris Wheel?

Alex Ferrari 31:08

Kelly Fremon Craig 31:10
Fucking right. That's important. That's him improvising. So, there's so add her laughing as hard genuinely laughing because, you know, but anyway, so that's

Alex Ferrari 31:23
the best. But that's, that's perfect. Because they're not acting anymore. They're actually Yes, exactly.

Kelly Fremon Craig 31:27
So like, so. To me, like to give everybody a lot of room to just try stuff in a play is, I found was really the best way to do it. Or for me that I found just, it allowed everybody to use their talents to the, you know, to the best of their use the best of their talents.

Alex Ferrari 31:54
Of course, now, I'm just curious, because it was about just that the word camera. What did you shoot this on? Because it looked gorgeous.

Kelly Fremon Craig 32:01
Oh, thank you. It was Alexa. That's my

Alex Ferrari 32:03
thought. It looks it looks very, very pretty. Oh, thank you know, um, do you think writing is a good doorway into getting into a directing job?

Kelly Fremon Craig 32:15
You know, I have to say, I don't know how anybody gets into directing without writing, but because that's my own process. But I, um, I absolutely think that that's a great way to get into it. Because if you write a piece of material that that people like, the great thing is that you could have let you know you have leverage because it's yours. And you know, you can more easily say well, I but I'd like to direct it. You know, and that's, you know, it's a everybody has a hard time taking on a first time director. It's nerve racking for everybody. But But I think if you if you've written the material, then you automatically have, you're automatically closer to it, you have more of an intimacy with the characters and everything else. So you can make a good argument why you're the right person to do it. You know,

Alex Ferrari 33:13
the Frank Darabont way of going about things? Yeah. Yeah, you know, I mean, I'm assuming you know, that story, right. I don't tell me this. So, obviously, you know, the Frank Darabont is and Shawshank they offered him high seven figures. Uh huh. For Shawshank as they should, because it's arguably one of the best movies ever made. And he said, Nope, I have to direct so he ended up with $250,000 for the script, and then he got to direct

Kelly Fremon Craig 33:44
and, and best best decision ever best

Alex Ferrari 33:47
that he's like, I'm gonna be a director. And this is what this is how I'm gonna roll. And God God bless him. He turned on the money, but in the long run, it was a great investment in himself. That's right. Yes, exactly. And arguably turned out one of the greatest movies ever.

Kelly Fremon Craig 34:01
Yes. Yeah. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 34:03
Now, um, what are some of your writing directing influences?

Kelly Fremon Craig 34:09
Um, Jim Brooks, obviously, Cameron Crowe, Alexander Payne. I gosh, I mean,

Alex Ferrari 34:21
I Mr. Hughes, Mr. Hughes?

Kelly Fremon Craig 34:24
Yeah, for sure. John Hughes. Yeah. Yeah, I Oh, Richard Linklater, okay, I love I love before sunset or before sunrise.

Alex Ferrari 34:38
Oh, that whole that whole that whole series is so beautiful.

Kelly Fremon Craig 34:42
Series is so good. And

Alex Ferrari 34:44
they just wrote it with Yeah, he wrote it with the actors.

Kelly Fremon Craig 34:47
I mean, it's yeah, it's amazing. It's amazing. I love I'm so I mean, there's certain filmmakers that I'm just so I'm like, so thankful for them. You know what I mean? Like, like every Film is just a gift. You know? I'm, I don't know. So, um, so yeah, those,

Alex Ferrari 35:08
those are some of the guys. Now what is the biggest lesson you took away from making edge of 17.

Kelly Fremon Craig 35:20
And it was, you know, it was there were so many because it's just it's a steep learning curve as a first time director, so just every single day you're learning something new. Um, but, um, but I think, I think ultimately that, um, you know, your, your note, the thing that I, that the gym said a lot, and that, and that always, that really stayed with me too is that, you know, when you're on set, the thing that you're, the thing that matters most is what ends up on film, you know, and because there are a lot of things, it's, it's, you know, first of all, it's a whole sort of army of people, different fires to put out and every, you know, that's just the nature of it, anytime you're going to do anything like this, that's the nature of it. But if you can just clear all of that away and silence that noise and just worry about what's on film. And, and sometimes, even if that means, you know, there are some, there were some things where, you know, we had to go 20 takes and it was, but you have to because it's you just have to, you know, oh, and when and when it's happening, it's you're sweating bullets, because you can feel everybody being like, Are you kidding me? Take 20

Alex Ferrari 36:48
out of curiosity on that that specific scenario, like what was the purpose? Were you just not getting what you wanted? Are you just exploring a lot,

Kelly Fremon Craig 36:56
uh, you know, it Well, in this particular instance, that I'm picking up, it was like, there was a whole, there was a bunch of extras there was. And it was a, it was just having to get having to get a very specific moment between the actors, and having the extras, doing the right thing at the right time, and having the camera move in the right way and captured at the right, you know, it was just a lot of moving parts. And so it just took a lot to get there.

Alex Ferrari 37:29
It was hurting, it was hurting my cats.

Kelly Fremon Craig 37:34
And so, but there are certain things where you go, but it's, but it's important, we have to do it even when, you know, even when everybody's tired. And it's you know, it's 4am and, you know, like, you just have to know that you don't want to be in the editing room later, just kicking yourself because you didn't, you didn't go one more and just get it, you know, so that that part's I think I just remembering that and somehow shutting out, you know, the noise is I think important.

Alex Ferrari 38:06
Now, what advice would you give a filmmaker who was wanting to make their first feature film?

Kelly Fremon Craig 38:13
Um, oh, man. Um, I probably pass along that Jim Brooks advice about get choices, you know. So that they have room to play in the edit. And, and also to sit down with everybody you possibly can to get advice and ask, Where are the landmines? You know, I tried to do that before I started and people, you know, I sat down with a number of directors that were just were really gracious about it. And were like, okay, you know, this, you know, this may happen, this may happen, this may happen. I suggest this. I said, like, get every bit of advice you possibly can. Um, yeah.

Alex Ferrari 38:59
People who've been down the road a bit and can warn you about the landmines.

Kelly Fremon Craig 39:03
Yeah. Because a lot of because the problem is, you know, going into going into my first thing, I knew that there were things I know, I knew, I didn't know. But the much scarier things were the things I didn't even know. You know what I mean? All I do is a big, you know, that was, there was a big section of that, you know, and so I was trying to shrink that box as much as I could before I went into it.

Alex Ferrari 39:28
Yes, yes, I know. I know that very well. Yeah. And now what is now what this is, this is my Oprah question. So prepare yourself. Okay. What is the lesson that took you the longest to learn whether in the film business or in life

Kelly Fremon Craig 39:49
I feel like I need to like lay down on the couch.

Alex Ferrari 39:52
Tell me, tell me Kelly, how were you when you were a child now?

Kelly Fremon Craig 39:57
I'm a man. Um, oh, that is? Um Oh, god that is I'm really, like,

Alex Ferrari 40:12
there's something that comes to your head as fide.

Kelly Fremon Craig 40:14
Yeah, yeah. Um, I think, you know, I think I think probably finding if, okay, I'm gonna try to figure out how to articulate this. But for me, it was, it was it is always important, especially as, you know, as a person trying to tell stories, to find that. That part that actually hurts, you know, like, whether I'm watching actors or you know, like watching a take or writing a scene to find that thing that actually makes me go, oh, oh my God, I know that I feel that. And I think like, in a way if I can boil it down, it's probably just about like, compassion. You know? I think that the whole experience of the movie and looking at every different character and writing each character and watching the takes and working with the actors is all about sort of finding compassion for each different each each, each different person and moment. And so I guess that's, that's what I take into the, into the few into future projects, sort of trying to find that in each character and story and I guess that kind of leads over into life. You know, everybody you meet even if the when somebody is an asshole if you can sort of reach past it and find find the like pain that it's coming from.

Alex Ferrari 41:52
The truth that yeah, truth. Yeah, that person or that character? Yeah. Yeah. See, that was a very deep answer. You can get off the couch now. Now, this question might be even tougher. So this is a I asked all my all my guests this question. What are the three of your favorite films of all time?

Kelly Fremon Craig 42:14
Oh, man,

Alex Ferrari 42:17
any three that come to your mind?

Kelly Fremon Craig 42:19
You know, yeah, this is always so it's so hard to do to think to narrow down but I would say, um, sideways is one of my favorite films by Alexander Payne. Um, uh, as good as it gets.

Alex Ferrari 42:38
Oh, it's such a good movie. So brilliant.

Kelly Fremon Craig 42:42
It's Oh, it's so brilliant. It's so brilliant. Um, and, uh, and I'd say the Breakfast Club?

Alex Ferrari 42:51
Yes. Yeah. There was rumors that they were gonna make a sequel to The Breakfast Club. Oh, God, they were gonna get they were gonna go to their high school reunion and then they were all gonna get locked up in jail for something that happened and it was just gonna be them in jail. Like, when was that? John? John was still alive back then. Okay, John. Well, yeah, John was still alive back

Kelly Fremon Craig 43:12
then. Watch that, or was he part of it?

Alex Ferrari 43:14
I don't know. I don't know. I don't ever remember if that was I think he squashed it. But there was a there was a there was a story floating around about hey, let's do let's do a 10 year later, 20 year later, you know, high school reunion of what happened to these characters? Which arguably, I kind of interested to know.

Kelly Fremon Craig 43:32
Right? It's like, I don't know whether I want that or whether I am like, no, no, no, like, I don't want that. I really I'm like almost equally conflicted, like I equally want and don't want it.

Alex Ferrari 43:44
I would want to see it personally. But I don't want anybody else to ever see it.

Kelly Fremon Craig 43:50
Exactly. If that

Alex Ferrari 43:52
makes any sense. Like I'm curious to see what happened but I don't want it out there. Yes, yeah. Yeah. Now where can people find you online?

Kelly Fremon Craig 44:01
I am i I'm on Instagram. I'm on Twitter I think Katie Freeman Craig on Twitter and Kelly Green Craig on Instagram. I'm not I'm not super active on those things. But um, but he but I'm on there.

Alex Ferrari 44:16
Kelly thank you so much for taking the time out to talk to the to the indie film hustle tribe and and share your your your journey of making Niger 17 And thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

Kelly Fremon Craig 44:28
Thank you so much. Thank you. I really appreciate you having me.

Alex Ferrari 44:34
Man, Kelley's story is pretty inspiring. And I hope it inspires you guys to to start writing more man get out there start writing pitch those scripts make your movies there is no excuse anymore. So just go out there and do it guys. Now if you want links to anything we talked about in this episode, head over to indie film hustle comm forward slash b p s 006. That's be bulletproof screenplay BPS 006. And guys, thank you so much for the warm welcome. The subscriber base has grown so fast and we're getting downloads like crazy people are talking and retweeting the show already. So thank you so much. We're already getting to that almost that top spot in iTunes under screenwriting. And we're actually I think the number two for, for filmmaking even. So that's really, really exciting. And again, I want to get this information out to as many screenwriters and filmmakers as possible. So if you're listening, please tell five friends about the show. And and have them tell five friends and so on and so on. So we can get this information out to the people that need it. And if you haven't already, head over to screenwriting podcast.com And subscribe on iTunes. So as always, keep on writing no matter what, doctors.

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BPS 005: The Million Dollar Screenplay with August Rush Screenwriter Paul Castro

We’ve all read in Variety or The Hollywood Reporter of some no-name screenwriter selling his or her screenplay for a million bucks. Ever wonder how they did it? What structure did they use? What “tricks of the trade were” employed?

May I introduce Paul Castro, the original writer of one of my favorite films August Rush. Paul Castro is a produced, award-winning screenwriter and world-renowned screenwriting professor.

Structure…is the canvas on which we paint with words.” – Paul Castro

His project, August Rush was produced by Warner Brothers and starred the late great Robin Williams, Keri Russell, Freddie Highmore and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. The film took Paul Castro into the belly of the Hollywood beast.

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The business of screenwriting can be tough, but while a student at the UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television, he was a finalist for the Coca-Cola Refreshing Filmmaker’s Award for directing and producing his original screenplay Healing, and landed a three-picture screenwriting deal worth $1 million.

The lessons he learned not only from selling August Rush but many other Hollywood screenwriting adventures were invaluable. He later went back and became a screenwriting professor at UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television, teaching thousands of students over his ten years of teaching.

Paul Castro teaches screenwriting from the inside out.” – Richard Walter, UCLA Screenwriting Chairperson.

After being a screenwriting professor, script doctoring and consulting Paul decided to create the ultimate screenwriting course. He calls it “The Million Dollar Screenplay.”

I took the course myself and all I have to say is WOW! Paul teaches with an elegant style that’s extremely understandable and straight to the point. Success leaves clues and so do masterfully crafted screenplays that sell for millions of dollars.

Paul Castro shows you those secrets. Not trying to do a hard sell here but I just love this course.

What clearly resonates with me is Paul’s love for and dedication to his students and to storytelling. He is a composed and practical artist and teacher, yet highly imaginative in his approach.
– Michael Eisner, Former CEO of The Walt Disney Company.

Here’s some of what Paul covers in his course:

  • Professional screenwriting techniques
  • Plot development for the big screen
  • Creating compelling characters to attract movie stars
  • Winning dialogue
  • Structure to serve as the blueprint for your movie
  • Scene construction to evoke suspense
  • Sequence writing to manage an ensemble cast

After taking his course I reached out to him and asked him to be a guest on the podcast. What followed was not only a master class in screenwriting but also lessons on the film business and he also discussed how to discover your own voice as an artist. Pretty mind-blowing.

Enjoy this whopper of a podcast episode and if you haven’t seen August Rush do yourself a favor and watch it. It’s worth watching for Robin Williams alone!

Right-click here to download the MP3


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Alex Ferrari 0:00
Well, man, thank you for taking the time out there. Really appreciate it, man. Sure, Alex.

Paul Castro 2:45
Absolutely. I'm happy to do it.

Alex Ferrari 2:47
So um, I want to jump right into it. So how did you get your foot in Hollywood's door which is a screenwriters that I think one of the ultimate questions for all screenwriters like, how do you break through? There's so much noise? There's so many people trying to do it? How did you get your foot in the door?

Paul Castro 3:03
Yeah, it's a valid question and one that is asked perpetually throughout the years by up and coming screenwriters and even my friends who have also taken similar paths. I was on the East Coast and I was in a suit and tie job out of college in the Washington DC area. And it wasn't terribly pleasant. And I made the decision to go to Hollywood in the attempt of trading daydreams for dollars as a professional screenwriter. And I thought UCLA Film school would be the best path being that the majority of Oscar winners have come out of that program. So I thought that would be a good start. So I drove cross country in my truck, and I was excited to go to UCLA there was only one challenge, Alex, which is I got rejected.

Alex Ferrari 4:01
You already packed up you bought the you bought the t shirt, you bought the hat, the mug?

Paul Castro 4:04
Oh, yeah, everything. And so I, you know, I contacted or 10 tempted to contact the chair to the department, to no avail. So I went to UCLA and I put in the mailboxes of every film professor, the top 10 reasons why they should reconsider my application. And I just, you know, printed it out and put it in their mailbox in hopes of some type of response. Fortunately, the chairperson of the department called me up and said, Oh, we got your top 10 list was very funny made us all laugh. And I said, Well, great. Am I in and he said, No, absolutely not.

Alex Ferrari 4:45
Thank you for the hustle.

Paul Castro 4:46
I appreciate it. Exactly. So a year later, I did apply again and fortunately I was one of the 18 to get in. And it was it was a good year. I was glad looking back on it that I didn't get because it gave me a chance to really hone my craft and write and take seminars and read books and do everything I could humanly possible to inculcate myself into the system in an organic, holistic way. So at UCLA, we had to write a full length feature, feature length screenplay, Alex every eight weeks, for three years, Jesus. Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 5:28
that's insane. Like, I took me forever to write my first feature script.

Paul Castro 5:33
Yeah, right. Holy cow. So and those who couldn't keep up, were invited to leave the program. So I thought, wow, I got to get this done. So yeah, with so I got really lucky because of that pressure, because I had to come up with ideas. Of course, I have a nephew named Anthony. And he at the time was five years old. He was like a redheaded Harry Potter type kid. And he was born on August 5, and he kept looking off into space and kind of pondering life a lot. And I said, Hey, what's going on? What do you think about little guy? And he would say, Well, do you hear the train in the distance? Yeah. Do you hear the kids playing soccer? Yeah. Do you hear the birds chirping? I go, Yeah, you just put it all together. It's music. And I went, Wow, okay, that's trippy, right. So it just kind of stayed with me. It resonated with me. And when it was time to come up with another idea for UCLA. I thought, Hmm, what if this kid had like this amazing musical ability simply because he could take sounds from everyday life? So I wrote a screenplay called noise and noise was about a young musical prodigy named August Rush, who uses his gifts to reunite his estranged parents. And I came up with the name August Rush because Anthony is born August 5, and Geoffrey Rush won the Oscar for a movie called Yeah, yeah, make that movie. That's awesome movie. Yeah, it was a musical movie. So I thought, okay, that makes sense. So, yeah, so it's just one of those things. Okay, here goes another screenplay. And the chairperson of the screenwriting department at UCLA, Richard Walter, who to this day is a dear friend and mentor and wonderful person. So Richard said, Hey, I really love this screenplay. May I give it to a producer friend of mine? And I said, Absolutely not now.

Alex Ferrari 7:45
Nice, nice. No, no, no, please, please don't do that.

Paul Castro 7:49
Now, please. I want to I want to marinate in angst and work at Starbucks for the rest of my life.

Alex Ferrari 7:54
Not that there's anything wrong with Starbucks.

Paul Castro 7:57
You know what? Starbucks is part of my daily ritual. And there are many days when I go, man, I just wish I could just chill here and meet people all day

Alex Ferrari 8:06
and work. It's how much how many screenwriters are at Starbucks on a daily basis.

Paul Castro 8:12
And the best ones are the ones that work there. Probably, you

Alex Ferrari 8:14
know, the funniest things is that and this is hard for people outside of LA to understand is, when you walk into a Starbucks, any Starbucks in the Los Angeles area, you will see a laptop with Final Draft open it just I've not yet found one that is always somebody working on a screenplay or if not, you will hear someone talking about the story that the kind of

Paul Castro 8:38
right. You know, you're right. You know, if you get pulled over by a cop for not wearing your seatbelt, you could always ask him. Hey, how's your screenplay? Gonna?

Alex Ferrari 8:49
Welcome to La Hollyweird.

Paul Castro 8:50
Yeah. So anyway, so that that was the situation and it was, you know, serendipity, cosmic choreography, a plethora of luck. And so I met with this producer and he really liked the screenplay. He also liked something else I wrote called a gift for mom. And I was fortunate he gave me a three picture a deal. Wow. And it was pretty substantial. But you know, I mean, just one of those things is just very lucky. There are screenwriters, I meet on a daily basis that are enormously talented that have still not, you know, I hesitate to say aided because what does that really as long as you're being creative and contributing to the world in some way, shape or form with your creativity? I think that's success. But

Alex Ferrari 9:40
being able to make a living doing what you love to do is the dream in one way and that dream is very true. You don't have to be a billionaire. You can you know, you can and that's something we preach it in the film also is like you know, what, what is success to you guys, like is 100 grand a year doing what you love? Is that enough? Is 50 grand a year you know? Living in Kansas, is that enough? You know, like, yeah, that's the question you have to ask yourself. But anyway, sorry, I digress. Yeah, definitely.

Paul Castro 10:06
Right, that that is a wonderful way to approach it. You know, what is your definition of success? First of all, what is that? You know? So, that's, that's how I got started. I got very lucky.

Alex Ferrari 10:21
You were at the right place at the right time with the right project. Yeah,

Paul Castro 10:25
exactly. And I guess, you know, I mean, I definitely don't want to project false humility, but there's a lot of luck to it. But I also do have to say I wrote a lot. By that time, when I sold August Rush, I had written probably 11 feature films is maybe 12.

Alex Ferrari 10:44
That's a number that's I've interviewed a bunch of different screenwriters, and the number is 1011 12, before something gets sold. It's that's a good, that's a good number. I mean, there are the the oddballs that sell it, like their first script or second script or something like that. But generally, you have to kind of like, get all the bad scripts out. It's a yeah, get all the bad writing done early.

Paul Castro 11:06
Right. And I think you already know my philosophy. It's not right about what you know, it's right about what you know, hurts. You know, everyone has their little owies from life, something that's happened to them. Usually, it's from childhood that has stayed with them, and the writers who are brave enough to go into the belly of the beast of that situation early on. You don't have to write the 910 1112 script. So you can actually nail it on the first or second or third time. And, and you don't have to write about that situation. Alex, as you know, it's writing about that emotion. So what is an emotion that? Okay, someone that wave retracts of something that was horrifying or embarrassing or shameful to you? When that wave retracts? What are the seashell gems left behind? What is that emotion?

Alex Ferrari 12:03
And that's the, that's where some of the best writing has come from, in a lot of ways, especially when you're starting out I'd imagine. I mean, I've heard from many different I mean, I've read every screenwriting book and everything. And and, and a lot of a lot of the Guru's and a lot of successful screenwriters as well always say, you know, at the beginning, you write what you know, or that pain that you're saying about then later on, as you become better with your craft, you can start creating the Harry Potter's of the world and things that aren't based in reality. Is that something Do you agree with? Or what's your point of view on that?

Paul Castro 12:37
No. Again, I would suggest never second guessing the market and what the market wants and what could sell or should sell. I mean, you look at something like Erin Brockovich, okay, right that ever sold now, but Julia Roberts said, Hey, this rocks, and then you have a movie.

Alex Ferrari 12:57
And Steven Soderbergh was like, Yeah, I'll do it.

Paul Castro 13:01
It's like that everything came together. So I'm a big believer, Alex, in, you know, give yourself to the world and come from the spirit of contribution. Yeah, yeah. The universe will conspire on your behalf.

Alex Ferrari 13:19
That's a great, that's excellent. That's really as excellent. That's a great, that's great advice. Now with August Rush, I've always wanted to ask a screenwriter this story. How was the process of getting a story you've got you got it sold now? What is the process of the journey that it went through to get it onto the screen? So like, how did the development process go? I mean, you have I mean, I know this is a very long question, but just you know, as you know, just give us a Reader's Digest version of it. Like how, what was the journey, like for August Rush to get it out to the big screen, because it was released by obviously a major studio with major stars in it. So it's not a slight little indie film. It was a it was a big studio movie at the time. So how was that process?

Paul Castro 14:01
Yeah, um, well, it was it was an involved process. So I'll walk you through it. And actually, now it's another process because August Rush is going to Broadway.

Alex Ferrari 14:11
Oh, how awesome is that? Congratulations.

Paul Castro 14:13
Yeah, it's fantastic. I'm excited because I think it will translate well to the stage. So yeah, so the Writers Guild only requires, you know, two rewrites and a Polish at the time when I sold it. But I was a young new writer eager to please. So I was in writer rewrite. And some people would say hell, but I don't think it was I think it was a wonderful training ground for me. So over a two year period, I did, I don't know 1617 drafts of that spread. How many years? Yeah, two to two and a half years. She's

Alex Ferrari 14:52
just Yeah, so you're basically in development, as they call it, development? Hell,

Paul Castro 14:56
well, I never want to I never want to use negative connotative. Fair enough, fair enough. Yeah. It was challenging and it trained me well for my future in Hollywood. Okay. And I often joke, you know, something really tragic happened in that process. They got better.

Alex Ferrari 15:21
Amazingly enough, right? Yeah, cuz sometimes it

Paul Castro 15:23
doesn't. Sometimes it doesn't. But but it did. And. And then after about two, two and a half years, my agent, manager, lawyer, Business Manager, they had an intervention and said, If you keep rewriting for this project, we're going to resign because it's ludicrous. And yeah, an intervention. That's brilliant. Yeah. Well, that's how I looked at it, because they sat me down. Is it enough is enough? Yeah. So I went on. Yeah. And I was doing other projects at the time. I did. You know, I had the good fortune of working with Stan Lee, you know, founder of Marvel Entertainment, on two projects. And, you know, I had other things going on. But I really loved dog and stretch. And I, of course, hoped it would get made someday. So a couple of years went by, and came really close to getting made different directors attached and reading it and liking it. And then the producer did a movie with Robin Williams, and said, Hey, can you take a look at this script? And Robin read it and said, Yeah, but my part has to be more substantial. I believe. That's how it went down friends. So the producer wisely hired two writers, and they gave it another polish and pass and rewrite. And then about a year and a half later, I believe Robin officially became attached to the project. And when Robin Williams is attached to a project, you know, that's good news for everybody. Mm hmm. So yeah, so fortunately, then things were off to the races, and then Freddie Highmore and Keri Russell and Johnny Meyers. And yeah, it became a real thing.

Alex Ferrari 17:08
So the second that Robin got attached, everything kind of opened the doors, the floodgates kind of open up and everything got speech got got hyped up a bit, as far as speed is concerned.

Paul Castro 17:17
Exactly. Everything was coalesced and off to the races.

Alex Ferrari 17:21
The funny thing is, I had an opportunity to meet Robin once and I tell you, I've never met a human being and he was so calm and very you know, he was not the the person that persona he portrays. You know, he was that kind of energy energetic guy. But he that day, he was very calm with his wife. And but you could feel the energy coming off of him. It was something that was tangible in the air, like you could sense and I don't want to get into all the kind of like, you know, vibey stuff, but it literally you can sense the vibe of the man it was I never met a human being like that before. But I got it. I got it.

Paul Castro 17:59
You're you're onto something. And I don't mind you getting into vibey stuff. I mean, not I don't buy the stuff it is when everyone has energy and and and what is your energy? Are you are you comfortable with it? Do you like if you like what you're projecting to the world? Is it enhancing your life? Are you empowering, people are depleting people are then powering you are depleting you. It all starts with energy. And that's what resonates from a great script. It just is vibrating the same way you just described. Yeah. And that's great. What Robin Williams. Yeah, he was he was amazing. And one one quick note, I

Alex Ferrari 18:35
actually was watching I think a documentary something on the matrix, the matrix boys, or boy and girl. And they, they that was in development hell forever. Because it was forever and it took him they rewrote it. You were saying you rewrote it rewrote it. They rewrote that for five years, and five years. And that's why that script is that movie is so good. That's amazing. Yeah. But to your point, like, you know, sometimes that rewriting process is helpful.

Paul Castro 19:06
Yeah, you know, something takes over if you surrender to it, and you're not kicking and screaming. Right, right. We're all very precious with our work sometimes. And, you know, I would encourage the opposite, you know, when you just allow it to flow naturally, organically and take input and you know, take it and you don't have to always use it, you can go home. That's interesting, maybe for my next script. So yeah.

Alex Ferrari 19:33
It's a lot of a lot of working with or collaborating with people a lot of times in Hollywood, from my understanding is that that that that kind of mentality works really well, kind of going with the flow, kind of like, you know, just kind of riding the waves because if you try to go against the flow is when you have problems.

Paul Castro 19:49
Yeah, that's a really good point. On the same note, we all as creatives need to have a strong clear vision for what we want to communicate creatively and You know, we're not typists, we get paid for our point of view of the world. And I really believe that's why new writers and old writers, veteran writers, can all be successful, because everyone has a different point of view of the world. Alex, right. So you and I, born and raised in New York, and now we're different places. But, you know, your point of view of the world is very different than mine. And I celebrate that. And that's why we go to the movies.

Alex Ferrari 20:27
And that was the that's the thing I always try to preach here as well is that filmmakers, a lot of times, they just like, I'm gonna be the next Tarantino. I'm gonna be the next David Fincher, I'm gonna try to copy this or that, and I'm like, you'll never be the next year. And Tina, because there's only one Tarantino and there's only one voice. I think only all the successful writers and filmmakers all have a very loud and distinctive style and voice. And that's what people don't get coming into the business. They all want to try to emulate the next. Oh, that's big. So I'm gonna do that. I'm like, Well, that might work. That might work once, but it won't sustain a career. You know?

Paul Castro 21:06
Yeah, that's a good point. And you know, when you say they all have a loud voice, sometimes the loudest voices are the subtle, slight voices that just have a big impact because of their subtlety and their nuances.

Alex Ferrari 21:20
Well, like Wes Anderson, I mean, he's not a very loud personality by any stretch, but his movies aren't. They scream?

Unknown Speaker 21:26
Is it style? Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 21:29
And Buster, Buster and Buster Keaton, for that matter, as well. I mean, he was obviously silent. But its style, his style of humor, and his style of storytelling is something that was very distinctive. So So let me ask you, when does a writer need an agent or a manager? is another big question a lot of screenwriters asked?

Paul Castro 21:50
You know? It's a great question. And I think it goes back to the approach of contribution. Okay, most writers and I was there to where you use, I need an agent, I want an agent, I need to sell something, I want an agent or manager. And you first have to ask yourself, what do I have in my vault to contribute to this agent? Or manager? Yes. Yeah. What value?

Alex Ferrari 22:17
Yeah. Instead of instead of looking at an agent, or a manager is like, what can you do for me? You should flip the script a bit. And that's awesome advice.

Paul Castro 22:25
Yeah, absolutely. So you know, when I was in LA, you know, you know, Joe Manganiello, when, when he was an actor running around LA, he was also the type of guy who, hey, Joe, what are you doing this weekend, I'm driving two hours to San Diego for a little play that I'm not getting paid for and driving two hours back, which I Oh, by the way, I've been doing for the last month and a half. You know, it was a person who was on purpose, not paycheck, looking to contribute at a high level. And the rest of it just, you know, came like an avalanche of abundance for that guy. And it happens for most successful people if they're coming from a place of contribution, circling back for agents, first of all, new writers and all writers and anyone in the creative arts, especially media and entertainment, first needs to realize that agents are not scumbags. Now, are there scumbags in every single profession? On the planet? Yes, yes. Well, it's politics now,

Alex Ferrari 23:28
obviously, obviously. Now politics. They're on the up and up, of course,

Paul Castro 23:32
yeah. But there's going to be that in any profession. So if you're coming to Hollywood, and saying, oh, all agents are bastards, then yeah, that's gonna be your experience. But I think they're great. If you're contributing to them, they're going to be wonderful, and they're going to contribute to you, and they're going to enhance your career. So I would suggest having a body of work besides just one screenplay. I would, you know, 2345, maybe some pilot episodes for TV. If you have some non scripted reality show ideas, you know, scope that as well let them know that you're you're just not a one trick pony. You have, you're in this for the long haul, and you have an arsenal to contribute to them. And they're stable.

Alex Ferrari 24:20
Right? That's a great, that's amazing advice, actually. Now what and this is, I love it. You

Paul Castro 24:25
say that's amazing advice actually, as if the actually part means usually your advice is terrible, but

Alex Ferrari 24:31
not you know, you but as a general answer to these kind of questions, I know. A lot of times people will just like oh, well you know, you got to do this or that and it's like, okay, that's an answer, but it's not like so what I try to do with my guest is I really try to dig for questions that I want to know answers to. So like that's like, I've always asked him like, what, what do I need to do to create get an agent or manager should I even need one as a director at this point in Mike in my life in my career, and like well, you Do you have to, and that's all about what we were talking about earlier about marketing is like you, as a creator are marketing yourself to an agent and manager and selling yourself to them to go look, this is what I can do for you. Because it's already assumed that they can do something for for the writer if they're choosing the proper agent or manager.

Paul Castro 25:21
So exactly, it's a good point and Okay, so if I said to a writer, would you like Aaron Sorkin's agent? They would probably say what? Oh, of course, of course. But what if you don't write character driven talky type movies that are very deep and insightful and poignant? What if you are the popcorn summer blockbuster action adventure guy or horror film guy is Aaron Sorkin's agent, the right guy for you probably not maybe down the hall, his colleague, maybe she's the right agent for you. Maybe she is the one that has sold a bunch of horror films. So I think targeting the right representation is just as important as if you should have representation or not.

Alex Ferrari 26:15
Now, this is a big question. As I as I'm digging deep here. What is the difference between a screenplay that actually sells and one that doesn't sell? And I know that's a real broad term, so do the best you can?

Paul Castro 26:29
It's an easy question to answer. Oh, good. You know, in Hollywood, they don't buy screenplays, they buy emotion. So if you can make a reader feel something on a very visceral level, then they cannot be ignored. Haley Fox, I always mentioned Haley by name, because she was the Development Executive at the production company that bought my first screenplay. And she was so passionate about it that she says if you don't buy this screenplay, I am going to quit. And I've been here seven years, but there's no need for me to be here. Wow, she felt that deeply about the material. Now, when writers are coming from a place of truth facing that hurt that we talked about those little hours from child and I say little, obviously I'm not making light of it, they're very substantial. And they can take that that hurt or that rage and put it on the page and then eventually makes to the big stage of, you know, cinema, or television. It's because somebody felt something if they felt deeply about it, and it can't be ignored. And those are the screenplays teleplays pilot episodes that sell because people all have that response. You look at Eric Roth's Forrest Gump. It's amazing. Robert Zemeckis gave it to Tom Hanks when he was going on vacation to Europe. And Tom said, yeah, I really don't want to read anything. I'm on vacation. And he's and Zemeckis said, well just read like the first 10 pages on the flight. And by the time the flight landed, Tom Hanks was attached to Forrest Gump.

Alex Ferrari 28:19
And the rest as they say, is history.

Paul Castro 28:21

Alex Ferrari 28:22
that talk talking about emotion. Like there's a show I watch now one that I'm loyal to on on TV. It's called The Goldbergs and and Adam Goldberg is the writer and creator of that and that's literally he's taking his hours every week, and putting them out on the screen. And but that authenticity, it's not like another 80s show. Oh, it's another. Oh, we're all making fun of the 80s which I'm a huge 80s fan. That's probably one of the reasons I like it so much. But the characters the family the and then every week at the end, he shows a video when he was shot when he was a kid. Are you like oh, this is just brilliant. That's that kind of stuff you're talking about. That's so emotional. And his genre.

Paul Castro 29:04
Yeah. And Adams been doing this a while right. Yeah. So so he's finally come to the point where you say no, I'm going to give myself this is the this is the real hurt. Mm hmm. And in real estate, the three most important things are Location, location, location, and in writing, especially screenwriting, it's conflict, conflict conflict.

Alex Ferrari 29:25
Yeah. And there's a lot of conflict.

Paul Castro 29:30
Now I get if I rewrote myself, it would just be one conflict. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And economical.

Alex Ferrari 29:36
Um, real quick. Now I know loglines is a big, big question. A lot of times for starting up screen starting screenwriters. Like how important is it? How important is it in the selling process? Is it something What's your experience with that?

Paul Castro 29:49
Yeah, I think it's really important and it's overlooked and it's underrated in the process. If you can not sculpt of vibrant Lean logline that's going to fully communicate your screenplay or your television show idea, then you're not ready to go any further.

Alex Ferrari 30:12
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Paul Castro 30:23
It's one of the most most difficult parts of the process. Alex, it really is.

Alex Ferrari 30:29
I know I've, I've had to write a couple that they're paying.

Paul Castro 30:33
And you're gonna have to try it out with friends and families and rewrite it and see when they glaze over, and when they get excited. And you're gonna have to keep working on it until it's really just nailed, right?

Alex Ferrari 30:43
And it's like, every word means something like literally every single syllable means something, because that the real estate so sure, it's almost like a Twitter tweet. Yeah, you have to make it really concise.

Paul Castro 30:57
Yeah, I like that the real real estate assists short. That's a good way of putting it. It is and people don't have time to really, you know, before I was even represented, I would, you know, try to get agents on the phone and, and what time I got more diviner, he was an old Hollywood agent, very famous at the time, and more, sadly has since passed, but it was after hours. And I called you know, one of the big three I think more was with ICM at the time, and his assistants are gone. So guess who answered the darn phone more diviner? And I'm Mr. Vaughn. All right. When films do not get what do you got? What do you got kid? Yeah. And I literally had to pitch that thing and title, genre and the pitch and that was it. Yeah. And off of that he wanted to read the screenplay. And it wasn't because I just took it off the top of my head. Fortunately, I had heard this before, copious times at UCLA where they hammered into us. This is very important. So I was prepared. And there's been times where I've read new writers and I've, I read their screenplay, like, Oh, my God, this is fantastic. And they go, Well, you didn't seem very enthused when I first pitched it to you. Well, that's because your pitch was well, it's kind of like, you know,

Alex Ferrari 32:18
it's kind of like Forrest Gump meets Hostal. You know, it's kind of

Paul Castro 32:25
Yeah, and it's challenging when you're using other material to pitch your, your, your material, such as saying it's like this and like that, because what if the person hasn't seen one of those or both of those? Right?

Alex Ferrari 32:39
Exactly. Yeah. And, and anytime I've I've actually asked this question before on the show is like, if, you know, it's kind of like The Matrix meets, you know, Cinderella I actually would watch that movie. But one key thing if you are going to do that, and it is kind of like a lot of times unnecessary evil to have that in your back pocket because someone's going to ask that question sometimes. At least that's what I've been told. Make sure that you use movies that have been hits. So it's like Ishtar meets the fantastic for the new one. So it's like not really going to help you sell your product

Paul Castro 33:17
although there have been movies that were not hits that just you know people loved or got great reviews were correct Yeah, I'm came later on so my whole life you know, the holidays are coming up and on TV we're gonna see It's A Wonderful Life as we do every year but when that first came out, it wasn't well received at all.

Alex Ferrari 33:36
It will seem like Shawshank Redemption picked up its steam much later on after its initial release.

Paul Castro 33:41
Yeah, and I it's funny at titles. I know. We're not on the title subject, Alex. I had to bring it up. Anyway, those titles are so important because the worst title Yeah, I mean, but but it was from a Stephen King novella, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. All right. So being that it was the great Steve. Yeah, Stephen King, are they going to say no, we hate your title. But that was a situation. I think if the title was a little different, it probably would have had a bigger audience. But that being said, It's a masterpiece and Frank Darabont and Stephen King. I mean, wow,

Alex Ferrari 34:15
I know. It's absolutely but yeah, you're right. Like that's one of the worst titles in history. There was a new movie that that just came out with the worst title. Is the Sandra Bullock movie and Billy Bob Thornton? Hmm, our Brand is Crisis. I saw the poster for that. I'm like, wow, who came up with that? Title? It's like, I'm sure it's a fun movie. And I love Sandra Bullock I love everybody in the in the movie, boom, like, and it died. It died a miserable horrible death at the box office. Yeah. And I imagine the title did not help the situation.

Paul Castro 34:48
Yeah, it's that's a really important aspect of the whole process. I mean, let's talk about okay, if you're a parent and you have a newborn on the way Mm hmm. Let's decide You know, I don't know, should we let's not even think about it or it doesn't really matter, okay? Now this is your child, you're going to put a lot of thought into what that person's name is, you know, a dear friend of mine, Luke Fantino, who's at Warner Brothers marketing, such a smart guy, and he really, I really think he has the crystal ball. And if and movie's gonna do well, or not simply because he can look at it from a helicopter point of view and a micro point of view, and all these nuances we're talking about

Alex Ferrari 35:34
titles are, titles are extremely important. And, and I think and again, it's goes back to marketing, and branding. And, and, and a lot of screenwriters and artists in general, filmmakers don't look at their art as product. But if you look at it as product and market it and sell it as product, even though it's art, you have so much better chance of selling it to whatever aspect you're trying to sell it to in the business, if you're trying to sell it to an agent, sell it to a production company, sell it to an audience, sell it to the person you're just pitching it to. There's it's always about selling it and promoting it and packaging it in a right way to get the attention or the the end result that you're looking for.

Paul Castro 36:17
Yeah, you're absolutely right. It's an interesting craft, because it's not only a craft, it's a profession. And it's where art and commerce meet. And a lot of these production houses, many majors, the big studios, the marketing department has the final word on if a screenplay is going to be greenlit or sold or bought. It will go through all the proper channels. But if the marketing department goes, Oh, my God, we love it. But we don't know how to market it, then guess what?

Alex Ferrari 36:49
It's done? Yeah, it's done. Unless you're doing it independently, and you've got your own money. And you're going to do it that route. It's It's rough. Absolutely. Now talking about production companies. How do How does a screenwriter should a screenwriter submit their work to a producer or a company?

Paul Castro 37:07
Well, it's challenging because a lot of them don't accept unsolicited material for various legalities. That being said, some will have open processes where you have to sign certain forms, and then they'll accept it. Again, I would target a production company that does your type of material. I would find a person in that production company, not just blindly send it there. I would get on the phone, build a relationship with them, meet them on social media. And, you know, I think the best approach is to ask advice if you're a new writer in this industry, you know, you don't have all the answers. And oh, by the way, I don't have all the answers. I'm constantly asking advice from people. You know, I've had the good fortune of sitting down for a couple of hours with Michael Eisner. And I've known Michael for five, six years now. It's probably been there, like seven years now. And I'm always looking for advice from him. But I'm also looking, how can I add value to him? Right, but I'm always trying to know, what are what are your needs? And how can I say she ate those as a production company? What do they want to do? Do they want to make art? Do they want to win an Oscar? Do they want to make money? Of course they want to make money. And there's nothing wrong with making money. This is an industry where, you know, great make money, you know, right? If Alex's screenplay gets made, it's going to employ 1000s of people. And there's going to be all these other ancillary business entities that are going to benefit from Alex's screenplay. It could be on HBO and Showtime, it could be on an aeroplane going to, you know, Europe, it can be in a hotel room while I'm there with my, you know, whatever. And so, so it's a really interesting world in the fact that once the property is out there to the world, many people can benefit from it. And of course, when I say property, that screenplay

Alex Ferrari 39:15
Exactly, exactly. Now, I'm going to get more personal into your process. What is your process of writing a screenplay? If you don't mind? This is just a basic, you know? ABCs? What do you what's your process of books? I always find it fascinating. Everyone approaches the craft differently. So I'd love to hear what how you do it.

Paul Castro 39:33
Yeah, so the idea is obviously paramount. So does the idea really rock your world? Is it something that you're thinking about a lot is almost haunting you. And if you can package it into that logline package is not a good word for this, but if you can create a logline where you've captured what you initially responded favorably towards your idea, then you're on to something. So I do the logline. And I work a lot on that as far as just sculpting resculpt thing it, you know, like you said, wisely. Every word counts, right? And even if it's the right word isn't the right word for the lyrical nature of your logline. So you have to see how it fits into the overall scheme of things as

Alex Ferrari 40:26
well. log lines are generally isn't it's an art form in itself. Yeah, absolutely.

Paul Castro 40:30
And in for your audience members after that may not know what a logline is. It's a one liner, I often say is a one liner. Is that a log line? Because I'm not even sure where that etymology

Alex Ferrari 40:41
Where's? Where's the log in? Where's the line? Exactly.

Paul Castro 40:45
So once I have the log line, I do a two page movie, which is basically two pages double spaced of if Alex and I were walking to the bus stop, and Alex says, Hey, man, I gotta go. What did you see last night, and I tell you what my movie is, as we're both going in different directions. It's that fast. It just really broad strokes, but it's more involved than the log line. And then I do a 30 to 60 Beat outline. And but I hit some did that my phone off? I saw I

Alex Ferrari 41:25
can't I cannot I cannot work like this now. I'm

Paul Castro 41:31
glad you're saying. Yeah. So so the outline hits, various speeds. And as you know, Alex, you know, the opening pages are very important, especially page one, the opening images, the inciting incident, the end of Act One, which I say is page 17 paid then page 30, then page 45. And page 60, which is the tentpole every movie page 75, page 90. And then what is your finale? Those are the main beats that you need to get first, before you fill in the rest of your beats. And you know, when people go, Well, how do I know what beat goes next? Well, I always say the best movies are good news, followed by bad news. Good news, followed by bad news. And, but they are increasing in intensity as the screenplay or movie progresses. So if there's a good news moment, there's going to be an equally powerful bad news moment. And then the next good news moment is going to be even more substantial. And the next bad news moments can be more substantial. And it has to adhere to the law of rising action. Okay, because of the best movies, it grows in intensity, that's what keeps us riveted, right. So then once you have the, the outline established, you know, character breakdowns. Now, when my character breakdowns, I like to do the protagonist and the antagonist. And it's in first person and they're just kind of ranting, okay, they're just kind of talking. And you're getting their personality, you're getting their vibe, and you're getting who this person is. I know a lot of writers and a lot of actors, you know, what was their favorite color? What ice cream did they have when they were three years old? That's cool. If it works for your process. For me, that's not my process. I just kind of like to capture the voice of the character and the energy of the character. And then it's off to the races.

Alex Ferrari 43:37
And then you just start start filling in those gaps. Yeah, yeah. So the outline, and it's similar when I write the outline is is everything to me, like I have to have, it's basically the foundation of the entire story. So without these points of like a guide, you're just lost in my opinion. I mean, everyone's process is different. But for me, it makes it much easier because you're like, Okay, I need to get to this point here. Okay, I just got a boom, boom, boom, that's point here, boom, boom, boom, here point. So having those key points, is there just kind of like mile markers on the journey? Structure is

Paul Castro 44:09
paramount. I mean, you're a professional. And this is not a nother thing. New writers go, Well, I want to be a writer. I hope to be a writer. No, you are a writer. And you are a professional writer. When you start acting like a professional writer, and profess professional writers. They outline they sculpt, they make this the blueprint on which they're going to create and that's what structure is, it's the canvas on which we paint with words. That's,

Alex Ferrari 44:37
that was actually quite beautiful.

Paul Castro 44:42
So when a studio is going to hire you for an original piece, a spec script that you've written or for rewrite, they're hiring you for your expertise in this craft as much as they are hiring you for your abundance of creativity and execution?

Alex Ferrari 45:03
That's yeah, absolutely. Now, let me ask you the age old question, what is more important plot or character?

Paul Castro 45:12
You know, you know, I mean, that's a tough one to answer, because I think it's a symbiotic relationship. It's the balance. It's the ain, the yin and the yang. It's the space between the notes makes the music, right, it's this. I mean, this is this is what we're all talking about. So I would never put more weight on one or the other. That being said, the best stories are about one thing. Okay, so you look at a commercial success like the movie Taken in recent years. Yeah. Okay, what that entire movie is about Liam Neeson doing what? Just

Alex Ferrari 45:59
killing and kicking everyone's that's the way to go Going, going to save his daughter.

Paul Castro 46:04
Right? His daughter has been

Alex Ferrari 46:06
kidnapped, taken, sorry. Kidnapped, horrible, horrible, they've taken much better. So he just

Paul Castro 46:12
wants to get her back. So that is what the whole movie is about. In Jaws, they need to kill the shark. Exactly. So you know, the best movies, I believe, are about one pending question that needs to be answered by the end of the movie.

Alex Ferrari 46:32
So how what would be the question for Star Wars? You tell me, I would imagine it's the boy's journey to God. I've seen that movie a million times. And I'm a huge fan of it. But like, how can you and it's probably the most, the best example of the hero's journey ever done to film? I can't say I don't know. Like, isn't it about Luke's journey to find himself and become a man. Eventually his his his journey from being a boy to being a Jedi along the way, a path and you know, God, you see, it's getting very convoluted here.

Paul Castro 47:12
Where Where does he find his power?

Alex Ferrari 47:15
within himself? There you go. That's it. That's the story.

Paul Castro 47:19
Andy in sha shred Shawshank Redemption, you know, the Tim Robbins character. This is a man who felt imprisoned and only experienced freedom by going to jail for a crime he didn't commit. Right. So he could have been a you know, a son's incarceration car, sir, it is so free of being incarcerated his whole life and have continued to do his accounting or banking. But he would have never felt free unless he had that experience. That's very true. Yeah. So

Alex Ferrari 48:00
it's always finding that one thing it's about?

Paul Castro 48:03
Yeah, it is. And there's a great line, get busy living or get busy dying.

Alex Ferrari 48:11
That pretty much covers it, doesn't it? Right. Yeah.

Paul Castro 48:13
I mean, that's the that's a great line in the movie. And it basically is the movie, isn't it?

Alex Ferrari 48:20
Yeah, the whole movie is basically in that line, get busy living or get busy dying. And that explains that movie. So well. I talk about that movie constantly on the show. Because it's Saturdays. It's it's one of my top five, you know, it's it's amazing. Now, you have been you've done. You've been busy not only as a screenwriter, but as also as a teacher, and instructor and you've created this awesome course called called the million dollar screenplay. How did you come up with the course? And what was the purpose behind it?

Paul Castro 48:51
Yeah, so I taught at UCLA for over a decade. And I've spoken around the country at various events when they've invited me on the craft of screenwriting. And I thought, Okay, well, a lot of people are always asking about the million dollar screenwriter or the million dollar screenplay. What is that all about? And it's not about selling the million dollar screenplay and becoming a million dollar screenwriter. It's about having a body of material that's going to influence the masses positively through your art. So I thought, well, how can I communicate that in a course. And I thought, well, I'm going to teach the same thing I taught at UCLA in the undergraduate program and in the master's program, and structure is going to be a big part of it. And I'm going to hopefully put it in a form that's digestible to whoever wants to take the course and it's not going to be, you know, 25 or 50 hours long. It's going to be two hours long and they're going to get as much from it as if they We're in a master's program in Screenwriting.

Alex Ferrari 50:03
So it's a really condensed version of everything. So like, it's basically the logline of your course. very condensed and right to the point. Well, this

Paul Castro 50:13
right to the point, you know, I am super blessed Alex, I have a daughter and she's amazing, right? And someday she may want to become a screenwriter. So I thought to myself, well, if I were going to sit down with her and walk her through this craft and put her in the best possible position to succeed as a screenwriter, what would I teach her? And that's what the course is.

Alex Ferrari 50:41
That Well, I've already started taking the course I haven't gone through the whole course just yet. I've started taking the course and I was so blown away just by the beginning of the course that I reached out to you. I was like, oh, no, I gotta get Paul on the show. I gotta get Paul on the show. I gotta, I gotta spread the word. I got to spread the word. I drank I drank I drank the Kool Aid, sir.

Paul Castro 50:57
Thanks. You know you to me is a nice platform for education. And I'm proud to be on their site.

Alex Ferrari 51:03
Yeah, it's an awesome it's an awesome awesome course. And that's a great it's a I just discovered it myself, you to me, and they are amazing. And I'll make sure to everyone to have links in the show notes where you can get the the course and stuff. Now on the site. A side question I have, just because I know you've been we're probably around the same vintage. So we there was a time where there was the Rock and Roll screenwriter. Arguably to say that Tarantino is probably the last rock and roll screenwriter today but there was that moment that moment in time when there was the Shane blanks Shane blacks of the world and the Joe Ester houses and they were making 2 million a pop 3 million a pop sometimes 5 million, depending with back end or bonuses. On screenplays. What are those days completely gone? And how different is the the landscape? The screenwriting landscape today? Yeah, well,

Paul Castro 52:01
deals are structured in all sorts of creative ways. And when you're dealing with agents, and you know, so you look at someone like an Aaron Sorkin Okay, right. I'm not gonna. Yeah, I certainly like the Steve Jobs movie, but I think social network was, was a great movie. So if Aaron Sorkin got his quote, so what I don't know what he's getting these days, probably two $3 million a screenplay. But there's a chance maybe they said, Hey, Aaron, can you take a million on this and get some back end points? I don't know if they did that deal. I have no idea. But that could be super lucrative for a screenwriter. So when you look at just what's in, you know, the trades of what a screenwriter made on a script sale, I wouldn't look at that I would look at, you know, the deal behind the deal. Right. And that is, yeah, I'm sorry. No, go ahead. Go ahead. No, you go ahead. I want to hear you

Alex Ferrari 53:03
know, I was, to your point. To your point, I was actually watching a documentary on Arnold Schwarzenegger. Well, he's a, you know, I've studied Arnold's career for many, many years, child of the 80s and stuff. But he was talking the business side of things. And he said, he asked, they asked him the question, which was the most lucrative film you've ever made? They made the most money on do what do you think the answer is to that? I'm sure, you know, his whole filmography. What, which movie do you think he made the most money on?

Paul Castro 53:33
So that's a good question. I would imagine Terminator he had back end points. When we got into the sequels

Alex Ferrari 53:40
today, to this date. The most profitable film he ever did was twins.

Paul Castro 53:46
Really? Did he get back end points? He they structured

Alex Ferrari 53:49
a deal. That was it's kind of almost like the George Lucas. Oh, don't worry about the merchandising rights. Because him and Danny DeVito and Reitman, Ivan Reitman, the director, they all walked in to you, I think it was universal, if I'm not mistaken, was universal, or fuck, I forgot who it was, I think was universal who did it? And they walked in, and he talked to the President and like, look, we're all gonna do it. We're all gonna do it for like, no money. We just want to, we just want like, and it was an insane amount of back end points, something that no one had ever done before. But the studio was like, Oh, great. If it's a hit, we'll make some money. If it's not a hit, we don't take, you know, because Arno was asking for 20 million at the time, and you know, all this kind of stuff. And he didn't say the number. But he says it's the most lucrative things. So back end points, and especially depending on the kind of deal you can make is, yeah, it's very lucrative. I mean, look at look at I mean, Keanu Reeves in the matrix movies, Jack Nicholson on the Batman movie, he pulled like 60 million off of that, because he got a piece of the merchandising. I mean, it's insane.

Paul Castro 54:49
Yeah, is the gift that keeps giving and, you know, that's where good representation comes into play. Because as a creative I would encourage you to try to negotiate this deal with yourself. And even if you have the ability to negotiate those from your you know, upbringing or past life experiences you know it's better to keep you clean as the creative I think

Alex Ferrari 55:14
it's shelters you a little bit from the the messiness that is the business.

Paul Castro 55:18
Yeah. So it could be you know involved. So and then you look at the guilds, right, like so you have the Directors Guild, the DGA, and then sag Screen Actors Guild and the Writers Guild of America, W GA, and Producers Guild of America, those guilds are set up to protect the creative person. So you know, you know, you can look up, you know, the August Rush deal, I think it was in March of 2000. And go wow, that was a big number, but it's really about you know, the life of the movie afterwards. And there's no better time to be a creative person a screenwriter, especially because just go to your local cable operator and see how many channels are on there.

Alex Ferrari 56:01
And not even let's not even talk about streaming,

Paul Castro 56:03
streaming and Netflix and now Amazon's in the game and Hulu and YouTube. Absolutely. And it's going to keep going and growing as it should and new forms that are no longer new forms webisodes are fantastic so

Alex Ferrari 56:19
I'm not dude suggest film it to the checks. Screenwriters kind of also put their dip their toes like I mean that screenplays are in for feature films is, you know, that's the the golden trophy, if you will, that's that's the thing that everybody's like, Oh, I want to see my movie in the big screen. But it's, you might take a different route, like now like, oh, maybe you could get something done on Hulu on Amazon, or Yahoo or things like that, that might have very much more difficult time trying to get done more mainstream, but it gets your foot in the door. And now you have something to show do you suggest them stuff like that?

Paul Castro 56:52
Yeah, absolutely. I don't think any Avenue has a monopoly on how a writer should be produced and out to the world. And, you know, again, don't be so precious with your work. I want to have an Oscar. So unless I get a studio deal, it's not gonna accept anything now. Get yourself out there. You know, this is all about, you know, sharing your gift with others. This is a short journey. I mean, I hate to say it, but 100 years from now, most of us are not going to be here. Right. Right. So you know, I just read Nikola Tesla's books, actually, there's a few books on him. And after I read the first one, I kind of became addicted to his story.

Alex Ferrari 57:38
He's amazing. Yeah, amazing, amazing, man.

Paul Castro 57:41
And this was a person who was like, yeah, let the Edison's of the world make crazy cash. I'm just gonna keep creating, and I'll be okay. And he was right. You know, it doesn't mean you should be frivolous and irresponsible with you know,

Alex Ferrari 57:55
well, he could have been he could have made a couple of choices. Just a couple of, you know, patents, just a couple could have been doing a little bit better. He didn't have to have such a tough, tough time. But there's a better balance. It's all about balance to Edison's on one end. Tesla was on the other. You should be somewhere in the middle. Yeah. And Tesla had a few

Paul Castro 58:15
few patents as well that he did sell. But yeah, you're right. You're absolutely right. Then, you know, it's funny that that his name is Tesla. And then they the new car company, Tesla, you know, followed that it was named after him, right? And look at the amazing, innovative things Tesla Motors is doing. It's

Alex Ferrari 58:33
unbelievable. It's crazy. And I can't wait for you know, the price to come down so I could afford. Yeah. So and one thing I wanted to say I wanted to cover real quick because you mentioned this earlier in the in the in the podcast that with managers and agents. And this is something I want to kind of stress to people like let's say you have less you're starting out screenwriter, you have one screenplay. And you have the opportunity to pitch Aaron Sorkin and let's say it's aligned with Aaron Sorkin. You might not be Aaron Sorkin's agent, you might not be ready to be thrown into that kind of world yet you might not have the Arsenal yet the experience yet to like be thrown into a writers room because you haven't done it yet. Or you haven't had the experience. You haven't written those, you know, 20 screenplays or 10 screenplays haven't gotten you haven't worked out your craft enough? Is that a fair statement to say? Or to be wary of that? Sometimes, I mean, obviously when an opportunity knocks you know, take it but you should be should be cautious, cautious about that kind of stuff. Right?

Paul Castro 59:37
Well, let me let me understand your question. So you're saying just so I understand that if you are given the opportunity to jump into the the big lakes waters of the big leagues, you know, you haven't,

Alex Ferrari 59:50
but you haven't, but you haven't done manage. Right, but you haven't done minors leagues yet. And they're like, all of a sudden, I'm in the I'm in the, you know, starting lineup at the Yankees, but I've swung the bat 15 times. In my life, so is it smart to jump in there? Because you'll never get that shot again? Or is it? Do you see what I'm saying? Because I'll give you a real quick story I was I was brought in after I did one of my movies, I was brought into some major agencies and major Italian agencies and, you know, agents and managers, and I had a lot of meetings. And there was just one agent that I had a meeting with, and he was smelling me out, you know, he was trying to kind of figure out what I could do. And I didn't come from the place of what I could do for him. I came from the place of what you can do for me. And, and I was also realizing that I was just not ready yet. Like I was not ready. Yeah, yeah, sure, I could direct the movie and I could do things. But if thrown into this into the into the deep end of the pool, would I have survived, I wish I would have survived but would have thrived. We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show. In that environment, so that's the kind of, you know, maybe I'm coming from a fearful place. I don't know, I would love to hear your point of view of like, what you should do if something like that happens. And obviously we've all heard story of people, like Robert Rodriguez, who got the shot, and he flourished and doing what he does. Yeah, what do you feel? What's your?

Paul Castro 1:01:19
Well, you know, my belief system is jumping, the net will appear. And you look at somebody like Robert Rodriguez, who you just mentioned. So El Mariachi, he financed by becoming a personal lab rat, we're doing pharmaceutical experiments on him. I mean, this was a person who was he's gonna get made no matter what's driven, who's driven but he was driven not for fame or fortune. He just wanted to express his creativity to the world. So I would say, Okay, if you were going to give advice to Alex of yesteryear, how would you have approached those precious coveted meetings that you had differently?

Alex Ferrari 1:02:06
Well, the thing is, I've gone through the path, I've gone through this, the game a few times, you know, with my first film, got a lot of attention, I got studio calls, I got that stuff. And then I wasn't ready. I didn't have a script, a screenplay ready. I didn't have any other projects ready. And the heat was on me, but I didn't have anything else to show. So basically, everyone's like, that's nice. You did this really great short film. But there was nothing left, you know, like, I couldn't make it fast enough. And then by that time, the spotlight was gone on to the next guy, and the rest is history. And then it happened again, when I released my mid a few other projects of mine have gone through this Gambit a few times, never making it to the beat, but I've had, you know, serious meetings with serious guys and people. What I would say to the old out, and this is like not turned into a session, I appreciate it. Um, what I would say to the Alex of yesteryear is to not be so would not not be so eager to impress people with what you can do and your prowess be, but be more coming from a place of expression as an artist on this as an artistic the artistic point of view is become, show, share your voice, and share your voice share who you are more than trying to be the next this or the next that. And that's a mistake a lot of filmmakers make on the business side, I would have done more research, I would have prepared myself better to go into these meetings to go into the battle of these meetings. In that sense. It was kind of like going in, you know, it's like going to a knife fight or going to a gunfight with a knife. You know, like you brought a knife to a gunfight. It's similar similar mentality, I was not ready yet. And also mentally, I wasn't there yet, as well. So I think more homework would have been my advice on the business side, and more expression of who you are as an artist, for better or worse if they people like you or not, and also not trying to please, everybody, because you will never please anybody, everybody. And that's something I've learned doing indie film, hustle. And being online as you can't please everybody, you know, my point of view is not going to be everyone's point of view. And that's okay. I mean, there's certain people who look at Howard Stern, who's made hundreds of millions of dollars on his point of view, whether you agree with them or not, you know, it's it's, you know, some people think he's a pig, some people think he's awesome, but it's just the point of view. And that's all you can really do as an artist is express yourself as who you are. And that's the people who I think become successful in whatever avenue they go down.

Paul Castro 1:04:44
Yeah, excellent point. And, yeah, and that's a very honest assessment of where you were at the time and what you would have done differently because he had to be, you know, a little bit brave to really take a hard look at yourself and who you are and who you are. who you want to be? And we, of course, all want to be the best version of ourselves. Right? Yeah. But that being said, I think you could have made that relationship successful. Yes. With the right approach and spirit, which you identified. And, you know, you mentioned a couple of key things you've said during this chat, which I think is interesting. You said, in one of your stories, you said, you're never going to get this opportunity again. Right? Well, that's how a lot of people think, of course, you are no one is this one shot or nothing thing. I mean, you know, you'll never work in this town again. It's over. If you wrote, you know, Schindler's List, and is an agent gonna go Oh, no, you pissed me off two years ago, I'm not gonna know it's a masterpiece. So they're gonna get it made? Yeah. So I think, let your material do the talking for you. And don't talk yourself out of a deal, which a lot of writers do, they get very excited. And they don't know when to go, Okay. I'm just gonna shut up and let the experts talk and do my job. Right. And I'm talking to myself as well, by the way.

Alex Ferrari 1:06:19
Yeah, I feel I feel you on that one. No question about it. And then

Paul Castro 1:06:23
Alex, one thing you said also, which before I forget, I'm gonna mention is going into battle. Well, I would change your your, your inner voice, what battle there's no battle, this is beautiful. This is going to be a lovely waltz. And it's going to be an under the moonlight waltz with Mr. or Mrs. Agent. And by the end of it, you know, we're going to part ways and they're going to be feeling great and a little bit wealthier than before. And I'm going to feel great and get to do my craft at a high level, how beautiful.

Alex Ferrari 1:06:59
And now I'm going to talk I'm gonna say something here, because I love what we're doing here. It's it's wonderful. And I'm actually getting a lot out of it personally. So I really appreciate it. But what I think is that a lot of filmmakers, screenwriters, artists in general, and you know, I've been around this business for a long time, and I've been in the trenches. Most of that career. I've, I've dabbled in, you know, I've gotten worked on projects, I've got Sundance, I've worked with Oscar winners, I've worked with people, you know, a different project, my projects, I've never gotten to that level, yet. But what I've noticed is there's something I'm working on as an artist, as well. And this one indie film hustle is kind of teaching me is that I have a lot of armor on. And I have a lot of like, like you said that battle terminology. When my inner my inner voice, my inner spirit is not that kind of guy. But being beaten up by the business for so many years and different avenues of the business, whether it be in post production, where I come from, or screenwriting or filmmaking, or anywhere, artists generally will just throw this armor on and then its guard that armor starts getting heavier and heavier and heavier to the point where you can't move and you can't even do anything. Where someone like you just said, you know, it's a it's a waltz, it's a float. When you think of a waltz, what do you think you don't think of anything heavy, you think of something very flowing, very smooth, very just, you know, it just kind of going with the flow. And I think a lot of artists, as the years go by become more and more disgruntled. In a lot of ways I'm that person as well, I have been. And I've been kind of trying to get myself out of it. And just hearing you analyze my terminology has shined a light on like, man, he's absolutely right. It's not a battle. And if you walk into a meeting like that as a battle, then it's gonna be a battle. But if you walk into a meeting like that with a much more open energy and just like, hey, this is the way it's gonna go. And if it's for you, great if it's not, there's another opportunity down the street. And that's the that's something I wanted to kind of say to everybody listening that, you know, this business does beat you up a lot. And I'm sure, Paul, you you can attest to this. I mean, it is a brutal business in many ways. But it doesn't have to be and you can kind of make things flow for you. And I think a lot of people who are working at the highest levels. Aren't these kind of Bulldogs, sometimes they are. But a lot of times they're not.

Paul Castro 1:09:32
It depends who you're dealing with. And surely what your what circles have you created, okay, yeah, they have and getting getting beaten up, but who wants to be in that industry going to battle trenches? These are all war terminology. So who wants that? So as a new writer, I would encourage you to do this exercise. Write a list of adjectives of what you think the entertainment industry is. And if your adjectives include brutal, pretentious, fake, and the list goes on and on and on, then I would encourage you to re think and revamp that entire list. The entertainment industry, my list is they're creative, they're generous, we influence the masses positively. There's this wonderful thing we do, which we get people out of their daily routine. And we put them in the moment to where they don't have to think about yesterday or tomorrow. They're right there in the moment. And there's residual value for people who read our screenplays and watch our movies, they can go back to their life, and be if their life is beautiful, or chaotic, tumultuous, or joyous, they're going to come back with something of value to contribute to the loved ones in their life. So you know, the holidays, right? Thanksgiving. What is Thanksgiving? It's giving thanks. Right? What is collaboration, it's co laboring. So start appreciating, because when you appreciate things increase in value, when a house depreciates, it loses value when it appreciates it increases in value. So if you get into the habit of appreciating things in your life, even the little, you know, kicks in the shin every now and again. And just appreciate it. Wow, what did that teach me? I mean, I look at the entertainment industry. And you know, have I had my challenges along the way? Sure you're in, you know, a career for a decade or two decades, you're going to have those times when you go, Wow, that really hurt. That was painful, that hurt my feelings. This was emotionally trying. And you have to look at it and go, Okay, well, that's true. And then you have to ask yourself, What did I do to invite that into my life? And then once you own bad, okay, what have I gotten from this? It wasn't a lost experience. How can I use this for future endeavors? You know, if I meet an unsavory person in the entertainment industry, even at a high level meeting, I instantly recognize and I think to myself, haha, how can I help this person? How can I contribute to them? How can today be the day when this person will no longer be unsavory? Because of the energy I'm bringing to this dynamic? And how can we create something of value

Alex Ferrari 1:12:42
and that is, that is the key I think, with everything we do in life is to be able to create value for people. And I think one of the reasons why this podcast and and indie film hustle has been so well received, is I hold heartily I'm trying to create value. And I I'm kind of an experiment for that I am an experiment for that. Because at the core of what I'm trying to do with with this, is to help people because I was just tired of seeing so many filmmakers walk through my doors in post production and just kick you know, and I don't want to use this that negative terminology but but eaten alive by the business in a lot of ways with their beautiful films, and they don't know how to market themselves. They don't promote themselves. They don't think about the long term that all this kind of stuff. I was like, You know what, let me see if I can shine some light and help some people along the way. So they don't have to go through the pains that I went through, or that I've seen.

Paul Castro 1:13:35
You're doing a great job, Alex and it's really beautiful and altruistic what you're doing for writers and creatives, not just screenwriters, but anyone could get value from what you're doing. And I think it's awesome. I'm trying and you look at someone like it's a right now I'm going to deal with Shirley MacLaine Oscar winner. I've done copious projects with surely and surely is a person if you look at her career, she's been working for what over 55 years or something

Alex Ferrari 1:14:00
she worked on, on among other movies, but what I love is the Alfred Hitchcock movie, Family Plot, if I'm not mistaken, she was in that one, right. Um, so no, no, three. That was the one that was the one. Yeah, that was her first movie. Yeah, that was the first movie. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah, yeah,

Paul Castro 1:14:16

Alex Ferrari 1:14:16
What a first movie that was.

Paul Castro 1:14:17
Right, exactly. She got you know, she was on Broadway and take. I think Hitchcock was in the audience and saw her. But so Shirley's had, this career never goes, Oh, what a lovely, beautiful career she's had. It's just like sculpted out of magic, right? But you look at her career. There were times when she gave her belief systems about metaphysics, quantum physics, past lives, aliens, that were her beliefs were not in alignment with mainstream media and the mainstream thought processes Correct. People would even allow that type of thinking in their realm. And, you know, people really responded harshly towards her and what she was doing She could care less. She traveled she did more movies, she did Broadway she did Vegas, she sang, she danced. She wrote books, I think she has seven times New York Times bestsellers. And Shirley MacLaine was and is a purpose who's a person who's on purpose, not paycheck. And as a result, those situations never even heard her. And she just kept going. She went, Hmm, interesting. Bam, kept going. Okay, so you, Alex, are now at a point where, from your experiences, you can look back on that tumult that you experienced and go, Huh, now I have a different perspective, I can look at it through a different lens. Your listeners who have not yet jumped into the deep waters of the entertainment industry can look at their life now and ask themselves, what journey do I want to have in the entertainment industry? And I would encourage all of us to not write our Oscar speech just yet. But to write our lifetime achievement speech,

Alex Ferrari 1:16:12
Oh, that's great. That's really great.

Paul Castro 1:16:15
At age 90, when you're up on stage, and your friends and family and kids and grandkids, and everyone's out there, what body of work? Did you contribute to this world?

Alex Ferrari 1:16:27
And that's a question you should ask yourself, what do you want to contribute to this world? Not what you can take from this world or from this business for that matter?

Unknown Speaker 1:16:35

Alex Ferrari 1:16:36
Well, I will ask, just a couple questions I ask of all of my guests. Well, first of all, Paul, this has been an eye opening and enlightening interview, I have taken as much as, as you're giving I've taken as much as hopefully the audience will take out of this too. So it's, it's been eye opening for me. So I really appreciate your amazing energy, man, I really do. Like,

Paul Castro 1:16:58
it's been very beneficial for me as well and really big fan of what you're doing.

Alex Ferrari 1:17:03
Alright, so to the last two questions, I always ask all my all my, my guest, what is the most underrated film you've ever watched?

Paul Castro 1:17:12
Okay, are you asking a two part question?

Alex Ferrari 1:17:14
Are you sure? And the second part is what are your top three films of all time? So go

Paul Castro 1:17:19
ahead. Okay. So, you know, there's a movie called Kolia. It was a foreign film. I believe it's KOLY. A, okay. And I believe it was Czechoslovakia in. And it was amazing. It was amazing. Just brought me to my knees. So that would be one that I think most people don't know about. Okay. And the next question was my top three.

Alex Ferrari 1:17:51
Yeah. And that could be the top three that you can come up with today. Because that always fluctuates depending on the room and the time period.

Paul Castro 1:17:58
Yeah. You know, there's so many great movies, not only in our wonderful country, but other countries as well. So there's a Chinese movie called farewell to my concubine. You ever saw? Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 1:18:11
that was? Oh, yeah. While ago? Yeah, that was during my video store days.

Paul Castro 1:18:16
Yeah. Brazilian movie called Central Station. For that one. Now is a good fun. Yeah, the same producer who did city of God. Donald Rambo did Central Station. He's got an amazing tale. Yeah, fantastic. And then, you know, look, look at the young filmmakers of today. They're just coming out with such interesting material and just, you know, breaking all rules and boundaries. I'm a big fan of Paul Thomas Anderson. I think he's really great. You know, Wes Anderson's great. You know, then you have you know, the females. Audrey Welles is one of the great female writer directors I think is underrated in has not shown us her best work yet. Although most of our work has been extraordinary. Allison Anders. And so I look at the person even Francis Ford Coppola had the good fortune of sitting down with Francis in class at UCLA. Oh, yeah. Oh

Alex Ferrari 1:19:19
my god, that must have been a heck of a day. Oh, it

Paul Castro 1:19:22
was like three hours with Francis Ford Coppola. It's

Alex Ferrari 1:19:25
like, what just he's just talking talking shop.

Paul Castro 1:19:27
Yeah, just talking shop. And this is you know, a long time ago, but he he was such a creative guy. He came in very stalwart and you know, the, the legendary director, but then once we asked him about, hey, what are you working on? He turned into a little kid. And that's, those are the best creative people, right? I mean, we're all just splashing in the baby pool and playing in the sandbox and finger painting. Really?

Alex Ferrari 1:19:59
That's yeah. I have twin daughters. So I and they're in that air and that age now so I, I feel you I feel it's fascinating watching them grow well,

Paul Castro 1:20:08
how old are they?

Alex Ferrari 1:20:09
They're going to be four in a couple days in a few weeks. Oh my god,

Paul Castro 1:20:12
what a full age, right? Yeah, they just it's every

Alex Ferrari 1:20:15
day something new and, and I'm introducing them to like, you know different like they know who the Hulk is. They know who Yoda is like, it's so. So like when anywhere we're in anywhere in the world. They're like, they'll point at Yoda or the Hulk that comes on advertised like that eat your whole gets it. So it's, and that's starting to introduce the you know, introduce them to story, but I'm seeing what stories kind of resonate with them. Obviously, frozen is the greatest movie of all time. Oh, my God, if I hear that song one more time.

Paul Castro 1:20:48
Let's just let it go.

Alex Ferrari 1:20:50
Ah, oh, it's rough. That was a rough

Paul Castro 1:20:53
one. But yeah, it's that's great man. And you know, your daughters, you have a responsibility to them, you know, what is responsibility responding with ability? And, you know, Walt Disney, you know, Bambi, you know, he saw how kids reacted and realized from that point on, this is a real responsibility I must take seriously, right

Alex Ferrari 1:21:16
because yeah, Bambi was, and a lot of I don't know about you, but you have a daughter too. How's your daughter now? Six, six. So she's a little bit ahead of us. Um, the, the Disney movies the old stuff? Hard. I can't I can't show them Pinocchio. I know. It's like there's, I mean, they're turning into donkeys. They're drinking. They're smoking. There's, there's abduction. There's like, it's like craziness. It's like, it makes the grim movie The Grim stories that like seem tame. Yeah. Yeah, it's some of the Snow White's way too harsh. Like, I can't like I even the book. Like I got them the Book and they get scared by the imagery of the book. I'm like, oh, and like, I can't I get so I'm sticking more with the Pixar stuff. And even then some stuff like I'm, you know, hesitant about but yeah, it is a responsibility. No question.

Paul Castro 1:22:09
Isn't it great, man. Don't you love being a father?

Alex Ferrari 1:22:11
It's a wonderful man. It really is. I know that this whole interview is to just all of a sudden just turn it to two dads talking. Oh, Paul, I really meant I can't wait. Let me one last quick. One last piece of advice. If you have one thing to one piece of advice you can give screenwriters just starting out what would it be?

Paul Castro 1:22:30
Right. Right, right, right. And just just enjoy the process. Don't be so hard on yourself. As artists, we feel so deeply so we get hurt and our feelings hurt and we beat ourselves up. And you know, give yourself a break. Okay. The way that you handled things in the past does not have to be the future. start reacting differently and be kinder and gentler with yourself. Create and continue to write on.

Alex Ferrari 1:23:01
On that note, Paul, thank you again so much. It's been an amazing, amazing interview. Amazing podcast. Thank you so much for your time, sir.

Paul Castro 1:23:09
Thanks, Alex. Thanks a lot. And to be continued.

Alex Ferrari 1:23:13
I love I love that interview. Many Paul gave us so much good information. And I'm just such a big fan of August Rush. I do love that movie a lot. So and I again, I can't stress enough how amazing that course that he that he has put out million dollar screenplay is I've taken a lot of screenwriting courses over the years. And it really encompasses a lot of great, great, great information. And it's very, very affordable for what you're getting. And at the show notes at Indie film hustle.com, forward slash BPS 005, you'll get a link to this amazing course. And because Paul and I had such a great time doing this interview, we actually teamed up to create another course, which is called the business of screenwriting. And it is a prerequisite if you want to be a screenwriter in this business. Paul lays out so many knowledge bombs in this little course, that just tells you all the inside stuff about meetings and pitches in the system, and all the stuff that they do not teach you in school. So definitely go to the show notes. There'll be a link for that course there as well. And do not forget to head over to screenwriting podcast.com And leave us an honest hopefully good review of the show. It really helps us out in the rankings of iTunes, especially since we're such a new podcast. So we really, really appreciate it. And as always, never stop writing no matter what. Talk to you soon.

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BPS 003: Making It in Hollyweird as a Screenwriter with Doug Richardson

Can you imagine having a front-row seat to the start of the filmmaking careers of Will Smith, Bruce Willis, and Michael Bay? Well, this week’s guest Screenwriter Doug Richardson did just that. In 1989 20th Century Fox hired Doug to adapt Walter Wager’s novel 58 Minutes into the first sequel to the hit franchise Die Hard. In 1990, it was released as Die Hard 2, Die Harder.

Around the same period, Doug Richardson and his one-time writing partner, Rick Jaffa, garnered national attention when their spec screenplayHellbent…and Back was the first in Hollywood to sell for a million dollars. Doug has since written and produced feature films including the box office smash Bad Boys (1995), Money Train (1995), and Hostage (2005).

In addition to writing for the screen and print, Doug posts a weekly blog on his website, dougrichardson.com, where he shares personal anecdotes and insight from his thirty-year showbiz career. The first collection of his blogs, The Smoking Gun: True Tales from Hollywood’s Screenwriting Trenches was published in 2015.

I had a ball chatting with Doug and his stories from the set had been mesmerized. He dropped some major knowledge bombs in this interview. Enjoy!

Right-click here to download the MP3



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Alex Ferrari 0:00
I like to welcome to the show, Doug Richardson. Man, thank you so much for taking the time, but I appreciate it. Hi. Very welcome. So let's get into it. Man, how did you become a screenwriter, like what made you want to jump into this crazy business?

Doug Richardson 3:37
Well, I wanted to be a filmmaker, you know, wanted to be a film director. In fact, like so many kids with movie cameras, and we used to go, you know, sneak away and skip movies at the mall. And from theater to theater, you know, just your, you know, kind of a 1970s movie geek. And then, you know, once a film school, because you know, that's kind of a natural progression. Saw that I kind of liked that movies were written. And a lot of the directors I really admired or guys who had written movies before. So I thought I would write my way into the business after I got out of school. And I did. In doing so I kind of became a screenwriter instead of a film director.

Alex Ferrari 4:24
Gotcha. And you went to USC, correct?

Doug Richardson 4:26
I did. How was how was that back then? Back then when we're in the Quonset huts? Yes. Before George Lucas and Steven Spielberg and everybody built them a mini Warner Brothers.

Alex Ferrari 4:40
I actually you know what, I just spoke there. I just did a lecture at USC and I just for the first time ever, I walked around. You're absolutely right. It's like a mini Warner

Doug Richardson 4:48
Brothers that that was what it was supposed to look like. It was supposed to look like the you know, though the Warner studio it's supposed to leave the interiors and all the all the architecture and stuff was built look like yeah, you know Warner's except, except it's in better shape.

Alex Ferrari 5:04
Oh, it's brand new. It's like, years old.

Doug Richardson 5:07
We were in little we were in World War Two Quonset huts. On another part of campus, it was just this little tiny quad of Quonset huts.

Alex Ferrari 5:17
So it wasn't it, it was it was it was Walmart back then. Back then.

Doug Richardson 5:20
It was always an extraordinarily respected, it was smaller, though. Okay. As in there were fewer students that could there was there were only 20 students per year of cheeses. And in both the grad programs, and the, and the undergrad programs are only 20 Each, it was tiny. So it was more competitive in some regards. And, and you know, by the time you finish there, were only like 15 Each, because people would have dropped or dropped out and moved on. So it was a it was it was it was very interesting, and probably very different.

Alex Ferrari 5:55
Wow, man. Wow. And were you there around the time that Jordan and I was,

Doug Richardson 6:00
I was there after Stephen was not I never went That's right. Long Beach. Uh, I was there, you know, after. Um, so he came and spoke and showed us, you know, he came in talk to us and gave like, some of the best advice you could ever get, which was, you know, film school will not teach you anything about filmmaking. But it is no, it is right. It will provide you a great, you know, laboratory in which to teach yourself. And that was very, very true, because there's some people who got through my program, and I swear, when they got finished, did not know where to put a camera. You know, even in the most basic setups and stuff. So versus, you know, a lot of us, you know, got our start there and moved on and had a pretty interesting class or some, you know, Ken aquaticus was not in my undergrad class, but the undergrad to the grad students went along in tandem. So, and there were the one of the programs, a lot of the classes were the same. So you were mixed in with the grad students. And so yeah, so guys like Ken coppice and Steven Blum. And all those guys have done some work since then, kind of one thing's us. You know, Andy Davis, the producer, Andy Davis, not the director, Andy Davis. And some others, Andy Davis,

Alex Ferrari 7:20
is, it's the same guy. I'm thinking, is it the guy did the fugitive?

Doug Richardson 7:24
No, that's the director Andy Davis. Okay. Okay. Here's the Andrew Davis, the producer who's just produced a lot of in a real go to Line guy out there. He works and works and works. Awesome. Awesome.

Alex Ferrari 7:35
So when you when you write a screenplay, like what's your process, and I know, every screenplay, screenwriter has a, a unique process, what's yours?

Doug Richardson 7:44
I don't know, minds, that unique. I mean, my process is do whatever I need to do, to serve the project. You know, so there's no wheel, I put everything on cards, I outline I, you know, I, you know, I go into a park and, and write on a bench the way Ron bass used to, or whatever, or sit in restaurants and listen to dialogue, I would just sort of, um, you know, if I felt a movie really wired, you know, if it was an action movie, for example, I, you know, like diehard, for example, that I felt was a, you know, kind of a bit of an action opera. That's something I felt like needed to be put on cards. Versus if it's something that's more of a thriller, that's, that's kind of need to be felt. Or if it's something that just there was a lot of, you know, drama that, you know, a lot of that is just research. And then sometimes the outline can be something on paper, sometimes it can be just notions on paper slightly organized, until eventually I get down to sitting down and writing and then the process is then probably very normal, I get that. I write it. I, by the time I get done with the first draft, there's a ton of stuff I already want to rewrite, I rewrite it and rewrite it until it's ready to kind of hand out and give to people to read. Do

Alex Ferrari 9:05
you have do you? Are you one of those writers that kind of like gets the idea and starts beating it up in your head first? Or do you do use the cards and you use the outlines to kind of beat it up because I like when I write I always, like I always beat it up in my head for probably a week or two before I even put anything to paper.

Doug Richardson 9:22
I have stuff in my head all the time. I have things that get that form, I'm sure isn't your writer, you understand this? Some things formed very quickly. And you can get them on paper. And some things like I said, are still in my head that I think are really great notions but have never haven't yet formed into something that I'm either going to write a screenplay or as I do now, which is I write more books and screenplays, but you know, is it you know, it's it's, there are notions in there that I say there's that there's a movie there somewhere. It just hasn't come yet. It hasn't Come together yet so, but still, yeah, it's comes it has to come together in my head before I start, you know, to put it down on paper because then it's, you know, I don't know, when I start to put stuff down on paper, I have no idea what I mean, almost everything I put down, I've kind of run through my head.

Alex Ferrari 10:18
Now, are you when obviously you're working screenwriter and you've had you've done many, many movies over the course of your career? When when what is the process of you actually getting a writing assignment? Like how does that work so the audience can understand a bit of how it works in the studio system, like your agent gets a call? Yeah,

Doug Richardson 10:38
there's the well, there's the old days, and there's nowadays, which is very, very different than the last 30 years. Things have changed. And then there's also there's cycles to, you know, whether they want, they're buying specs, or they're buying pitches, or, and what kind of pitches are buying and, and they want you to come in with a hole nowadays, they want you to come in with a hole, you know, sometimes with almost the marketing campaign, because they, you know, versus I remember, I this wasn't my pitch, but back a long time ago, Dale lahner walked in, and the pitch was, she's blonde, she's beautiful, just don't get her drunk. And that was that was it. That was a green light, a blind day. Oh, my man, they made that movie. But that was the pitch, at least, that movie that was the myth of the pitch, at least,

Alex Ferrari 11:31
at least, the myth of the great movie back in the day. And I used

Doug Richardson 11:35
to have, you know, back in the days, when they were would, there was more development. And they would, they were more interested in buying an idea with a writer and it didn't quite need to be as formed. And they would actually be part of the forming of it process. You could go in and I did go in sometimes I would only go in with a first actor, I would go on with just, you know, character and a couple of characters in a situation. And they would say, Yeah, that's cool. Let's try it. And, you know, deal would be made or you know, and you go start the research or whatever, and you'd eventually write the movie, but a deal will be made now. They kind of almost again want the story to be fully baked. They want 3x And they want like I said practically a marketing campaign. Whether it's something back to your question, whether it's uh, you know, the my agent calls me and says DreamWorks is looking for a haunted house movie. You know, and didn't you have one? And when you go into DreamWorks, you know, DreamWorks wants more than just, hey, I have this idea for a haunted house movie. Fever, hey, you know, the executives want to, you know, unless you're pitching the guy who can say yes, or the woman who can say yes, who's the boss. And generally, you're not at that point, you're pitching something that you need to they need to be able to take upstairs to their, to their boss, to the guy who says yes, or take to their big meeting and to the group and see if they can say yes, and be competitive with it. You know, sometimes they want more ammo than just the story you want to tell them? You know, this is I mean, now it's like they want you know, what's the demographic? Now, right? Yeah,

Alex Ferrari 13:23
you're right, you're absolutely right. They want like they want on stats, they want reports,

Doug Richardson 13:28
or marketing scheme. How we see, you know, do we have a do? Can we imagine a slot for this, you know, which is again, very different than 20 years ago, when they just made stuff that they really liked. And only they developed stuff that really liked it only after they developed it to a place that they really, really loved it? Would they then say, Okay, now, you know, how do we approach? How much do we spend on it? Route? How would you know? And then the marketing guys would come in? And how would we market it? And how would we write there are a lot of screens that we can open on just a couple of markets, you know, so that's now it's just, it's it's very pre packaged, and pre digested and pre marketed.

Alex Ferrari 14:18
So it's before you might have had if you're not at the end business, sorry. And, of course, of course, the end business is a little bit different. But like, Do you think that's kind of the whole corporatization of like the McDonald's thing of Yeah, no, that's

Doug Richardson 14:33
when were the were the corporations but Hollywood there was a lot of different there's a lot of talk for a long time about how how it was going to spin out you know, and people had different ideas you know, where movies gonna be and then we you know, there's a whole DVD part of the business Yeah, with the and videotape part of the business where, you know, you're you you begin like a product and you're fighting for, you know, square feet of shelf space, you know, or lint or linear feet of shelf space at Blockbuster, or Walmart or some, um, no one really knew that it would sort of end up going more, where the marketing guys moved way deep into the creative side to where movies were actually made more to fit a marketing scheme than they were to fit something that an audience is gonna love. Right there. They're kind of almost reverse engineered. This is a marketing scheme that we know we can sell. We've been very successful with this kind of marketing scheme. What can we find that fits that model?

Alex Ferrari 15:49
I think one of the movies of recent year of this year actually that kind of broke what you're talking about, and it was a huge monsters hit to the surprise of the studio was Deadpool. They kind of snuck it in. And then the marketing guys be this brilliant marketing campaign. But that was one of those films that I think just kind of

Doug Richardson 16:08
it was a risky film for them. And it was and it was an anomaly for them. Yeah, it wasn't an anomaly. I think they knew they had some they liked, and they knew they're going to have to sell it differently. They clearly had a ball with it. Yes. They certainly had a ball with it. And and then then then on top of it, the movie deliver. And you've got this massive breakout hit. Now, is that now a new marketing scheme, that they're going to try and fit again, for something other than Deadpool?

Alex Ferrari 16:40
What? Well, Wolverine is going to be an R rated the next Wolverine will be the R rated R but

Doug Richardson 16:44
right are they going to do I mean, people thought Warner's was going to do that with Suicide Squad, you know, that they were really gonna, you know, aim for, you know, but I think they were Warner Brothers was really deep into Suicide Squad for Deadpool came out. So perhaps they didn't do that. I think, you know, audiences may have been hoping for something with more of an edge. But did that create a new a new marketing scheme? Or is, you know, or is that you know, is sometimes they see that, and they just write them off as anomalies. Right?

Alex Ferrari 17:17
Of course. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I completely agree. I but I do think Well, I think there there is going to be a little bit of a shift. But again, the budget to was almost $50 million, or something like that. It wasn't in the studio world. That's nothing.

Doug Richardson 17:30
Now it was in the studio superhero world world. It was an it was an experiment. Yeah. It used to be. See, it's an experiment. It that used to be Hey, this is Deadpool. This is cool. This is how much we're willing to risk on it. You guys go go make it we'll figure out how to add a marketing. Yep. Okay. That's how it used to be. Now, you know, it's looked upon as as like, you know, as a lab rat. It's so crazy and not as left cool. We should We should make it the movies from the period I grew up on. I mean, some of my favorites like Midnight Cowboy tattoo, or something

Alex Ferrari 18:09
you imagine? You will that have been a cowboy today from a studio

Doug Richardson 18:13
at the studio that made it the response was this. We love that this is amazing. We have to make it it's incredibly risky. So we're only going to we're only going to spend this we got a director, we got the script, we got the produce, whatever, you guys go make this film for a million for don't spend a penny more. Okay, go make it, don't spend a penny more or we'll kill you. You know, and then they come back with a movie. And then they say, great, we've got this, it bloomed. It's everything we thought it should be. Now, we've only risked 1,000,004 on it. Let's come up with a way to sell it. But they made it because they loved it. They didn't turn away movies that they didn't love. They saw something they love because they love movies. And they wanted to make sure some they saw as like just money franchises. And we're gonna make them because you know, they make money, but some they would read and they would say, oh my gosh, we have to be we have to make this. This has to be ours. And they would figure out how to do it now. Loving something is dangerous. Because you're not because you're not thinking your way through. It's going to be a marketing thing.

Alex Ferrari 19:24
Do you believe in this whole Hollywood implosion eventually, like the you know, all these big tent poles are just they just keep rolling the dice so much that eventually they're going to have a bomb like, you know, Batman vs. Superman

Doug Richardson 19:36
already. They're already having bombs and like masses, but they're, well, you know, they're Heaven's Gate. Now there's no because there's, they're all the parent companies can withstand the parent companies. The other corporatization is that the parent companies can withstand the bomb. That's the you know, and they've and they've, again, been able to Pre digest them and pre market them in such a way where their risk is still somewhat, you know, minimal, right? So it won't kill the studio. It may make them shift a little bit. I don't think it's going to be an implosion. I think it's going to be a slow erosion of

Alex Ferrari 20:22

Doug Richardson 20:24
Well, no, it's gonna change cinema is gonna be there's always people's going people are always gonna want to go sit in a dark theater, I think and see something really great. Yeah, it might be small. That where where it goes as far as you know, the independent world and what you're able to make it dependently and theaters, exhibitors wanting to willing to book independent films, and they're being a market for people wanting to go out. One thing they they've done is they price themselves out of they priced the regular movie goer out of the theater as a regular movie going experience. Because they've been so greedy with that. And that, that I've been really expecting for a while I think that really hit home this summer with some movies. You know, it's like, oh, what are we gonna see? We're gonna see the BFG or Finding Dory, you know, or we saw Finding Dory and Oh, kid. Sorry, you want us to be FG? I'm sorry. I already spent that $150 for that night out. Month. Yes. And we're not gonna go see in another movie for another month. So I think

Alex Ferrari 21:31
it's very true. I have I have twin daughters and everything and all went to go see Zootopia and, you know, we went to go see Finding Dory and but at a certain point you like, and they said, I think that we want to go out my wife took them to go see Secret Lives of, of dogs or pets or something. And that, you know, when like, Ice Age came out, we're like, BFG Yeah, like, I'm not gonna go. Because it's 40. It's 50 bucks. 60 bucks.

Doug Richardson 21:54
Tickets. And then there's the popcorn.

Alex Ferrari 21:57
No, I was bringing my I always bringing my pocket. Well, you're that guy. I'm that dude, dude. Absolutely. Well, your

Doug Richardson 22:02
kids are learning to be frugal. Still. 50 bucks. Yeah. But still, yeah, the cost, the cost of seeing a movie have have gone up, oh, Raizy compared to five or six bucks. High school was over six compared to the cost of living everywhere else. Right. It's it's gone. I mean, when they came, the other greedy thing that I thought was I kind of felt was going to happen as soon as they learned, they could charge a premium price for 3d, then sure, they're going to pay to have movies in 3d, and charge the premium price. But the but the 2d prices just crept up right behind them. Yep. And now

Alex Ferrari 22:45
there's don't forget the big theaters that are special theaters that have this special seating and the special sound and, and those like extra money, ultravision or whatever. It's just all, you know, all sorts of different things. And you know, well, I mean, we've gotten completely sidetracked off our conversation.

Doug Richardson 23:00
I know. But it's, it's fun. And by the way, but from a writer standpoint, these are important things to know and understand. You need to understand the business and what you you work and the people and the perspectives of the people which you're working for, you know, where else you're doomed to in some respect to failure? Well, let

Alex Ferrari 23:21
me ask you a question. Now, you know, you worked in a time where, you know, the studios are a lot different, like we were talking about, like now, you know, a lot of the earlier earlier work in your career, you know, those that was a different kind of time. I can only imagine like every year that goes by, there is a new crop of screenwriters coming into the marketplace. But yet the old crop of screenwriters are still working as well, but yet the number of studio movies are going down. Yeah, now the competition to get even try to get a studio movie made at any level, even you know, a smaller level like a Lions Gate for 20 or $30 million for certain movies, if that even exists much anymore, is getting harder and harder and harder. Because you know, you know, you've been you know, you wrote diehard to and you wrote bad boys and you know, you and you wrote a bunch of studio movies back then, well, you're not gone. You know, you're still in competition with the new 20 year old or the 25 year old screenwriter that's submitting theirs. I'm sorry, if I choose to me. Yeah, exactly if you choose to. So, um, well, let's get back to screenwriting real quick. There's two camps that I've heard of and they are the plot camp and the character camp. Do you sit on one side or do you do both or you have a foot in both?

Doug Richardson 24:41
Ah, some people might argue based upon my era of film. Those that have been made, you know, like in my written a lot more screenplays in pictures that have been made. Um, I really think I prefer a balance of both I think character drives plot. So I'm definitely character first, unless you have an agenda, and a character with an agenda that has real characters with agendas that create some sort of conflict. And you'd have no story at all. But you still have to be an architect of plot to get to kind of get there because it is a movie and you have all you got, especially it's a movie. So I mean, you've got 90 minutes to two hours and 15 minutes generally, in which you're going to have to tell the story. So you know, the screenplays they say our structure? Well, architecture is, is there's a lot of plot involved in an architecture.

Alex Ferrari 25:45
So plot would be the car and character would be the engine.

Doug Richardson 25:49
Yeah, gotcha. I guess if that's a good analogy or not, yeah, but dead sets works for me.

Alex Ferrari 25:56
So you wrote one of my favorite movies in the 90s Bad Boys. How did you get the bad boys gig and how did that come to be?

Doug Richardson 26:04
Ah, that was just one of those. You know, right place, right time kind of things were, they had, ah, Don and Jerry had a whole lot of movies Don Simpson, Jerry Bruckheimer are coming back from their sort of lean period, and had three movies ramping up at once. Dangerous Minds, Crimson Tide and bad boys. And they had this director named Michael Bay who'd never directed anything but some videos and a cut some commercials. And they had half a script, literally half a script and they just stopped. They just stopped even though there have been many scripts for and it's been in development for like 11 or 12 years.

Alex Ferrari 26:53
Yeah, it wasn't a Danny Carvey and Jon Lovitz. Originally it

Doug Richardson 26:55
was there was well, there was a version of the movie with Michael Bay directing six months prior to my being involved. That was it was a Dana Carvey Jon Lovitz vehicle. That's and then that fell apart. And they started to mess with the script again. And they just stopped in the middle, because when they got, um, they had these two TV actors, you know, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence who had hiatuses between their shows are both gonna be on hiatus around the same time someone had the bright idea whether it was Jerry or Lucas Foster, who was that time running their company to put them all on I guess it was Lucas to sort of like, get the get, we got the director, we got this hot young shooter, and we got these two interesting guys. And Martin and Willow came on board and they said that sounds like fun. But the script it's that they had they were all forces. Yeah, you know, George Gallo had originally written a farce. Um, and that was still at the center of it and and will and Martin wanted to be interaction mode. Right. And so I got the call one afternoon, can you come in now? And I'll you know, literally at this moment, I was on my back from a little league practice. On a team, I was coaching and I, my back hurt because I just thrown about 100, fastballs and he says, Wherever you are, can you come over to Disney now, and I said, as long as you can have a bag of ice serious, that's so funny. And I sat down and they threw it at me. They said, Look, we we've got a window. We've got a director, we've got Miami, we've got a production office we're putting together we just don't have a script. Can you? Are you willing to just drop everything you're doing right now and jump in and do this. And I was actually in the middle of taking a brief break as I was writing my first novel. So I jumped in said sure. And we had a very short window of time, we had only five weeks of prep.

Alex Ferrari 29:12
Oh my god. Yeah, I heard I heard from like commentaries and interviews that that will and Martin were really just kind of throwing stuff at the wall.

Doug Richardson 29:19
It was a that was that was kind of the process. We were I you know, within days, I was in Miami. And with no with no script and, and not much supervision, which is good. No, and just mark them well who weren't there yet. And Michael, who was casting the dog parks and building sets for scenes that I hadn't yet written seriously? That and so it was it was really kind of done completely backwards, but there's a line in the movie where you know, the two guys come in, and Joey And to Liana pants Yeah, yeah yells at them say Just do what you do only faster. That was actually that was an actual line from Jerry when I asked him that first day I said, Okay, I can do it, but five weeks and blah, blah, blah, blah blah. He said looked at me says, Just do what you do only faster. That was sort of like every time I saw Jerry, I said I'm doing what I'm doing only faster.

Alex Ferrari 30:25
Nice. And how was How involved was Bay in this whole process?

Doug Richardson 30:30
A was was involved as to he wasn't involved in in the you know, of course Mr. Bay has his own now Mr. Bay is big giant Michael Bay. Yeah. So you know, the world gets rewritten. History gets has probably gotten rewritten a bit, Michael was pretty much relegated to prepping different things. Okay, and be involved in some casting. Dawn and Dawn especially, didn't want to not at one point want Michael because Don was the genius is want him budding himself into the film part. The the the the stop the film part the the the content or story part. And Don came in just like the weekend before we started shooting, and liked a lot of it and sort of got it. But Don hadn't been around at all involved in the process. So he came in just days before we started shooting and blew it up. And then we then I began putting it back together again, as a you know, from Don's perspective. And so Michael, there was the first three or four weeks of shooting it was Michael here your pages go shoot them, please don't let the actors go too far off script. You know, because when they did sometimes there was a few scenes that we one landed up on the cutting room floor, right? Because Michael let Martin and well go off the page to the point where there was no way to link it to the scene before and after. Right. So there was some times there were moments when I had to I'd there was a couple days where I would went in and I had to circle certain lines of dialogue in the morning. Just to make sure that we weren't Michael would work late the first day so much. Michael was crazy mad shooter. I mean, the guy could get incredible amounts of film. Yeah, you know, in the cans so fast. And so he worked everyone to death on the foot on on a Monday. So we were working splits already by Tuesday. Oh, Jesus. So you had time to go in that morning and say, okay, you know, sit down with Dawn and, and we'd circle lines in the scene and say, Look, dude, if you miss these lines, we're done. Because aren't there to say the lines, then we have no scene. We can't link it because that movie really is held together with with with scotch tape, the screw string and tape literally pretty much is and you know, brilliant editor, Christian Migra brilliant editor. Because I mean, he made scenes that didn't look like they were going to cut all right, um, together. And that's kind of how the film's bank it was really written like that about halfway through the process that there was almost like a script that was almost together.

Alex Ferrari 33:27
You know, the funny thing is, is while you were shooting my shooting bad boys, I was in Miami. I lived in there I Miami at the time. And I was just starting out, just starting out my film career. And I just heard about it. And it hurt bad boys too. Obviously, it was even more so. Because when they came back, they came back with a vengeance in Miami. But then

Doug Richardson 33:47
then they did blow up your street. There really wasn't that that much that we didn't have the money to blow up that much. It was that movie for only like, I think 18 $19 million. All in

Alex Ferrari 33:58
Yeah, back in the day. But I remember seeing that. I'll go into the theater and seeing that it was just so much fun and that that movie made will a star.

Doug Richardson 34:06
It did even though he was gonna be a star anyway,

Alex Ferrari 34:09
somewhere. But that was that that was the trigger that if

Doug Richardson 34:12
you'd see if you saw Well, if you'd ever sat down with them and work with them. It was sort of like, Oh, my reaction to well, after the first couple days of rehearsal and hanging out with him. It was like, Okay, this guy is a racehorse. He just doesn't quite know how to go fast yet. But very clear. racehorse

Alex Ferrari 34:35
yours like he hasn't figured that he can run really fast just yet.

Doug Richardson 34:38
He sort will. He hasn't figured out how to run really fast yet. He he could tell. I know. I'm a racehorse. I know I've got these mad skills. You know, I just not I'm working my way through them right now. And they're not very self possessed. Very confident. They're very fun, really nice guy. saved my bacon a few times. stories I can't tell on air. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 35:07
So you also did the sequel to one of the most iconic action movies of all time diehard, you know, how? How did it feel having getting that call because I mean, literally diehard is a masterpiece. The first

Doug Richardson 35:20
is it isn't it was actually still in theaters. And I'd already seen it twice when I got the call. And the reason why I got the call is because I was the baby writer with no credits. And I guess according to Larry Gordon, and Lloyd Levin, I had a thought, or a guest, that I had the skill to pull it off at least the talent. But the genius behind it, I'm just gonna give credit away again, was because the movie was still in theaters, and Leonard Goldberg was running the studio at the time, Leonard who I to this day adore, who's one of the greatest people in my career, just as a mentor. But I didn't know him then. Anyway, Leonard wasn't willing to really even start development of a sequel of the movie who didn't feel feel the movie was quite tested yet, but Larry felt they were going to need one. Also, they to you know, as you know, very well know, if they're doing a sequel. And if they're, they're announcing a sequel that they're going to start writing one. It's a feeding frenzy and all the agents and all the it gets it gets it gets it gets busy and and not very conducive to getting it done. Right. So Larry Gordon said, Okay, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm Larry Gordon. I used to run a studio. I've got swag. So I've got this book called 58 minutes that I think would might make a really good diehard and I got this writer who doesn't cost very much so I'm just going to go to the studio and tell them on I want to develop this book into a potential movie. It's not going to cost much this guy doesn't have any credit so to speak yet and that was a time when they were willing to yeah Larry go ahead it's not going to cost much so they throw you know a few bob at it and meanwhile Larry was saying to me Okay, whisper whisper they just think they're developing 58 minutes you and I know we're doing diehard to That's brilliant, because by the time we're done by the time you're done with the script, they're gonna want there too. So it was it was that was the exact that was the exact you know, talk and I was like, okay, you know what you're doing I just worked here fine personally, I'm the giraffe came in and took over and one of the first things Joe Ross said when he came in is I need diehard to and Larry said funny you should say so. And there it was. He had it. He just gave it to him right there and it was greenlit

Alex Ferrari 37:55
Wow, that's the story behind that

Doug Richardson 37:58
I delivered but the real genius was Larry Larry was the one who saw it saw the he saw all the gears you know and all the storm clouds and could read the weather and see the future and again the movie was in theater only there's only three weeks and I got the call

Alex Ferrari 38:20
because it was a huge hit right off the bat

Doug Richardson 38:22
it wasn't a huge hit right off the bat it was a surprise right off the bat movies didn't blow

Alex Ferrari 38:27
up yeah, they weren't 100 million dollar openings back then.

Doug Richardson 38:29
They didn't well and yeah I mean all in diehard only made 85 domestic I mean or so roughly it I mean it took a while to get to that number but I hit video screens and

Alex Ferrari 38:42
and video but when it hit you and cable Forget it

Doug Richardson 38:45
but but three weeks in studio wasn't willing to commit yet to a sequel when this I mean this Bruce Willis guy exactly that was that was blisters are big people like the movie but I you know, I they just want you know, but Larry said this is a frank this is gonna be big. I know.

Alex Ferrari 39:04
And you were also brought into kind of, I guess ghosts, right? Or on the live for your diehard right?

Doug Richardson 39:10
I worked? Well. No, I didn't go Strike that. There just was a lot of guys who worked on it. I've actually I'm the guy who broke Mark Bombeck script. Okay. Oh, okay. That's, that's that's that's a funny way of saying it. I did. I did a version of diehard three, that there's very little love left in that movie at one point, but there's a lot of people who work on versions of diehard three. And one point when I was in the middle of shooting hostage with Bruce Bruce came to me and dropped the script on my lap on the set and said can you read this? And it was Mark bombax diehard 4.0 Which is what it was called them and they thought that title was so clever to studio was So like, that's such a cool time,

Alex Ferrari 40:01
it's I owe kind of internet. It's I know it's so meta.

Doug Richardson 40:05
And three hours later we were having a discussion in his trailer, you know, boost didn't want to do should I shouldn't I do another diehard it was one of those things and I then I didn't want to see another diehard. I didn't want to write another diehard right? And I was kind of trying to talk him out of it. Me out of it but he then asked the question, well what kind of diehard would you want to see? So I began to riff I was gonna make another diehard this is what I would do. And the next day literally the next day was a Friday we were at Fox and I was with Bruce with Tom Rothman and Bruce was saying this is the diehard for I want to make and Tom Rothman was looking at me like you asshole you broke my diehard and after I got done breaking it and a lot of other stories that nd whether or not it was a good version of diehard or not my version and Bruce had dropped out of it again you know, right at another release date had been botched. And uh you know, eventually he wrote Bruce back in and was able to make and did what he wanted to do which is make Mark Bombeck script that's what Mark gets credit on it. I actually wrote a letter to the guild during that was a massive arbitration all these wires for jumping in trying to get credit, of course and I actually wrote wrote wrote a letter saying, this is Mark Bombeck script. I didn't know I was one of the guys who tried to take it apart and mess it up. And in the end, this is the movie they wanted to make and march you get so credit.

Alex Ferrari 41:53
And there you go. Now are you on? Are you on set for a lot of these big movies as a writer?

Doug Richardson 42:00
I'm not the diehards while I was already fired by that. A bad boys Yeah. And hostage I you know, hostage. I didn't leave that movie until it was in previews. I was not allowed to leave that I was on the set every second I got one day off. Because I'm writing

Alex Ferrari 42:22
and you're writing they always ask you hey, what can you do a patch up on this? Or what do you think of that?

Doug Richardson 42:27
Well, since I'm there, I mean, there's always a writer on the movie, but since I was there, and I had a French director, and I had very, bullheaded movie star who, uh, you know, like having me around and like having me to fight battles with him or for him. Uh, you know, there was a, there were there were a lot of little changes and stuff. But on that movie, whether you love it or hate the hostage, which people tend to either love or hate it, that was the movie we really went out to make. And, you know, there it is. And, as a writer, I probably never get less if I wrote and directed the movie myself and had complete control. I probably would never have that kind of sway on a movie with a director and a movie star again.

Alex Ferrari 43:18
Got it. Got. So that was that was

Doug Richardson 43:22
to the point where it was out of control. To the point was like, I couldn't leave. I had other assignments. I actually lost money on a hostage, literally, because you've been working on other movies. I had other assignments I supposed to do, and they would not. I was supposed to be on the set for the first week. Right? And, you know, go and I and, you know, Bruce was like, No, you can't leave and then Flom would say no, you can't leave. And this went through all the production and then in the edit room, and in the test screenings. Jesus, yeah. You're a hostage. I was I've actually it's a five part blog that you can read on my you can read it for free on my site, or you can buy the book, the smoking gun, which I was gonna talk about that, which is it's Oh, actually, no, you can't read it on my site. You can only read it in the book. Because that's the there's a five or six part blog called writer called writer held hostage. That is in the smoking gun, which tells a lot of the stories of how I couldn't get off that movie. Wow. All the way to arbitration with Robert craves and was just

Alex Ferrari 44:36
no arbitration. And I've heard many other writers talk about arbitration. Can you explain a little bit to the audience what arbitration is with the Writers Guild? Okay, in a nutshell,

Doug Richardson 44:46
it's roughly Well, one word, hell.

Alex Ferrari 44:49
That's what I've heard from everybody who's ever dealt with it.

Doug Richardson 44:52
Well, it's so antithetical to writing, right? It's so antithetical to collaboration. It becomes this legal list a process that writers are succumb to, you know, if they want to receive credit, and now it pits writers against writers. And then studios are able to use the conflict to their own advantage. In that, that's why they offer these, they, they use it to their advantage of that they will pay you less money up front for the movie, and then say, but if you get a credit, we'll give you this bonus.

Alex Ferrari 45:33
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show.

Doug Richardson 45:44
So if they put the carrot on the stick for the writer who might not have might have only contributed, contributed 20%, something that you would the guild would not consider credit worthy. But try and make a case that maybe you contributed 33%, or maybe 50%, depending upon the standard. required and and to then go in and rightfully so the studio's are also part of it, but it's not fun. And you know, it's imagined going in, and you know, anyone out there who's written anything, and then having to go in and defend what you've written on paper to other writers, to a faceless panel of three writers on paper and explain why you deserve credit, instead of that guy. Wow. It's not fun at all. It stops everything in your life, for that period of time. And it's also created an industry of people who do nothing but write arbitrations for other writers.

Alex Ferrari 46:48
That's it, there's a whole industry around it, yep. Jesus man,

Doug Richardson 46:53
this, then I don't sides. I've actually done arbitrations. And have you ever written arbitrations? No, I've watched an ad, I've read arbitrations, I've served as an arbiter, oh, God, it's a it's not fun. No, and you but you want to be fair, and you know, cuz you've done. If you've been in one, you really feel like, okay, and in or maybe if you've been in one and felt like you got you were on the wrong side of it, or maybe felt like you got on the right side of it, because someone did it. Right. You sort of feel like, you know, you're going to be a good juror, and help make a good decision.

Alex Ferrari 47:31
Now, let me ask you a question. Are you any good at pitching? When you go on a pitch? And if you are

Doug Richardson 47:36
good, now I'm certain I now I've decided I suck. I

Alex Ferrari 47:40
used to think you were good.

Doug Richardson 47:41
I think it's it's just a different world of pitch. Now if I have to go in and pitch the whole movie, which I kind of think you need to do almost, I'm not good at it. Got it. You know, I? It's like,

Alex Ferrari 47:54
it's not like the player. Like Robert Altman is a player where, at the beginning of that opening scene, you see writers just going in like, so there's a girl, she's beautiful. She gets drunk. Don't get a job.

Doug Richardson 48:04
Yeah, it's you go in and you used to I used to be able to my whole thing was I would try and pitch characters and, and the first act that would leave everyone with a nice question, Mark. And if it was a good jumping off point, yeah, I had the rest of the movie. But that was a, that became a really energetic and exciting discussion. In the room, instead of you're looking at blank faces. Again, as you're telling the story, they're trying to quantify it for their boss in their heads, do I like it or not? Like, can I quantify it? Can I sell it? Can I, you know, and tell it to them in a way that they can. You know, if there's one point during the pitch, I'm like, if you're not engaged in the pitch as involved in asking questions, I'm sort of like, You must be bored. Now other people are brilliant at it. I've been in pitches with other writers. It's sit there and sit down for 45 minutes, you just been a tail and leave you breathless. Right? And that's a Yeah, that's a talent. I do not possess to do it that way. I've gotten it done. But boy, I would do good. Do everything I possibly could to not have to be in that situation.

Alex Ferrari 49:20
know, when you've written a load of action movies, like how do you approach writing big action sequences and these kinds of studio movies?

Doug Richardson 49:30
Ah, I wrote an interesting blog about that recently, just because I got asked that for the 9 million times. Sorry, excited. No, no, it's the most. No, I never get the question I get asked the most. Okay, so anyone who's listening this podcast, if they go to my website and read Action speaks, there's a longer version of this answer. I'll put it in the show notes. But in that in that yeah, go to my website and just look up Action speaks in the blog section. At good at action sequence because when I wrote my first action film, which was that that diehard thing, that little diehard thing Yeah, I hadn't written one before. Um, but it's the ones I like. And the way I prefer to approach them is that they're, it's a suspense film. And the best action is like writing a great scene in a suspense film. The only difference is, is the conflict, um, engages and blooms in action, in, you know, almost sort of like combusts. Ah, and in, and you know, that and also then creates another problem for your character, you know, a good action film, unless it's the final action film of the scene, a good action scene, it was the finest, the final scene of the film doesn't, you know, shouldn't resolve it should create a bigger problem that needs to be solved, that eventually needs to be handled in action. It also only works going to talk about what's first character plot, if, if your character is deeply engaged and involved, which is why again, a suspense scene only works if you have a sense of suspense with what's going to happen with your character, how is your character going to behave? If you just got a whole lot of really great stuff happening, but you don't have a character engaged in it, some people would call that steaks. Um, but I call it characters with different agendas, oftentimes, fighting for some form of supremacy. If you've got that kind of conflict in that scene, if you don't have that kind of conflict with characters injected into that scene, then it'll lay flat.

Alex Ferrari 51:51
Kind of like when giant Transforming Robots fight for 30 minutes.

Doug Richardson 51:59
I'm making but you but But you, I could say that. You went there, and you can incur Michael Bay's wrath. I know from

Alex Ferrari 52:07
I've actually wrath of de the wrath of bay with Bay ham. I actually am and a lot of people I've actually wrote a whole article post about it. I truly believe that Michael Bay is a genius and what he does, yeah, and I think he changed the game for action is ever since the rock and Armageddon pacifically the rock action movies changed the way they're shot. I mean, everyone tries

Doug Richardson 52:31
to steal his style, and you can see it, you can see it movie after movie movie after

Alex Ferrari 52:36
movie. He is him and Tony Scott both changed the game. In the way action was shot in the 90s. And moving forward. Do I like all of Michael Bay's movies? No, they're not sometimes they're not the great, I still think the rock is probably his best movie. Other than bad boys, of course, which Bad Boys is up there as well. But at a certain point, like Armageddon is just fun popcorn. I mean, it's ridiculous. The movies ridiculous, but it's so much fun to watch. But I do think he's a genius. And what he does, I think, like a lot of times, directors get a little bit. They drink too much of their own Kool Aid. And I think, possibly with a 35 minute action sequence with giant transformers, which don't have as big of a stake as they should. I think that's where certain things go wrong. But

Doug Richardson 53:22
can I Kenick? Can I tell you where I think Michael Bay's real, real geniuses, please. I mean, whether you like his dirty movies or not, and there's certainly people who don't like his movies. He's x with exception of two movies. He's been wise enough to tie his big giant ego and machine all to either a bigger ego or a bigger filmmaker. He's had either Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer over his shoulder. And Jerry is a genius, by the way. Yeah, Jerry is a genius. I've seen it. I because I've seen it in action. Jerry is a genius. And, and so was Dawn, but there's a certain genius to Jerry, you know, you got to kind of sort of be there to say, and, and then, you know, with the transformer films, as Spielberg has always been there. And you know, other than that the two films that he that they have made have made that haven't done well. Have been both with films where you didn't have those godfathers,

Alex Ferrari 54:30
the island and yeah, pain again. Right. Right.

Doug Richardson 54:35
So and, you know, I'm not saying he can't succeed without them because he's been extraordinarily successful. But I think there's a certain wisdom to saying, You know what, there's a bit of a comfort zone here that I can you know, that there's that got that Godfather, who can come Come in and whisper in my ear and say, maybe that's too much.

Alex Ferrari 55:03
Maybe you should pull back here.

Doug Richardson 55:04
Maybe you should pull back here. Maybe we should have. Maybe I'm not feeling a heartbeat here. So maybe we should go find what are you know, and and I think that's, you know, and to you that's something that that that's not a knock on on Bay. I think that's where credit's due.

Alex Ferrari 55:23
Well, no, I think that's I think that's a really great observation because you're right and to smart director to always have someone whoever that person might be who's smarter than you are. Right you I mean, that's that's the key to any great leader right? It's always have people who are smarter than you around you.

Doug Richardson 55:41
Right. And I'm not transformed my films, you know, Lorenza Devonta, Ventura and, and Mark variety and are no idiots. No, either. So, of course, of course, of course.

Alex Ferrari 55:51
Now, tell us a little bit about your smoking gun book. I saw it on your website.

Doug Richardson 55:56
Smoky monk gun book is a lot of people have been asking for a long time, when am I going to we're going to put my blogs into book form. And eventually, I just sort of succumbed to my books are read, my my blogs are repurposed on script mag, like three or four months after I write them. Because the woman who runs script mag, Jeannie Berman is one of my favorite people on the planet. And so it's like, and then it was sort of like in the this publishing company, FW media owns script mag, and Writer's Digest and a few other things. And so they came along and said, Will you please let us publish them in a volume? So we put together the first one. And there you go, well, that'd be two and three, or whatever, who knows?

Alex Ferrari 56:47
Now you do write a lot of novels as well, you're very successful novelist, is there a different process when you writing the novel versus a screenplay?

Doug Richardson 56:54
Yes, and no, the basic process of get up, write it, you know, rewrite it, want to make it you know, if it's not compelling, then do it again. And why is, you know, the, my whole thing is, whether you're reading a script or a book, I want the reader to turn the page and they gotta want it, they got to feel compelled to turn the page, you know, whatever the processor, or, or platform, or platform or architecture of the pieces you just use, if it's not compelling, then you know, they're gonna, someone's gonna put it down, it's tiring to read crap. So. So that's the same process, though, the process of writing straight narrative and fiction, as you know, is, you know, movies are sight and sound only highly constructed. Yes, you know, the elasticity of language that you have, and just writing fiction, and not being not being subject to just sight and sound only is, you know, really fun. It's fun to do it, obviously. And it's it's a, it's also a direct connection with readers, because the people who are reading your screenplays aren't necessarily reading it to be entertained, right, their job or their product, right? Again, they're the quantifiers they're there to, to tell, give it to their boss, or give it to their client or, you know, or get someone involved or give it to finance here, they're all looking to move that ball up the hill, someone who is reading your work, whether it be a blog, my blog, or my books, are reading them to be entertained. So that's the other real difference between doing the two. There's a real direct connection with your you know, your audience.

Alex Ferrari 58:42
Now, if you were gonna give one piece of advice to a screenwriter starting out today,

Doug Richardson 58:47
what would that be? Stop. I've always wanted to say that I've never said that I've been asked that a lot. I've done a lot of panels. Just stop, go get a real job. I would say I would give a few pieces of advice, one of which is the most talented people in Hollywood. Aren't the most successful people in Hollywood. It's true. in show business, it's the most relentless people. Yep. So you need to channel and find that bit of relentless inside of you. And always and and feed it and care for it and bathe it and clean it. And make sure it's ready to go up and rip assholes again tomorrow. Because that if you're because it's so competitive, you get what's gonna make you get up and do it in the morning. Or if you're not even there yet. And you've got some other job. You know what I'm blown away. But I mean, I, the people that I know who have set not second job, second, they have careers, actual careers, and they're writing on the side and trying to push that ball Up the hill. I, I just had odd jobs when I started then I got that I started making a living at it and haven't looked back. There are people who have real life jobs, and they have to, they have to find in curry that competitive passion. And that competitive passion should also be there to make sure this is the other side of that. That relentless thing is. People ask me, you know, when should I send the script out? Is it what how do you know it's good yet? Well? Is it awesome? Is your work awesome. Your work better be awesome. Make your work awesome. If your work isn't awesome, then then it's not gonna get noticed. What makes you special? What makes your work stand out? In some way? in some form. It needs to flat out be awesome. Not okay. Not Yeah, that'd be back in the day. The day I'm such a dinosaur. Yeah, back when I was a pup. They would throw money at people with talent and drive. I had talent drive and I got going. Now they don't have the patience for it. For talent and drive. They expect you to come in ready to go.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:13
They don't want they don't want to have to nurture not work. Yeah,

Doug Richardson 1:01:16
I got lucky. I had some great people with me. I worked with them. I learned I'm still learning. But still there was not you need to come in and be really good. You need to be great. You need to be special. What makes you stand out? What's your they're reading 1000s and 1000s of crappy screenplays every day? Why does your standout? You know and is it your voice? Is it your ability to to you know, is it your perspective? Is it your ability to write a great action scene? Is it you know, there's got to be something in it that makes people go Hmm, that's interesting. Why am I remembering that script?

Alex Ferrari 1:01:55
Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question about what like I remember the olden days, the Shane Black days. You know, back when, you know Shane was getting Yeah, three miles and Joe Astor house. I mean, these guys was getting those reminders. Yeah, they were making like obscene amounts, 2 million, 3 million, 5 million for scripts that Joe has your house God, My God, he made millions for movies and never got made.

Doug Richardson 1:02:17
Yeah, those were those about that. And you can realize, yeah, I

Alex Ferrari 1:02:23
mean, it was obscene. Now, and I thought those days were kind of over. But now Max Landis is starting to come back out with these kind of ridiculous deals, as well, for his movies and his voice. So do you think that are those days going to start coming back? Or is he just

Doug Richardson 1:02:41
back? Oh, because those days are always gonna come back in one form or another. It is cyclical. People do want to watch filmed entertainment. They do want to watch there's you know, there's a lot more interactive entertainment, but passive Entertainment has been around since campfires shouldn't want to or good story. People want to see a good story. They want to be told a good story and be moved. Okay, whether they're watching it on their phone or watching it on a drive in. Okay, there's still going to be that. Okay, so and those voices are going to be found and whether they're found in you know, the work of Max Landis are there found by the Weinstein's you know, probably burn in hell, but they did find Quentin and got you know, no, yeah. And that, you know, that's happened to whoever found and decided to, you know, do I mean to me, I'm just I'm in love with, with Sam S model. It's like Mr. Robot, I think is brilliant. And here's a guy who just seemingly came out of nowhere, practically, and is running a show and doing something that's brilliant with his very original voice. Those are going to stand out a video at Vince Gilligan, Vince Gilligan There you go. It's another one. You need to have the patience to within the craft to stay in there and withstand those those cycles and beatings until maybe your voice comes out in its own way. Yeah, it's

Alex Ferrari 1:04:07
it's been around forever. I mean, right. He's been working in X Files. And I mean, he was working, he's a working writer, and then all of a sudden, he said, different Breaking Bad, the crash

Doug Richardson 1:04:15
and he was around forever. For me, Jesus. No one knew Krantz who could do that, but Vince Gilligan, and Brian, and Brian crafts and then boom, and the rest. So, you know, sometimes those voices come early. I mean, I used to love I'm a big fan of film acting. And, you know, Anthony Quinn, who was always a great actor, when he reached his moment. And he said, I finally think I've I understood the filmmaking. I understood, you know, how to control the quiet and how to, you know, and that's when he suddenly went from being a really solid British actor to this frickin genius who went off these runs of characters from Shadow Lands to? Obviously silence of the lands, you know, so Remains of the Day. I hate these crate rolls. sure where we're at that at an advanced age. He found his voice fun. Yeah, Hopkins

Alex Ferrari 1:05:17
Yeah. I mean, how old was he, when he did sounds of the Lambs, and he was in his 50s 50s,

Doug Richardson 1:05:20
or something like that. But again, you sort of it just sometimes it comes early sometimes. And you see, people with these voices, they start and they burn out. Yeah. And it's not an easy business. And then sometimes, maybe, you know, I'm still waiting, you know, who knows, maybe I'm still waiting to find my voice. I've written what you would consider a bunch of programmers. You know, I think with my books, you know, what my lucky day series is, I think I've finally sort of found my voice. Like, okay, this is what I really, now I feel like I, I, I'm, there's something here that's interesting that I'm saying that's worthwhile and valuable. And whatever. You never know when that's gonna happen. I think as a writer, you gotta kind of sort of also work at it and be patient. I mean, Lin frickin Manuel Miranda, who's obviously got more press than anyone can imagine right now. So it's something really cool. In that 60 minutes thing he did it those who don't know who he is, he's the guy who behind Hamilton.

Alex Ferrari 1:06:18
He's, he's really,

Doug Richardson 1:06:19
really is brilliant. But he said some, this may not be his line. He may be someone else's line. But they asked him about writing he says writing is is like the rusty water coming out of the faucet. Okay, yeah, right until the waters clear. And then keep the clear.

Alex Ferrari 1:06:41
Eye right, saw that 60 minutes. I remember that. And

Doug Richardson 1:06:43
as a writer, I went ding That's perfect. That's perfect. That makes such sense. It makes such sense for so many people. You know, sometimes it takes a long time to get there. Just be patient and grind.

Alex Ferrari 1:06:54
Yeah, I was just I was just I just had Jim who was on. Okay, on the show. I don't know if you know, Jim or not. Jim, but he said something similar. He said it gave some great advice about how to get through how to write and he basically goes, write your first draft. Put it away. Write another movie. First Draft, put it away. Write a third movie. First Draft.

Doug Richardson 1:07:16
Don't stop right away. Now go back to the first movie. That is brilliant advice. And he goes now you're a better writer. brilliant advice. Because I always I always call it don't be a one trick pony. Yeah, just don't. Isn't you did script you're you've been working on for eight years. Ah. Okay, stop right now. Yeah, go write three or four more things and then go back to it. You know, then you better it is right. You'll be so much better at it. Don't be that guy who just that one thing a writer, someone who can write lots of things. And you're and but that I think that is a much clearer cleaner version of of mine. I will steal it and use it.

Alex Ferrari 1:07:56
Yes, you should. This is great. So I'm going to ask you a couple questions that I tell ask all my guests. Okay, what is the lesson that took you the longest to learn whether in life or in the film industry?

Doug Richardson 1:08:09
Patients good more in life than anything else? Patience, and I'm still learning it every day. Yep. My re about it.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:20
And life does tend to teach you that lesson.

Doug Richardson 1:08:22
Yes. Children those things, but yeah, patients, you know, not not sit back and watch it go by patients, but just slow down. Be patient. There is tomorrow. You know, there is tomorrow, and then there's tomorrow and just get up and do it again. Exactly. That's, that's. That's that answer.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:45
Alright. And then what are your three favorite films of all time?

Doug Richardson 1:08:48
I hate this question. I hate this question. I

Alex Ferrari 1:08:50
hate this question. Question. Three movies that tickles your fancy at the moment. Okay,

Doug Richardson 1:08:55
cuz there's always there's the there's one period Once Upon a Time in the West. Great movie.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:02
Amazing opening sequence.

Doug Richardson 1:09:03
It's the and and those of you haven't seen it. Okay. Don't see it. Until you've watched in order for a few dollars. $4. Yep. Then watch a few dollars more. Yep. Then watch the good, the bad, the ugly. Not the truncated versions. And then once you kind of built up to it, then when you see what's going on Time in the West, make sure it's a great sound system and a great screen. Because that score is unbelievable. Use of Sound to that original sequence that opening sequence and everything else. That movie is just to me the greatest opera ever so and I I cry when I see it. So there's that movie. Ah, then everything else is hard. So I'll throw out things that really tickle my fancy. Okay. I'm a huge fan lately of I can't watch No Country for Old Men enough. It's a great movie. It fits by I think the purse kind of the novels I write, have that sort of noir ish ness to them. At the same time, it's about that thin line between doing right and wrong. And the road it can take you down. And I think that movie does it in so many ways. And so many different levels. Yeah.

Alex Ferrari 1:10:22
And great created one of the greatest villains of all time. Yeah,

Doug Richardson 1:10:25
that you can still watch. It's just that movie. What was what's better in the movie, the directing the writing, the performance, the homage is to Cormac McCarthy's work in it. It's running on all cylinders. I'm ugly Jones. It's just what came for the dime walked in going walked in with you. I mean, like, God, I just go crazy, then. Okay, and then there's a lot of close thirds, you know, I guess I would go I'm going to go to maybe the movie that made me want to make movies, which would be gold finger.

Alex Ferrari 1:10:58
I love gold thing or man, that's a great movie.

Doug Richardson 1:11:00
I mean, I mean, the movie. What made me want to be a writer was was Ian Fleming. Those are the first books I ever read in my life that I wanted to read make me read another book, because I wasn't bitter then. But you know, when I was a kid, but Goldfinger was like, that was sort of like, wow, I mean to a young man, you know, with hormones. Oh, and yes, and dreams and living in a tiny town. And, like, you see that and you kind of think the really the world is possible. Yep. So that was the one that made you want to make movies. So I guess those will be my three.

Alex Ferrari 1:11:40
And where can people find you man? Online?

Doug Richardson 1:11:43
richardson.com. Pretty simple twit before all the other Doug Richardson's in the world did and there's a lot of us yes, there

Alex Ferrari 1:11:53
is you got you got on the bandwagon early.

Doug Richardson 1:11:55
got there early. And yeah, and you know, if you're a fan of the movies, I really if you like good really crime fiction. I really suggest you go to my site and pick up a lucky day book. Awesome. And you I promise you will be entertained.

Alex Ferrari 1:12:11
Doug man, it's been a pleasure talking to you man. It's been a lot of fun geeking out with you and and you've been dropping some great knowledge bombs. So thank you so much, man. It has

Doug Richardson 1:12:18
been a geek fest hasn't it has

Alex Ferrari 1:12:20
a little bit of a geek fest is

Doug Richardson 1:12:23
all right, pal. They get alright take care.

Alex Ferrari 1:12:26
I had an absolute ball talking to Doug man he was he was so cool. And the stories from the sets from the diehard set from the bad boy set it's it was great. I heard all these stories about bad boys cuz I was in Miami when they were shooting it. And I had heard all of these stories about how Michael Bay had made it and all these kind of like, you know originally for Jon Lovitz, and Dana Carvey and all these kinds of things, and it was really great to hear straight from the horse's mouth what actually happened on that set because bad boys is one of my favorite movies. I love my favorite action movies. Definitely one of my favorite 90s action movies without question and and, you know, there's no transforming robots in that one. But, but anyway, guys, I hope you enjoyed it. Hope you got a lot of got a lot of good information out of that episode. Thank you, Doug, again for being a guest and dropping those knowledge bombs. And the show notes for this episode are at Indie film hustle.com, forward slash b p. S 003. And there you can get links to anything we discussed in this episode. And please do not forget to go to screenwriting podcast.com And subscribe to this podcast and leave us a good review. It really helps us out in the iTunes ranking, and helps get the word out on this podcast and the work that we're trying to do by helping as many screenwriters as humanly possible. And as always, never stop writing no matter what. I'll talk to you soon.

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BPS 002: How to Write a Screenplay with Fight Club Screenwriter Jim Uhls

First Rule of Jim Uhls, YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT Jim Uhls!

Well, I have a MAJOR treat for the tribe this week. I have no other than Jim Uhls, the master screenwriter behind David Fincher’s “Fight Club”, one of the greatest films in my generation, in my humble option.

When Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club was making the rounds in Hollywood, it was a tough sell to be adapted for the screen. But then Brad Pitt got involved; add David Fincher and Ed Norton, throw Jim Uhlsinto the mix and you’ve got a modern classic.

Jim’s screenwriting credits include of course the modern classic “Fight Club” the feature-film “Jumper” the NBC television film “Semper Fi” and the SyFy miniseries “Spin“.

In this remarkable discussion, Jim Uhls breaks the first rule of Fight Club: He talks about it, working with David Fincher, why he hates outlines and why you should interview your characters. Step inside the mind of the man who figured out how to conquer Hollywood as he lays down knowledge bomb after knowledge bomb in this eye-opening interview.

Towards the end of the interview, Jim gives easily the GREATEST ADVICE ON HOW TO BECOME A WORKING SCREENWRITER I EVER HEARD! This podcast is not to be missed.

Learn How To Write A Screenplay with Jim Uhls


Jim will also share essential insights on developing a career in screenwriting. You’ll learn:

  • The differences between writing for television and features
  • Who to work with: agents vs managers vs lawyers
  • How to obtain and manage projects of various sizes and contexts

Right-click here to download the MP3


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Alex Ferrari 5:42
I like to welcome to the show, Jim Uhls. Thank you, man so much for taking the time out to to share some knowledge and drop some knowledge bombs to the the indie film hustle tribe.

Jim Uhls 5:51
Oh, you're welcome. It's I've been pressured. I mean, it's a pleasure to be on the show.

Alex Ferrari 5:58
Well, I have I have stalked you on Twitter. So yeah, that's, that's how we got that's how I got a hold of you. So it's very effective to stalk on

Jim Uhls 6:07

Alex Ferrari 6:08
You know, it it? Apparently it is I've gotten, you'd be amazed at the people on the show purely because I've I've stalked him on Twitter. So Twitter is a pretty powerful.

Jim Uhls 6:18
Yes, indeed.

Alex Ferrari 6:21
So Jim, I wanted to get started, I want to take you back to the beginning of it all. I know, all the way back when you were a small child. No. Um, when? When did you get started in the business? And how did you get started in the business? Like what brought you to this crazy carnival that we call the film industry?

Jim Uhls 6:37
Well, I at UCLA, I got a combination degree that was both playwriting, and screenwriting. And I, I entered it, as a playwright with some plays as a background, you know, that I wrote, you know, after high school and early college. And I was like, thinking, well, I'll look into both of them. I'll study both of them. And it was a great program to go through.

Alex Ferrari 7:06
And there, it's a really great program, the UCLA program, especially last week,

Jim Uhls 7:09
it's yeah, it's, it's still top notch. And so I was able to get plays done there at UCLA, which is more of an instant gratification than a screenplay, which is, you know, you write it and, and you hope

Alex Ferrari 7:26
15 years later, maybe.

Jim Uhls 7:30
So I was able to see actors doing my stuff and all that, and it was great. And a bunch of us, you know, we went out into the world after that. And some friends of mine, you know, had connections and got agents. And then that's how I got an agent. And for quite a while I was, he was using a couple of my sample screenplays to seek out work for me and I have got work here. And they're rewriting work. I sold a screenplay. It didn't get made. But

Alex Ferrari 8:04
something I hear a lot of in the business, there's a lot of big screenwriters I've talked to they're like, Yeah, I've sold a ton of screenplays. And not many of them in need. But yeah, well,

Jim Uhls 8:15
in my case, I was paid to write them, right. And then they didn't get made. That's what started to happen after, after I sold one. Either way, they didn't get made. So they ended up in the same pile. Exactly. And then one of my spec scripts was, which was about a very incendiary, kind of funny, but dangerous relationship with this man, this woman. It had, it had some heat on it. And it was used as a sample when Fight Club was going to be when it was being considered actually what was happening is the book was in galleys, and it was being rejected by every studio in town, when a friend passed it to me and said, I don't think this is going to be made, but I think you should read it. And so I read it, and I just was blown away. And I thought, Yeah, this'll nobody will make this into a movie. It's too good.

Alex Ferrari 9:18
And it's and it's, I mean, it's a pretty, I mean, it's a pretty difficult novel to translate to, to the film medium. I mean, it's it's pretty, pretty intense. To say the least.

Jim Uhls 9:28
Yeah, at the time, I was lucky. Luckily enough, I was dumb enough to not know how difficult and

Alex Ferrari 9:35
as Orson Welles says, ignorance is the best form of confidence.

Jim Uhls 9:42
And so I thought, well, even though it'll never get made, if somebody is hired to write it, I'd love to have that gig because it certainly be fun to be paid to do it even even though there's no chance you know? So, I've been made and so I the my sample basically got me the job. I was acquaintances already with Fincher for a place called the pad of guys, which also had people it's just it was just a place where people hung out and we're screenwriters basically.

Alex Ferrari 10:14
We're gonna have guys. Yeah. Is that is the pad of guys still around? No, no. Okay.

Jim Uhls 10:22
But people like Shane Black were there and Fred Decker. And so, in any case, I worked, the sample worked and I got, I got basically I got the job. And

Alex Ferrari 10:38
no, it was an adventure that got you the job, or Well, I

Jim Uhls 10:41
mean, they all decided basically together Fincher, Laura Ziskin was running Fox 2000. And Fox main studio had already said no way. But Fox 2000 had a certain autonomy as a division, and she wanted to make it she was the only place in town that wanted to make it. And when she got Fincher on board, she got, I guess, the really high up powers at Fox to say, you know, you can proceed with developing a script. And so,

Alex Ferrari 11:13
now Fincher, so everyone understands where Fincher was at his career at that point, he had already made seven. Well, he did alien three, seven, and then the game. So

Jim Uhls 11:22
aim now actually was a game before. The game wasn't no actually, that's an interesting part of the story. He hadn't made the game yet.

Alex Ferrari 11:28
Oh, so it was right off a seven then when this started getting developed,

Jim Uhls 11:31
right, right. So he had made seven and it it certainly made his deals from that point, a lot sweeter.

Alex Ferrari 11:41
Yes, seven tends to do that.

Jim Uhls 11:45
And so I started writing, and I was still writing the first draft when he called me and said, I'm going to go make a movie. Okay. So we went to make the game and Fox had to actually I mean, I was gonna still gonna finish the first draft, but in terms of my other steps, which were in the contract, you know, rewriting and polish. They had to postpone those steps. But I turned in when I turned in the first draft after really doing you know, a lot of my own internal drafts, like over and over and over and over again. Apparently, I got it right. The studio was excited. Laura was excited. Fincher was excited and the producers who with when we began, admin entertainment was a combination of Josh Donovan and Ross Bell, and then Josh Don and left that company and became an agent again, he had been before. So it was just Ross Bell, and the studio brought in you know, another producer of art Linson, to join in so it was art Linson and Ross Bell producing. Then also along with Seon Chafin, who was cinchers producing partner.

Alex Ferrari 13:07
So, when you guys were getting fightclub off the ground, obviously, Fincher his name helped a bit to get the thing started. But I think from what I've read, because I've studied fightclub immensely, it's actually one of my top five films of all time. I mean, it's, it's an absolute masterpiece. Um, no, I mean, it's it really is anytime anyone asked me, I'm like, Well, seven and fight club are up there somewhere up there with Shawshank Redemption and, you know, a couple other ones and a Blade Runner. But, um, but from what I understand with Fight Club, I mean, the studio was going and going, but Brad Pitt really kind of took it over the top at that point, correct.

Jim Uhls 13:44
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's what took it over the top to the studio. They did. Well, we've got Brad Pitt doing film with David Fincher. And we're, you know,

Alex Ferrari 13:51
yeah. And then and then the way Hollywood thinks, Well, they did seven and seven was a hit.

Jim Uhls 13:57
Yeah, they love that pairing again. And. And then another great idea, you don't actually Artland tonight, as I recall, had the idea, which was to, you know, the casting of the non named character Jack, to use Edward Norton, who at that time, had his first year of movies coming out his ones. He had three and they were all very different roles, you know?

Alex Ferrari 14:26
Yeah. He had an Oscar nomination off of them Primal Fear, if I remember correctly,

Jim Uhls 14:30
I don't remember, but I wouldn't be surprised. But in any case,

Alex Ferrari 14:36
he wasn't. He wasn't a big star by any stretch yet. He was he was good.

Jim Uhls 14:40
But he had that kind of upward trajectory that was also very appealing to the studio and everybody. We liked his acting chops, of course. So having, having him and then some great actor like Brad Pitt, really, really, you know, Put it over the top

Alex Ferrari 15:01
and Halina. I mean, Helena Bonham. Carter was just

Jim Uhls 15:05
I remember, you know, I was, there's a lot of names of people that were kind of more like that urging, you know, female waif type. And David called me and said, What do you think about Helena Bonham? Carter? I just thought it was so high class like, wow, she she played that part.

Alex Ferrari 15:25
Like she was in Merchant Ivory movies like, let's,

Jim Uhls 15:28
uh, you know, she'd been in a Woody Allen movie where she was playing someone that was a breast, sort of a tough American character. And, um, you know, she clearly could do anything really, you know, I saw I was just amazing. That sort of like, brought up sort of the, the art level of the whole thing.

Alex Ferrari 15:49
Right? It's all of a sudden, you had some art house cred? Yeah, that's not just a big studio movie. Now, the casting of that movie is, is brilliant. Across the board, I mean, meatloaf, and Jared Leto, and all these, like how I mean, I mean, you obviously were pretty close to the production. Obviously, you just didn't write a script and went away. You were pretty close. If I'm, am I correct?

Jim Uhls 16:12
Yeah. Well, I mean, he showed me, he said, we sat down the two of us, David, and showed me the first half of the Redcat rough cut, you know, on his home theater system, and my job was just on the floor. You know, it's like everybody was right. For their roles. Everything looked and sounded in was like, everything that I imagined it. You know, I was just floored by it.

Alex Ferrari 16:41
How? Go ahead. Oh, that's all? No, no, how much freedom did both you and David have during the making of this? I mean, because this does not seem like a studio movie. I mean, there is a lot of stuff that would have normally been nixed off of a script and never even gotten to a production state. How much freedom Did you guys have? And did you have a lot of battles? That you can talk about?

Jim Uhls 17:09
Yeah, that I could talk about? Well, I mean, all I know is that there certainly was a lot of freedom afforded. Fincher and I know that both he and you know, the other producers in Arlington would talk about having conversations with the studio, you know, say what their eyes were kind of like this when I said that, so I don't know. But they, you know, they managed to keep it protected, really the whole way through. I know that in the middle production. You know, this, this story has been told, but I'm Laura Ziskin didn't want the line. And it's a line from the book the line,

Alex Ferrari 17:52
I think I know which line you're talking about.

Jim Uhls 17:54
I want to have your abortion, and I don't really want that line. It was actually David came up with the substitute. I haven't had sex like that since grade school. Laura said, Can we change it back to I want to have your portion. Which was not changed back?

Alex Ferrari 18:12
No, I mean, but but that other line does work quite well in the movie. I think I heard that story interview with David do that he was he said that was like, such a great. He is a very, he's a dark human being.

Jim Uhls 18:28
Well, I mean, you know what, really, what I would sensibilities is he fires on all cylinders. I mean, he, he had a reputation up to that point. I mean, if he started to change with seven, which was such a great character, performances and MIDI drama and all that and suspense. But you know, he'd been labeled a visual guy, I mean, he's everything. characters, story, humor, tech, dramatic moments. You know, the whole thing. He's, he really has a comprehensive grasp of making the film.

Alex Ferrari 19:04
He is a comp, he is a contemporary to, to Kubrick, in many ways, I know He is a devotee of Kubrick's from what I, from what I've read.

Jim Uhls 19:13
What's interesting, you brought that up, because when I first read the galleys of Fight Club, when I was finished, I kept thinking Clockwork Orange. Oh, and that was part of why I was thinking this will never be done, you know, here by a major studio in the United States. I was like, No, I it's not going to happen. But I always kept thinking of Kubrick the whole way through. Because I feel like fightclub is, is definitely something that is in the same line of films that go back to clockwork line.

Alex Ferrari 19:46
Right? I was actually, probably about a year ago, I had watched Clockwork Orange again, and I hadn't seen it in probably a decade. And my mouth was on the ground. I just, I forgot. Like with In the first 20 minutes the stuff that Kubrick got away with, I'm like, my kind of this movie comes out today. It would cause an insane amount of controversy today. I can only imagine what it did in the 70s. So I think Fight Club is is definitely deserves a place on that mantle without question. Because their stuff in Fight Club they just go How did this get through? Like how did this get intercutting? I mean, I think it was the first male penis male any penis? I've seen Male Yeah. On a studio movie. You know, I remember seeing it at like the AMC. I was like, did they just flash a penis on the screen? Now, let me ask you, when? What's your process to adapt something like this? Like, what was your you know, it was like a lot of people said it was almost impossible to adapt into, into into this medium. So what was your process in adapting? That not only this but other other like other material into the medium of film? Like what was your process in this fight club specifically? Well,

Jim Uhls 21:11
to start with, I went to save it. It's very interesting. But Ross Bell had someone type the novel as a screenplay. And it was 500 600 pages. And it was just in suffering. You couldn't cuz you want to do like read parts of it with actors. And it was just like, well, you obviously can't do it that way. That's not how you adapt.

Alex Ferrari 21:33
Yeah, the godfather would have been

Jim Uhls 21:35
he wasn't doing this. He just wanted to have some actors read parts of it and stuff like that. But it was just interesting to see a very vivid way of seeing that you cannot just turn a novel into a screenplay. So um, I, I knew that what everybody wanted at the end of the line. When I turned into first draft, was a screenplay, a screenplay that everybody would want to make. And that was the overriding priority. It has to be a screenplay. It has to work as a screen story. And fortunately, I sort of stylistically sort of melded with Chuck poloneck and put in the step where I put in my own material it seemed to mix with where I was using stuff from the book. But the main thing was, is this structurally, I had to put together something that worked as a screen story. And I would take the book and go through and use a highlighter, to highlight all the stuff like I want to use, I want to use this, I want to use that because the book has got a lot of stuff, and it can't all go into the movie, right? So I would I would do that. And then sort of use that as a guide. And then sit down and stare at a blank screen for hours on end and be full of fear. Yes, yes. But it's interesting that sometimes writing scenes that feel like they're like you felt when you read those scenes in the book, writing them differently than they are the book is what it took to make it seem like it was from the book. It was actually the changing that made it seem more like it was from the book, it was an odd thing. But I think that's one of the parts of adaptation is to convey the spirit of the book sometimes means you're changing something.

Alex Ferrari 23:54
Got it? Yeah, I can omit Yeah, cuz I mean, I remember when I first watched the first Harry Potter, I'm like, well, they skip that part. And they skip that. Right. I mean, enough's enough. But absolutely. Now, how, um, How involved was David? Oh, first of all, how involved was Chuck in the in your process? Or did you talk to him at all?

Jim Uhls 24:16
Yeah, David. And I brought him down a couple times. We the first time we just hit him with all these questions. Why did this happen? Why did that happen and check and say, I don't know. And then we said, yeah, for instance, the scene in which Tyler is driving the car and swerving into headlights. While he's forcing. We call the narrator Jack. He's never called a name in the movie. Or you know in the dialogue of the script at all, but we had to put a name down. So we put jack down when Tyler's forcing him to answer questions and threatening to have a car accident, well in the book It's not Tyler. It's just another one of this project, ma'am. Space monkeys driving. Mm hmm. And we said, why wouldn't it be Tyler and Chuck because, wow, that's a really good idea. But he was also great. He also did clarify a lot. I don't want to make it sound like it was all like that he did clarify a lot. And he also was extremely supportive. Uh, he had no official you know, attachment to the project. But in this casual, friendly way he was he was just a wonderful presence, supportive, informative. And we did get a lot out of having him around.

Alex Ferrari 25:45
He is an interesting soul.

Jim Uhls 25:47
Oh, he is totally fascinating. I mean, really, he's so multi layered, I could just do a separate interview about him. Stuff I was like,

Alex Ferrari 25:59
It's the it's the whole. I mean, just look at his body of work. I mean, you look at someone's, you know, you look at an artist's work. You can kind of creep a little bit into the, into the soul of that person. And if Fight Club is any indication, or choke or any of the other books that he's written?

Jim Uhls 26:19
Yeah, yeah, they're into his soul for sure. Yeah. And

Alex Ferrari 26:23
they're making they made a sequel to fight club in comics, right.

Jim Uhls 26:26
Yeah, that was Chuck project. He wrote it in an artist did the artwork, of course. Yeah, that was interesting. I also wanted to tell you, my I actually don't know if you know this, Alex, but I'm writing a pilot, based on his second novel survivor, really, to be a pilot for an ongoing series. Let's change the name, of course, because of the reality show. It's his novel about a person who survived a religious cult. And then basically, it focuses on after that, and he becomes a call leader. A different kind, you know, more on the national circuit more not not on a compound like he was but a guru, a thought leader going around, you know, traveling and being on television and all that kind of stuff. A Tony

Alex Ferrari 27:26
Robbins kind of guy. Yeah. Right. Wow. That's gonna be so hopefully on HBO or Netflix.

Jim Uhls 27:34
Yeah, we don't we, you know, we don't have I'm the company's paying me and we don't have the studio or the network yet. So

Alex Ferrari 27:41
hopefully, it's a network where you guys can kind of just flourish and not have to worry about I don't I don't know if that would work on network television, hopefully cable or, or streaming. See,

Jim Uhls 27:51
it would not be welcomed in the doors of a network.

Alex Ferrari 27:56
No, so much on NBC and ABC at this point. From the creator of Fight Club calm.

Jim Uhls 28:03
I like to have my ass hit steps as I bounced down, you know, what I tried to go into?

Alex Ferrari 28:11
Oh, that would be fun. That would be a fun interview to have fun meeting to watch. So, so how involved so obviously, Fincher was extremely involved in the screenwriting process with you, correct?

Jim Uhls 28:23
Oh, yeah, yeah. And, you know, when I was doing the second draft and third draft, I go to his house. You know, for a few weeks before actually just going back to myself. And during the draft, we would have these, you know, daily meetings and go through everything. And he was just wonderful working with him. I remember by the time we were working on the end of the movie, he and I both got up and started. Well, he could say this, and he'd move over here and we're going all around his living room.

Alex Ferrari 28:57
Like just having fun, like really creating a tribe. What a shock. Amazing, isn't it?

Jim Uhls 29:06
Oh, creative people. You know how they are?

Alex Ferrari 29:08
Well, I've heard well, I've heard that he's, he's just brilliant in the sense of just he is so multi layered. And he knows a lot about a lot. And he's just one of those guys. I saw an interview with Morgan Freeman, who said that he's just like, his mind is a steel trap. It's just remarkable to work with with him on anything, and and obviously, his career has flourished over the years.

Jim Uhls 29:32
Yeah, right. definitely been a great career.

Alex Ferrari 29:37
Um, so when Fight Club was released, it was not a huge hit. When it first came out. It was domestically Yeah. domestically. It's just kind of well, so. So was it a hit overseas, while by

Jim Uhls 29:49
their standards? Yes. Studio standards, and they I don't know if it wasn't all countries, but it was, I believe in England, or the UK and some of the continental US European countries it was.

Alex Ferrari 30:02
But here in the state I remember when it came out people. I mean, it's a hard movie to mark it. No one really knew how to.

Jim Uhls 30:07
Yeah, that was a really, you know, I mean, after everything we went through and put it all together and it's there it is. And it's just Fincher has really put together this wonderful thing. It was like, oh, marketing,

Alex Ferrari 30:21
how do you market? Like, and I remember I remember, friends come up to oh, sorry, go ahead. No, no, I remember seeing the posters of it up in the, in my local in my local theater, and I was like, I'm gonna go see that because I know who Fincher was. And I knew, you know, I wanted to see Brad and all that. But I'm like, wow, over the years are you start analyzing like, Man, that's a tough movie to sell. Like, it's,

Jim Uhls 30:43
yeah, I had friends come up, you know, maybe in a couple weeks afterwards released and they hadn't seen it yet. And they said, Oh, yeah, no, I'm gonna see it. It's what it's about amateur boxing, right? Oh, my God. I just, I didn't know what to say. I was like, No,

Alex Ferrari 31:00
oh, it's not about amateur boxing. By any stretch. So when so but it was obviously a movie that was a slow burn. And but it was very well received, wasn't received? Well, critically. I don't remember why it

Jim Uhls 31:17
was mixed. But we did have some great champions like Janet Maslin of The New York Times with just a glowing review. And the San Francisco and Chicago, we did pretty well. Now with the LA Times. So he was mixed, which I kind of liked, because that made me feel like that. Well, that's right. It should be mixed.

Alex Ferrari 31:40
Yeah. If everyone loves this movie, there's a society.

Jim Uhls 31:43
I feel like well, wait a minute. What's wrong with everybody? Not supposed to love it?

Alex Ferrari 31:49
Exactly. So for you as a screenwriter, how was it like when this this beautiful thing that you guys put together came out? And it was mixed, and it wasn't a huge hit right away? Um, how did it feel for you as I mean, this was, at that point, the biggest thing you would have done, correct?

Jim Uhls 32:06
Well, I was my first produced film. I, the mixed reviews I was excited about actually, I mean, I didn't like reading the negative one. So I was really jazzed that it was mixed the box office. That was disappointing. And then when it was released on DVD, and those sales skyrocketed through, you know, yeah, stratosphere. I was just, it was so vindicating, you that was just validating, it was great.

Alex Ferrari 32:37
As much, I must have purchased at least four or five different special editions of that damn movie. So your residuals, you got at least a few cents for me, sir.

Jim Uhls 32:48
Well, thank you, I appreciate that.

Alex Ferrari 32:50
Um, so enough about fight club, because God knows we've talked a lot about that, but we talked for hours about it. But can you tell me the craziest story that you can publicly tell us about working as a screenwriter in Hollywood?

Jim Uhls 33:07
The craziest story? Yeah, just

Alex Ferrari 33:09
like, did that just really happen to me?

Jim Uhls 33:15
I think that probably the, I mean, if it's really about being the screenwriter, in those moments, I'd probably say Craziest thing is something really that I did, which I did it several times, which is when I was supposed to come in and pitch my take on doing an adaptation of something. I turned it into a full on conversation with everyone in the room. And we all talked about it and, and we had ideas about how you'd handle certain things. Now you do it. And we'd have this long conversation by the end of it, they go great. And I got the jobs. But I never pitched you know, you just

Alex Ferrari 33:53
would walk in and like Alright guys. So what do you guys think about this? And let's see this. I

Jim Uhls 33:57
wouldn't start with what do you think about I mean, that would be too much. Right? Start off actually talking about some things I thought, right first, then I would bring them into a conversation. And it was great because I hate pitching. I hate pitching. You know what, I'm just talking from beginning to end. I hate it. But of course, I've also done that too, because there's been people that are not going to sit there and have a conversation. Okay, what's the take? Jim?

Alex Ferrari 34:28
Got it got? Yeah, pitching is not something else. I mean, it's it's an art form in itself. Yeah. And I know a lot of screenwriters who just don't dig it?

Jim Uhls 34:38
Yeah, I even thought about hiring a real sales type guy to just do it for me while I'm sitting there. You know,

Alex Ferrari 34:44
that would be brilliant. Can you imagine walking into a studio meeting? I'm like, Who's that? That's my pitch, man. I'm just gonna sit here. Oh, that has to go in a script somewhere. I mean, seriously, that is brilliant.

Jim Uhls 34:57
Well, I mean, it's up and the only reason would want because they want to hear it from the writer, you know, unfortunately, it's a fantasy, but I don't think they they go for

Alex Ferrari 35:06
it one day before before, it's all said and done and you catch up you, you walk away, you should just do it for the hell of it.

Jim Uhls 35:14
Just It was right before I was going to walk away. There's a lot of stuff I would do. And I mean, it might be I get arrested for it.

Alex Ferrari 35:22
Fair enough. I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure you can tell some stories off air. Were pretty interesting. Entertaining. Now you did do a you did have a formal education at arguably one of the best screenwriting schools in the world. Do you think you need a formal education to to be a successful screenwriter?

Jim Uhls 35:44
Um, well, I mean, what helped about it is the roundedness of it the breadth breadth of courses. And, you know, understanding a lot of different things about the world and studying a lot of different areas is certainly good for any writer. But I wouldn't say you have to have that. I think you have to have some kind of, you know, professional class that really teaches structure and everything else, but I would think that's pretty important. whatever form it takes, but it doesn't have to be, you know, in the university system. Got it. You guys. Good? Oh, no, that was it. I have some I have a hallucination next to me who sometimes murmuring you might hear it. But fair enough.

Alex Ferrari 36:39
Do you? Do you outline the story before you write it?

Jim Uhls 36:44

I hate outlines. I hate pitches. I hate outline. The reason I hate outlines is they're bloodless, lifeless statements. Have you put down in this scene? This emotional thing happened? Oh, really? Well, great. Okay. The idea is like, it's a clinical technical description of what the script is supposed to be. And people want it because they want to know what the script is going to be. But when they read it, they don't know what the script is going to be. They know what the technical description, this cold clinical collection of statements is. That's all they know. And they can go I don't know, I don't feel it. What course you don't feel it.

Alex Ferrari 37:30
I haven't written it.

Jim Uhls 37:34
But I have to do them. I mean, I haven't always had to do them. But some projects you you have to do them. And I'm just sort of cultivated getting better at making them seem to have feelings in them. That's the the only way I can handle doing them.

Alex Ferrari 37:56
Now in your opinion, and there's a couple there's two camps here. For for screenwriters and writers in general. Are you more in the character camp that drives a story or plot camp or both?

Jim Uhls 38:10
I know, it's funny, I think I am in the character camp. But it seems like that, when I'm thinking about character, I'm thinking about the plot as well, like, but big it's because I'm thinking about the care. I mean, it's not only thinking about the character, solely as filling out a whole human being and making them three dimensional and you know, all the texture with them. I'm thinking about them doing things and going through stuff. So it's it's, I would say it's definitely heavily character driven, generated, but I'm thinking about plot, same time.

Alex Ferrari 38:51
No, do you? How do you find the voice of a character? Like as a writer? I mean, I know every writer is a little bit different. But how do you find your voice and your characters?

Jim Uhls 39:01
Well, I'll put two of them together. And I'll just start writing scenes. I like to do what's I call it writing outside the script. And there's various forms it takes one is seeing scenes that are well, they are scenes that are not going to be in the script. And sometimes they're just scenes that I put in any situation. And sometimes there are scenes that would come before the story of the script starts. And sometimes I interview the characters where it's, you know, I type Jim, and I type my first question, I type character name the answer and I try to go them, provoke them, get them angry, then get them you know, suddenly talking in a sentimental weigh about some memory or something and then get them joking and laughing and basically just get them all over the range with questions and He starts off, it's very, very mechanical at first. But they sort of start to come alive in an interview. It's interesting.

Alex Ferrari 40:11
When you were talking about that I was thinking about Charlie Kaufman's adaptation. Pushing the character and asking the character I just for whatever reason, as a writer, I love watching that movie is one of my favorite movies as well. Yeah, that's a great, it's such a brilliant, again, that's one of those movies that's outside the box without question. Anything Charlie writes is pretty much outside the box. Yeah,

Jim Uhls 40:34
exactly. Exactly.

Alex Ferrari 40:36
So, um, you wrote plays before you got into screenwriting? How did that help you in your screenwriting craft?

Jim Uhls 40:43
Well, I mean, that was, you know, it's it's characters behaving and talking. So that was the critical aspect of it, that I carried over into screenwriting plays also have structure and you have to write to that structure and build it well. And you have to build scenes so that a scene has, what is the purpose of the scene? What's the event of the scene? And then what's the takeaway from the scene? And all that thinking, in playwriting is this are the same considerations you have in screenwriting, it's a completely different medium, in a different form, because of course, plays have long, extended scenes. And on the same set, you know, before the set changes, if it does some plays take place on the same set the whole way through. screenplays go all over the place, and scenes are short. But you still have those considerations. Why is the scene exist? Why is it in this story? What's the advent of it? And what's the takeaway from it? And you're also writing characters who are alive and vivid and behaving and speaking and doing things to each other.

Alex Ferrari 42:03
Now, you spoke about structure, what is your take on the like the hero's journey structure, the three act structure, the four act structure? What is there something that you kind of always gravitate to? What is your thoughts on structure in general? Because I think that's something a lot of screenwriters, especially young screenwriters are starting out screenwriters kind of forget?

Jim Uhls 42:22
Right, right. Well, I do basically go by the three act structure. It's, you know, I mean, I may, I may not slavishly follow it. But it's basically what I do with the structure. I mean, then the second act is, is the long act. And it's a very difficult act to write. It's one in which the build, really, you have to keep an eye on the bill, you have to make this thing continually raise the level of the adrenaline in the audience watching whatever type of story it is, I'm not just talking about thrillers or something. But I did have a professor once say, to me something very interesting, which is when an audience starts to watch something, their tolerance is very high. And that tolerance, you know, for what they're watching what what's happening, decreases incrementally as time passes. So you can start off with anything happening, anything going on, and you know, maybe it's mysterious, and the audience doesn't really, you know, whatever, it's the opening, you're kind of just getting into it. The audience is totally, we're ready to, yeah, let's let's do this. And then after a while, it's going to be i, this better be going somewhere.

Alex Ferrari 43:47
You're absolutely right. He was absolutely right,

Jim Uhls 43:50
that that attitude of this better be going somewhere it gets more pointed as time goes on. So that's one thing to keep in mind. When, when you it's it's sort of a structural overview to keep in mind as you're going through the whole thing.

Alex Ferrari 44:10
Now as a screenwriter, and as a storyteller, you know, things that God you got away with, in the 80s, or, you know, or movies that got things got away with in the 30s or 40s. You know, this audience has become so much more sophisticated because of their bombardment of media and movies and stories, that it's becoming harder and harder for screenwriters and filmmakers to really do something that surprises them or keeps them enthralled or keeps them going. What is what's your feeling on that because I mean, things that that that played in the 80s Don't play today, like you can't put you can't you couldn't release commando today. You know, in the in the 80s it was just great, you know, but now you'd be like, I'm probably not gonna fly. So what what do you think? What's your feeling on that?

Jim Uhls 45:00
Well, at this point movies have become basically two things. tent poles, usually, if not always based on pre existing material that has audience recognition, because that's the studio's you know, clamor for safety in their investments. And the other type of movie is the independent film or the independent, like film. It's actually being done by a division in a studio. Yeah. Yeah, there's a term Washington insiders and Washington outsiders and everything. And I was in the indie film is outside the studio system, but he, the independent divisions of Studios is like, pretending to be outsiders, while they're actually insiders.

Alex Ferrari 45:49
We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. And now back to the show. Right, because because that's another that's another market that's like, oh, wait a minute, let's get a piece of that market. Because there's so many

Jim Uhls 46:05
that maybe making an independent film, though as an independent film. Yeah. But we're putting it out, you know,

Alex Ferrari 46:10
yeah, it's look, it's there's a, there's a cool little logo, it's not Paramount is paramount Vantage. It's not the same. It's Fox 2000. It's not, you know,

Jim Uhls 46:22
right. But you know, thankfully, they're, they're doing it because that's another venue. But I think those are the two basically type type of films and the independent film. It's actually part of the, the ethos of the financial model that it be successful. Critically. In festivals, if it does go through the festival circuit, that's not the same commercial model for a temple. It's just, you know, we'd better be making money, you know. And so independent films, basically live or die by their quality, which, you know, it's that actually a very exciting thing about them. I think,

Alex Ferrari 47:05
Well, yeah. I mean, there's, like, you know, we're making our movie right now. You know, Julie, the star of our movie, and we're making our little movie. That's, she's tremendous. Yeah. And, and, you know, we're making our little movie, and it's truly an independent film. You know, Fox 2000, or Fox Searchlight is not doing anything. You know, we raised our money, and we're, you know, we're making a small little independent film for a small market. But the financial risk is slow, as low, extremely low, as opposed to Ghostbusters. Which, you know, after this last weekend that came out, as of this recording, it did not, it's not living up to the expectations of the studio, I'm from what I've read. Same thing with Independence Day. I mean, the these big budget films that these 10 poles that keep coming out that are there's a lot there's been a lot of bombs this summer, like, a lot of like, big

Jim Uhls 47:59
barbecue, and they liked it, they use the word disappointment, and and I actually go along with that. I mean, a bomb is a bomb. I mean, that's like, you know,

Alex Ferrari 48:07
yeah. million dollars in five.

Jim Uhls 48:11
But but a disappointment is it's not as big a hit. And that that happens to you know, I mean, I really enjoyed Ghostbusters.

Alex Ferrari 48:19
I have

Jim Uhls 48:21
a lot of fun. And but, you know, it financial disappointment means well, we wanted to make more, you know, that kind of thing.

Alex Ferrari 48:31
Exactly. Exam or Independence Day for that matter, or the BFG, the Spielberg movie, that didn't do as well. Things like that. But do you believe in that whole Hollywood implosion that, you know, there's going to be a moment that these studios are going to have, you know, let's say a studio puts out two or three temples and they all financially just die or not do well. And that could it could cripple a studio, because some of these I mean, some of these movies are 200,000,200 50 million. I mean, look, the risk that they took on Avatar was massive back then. And, you know, I mean, that that could have been, I could have not fought out. I mean, it really could have hurt them really badly if that movie did not do what it did. But or imagine if Disney's $4.5 million investment in Star Wars, which is obviously not a risk. But if that that's for our Star Wars movie didn't do well, my God. I mean, I could have really hurt his knee. Do you believe in that, like Spielberg and Lucas said that there's going to be a Hollywood implosion at one point, that the studio system is going to take a big hit. And some of these studios are going to going to fall because they're just rolling the dice so much on these big big temples?

Jim Uhls 49:44
Um, I don't know. I mean, it is a possibility. It's definitely a possibility. I I don't know how many CO production co I don't know what you call it. It's not really CO production. It's co distributed distribution. With two studios. I mean, that's It's been done in the past. I don't know how much they're trying going to try to do that in the future. It certainly is something that helps share the burden. But yes, it's a possibility the implosion is could happen.

Alex Ferrari 50:16
Now, um, this is a this is a loaded question, but it's a question. I'm just curious to see what you think of what is the greatest challenge for a screenplay screenwriter facing and staring at a blank screen?

Jim Uhls 50:33
Starting to type,

Alex Ferrari 50:35
just the first word,

Jim Uhls 50:36
you know, I mean, really, I know that sounds like I'm just kidding. But actually, I'm serious. Sometimes I just make myself die is like, Okay, I'm tired. I'm not gonna do this writer's block thing. I'm not doing it. So I just type. I just make myself type. I mean, I'm typing the scenes that, you know, a scene I'm supposed to be working on. But I, I just do it. I mean, there's a point in, you know, it's like they say, with working out exercise, you know, just do it that kind of, well, it's really true. It's sit there and start putting your fingers on the keys and typing, you may not feel a thing, you may feel like, Oh, I just totally have no inspiration. I don't know what I'm going to type anyway. Just start typing. Because at some point, if you don't let yourself stop, you're going to get into it.

Alex Ferrari 51:33
Eventually, so you don't sit around waiting for that muse to come and tap you on the show? Oh,

Jim Uhls 51:38
yeah. That's, that's the road to writer's block, which is the you know, that's, I look at that, like a disease I don't want to get, you know, I never want to go into that. Because you've I've known people who've been in there, and they've been in it for months and months. It's like, No, I'm not doing it. I'll just type I'll type gibberish if I have to, but I'm not gonna get into writer's block. It's not

Alex Ferrari 52:00
just gonna let it you got to turn the hose on, and whatever comes out comes out. Exactly, exactly. And eventually that water will turn into wine.

Jim Uhls 52:08
That's true. It will if you just keep tapping it will.

Alex Ferrari 52:12
So you also created a remarkable course online called the screenwriters toolbox. Can you tell me a little bit about that?

Jim Uhls 52:20
Yeah, it's interesting. I, when I first after I did it, I started to try to get some people to tweet about it and stuff like that. And they thought that I, because I said it wrong. I said, I did an online screenwriting course. And I forgot that there are ones that take place in real time that are over, you know, and that's not what this is at all. This is permanently there. It's a filmed lecture that's always there that you can always get. So I want to make that clear.

Alex Ferrari 52:51
I'll make sure everybody knows the link to it. It will be in the show notes. And I'll I'll mention it in the podcast as well.

Jim Uhls 52:57
All right, thanks. Yeah, no, it's meant to be the basics. So I cover the basics of you know, format. A cover the basics of style. And by that, I mean, you know, how you use things like going into a shot, because greenroom screenplays are supposed to be written mostly in the master scene format, because you're not supposed to direct on paper, cut to his face cut, do his hand, show this show that, you know, you're not supposed to do that. So I talked about using a master scene, but the permissible use of going to individual shots, you know. And so that's kind of like handling the stylistic, the basic stylistic approach. And I talked about, you know, starting a scene late and ending early, which is you don't want to write every you want the scene to be as short as it can be. And you want to start Absolutely. Where it has to start and not before. And you want it to end where it should in. And so that that bring, you know, that's part of that is what I call shoe leather, which is the stuff that really doesn't need to be in the script, you know? Hey, Alex, where's the pencil? Oh, it's in a drawer over there under the calendar. Oh, thanks. Oh, yeah, I just opened the drawer here. Yeah, you're right. There's a pencil in here. Yeah. No, I'm sorry. That's good. It doesn't need to be in the script. And you were talking about how audiences become more sophisticated part of that is we can, you can shortcut a lot more. You can make transitions of cutting into a scene to something else without an intern interval scene, I guess you'd call it or a scene between them. You mean you don't have to show him go to his car or walk in the building or, you know, even more things you don't have to show you can just go, bam, right from this scene into the next one, and the audience can follow because they're more capable of following short handed film grammar now. And so you've got to write that way. So anyway, I, you know, I cover things like that in the Creative Live course that I did

Alex Ferrari 55:22
know you were saying that one of the huge mistakes I've always seen in screenplays and I've been in my early screenplays I was I was guilty of it as well, is just telling everything and not showing. So now or being economical with my words, like, you know, as opposed to to people. Hey, Jim, remember when we were in high school? A wasn't Mrs. What's her name's class great. She was hot like you, there's a much better way of saying that statement or getting that information across maybe in a couple words, or maybe even in a look, or maybe in something else. So the the economy of, of that kind of information is something that is basically the screenwriters job, right?

Jim Uhls 56:04
Yeah. Well, I mean, one of the hardest things that we all face with it is exposition. You know, it's information that has to get out, but you can't have two characters telling each other things they already know. They just can't.

Alex Ferrari 56:18
Because you don't do it in real life.

Jim Uhls 56:20
Right? You don't have to do it in real life. So, you know, they can't sit there and say, you knew Mr. Williams, and you didn't? Yeah, I knew Mr. Williams. And you knew Mr. Williams. See how we both knew it? Yeah, it's like, you can't do that.

Alex Ferrari 56:36
We've seen movies, we both see movies that does that. Yeah. Without question. So or can be a character

Jim Uhls 56:43
telling the character, something he doesn't know. But it's just a bunch of setup information. That is not really a scene between two people. You can't do that either. So it's difficult to find a way to get information out with characters behaving naturally as they would in real life.

Alex Ferrari 57:06
That is the job of the screenwriter. That's why That's why they get paid well, when eventually they get paid. So, um, the what is the best advice you can give to a screenwriter just starting out today?

Jim Uhls 57:24
Well, I mean, if you're starting out, and that's, that's actually what you're doing, you're starting. So you should be writing like a maniac, because you're passionate you love writing, right? So you should be doing it writing one script after another. I mean, the advice I give to somebody who's actually going to write their first script is write your first script all the way through, don't stop. Don't go back and revise while you're in the middle of it. You can make notes. But right forwards only to the words the end. Right, though first draft. I say that because I want to prevent people from rewriting act one for the rest of their life.

Alex Ferrari 58:04
Yes, I've been in editing for a long time. I know that feeling.

Jim Uhls 58:10
And then I say put that script aside, you wrote a rough draft, put it aside, no, can't touch it. No. Write a second screenplay. And write that one all the way through. With only writing forward, no going back all the way to the end. And put that second script aside. Write a third script, same thing all the way through to the end. You can make notes, but you can't go back and revise. Put the third script away and take the first one out. Now, you're a better writer, you're a better writer just for having written three scripts, you're going to approach the first script. As a better writer, you're going to look at it more objectively because you haven't been looking at it for a while and your head has been in two different screenplays. Now you're going to go back and have a more masterful view of what should be done to that first script. And then you're going to apply the same thing. When you go again, to the second and the third script.

Alex Ferrari 59:21
That's great. That is probably some of the best screenwriting advice I've ever heard. And I've seriously it's like so simple, but yet so powerful. And so just basic,

Jim Uhls 59:32
you know? Thanks. i Yeah, it's,

Alex Ferrari 59:35
you write three screenplays, you're gonna be a

Jim Uhls 59:37
better writer. Yeah, I mean, yeah, that's that's part of it, too. We were talking about education classes and all that. But if but what I just said, is one way that you're already making yourself a better writer on your own, just by yourself.

Alex Ferrari 59:53
That's really it's something that I preach from the top of the indie film, hustle, mountain you hear that it's about work. And about showing up every day, as Woody Allen says 90% of success is just showing up.

Jim Uhls 1:00:08
Right? It's the same thing with just type. That's exactly the same just

Alex Ferrari 1:00:12
type, just keep writing. And I know a lot of screenwriters who are still like, I've been on my screenplay for a year. I'm like, Jesus, man, Jesus, you got it. But what you've just said makes perfect. That's the difference between someone who's just going to be stuck in this one script for seven years, or someone who's going to build a career, at least have 30 scripts that go shop around. And probably it was 30 scripts, maybe two or three of them were or something that could be shopped.

Jim Uhls 1:00:42
Well, another thing, I'm what I want someone to get past that three scripts, right, three scripts thing is, emotionally, people can put a lot of expectation on the first script, I'm writing a script, and now I want it to sell or get an agent or whatever, and all that stuff is swirling around in the person's head. So if they drop it after the first draft, and go to a second screenplay, they broken that cycle of having so much need, for the first grip to do everything for them and make their entire career happen. You know,

Alex Ferrari 1:01:18
it's the it's what I call the Home Run Derby is you only think you're going to up the bat once. And you're going to, and you have to hit a home run. And if you miss and you strike out the will, that's it, as opposed to concentrating on hitting singles. Because right singles will eventually turn into homeruns. You know, you will get you get on base and you'll score, but because of all the singles you've hit every once in a while, they'll throw that pitch the right way and boom, you hit it out of the park.

Jim Uhls 1:01:45
Well, that's really good. That is yes, I like that analogy a lot.

Alex Ferrari 1:01:49
I that's I just actually said that the other day on a podcast because I was like, Guys, you gotta stop this homeowner mentality because I've been in that home run mentality. And the funny thing is that you what you're just saying now about screenwriting. I've, I've, I've started to do, but with directing. And I know that sounds crazy, but I have, I've always had the same problem. Because I've been stuck on trying to make my first feature for 20 years, mind you, the technology is changing. Now it's much more affordable. But now I've just said, Screw it, I'm just going to make my first movie. And I already have two other ones lined up. And I'm just going to keep shooting because I'm gonna keep them at a certain budget level. Or I can keep shooting and every day I shoot, I learned something new. And I'm doing it all myself. And it's all coming out great and blah, blah, blah, and you just kind of keep doing it. And you're not putting all those eggs. And that pressure on the one movie or the ones

Jim Uhls 1:02:40
right where you're doing. Yeah, that's great. You know,

Alex Ferrari 1:02:43
it's it's something you have to do. And I think that it's it's great advice that I mean that seriously some of the greatest advice for screenwriter have ever heard. And I've had a lot of people on the show. And it's like just write three screenplays straight and don't go back. And then after the third one, go back to the first one. And you'll be a better screenwriter. It's just, that's really, really, the best advice is always the simplest I find.

Jim Uhls 1:03:05
Well, well, thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that. But but you know, I'm one of my one of the things I like to impart is you know, how much a person can learn on their own. And I'm not dissuading from taking a screenwriting course or anything but like the screenwriters toolbox. Yeah, I want you to take my course. Go to Creative Live and get my course I will give you that. But I like I like ways that writers can learn on their own and get better on their own. That's an important part of it. So it looks like that's what you're doing with directing as well. So well, that's helpful.

Alex Ferrari 1:03:41
And it's also what Robert Rodriguez did before he made a mariachi he's like I did 30 short films, they were bad. And I just kept doing them and doing them and doing I got all the bad crap out of my way. And then I went off and did on mariachi and then just kept going, but you need to get that bad stuff out. It's like your first script, which a lot of screenwriters didn't like my first scripts gonna win the Oscar. I'm like, that's extremely rare. I don't know if it's happened. I'm sure it has happened. Like, you know, the first guy. Well, I mean, what was the usual suspects? I'm not sure if he that was his first script. But I know there's there's there's some cases to be said that there was a screenwriter who first script was like, you know, amazing, but generally speaking, that's the lottery ticket. Generally speaking for the rest of us mortals. It takes time to develop our craft. Right. So what is the last these are questions I ask all my all my guests. So what is the lesson that took you the longest to learn whether in life or in the film business

Jim Uhls 1:04:44
the lesson that took the longest it was most important and it was a tough one to finally really, really learn is to be have your mind in the process and not in the result. Don't be obsessed about the results. Just stay in the process. Because it may not get made, it may not happen. That's not what you're supposed to be thinking about. That's what does. That's what causes ulcers. That's what causes anxiety, right? Be in the process. And it did take a long time for me to get away from constantly be thinking about the result, rather than the process.

Alex Ferrari 1:05:25
It's it's enjoy the journey, not the destination,

Jim Uhls 1:05:28
right? Basically, well don't obsess about the destination, you get there. Right. Right. Right.

Alex Ferrari 1:05:36
So what are your three favorite films of all time in any order? Or any kind of films that just tickle your fancy at the moment?

Jim Uhls 1:05:44
Well, I mean, that's, that's a really, really difficult question for me, because I like so many in the span of going to films from the past. The deep past international films, it's just, let's say, really difficult for me as it but I can say that, certainly one of them is Dr. Strangelove. I've had a profound impact on me because of the tone, the tone is nearly impossible. It's, it's it's ridiculous, greatest tones of a movie, it's ever been achieved. And I think that's the most difficult thing, element of a movie to achieve is the tone of it. And I then became obsessed with writing reality based characters in a mix of comedy, and drama, or suspense, or, or whatever it is, as a style that really impacted me.

Alex Ferrari 1:06:44
I just strange love Oh, anything Kubrick? I mean, I'm a huge, huge, huge, Kubrick's

Jim Uhls 1:06:49
like I could just then I can start naming directors or I could start naming countries. And

Alex Ferrari 1:06:54
so which director so if you can name two other movies, what are two directors who just, you know, blow up your skirt?

Jim Uhls 1:07:02
Well, in all honesty, I have to say David Fincher is one of them. I mean, and I know that's not the same as somebody viewing their work only because I did work with him, but also viewing his work. You know, I mean, he's he and Kubrick, and, and Spielberg who has this way of you, he pulls you so in that you just believe whatever he wants you to believe. You know, it's just amazing. So, I mean, I can go on with directors. It's like, that's crazy. Yeah. Scorsese. Oh, my God, that was a big mean, STS was also a huge influence on me in terms of tone and, and the way characters can behave. And it can be funny, and it can be scary. And I mean, just, and that applies to his other movies as well. Goodfellas. I mean, certainly, taxi driver and Raging Bull are like, you know, it's Wow, you're just going to tight wire of anything, you know, that you could. Dangerous, funny, scary, exciting. It's, you know, so yeah, Martin Scorsese is way up there. I mean, that's the Westway don't like to list because I'm going to leave somebody out in the movie out in the moment. And

Alex Ferrari 1:08:29
yeah, I mean, we we could sit down and just geek out about movies. And for four days, I'm sure.

Jim Uhls 1:08:35
Right, right. I mean, and Orson Welles, you know, certainly is a was another major favorite of mine.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:42
And when you saw Mean Streets, I mean, you saw it when it came out. Like I saw Mean Streets later on.

Jim Uhls 1:08:47
I saw it later. Oh, you saw it later. Yeah, I saw later.

Alex Ferrari 1:08:51
Okay, so it was, but it was still when that's hard for people to feel like when you see me in streets, like at the moment, that was something really, like out there saying like, Easy Rider, like, you know, you look at each rider now and you're like, oh, that's that's kind of okay. Or Blade Runner Blade Runner you like oh, that's that looks nice. But but like when that came out? There was nothing like it.

Jim Uhls 1:09:13
Yeah, mind blowing. I don't think it is. But no, I mean, I could

Alex Ferrari 1:09:18
I mean, I'll put a Blade Runner against. I mean, many things going on today. Why right? Many, many, many movies. So Jim, where can people find you? Online, not your personal home address. I just have to really clarify I've had a few guests go. What I'm like no, he's like, online.

Jim Uhls 1:09:43
Right. I don't have my own website but I on Twitter, I'm Whoa, whoa, Jack w o HOJK.

Alex Ferrari 1:09:53
Okay. You're going to get a lot of stalkers. Now. I'm sorry.

Jim Uhls 1:09:57
That's all right. You know It's Twitter. I'm used to it. It's everybody else's used to it. So there you go.

Alex Ferrari 1:10:05
Do you have a Facebook page?

Jim Uhls 1:10:05
Yeah, I do. I'm just under my my own name.

Alex Ferrari 1:10:12
I'll put the links to where you can find Jim and his personal home address in the show notes.

Jim Uhls 1:10:18
Where you can't find me there, though. That's

Alex Ferrari 1:10:20
the problem. Exactly. You're always all over the place. Jim, and thank you so much for this has been an absolute joy and pleasure talking to you. So thank you so much for being on the show.

Jim Uhls 1:10:31
Well, thank you. It's been great talking to you too, Alex, really? Terrific. Terrific. Conversation. Thank you, my friend. Thanks.

Alex Ferrari 1:10:41
I told you, I told you, I mean, that was such a fun, you have no idea what a thrill it was for me to be interviewing Jim rules. I mean, you know, as a kid growing up watching Fight Club, and you know, and studying and analyzing Fight Club over the years. It is such a thrill having him on the show, and he brought the goods, and then some that piece of advice. Right, those three screenplays is, I mean, seriously, as simple as that sounds, guys, it is kind of the basis of everything. And and I'm glad you like my analogy of the home runs. Because I really do think that's a lot of times what filmmakers and screenwriters do is they put all that pressure on that first movie or that first screenplay. And when it doesn't go, they get discouraged, and they fall out. And I just want to say something on the side note, guys, you know, as you guys are listening to this, because you are creative artists, you are content makers in one way, shape, or form, whether that be a writer, or a filmmaker, or an artist, and it is your responsibility as an artist to succeed. Now, I know that sounds weird, but you have a responsibility to the world to get your voice out there. All right, because you have no idea. Like I said before, you have no idea, the impact your work as an artist could have on another human being, you have no idea. And I do speak from experience with this with what I've done with indie film, hustle. And with my past films, and what I've done in the past, you can change the course of one person's life that could change the course of many other lives. So it's your responsibility, whether it's making a song, whether it's writing a movie, making a movie, creating a YouTube channel, putting up content, you have no idea what the impact of your art will be. So God dammit, it's your responsibility. So get to it will Yeah. And stop messing around. So as promised, I was going to give you guys a link to Jim's amazing course called the screenwriters toolkit. So all you got to do is go to indie film hustle.com Ford slash toolkit, that's indie film hustle.com Ford slash toolkit, and you'll take you right to Jim's course. And if I were you, I would definitely pick it up. It is really, really, really cool. Now if you want links to anything we talked about, in this episode, just head over to indie film, hustle comm forward slash BPS 002. That's BPS 002 for the show notes. And if you haven't already, please go to screenwriting podcast.com And subscribe to this podcast. It will help us out dramatically in the rankings for iTunes, if we can get a bunch of subscribers and a bunch of reviews within the first six weeks of the podcast. And as a treat. I will leave you today with the philosophy of life by the one the only Tyler Durden and as always, never stop writing no matter what. I'll talk to you soon.

Tyler Durden 1:13:52
No man it could be worse. woman could cut off your penis way sleeping posture out the window moving car. There's always and you buy furniture. Tell yourself that's it. That's the last sofa and everywhere else happens. Got that. So problem and I had it all I had a wardrobe that was getting very respectable cloaks shirt man No, it's all gone to Vegas Thank you just a blank. White guys like you and I know what phase is essential to our survival in the hunter gatherer sense of the word. Know what our consumers consumers, we are byproducts of lifestyle obsession. Murder, crime, poverty, these things don't consider me. What concerns me celebrity magazines or visually 500 channels some guy's name on my underwear. Rogaine Viagra Lester, Martha Stewart, Buck Martha Stewart artist polishing the brass on the Titanic it's all going down man broke off with Sophie units and string green stripe back. I'd say never be completely stopping or I say look let's involve chips fall within this mean that could be wrong terrible tragic stuff good lose a lot of versatile solution for modeling accurate my insurance what things you own end up owning

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